Green Marketing

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2nd International Conference on Marketing



Dr. Veena Tewari Nandi

Majan College, Univeristy College, Muscat


I am writing this as I believe that all human beings want a better future for themselves and their
children. Further I believe that the dream of creating a global green economy is alive within
everyone. We as professionals believe that the goal of a world powered entirely by the zero emissions
energy sources of the future is within reach — and that each of us has the power within to help make
this universal dream come true. When I quoted, ―be the change‖ that‘s what I mean. Green economy
includes green energy generation based on renewable energy to substitute for fossil fuels and energy
conservation for efficient energy use.A green economy is part of the broader concept of sustainable
development but does not replace it, it simply offers a bridge towards development that is sustainable.
We know that our planet is under unprecedented stress at the moment and that the patterns of
production and consumption that we have been using are no longer sustainable. To maintain the
levels which we have at present we would need another earth! Efforts have been made to reverse
trends that have near depleted the earth‘s resources, but it may already be too late and a way forward
is not clear. The Rio+20 has given a sense of action, implementation and at least a roadmap for
future direction. In the past market failed in terms of related products to environmental and climate
protection because of external costs, high future commercial rates and associated high initial costs
for research, development. Marketing of green energy sources and green products prevents firms
from being voluntarily interested in reducing environment-unfriendly activities, the green economy
may need government subsidies as market incentives to motivate firms to invest and produce green
products and services. This paper will attempt 1) to introduce the terms and concepts of green
marketing; 2) briefly discuss why going green is important; 3) examine some of the reason that
organizations are adopting a green marketing philosophy; 4) mention some of the problems with
green marketing and 5) will also examine how green marketing can be helpful for green economics.

Key Words: Communities, Ecological, Impact, Non-human, Strategies

INTRODUCTION economy, a traditional ―black‖ energy

economy is based on carbon-intensive fossil
The Green Economy can be defined as a fuels such as coal and petroleum. By
sustainable economy and society with zero definition, a low-carbon economy is distinct
carbon emissions and a one-planet footprint from a green economy because it still
where all energy is derived from renewable generates carbon emissions.
resources which are naturally replenished. A
green economy rigorously applies the triple A green economy exhibits the following
bottom line of people, planet and profits across characteristics:
all corporations at the microeconomic level
 An energy infrastructure with zero
and throughout the entire economy at the
carbon emissions that is powered 100
macroeconomic level. In contrast to a green
percent by renewable energy — made

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possible through a combination of 15. Hydropower

proven, renewable energy 16. Ocean power
technologies; breakthrough cleantech 17. REDD
solutions; as well as enabling 18. Smart grid
regulation and carbon markets.
19. Solar energy
 The water, waste and wastewater 20. Sustainable and organic
infrastructure is based on long-term agriculture, food and products
sustainability. 21. Waste management
22. Wastewater management
 The preservation and protection of the
23. Waste-to-energy
world‘s ecosystems, biological
24. Water and water technologies
diversity and forests in partnership
25. Wind energy
with indigenous peoples and all
relevant stakeholders through the
By definition, coal and petroleum are not a
creation of sustainable governance
part of a green economy due to their high
models, markets and business models
carbon emissions. Although nuclear energy
for delivering, maintaining and paying
generates relatively low carbon emissions on a
for ecosystem services.
lifecycle basis it is excluded from a green
 sustained and successful adaption to economy due to its potential for long-term
climate change at a local, regional and adverse environmental impacts.
global level.
 The green economy is comprised of DIMENSIONS:
the 25 industries listed below (in
alphabetical order): 1) Sector #1: Renewable Energy: Renewable
energy needs to come online in order to allow
1. Biofuels for the phase-out of traditional sources of
2. Biomass energy, such as oil, natural gas, coal, and
3. Carbon capture and storage nuclear power. The renewable energy green
4. Carbon markets and renewable economy sector includes cleantech
energy credits developments such as solar electric and solar
thermal, wind, geothermal, biomass, batteries
5. Climate change adaptation services
and energy storage, and more.
6. Distributed generation
7. Ecosystem services 2) Sector #2: Transportation: Transportation
8. Energy efficiency, recycling, contributes a huge quantity of greenhouse
conservation, software and controls gases to the environment, making it a primary
9. Energy storage, batteries and fuel concern in the fight against climate change.
cells The infrastructure for conventional vehicles
10. Geothermal energy also has a big environmental impact on our
societies. The transportation sector therefore
11. Green design
needs to be transformed by introducing much
12. Green IT
more energy efficient vehicles and fuels and
13. Green buildings, materials and batteries, encouraging the use of alternative
construction products forms of transportation such as mass transit
14. Green transportation technologies and freight rail, and developing an
and green vehicles

