Benefits of Exercise
Benefits of Exercise
Benefits of Exercise
Healthy Body:
Benefits of Exercise
Energy to burn
Like all machinery, your muscles must have fuel. This fuel comes from the food you eat and your
body’s reserves of fat and glucose. The catch is that nutrients from food cannot be turned directly
into usable energy for the trillions of cells in your body. Each cell has one primary source of energy: a
molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
Your body’s ability to create ATP is critcal because it determines your capacity for physical exertion.
the reverse is also true: your physical conditoning influences how well you can generate ATP.
The food you eat contains energy stored in a variety of forms — proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
Your body needs to extract that energy and capture it in the form of ATP. To do this, your stomach
and small intestne break the food into millions of tny molecules, which enter the bloodstream and
find their way to every cell in the body (see the figure). There, in small cell structures called
mitochondria, the food molecules undergo a series of chemical reactions that ultmately lead to the
creation of ATP.
Your body stores only a small amount of ATP, but makes it as quickly as it’s needed. When demand
increases — such as when you are exercising — your body must churn out more. To do this, it taps
into glucose stored in the muscle and liver and fats from various places in the body. These
substances make their way through the bloodstream to the muscles.
Stored glucose (also known as glycogen) and fat can be broken down for ATP producton in two ways:
aerobic (requiring oxygen) and anaerobic (requiring no oxygen). Aerobic processes produce more
ATP, but grind to a halt without oxygen. When your body is working so hard that it is unable to
deliver enough oxygen to support aerobic metabolism of food for fuel, it switches to anaerobic
production of ATP, which creates a byproduct known as lactc acid. The lactic acid enters the
bloodstream, creatng an acid imbalance. To compensate, your breathing speeds up to take in more
oxygen and your heart beats faster to move that oxygen to your muscles.
But you can’t sustain anaerobic actvity. Your lungs and heart reach their maximum work efforts, and
your body can only neutralize the resultng acid imbalance for a short tme. The lactc acid generated
from the anaerobic process also leaves muscles feeling fatgued. Eventually, you need to slow down.
By doing so, you are able to take in enough oxygen that once again you can rely primarily on aerobic
producton of ATP. Lactc acid production stops, the muscles start to recover, and your body
restores normal acid balance.
Your level of fitness determines how swifly this happens. Regular exercise conditons the lungs, heart,
and blood vessels, enabling them to deliver oxygen to muscle cells more quickly and efficiently.
Walking up a hill with a fiter friend illustrates this nicely. While you’re stll huffing and puffing, your
friend isn’t struggling to catch her breath.
When you engage in physical actvity, your body doesn’t rely solely on one process or the other; both
are used to generate ATP, but one more so than the other. Because of this distncton, exercise is
classified into two broad categories — aerobic and anaerobic — depending on which process is
predominantly used for ATP producton. If the intensity of exercise is such that your lungs and heart
are able to supply oxygen for energy producton, then the activity is almost exclusively aerobic. But if
intensity rises so that demand for oxygen outstrips supply, then the actvity becomes anaerobic.
Walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming at an even pace are aerobic actvities. Activities in which your
body tends to go anaerobic more quickly include wind sprints and weight lifing.
Once the food you eat is digested in your stomach, its components are absorbed into your
bloodstream and delivered to cells throughout the body. Oxygen from your lungs also travels to
your cells, where tny structures called mitochondria use it to convert the food nutrients into a
chemical called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which provides energy for everything from walking
to thinking.
Arteries in your working muscles dilate to accommodate their increased need for blood. At the same
tme, the heart’s increased output causes your blood pressure to rise. Arterioles (tiny arteries) in
your skin expand, allowing for more blood fow there. As you contnue to exercise, especially in hot,
humid weather, more blood is diverted to your skin to maintain a safe body temperature.
While your arteries dilate, veins serving distant parts of your body contract. When you are restng, the
venous system stores roughly 65% of the body’s blood supply. But when veins contract, they make
more blood available to your heart and exercising muscles. Your body further optimizes the
distribution of blood by limitng the amount sent to the kidneys, liver, digestive system, and other
organs not immediately involved in the exercise process.
