CE-446 Geometric Design: Laboratory 1 - Getting Started
CE-446 Geometric Design: Laboratory 1 - Getting Started
CE-446 Geometric Design: Laboratory 1 - Getting Started
1. Setting your account: In order to set a variable so that Eagle Point can correctly start AutoCAD, each user will have to
follow these instructions:
a. Click START, and then right-click on MY COMPUTER and go to PROPERTIES.
Right Click
b. When the System Properties Dialog window comes up, click the ADVANCED tab, and then click the
ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES button near the bottom.
c. In the user variables section click NEW.
e. Then click OK in all the three dialog boxes. This should set the necessary path variables for Eagle Point. These
values will be stored in your user profile, so you will have to do this once unless you reset your profile.
g. Create a folder on your H drive to work exclusively with your drawing.
h. You can open the new window with the project files after the process is finished. You can now close the WinZip
2. Opening EaglePoint:
4. Open a Project in Eagle Point:
a. There will be no projects to open the first time, so you must create a new project by clicking on the Create New
Project / Sub-Project icon in the lower left corner of the OPEN dialogue box. This will open the NEW
dialogue box, click NEXT >.
b. The New Project dialogue box must be open. You have to fill the project description, project drawing, and
prototype settings to continue.
1. Project Description: Name the project whatever you would like, such as ‘US-231 Extension’.
2. Project Drawing: Click on the icon at the right end of this line, and select the file named
‘base(si).dwg’, which should be located on the drive H folder where you unzipped the project files.
3. Prototype Settings: Choose Eagle Point Meters Default from the pull-down menu. THIS IS
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! If you fail to do this step, you may end up re-doing your entire project.
4. Advanced Project Settings: Type in the following paths and click YES to create the new folders.
5. Click on FINISH.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
c. Now there is a project to open, so highlight the project name (US-231 Extension) and click on OK.
d. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the drawing and the different layers on it.