German Digital Diary
German Digital Diary
German Digital Diary
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Federal Ministry of the Interior
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Design and production
PRpetuum GmbH, München
August 2014
B. Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
I. Digital infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1. Framework conditions to support market-driven development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. Digital access for rural areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3. Promoting mobility and supporting new services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4. Harnessing the potential for health care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
VI. Building security, protection and trust within society and the economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1. Greater online protection for citizens and companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2. Modern data protection for the information age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3. Consumer protection in the digital world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4. Strengthening digital infrastructures to create a trusted space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5. More security in cyberspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The digital transformation is opening up a vista of oppor- Our digital policy is underpinned by the following strategic
tunities for improving our economic vitality and quality core objectives, and places people at the heart of all develop
of life, and for safeguarding Germany’s future economic ments:
strength. The positive effects of digitisation can only unfold
if this transformation is firmly rooted in the centre of zzGrowth and employment: Digital value creation and
society and is accepted and actively shaped by all societal digital networking stimulate growth and drive efficiency
groups. We, the Federal Government, acknowledge our in the digital world.
responsibility to foster and actively assist this develop-
ment. Accordingly, we view the implementation of the The prosperity of our nation rests on the inventiveness
Digital Agenda as an open and ongoing process that is and industry of our citizens and our enterprises. We
inclusive of all relevant groups in our society. This process must ensure that these strengths are maintained in an
starts with the cabinet decision and continues throughout increasingly digitised world. The Internet and digitisa-
the entire legislative period. tion add new dimensions to the transfer of knowledge.
Networked research is making the process of discovery
In implementing the Digital Agenda, we want to seize the and invention and their transfer into innovation faster
opportunities that digitisation presents to strengthen than ever before. Germany’s strengths traditionally lie
Germany’s role as an innovative and highly productive in the fields of industrial technology and production
economy within the European Union and across the globe. engineering. We are therefore ideally positioned to con-
We advocate the continuing development of the global tinue developing our intelligent, made-to-measure
Internet as an open, safe and free space that protects diver- “Industry 4.0” production and logistics solutions and to
sity of opinion and the exchange of ideas, and enables all enhance these with intelligent services to ensure sus-
citizens to inform themselves about and engage in social tainable growth and a consistently high level of employ-
processes. ment. To do so, however, we must exploit to an even
greater extent the innovative potential of Germany
and, in particular, of our small and medium-sized enter-
prises. This will require high-quality education and
training, but also the conviction to bring good ideas to
market. A diverse start-up scene where innovations are
quickly brought to market will be vital, and it is our
intention that the Digital Agenda will improve the gen-
eral conditions required in order for this to develop.
D I G I TA L A G E N D A F O R G E R M A N Y 3
zzAccess and participation: A powerful, open Internet opens The measures implementing the Digital Agenda cover
up widespread access to the digital world. Expertise in seven main action areas. The Federal Government will
media and technology is a prerequisite for users’ control combine its strengths with the strengths of all active
over their own deployment of digital technologies. participants in these areas to ensure that our country
and its people can reap the full benefits of digitisation.
The Federal Government acknowledges the necessity of
ensuring widespread access to high-performance broad-
band networks. These networks are essential to ensuring
equal living conditions and equal access to the opportu-
nities afforded by digitisation, which open up new possi-
bilities for action and participation, and new qualification
pathways for all. The prerequisites for this participation
should be established during childhood education. Under
the banner of the Digital Agenda, we will renew our
efforts to redress existing deficits.
Something that, until quite recently, seemed to belong to and ability to take action in the area of information and
the realm of futuristic science fiction is now an integral telecommunications technology. We will also ensure that
part of daily life in Germany – anyone in virtually any our foreign policy gives due regard to maintaining our
location can now communicate electronically, retrieve technological sovereignty in key areas.
information, purchase products and services on the Inter-
net or do training courses online. Our home, learning and Digitisation offers tremendous opportunities and potential
working environments are all becoming increasingly digi- for synergies to develop. Policymakers therefore must
tally networked. Digitisation also facilitates the provision actively support this structural change and adopt a frame-
of medical care, for example, by making x-rays and medi- work in which we can all live, learn, work and do business
cal records more readily available to consulting physicians in the digital world, and in which everyone can participate
or enabling specialists to assist with difficult surgical pro- in the digital transformation.
