Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) poses a significant economic burden, estimated to cost over $3 billion annually in the United States. The cost is higher than previously estimated due to recent data suggesting that 50-60% of occupational contact dermatitis is allergic, rather than irritant-induced. ACD results from a T cell-mediated immune response following skin exposure to small chemicals called haptens that bind to skin proteins. Repeated low-level exposures are usually required to induce sensitization, though genetic and environmental factors also influence susceptibility. Once sensitized, only low concentrations of allergen are needed to elicit an allergic skin reaction.
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) poses a significant economic burden, estimated to cost over $3 billion annually in the United States. The cost is higher than previously estimated due to recent data suggesting that 50-60% of occupational contact dermatitis is allergic, rather than irritant-induced. ACD results from a T cell-mediated immune response following skin exposure to small chemicals called haptens that bind to skin proteins. Repeated low-level exposures are usually required to induce sensitization, though genetic and environmental factors also influence susceptibility. Once sensitized, only low concentrations of allergen are needed to elicit an allergic skin reaction.
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) poses a significant economic burden, estimated to cost over $3 billion annually in the United States. The cost is higher than previously estimated due to recent data suggesting that 50-60% of occupational contact dermatitis is allergic, rather than irritant-induced. ACD results from a T cell-mediated immune response following skin exposure to small chemicals called haptens that bind to skin proteins. Repeated low-level exposures are usually required to induce sensitization, though genetic and environmental factors also influence susceptibility. Once sensitized, only low concentrations of allergen are needed to elicit an allergic skin reaction.
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) poses a significant economic burden, estimated to cost over $3 billion annually in the United States. The cost is higher than previously estimated due to recent data suggesting that 50-60% of occupational contact dermatitis is allergic, rather than irritant-induced. ACD results from a T cell-mediated immune response following skin exposure to small chemicals called haptens that bind to skin proteins. Repeated low-level exposures are usually required to induce sensitization, though genetic and environmental factors also influence susceptibility. Once sensitized, only low concentrations of allergen are needed to elicit an allergic skin reaction.
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Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is one of the more frequent, vexing, and costly
dermatologic problems. When the
incidence of all occupationally related illness in the United States was last estimated, ACD accounted for 7 percent, at an annual cost of $250 million in lost productivity, medical care, and disability payments. 1 Given data suggesting that the actual annual incidence rate of ACD may be 10 to 50 times greater than reported in the US Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the total annual cost of occupational ACD alone may reach $1.25 billion. 1 It should be noted that these estimates were based on the assumption that 80 percent of occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) is irritant and 20 percent allergic. However, recent data from the United Kingdom 2 and the United States 3 suggest that the percentage of OCD due to allergy may be much higher, ranging between 50 and 60 percent, thus raising the economic impact of occupational ACD to greater than $3 billion annually. The additional costs of nonoccupational contact dermatitis are difficult to assess. In one study, nonoccupational ACD was found three times more frequently than occupational disease. 3 Furthermore, these estimates do not include the economic impact of retraining workers and “quality of life” issues. HISTORICAL ASPECTS Although ACD has probably plagued humans for millennia, the term allergy and its clinical recognition by patch testing are barely a century old. With the advent of experimental animal models for ACD in the 1920s, studies concerning its pathophysiology became possible. Despite all the clinical and scientific research since, a thorough understanding of the disease remains elusive. EPIDEMIOLOGY Incidence and Prevalence of Disease The relatively few population-based studies assessing incidence and prevalence rates of ACD have primarily centered on specific allergens. Occupational data provide most of the available estimates. However, as previously noted, these data are subject to considerable underreporting. In one of the few population-based studies available, 86 (15.2 percent) of 567 randomly recruited adults had evidence of at least 1 allergic reaction to the 23 allergens tested. 4 Of note, more women (18.8 percent) were found to have contact allergies than men (11.5 percent) in this study. However, it must be understood that these numbers refer to the prevalence of ACD in the population (i.e., the number of individuals who have the capability to develop ACD when exposed to an allergen), and not to its incidence (i.e., number of individuals who develop ACD over a defined period of time). Age-Related Effects Clinically, aged individuals have various defects in the induction and/or elicitation of ACD. 5 In studies on Rhus reactivity, younger (18 to 25 years) individuals had a quicker onset and a quicker resolution of the dermatitis than did older persons. 6 When sensitization rates to standard allergens were evaluated as a function of age, incidence rates dropped significantly in individuals older than 70 years. 6 For potent allergens such as dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), the effect of age on the induction of sensitization is more controversial. 7, 8 The precise reason for this age-related decline in contact sensitivity is unknown. Experiments in which contact-sensitized aged mice were reconstituted with naïve young T cells so that they subsequently demonstrated normal responses upon antigenic challenge suggest that a failure of T cell amplification signals and/or the generation of sufficient T effector cells may be the primary deficiencies in aged animals. 9 The competency of T cell–mediated immune reactions in children is controversial. 5 It was believed that children rarely developed ACD because of an immature immune system. However, as suggested by Strauss 10 who was able to sensitize 35 of 48 infants (1 to 4 days old) to Toxicodendron oleoresin, the apparent hyporesponsiveness of children may be due to limited exposure and not to deficient immunity. Thus, documented allergic reactions are seen mostly in older pediatric patients and are secondary to topical medications, plants, nickel, fragrances, or shoe-related allergens. 5 Patterns of Exposure Allergen exposure, and, hence, the likelihood of sensitization, varies not only with age, but also with social customs, environmental factors, avocation, and occupation. Although most of the gender- related and geographic variations in ACD have been attributed to social and environmental factors, 5 avocation and occupation have more pronounced effects. Allergic reactions to thiurams (and other rubber constituents), topical medicaments (benzocaine and neomycin), and nickel are common among sports enthusiasts, who are frequently exposed to these materials. 11Health care workers have high rates of sensitization to thiurams in gloves, while dental personnel and endoscopic technicians frequently react to glutaraldehyde, which is a rare allergen in the general population. 