Hermodynamics of Phase Change: Hase Changes
Hermodynamics of Phase Change: Hase Changes
Hermodynamics of Phase Change: Hase Changes
We said in Chapter 4: Thermodynamic Potentials and Properties, that when a system reaches an unstable
state it splits itself into different phases with different properties but in equilibrium with each other. Chapter
5: Control Volume, was just a halt to change our view-point and see how the balance equations change
when we let mass flows through the frontier of our system. Now we proceed with the thermodynamics of
simple compressible system, and we analyse phase changes in a pure chemical substance, as already
introduced in Chapter 4.
Only phase changes in pure small-molecule substances are considered (i.e. usual gases, water and other
simple inorganic liquids, small-chain hydrocarbons, metals and other inorganic solids), but not glasses,
polymers and composites. It is interesting, however, to look at how, for instance, honey (or milk, oil, wax)
boils and solidifies, or at how wax melts (or paper, wood, teflon, concrete, and so on). Furthermore, we
focus on the liquid/vapour phase change, covering other phase changes occasionally; solid/solid allotropic
transformations are not mentioned at all. Glasses are substances (inorganic as silicates or organic as plastics)
that solidify from a molten state into an amorphous solid (i.e. without crystalline order); see Thermal effects
on materials. Phase changes in mixtures are also covered in Chapter 7: Mixtures and Solutions.
It is also important to mention that although we only deal here with phase changes of aggregation in a pure
substance (the first phase transitions discovered), other thermodynamic phase changes occur in Nature, as
the change from normal electrical conductivity to superconductivity (with or without magnetic field), the
change from paramagnetism to ferromagnetism, the change from normal viscosity to superfluidity in 4He,
etc. The second phase transition discovered was the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition at high
temperature, when J. Hopkinson described in 1890 the disappearance of magnetism in hot iron. Later on,
electrical superconductivity was discovered in 1911 by Kamerlingh Onnes, in mercury.
We only deal with phase changes at equilibrium conditions, and do not consider the kinetics of the change,
dominated by mass diffusion and nucleation processes.
The condition of equilibrium for a pure substance introduced three intensive variables (Chapter 2: Entropy):
T, p and µ (the chemical potential of the substance), but they were not all independent since the Gibbs-
Duhem equation, 0=sdT−vdp+dµ, correlates them, thus a simple thermodynamic system has only two
independent intensive variables. When there are several phases, the same equilibrium variables hold (T, p
and µ), but now there is a Gibbs-Duhem equation for each of the phases, since each one has different s and
v. Thus, the variance (intensive degrees of freedom) of a single phase is 2 (e.g. T and p), that of a two-phase
system is 1 (only T or p), and that of a three-phase is 0 (it is a constant state without any possible variation
of T or p), not being possible a four-phase system (for a pure substance). The variance of a system, or Gibbs
phase rule, was analysed in more detail in Chapter 2: Entropy.
Clapeyron equation gives the relation between T and p in a two-phase pure-substance system. It is deduced
by just subtracting the two Gibbs-Duhem equations for the two phases at equilibrium. Using the notation
for the liquid-to-vapour phase change, the most important in Thermodynamics, one gets:
0 = sV dT − vV dp + dµ UV
0 = ( sV − sL )dT − (vV − vL )dp ⇒
dp h − hL
= V
= LV (6.1)
0 = sL dT − vL dp + dµ W dT sat T(vV − vL ) TvLV
after ∆s has been substituted by ∆h/T based on the general relation (4.2), dh=Tds+vdp, and the fact that both
equilibrium states (liquid and vapour) have the same pressure. The enthalpy change in a phase change, e.g.
hLV=hV−hL for vaporisation, was initially named 'latent heat' by J. Black; a list of values for melting and
boiling is given aside. Notice that subindex 'sat', meaning 'saturated' or better 'in saturation', is used as a
synonym of biphasic equilibrium, and that the loci of liquid-vapour equilibrium states is known as vapour
pressure curve, being bounded by the triple point and the critical point.
