Math 1 2

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Decagonal Number A decagonal number is a figurate

number that represents
ANSWER QUESTION a decagon and of the form 1,
1. invaginatum A negative-height (inward- 10,..
pointing) pyramid used in 22. Demlo Number 1, 121, 12321, …
cumulation 23. Milliard British word for billion
2. Sexy prime prime number that differs from
another prime number by six. 24. Tetradic number number that remains unchanged
For example, the numbers 5 and when flipped back to front,
11 mirrored up-down, or flipped
3. Cousin prime Prime number that differs from up-down
another prime number by four 25. Tetrahedral number a figurate number that
represents a pyramid with a
4. Sextic Equation Equations of sixth degree triangular base and three sides
5. Metatheory A theory containing criteria for … form of n(n+1)(n+2)/6
an old theory… 26. If and only if Word “iff”
6. Triskaidekaphobia Fear of number 13
27. Semi Prime a natural number that is the
product of two (not necessarily
distinct) prime numbers
7. Myriad Greek word for 10,000
28. Clock Prime prime number obtained by
8. Gigantic Prime Prime number that exceeds reading digits around an analog
10,000 clock
29. Homeoid Shell… two cylindrical
9. Naught British word for zero
30. Axonometry Mapping Three dimensional
10. Aban Number numbers that do not contain the 31. Cumulation Dual operation truncation
letter a when spelled in English.
32. Truncatable prime
33. Constructible Finite number of operation
11. Eban Number numbers that do not contain the
letter e when spelled in English. 34. Jordan’s principle (xy)(xx)=(x((y)(xx)
35. Euclenid Quadratic equation
12. Iban Number numbers that do not contain the
letter i when spelled in English.
36. Additive number
13. Oban Number numbers that do not contain the
letter o when spelled in English. 37. Advanced algebra
38. Computational
14. Uban Number numbers that do not contain the number theory
letter u when spelled in English. 39. Logic Proof
40. Algorithm Will terminate at some point
15. Hexagonal Number First few are 1,6, 15, 28,.. wag 41. Pronic N(n+1)
pagkamalan sa octahedral 42. Missing solution but disappeared during the
process of solving the problem
16. Octahedral Number First few are 1, 6, 19, 44,… wag 43. Extraneous solution but is not a valid solution to the
pagkalaman sa hexagonal original problem
44. Magic square
17. Heptagonal Number First few are 1,7,… 45. Heterogeneous matrix Different sum of rows and
46. Talisman K
18. Octagonal Number First few are 1,8,… 47. Mortal
48. Heteregenous number 2 distinct prime number

19. Nonagonal Number First few are 1,9,… 49. Invariant

50. Univariate polynomial Single variable polynomial

20. Enneagonal Number Other name for nonagonal

51. Zerofree Without zero
52. Squarefree Non repeating
53. Cubefree No three repeating 75. undecillion 10^36

54. Biquadratefree No four repeating 76. tredecillion 10^42

55. Perfect Another term for square
56. Real matrix Matrix composing of real
numbers 77. quattuordecillion 10^45

57. Chinese principle??

78. septendecillion 10^54

58. squared N^2

79. octodecillion 10^57

59. economical number Number of digits of prime

factorization is less than the 80. novemdecillion 10^60
digits of the number
60. wasteful number Number of digits of prime
factorization is more than the 81. vigintillion 10^63
digits of the number
61. sphernic
82. centillion 10^303

62. tetra or tri ??? 49

83. nonagonal number of the form (7n^2-5n/2)

63. Armstrong number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,153,154

84. heptagonal number number of the form (5n^2 -

64. Solitary prime No friendly number with it

85. pentagonal number number of the form n(3n-1)/2

65. Solidus Slash

66. Trapezohedron Two polyhedron antiprism

67. Home prime reached starting from a number

n, concatenating its prime
factors, and repeating until a
prime is reached
68. Stella onctangula n(2n^2-1)
69. Zillion Refers to a large number

70. Gigantic number At least 10,000 digits

71. quadrillion 10^15
72. quintillion 10^18

73. sextillion 10^21

74. nonillion 10^30

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