12 Finally, one must be constantly vigilant for the arrival of potentially new allergens into the environment. For example, the North American Contact Dermatitis Group recently added a number of amide anesthetics, once considered rare sensitizers, to its screening tray given the recent widespread use of topical anesthetic creams containing these agents. Concomitant Disease Impairment of cell-mediated immunity has been reported in certain diseases. In addition to the obvious disorders associated with immunologic deficiency, such as AIDS or severe combined immunodeficiency, diseases as diverse as lymphoma, sarcoidosis, lepromatous leprosy, and atopic dermatitis have been associated with diminished reactivity or anergy. However, while atopic individuals may be less-readily sensitized, the repeated application of topical preparations to their damaged skin can result in a significant incidence of ACD in this population. 13 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY The Allergens Most environmental allergens are haptens, simple chemicals that must link to proteins to form a complete antigen before they can sensitize. These haptens are primarily small (= 500 kDa) electrophilic molecules that bind to carrier proteins via covalent bonds ( Table 120-1). Although there are more than 3700 known environmental allergens, 15not all electrophilic, protein-binding substances are haptens. The nature of the antigenic determinants, the type of binding that the hapten undergoes with the carrier, the final three-dimensional configuration of the conjugate, and a variety of unknown factors contribute to the antigenicity of a chemical. However, the importance of the carrier for the hapten cannot be underestimated because potent contact sensitizers, when complexed to nonimmunogenic carriers, can induce tolerance rather than sensitization. HLA-DR or class II antigens on the surface of the antigen- presenting Langerhans cells (LCs) act as the binding site (carrier) for contact allergens. The pathophysiologic basis of ACD, a type IV, cell-mediated, delayed hypersensitivity is reviewed in Chap. 23. TABLE 120-1 The Twenty-five Most Frequent Allergens in the United States: 1996 to 1998*† Induction and Elicitation In order for ACD to develop, a genetically susceptible individual must have biologically significant, and often repeated, contact with the allergen. As delineated by Friedmann 16 in his review of the dose/response induction of ACD to DNCB, “An apparently ineffective sensitizing stimulus is…registered immunologically…[and results in] enhanced subsequent responses to the same antigen.” This progressive subclinical induction of disease is consistent with the multitude of clinical observations that induction of allergy often takes months to years of exposure to low levels of the allergen. 17 Furthermore, a variety of endogenous and exogenous factors can influence both the induction and elicitation of allergic reactions ( Table 120-2). TABLE 120-2 Endogenous and Exogenous Factors Affecting Thresholds for Allergic Contact Dermatitis The concentrations for inducing ACD are probably the same as those for eliciting the disease in “real life,” as opposed to the higher concentrations of allergen required to induce and elicit disease acutely in the laboratory. The point is reinforced by the data on incidence rates of occupational ACD, for example, to chromium in cement workers chronically exposed to low levels (10 to 50 ppm) of the sensitizing hexavalent form of this metal. 18Because cement is diluted with water prior to use, chromium concentrations necessary for induction and elicitation of clinical disease in cement workers are significantly lower than the chromium concentrations typically used for inducing or eliciting the allergy by patch testing (2500 to 5000 ppm). Primary Sensitization The route of primary sensitization has a profound effect on the subsequent immunologic response. Tolerance induction has been reported after primary systemic injection or oral ingestion of allergens, and after primary epicutaneous application of allergens to areas deficient in HLA-DR–positive LCs. The exact mechanism by which tolerance ensues is controversial and partly depends on the route of exposure. In most instances, either induction of hapten-specific suppressor T cells or clonal deletion of the responding T cells seems responsible. Antibodies directed against the antigen recognition site of the T cell receptor (anti-idiotypic antibodies) may also play a role in tolerance. After tolerance is induced, it is long-lived and difficult to break. The mechanism(s) of tolerance induction is reviewed elsewhere. 19 GENETIC FACTORS Specific Allergens Although animal studies show strain (presumably genetic) variation in cell-mediated immunity, the evidence for a genetic influence in humans is slight. Studies on the induction of ACD to DNCB and para- nitrosodimethylaniline (PNDA) suggest a genetic association. 20 However, attempts to correlate HLA haplotype with nickel sensitivity or other contact allergies have shown no association. Thus, definitive evidence of class II-related influences on ACD in humans has been meager, probably because of our diverse genetic pool and the limitations of technology. Racial Differences Whether African Americans develop significantly fewer reactions than do Caucasians to potent allergens such as DNCB, PNDA, or paraphenylenediamine (PPD) is controversial. 6 However, in the limited studies performed to date, the rate of sensitization to weaker allergens (e.g., nickel and neomycin) seem to be reduced in African Americans when compared to Caucasians. 6 This reduced rate of sensitization most likely relates to the greater compaction and lipid content in the stratum corneum of African American in contrast to white skin. This enhanced barrier function of African American skin, which is also thought to account for reduced rates of irritant contact dermatitis in this population, likely results in the observed differences in ACD, rather than any innate, genetically based, immunologic factors. 6 Studies regarding ACD in other racial groups are very limited. In human “maximization tests” of cosmetic ingredients, Japanese individuals showed more severe allergic reactions than did Caucasians, although incidence rates for reactivity were the same. 21 Furthermore, Goh found no differences in the incidence of ACD among the indigenous (Malay, Chinese, and Indian) subpopulations in Singapore. 22Additional studies evaluating racial influences on immunologic and nonimmunologic (e.g., barrier function) factors affecting ACD are needed. Gender The genetic effects of gender on ACD remain controversial because few studies have looked at induction of sensitization under similar circumstances in men and women. When the “human repeat insult patch testing” method was used to assess induction rates to 10 common allergens, women were found to be more often sensitized to 7 of the 10 allergens studied. 23However, in “maximization studies” looking at allergens of different potencies, women reacted more frequently only to the weakest sensitizers. 24 Nonetheless, when challenged with the potent allergen DNCB, women had significantly more severe reactions at lower doses than did men. 25Thus, female gender seems to correlate with higher rates of sensitization and frequently more severe reactivity, at least for some allergens. Notwithstanding this, most gender differences in ACD seem to relate to cultural patterns and/or exposures in the workplace. 5 PREVENTION Avoidance of Allergens In most cases, “prevention” of ACD has been through avoidance of allergen(s) once the individual has become sensitized. However, for some chemicals (such as the metals nickel and chromium), avoidance once sensitization has occurred does not necessarily result in symptomatic improvement. Burrows 18 found that more than 70 percent of chromium-sensitive workers in Northern Ireland had persistence of their skin disease for greater than 10 years. The persistence of ACD to metals, especially nickel and chrome, may partly be related to their trace levels in foods. Investigators have demonstrated that levels of nickel and/or chromium similar to those in foods are capable of eliciting allergic reactions in some sensitized individuals. 26 Overall, the prognosis for occupationally acquired allergy is poor. In an Australian study of nearly 1000 workers with occupational skin disease, 54.7 percent had persistent problems, including many of the >40 percent who changed jobs. 27 Thus, allergen avoidance once sensitization occurs is inadequate prevention. Furthermore, advising workers with ACD to leave their current positions may not be the best advice, especially if a job change will result in a significantly negative economic impact. Induction Thresholds True prevention of ACD lies in the determination of thresholds for induction of disease. Armed with this information, products can be marketed and workplaces designed that contain allergens at levels below these thresholds. Led by Denmark, the European Economic Community (EEC) has restricted nickel content in metals that can contact the skin to = 0.5 μg nickel per cm 2 of skin per week. A decreased rate of nickel dermatitis has been noted. 