Equation (6.1) is the general Clapeyron equation and to go any further we need to have a model for the
substance. An integrated Clapeyron equation is obtained if one makes the following three simplifications:
vL<<vV, vV=RT/p and hLV=constant, what yields:
hV − hL V >> v L , vV = RT / p , h LV = const
v → ln
FG p IJ = −h FG 1 − 1 IJ
H p K R HT T K
dT sat T (vV − v L ) 0 0
which may be used if one saturated point is known (T0-p0; e.g. the normal boiling point, Tb, at p0=100 kPa)
to compute some neighbouring saturated state, far from the critical region.
Based on the functional dependence of vapour pressure with temperature given by (6.2), and trying a best
fit to experimental data, Charles Antoine proposed in 1888 (“Tensions des vapeurs; nouvelle relation entre
les tensions et les températures”, C.R. 107, 681-684, 778-780, 836-837; 1888), an empirical fit that is used
the most:
A table with these 3 constants for usual pure substances is presented in Thermal data tables.
Finally, it is worth rewriting the general Clapeyron equation in term of reduced variables (dividing T-p
values with those at the critical point), obtaining:
dp hV − hL d ln pR hV − hL
= ⇒ = ≈ 6 for many substances (6.4)
dT sat T ( vV − vL ) d
1 RTCR ( ZV − Z L )
It is amazing that for many substances the slope of the vapour pressure curve in the lnpR-1/TR diagram is
almost constant from the triple point to the critical point. The integrated Clapeyron equation (6.2) has a
constant lnpR-1/TR slope, but that is only valid locally and far from the critical point. What happens is that
the enthalpy of vaporisation (the numerator in (6.4)) varies with temperature as the difference in
compressibility factor does, and both effects compensate. This fact, dlnpR/d(1/TR)≈6 for most substances,
is often known as Guggenheim's rule, that can be somehow tailored to a particular substance by using the
Pitzer's acentric factor, ω, introduced in Chapter 4 and using lnpR=5.4(1+ω)(1−1/TR) instead of (6.4). There
are some other similar generic approximation rules worth mention. Guldberg’s rule points out that the ratio
of boiling to critical temperatures for most substances is around Tb/TCR≈0.6. Trouton's rule points out that
hlv/(RTb)≈10, which can be deduced from the two precedent rules. Watson rule establishes a generic
approximation to the variation of vaporisation enthalpy with temperature, hlv/hlv,b≈[(1−TR)/(1−Tb/TCR)]0.38
Clapeyron equations may also be applied to the solid-vapour phase change (sublimation) by changing the
values of the variables accordingly. Substances with sublimation points are not common, the best known
being carbon dioxide (CO2, with Tsubl=195 K), called dry ice, and less known acetylene (C2H2, with
Tsubl=189 K), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6, with Tsubl=209 K), uranium hexafluoride (UF6, with Tsubl=329 K),
For the solid-liquid phase change, the slope of the equilibrium curve in the p-T diagram is so high that it is
usually assumed that the temperature of fusion is the same at every pressure (this is used to approximate
the triple point by the normal melting-point temperature and its corresponding vapour pressure). However,
it can be seen from the Clapeyron equation (6.1) that the normal slope is positive because hL−hS is always
positive and vL−vS is usually positive (substances contract on freezing), although the slope is negative for
substances that expand on freezing, as water, silicon, germanium, gallium, bismuth, mercury, and others;
in the case of pure water, it takes 13.4 MPa to freeze at -1 ºC (the minimum equilibrium freezing
temperature is -22 ºC, at 210 MPa, but lower liquid temperatures can be obtained even at normal pressure
under metastable conditions). By the way, the high pressure under an ice-skate blade is far too short to melt
the ice (held at −7..−2 ºC); the lubrication is due to a microscopic liquid layer at equilibrium on the ice
surface (10-10..10-7 m thick, depending on temperature and composition), greatly enhanced by the local
fusion caused by friction.