cedures “live” from any location in the world. This type of
strategic networking will improve the way that illnesses The Federal Government wants the Digital Agenda to play
are diagnosed and treated. In this way, telemedicine will, a role in shaping the digital transformation. We will put
in future, support first-class medical care in all parts of new regulations in place wherever necessary. These will be
Germany, in particular in rural areas. Increasing digitisa- essential, as digitisation and the associated internationali-
tion is also making it easier to reconcile family and work- sation that will ensue will change the circumstances of
ing life, and soon we will even be able to choose whether each and every person in our society. While it is our duty
we want to drive our cars or have them drive themselves. to ensure that no obstacles stand in the way of new devel-
However, digital systems are capable of much more. They opments, we must also take steps to counteract undesirable
control our power supply systems, enhance the use of developments. This applies in particular to issues relating
renewable energies, and make our vehicles more environ- to data protection and individuals’ rights to control the use
mentally compatible. of their own data (“informational self-determination”), the
protection of intellectual property, consumer protection,
We will only be able to rise to the challenges presented by the protection of minors in the media, and the protection
new data streams if we can ensure that the essential infra- of computers and data.
structure is in place across the board. Our citizens and our
enterprises must be able to access the Internet via fixed and We will devote particular attention to ensuring undistorted
mobile networks. In addition, more powerful networks are competition between companies, further reducing barriers
required to cope with increasing communication between to market entry, and, above all, countering abuses of domi-
computers and an increasingly automated exchange of data. nant market position. One key element of these efforts will
be to ensure that providers based in non-EU countries are
To fully exploit this potential, we must ensure that network subject to the same regulatory requirements as providers
performance is continually improved, and that Germany from EU countries in relation to business activities con-
takes the international lead in this regard. It is our aim that ducted here. If necessary, we will intervene in a facilitative
bandwidths of at least 50 Mbit/s will be available for use and supportive capacity to ensure that Germany can suc-
nationwide by 2018. The Federal Government will see to cessfully compete on the global stage for technological
it that all necessary conditions are in place to make this a developments and innovative business start-ups.
reality. Against the backdrop of our increasingly mobile
society and the general expectation that sophisticated ser- The Digital Agenda will help to unite the strengths of all
vices should be accessible from any location, we will also parties involved and will facilitate a more efficient use of
put in place the necessary resources to expand mobile resources, thereby enabling our nation and its people to
Internet services. reap the maximum benefits of digitisation. We want the
Digital Agenda to set Germany on course to play a leading
The digital transformation has become a central challenge role in ensuring that the progressive digitisation of our
for industry, science, society and policymakers. All parties daily lives, and of the worlds of learning, work and business
involved must share the mutual goal of ensuring that is achieved in a systematic, socially acceptable, responsible
Germany retains and continues to extend its autonomy and safe manner.
A . B A S I C P R I N C I P L E S O F O U R D I G I TA L P O L I C Y 5
Digitisation and societal development prevalence of cybercrime, for example, when shopping
or banking online. Meanwhile, the sinister threat of cyber
A strong digital economy is a fundamental building block espionage is ever present – not only for our economy and
of a competitive service society and industrial nation. citizens but also for the state. Finally, increasingly complex
Information and communications technology (ICT) repre- and interconnected digital technologies could lead to new
sents a key technology for Germany as a location for busi- forms of cyber attacks that threaten the common good. In
ness and investment. ICT drives innovation, increases the face of these challenges, we must work with all stake-
productivity and contributes to safeguarding sustainable holders – in particular at a European level – to formulate
growth, prosperity and employment. solutions that do not diminish the opportunities presented
to all of us by digitisation.