28Recently, some authors have argued for restrictions on chromium content in consumer products to =5 ppm to reduce rates of nonoccupational chromate dermatitis. 29Already, many European countries add ferrous sulfate to cement to lessen the concentration of hexavalent chromium below the 10 to 50 ppm range, and hence reduce the sensitizing capacity of cements. As with nickel restriction, these occupational measures have significantly reduced the development of new cases of contact dermatitis to chromium in those countries where they have been instituted. Recently, European Economic Community (EEC) investigators have begun to focus on threshold induction levels for certain allergenic fragrances, such as isoeugenol. In the US and EEC, labeling laws give the consumer access to the specific ingredients contained in cosmetics and over-the-counter/ prescription medicaments, but do not guarantee that these have been formulated to minimize sensitization by potential allergens. Although the safety of individual cosmetic ingredients is reviewed by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review's (CIR's) Expert Panel (Washington, DC), and although the panel has set limits on the use of specific ingredients based upon their ability to sensitize [e.g., parabens should not be used in products designed for use on damaged skin and the concentration of methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone (MCI/MI) should be = 7.5 ppm in “leave on” products], the panel's findings are not binding upon manufacturers unless the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chooses to enforce its rulings. However, one might anticipate that manufacturers would not take the legal and/or financial risks of marketing a product that sensitizes a significant proportion of consumers, especially if the sensitizer has been restricted by CIR. In workplaces in the US, individuals have less assurance regarding exposure to potential allergens. Although material safety data sheets (MSDS) should be available for materials handled occupationally, many times the contents are labeled proprietary. In addition, MSDS sheets do not need to list chemicals present in amounts <1 percent, unless they are carcinogenic. Unfortunately, many common sensitizers, such as biocides, are present at =1 percent. Even latex, the cause of life-threatening urticarial reactions in some individuals, is labeled on medical, but not nonmedical, products. Currently, prevention requires postsensitization counseling and allergen avoidance. The success of such efforts after the diagnosis of ACD largely depends upon how rapidly the correct diagnosis is made. The longer the dermatitis persists before adequate treatment, the poorer the prognosis for complete resolution. Furthermore, patient education regarding allergen avoidance is crucial to improving outcome. In a study of 230 workers, 30only one-third accurately recalled their diagnosis and treatment regimens and, among those workers who could not remember, persistent dermatitis was three times more likely. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Physical Findings The clinical appearance of ACD can vary depending on its location and duration. In most instances, acute eruptions are characterized by macular erythema and papules, vesicles, or bullae, depending on the intensity of the allergic response ( Fig. 120-1). However, in acute ACD in certain areas of the body, such as the eyelids, penis, and scrotum, erythema and edema usually predominate rather than vesiculation. In contrast, chronic ACD of nearly all cutaneous sites presents as a lichenified, scaling, occasionally fissured dermatitis, with or without accompanying papulovesiculation ( Fig. 120-2 and Fig. 120-3). FIGURE 120-1 Acute dermatitis due to poison ivy. Note the linear arrangement of the lesions typical of phytodermatitis acquired by inadvertent contact with the plant. The severe vesiculobullous reaction is typical for urushiol, the pentadecylcatechol of Toxicodendron spp. FIGURE 120-2 Chronic dermatitis of ( A) the eyelids and ( B) the neck, but not the hands, from an allergen in nail-care products. The patient was allergic to tosylamide/formaldehyde resin in her nail polish. Similar reactions caused by tosylamide/epoxy resin in nail polish, or to cyanoacrylate-containing nail glue and other acrylic products used about the nails, can be observed. The absence of an associated dermatitis of the fingers or hands is not unusual. FIGURE 120-3 Chronic dermatitis of the hands. A. ACD involving the dorsal aspects of the hands and the distal forearms, but with minimal involvement of the palms, due to thiuram present in rubber gloves prescribed for treatment of an irritant hand dermatitis. B. ACD involving primarily the palms in a florist allergic to Tuliposide A, the allergen in Alstroemeria spp. Note the more prominent involvement of the dominant hand. At its inception, ACD usually involves the cutaneous site of principal exposure. However, as it evolves, it can spread to other more distant sites either by inadvertent contact or, under certain circumstances, by autosensitization (see Chap. 121). Of note, the scalp, palms, and soles are relatively resistant to ACD; these areas may exhibit little pathology despite contact with an allergen that produces significant dermatitis in adjacent areas. A Geographic Approach While the failure of an eczematous dermatitis to respond to standard treatments may suggest the possibility of ACD, the shape and location(s) of the eruption provide the most important clues, especially to the causal allergen. ACD due to plants (e.g., poison ivy, poison oak, Primula obconica, and English ivy) is often characterized by linear lesions ( Fig. 120-1). Aeroallergens, such as the sesquiterpene lactones in Compositae, involve the more exposed areas of skin with relative sparing of clothed areas ( Fig. 120-4). In contrast, textile-related allergens (azoaniline dyes or urea formaldehyde resins) produce dermatitis of clothed areas with accentuation about the posterior neck, upper back, lateral thorax, waistband, flexor surfaces, and periaxillary areas with relative sparing of the axillary vault and undergarment areas. This pattern of textile-related ACD points out the importance of such nonimmunologic factors as pressure, friction, heat, and perspiration on the ultimate clinical response. FIGURE 120-4 Airborne ACD to sesquiterpene lactones in ragweed (Ambrosia). This outdoorsman had annually developed increasingly more severe outbreaks of dermatitis about the face, neck, upper chest, and forearms beginning in late summer and lasting through the fall. The involvement of the submental area/upper neck and posterior auricular areas helps to differentiate airborne contact from photocontact. Although he reacted strongly to the crushed leaf and stem of native ragweed, he did not react to the commercially available sesquiterpene lactone mix. The failure to react to the commercial mix is not unusual and testing to the plant (as is) should be undertaken, if possible. Although some authors feel that ragweed dermatitis can be photo-accentuated, this was not the case for this patient. A careful clinical assessment of the patient is required before any diagnostic tests to correctly identify causal allergens. Krasteva et al. 31 have published on the most frequently encountered causes of ACD in the major anatomic areas of the body. Summarized below is an overview of regional contact dermatitis. HEAD AND NECK ACD of the head and neck can present particular difficulties in determining the causative allergen(s) because many substances could potentially be responsible. One must consider not only the components of facial cosmetics (vehicles, preservatives, emulsifiers, fragrances), airborne allergens (plant resins, fragrances), or photocontact allergens (see Chap. 136), but also grooming aids such as eyelash curlers (nickel, rubber) or make-up applicators (rubber). In addition, allergy to chemicals applied to the scalp, which has a greater resistance to ACD, may manifest itself on the face, ears, and neck while sparing the scalp (e.g., ACD from para- phenylenediamine in hair dyes). Finally, the hands can be an unwitting source of transmission of allergens to the face, ear, and neck, yet manifest no evidence of dermatitis themselves. Indeed, in women, a frequent cause of patchy ACD over the eyelids, face, and neck, but not the hands, are allergens in nail-care products (see Fig. 120-2). HANDS Dermatitis of the hands, especially when chronic, is the bane of patients and practitioners alike. A history of atopy is frequently seen in many of these patients. In occupationally induced skin diseases, the hand is involved in one-third or more of cases. Among certain “wet work” occupations (health care, food handlers, cosmetologists, etc.), the number of cases of hand dermatitis is even higher. 