Phases and phase changes for a pure substance are named as in Fig. 6.1, jointly with a three-dimensional
view of equilibrium states, or p-v-T diagram; i.e. the traditional solid, liquid and gas phases, and the phase
change from one to other. Allotropic changes, in the solid state, are not considered. The supercritical region
is sometimes limited to T>TCP and p>pCP. The name ‘vapour’ is sometimes restricted to the gas phase in
contact with its liquid phase (e.g. butane is said to be a gas out of the bottle, but a liquid-vapour mixture
inside the bottle).
The phase change from vapour or gas to liquid is sometimes, particularly in cryogenics, named liquefaction.
The first liquefaction of a gas was made in 1780 by G. Monge (a teacher of S. Carnot), by passing
compressed SO2 through a coil tube immersed in a salt-ice mixture.
The state of equilibrium is just defined by one variable, T or p, but in order to fully define the physical state
one needs to know the relative proportions of the phases. Any of the additive variables that have a
discontinuity serves this purpose if its averaged value is given. The traditional way to measure the
proportions is the vapour mass fraction, x, also known as vapour title or vapour quality:
x≡ (6.5)
mV + mL
Some care is needed with this variable since the x's are used for molar fractions (not mass fractions) in all
but this Chapter. Besides, it only refers to one of the phases, the mass fraction of the liquid phase being 1-
x. Notice that, as a mass fraction, x is only defined in the interval [0,1], although it can be extended to
negative an greater-than-unity values if defined by x ≡ ( h − hLsat ) hLV , negative values measuring the
degree of subcooling and greater-than-unity values measuring the degree of superheating.
Any specific variable (i.e. extensive variable by unit of mass) for the whole two-phase system is defined
like for the enthalpy:
H mV hV + mL hL
h≡ = = xhV + (1 − x )hL = hL + xhLV (6.6)
m mV + mL
i.e. the same applies for s, u, v, g, φ, etc. Concerning the values of functions in the liquid phase and on the
vapour phase (e.g. hL and hV) it is imperative to be aware that only one reference state can be chosen for all
Thermodynamics of phase change 5
of them. Thus, if one applies the perfect liquid model to the liquid and the perfect gas model to the vapour,
one may write hL−hL0=cL(T−T0)+(p−p0)/ρL and hV−hV0=cp(T−T0), but both hL0 and hV0 cannot be chosen as
zero because hV0−hL0=hLV0. The reference state is a free choice to the user; a liquid-state reference is
preferable to work with positive numbers most of the time, but several different temperatures are still in
use. We advocate for h=0 and s=0 at the liquid state at the triple point, although there are other choices in
the literature, like setting h=0 and s=0 at the liquid state at the normal boiling point, or ASHRAE setting
h=0 and s=0 for saturated liquid at T=−40 ºC (=−40 ºF); mind that IIR reference setting is not zero but
h=200 kJ/kg and s=1 kJ/(kg∙K) for saturated liquid at T=0 ºC.
Notice that the thermal capacity of a biphasic single-component system is infinite since cp=∂h/∂T|p and at
p=constant the system increases h with dT=0. The sound speed in a liquid-vapour mixture is much smaller
than those of the pure phases, particularly for small vapour fractions, as can be explained from Eq. (4.14),
c=1/(ρκs)1/2, because mixture density, ρ, approaches liquid density, whereas mixture compressibility, κs,
approaches that of the gas. And the same occurs in multicomponent liquid-gas mixtures.
Once a reference is taken, e.g. the liquid state at the triple point; the value for a vapour state may be
composed in the three different manners sketched in Fig. 6.2, that with the perfect-substance models give,
for the enthalpy: 1) hV-h0=hLV0+cp(T-T0), 2) hV-h0=cL(T1-T0)+hLV1+cp(T-T1) and 3) hV-h0=cL(T-T0)+hLV.
Any path should give the same result (under the accuracy of the model) since they are state functions, but
the first is shorter if the vaporisation enthalpy at the triple point is known (e.g. hLV0=2.50 MJ/kg for water)
and the second only needs the vaporisation enthalpy at the boiling point that is ready available (e.g.
hLV0=2.26 MJ/kg for water).