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infrastructure that has less of a footprint on the 7) Sector #7: Recycling and Waste
planet. Reduction: Waste is essentially a misused
resource. By finding ways to turn trash into
3) Sector #3: Energy Efficiency: Studies viable resources that can be transformed into
have shown that inefficiencies in the electric useful products and/or energy, the recycling
grid, conventional buildings, and existing and waste reduction green economy sector
vehicles contribute significantly to climate helps to limit the use of virgin resources, save
change. Simple, widespread upgrades to all of energy, and reduce pollution in the
these systems would require a relatively small environment.
investment for significant environmental
benefits, while creating millions of jobs. This 8) Sector #8: Environmental Protection:
green economy sector covers things such as Many industrial and consumer-related
the smart grid, energy efficient appliances and activities result in environmental destruction –
electronics, better building technologies, and whether it‘s pollution, climate change, or
more. ecological degradation. Those working in the
green economy sector of environmental
4) Sector #4: Green Construction: From the protection are focused on preventing
materials used to the energy consumed to the degradation and restoring areas that have been
waste produced, the existing building destroyed or damaged.
construction sector has an impact on virtually
every ecological system. Yet there are 9) Sector #9: Agriculture and Forestry: The
tremendous opportunities to achieve planet‘s soil, forests, wild spaces, and other
sustainability in green construction, whether ecological systems are sensitive the human
it‘s for existing or new building projects. In activities. Working in agriculture and forestry
this green economy sector, you‘ll find involves finding sustainable, efficient ways to
businesses that do retrofitting of existing use land and other natural resources so that
buildings, building of new buildings, and these systems are enhanced and left viable for
research into new construction technologies. future generations.

5) Sector #5: Energy Trading: Increasingly, 10) Sector #10: Water Management: Water
governments and private entities are is one of the most important resources of our
recognizing the risks and costs associated with time, and will likely prove to be the subject of
energy and climate change, and in response future wars as existing resources dwindle and
are developing energy trading systems to become polluted. Sustainable water use, reuse,
encourage energy efficiency and the growth of and restoration is required at every level to
the renewable energy sector. Given that energy prevent significant destruction related to water
trading involves the creation and exchange of restrictions.
economic commodities, this green economy
focuses on financial services. 11) Sector #11: Research, Design, and
Consulting Services: Professionals are
6) Sector #6: Carbon Capture and Storage: required in every single one of the green
Climate change is largely caused by the economy sectors already mentioned.
excessive addition of greenhouse gases to our Scientists, engineers, and many other
planet‘s atmosphere. Technologies that take professions are needed to develop the next best
those greenhouse gases and find ways to store technologies, systems, and designs to ensure a
and sequester them are included in the carbon sustainable future. In this sector, we see cradle
capture and storage sector of the green to cradle marketing consultants, green
economy. architects, zero waste manufacturing
consultants, and more.

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12) Sector #12: Regulatory Administration: There has been a huge hue and cry from
Many of the green economy sectors already various environmental organizations about the
covered require governmental input and damage caused to the planet by large scale
regulation, including carbon trading, production industries, and the inappropriate
agriculture and forestry, environmental disposal methods they use. Having looked into
protection, recycling and waste management, these accusations, the government has
and many others. Increasingly this sector will imposed different agreements and guidelines
grow as more professionals are needed to on production units. Some business
navigate complex but necessary government organizations have used it to their advantage,
intervention. by openly campaigning for the cause, hence
gaining the support of customers. However,
13) Sector #13: Consumer Products: Small some critics claim that this is just an
businesses and large enterprises alike are advertising stunt to promote business, and that
designing products with sustainability no real steps have been taken towards the
attributes in mind. This includes consumer cause.
goods that are organic, biodegradable, energy
efficient, recycled, natural, and fair trade. A green consumer is one who is aware of the
According to the 2011 Ethical Consumerism background of the products he consumes,
Report, expenditure on green goods and which he chooses upon careful investigation of
services in the UK was valued at £46.8 billion their broad effects on the environment. This
(USD$74.6 billion) growing 18% over the spirit is essential in customers, so that they do
previous 2 years, in spite of the economic not blindly fall for a company‘s
downturn. advertisements, which will hinder the progress
of the green movement. Hence it is only with
Generally the individual economies are the the right attitude from both the consumers and
key to global transformation. They will have to the marketers, that ―going green‖ can be
start individually. achieved in the true sense. And when that
happens, we can finally feel safe, and at home!