When you exercise regularly, your circulatory system adapts by boostng your cardiorespiratory
endurance. Your body creates more plasma, the saltwater fuid that carries glucose and other
nutrients to cells and ferries away waste. Because plasma is a component of blood (along with blood
cells), a greater volume of blood is available to pump. That blood is slightly thinner than usual, which
lowers the resistance it encounters while circulatng. The main pumping chambers of your heart,
called the ventricles, stretch to hold more blood and contract with greater force. Over the long term,
the heart muscle increases in size, which strengthens the heart.
Likewise, the capillaries that serve the working muscles — including the heart — increase in number.
These additional blood vessels serve two valuable functons. First, they feed the muscles more
oxygen- rich blood. Second, the presence of more vessels means that the heart’s powerful pumping
chamber, the lef ventricle, has a more plentful energy supply and is able to pump the blood with
greater ease. The more efficient pumping action allows you to do more work with less effort.
The greater need for oxygen-rich blood that occurs during aerobic exercise can also lead to an increase
in the size and number of branches of the coronary arteries feeding the heart. This provides other
channels for oxygenated blood to reach heart muscle. So if an artery serving the heart becomes
blocked, heart muscle damage is less likely because alternative channels keep the blood supply
fowing. The
boost in oxygen and other benefits of exercise offer some protecton against dangerous heart
rhythm disturbances as well.
When you decide to move a part of your body, your brain transmits the message to your muscle fibers
via your nerves. The fibers respond by contractng, which creates moton. To reverse the movement,
your brain signals fibers in the opposing muscle group to tghten. For example, when you contract
your biceps, the triceps on the back of your arm relaxes.
Exercises that involve continuous motion, such as rowing, walking, or swimming, result in the
rhythmic tghtening and releasing of muscle fibers. In addition to moving your body, this process
produces a “milking” acton that helps move blood through your veins and back to your heart. With
aerobic exercise, an increase in fibers containing iron-rich myoglobin also occurs, permittng more
oxygen to enter and be stored in the muscle.
Combined with the greater number of capillaries and increased blood flow to the muscles, these
changes improve muscular endurance. Fit muscles adapt in other ways, too. Well-trained muscles
not only are able to stockpile more glycogen, but they also can burn fat for energy more directly,
which preserves glycogen stores.
Your heart may pump up to 20 liters of blood per minute (40 liters for well-
trained endurance athletes), which is quadruple the 5 liters per minute that’s
typical while resting.
Your skin and muscles receive 80% of your total blood fow. This quadruples the usual
20% of blood flow these areas get during rest.
Your lungs pass up to 200 pints of air in and out each minute. When not exercising,
the average for most people is 12 pints a minute.
Throughout your life, your body is constantly building and dismantling bone tssue. This maintains
your skeleton by replacing old bone with new bone and frees calcium, the main building block of
bone, for other tasks. Calcium is vital to many physical processes, including maintaining heart rate
and blood pressure, and a small amount of it circulates in your blood. When the amount of calcium
in your blood gets low, your body draws on the reservoir of calcium stored in the bones.
Early in your life, your body builds bone faster than it loses it. But with age, bone is lost more rapidly
than it’s formed. Eventually, this leaves bones more fragile and susceptble to breaks. Exercise plays a
key role in slowing bone loss. Muscle is tethered to bone by cords of tissue called tendons. Tendons
tug on bones during physical actvity. This stress increases bone strength and density. Exercises that
work against gravity (such as walking, jogging, tennis, basketball, and strength training) provide the
greatest benefit.
Exercise affects nearly all of the dozens of hormones your body produces. Two of these substances,
epinephrine and norepinephrine, are key players in promotng physical changes while you are
exercising. When your brain detects more muscle movement, it responds by releasing this pair of
chemicals, which speed your heartbeat, contract arteries serving non-exercising parts of your body,
and stmulate the release of sugars and fats from body stores for energy.
Endorphins, natural opiates that help block pain percepton and may improve mood, rise after 30
minutes or more of exercise. These hormones are probably responsible for the sense of euphoria
endurance athletes are said to experience, sometmes called a “runner’s high.” Norepinephrine
also regulates mood.
Insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas, fuctuates in response to exercise. Insulin’s main function is
to help usher glucose from the bloodstream into cells. While exercise boosts the concentrations of
most hormones, levels of insulin drop during and for a short while after vigorous actvity. This seems
counterintuitive, because exercise accelerates the muscles’ demand for fuel in the form of glucose.