Today, Germany’s ICT industry generates almost 85 billion
euros of economic value added, and therefore contributes If, as recent surveys indicate, half of all Internet users do
more to the economy than the traditional industries such not feel that their data is safe online, we have good cause
as mechanical engineering or automotive. The sales figures to feel alarmed: the trust of users is not only essential to
also speak for themselves, with this industry generating digital communication and transactions between citizens,
turnover of some 228 billion euros globally. And, with more but also to the business models on which the network
than 86,000 companies and 900,000 employees, the industry economy is based. The use of encryption and other security
is an important factor for job creation in Germany. For every mechanisms is necessary to ensuring Internet safety. Com-
1,000 jobs created in the ICT sector, 941 additional jobs are panies must also bear a large degree of responsibility in this
created in upstream industries. It is estimated that compa- regard by making these technologies easy to access and use
nies will improve their productivity by 30 percent with the for all Internet users. For our part, we will make citizens
transition to Industry 4.0. The process that is to be set in aware of existing security risks and support companies in
motion with the Digital Agenda is intended to help Germany the use of secure information and communications tech-
further exploit the opportunities presented in the areas of nologies. Where necessary, we will also offer our citizens
Industry 4.0, 3D, smart services, big data and cloud com- services that enable safe use of the Internet. Nevertheless, it
puting. Innovations and new business models are emerging is the common duty of industry, science and policymakers
in the fields of industry, agriculture, energy, health, traffic to establish secure information systems and to make these
and education in particular. available for the common good.
However, despite all the positive effects of digitisation, the Our value systems are based on our constitution. The free-
associated risks and threats cannot be denied. For example, dom of the individual must continue to be protected in a
the catchphrase “big data” refers to the ever increasing digital world. Data protection, the integrity of networks
volume of digital information that can be used by organi- and the transparency of data usage serve to safeguard our
sations to make predictions about people’s everyday habits democracy, and must be championed more vocally at both
and behaviours in a way that was never before possible. a European and a global level.
This use of data is based on the storage and analysis of
huge volumes of data and may have serious implications Therefore, we must continue to ensure that our existing
for freedom of action and the protection of privacy. More- value systems are not lost in the digital world, and that
over, people are already concerned about the increasing they continue to provide a framework for our future coex-
6 A . B A S I C P R I N C I P L E S O F O U R D I G I TA L P O L I C Y
istence. The technology-neutral nature of our existing cation of key technology developments that drive growth
system of values allows sufficient flexibility for new tech- and the specific promotion of these developments – while
nological developments. Amendments are only required at all times observing the budgetary policy objectives set
where existing law fails to cover new developments or out in the coalition agreement.
where a lack of enforcement arises.
B. Measures
I. Digital infrastructure
I . D I G I TA L I N F R A S T R U C T U R E 9
Germany aims to become a global leader in the area of suitable existing infrastructure and then promote collabo-
market penetration and use of digital services. Demand for rative use of this infrastructure. We will support the collabo-
rapid Internet access is rising sharply: this is as a result of rative laying of telecommunication cables during construc-
increasing volumes of video communication and transfer, tion and streamline authorisation processes. We must also
simultaneous use of digital devices in the home, digital consider whether private capital can be used to expand the
learning and other applications, greater use of networking passive broadband infrastructure, for example, the civil
in the home to optimise energy costs, for example, or for engineering elements of the infrastructure.
telecommuting. Our objective is for all citizens to be able
to take advantage of the benefits of digitisation. For this to In this regard, we will facilitate a regulatory framework
happen, Germany needs ubiquitous high-speed networks. that supports investment and innovation, creates legal and
The Federal Government aims to use an efficient mix of planning certainty for all stakeholders and also gives due
technologies to provide ubiquitous broadband infrastruc- regard to expanding networks in rural areas. During the
ture delivering download speeds of at least 50 Mb per sec- course of negotiations on enhancing the European legal
ond by 2018. This will simultaneously lay the foundation framework, we will ensure that regulations safeguard com-
for equal standards of living in rural and urban areas. petition between companies and that they provide the
planning certainty required for investment.
The construction of high-speed networks relies on govern-
ment stimulus: by focusing on framework conditions, we The “Network Alliance for a Digital Germany” (Netzallianz
are creating optimum incentives for market-driven expan- Digitales Deutschland) is a forum established by the govern-
sion. Adequate frequencies are being made available to ment for comprehensive discussion by telecommunications
support high-speed access in very rural areas, while intelli- and network operators of the conditions for incentivising
gent mobile services are helping to expedite penetration market investments. It acts both as a forum for new ideas
rates. Government support is directed towards those areas and as a discussion platform. By autumn 2014, the Network
where commercial development is not viable. Alliance for a Digital Germany will present a roadmap out-
lining all action areas relevant for digital expansion together
Mobility is increasingly supported by digital infrastructure. with key milestones for network expansion.
