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Transmission Lines and Waveguides Summer 2016

K. Sunilkumar ECE - 5B



Two Marks


1. What are primary and secondary constants?

2. Write the ranges for VSWR and K?
3. What are the secondary constants of a transmission line?
4. Draw the equivalent circuit of transmission line
5. Why is a truly distortion less line not obtained by loading?
6. Define delay distortion?
7. Write the equation for the propagation constant per unit length for the line of
distributed constants?
8. Write the equation for the reflection loss?
9. Define characteristic impedance? (3)
10. State the properties of infinite line? (2)
11. Define the characteristic impedance and propagation constant of transmission line?
12. What is group velocity?
13. Define reflection loss of transmission line?
14. Define reflection coefficient?
15. State the condition of a distortion less line?


1. List the advantages of SMITH CHART?

2. Write down the expressions for obtain the length of a stub?
3. What is stub matching?
4. What is the importance of a quarter wave transmission line?
5. Write the conditions for zero dissipation line?
6. What is meant by SWR?
7. Write the applications of short circuited quarter wave line?
8. List the steps to find the impedance from given admittance?
9. What are constant S circles?
10. Define standing wave ratio?
11. Write some applications of SMITH CHART?
12. Distinguish between single stub and double stub matching?

Hindustan University
Transmission Lines and Waveguides Summer 2016
K. Sunilkumar ECE - 5B

13. Name few applications of half-wave line?

14. What are constant S circles?
15. What are the applications of quarter-wave line?
16. What are the advantages of double stub matching over single stub matching?
17. What is impedance matching?
18. Give four applications of SMITH CHART?


1. What is dominant mode? Give an example

2. Mention the characteristics of TM wave?
3. Write the expression for cut-off frequency when the wave is propagated in between
two parallel pates?
4. What are TE and TM waves?
5. Write the relationship between group velocity and light velocity?
6. State the relation between E field and H field in an uniform plane wave?
7. What is the significance of wave impedance?
8. Distinguish between phase velocity and group velocity?
9. What are guided waves? (2)
10. What is attenuation factor?
11. Plot the frequency VS attenuation characteristic curve of TE and TM waves guided
between parallel conducting plates?
12. What are TE waves?
13. Define wave impedance?
14. What are the characteristics of principal wave?
15. Write down the relationship between phase and group velocity?
16. List any two characteristics of TE waves?
17. What is the wave equation for the conducting medium?


1. Define wave impedance? (2)

2. Write the expression for the wave impedance for TE and TM waves?
3. Mention the applications of waveguides?
4. Define guide wavelength?
5. List the losses due to which attenuation of signal transmission in rectangular guide
6. Define dominant mode?
7. TEM mode cannot exists in a rectangular waveguide. Give reasons?
8. What is cut-off frequency in waveguides? (2)
9. What are the dominant mode and regenerate modes in rectangular wave guides?

Hindustan University
Transmission Lines and Waveguides Summer 2016
K. Sunilkumar ECE - 5B

10. Write the expressions for TE waves in rectangular waveguides?

11. What is dominant mode for TE and TM waves in rectangular waveguides? (2)
12. Why TEM mode is not possible in rectangular waveguides? (2)
13. Write down the expression for the cut-off frequency for TE10 mode?
14. Write down the formula for the characteristic wave impedance for TM waves in
rectangular waveguides?


1. Define the quality factor of a cavity resonator?

2. Explain the dominant mode in circular waveguide?
3. Define Q of the waveguide? (2)
4. What are the performance parameters of a microwave resonator?
5. Define Q factor? (2)
6. Write the applications of circular waveguides? (2)
7. Find the cut-off frequency of circular waveguide with a diameter of 2.36cm
operating in dominant mode?
8. List the merits of cavity resonator over lumped element resonator?
9. What is cavity resonator?
10. Define Bessel’s function? (2)
11. Give the applications of microwave generator?
12. Distinguish between waveguide resonator and cavity resonator?
13. Define wave impedance in circular waveguide?
14. What are the characteristics of circular waveguide?

8 and 16 marks


1. Derive the general voltage and current solutions of transmission line? (16) – 4 times
2. Derive the equations for alpha and beta and obtain condition for distortion less line?
(16) 2 Times
3. Explain the purpose of loading telephone cable? State and explain the Campbell’s
formula for loading cables? (16)
4. Derive the expression for input impedance of a loss less line? (8) 2 Times
5. Discuss reflection factor and different kinds of transmission lines? (8)
6. When the finite line does appear as infinite line? Explain (8)
7. Derive the two useful forms of equations of voltage and current at any point on
transmission line and write their physical significance? (16)

Hindustan University
Transmission Lines and Waveguides Summer 2016
K. Sunilkumar ECE - 5B

8. From the T section network, derive the expression for the propagation constant
which helps you to predict the filter performance? (8)
9. Derive the expression for the characteristic impedance of a symmetrical pi network?
10. Explain in detail the reflection on a line not terminated in its characteristic
impedance? (16)
11. Explain the different kinds of distortions in a line and also derive the condition for
distortion-less line? (16)
12. Derive the physical significance of transmission line equation? (16)
13. Shows that the line is free from wave distortion hence define the constants?
14. Derive the expressions for the input impedance of dissipation less lines. Deduce the
input impedance of open and short circuited dissipation-less lines?


