Choking phenomena of compressible flows through an axisymmetric convergent nozzle have been theoretically and
experimentally explored. Choking criteria of a convergent nozzle flow are proposed from experiment and theory. A
nozzle of a variable length from the inlet to exit has been used for the purpose of the boundary layer development
on the nozzle wall. Pitot probe surveys at the nozzle exit plane as well as static pressure measurements along the
nozzle wall have been performed. The experimental results of the choking pressure ratio and freestream Mach
numbers at the nozzle exit plane when nozzle flow is just choked are compared with those calculated by the flow
model proposed. The present analytical values are in good quantitative agreement with the experimental results.
Compressible flow is a flow that undergoes significant variation in density with trending
pressure. Technically, density variations start to become significant when the Mach number
exceeds 0.3. Converging-diverging nozzles are found in many engineering system such as steam
and gas turbines. The gas flow from a high pressure region through a nozzle to low pressure
region. The gas flow through the chamber into the converging region, pass through the throat,
through the diverging region and flow out to the ambient region. Choked occurred when it
reach maximum flow rate. This happen because the velocity of the flow is sonic at the throat
and the back pressure is lower than the critical pressure cannot be sensed in the nizzle
upstream flow and does not affect the flow rate.
By increasing the flow rate through a convergent-divergent duct until choking occurs, and to then continue to raise
the flow rate beyond that point.
The following assumptions are made throughout the theory sections presented in this manual:
a) Flow variables are uniform over a cross section perpendicular to the flow direction, i.e., the duct can be
considered to be a single stream tube with one-dimensional flow.
b) Flow is steady.
c) Potential energy changes are negligible.
Continuity equation:
p=ρRT ...(4)
c p=c v + R ...(5)
=cons tan t (6)
In addition, for incompressible fluid flow, the usual friction loss equation will be used:
Δ p 4 fl V
= ⋯(7)
ρ 2d
(where Δp is the loss of pressure along a length of cylindrical pipe of diameter d)For
a smooth pipe:
f=∅Re ...(8)
The frictionless flow of an ideal gas in the absence of shaft work and heat transfer is given by equating (2) and (4):
From Equation(5)and y=9/4:
cv 1
R Y −1
p 1 V
(1+ )+ =cons tan t
ρ γ −1 2
γ p V
⋅ + =cons tan t
γ −1 ρ 2
Or alternatively:
γ V
⋅ RT + =cons tan t
γ −1 2
γ p atmos γ p throat V 1
⋅ = ⋅ +
γ −1 p atmos γ −1 ρthroat 2
Using Equation (6)a¿ adr = :
p atmos
˙ 1
m=ρ ∈let athroat V throat =r ρatmos athroat V throat
2 Y +1
2 y pa tan 0 s Y
i ρ athroat ⋅ ( r −r Y )
Y −1 ρa tan 0 s
Inspection of this expression shows that m will be zeroorr=1adr=0;hence a maximum value of m may be expected for
some critical value,rc, of r.
For maximum m:
2 Y +1
d V V
(r −r )
r c =¿
Putting ror c =¿
V 1=
√ 2 y pthroat y +1
⋅ (
y−1 ρthroat 2
5. Connect pressure sensor P3 to read the pressure differential Patmos-Pinler by connecting a tube
between the inlet pressure tapping on the test section to the lowermost socket labelled P3 on the
control console. Leave the upper socket open to atmosphere.
6. The liquid-in-glass thermometers are NOT required forthis exercise and may be removed for safety.
7. Check that the equipment is connected to a suitable electrical supply and switched on, and that
the displays on the control console are illuminated.
8. If using the optiona data logger and software, check that the IFD5 is connected to the 50-way
connector on the control console, and to the USB port on the PC. Run the Armfield software.
1. The ambient temperature and pressure of the laboratory or test area using a
thermometer and barometer or equivalents.
2. compressor speed was adjusted to give a pressure p3 of 100 kpa.The
sensor readings for pl,p2and p4 from the control display were recorded
3. The compressor seed was adjusted to give a pressure increment for p3 of
100kpa.The sensor readings were recorded again
4. Continue to adjust the compressor speed to give pressure increment for p3 of
50Pa,recording the console display values each time,until maximum
Choked Conditions
Test section:Convergent/divergent duct (Supplied with C1-MKII)
The C1 MklI is supplied complete with a convergent-divergent (Venturi) test section (6). When using this or
the other optional test sections, the compressor is used as an exhauster: air enters the duct from the
atmosphere and is sucked into the inlet of the compressor. The flow rate is controlled by the previously
described inverter linked to the motor. The intake is thus unobstructed,and the flow rate can be determined
from the depression at the first parallel-sided section, (Patmos-Pinler)
A substantial pressure recovery is obtained in the divergent portion of diffuser and a throat depression
Patmos-Pthroat is thereby achieved which is several times the pressure difference developed by the
compressor itself. At high throttle openings the speed of sound is reached and the duct becomes choked.
Tappings for pressure measurement are provided at the inlet, throat and outlet. Any tapping not used
in an experiment should be blanked off with the rubber stoppers provided.
Flow metering section diameter d1:25.4 mm
Upstream (throat) pipe diameter d2: 10mm
Downstream pipe diameter d3: 25.4 mm
Room Temperature,T=295K
Diameter Converge,d,=25.4mm
Diameter Choke, dz=10mm
Diameter Diverge, d3=25.4mm
Specific Heat Ratio,y=1.4
Gas Constant,R=0.287/kg.K
1.562746 0.968411
2.221794 0.943731
2.722564 0.918065
3.138778 0.890424
3.499984 0.848963
4.427169 0.65844
4.695722 0.542942
4.949725 0.464956
flows have been demonstrated theoretically and experimentally. A simple flow model for predicting the choking criteria
of convergent nozzle flowws were proposed using a mass weighted averaging technique.The choking pressure ratio
defined as the ratio of back pressure to plenum pressure was obtained from the wall pressures at far upstream of the
nozzle exit. Wall pressures near the nozzle exit are affected changes downstream of the nozzle exit even when the nozzle
flow is choked.
Choking criteria can be characterized by the boundary layer thickness at the nozzle to the duct radius.A comparison of
theory and experiment indicates that the choking pressure ratio decreases with increasing boundary layer relative
thickness. Also, the freestream Mach numbers at the nozzle exit plane are beyond unity and increase with an increase in
the boundary layer relative thickness.