Fig. 6.2. Usual reference state for energies and entropies (liquid state at the triple point, TP), and the three
possible paths to compute a vapour-region value from that reference point.
Notice also that mean variables do not measure any local state but the weighted average according to the
mass proportions of the phases, as seen in (6.6). When two-phase states of a system are represented in a
thermodynamic diagram, the point corresponding to those mean variables should be interpreted as auxiliary
points that show the proportion of the two phases, whose properties, constant along an isobar (or isotherm),
are those at the extremes of the isobar, as shown in Fig. 6.3. The linear application between an specific
variable like h in (6.6) and x is known as the lever rule (i.e. the amount of each phase is proportional to the
distance to the other extreme).
The two bounds to the two-phase region, are known as the saturated liquid curve (x=0) and the saturated
vapour curve (x=1). Mixed states inside the two-phase region, below the x=1 curve, are known sometimes
as wet vapour states, and those beyond x=1 superheated vapour states.
The vaporisation enthalpy monotonically decreases from the triple point to the critical point where it
cancels, what can easily be appreciated in a p-h diagram on the width of the two-phase region (e.g. for
water, hLV=2500 kJ/kg at 273 K, hLV=2260 kJ/kg at 373 K and hLV=0 at 647 K).
Phase change problems occur in many natural and artificial processes: the hydrological cycle, casting,
welding, soldering, boilers, freezers, cooling towers, etc.
Notice that heating a liquid inside a fully-filled rigid container does not gives way to a boiling process
(except in the rare case of a thermal expansion anomaly); it just increases the pressure up to the mechanical
or thermal structural limit of the container, without change of phase; similar to when heating a gas at
constant volume. Cooling at constant volume eventually gives way to a liquid/vapour transition in a fully-
filled liquid container, and to a vapour/liquid transition in a gas container.
At constant mass and volume, a two-phase system increase or decrease its temperature and pressure when
heated or cooled, respectively, but it is no so evident what happens to the liquid level, since on heating, for
instance, the liquid expands and the level rises at the same time that some liquid is vaporised (to increase
the pressure) and the level falls; which effect is preponderant depends on the value of the thermal expansion
The phase change from a condensed phase to a gas can explode a closed container. This is easy to
understand for cryogenic fluids (e.g. liquid nitrogen, or dry ice); the unavoidable heat flow from the warmer
ambient transforms the condensed mass into a gas, dramatically increasing the internal pressure (that is
why cryogenic containers should always be open to the atmosphere, releasing the boil-off gas). The same
occurs in tanks with normal liquids (e.g. water) kept at temperatures higher than their boiling point at
ambient pressure (e.g. if a tank with liquid water at 200 ° C, at >1.5 MPa, burst, a sudden boiling in the
whole liquid mass occurs, generating an expanding shock wave of steam). This type of process is known
as BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion), and it is particularly harmful if the substance is
In a flash chamber, non-saturated liquid is throttled into a chamber kept at lower pressure by an ejector or
vacuum pump. A portion of the liquid flashes into vapour that, in the gravity field, settles upwards (a
demister may help to avoid drops carry over), and can be extracted separately (flash separators) or locally
condensed on cold coils and the drops collected on a plate and extracted with a liquid pump (flash
distillators). The latter is used a lot to purify the solvent in a liquid mixture, as for desalting seawater (liquid
seawater enters a flash chamber, and two other liquid streams are extracted: brine and distillate).
Some unsteady control volumes are also of interest to phase-change processes, as when mass (liquid or
vapour) is added or extracted from a two-phase reservoir, or when steam is used to heat up some water
mass (a typical example being milk steaming in coffee machines).
Two-phase bottled compressed gases are routinely used as a source of gas (e.g. camping gas), or as a source
of liquid spray (e.g. insecticides). A quasi-steady process develops when a small constant mass flow rate
of vapour goes out of a two-phase bottle; its energy balance is d(mLeL+mVeV)/dt= Q - m hV, and, using the
perfect substance models one finally gets a relation between the necessary heat input and the mass flow
The temperature (and consequently the pressure) in the interior decreases (due to the vaporisation energy)
until at steady state this heat flux is furnished by heat transfer from the environment across the wall of the
bottle, at the same rate.