1 The etiology of hand dermatitis is complex because multiple factors, in addition to atopy, contribute to its development. In some patients, an acute allergic or irritant contact dermatitis unmasks an endogenous disease (dyshidrosis, psoriasis, etc.) that otherwise might not have produced clinical symptoms. Not unusually, a secondary ACD of the hands will develop in a patient with an underlying, nonallergic hand dermatitis who begins using rubber gloves and/or topical creams and who becomes sensitized to a chemical in these products (see Fig. 120-3A). Significantly greater involvement of the finger webs and dorsa of the hands, rather than the palms, suggests ACD if the allergen contacts all areas of the hand equally ( Fig. 120-3A). However, the floral worker who snaps the stems and leaves of Peruvian lilies ( Alstroemeria spp.) with the palmar aspects of the dominant hand and fingers may present with dermatitis restricted primarily to these areas ( Fig. 120-3B). When seeking an allergic cause for hand dermatitis, one must pay particular attention to those chemicals, listed in standard texts, 32, 33 that are encountered in the occupation(s) and hobbies of the patient. In addition, the many household and cosmetic products used must be identified. FEET ACD of the feet is usually recognizable because, like the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet are relatively resistant to the manifestations of ACD. Thus, the typical picture is a dermatitis over the dorsal feet that is frequently accentuated over the joints of the toes. When the plantar aspects of the feet are involved, ACD typically spares the arch, toe creases, and webs. Nonetheless, despite a clinical picture suggesting allergy, the clinician must consider other diseases (psoriasis, dyshidrosis, juvenile plantar dermatosis, etc.), even when dermatitis is confined only to the feet. When allergic, the principal allergens are rubber accelerators (present in rubber- based liners and/or glues), isocyanates (present in foam rubber), p-tert-butylphenol formaldehyde resin (glue), or potassium dichromate (tanned leather) present in shoes. 34Dyes (in either shoes or socks) are a rare cause of ACD of the feet. Because the range of potential allergens in shoes frequently goes beyond that in standard testing kits (e.g., dithiodimorphilone and isocyanates), 34patch testing with materials taken from the shoe can be helpful. When testing with pieces of the shoe, the length of adhesion of the patch to the skin often must be exaggerated beyond 48 hours, perhaps as long 1 week. Before testing, it is important to rule out underlying fungal disease, because at least one investigator has transmitted dermatophyte infection with such patch testing (William P. Jordan, Jr., MD, personal communication). Finally, when evaluating dermatitis of the feet, it is important to note that many cases of secondary ACD develop in individuals applying topical antibiotics (neomycin/bacitracin) and/or topical steroids to an underlying nonallergic dermatitis. 34 As with hand dermatitis, the clinical picture can be confusing. IATROGENIC Iatrogenic ACD must always be suspected when the primary dermatitis does not respond to usual therapies. A secondary ACD of the hands can develop in a patient with nonallergic hand dermatitis who uses rubber gloves to protect the hands ( Fig. 120-3A). Iatrogenic contact dermatitis can also develop from the various topical preparations, including prescriptions, that patients apply. In a recent study, 9 of 70 (12.9 percent) individuals with suspected ACD of the foot had iatrogenic disease secondary to topical steroids (1 of 9), topical antifungals (1 of 9), or topical antibiotics (7 of 9). 34 It can be particularly difficult to identify the allergic nature of iatrogenic ACD because the eczematous quality can be muted by the underlying disease for which the topical preparation was used. MUCOSAL AND OTHER INTERNAL EXPOSURES ACD of the mucosa is rare. 20 , 35 Patients allergic to flavorings such as cinnamic aldehyde in toothpastes or mouthwashes frequently present not with intraoral complaints but with a perioral dermatitis extending onto, but not past, the vermilion border of the lips. The unusual individual reacting to nickel, mercury, palladium, or gold in dental amalgams may present with a localized stomatitis and/or systemic contact dermatitis (see below). Given the widespread exposure of the oral mucosa to allergens, the scarcity of reports in the literature makes it obvious that patients only rarely react to allergens intraorally. Thus, one should be wary to ascribe cutaneous symptoms beyond the perioral area to contact with known intraoral allergens (e.g., a patient with scalp dermatitis, nickel allergy and dental amalgams containing nickel most likely has seborrhea or psoriasis and probably will not experience relief of the scalp disease following removal of the amalgams). The paucity of intraoral ACD has frequently been ascribed to the dilutional effects of saliva. Similarly, tearing of the eyes has been thought to explain why ACD to preservatives, such as thimerosal, in eye drops presents as pronounced erythema and edema of the eyelids with only mild injection of the conjunctiva. Although the dilutional effects of mucosal secretions in modifying ACD cannot be discounted, other unknown factors peculiar to mucosal surfaces are likely to account for the diminished responsiveness. The rectal mucosa, where chemicals are unlikely to be diluted or necessarily promptly swept away, is rarely involved in allergic reactions. ACD from medications and other materials administered per rectum presents as a perianal dermatitis and/or systemic contact dermatitis with little or no rectal pathology ( Fig. 120-5). FIGURE 120-5 Systemic contact dermatitis due to balsam of Peru. The patient had a history of chronic constipation and used a variety of suppositories. For 7 months she had been bothered by pruritus ani but only recently developed this generalized eruption unresponsive to glucocorticoids and light therapy. The multiple areas of excoriation are indicative of the intense pruritus. The rash was particularly severe about the anus and, for unknown reasons, about the lower torso, buttocks, and genital areas. Her dermatitis cleared when suppositories were discontinued and she was placed on a balsam-free diet. Colonoscopic examination revealed only minimal irritation of the sigmoid colon and rectum compatible with spastic colitis. Although mucosal exposure to allergens infrequently causes symptoms, other internal exposures are even rarer causes of dermatitis. Given the frequency of nickel and cobalt sensitivity in the population, and given the large number of orthopedic implants performed worldwide, the very small number of reports linking dermatitis to intraarticular metals makes it unlikely, although not impossible, that the nickel or cobalt allergic individual with a dermatitis and an artificial joint is reacting to metals in the orthopedic appliance. The literature linking metals in cardiac pacemakers and other implantable devices to dermatitis is even scarcer than that for orthopedic appliances. In a recent controversial article that suggested an increased risk of cardiac stent stenosis in individuals with ACD to nickel and/or molybdenum, none of the 10 patients with metal allergies exhibited evidence of active dermatitis, although one had a history of metal intolerance. 