However, insulin transports glucose more effectively during exercise, so less of it is needed. Also,
exercise seems to enhance your body’s ability to draw energy directly from fat stores.
Research has found that exercise can also affect levels of estrogen. After menopause, when a
woman’s ovaries stop producing estrogen, fat tssue becomes her body’s major source of estrogen.
Some evidence suggests regular vigorous activity — and possibly moderate actvity as well — may
reduce circulatng estrogens on an ongoing basis, partly because women who exercise tend to be
leaner. This would expose breast cells to less of this hormone, which fuels many cancers.
Immune system
Experts believe that moderate exercise reduces levels of stress hormones and other chemicals that
suppress immune system functoning and increase inflammatory activity. Other changes occur, too.
2005 study measured immune components in 15 healthy women during exercise and at rest.
Researchers noted modest, short-term upswings in natural killer cells and white blood cells after 30
minutes of walking compared with sitting.
Although the immune system returns to a pre-exercise state shortly after the exercise session is done,
moderate activity on a daily or almost-daily basis seems to have a cumulative benefit for your
immune system, improving its ability to fight off infection.
What can exercise do for you?
Many people spend more than half their waking hours sitting down. And activites that don’t
enhance health account for quite a lot of the remainder. This growing trend may cause more trouble
than most people realize. Observatonal studies suggest habitual inactvity raises risks for obesity,
diabetes, cardiovascular disease, deep-vein thrombosis, and metabolic syndrome.
In fact, one study that followed more than 50,000 middle-aged women for six years found that even
among women who were avid exercisers, the more television they watched, the more likely they
were to gain weight or develop diabetes — regardless of how much physical activity they did. For
every two hours the women spent watching television each day, they had a 23% greater risk of
becoming obese and a 14% greater risk of developing diabetes. Sitting at work for many hours also
heightened their risks
for obesity and diabetes. When planning your day, it may be beneficial not only to increase the time
spend exercising but also to try to reduce your “sitting time.”
The case for exercise is strong. Decades of solid science confirm that adding as little as half an hour
of moderately intense exercise to your day improves health and extends life.
Here’s a quick snapshot of the benefits exercise provides — not just while you are engaging in
the exercise, but also over the long term:
Lessens the likelihood of getting heart disease, the No. 1 killer of both women and men in
America. Exercising regularly helps prevent plaque buildup by striking a healthier balance
of blood lipids (HDL, LDL, and triglycerides), helps arteries retain resilience despite the
effects of aging, and bumps up the number of blood vessels feeding the heart. It also
reduces infammaton and discourages the formation of blood clots that can block coronary
arteries. Even if you already have heart disease, exercise lowers your chances of dying from
Lowers blood pressure, a boon for many body systems. Long-term hypertension (high
blood pressure) doubles or triples the odds of developing heart failure and helps pave the
way to other kinds of heart disease, stroke, aortc aneurysms, and kidney disease or
Helps prevent diabetes by paring off excess weight, modestly lowering blood sugar levels,
and boostng sensitivity to insulin so that less is needed to transport glucose into cells. If
you have diabetes, exercise helps control blood sugar.
Reduces risk for developing colon and breast cancers, and possibly cancers of the
endometrium (uterine lining) and lung. By helping you attain a healthy weight, exercise
lessens your risk for cancers in which obesity is a factor, too.
Helps shore up bones. When combined with calcium, vitamin D, and bone-saving medicatons
if necessary, weight-bearing exercise like walking, running, and strength training helps ward
off age-related bone loss. And balance-enhancing activites, including tai chi and yoga, help
prevent falls that may end in fractures.
Helps protect joints by easing swelling, pain, and fatgue and by keeping cartlage healthy.
Strong muscles support joints and lighten the load upon them. Actvities that boost flexibility,
such as stretching, yoga, and tai chi, extend range of motion.
May limit and even reverse knee problems by helping to control weight — quite a bang for
the buck, since every pound of weight lost reduces the load on the knee by 4 pounds.