1. Discuss briefly, single stub matching (8)

2. Explain the behavior of tapped transformer as a quarter wave impedance
transformer? (8)
3. Explain the realization of quarter wave transformer? (8)
4. Explain briefly on double stub matching? (8)
5. Show that the incident and reflected waves combined to produce standing waves?
6. Explain single stub matching on a line and derive the expression? (16)
7. Illustrate the applications of Smith Chart with an example? (16)
8. Derive the length of a short circuited single stub matching? (16)


1. Derive the expression for field components of TM waves between parallel pates (8)
2. An air filed rectangular waveguide of inside dimensions 7 x 3.5 cm is operated in the
dominant mode (TE10). Find fc and Vp. (8)
3. Derive the TE wave in which the electric field strength is entirely transverse? (16)
4. Define wave impedance? Obtain the expressions for the wave impedance for TE, TM
and TEM waves in two parallel pate guiding mechanism (16)
5. Derive the expressions for TE waves between parallel pates starting from Maxwell’s
6. Explain the propagation characteristics of TM waves in infinitely long parallel plate
guiding mechanism. Also derive the field equations? (16)

Hindustan University
Transmission Lines and Waveguides Summer 2016
K. Sunilkumar ECE - 5B

7. Explain the propagation characteristics of TEM waves in infinitely long parallel plate
guiding mechanism. Also derive the field equations (16)
8. Explain the velocity of propagation of waves between a pair of perfectly conducting
plates? (8)
9. An infinitely long conducting parallel plane is of separation 2cm. Calculate the cut-
off frequency, cut-off wavelength and phase velocity for TE10 mode and TE20
mode? (8)
10. Derive the expressions for the attenuation for TM waves between parallel planes?
11. Explain about TEM waves between a pair of parallel conducting planes? (16)
12. Derive the expression for the attenuation constant of TE waves in parallel plate
guiding systems (16) (2 Times)
13. Derive expressions for field components of TM waves between parallel plane system
14. Derive the characteristics of TE and TM waves and also derive cut-off frequency and
phase velocity? (16)
15. Explain the concept of transmission of TM and TEM waves between parallel plates?
16. Parallel perfectly conducting plates are separated by 10cm and filled with paper
whose dielectric constant is 7. This arrangement need to support TE10 mode. Find
a. Cut-off frequency
b. Velocity of propagation
c. Guide wavelength (16)
17. Derive the characteristics of TEM waves (16)


1. Derive the equations that give relationships among fields within a rectangular
waveguide? (16)
2. Derive field equation for TE waves in rectangular waveguide? (16) (3 Times)
3. Design a rectangular waveguide with filling by a dielectric of er = 4, so that the cut-
off frequency of the dominant mode is 14GHz and the cut-off frequency of the TM11
mode is 30GHz? (16)
4. Derive the expressions for wave impedance for TE, TM and Tem waves in
rectangular waveguide? (16) (4 Times)
5. A rectangular air-filled copper waveguide with dimensions 0.9 inch x 4 inch cross
section and 12 inch length is operated at 9.2 GHz with a dominant mode. Find
a. Cut-off frequency
b. Phase velocity

Hindustan University
Transmission Lines and Waveguides Summer 2016
K. Sunilkumar ECE - 5B

c. Characteristic impedance (16)

6. Deduce the explicit solutions for TE modes of a rectangular waveguide? (8)
7. Distinguish between TE and TM modes of the rectangular guide characteristics?
8. Explain the Tem and TM cases for attenuation with plane of finite conductivity? (16)
9. Explain about degenerate mode in rectangular waveguide? (16)
10. Briefly explain about the excitation of modes in rectangular waveguide? (16)
11. Explain the propagation characteristics of TE and TM waves in rectangular
waveguides? (16)


1. Derive the Q factor of a rectangular cavity resonator for TE101 mode? (16) (3
2. Explain the rectangular waveguide resonator with suitable field equations (16)
3. Explain
a. Circular cavity resonator
b. Cavity excitation
4. Derive the expressions for the field components inside the cylindrical waveguide?
5. Draw the field configurations of different TE and TM modes for a circular
waveguide? (8)
6. Derive the expressions for
a. Cut off frequency
b. Phase constant
c. Velocity of propagation of waves in circular waveguide (16)
7. Explain the rectangular cavity resonator and obtain the corresponding field
components for TE and Tm waves (16) (2 Times)
8. Obtain the expression for the resonant frequency of circular cavity resonator (16)
(2 Times)
9. Derive the expressions for wave impedance in a circular waveguide (16)
10. Derive the expressions for the TM field components inside a circular waveguide
(16) (2 Times)
11. Derive the expressions for the TM field components inside a circular waveguide
using Bessel’s functions (16)
12. Derive TE waves in circular waveguide (16)

Hindustan University

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