Time Setting by External Clock

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A4400 Time setting by external clock




A. GALDEANO V. BAFOUR 11/07/2005 D0006002

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1. DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................................... 3

2. OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................. 3

3. INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 LIST OF SPECIFIC PARTS ....................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 JUMPERS OF THE ADAPTER CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................... 4
3.4 EXTERNAL CLOCK CONNECTOR ........................................................................................................... 5
4. PUTTING INTO SERVICE ..................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 MANAGEMENT IN THE PABX.............................................................................................................. 5
4.2 MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.1 Time format ................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.2 External clock serial format .......................................................................................................... 5
4.2.3 Periodic time setting...................................................................................................................... 6
4.2.4 Trace command. ............................................................................................................................ 6
5. MAINTENANCE....................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 LED CONDITION ................................................................................................................................. 6
5.2 DOWNLOAD NEW SOFTWARE IN FLASH ............................................................................................ 7
6. TIME TRANSMISSION PROTOCOL ................................................................................................... 7
6.1 FIELD PROTOCOL ................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1.1 Micro Quartz S Clock .................................................................................................................... 8
6.1.2 Mobaline Clock ............................................................................................................................. 8
6.1.3 Semco Mark 12 C Clock ................................................................................................................ 9
6.1.4 NMEA 0183 time string ................................................................................................................. 9
6.1.5 ATO Clock ................................................................................................................................... 10
6.1.6 Shanghai subway clock................................................................................................................ 10
6.1.7 Inducta MTS 1 Marine Master Clock System .............................................................................. 11
6.1.8 Nanjing subway Clock System ..................................................................................................... 12
6.1.9 Shanghai2 clock........................................................................................................................... 13
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This application enables the time on an ALCATEL 4400 PABX to be set by an external
clock. The clock can be one of the following:
!" Micro Quartz S.
!" Mobaline.
!" Semco Master Clock Mark 12C.
!" ATO
!" Inducta MTS 1 Marine Master Clock System.
!" Shanghai subway clock.
!" Nanjing subway clock.
!" Shanghai2 clock


EXTERNAL V24 / RS485 UA link

CLOCK Adapter

• The adapter receives and checks the date and time fields transmitted on the V24 / RS885
by the external clock. When a valid frame is received, it updates the internal time of the

• The adapter simulates an attendant on its UA link. Using the configuration menu of the
attendant, the adapter compares the time of the A4400 with its internal time, and modifies
the time of the A4400 if a difference of more than 2 minutes is detected.

• Optionally the adapter modifies the time of the A4400 regularly if the periodic setting
function is used.


• A4400 Release R 1.5.x or upper.

• The frame sent by external clock must match with one described in § “Time transmission
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3.1 Procedure
1. Check the list of items supplied.
2. Configure the jumpers on the adapter.
3. Connect the V24 or RS485 to the external clock.
4. Wire up the UA link.

3.2 List of specific parts

Quantity Reference Description

1 M7012471 UA robot 2G
1 L24702xx Specific software
1 D0006002 Technical manual
1 C1800017 DB9 shell kit
1 C1800084 DB9 connector male
1 C3050000 DB9 M / DB9 F Cable
1 C3500018 6 wire cable

3.3 Jumpers of the adapter configuration

UA link V24

K1 V24 / RS485
K3 External clock

V24 RS485 RS485 with terminating 150 ohm resistor

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3.4 External clock connector

V24 :
!" RD : Receive Data - DB9 pin 3 on the adapter
!" SG : Signal Ground - DB9 pin 5 on the adapter

RS485 :
!" A : DB9 pin 9 on the adapter
!" B : DB9 pin 1 on the adapter


4.1 Management in the PABX

Manage in the order:
!" An operator group dedicated to the time setting application.
!" An operator with the following specifications :
• Type of terminal : 4034
• The UA equipment used by the adapter
• Select the display language as appropriate: FRENCH or ENGLISH only.
• Authorise date and time setting without control.
• Allocate this operator to the operator group previously created.

4.2 Management
Connect a console to the V24 maintenance connector (PC with terminal emulation)
configured 19200 7E1, with a C3050000 cable.