Lifs spirits by releasing mood-lifing hormones and relieving stress. In some studies,
exercising regularly has helped ease mild to moderate depression as effectvely as
medicatons; combining exercise with medicatons, therapy, and social engagement is even
Adds years to your life. In the long-running Framingham Heart Study, moderate actvity tacked
on 1.3 years of life for men and 1.5 years of life for women versus low actvity. Raising the bar
to high activity added 3.7 years for men and 3.5 years for women.
Time. The 2008 Physical Actvity Guidelines for Americans recommend at least two hours and 30
minutes (150 minutes) of moderate aerobic actvity per week. If you enjoy vigorous aerobic
activites, you can pare this down to at least one hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) per week. An
equivalent combinaton of the two also fills the bill. As a guide, one minute of vigorous-intensity
actvity equals about two minutes of moderate-intensity activity.
Twice a week, also set aside time to do strength exercises for all the major muscle groups (legs, hips,
back, chest, abdomen, shoulders, and arms). Older adults at risk for falls benefit from including
balance exercises, too. Even if you are not able to reach the minimum exercise guidelines right away,
it is important to do as much exercise as you are able and try to increase it gradually.
The physical activity guidelines refect the minimum amount of exercise recommended for adults. For
even greater health benefits, adults who are able should strive for five hours per week (300 minutes)
of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or two-and-a-half hours (150 minutes) of vigorous-intensity
aerobic exercise. Again, you can also mix the two. Adults with health problems that limit their ability
to exercise should strive to do as much as they can.
Calories. Health benefits kick in when you expend between 500 and 1,000 calories per week through
physical activity, although many studies find additional and extended health benefits flow from
expending closer to 2,000 calories a week. For example, one New England Journal of Medicine study
analyzed research conducted on 17,000 Harvard alumni. The greatest gains in longevity and lowered
risk for disease occurred among those expending approximately 2,000 calories per week through
dynamic physical activity, such as walking, gardening, or sports. The most actve group recorded an
average two- year gain in life span.
Starved for tme? It’s temptng to wonder if you can compress actvites into one or two days a week.
While scientsts haven’t delved into this extensively, some research tantalizingly suggests that
“weekend warriors” who regularly burn through more than 1,000 calories in one or two sessions a
week do have a
lower risk of dying than entirely sedentary adults — that is, if they have no major risk factors.
However, safety issues, common sense, and the bulk of research stressing benefits that flow from
regular actvity on most days of the week argue against adoptng this patern.
How can you judge the pace of your workout? The easiest way to measure exertion characterizes
the intensity of an activity through broad categories, such as light, moderate, or vigorous (see the
table). Called perceived exertion, it’s especially helpful for staying in a safe range of actvity. As you
improve your fitness, you’ll find your perception of the intensity of a particular activity — walking
up a nearby hill, for example — changes.
The table describes physical changes at each level of exertion. If you’re just getting started with an
exercise program, aim for a moderate pace. (If health problems or disabilites make moderate activity
impossible, simply do as much as you can.) As you build up, try a mix of moderate and vigorous
activites to help build endurance. As you work out more often, you’ll notce gains as exercises
become easier. Whenever an activity becomes easy, boost the length of your workout or your
intensity again.
Fitting exercise into your life will pay off in everyday actvities, sports successes, stronger muscles,
independent living, and all-around fitness. Sounds great, right? Even so, marshaling the time and will
to exercise may not be easy. Experts say you’re more likely to meet success if you set goals that are
SMART—that is, specific, measurable, achievable, realistc, and time-based. So as you’re setting a
goal and penciling it in on the worksheet we’ve provided, make sure it passes the SMART test,
described below.
SMART: Set a very specific goal—for example, I will do strength training on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Or, I will do a set of front and side planks on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.
SMART: Find a way to measure progress—for instance, I will log my eforts daily on my
calendar, checking of days when I met my goal.
SMART: Make sure it’s achievable. Be sure you’re physically capable of safely accomplishing your goal.
not, aim for a smaller goal initally.
SMART: Make sure it’s realistic. Choose the change you’re most confident you’ll be able to make,
not the change you most need to make. Focus on sure bets: on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 equals
no confidence and 10 equals 100% certainty, your goal should land in the 7–10 zone. If it doesn’t,
cut it down to a manageable size. For example, I’ll do cardio three times a week.