According to scientists, the world is moving The question of why green marketing has
towards an environmental turmoil. The only increased in importance is quite simple and
way to save our planet is to go green on a full relies on the basic definition of Economics:
swing as quickly as possible. For this cause, "Economics is the study of how people use
economists have also been doing their parts. their limited resources to try to satisfy
Green marketing is a relatively new unlimited wants." [McTaggart, Findlay and
phenomenon which has arisen as a result of Parkin 1992, 24]
increasing awareness that economic policies
have a lot to do with our ecology. In other It suggests that mankind has limited resources
words, green marketing, which is also termed on the earth, with which she/he must attempt
as environmental or sustainable marketing, is to provide for the worlds' unlimited wants.
the effort made by any business organization, (There is extensive debate as to whether the
large or small to design and promote products earth is a resource at man's disposal, for
that are eco-friendly. The main idea behind example, see Gore 1993.) While the question
green marketing has been re-marketing of of whether these wants are reasonable or
products that are already manufactured, which achievable is important, this issue will not be
adhere to certain environmental guidelines. addressed in this paper. In market societies
where there is "freedom of choice", it has

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generally been accepted that individuals and This results in environmental issues being
organizations have the right to attempt to have integrated into the firm's corporate culture.
their wants satisfied. As firms face limited Firms in this situation can take two
natural resources, they must develop new or perspectives; 1) they can use the fact that they
alternative ways of satisfying these unlimited are environmentally responsible as a
wants. Ultimately green marketing looks at marketing tool; or 2) they can become
how marketing activities utilize these limited responsible without promoting this fact.
resources, while satisfying consumers wants,
both of individuals and industry, as well as There are examples of firms adopting both
achieving the selling organization's objectives. strategies. Organizations like the Body Shop
heavily promote the fact that they are
Why the businesses started using green environmentally responsible. While this
marketing: As per the literature available, behavior is a competitive advantage, the firm
there are several suggested reasons for firms was established specifically to offer consumers
increased use of Green Marketing. Five environmentally responsible alternatives to
possible reasons cited are: conventional cosmetic products. This
philosophy is directly tied to the overall
Organizations perceive environmental corporate culture, rather than simply being a
marketing to be an opportunity that can be competitive tool.
used to achieve its objectives [Keller 1987,
As with all marketing related activities,
Organizations believe they have a moral governments want to "protect" consumers and
obligation to be more socially responsible society; this protection has significant green
[Davis 1992, Freeman and Liedtka 1991, marketing implications. Governmental
Keller 1987, McIntosh 1990, Shearer 1990]; regulations relating to environmental
Governmental bodies are forcing firms to marketing are designed to protect consumers
become more responsible [NAAG 1990]; in several ways, 1) reduce production of
harmful goods or by-products; 2) modify
Competitors' environmental activities pressure consumer and industry's use and/or
firms to change their environmental marketing consumption of harmful goods; or 3) ensure
activities [NAAG 1990]; and that all types of consumers have the ability to
evaluate the environmental composition of
Cost factors associated with waste disposal, or goods.
reductions in material usage forces firms to
modify their behavior [Azzone and Manzini Governments establish regulations designed to
1994]. control the amount of hazardous wastes
produced by firms. Many by-products of
ANOTHER ASPECT OF GREEN production are controlled through the issuing
MARKETING: CORPORATE SOCIAL of various environmental licenses, thus
RESPONSIBILITY modifying organizational behavior. In some
cases governments try to "induce" final
Many firms are beginning to realize that they consumers to become more responsible. For
are members of the wider community and example, some governments have introduced
therefore must behave in an environmentally voluntary curb-side recycling programs,
responsible fashion. This translates into firms making it easier for consumers to act
that believe they must achieve environmental responsibly. In other cases governments tax
objectives as well as profit related objectives. individuals who act in an irresponsible

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fashion. For example in Australia there is a by-product of production and sells it to a firm
higher gas tax associated with leaded petrol. involved in neutralizing base materials.