We can access apps, find the best bus or train connections
on the go or identify the way to the nearest bank. Motorists
are digitally diverted from traffic congestion. Today, pas- 2. Digital access for rural areas
sengers can already check themselves into the next flight
using their smart phones. And that’s not all: In future, The range of digital services available can help redress the
communication between cars and between cars and other technological shortcomings of rural areas in particular.
devices will be enhanced – thus enabling warnings to be Regulatory and cost-cutting measures are required in this
issued about traffic jams, motorists inadvertently driving area to support free market expansion. However, some
the wrong way or other hazards. Intermodal digital infor- individual regions are not serviced by the market. In these
mation is optimising route guidance between locations. To areas, huge expanses need to be covered in order to pro-
keep pace with these changes, we must continue to develop vide services to a small number of households. Measures to
our infrastructure and build intelligently networked trans- preserve these regions’ attractions while providing access
port systems. to high-speed networks are in progress.
coverage. We also wish to develop a financial instrument duction of various degrees of automation. Significant
in the form of a premium fund for broadband network advances in safety have been made thanks to the use of
development (Premiumförderung Netzausbau) in addition telematics for conveying hazardous goods and the intro-
to existing programmes to address financial challenges duction of the eCall emergency call system, both of which
facing broadband projects in rural areas. have been implemented and tested in various modes of
Mobile broadband is helping to accelerate the provision of
universal broadband access. As a result of the early alloca- The interfaces between the individual modes of transport
tion of radio frequencies to mobile communications in the must be optimised. Creating a seamless transport chain
700 MHz range – a frequency range that enables wireless from door to door is one example of a development that
connections in rural areas in particular thanks to the devel- would benefit all. There are other examples: automatic
opment of digital terrestrial television (switch to DVB-T2) – identification for inland waterways transport, digital plan-
we can ensure that certain peripheral areas are quickly ning in the construction industry, smart and efficient
gaining speedy access to high-speed networks through interconnectivity in homes, networking within buildings
the use of frequency resources. This autumn, the Federal and other models for integrated, sustainable urban develop-
Government is to agree on an ambitious schedule for the ment at the level of urban spaces with a focus on “smart
allocation of frequencies in conjunction with the Länder. cities” – all these are innovations and essential components
By releasing 700 MHz frequencies (second digital dividend), of a modern, efficient digital infrastructure. This is the type
we are further incentivising investment in the expansion of infrastructure we need for the area of electric mobility,
of the broadband network. for the remote metering, control and overview of devices
or for new ways of working such as home offices or edu
cational models in schools and universities.
3. Promoting mobility and supporting
new services In this regard, we are providing resources for a modernisa-
tion fund to support innovation among young people.
Frequency resources are an essential prerequisite for
mobility. For planning purposes, all stakeholders need By continuing to develop the European satellite navigation
to know in advance which frequencies are available for system Galileo, we are creating a reliable and independent
which requirements. These frequencies will be coordinated system that enables digital applications to determine loca-
together with neighbouring countries. During this process, tions. The encrypted Public Regulated Service (PRS) provided
we will give due regard to the requirements of cultural by this system can be accessed not only by public protec-
interest groups such as radio, media, and users of wireless tion and disaster relief agencies, but also by operators of
production technologies (e.g. cultural institutions). Public critical infrastructure. Applications such electronic toll sys-
protection and disaster relief agencies (PPDR) and the Fed- tems, the eCall emergency call system or mobile payments
eral Armed Forces will be guaranteed access to an adequate are assigned an infrastructure to better meet our stringent
frequency spectrum. We will also ensure that, in addition to requirements for security within a mobile, digital society.
the planned provision of 2x30 MHz to support the expansion The Federal Government is therefore prioritising the action
of the broadband network, frequencies will be provided for plan “PRS in Germany” and helping German businesses to
the future broadband communication of the security agen- develop practical PRS applications. In this regard, Germany
cies and the Federal Armed Forces in the 700 MHz range. is one of the European member states participating in PRS
Fixed radio applications (hotspots, WLAN) also offer poten- pilot projects. Furthermore, we are promoting innovation
tial that we will leverage. in PRS by awarding a joint special prize in the international
innovation competition “European Satellite Navigation
We will make significant improvements to road safety by Competition” (ESNC).
using intelligent traffic and automated driving systems.