4.2.1 Time format

Use timeformat command to set Anglo-Saxon or Latin time format according to A4400
configuration :

timeformat : display current time format

timeformat 0 : set Latin time format
timeformat 1 : set Anglo-Saxon time format

4.2.2 External clock serial format

Use serial command to set external clock serial format configuration.
• Baudrate : 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000, 14400, 19200, 24000, 28000,
38400, 57600 or 115200.
• Byte size : 5, 6, 7 or 8.
• Parity : None, Odd, or Even.
• Stop bits : 1 or 2.
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serial: display current serial format
serial 96008N1 : set 9600 bauds ,8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit
serial 120007E1 : set 1200 bauds ,7 data bits, Even parity, 1 stop bit

4.2.3 Periodic time setting

Use period command to set the periodic time setting delay.
Nevertheless if a difference of more than 2 minutes is detected between two periodic setting,
the adapter modifies the time of the A4400.

Value in minutes between 0 and 65535.

period : display current the periodic time setting delay.
period 0 :No periodic time setting.
period 60: time setting every hour.
period 1440: time setting every day.
period 10080: time setting every week.

4.2.4 Trace command.

Use T command to check the system in case of problems.
T 2 1: set UA trace.
T 3 1:set application trace
T 4 1:set master clock trace
T x 0:reset a trace


5.1 LED condition

The red LED on the front shows the CPU activity. In normal operation, it flashes at the rate of
When the adapter considers its internal time as not valid or if the communication with the
PABX fail, the red LED flashes quickly as the rate of 100ms/100ms. It happens when the
adapter starts or if it has not received any correct time frame from the external clock for one
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5.2 Download new software in FLASH

1 - Connect a PC with terminal emulation and text file transfer capability to maintenance
console V24 link

2 - Enable Boot on power up :

a) - Unplug the UA link.
b) - Install K3 jumper.
c) - Plug in UA link.
d) - At the maintenance console type ESC and verify the Boot prompt : *1>

3 - Download application software on RAM

a) - Send application text file : L24702xx.SHX
b) - Type ESC and wait for 'Download ok' message (about 1 minute).

4 - Copy application software to FLASH :

a) - At the Boot prompt, type 'LD 4' and wait for 'Flash OK' message.

5 - Disable Boot on power up :

a) - Unplug the UA link.
b) - Remove K3 jumper.
c) - Plug in UA link.

Download example :
-- M701247 -- Boot - version 101
Download ok
*1>ld 4
SMP 110 - M701247 Loader - L701247 LD 01 (LoaderOp=4)
$1>Flashing Code...
Flash OK - CRC = EB0F
-- M701247 -- Boot - version 101


The time frame should be sent at least every minute.

6.1 Field protocol

The adapter recognises the frame formats of different external clocks. In the adapter, the years
90 to 99 refer to 1990 to 1999 and the years 00 to 89 refer to 2000 to 2089.
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6.1.1 Micro Quartz S Clock

Byte No. Information Character

1 Start character T
2 Separation character :
3-4 Year 00-99
5 Separation character :
6-7 Month 01-12
8 Separation character :
9-10 Date of the month 01-31
11 Separation character :
12-13 Day of the week 01-07
14 Separation character :
15-16 Hour 00 :23
17 Separation character :
18-19 Minutes 00-59
20 Separation character :
21-22 Seconds 00-59
23 Carriage return CR
24 Line feed LF

6.1.2 Mobaline Clock

Byte No. Information Character

1 Start character O
2 Supervision A ou M
3 Time-Season W ou S
4-5 Year 00-99
6-7 Month 01-12
8-9 Date of the month 01-31
10 Day of the week 1-7
11-12 Hour 00-23
13-14 Minutes 00-59
15-16 Seconds 00-59
17 Carriage return CR
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6.1.3 Semco Mark 12 C Clock

Semco standart time string

Byte No Information Character
1 Start character STX
2-3 UTC hours 00-23
4-5 UTC minutes 00-59
6-7 UTC seconds 00-59
8-9 Day 01-31
10-11 Month 01-12
12-13 Year 00-99
14-15 LT hours 00-23
16-17 LT minutes 00-59
18 End character ETX

6.1.4 NMEA 0183 time string

Byte No. Information Character(s)
1 Header $ZQZDA
7 Separation character ,
8 UTC Hour 00 :23
10 UTC Minute 00-59
12 UTC seconds 00-59
14 Separation character ,
15 Day of the month 01-31
17 Separation character ,
18 Month 01-12
20 Separation character ,
21 Year with Century 1990:2089
25 Separation character ,
26 Local time Hours +/- 00:13
28 or 29 Separation character ,
29 or 30 Local time Minutes 00-59
31 or 32 Separation character *
32 or 33 Checksum 00-FFh
33 or 34 Carriage return CR
34 or 35 Line feed LF
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6.1.5 ATO Clock

Byte No. Information Character(s)

1 Hour 00-23
3 Separation character :
4 Minutes 00-59
6 Separation character :
7 Seconds 00-59
9 Carriage return CR
10 Line feed LF

During settings, numerical time values will be replaced by ‘?’ (e.g. : ??:??:47[CR][LF]).

