Mysap Oil & Gas: The Best-Run E-Businesses Run Sap
Mysap Oil & Gas: The Best-Run E-Businesses Run Sap
Mysap Oil & Gas: The Best-Run E-Businesses Run Sap
Find, produce, refine, and market hydrocarbons. It’s what you do. Can you
do it well? Yes. Is it easy? No. Can you make it more efficient, more
streamlined, more profitable? Yes, to all three.
It gives you the power to effectively control your costs while delivering key
information, when and where it’s needed. It uses the Internet to provide
the information quickly and accurately. You get e-business at its best,
proactively managing assets and maximizing your cash flow – better than
the competition.
mySAP™ Product Lifecycle Management (mySAP™ PLM) helps you mySAP™ Workplace™ is a role-based enterprise portal that gives you
manage, track, and control your products, projects, and assets. Get full personalized access to information, applications, and services inside and
visibility into your costs. Effectively manage plant maintenance, service, outside the enterprise – anywhere, anytime. mySAP Workplace comes
environmental health and safety issues, and shutdown procedures. ready to run with generic roles. You can also create customized roles to fit
Develop a comprehensive overview of your assets. the broad range of roles and tasks associated with the oil and gas industry.
mySAP™ Business Intelligence (mySAP™ BI) delivers the upstream and mySAP™ Mobile Business solutions integrate the personal computing
downstream information you need to run an oil and gas business. Access devices that are perfect for maintenance engineers. It provides an excellent
information on historical product demand, bulk transportation, service way to conduct field service tasks – dynamically identifying equipment
station retailing, and volume and production accounting. mySAP BI problems, calling in maintenance requests, and ordering spare parts.
delivers it – integrated seamlessly across solutions and
non-SAP components – direct to you, exactly how you want it. mySAP™ Human Resources (mySAP™ HR) is a powerful set of integrated
processes for automating and optimizing human resources management. It
mySAP™ E-Procurement is the online way to get goods and services – frees your employees to concentrate on their jobs. It streamlines the flow of
quickly and efficiently. You can also monitor vendor and cost center information by integrating HR processes into your key business processes.
trends, manage strategic suppliers, and take part in online bidding. It’s a
complete integration of buying and selling sites for all your direct and mySAP™ Financials can help you process and interpret financial data,
indirect materials procurement. handle financial transactions, and communicate with external
stakeholders. It delivers company-wide control and integration of financial
mySAP™ Marketplace provides a collaborative platform for virtual information so you can make good strategic decisions. You can optimize
business communities. Improve customer relationships. Increase your your business processes while you streamline your financial operations.
productivity. Simplify demand planning and forecasting. Buy, sell, and
conduct collaborative business via private and secure online exchanges.
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For a free demonstration of how this unique solution can help your
company achieve your goals for customer satisfaction and profitability,
visit our Web site at
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Service station retailing • Manage station business from procurement to point of sale
• Manage fuel business
• Manage convenience store business