SMART: Set time commitments. Pick a date and time to start—for example, Starting this week, I’ll get
half an hour earlier on Wednesday and Friday to go to a yoga class. Also choose weekly check-in
times to keep track of whether you’re meeting goals or hitting snags: I’ll check my calendar every
Friday evening and decide if I should make any changes in my routines to succeed. Outside deadlines
can be really helpful here, too: Signing up for a tennis tournament or knowing you’ll need to wiggle
into beach clothes in six weeks prods you to get your exercise program under way.
Motivate yourself
Usually, we do our best work when motivated. That extends to exercise, too. It’s not uncommon to
launch a new exercise program raring to go, only to wind up back on the couch with your feet
propped up just a few weeks later. If your will wavers, the tips here may help.
Refresh your memory. Remind yourself how the exercises will help you by reading your goals again.
Emphasize the positive aspects. Rather than sternly saying, “I should do my workout,” try saying
aloud “My back feels better when I do my exercises,” or “My backhand and serve are much stronger
when I exercise consistently.”
Find the time. Skimming time from your busy schedule is an art. Here are some ideas that can help.
Over the course of a week, skip two half-hour TV shows, or exercise while you watch; you can also fit
exercises into commercial breaks or downtime in your workday. Get up half an hour earlier each day
finish a full workout. Throughout the day, be on the lookout for pockets of time. Be efficient: a short,
challenging workout tunes up muscles just as well, if not better, than racking up set after set of easier
exercises. As you advance to more challenging exercises, leave the simpler ones behind to make the
best use of your time.
Slip exercises into your day. While on the phone, do 10 side leg lifts or pliés, or try a few stretches.
Before shifing from calls to other projects or back again, do a few front or side planks. Spend the
first five minutes of your lunch break doing reverse lunges or squats with knee lifs.
Plan simple rewards. Give yourself a pat on the back for every small or big step toward success. Blast
your favorite tune at the end of a workout. Download the “Ataboy” app for your smart phone or
tablet to enjoy a stream of compliments whenever you need to hear it. A bigger reward for staying on
track toward your goal for two to four weeks might be new workout gear or sports equipment you’ll
Get a workout buddy. Workouts with a friend or family member are more fun, plus you’re less likely
to cancel on the spur of the moment. Or, if you belong to a gym, ask if there is a buddy program.
Some gyms offer interactive workout equipment like Expresso bikes or Concept2 rowers, which let
you race against a real or virtual buddy or compete in team or individual challenges.
At home, you could try using your computer and working out with a friend via Skype. If finding a real-
tme or virtual workout buddy isn’t possible, go low-tech: ask a friend to check in with you regularly—
on workout days or maybe just once a week—to give you a pat on the back or a pep talk.
Reach for your smartphone. Or iPad, computer mouse, or game system remote. Smartphone fitness
apps, health-driven websites, and a slew of fitness games on systems like Wii and Xbox make it easy
to set baselines and log calories and activities. Options like these can help you learn new exercises,
track progress, and get friendly nudges that encourage you to stick to your goals. Check smartphone
fitness optons at Apple’s App Store, Google’s Android Market, or Blackberry’s App World.
Need the okay to start exercising? Call your doctor today. It may help to fax or send a copy
of the workouts you hope to do, then follow up with a phone call to discuss whether any
modifications will be needed.
Don’t belong to a gym (or can’t seem to get to one)? Try doing bodyweight workouts, which
require no equipment. Or buy the equipment necessary for doing certain workouts at home.
Start with the less expensive items, such as medicine balls or a stability ball, and work up.
Just don’t feel motivated? Ask a friend to check up on you, or consider working out with a
personal trainer.
Not yet buff enough to make it through a workout? Try one or more of these options:
2. Start with fewer reps (or holding a positon like a plank for fewer seconds). When
that becomes easy, do additional reps or hold longer.
3. Do just half of the exercises in a workout twice a week. Each week, try to add another
untl you’re doing the full workout.
Bored by your routne? If you’ve mastered the basic moves, try the harder variatons. Or
over to another workout entirely.
Stll stuck? Sometimes breaking a bigger goal down—I want to do work out twice a week—
is the best way to succeed. For example, the options above offer a way to break down a big
workout into more manageable steps.