6.1.6 Shanghai subway clock

Byte No Information Character(s)
1 Header EB90h
3 SignCharacter(GPS) 41h or 47h
4 Year(H) 20-99
6 Year(L) 00-99
8 Month 01-12
10 Date 01-31
12 Week 1-7
13 Hour 00-23
15 Minutes 00-59
17 Seconds 00-59
19 Checksum 00-FFh
20 Carriage return CR
21 Line feed LF
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6.1.7 Inducta MTS 1 Marine Master Clock System

Byte No. Information Time Character(s)

1 02 Start Char: STX
2 Hour "tens" Local time ASCII - parity in Bit 7
3 Hour "units" Local time "
4 Minute "tens" Local time "
5 Minute "units" Local time "
6 Seconds "tens" Local time "
7 Seconds "units" Local time "
8 Weekday Local time " (1-7)
9 Day "tens" Local time "
10 Day "units" Local time "
11 Month "tens" Local time "
12 Month "units" Local time "
13 Year "tens" Local time "
14 Year "units" Local time "
15 2D Separation Character
16 Hour "tens" World time (GMT) ASCII - parity in Bit 7
17 Hour "units" World time (GMT) "
18 Minute "tens" World time (GMT) "
19 Minute "units" World time (GMT) "
20 Seconds "tens" World time (GMT) "
21 Seconds "units" World time (GMT) "
22 Weekday World time (GMT) " (1-7)
23 Day "tens" World time (GMT) "
24 Day "units" World time (GMT) "
25 Month "tens" World time (GMT) "
26 Month "units" World time (GMT) "
27 Year "tens" World time (GMT) "
28 Year "units" World time (GMT) "
29 0dh Stop char: EDT
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6.1.8 Nanjing subway Clock System

Byte No Information Value description

1 STX 02H START character
2 “D” 44H Day (flag)
3 “:” 3AH Separation character
4 Day(H) 30H~33H Day (H)
5 Day(L) 30H~39H Day(L)
6 “.” 2EH Separation character
7 Month(H) 30H~31H Month(H)
8 Month(L) 30H~39H Month(L)
9 “.” 2EH Separation character
10 Year(H) 30H~39H Year(H)
11 Year(L) 30H~39H Year(L)
12 “;” 3BH Separation character
13 “T” 54H Day of week(Flag)
14 “:” 3AH Separation character
15 Week 31H~37H Day of week:
16 “;” 3BH Separation character
17 “U” 55H Time(Flag)
18 “:” 3AH Separation character
19 Hour(H) 30H~32H Hour(H)
20 Hour(L) 30H~39H Hour(L)
21 “.” 2EH Separation character
22 Minutes(H) 30H~35H Minutes(H)
23 Minutes(L) 30H~39H Minutes(L)
24 “.” 2EH Separation character
25 Seconds(H) 30H~35H Seconds(H)
26 Seconds(L) 30H~39H Seconds(L)
27 “;” 3BH Separation character
28 “#” or blank 23H/20H Status
29 “.” Or blank 2AH/20H Status
30 “S” or blank 53H/20H Status
31 “!” or blank 21H/20H Status
32 ETX 03H End character
Byte No28:”#”:no synchronization can be used after restart, the time is invalid
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6.1.9 Shanghai2 clock

Byte No Information Value description
1 \ 5CH START character
2 C 41H Without external clock
3 H1, 30H-32H Hour(H)
4 H2 30H-39H Hour(L)
5 M1, 30H-35H Minutse(H)
6 M2 30H-39H Minutes(L)
7 S1 30H-35H Senconds(H)
8 S2 30H-39H Senconds(L)
9 n1 32H Year(H1)
10 n2 30H-39H Year(H2)
11 n3 30H-39H Year(L1)
12 n4 30H-39H Year(L2)
13 m1, 30H~31H Month(H)
14 m2 30H-39H Mouth(L)
15 d1, 30H~33H Day(H)
16 d2 30H-39H Day(L)
17 W 30H-36H Week

18 A A=H1+H2+ Hexadecimal addition.
M1+M2+S1 We get the lowest byte.
19 EOT 04H End character

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