T-4 Sdm Final Iim Jammu 2023-24
T-4 Sdm Final Iim Jammu 2023-24
T-4 Sdm Final Iim Jammu 2023-24
The course would utilize a variety of tools- Textbook chapters, Journal Papers, Popular Readings, Case study and videos.
The classroom sessions would involve discussion of the critical concepts, case study and discussions. This would be
supplemented with assignments and exams.
• Extra readings and cases will be provided separately by the instructors or the PGP office.
• Instructions will be given in class on the preparation required before and after each session. The examinations
will be based on class discussions, cases and the readings in addition to the text book.
• The instructors will follow participative methods in class. The instruction predominantly will be through
interactive lectures and case discussions.
• The students are expected to come prepared to the class whenever a case or a reading is prescribed. The
instructors can call upon any student for his/ her comments (cold call) during the case discussions.
Class Participation has two main criteria:
Depth and Quality of Contribution - High quality comments, consistency of argument, and realism. To perform well
on these criteria, it is important that you come prepared to class and have a definite action plan to build on your peer’s
Moving Your Peers' Understanding Forward – Relevance, clarity, conciseness, clarity and involvement.
Text Book:
Sales and distribution Management: 6 E
by Richard R. Still, Edward W. Cundiff, Norman A. P. Govoni, Sandeep Puri.
Reference Books:
1. Sales & Distribution Management – Text & Case, 2e, Krishna K Havaldar and Vasant M Cavale & McGraw
2. Marketing Channels,7e, Anne Coughlan, Erin Anderson, Louis W. Stern & Adel El-Ansary, Pearson, 2013
3. Marketing Channels – A Management Perspective, 8e, Bert Rosenbloom, Cengage, 2013
• Journal of Marketing
• Journal of Consumer Research
• Journal of Marketing Research
• Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
• Journal of Retailing
• International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
Evaluation Scheme:
• Class participation 15%
• Class tests/ quizzes 15%
• Project/ Assignment 20%
o Phase I: One Page write up
o Phase II: Project Report
o Presentation: Session 19 & 20
• Mid-term 20%
• End-term 30%
TOTAL 100%
Option 1: Students are expected to choose a company in groups of 5-6 and do thorough analysis of its marketing and
sales and distribution strategies. The objective of the same will be to appreciate the link between the two and if the
chosen company has been able to establish that or not and if not, what are the suggestions from your side. This should
be like a review paper based on both secondary and primary data collected by the group.
Option 2: Groups are expected to critically comment on the sales force management & channel Management of any
one company. As far as possible the data should be collected via means of interview with the company officials and
survey of dealers and distributors of the respective company. The Project report should have commentaries on the
1. Sales management: a. Sales Organization
a. Recruitment & Induction Process
b. Territory allocation Process & Strategy
c. Reporting structure and systems
d. Compensation structure
e. System of Evaluation
f. Training & Development
2. Channel Management
a. Channel environment
b. Channel strategy
c. Channel Design & structure
d. Managing the channel members and conflict
e. Appraisal and evaluation of channel members
Session Plan:
6-7 Salesforce • To explain the Case: Textbook:
Compensation difference between Sales Force Chapter –5, 12, 13
Sales Force compensation rewards Integration at
and non- Article:
Automation FedEx (A),
compensation The high Impact Sales force
rewards; financial and #: 506030- – The investment you can’t
Understand the non-financial rewards PDF-ENG HBS afford not to make - Benson
intricacies of a • Appreciate the P. Shapiro
compensation plan importance of #: 999002-PDF-ENG
– incentive design ensuring a motivating
and compensation Motivating Salespeople:
sales compensation
structuring What Really Works –
Thomas Steenburgh &
Michael Ahearne
Get useful insights #: R1207D-PDF-ENG
on ensuring a
management system
which is a source of
power and strength
for your sales force
Choosing different • Recognize the need
and new ways of for adopting selection Natureview
reaching consumers criterion to the needs Farm
of particular firm
#: 2073-PDF-
• Learn a financial ENG
approach to selecting,
lengthening or
shortening a channel
• Managing channel
13 Adding new • Choosing different Case: Textbook:
& channels and new ways of Arrow Chapter 15 & 19
14 reaching consumers Electronics, Article:
• Managing channel Inc.
conflict Citation: Mallen, Bruce
#: 598022- (1967) “Conflict and
• Managing channel PDF-ENG Cooperation in Marketing
partners Channels,” inThe Marketing
• To understand how to Channel: A Conceptual
manage channel Viewpoint, Bruce E. Mallen,
conflict ed., New York: John Wiley
and Sons Inc., 124–134.
19 Distribution • To acquire an Teracom Textbook:
Selection and understanding of new Limited: Chapter – 19, 20
performance distribution network Appointing a
Evaluation Consumer