Another major force in the environmental No matter why a firm uses green marketing
marketing area has been firms' desire to there are a number of potential problems that
maintain their competitive position. In many they must overcome. One of the main
cases firms observe competitors promoting problems is that firms using green marketing
their environmental behaviors and attempt to must ensure that their activities are not
emulate this behavior. In some instances this misleading to consumers or industry, and do
competitive pressure has caused an entire not breach any of the regulations or laws
industry to modify and thus reduce its dealing with environmental marketing. For
detrimental environmental behavior. For example marketers in the US must ensure their
example, it could be argued that Xerox's green marketing claims can meet the following
"Revive 100% Recycled paper" was set of criteria, in order to comply with the
introduced a few years ago in an attempt to FTC's guidelines. Green marketing claims
address the introduction of recycled must;
photocopier paper by other manufacturers. In
another example when one tuna manufacture Clearly state environmental benefits;
stopped using driftnets the others followed suit
[Advertising Age 1991]. Explain environmental characteristics;

OTHER NAME OF REVENUES: Explain how benefits are achieved;

Firms may also use green marketing in an Ensure comparative differences are justified;
attempt to address cost or profit related issues. Ensure negative factors are taken into
Disposing of environmentally harmful by- consideration; and
products, such as polychlorinated biphenyl
(PCB) contaminated oil are becoming Only use meaningful terms and pictures.
increasingly costly and in some cases difficult.
Therefore firms that can reduce harmful Another problem firms face is that those who
wastes may incur substantial cost savings. modify their products due to increased
When attempting to minimize waste, firms are consumer concern must contend with the fact
often forced to re-examine their production that consumers' perceptions are sometimes not
processes. In these cases they often develop correct. Take for example the McDonald's case
more effective production processes that not where it has replaced its clam shells with
only reduce waste, but reduce the need for plastic coated paper. There is ongoing
some raw materials. This serves as a double scientific debate which is more
cost savings, since both waste and raw environmentally friendly. Some scientific
material are reduced. evidence suggests that when taking a cradle-
to-grave approach, polystyrene is less
In other cases firms attempt to find end-of- environmentally harmful. If this is the case
pipe solutions, instead of minimizing waste. In McDonald's bowed to consumer pressure, yet
these situations firms try to find markets or has chosen the more environmentally harmful
uses for their waste materials, where one firm's option.
waste becomes another firm's input of
production. One Australian example of this is
a firm who produces acidic waste water as a

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ECOLOGICAL MARKETING as well as the opportunity to take a similar

STRATEGIES UNDER GREEN approach to drive adoption of green products.


"Green economics" is loosely defined as any
Some big brands try to reinvent themselves in theory of economics by which an economy is
order to communicate the customers what they considered to be component of the ecosystem
want to hear. Arguably, this is similar to a in which it resides (after Lynn Margulis). A
brand that wants to engage consumers on holistic approach to the subject is typical, such
green issues but is not currently perceived in that economic ideas are commingled with any
the market as being green. Brands do not number of other subjects, depending on the
necessarily have to be known for being green particular theorist. Some economists view
in order to be relevant to consumers. Instead, green economics as a branch or subfield of
brands should tell their story in a way that is more established schools. For instance, as
true to their existing brand positioning. classical economics where the traditional land
Unilever‘s Axe is a great example. Known as is generalized to natural capital and has some
an irreverent brand that uses the sex appeal of attributes in common with labor and physical
its products to drive sales, Axe launched its ― capital (since natural capital assets like rivers
Shower pooling‖ campaign to engage its directly substitute for man-made ones such as
customer base on the issue of water canals). Or, as Marxist economics with nature
conservation. The platform uses shower represented as a form of lumpen proletariat, an
pooling — sharing showers — not only as a exploited base of non-human workers
way to grab attention, but to make it relevant providing surplus value to the human
with the audience. The campaign jokes: ―It‘s economy. Or as a branch of neoclassical
not just environmentally friendly … it‘s all economics in which the price of life for
kind of friendly.‖ developing vs. developed nations is held
steady at a ratio reflecting a balance of power
and that of non-human life is very low. The
Here marketers could develop their own green economy promises a way forward by
database by encouraging consumers to sign up offering a system of economics that ensures
for ongoing communications from a company. both growth and the long-term viability of
Even without a database, marketers can human culture and the planet. It recognizes
certainly target micro-segments online. This that by reformulating how we approach
can be done by targeting green consumers on economic growth, we don‘t have to sacrifice
contextually relevant sites, retargeting those the natural world or human wellbeing in order
visitors elsewhere online or by partnering with to achieve true wealth.
a demand side platform to identify and target
The green economy is simply a transformation
audiences with like-minded profiles regardless
of the current economy with an eye to
of where they go online.
sustainable development. In essence it‘s an
TURN LOYALISTS INTO alternative way of thinking about growth and
INFLUENCERS development. In traditional economic growth
models, GDP is the primary measure of
Sometimes advertising campaigns should success. Unfortunately, by focusing solely on
activate loyal customers to serve as influencers the ability of humans to produce and consumer
and advocates for the brand. Such a campaign goods, significant damage is done to the
provides many lessons for green marketers —