Initial pilot testing based on passenger and heavy goods We will continue to expand the multi-level geodata infra-
vehicles is showing the potential of these technologies. structure for Germany in order to provide the basis for
Autonomous transport is also increasingly applicable to diverse mobility applications. This will allow us to identify
ships and trains. One of the challenges faced is the intro- geodata more easily and thus exploit the economic benefits.
I . D I G I TA L I N F R A S T R U C T U R E 11
Ever greater volumes of data (so-called big data) are being 1. Supporting and promoting the digitisation
interconnected to build smart data, resulting in new of industry
products and smart services. Meanwhile, business pro-
cesses, which are being influenced by mobile Internet use The Federal Government is committed to supporting the
and by cloud and social media applications, are being used forward-looking projects Industry 4.0 and smart services
for new business models. These changes are having a mas- outlined in the High-Tech Strategy for Germany. These
sive impact at the very heart of our economy. Networked projects must be further developed under a cross-depart-
production or “Industry 4.0“ has the potential to recast mental innovation strategy in order to safeguard and boost
value added chains and dramatically influence the business Germany’s standing as a highly productive and innovative
models of Germany’s leading industry sectors such as plant location for business and to return outsourced production
and mechanical engineering, car manufacturing, electrical to Germany.
and medical engineering. We want Germany to become
Europe’s number one country for digital growth. To achieve To address these topics, we are establishing a political dia-
this goal, Germany’s globally competitive industrial sector logue that will facilitate an exchange between the relevant
must develop commercially viable, reliable technologies stakeholders in government, industry and science while
and set the benchmark for key digital applications to make engaging with existing committees and platforms. Existing
Germany not only the leading provider in the area of smart communication barriers between the individual stakehold-
production and logistics, but also the leading market for ers are being removed.
smart products while remaining competitive. Furthermore,
as ICT providers and ICT consumers, Germany’s Mittelstand Other measures are:
(small and medium-sized businesses) must be assisted with
the greatest range of support measures possible in the tran- zzthe establishment and expansion of research and tech-
sition to the digital economy. We want to help small and nology programmes with high transferability to indus-
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular to improve try, for example, the areas of autonomic technology,
their capacity for innovation, both in relation to new goods 3D, big data, cloud computing and microelectronics;
and services and the optimisation of business processes, by
implementing and developing new digital technologies. If zzthe initiation of new business models and innovative
Germany is to become the leading country in Europe for services by fostering the development and distribution
digital growth, we need to rely on the innovative strength of big data and cloud applications that offer greater
of our business start-ups. security and data privacy;
We are supporting the digital economy in its research zzreinforcing security and confidence in relation to the
activities and through ongoing dialogue and an innova- use of digital services, including measures to strengthen
tion-friendly business environment. This support includes the German digital security sector;
a modern regulatory framework for ensuring freedom,
transparency, data protection and security and also for zzassisting small and medium-sized IT enterprises with
preserving competition in the digital world. their internationalisation efforts and facilitating their
access to growth capital;
We intend to monitor more closely the effects of digital
technologies on employment and labour markets, health zzthe promotion of norms and standards to ensure the
protection and business organisations. Working together seamless integration of traditional industry with ICT.
with the social partners, we will develop new, economically
and socially viable approaches for working in the digital We are encouraging digitisation in important future mar-
space. kets and areas by:
zzsupporting the digitisation of construction; zzsupporting female entrepreneurs with specific measures;
zzfurther developing legal specifications for the zzlinking German start-ups with other international
integration of telemedicine; start-up hubs.