36 Similarly, intramuscular administration of small amounts of an allergen is unlikely to generate a cutaneous reaction. For example, it has been shown that >90 percent of thimerosal-allergic individuals can be safely vaccinated intramuscularly with thimerosal-containing vaccines. The small percentage of reactors develop a dermatitis about the vaccination site, most likely secondary to accidental skin contamination. 37 Although not as well studied, the same is likely true for neomycin-sensitive individuals exposed to neomycin in vaccines. Systemic Manifestations Systemic contact dermatitis is an uncommon condition that highlights one of the poorly understood aspects of ACD: the potential for long-lasting immunologic memory in previously sensitized areas of skin. The phenomenon occurs in an individual who has been sensitized topically to an allergen and is subsequently exposed systemically. Although the clinical reaction is typically a dermatitis limited to the site of the original sensitization (recall reaction), a more pronounced eruption ranging from an extensive, bizarre-appearing dermatitis ( Fig. 120-5) to erythroderma may rarely occur. GENERALIZED DERMATITIS Generalized and/or bizarre patterns of dermatitis are not only caused by systemic exposures, but can also follow topical exposure to allergens that are ubiquitous in the environment. Nickel is a frequent offender as it is present not only in jewelry, but also in hair and eyelash curlers, hooks and buttons, eyelets of shoes, dental amalgams, some of our coinage, and a multitude of other products. 38 Indeed, nickel is also found in food and water and is believed by many Scandinavian dermatologists to cause recurrent, vesicular hand dermatitis (pompholyx) in some patients. Fortunately, most patients are aware of contact with metal-based products. This is not true of other common environmental allergens. Formaldehyde is not only ubiquitous but is frequently present in materials in which it is not suspected. Among these many products are insulating materials, rugs, paper products (including sanitary napkins and toilet tissue), and even smoke. 38Many preservatives used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and industry can release formaldehyde, such as 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol (Bronopol), quaternium-15 (Dowicil), DMDM hydantoin (Glydant), tris-(hydroxy-methyl)-nitro-methane (Tris Nitro), imidazolidinyl urea (Germal I), and diazolidinyl urea (Germal II). The urea formaldehyde resins used to impart color-fastness and wrinkle resistance to clothing can also release free formaldehyde. Thus, ACD to formaldehyde can present with a variety of clinical pictures, which can be confusing to the practitioner. Furthermore, although many wash-off products (e.g., shampoos and liquid soaps) are preserved with formaldehyde or its releasers, they are rarely problematic because the material is rapidly diluted and quickly rinsed off. Nonetheless, in areas where the product can be trapped (ear canals, under rings), or in the exquisitely formaldehyde-sensitive patient, such wash-off products can cause ACD. Balsam of Peru or its cross-reacting allergens can, like formaldehyde, be present but unsuspected in a variety of products. The allergen is itself a mixture of many chemicals derived from wounding the bark of Myroxolon pereirae, a tree native to El Salvador. Approximately two-thirds of the native balsam consists of a volatile oil containing cinnamic acid, cinnamyl cinnamate, benzyl benzoate, benzoic acid, and benzyl alcohol, among other ingredients. The remaining one-third, which is thought to harbor the principal allergen, contains esterified polymers of coniferyl alcohol with benzoic acid and cinnamic acid. 38 Peruvian balsam is used as a “tacking” agent in cosmetics, topical medications, suppositories, and dental liquids/cements. Furthermore, as might be expected of a substance containing numerous constituent chemicals, balsam of Peru can cross-react with many other substances including benzoic acid, benzoin, benzyl alcohol, benzyl benzoate, cinnamic acid, cinnamon, clove, eugenol, and isoeugenol, among others. The balsam itself or, more typically, modified fractions are frequently used as fragrance and flavoring additives. In a recent publication, 39 47 percent of balsam of Peru- and/or fragrance- allergic patients required dietary modification to control their dermatitis, while 18 percent of patients who failed to modify their diet had persistent disease and only 36 percent improved without some form of dietary modification. Thus, the patient allergic to balsam of Peru can present with a spectrum of clinical symptoms ranging from limited dermatitis at the site of application of a cosmetic product to a more generalized dermatitis bordering on erythroderma (see Fig. 120- 5). Both natural and synthetic rubber are also ubiquitous. ACD to rubber products can therefore produce patchy dermatitis in various areas of the body. Among the sites most frequently involved are the face (make-up sponges), ear canals (ear plugs), periocular area (goggles), brassiere and/or waistline areas (elasticized undergarments), genital areas (condoms, diaphragms, pessaries), hands (gloves), feet (shoes), and/or joints (orthopedic braces). The allergens are typically either the accelerants (thiurams, carbamates, guanidines, and/or benzothiazoles) or the antioxidants (para- phenylenediamine derivatives) that are found in both natural and synthetic rubber. 38 Noneczematous Variants of ACD ACD need not be eczematous in appearance. 20 Noneczematous variants ( Table 120-3) include lichenoid contact, erythema multiforme (EM), the cellulitic-like appearing dermal contact hypersensitivity, contact leukoderma, contact purpura, and erythema dyschromicum perstans, among others. Of these, the lichenoid and EM-like variants are seen most frequently. TABLE 120-3 Etiologic Factors in Noneczematous Allergic Contact Dermatitis Metals are the most likely cause of lichenoid allergic contact reactions, and have been linked to some cases of oral lichen planus. Many drugs can also cause a systemic lichenoid hypersensitivity, 20 the most notorious being the quinine derivatives, hydroxyurea, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta blockers, and antiepileptic agents. EM-like ACD is most frequently seen following contact with exotic woods, common plants, and topical medications. The other noneczematous variants of ACD are rare, most likely because they have many fewer causal agents. Of note, most cases of contact leukoderma are due to either postinflammatory hypopigmentation or direct chemical toxicity (e.g., hydroquinones, catechols, phenols, mercaptoamines). 40 Allergic Contact Urticaria As noted above, chemicals in rubber, especially those contained in black rubber mix, can cause a variety of noneczematous ACD, which includes not only those patterns delineated in Table 120-3, but also rarely plantar pustulosis, pitted keratolysis, and pyoderma gangrenosum. However, in addition to contact dermatitis, natural rubber latex (but not synthetic rubber) is responsible for a currently ongoing epidemic of allergic contact urticaria (ACU), an IgE-mediated phenomenon pathophysiologically distinct from the T cell–mediated ACD reactions discussed earlier in this chapter. Since 1979, when Nutter first called attention to ACU induced by latex, thousands of cases have been reported worldwide. There are few good studies designed to look at the prevalence of immediate hypersensitivity to latex in the US. In 1996, Ownby et al. 41evaluated 1000 volunteer blood donors in southeastern Michigan. They specifically targeted donors at mobile workplace sites and excluded all health facility sites. These authors found that, overall, 6.4 percent of their population was latex allergic. While this study revealed a remarkably high incidence rate of latex allergy in the general population, it may have underestimated the true rate because health care workers were specifically excluded, as were certain (but unknown) proportions of systemically medicated atopic patients. Both of these excluded populations have high incidence rates of latex urticaria. Among hospital workers most likely to be exposed to natural rubber latex gloves, the rate of latex ACU has been reported to range from a low of 5.5 percent 42to as high as 38 percent. 