When vapour is let out of a two-phase vessel, it is usually throttled (without doing work) to the supply
pressure, always in the gas phase and with negligible temperature change. If the vapour were expanded
doing external work, as in a turbine, it might get fogged (enter the two-phase region again). However, in
the case of the liquid phase being let out of a vessel (through a valve in the bottom), the liquid will get
bubbly even if just throttled, decreasing its temperature according to the decrease in pressure, what may be
used for refrigeration.
Metastable states are non-equilibrium states that appear stable under some circumstances, because the
ambient noise has not enough energy or time to force a transition, but that under a sizeable perturbation,
they evolve to a widely different equilibrium state (e.g. think on the effect of a <1 mJ spark on a H2/O2
mixture, or the trigger in a hot or cold pad).
In order to trigger the phase change, some jump in chemical potential must be applied, like the activation
energy in combustion processes. To be more precise, consider phase changes from the liquid state at
constant pressure. Liquids may be superheated above their boiling point without changing to vapour (as
often happens in microwave ovens), and undercooled below their freezing temperature (as easily done with
distilled water in a test tube). Notice that we are using the words undercooling, subcooling, and
supercooling, as synonyms.
Vapours may also be undercooled below their condensation temperature, but solids are very difficult to
superheat over their melting temperature. Similarly, at constant temperature, the pressure in a liquid may
be decreased below its equilibrium bubbling pressure, even to negative pressures as in tall tree sap (in 1850,
Berthelot subjected purified water to 5 MPa of tension), along metastable states, LL' in Fig. 6.4, and vapours
compressed above their condensing pressure along metastable states VV' in Fig. 6.4. However, states along
L'V' are always mechanically unstable (they would had κ<0) and cannot be got in practice. The loci of L’
and V’ for different isotherms is known as the spinodal curves (spinode, Gr. cusp), liquid spinodal for L’
and vapour spinodal for V’.
The µ-p diagram in Fig. 6.4, that may be built from the p-v diagram by means of the Gibbs-Duhem equation,
0=-sdT+vdp+dµ (µ=µ0−∫vdp along an isotherm), also gives an indication of the extra energy metastable
states need to overpass the barrier of unstable states (dashed line). By the way, it is also seen that, for an
analytical isotherm, the points corresponding to the phase change are those of equal chemical potential,
those that verify ∫vdp=0, or ∫(p-pLV)dv=0, i.e. when the two areas between the curve and the straight line in
the p-v diagram of Fig. 6.4 are of equal area, what is known as Maxwell's rule.
Quick processes are prone to develop metastable states, as when a vapour expands in a nozzle, where it
may go without phase change down to pressures below the transition one and suddenly condense in an
abrupt isenthalpic jump (generally associated with the chock wave in the diverging side of a supersonic
nozzle. Conversely, metastable states are prone to develop fast processes; consider the difficulty in freezing
a pan with water in a fridge (ice starts at the boundaries, and take a lot of time); if, however, the liquid were
undercooled to say −5 ºC (very difficult with tap water, but not so with distilled water, which may be cooled
down to −42 ºC under extreme care), upon a small perturbation, a sudden freezing takes place (with a
temperature increase up to 0 ºC due to the release of the fusion enthalpy); you can compute the amount of
ice formed, by an energy balance. Flash vaporization is advantageously used in superheated fuel injectors
Metastable states may be classified in terms of the equilibrium line done through, and the direction:
• Through solid-liquid equilibrium line
o Superheated solid. It is difficult to keep a substance in the solid state when heated over its
melting point; that is why melting-point measurements are more accurate than freezing point
o Subcooled liquid. As said above, it is not difficult to cooled a liquid below its freezing
temperature without it changing to the solid state. There is a lot of supercooled water in
small droplets on middle and high clouds in the atmosphere (posing a risk to aviation
because the metastable liquid droplets freeze on contact with the plane and spoil
aerodynamic lift).