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quality of life for both humans and other detrimental environmental impact of their
creatures of the planet. In this economic activities.
system, poverty is rampant, and the gap
between rich and poor grows every year. Not WHERE ARE WE HEADING TO:
only that, but the natural wealth of the planet Think of your worst nightmare of the future.
is consistently and significantly reduced. Heat waves and drought devastate food
WHERE ARE WE NOW production, causing millions of the poorest to
die of hunger. The melting glaciers and polar
Green marketing covers more than a firm's ice caps raise ocean levels, inundating coastal
marketing claims. While firms must bear much cities such as Miami and Houston. Freak
of the responsibility for environmental storms cause so much property damage it
degradation, ultimately it is consumers who collapses national economies. We are
demand goods, and thus create environmental witnessing the birth of a new economic
problems. One example of this is where model—a triple-bottom-line model that puts
McDonald's is often blamed for polluting the social equity and environmental restoration on
environment because much of their packaging an equal footing with financial sustainability
finishes up as roadside waste. It must be (profit). This nature-friendly economic model
remembered that it is the uncaring consumer will steadily replace the old profit-centric
who chooses to disposes of their waste in an model as the impacts of environmental
inappropriate fashion. While firms can have a destruction and inequality become impossible
great impact on the natural environment, the to ignore. The new economic model sees and
responsibility should not be theirs alone. It based on sharing as the new buying. This new
appears that consumers are not overly economic model undermines the old myth that
committed to improving their environment and saving the environment will destroy jobs and
may be looking to lay too much responsibility slow economic growth. The data are showing
on industry and government. Ultimately green us that the eco-enterprise model—making
marketing requires that consumers want a money by saving resources rather than
cleaner environment and are willing to "pay" destroying them—creates more and better jobs
for it, possibly through higher priced goods, than the old model.
modified individual lifestyles, or even
It is all of us realizing that while our
governmental intervention. Until this occurs it
imaginations are limitless, so too can be our
will be difficult for firms alone to lead the
appetites. The planet that sustains us, abundant
green marketing revolution.
as it is, has limited resources that we will
Having said this, it must not be forgotten that deplete if we continue to consume them faster
the industrial buyer also has the ability to than they can regenerate. We need to take that
pressure suppliers to modify their activities. awareness as our guiding principle, as we
Thus an environmental committed move gracefully towards an emergent goal of
organization may not only produce goods that quality, rather than quantity, of prosperity
have reduced their detrimental impact on the redefined as an abundance of connection
environment, they may also be able to pressure rather than accumulation, in the direction of
their suppliers to behave in a more the limitlessness of our imaginations rather
environmentally "responsible" fashion. Final than our appetites. The Green Economy can be
consumers and industrial buyers also have the rich and full and delicious and fun, as long as
ability to pressure organizations to integrate we keep in mind the fact that we are, all of us,
the environment into their corporate culture traveling on a great big Spaceship Earth that is
and thus ensure all organizations minimize the subject to laws of nature that must be
respected and obeyed. And finally its in our

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