43 Atopic dermatitis predisposes to the development of ACU, as does mucosal xposure to latex. In one study, three of seven patients developed ACU following mucosal exposure. 44 In two of these individuals, anaphylactic reactions developed within minutes of contact. Thus, in addition to hospital personnel, paraplegics (especially patients with spina bifida), sexually active individuals exposed to latex condoms, and others with repeated mucosal exposure to latex must be considered high-risk groups for development of ACU. The failure to detect ACU to latex can have grave consequences in the allergic patient. The presentation of ACU from latex is varied. For many patients, the symptoms are immediate burning, stinging, or itching with or without localized urticaria upon contact with latex. In some, symptoms include disseminated urticaria, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and/or anaphylaxis. The respiratory symptoms are frequently a result of the latex allergen binding to, and being aerosolized by, glove powder. Patients with latex ACU may also present with an eczematous-appearing dermatitis. This clinical pattern is usually due to concomitant ACD to a rubber additive, which, in many cases, precedes the development of ACU. 44 However, some patients presenting with an eczematous pattern may have protein contact dermatitis, an IgE-mediated reaction to proteins (especially in foods) that clinically has the appearance of ACD. In contrast to those with ACD from rubber gloves, many patients with ACU from latex gloves present with the palmar aspects of the hands as involved as, or more involved than, the dorsal surfaces. This may relate to the lipid composition of the palmar epidermis, which allows it to be more easily penetrated by the water- soluble protein allergens of latex. Urticarial reactions can occur to any combination of at least 10 different water- soluble proteins within latex (termed Hev b 1 through Hev b 10) rather than to just one, or a few, proteins. This makes the diagnosis very difficult. However, with cloning of these allergens (except Hev b 4) as recombinant proteins, more precise diagnostic tools may soon be available. 45 Among the commercially available in vitro tests for IgE-mediated latex allergy, the CAP system, a solid-phase immunoassay (Kabi-Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden), seems to perform better than Ala STAT, the liquid-phase immunoassay (DPC, Los Angeles, California). For CAP, the sensitivity is 94 percent and the specificity is 82 percent; for Ala STAT, the sensitivity is 74 percent and the specificity is 92 percent. 46Recently, an in-office serum dipstick method (Allergodip, Allergopharma, Reinbek, Germany) has been tested against the CAP assay and found to have nearly equivalent sensitivity and specificity. 47 However, the Allergodip is not yet FDA- approved. Furthermore, these in vitro tests do miss some individuals with ACU to latex. Therefore, in vivo prick and/or use testing are necessary if the in vitro tests are negative and ACU to latex remains a consideration. When performing in vivo tests, one would ideally want the purified allergens extracted from natural latex; however, although cloned, these are not yet commercially available. Instead, one can leach out the responsible allergen(s) by soaking the rubber material in water at room temperature for 30 min. 48 In most, but not all, cases, use of such an eluate for prick testing is sufficient for detecting ACU. Whenever in vivo testing for latex is performed, the investigator must be aware of the potential for life-threatening anaphylactic reactions, especially in patients whose symptoms suggest prior systemic reactions to latex products. Such reactions may even follow prick testing. LABORATORY FINDINGS In Vivo Tests for ACD: The Patch Test The only useful and reliable method for the diagnosis of ACD remains the patch test. Only 23 commercially prepared allergens are currently available in the United States ( Table 120-4). A comparison of Table 120-1 with Table 120-4 makes it apparent that some, but not all, of the common allergens in the environment are contained on this tray. Therefore, given the fact that there are more than 3700 potential environmental allergens, practitioners interested in fully evaluating patients with ACD must be prepared to perform tests with other materials. For physicians compounding their own allergens, texts detailing appropriate concentrations and vehicles are available. 15 TABLE 120-4 Allergens Currently Available in the United States* Relevance As with any in vivo assay, patch testing is subject to pitfalls. A primary concern is that even when a chemical is found to be allergenic for a given patient, it cannot de facto be assumed to be the cause of ACD. As Table 120-1 shows, the relevance of presumably true-positive reactions to episodes of ACD ranges from as low as 16.8 percent for thimerosal to as high as 93.4 percent for DMDM hydantoin. This lack of relevance does not mean that patients are not allergic to the chemical in question, but rather that the specific allergen is not responsible for the current dermatitis. The temptation to “force” relevance for an irrelevant allergen can frustrate and disappoint the patient. This is particularly true for allergens that historically have low relevance, such as thimerosal. Many patients with positive patch tests to thimerosal have been asymptomatically sensitized by vaccines. 49 To determine the relevance of a positive patch test requires correlation with the materials encountered by the involved areas of skin. Furthermore, even in some instances when patients are allergic to chemicals in products they are using, the allergen may be present in only minimal amounts and may not be responsible for the dermatitis. In this regard, “repeat open application testing” (ROAT), in which the patient applies the commercial product to normal skin several times daily for 1 to 2 weeks, can be helpful. With use of such provocative tests, members of the North American Contact Dermatitis Group (NACDG) found that 5 of 10 individuals who tested positive to MCI/MI at 100 ppm in water did not react to a generic skin care lotion preserved with 15 ppm MCI/MI. 50 This is of particular note given the CIR's recommendation that MCI/MI not be used in “leave on” cosmetics above 7.5 ppm. False Positives and Negatives Physicians performing patch tests must also be concerned with the possibility of false-positive and false-negative reactions. False-positive reactions due either to the use of allergens at irritant concentrations or to the “excited skin syndrome” have received much attention in the literature. 51 In addition, metal allergens can produce irritant pustular reactions and cobalt is notorious for producing a “cayenne pepper” appearance to the skin, which represents deposition of cobalt in the pores and is not an allergic reaction. 35The “false” nature of these reactions can usually be resolved by repeating the patch tests individually and/or in lower concentrations, or by ROAT. In contrast, false-negative reactions require high levels of suspicion and diligence to uncover. One common and easily correctable cause of false-negative reactions is the failure to perform a second reading of the test sites after the initial 48-h inspection. This second reading, sometime between 3 and 7 days after application of the patches, is particularly important for elderly patients, who take longer o mount an allergic reaction. 