• Through liquid-vapour equilibrium line
o Superheated liquid. As said above, it is not difficult to get superheated liquid water (at >100
ºC) in a microwave oven, and see it ‘explode’ by sudden boiling when a tea-bag or sugar is
The degree of a metastable state (e.g. degree of superheating, or degree of undercooling) can be measured
as the temperature departure from the equilibrium line at constant pressure, or as the pressure departure
from the equilibrium line at constant temperature.
Material properties of metastable phases (e.g. density, thermal capacity...) are simple extrapolation of their
stable-state properties (e.g. thermal expansion of supercooled water (also named sub-cooled water) is
negative with positive slope of ∂α/∂T, with α=−1.5·10−3 1/K at −30 ºC and α=1.2·10−3 1/K at 150 ºC and
100 kPa). However, one must be careful with phase-change relations like ∆s=∆h/T, which only hold for
equilibrium transitions; for metastables transitions, the transition enthalpy must be supplemented with the
difference in thermal capacities from the stable and the metastable phases times the undercooling or
It seems that the first metastable states were recognised by Farenheit in 1714 when studying the freezing
of water (he reported different undercooling degrees, depending on the cooling rate). The first theory of
metastable states is due to Gibbs (1878).
Creation of a new phase requires a new local arrangement of matter (the nucleation process) which demands
some activation energy that builds up on metastable states. Fluid-to-fluid phase-transitions in pure
substances are the vaporization of a liquid (boiling) and the condensation of a vapour (e.g. in steam
condensers). When a solid phase is involved, the direction of change cause great differences between the
melting or vaporization of a solid, in one hand, and the solidification of a liquid or deposition of a vapour,
on the other hand, particularly when the nascent solid is in crystalline form instead of amorphous. When
mixtures are considered, the phase changes and their nucleation processes become more complicated (e.g.
condensation from supersaturated solutions, constitutional supercooling), and new liquid-to-liquid phase
changes might appear. The formation of solid phases is studied in the science of crystal growth, so important
in materials science and in natural frosting (including the common case in cloud formation).
Vaporization kinetics
The growth of a different phase at the expense of another phase (as the growth of bubbles from a boiling
liquid, or the growth of droplets from a condensing vapour), usually takes place at pre-existing nucleation
sites (either in the heterogeneities of the container walls, or at the heterogeneities of suspended particles
within the fluid), because the nucleation process in a clean fluid within smooth walls is most difficult. In
the latter case, named homogeneous nucleation, the nuclei are created by large equilibrium fluctuations,
which are proportional to fluid compressibility. Small nuclei, however, are unstable if their size is below a
critical radius rcr=2σ/∆p (σ being the liquid-vapour interface tension, and ∆p the underpressure), so that a
large fluctuation driven by a high superheating or undercooling is required for homogeneous nucleation.
Fig. 6.5. Liquid flashing by sudden depressurization: a) isenthalpic evolution in the T-s diagram; b)
metastable evolution in the phase diagram: the liquid at state 1 undergoes a depressurization at
constant temperature without phase change (1 to 1’), and then a flash cooling at constant
pressure (1’ to 2); pmin corresponds to spinodal points (L’ in Fig. 6.4), marking the
depressurization depth required to get homogeneous nucleation.
Many experiments have been carried out with a pressurized liquid in a vertical test tube (from 1 mm to 300
mm in diameter) that is suddenly opened to vacuum (or to ambient pressure, depending on liquid volatility).
