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Abstract : HIV/AIDS is one of the diseases in the world that has no cure and is
always experienced an increase in cases each year. Based on the risk factors for
transmission of HIV/AIDS in Semarang, heterosexual transmission ranked first by
79% and according to the type of work in the case of HIV/AIDS, housewife
occupies a number of cases occurred in 2015, namely by 19%. Semarang District
North ranked first in total cases of HIV / AIDS is the highest in the city of
Semarang (2011-2015) amounted to 83 cases. The purpose of this study is to
analyze the factors associated with risky sexual practices spread of HIV/AIDS
among housewives. Using a quantitative approach with cross sectional the type
of study design. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The
population in this study were housewife in Bandarharjo Public Health Center
amounted to 17.860 people and a sample of 100 people with non-probability
sampling technique sampling is accidental sampling. Analysis of the data Chi-
square test was used for bivariate analysis with significance level of 95%.
Research of results showed that the factors associated with risky sexual
practices spread of HIV / AIDS on Housewife is knowledge (p-value = 0,004),
attitude (p-value = 0,001), the availability of health care facilities and
infrastructure (p-value = 0,004), media access to information on HIV / AIDS (p-
value = 0,001), family support (p-value = 0,048). As for age, education level,
husband's occupation, history of STIs, and support health workers no association
with risky sex practices spread of HIV / AIDS. Suggestions for this study,
Bandarharjo Public Heath Center needs to conduct counseling program in order
to providing information about VCT HIV/AIDS in health centers, and Semarang
City Health Office should conduct education about HIV / AIDS more than 3 times
in a year
Volume 4, Nomor 3, Juli 2016 (ISSN: 2356-3346)