8 A second reading is also important in detecting positive reactions to allergens such as neomycin, more than half of which are not evident until 96 h after application of the patch test. 52False-negative reactions can also occur when the allergen is used in too low a concentration for patch testing, as can happen when cosmetic products are used as is. Therefore, if clinical suspicion warrants, and despite a negative patch test, additional testing such as ROAT with the suspect product can unmask the cause of ACD. In doing so, one must be aware of the “paraben paradox” and “lanolin paradox”: 53neither chemical seems to be a potent allergen when applied to intact skin; however, when they are applied to dermatitic skin (e.g., stasis dermatitis), ACD may ensue. With more than 3700 potential allergens, 15 negative reactions may simply indicate that the responsible chemical has not been tested. There is a particular problem in the US, where only 23 allergens have been FDA-approved ( Table 120-4). Contrasting this table with Table 120-1 reveals that 40 percent of the 25 most common allergens in the US are not readily available for testing! Although it has been widely quoted that 70 to 80 percent of patients with ACD can be diagnosed with use of screening trays such as the TRUE Test (Kabi Pharmacia Service A/S, Hillerød, Denmark), these numbers have recently been questioned. In an analysis of the 1994–1996 NACDG data on 3120 patients, 54 it was found that 62 percent had at least one positive reaction to an allergen present on the TRUE Test, of which 45 percent were relevant to the current dermatitis. However, by expanding the panel from 23 to 50 allergens, additional allergens of potential relevance were identified in 31 percent. In their study of 732 patients over 5.5 years, Cohen et al. 55found that only 23 percent of patients reacted exclusively to allergen(s) on a similar (but not identical) standard series, 37 percent reacted to allergens on both the standard series and other supplementary tests, and 40 percent reacted only to supplementary allergens. Thus, to maximally benefit patients, practitioners must use allergens beyond those present on “standard” trays. In the case of fragrance allergens, Larsen et al. 56 found that the addition of a “natural mix” of 2% jasmine absolute, 2% ylang-ylang oil, 2% narcissus absolute, 2% sandalwood oil, and 2% spearmint oil increased the sensitivity of detecting fragrance allergy to 95 percent from the 81 percent detected by using only the “standard” allergens, fragrance mix and balsam of Peru. In Vitro Tests for ACD In vitro and animal tests for the diagnosis of ACD have received much attention in the past decade. Laboratory studies such as lymphocyte transformation or macrophage migration inhibition have been evaluated as measurements of ACD in both humans and animals. A major problem in developing in vitro systems is the lack of knowledge about what constitutes the antigenic moiety of a particular chemical. Nonetheless, these assays are now being extensively studied and reliably standardized. In a review of 209 chemicals, the accuracy of the local mouse lymph node assay (LLNA, a lymphocyte transformation test) versus all guinea pig tests (GPTs) was 86 percent and versus human data was 72 percent, whereas that of all GPTs versus human tests was 73 percent. 57 In terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive/negative predictability, the performance of the LLNA was similar to that of the GPT. Equally important, the performance of the LLNA and the GPT were similar when each was compared with human data. In vitro predictive methodologies have been hampered by the lack of LC lines. Recent advances in culturing LC-like dendritic cells from CD34+ precursors under appropriate cytokine conditions and the development of stable LC-like cell lines should enhance the utility of in vitro methodologies. Based upon current data, a chemical that enhances CD86 expression and interleukin (IL)-1ß production, downregulates E-cadherin, causes endocytosis of surface major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II, and induces tyrosine phosphorylation in LC cultures will likely be sensitizing. 57 However, given the variability in these assays among individuals, more work needs to be done in this area. Finally, studies are continuing in order to improve the predictive capabilities of LC/T cell cocultures and skin equivalent/reconstituted epidermal cultures. Thus, although in vivo patch testing, in which the skin can process the allergen for presentation, currently remains the “gold standard,” there are exciting prospects for in vitro testing in the future. Computer Modeling Quantitative structure–activity relationships (QSAR) represent a chemistry-based predictive approach that uses computer modeling. DEREK (“deductive estimation of risks from existing knowledge”) has been tested extensively for its ability to predict allergenicity. Based upon data from animal studies, DEREK uses a set of =50 rules describing chemical substructures responsible for sensitization. Although the predictive capabilities of DEREK are high (=80 percent), 58 further refinements in the scope of existing rules and the generation of new rules based on a chemical's biological activity are needed to enhance its validity. Data derived from the LLNA should enhance the capabilities of QSAR. PATHOLOGY AND DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES Eczematous Dermatitis For most episodes of ACD, the end result of the exquisitely orchestrated interplay of cytokines and adhesion molecules is the entrance into the skin of T helper (T H)-1 cells secreting IL-2 and interferon (IFN)- ? ( Chap. 23). IFN-? acts in a number of ways to amplify the immune response. 59 It activates cytotoxic T cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and macrophages. In addition, the induction of interferon-inducible protein 10 on keratinocytes adds to the recruitment of monocytes/macrophages, as does the IL-1- and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a– enhanced production of monocyte chemoattractant-1, monocyte chemotactic and activating factor, and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 by keratinocytes. This collection of monocytes/macrophages and proliferating T cells, along with their chemical mediators, is responsible for the epidermal spongiosis (intercellular edema) and superficial, perivascular, lymphohistiocytic dermal infiltrate that are the histologic hallmarks of ACD ( Fig. 120-6). The clinicopathologic differential diagnoses include irritant contact, atopic, nummular, dyshidrotic, and autosensitization dermatitis. FIGURE 120-6 Histopathology of acute allergic contact dermatitis. The biopsy shows epidermal intercellular edema and microvesiculation ( v), which are characteristic of an allergic response, as well as other eczematous dermatitides. The superficial perivascular infiltrate ( solid arrow) consists of lymphocytes, macrophages, and, occasionally, eosinophils. The orthokeratotic stratum corneum ( open arrow) is indicative of the acute nature of this eruption. In subacute to chronic allergic reactions, the stratum corneum is parakeratotic. Noneczematous Variants The pathologic findings of the noneczematous variants of ACD are nearly identical to the diseases they simulate. Lichenoid ACD does have some features that help to distinguish it from idiopathic lichen planus ( Chap. 49), including a less-intense lichenoid infiltrate with more eosinophils and neutrophils, less epidermal hyperplasia with fewer necrotic keratinocytes, and some degree of epidermal spongiosis. 60 In contrast, EM-like ACD has no epidermal spongiosis and the findings are indistinguishable from other causes of EM ( Chap. 58). Dermal contact hypersensitivity also lacks spongiosis, but has the characteristic lymphohistiocytic, perivascular infiltrate that often goes deeper in the dermis (mid-dermal) than eczematous ACD. 61 The histopathology of acute allergic contact leukoderma has not been studied. In the best-documented cases, 62eczematous patch test reactions to PPD subsequently depigmented, at which time the biopsy was indistinguishable from chemically induced vitiligo ( Chap. 90). Allergic contact purpura is pathologically similar to the eczematous variant of ACD, but with a capillaritis that results in extravasated red blood cells. 63 It is difficult to separate from the other pigmented purpuric dermatoses ( Chap. 176). In all of the noneczematous and eczematous variants of ACD, patch testing is the only means for accurate diagnosis. The history, physical examination, and/or pathology are not diagnostic. For example, it has been reported that 46 percent of patients with a clinically apparent nickel-induced dermatitis are, in fact, not allergic to nickel. 