Topic 14 - Vaporization
Topic 14 - Vaporization
Topic 14 - Vaporization
GJA 2015-2016
Equation of state for water, given any two of P, V, T gives us the third, and the associated phase(s).
The equilibrium condition for two phases at fixed temperature and pressure
In thermal equilibrium, P and T are constant throughout the system, so G must be at a minimum.
Consider a system of two coexisting phases in equilibrium with specific (i.e. per unit mass) Gibbs free
energy g1 and g2 and the masses M1 and M2 : the total Gibbs free energy for the system is G = g1 M1 + g2 M2 .
During a phase transition, the proportions of the two phases change, but T and P do not.
Conservation of mass: dM1 + dM2 = 0,
combined with dG = g1 dM1 + g2 dM2 = V dP SdT = 0 (for T and P fixed) gives
g1 = g2
Conclusion: when two component phases of a system coexist at constant temperature and pressure, their specific
Gibbs functions are equal. If g for one phase is lower than the other then only the phase with the lower g is
present. Under a given external temperature, coexistence is only possible a one fixed external pressure.
The phase boundary is a line on P-T diagram
With fixed volume boundaries, equilibrium still requires P and T to be the same in each phase, and g1 = g2 . So
the pressure is defined as above, however the volume constraint V = v1 M1 + v2 M2 can be met by adjusting the
amounts of the two phases.
There is an area of phase coexistence on a V-T diagram (and on P-V)
1. Phase diagram The projection of the equation of state surface on to the PT is called a phase diagram
because it shows which phase is stable for given T,P, and the phase boundaries between pairs of phases.
2. Fixed volume
The projection on to the TV plane also shows the boundaries, but this time the coexistence at fixed
volume at the phase transitions is directly evident. Projection onto the PV plane may even allow two
solutions (e.g. water at ambient pressure has a density maximum, so there may be two temperatures at
which P,V are the same. In this unusual case, specifying two conjugate variables P and V is not enough
to determine the state of the system.
3. Conjugate variables and positive quantities
P,V are conjugate (appear together in free energy expressions), if P/V > 0 free energy can be spontaneously reduced by volume collapse, implying the system is not in equilibrium. So negative thermal
expansion is allowed, but negative bulk modulus is not. The TS equivalent of this statement (positive
heat capacity) is another statement of the Second Law.
4. Triple point
Ice, water and water vapour coexist at a unique temperature and pressure at the triple point. Useful for
defining a standard temperature point for thermometry.
5. Sublimation
It is the change of phase directly from solid-to-vapour. This happens for dry ice, which is solid CO2 ,
under ambient pressure; the heat absorbed by the solid dry ice causes it to change directly into vapour
without passing via a liquid phase. The same occurs for ice, but at reduced pressure. Equally liquid CO2
can be formed at room temperature, but only at very high pressure.
6. Critical point
Point at which the liquid-vapour transition vanishes. Dense gas is indistinguishable from liquid, it is
usually called a fluid.
7. Phase transitions
Melting and boiling should be familiar. The stable phase is always the one with the lowest free energy
(Helmholtz or Gibbs, depending on boundary conditions).
Helmholtz = UTS
F may be minimised by a mixture of phases. These can be linked by a common tangent, the slope of
which is the phase transition pressure.
= P(T )
The phases have different specific volumes, so relative amounts of the two phases must give the externally
specified volume V = N1 v1 + N2 v2 ; where N1 and N2 are the number of moles of each phase, which can
change spontateously subject to dN1 = dN2 and v1 , v2 the molar volumes. This is sometimes known
as the lever rule. Note that the Helmholtz free energies f1 and f2 are not equal at equilibrium, and the
pressure and temperature remain constant as the two phase mixture is compressed, provided it remains
at equilibrium.
Isotherms of a Van der Waals fluid
The Van der Waals, equation of state yields more interesting isotherms than for an Ideal gas. The equation
can be rewritten in the form:
Pv3 (Pb + RT )v2 + av ab = 0
where v = V /n, n being the number of moles of molecules in the sample.
In general, for given a and b (ie a given gas) for each P, T there can be three possible values of v. The
three roots of the equation coincide for a unique set of values of P, v and T defining a critical point,
with coordinates (Pc = 27b
2 , vc = 3b, RTc = 27b ).
The Van der Waals equation can be rewritten with a and b replaced with Pc , Tc , vc
For T > Tc , the equation has only one root.
At the Boyle temperature TB = a/(Rb) = 27Tc /8, d(PV )/dP)T is zero . At higher T volume
exclusion effects (b) are important, and PV increases with pressure. At lower T bonding effects
(a) are important, and PV decreases with pressure. Most real gases have Tb 2.75Tc
Considering a virial equation of state for gases, TOPIC 12,
= 1 + B2
+ B3
+ ...
Bi are all functions of T , and at the Boyle Temperature B2 = b RT
= 0.
= 8
VdWs Eqn of state
(V /Vc )
Vc = 3b, Pc =
, Tc =
This equation gives a mechanically unstable solution (ie negative compressibility, (dP/dV )T > 0) for
T < Tc over a range of molar (specific) volumes. This range becomes larger as the temperature is lowered
further. The fluid therefore must break up into two phases with different densities which in equilibrium
(same P, T) must have equal Gibbs Free energies. Since the boundary condition is fixed total volume, the
system minimises its Helmholtz free energy.
This leads to the construction shown in the second figure, in which a horizontal line is drawn connecting
the denser phase (liquid) at the left and less dense phase (vapour) on the right. The real isotherm moves
along this line. The position of the line is such as to enclose equal areas between it and the isotherm
traced by the Van der Waals equation of state. Remembering that both lines refer to the same isotherm
the equal area construction ensures that:
The change in Gibbs
free energy between the two points at its end is zero. ( g/ P)T = v therefore
gl gv = g = T const vdP = 0 performing the integral along the VdW isotherm.
If we construct a heat engine running round the closed cycle moving along the horizontal line from
liquid to vapour and back along the hypothetical VdW isotherm or vice-versa no work can be done
according to the second law, since there is no difference in temperature.