If the liquid has been degasified, the rarefaction pressure wave reaches the liquid bottom in less than 1 ms,
but homogeneous nucleation cannot take place except close to the critical point temperatures (when the
spinodal line (pmin in Fig. 6.5) would be crossed, and boiling can only starts at the free surface (providing
the glass wall is clean enough), with a fuzzy bubbling that ejects droplets and produces a two-phase
downstream flow. Within about 10 ms, a vaporization front develops and attains a steady propagation
downward the liquid, with a speed of order 1 m/s (0.1..10 m/s) depending on the liquid substance and the
depressurization (or superheat), but independent of the tube diameter. The upstream liquid remains
quiescent and at the initial temperature (except for a cooled boundary layer close to the advancing front),
in a metastable equilibrium. The front is more or less planar but clearly unsteady and random in detail, with
several millimetres in thickness; the typical droplet size is about 1 mm. The developed two-phase flow
consists of vapour as the continuous phase and small liquid droplets as the dispersed phase, 10..100 µm in
size, some times in chain-like streaks. Exit pressure is dictated by downstream details (usually a hole with
chocked flow).
This travelling vaporization wave is very similar to the laminar deflagration wave in premixed combustion,
with similar speeds, proportional to the square root of thermal diffusivity in both cases, etc.
Exergy, i.e. the minimum work that must be applied to arrive at a given thermodynamic state from a
reference ambient (or the maximum work obtainable from a system not in equilibrium with the
environment), was introduced in Chapter 3: Exergy, and extended to open systems in Chapter 5. Control
volume (it is further extended to multicomponent systems in Chapter 7: Mixtures, and to reactive systems
in Chapter 9: Chemical reactions. Here, for processes with a phase change of a pure substance, the general
exergy balance is:
T T aberturas
∆Φ = ∆ ( E + p0V − T0 S ) = Wu + ∑ 1 − 0 Qi + ∫ 1 − 0 dQ − T0 S gen + ∑ ∫ψ e m e dt (6.8)
Ti T
where ∆(E+p0V−T0S) is the exergy-change of a given mass (relative to an infinite environment at p0 and
T0), Wu is the exergy input through the walls as useful work (Wu=W+p0∆V), (1−T0/Ti)Qi is the exergy input
as heat through the walls from heat sources at Ti (notice the Carnot efficiency, and that for the environment
(1−T0/T)dQ<0), −T0Sgen<0 too (this term and the preceding one are exergy losses), and finally ψe is the
specific flow exergy through an opening, ψ=h−T0s.
As an example, imagine we have a liquid-vapour equilibrium of a pure substance with vapour mass-fraction
x1, at temperature T1 and pressure p1, and that we want to completely vaporise the system at constant
pressure, i.e. to get x2=1 at p2=p1 (notice that thence, for a pure substance, T2=T1 too). Find the necessary
heat input, and the minimum exergy input, for the two cases: a) a steady-flow process, and b)
a control mass process.
For a steady flow process, the energy balance is ∆h=q+w (neglecting kinetic and potential energy), and the
exergy balance (without external heat sources) is ∆ψ=∆h−T0∆s=0−wu−(1−T0/T)q+T0sgen. The heat input
needed (with w=0) is thence q=∆h=(1−x1)hLV1, whereas the exergy increase, making use of the general
equation dh=Tds+vdp and thus ∆s=∆h/T, is ∆ψ=∆h−T0∆s=∆h−T0∆h/T1=∆h(1−T0/T1). Notice that this
minimum work needed is always smaller than the heat needed in absence of work, both, for T0<T1, and for
T0>T1, and that the exergy input is zero if T1=T0 (the free-available heat from the environment may change
the vapour fraction at no cost).
For a control mass, i.e. in a cylinder-piston-system at constant pressure, the energy balance is ∆U=Q+W
(neglecting kinetic and potential energy), and the exergy balance (without external heat sources) is
∆Φ=∆U+p0∆V−T0∆S. The heat input needed is thence Q=∆U−W=∆U+p1∆V=∆H=m(1−x1)hLV1, whereas
the exergy increase is ∆Φ=∆U+p0∆V−T0∆S=∆H−p1∆V+p0∆V−T0∆S, and making use again of ∆S=∆H/T1,
we finally get ∆Φ=∆H(1−T0/T1)+(p0−p1)∆V. Notice again that this minimum work needed is always smaller
than the heat needed in absence of work, for any combination of T0<>T1 and p0<>p1.
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