64 TREATMENT Allergic Contact Dermatitis ALLERGEN AVOIDANCE The treatment of ACD lies in identifying its cause and thoroughly instructing the patient to avoid the responsible allergen(s). For certain allergens (e.g., vehicles, preservatives, stabilizers, and emulsifiers) found in topical preparations, it is important to impress upon patients the need to read labels. In addition, a recurrently updated, electronic database of ingredients in cosmetics and over-the-counter/prescription topical preparations (CARD: Contact Allergen Database) is available on the Internet ( and allows practitioners to generate a unique list of topical preparations appropriate for the individual with specified allergies. Patients with allergies to preservatives must be aware that these materials can be found in any water-based formulation, such as latex paint. Furthermore, the name given a chemical used in a cosmetic or pharmaceutical product is frequently changed when it is used in a commercial product. For instance, the cosmetic preservative quaternium- 15, when used in industry, is referred to as Dowicil 100 or Dowicil 200. Practitioners guiding patients through the synonymic jungle of these chemicals are advised to consult standard texts on the subject. 33 , 38 Unfortunately for patients and physicians, the allergenic component of many materials will almost never be labeled. Rubber-, textile-, and metal-related allergens are but a few examples. In counseling patients with reactions to these materials, the physician must provide information about what kinds of products are likely to contain the allergen, as well as appropriate replacements. Such information can be found in standard texts. 33, 38, 65 Furthermore, some allergens are incompletely labeled. Given the proprietary nature of a fragrance's formulation, the individual fragrances that have been combined in the product are never listed. Patients with an allergic reaction to a fragrance should be advised to use fragrance-free materials, which include not only topical preparations but also a variety of other products such as toilet paper and sanitary napkins. 38 , 65 It is important to realize that products labeled “unscented” contain masking fragrances, although they are usually present in very low concentrations and do not cause problems. Because many allergens may share common antigenic moieties, the patient must be instructed not only about the known allergen, but also about possible cross- reacting allergens. For example, the individual allergic to benzocaine must be aware of the many potentially cross- reacting substances, which include agents as diverse as other anesthetics (e.g., procaine), certain medications (e.g., sulfonamides), hair dyes (e.g., para-phenylenediamine), textile dyes (e.g., aniline dyes), some sunscreens (e.g., para-aminobenzoic acid), and other products. 38Because cross-reactions are not always evident to the nonchemist (e.g., benzoyl peroxide with cocaine), physicians must consult standard texts 38 , 65 when instructing their patients. SYMPTOMATIC THERAPY In addition to avoidance of further contact with the allergen and its cross-reactants, treatment of ACD should be directed to amelioration of symptoms. Acute vesicular, weeping eruptions benefit from drying agents such as topical aluminum sulfate/calcium acetate; chronic, lichenified eruptions are best treated with emollients. Pruritus can be controlled with topical antipruritics or oral antihistamines; topical antihistamines or anesthetics are best avoided because of the risk of inducing a secondary allergy in already dermatitic skin. Treatment with physicochemical agents that downregulate responsiveness may also be required. Glucocorticoids, macrolactams, and ultraviolet radiation are most widely used. A variety of other pharmacologic agents have been reported to interfere with the induction and/or elicitation of ACD in mouse models. 66 These include calcium channel blockers, amiloride, pentoxifylline, pentamidine, clonidine, spiperone, N-acetylcysteine, and flavonoids. Of these, only pentoxifylline has been evaluated in humans, where it was found to induce a slight reduction in responsiveness, perhaps by an effect on TNF-a. Whether the other pharmacologic agents exert any effect on the human response remains to be determined. Of note, with the possible exception of azelastine, 66H 1-antihistamines do not affect the induction or elicitation of ACD. H 2-antihistamines enhance induction, but have no effect on elicitation. 67 Topical glucocorticoids or macrolactams (pimecrolimus or tacrolimus) usually suffice for treating most patients with ACD. However, individuals with involvement of greater than 25 percent of their body surface area and/or those exposed to certain allergens [such as Toxicodendron (Rhus) oleoresin, which may persist locally in the skin for weeks after exposure] may require treatment with systemic glucocorticoids. In those patients in whom systemic steroid therapy is inappropriate, phototherapy with UVB or PUVA can be beneficial. Individuals with occupational ACD who are economically unable to discontinue working with the offending allergen and who are also unable to work with gloves or effective barrier creams may also benefit from chronic maintenance therapy with UVB or PUVA. The advent of topical macrolactams, which do not cause cutaneous atrophy, are another option for these chronically exposed workers. In the future, inhibitors of cellular metabolic activity, inhibitors of cell adhesion molecules, targeted skin application of regulatory cytokines, and neutralization of proinflammatory cytokines with antisense oligonucleotides, anticytokine antibodies, or soluble cytokine receptors, may also be added to the therapeutic armamentarium. PHYSICOCHEMICAL BARRIERS While prevention of ACD rests with avoidance of the allergen, for various reasons, principally economic, this is not always possible. Many chemicals, especially organic molecules, can rapidly penetrate vinyl and synthetic or natural latex rubber gloves, and exposed workers may be unable to avoid daily contact with the allergen. These individuals may benefit from a plastic glove made of a proprietary laminate (4H, North Safety Products, Cranston, Rhode Island). In clinical trials, the 4H glove, which is only 0.07 mm thick, was impervious to more than 90 percent of all randomly selected organic chemicals for 4 h at 35°C (95°F). 68 However, this glove is not form-fitting and is thought by many professionals to impede the fine dexterity needed in their work. In the future, barrier creams may be available to help such patients. Now, however, barrier creams are available for only a limited number of allergens (principally poison ivy and poison oak), are effective only if the protected area is washed within several hours of contact with the allergen, and are objectionable to many patients because of their thick tack and greasy consistency. HYPOSENSITIZATION Although the possibility of hyposensitization for ACD has intrigued dermatologists for decades, it remains a nonviable alternative. Despite early encouraging work, Kligman 69 concluded that “complete desensitization of the highly sensitive subject by oral or intramuscular administration is impossible,” a statement later echoed by others. In these studies, months of treatment with Toxicodendron oleoresin resulted in a temporary lessening of the intensity, but not ablation, of the allergic response. Of the topical desensitization programs, only that for mechlorethamine hydrochloride (nitrogen mustard) has shown any success in a limited number of patients. 70 However, this success has been contested by others, as has the nature of the reaction (allergic or irritant) to mechlorethamine hydrochloride. 71 TOLERANCE INDUCTION One theoretical possibility for prevention of occupational ACD is the induction of tolerance to known occupational allergen(s) before employment. When an antigen to which an individual has not yet been sensitized is administered either systemically or topically to areas deficient in functional LCs, long-lived tolerance rather than sensitization often ensues. However, because allergic reactions to otherwise apparently innocuous materials, such as nickel, persist in the human genotype, one must question on a Darwinian basis whether there is selective advantage to the trait. In the absence of information concerning the antigenic moieties of many simple chemicals and how they might relate to antigenically more complex viruses and malignancies, one cannot assume that simple chemical allergens do not cross-react with viral- or tumor-related antigens. At present, it is a matter of debate whether it is ethical to induce tolerance to even the most problematic environmental allergens given the theoretical risk of enhancing susceptibility to potentially more life-threatening diseases