We are drafting an “Intelligent Connections” strategy to The Federal Government wishes to protect the regulatory
create additional opportunities for growth and efficiency framework of the market economy in the digital age. We
through ICT in the education, energy, health, transport and wish to preserve the free and open Internet in its current
administration primary industries. Digitisation and inter- form and safeguard its role as a space for diversity of opin-
connectivity in these areas help to boost the productivity ion, participation and innovation. Our approach to develop-
of the basic systems used in our community. At the same ing and supporting technical and social innovation on the
time, more efficient and ICT-supported use of existing one hand and social and regulatory frameworks on the
infrastructure reduces the financial burden on private and other will be fully integrated.
public purses. The possible benefits of ICT in these sectors
have not yet been fully leveraged. A cross-sectoral strategic We are strengthening innovation and competition by con-
approach can harness growth potential for the national tinuing to develop a sustainable regulatory framework.
economy and provide stimulus for social progress. This framework is intended to allow scope for the develop-
ment of new and innovative services that can cater for
new business segments. However, this must not occur at
2. Supporting the young digital economy the expense of the freedom, openness or continued quality
improvement of the best-effort Internet. We will provide a
By bringing together established businesses and young, legal framework enshrining the aim of network neutrality
innovative enterprises under a future-oriented innovation and also advocate this principle at European level. The
and growth policy, Germany now has the opportunity to regulatory and competition authorities will continue to
join the ranks of the leading global digital economies and monitor market activities and put a stop to unauthorised
increase the number of annual business start-ups from developments. To foster objective debate, we will continue
approximately 10,000 to 15,000 on an ongoing basis. We to promote the “Expert Dialogue Forum on Network Neu-
are stepping up our involvement with the advisory board trality“ (Fachdialog Netzneutralität) and proactively engage
“Young Digital Economy” and supporting young innova- all stakeholders – from the spheres of industry, science,
tive businesses and start-ups by: civil society and politics.
I I . T H E D I G I TA L E CO N O M Y A N D D I G I TA L W O R K P L A C E 15
We will improve the distribution and availability of mobile We will continue to adapt the e-commerce business environ-
Internet access via WLAN. In doing so, we will ensure that ment to new technological possibilities, in the area of elec-
IT security is preserved and that no new gateways for tronic trading platforms and modern payment systems, for
anonymous crime are created. We will therefore create example, while maintaining consumer and data protection.
legal certainty for the providers of these WLANs in public
spaces such as airports, hotels and cafés. These providers
should not be held liable for any law breaking carried out 4. Reconfiguring the workplace in the digital
by their customers. We will be drafting appropriate legis world
lation in this area shortly.
The progressive digital transformation is creating new
We will ensure that innovation and competition can develop areas of activity and job opportunities. It offers employees
unhindered by any abusive activities carried out by domi- more flexible and family-friendly ways of working. The
nant Internet corporations. We are working towards the phenomenon can not only help to secure skilled workers,
strict application of national and European antitrust rules. but also boost tax revenues and social insurance contribu-
Furthermore, we are examining to what extent these rules tions.
must be developed to take account of the dynamically
evolving technological and economic conditions of the At the same time, digitisation is giving rise to new challenges
global data economy. In particular, we are evaluating ways in relation to, for example, the creation of new ways of
of preventing market-dominant platform operators from working. The possible effects of digitisation on employee
discriminating against competing firms and also ensuring co-determination must also be taken into account. Further-
non-discriminatory, neutral access to distribution channels more, a noticeable impact on employment trends is to be
and content. Expert studies are investigating Internet- expected.
specific antitrust issues. In addition, any editorial content
of public interest should be especially easy to retrieve. The Federal Government will address and discuss these
Meanwhile, we will improve Internet data protection and issues together with the social partners and the scientific
consumer information in relation to online companies. community to enable it to carry out a thorough and com-
Informational self-determination and data autonomy for prehensive evaluation of the opportunities and challenges
consumers must be based on the core principles of trans- presented by the digital working world and to take action
parency with accessible customer information, consent where necessary. We want to achieve high standards of
and data portability. We are strongly supporting the adop- digital working, within a healthy and secure environment
tion of an EU-wide basic regulation on data protection that enhances employability.
enshrining the applicability of EU data protection law for
Internet enterprises based outside the EU (marketplace The skillsets of employees and job seekers will need to
principle). evolve to meet the requirements of digitisation, such as
increasingly short development cycles, for example. Skilled
We want to adapt the legal framework for protecting intel- workers are a key requirement for growth, innovation and
lectual property in line with the rapid pace of technical prosperity. Demographic trends are directly affecting the
digitisation in industry and society. This will involve fairly supply of labour and thus the performance of Germany’s
reconciling the interests of right-holders and users, Inter- economy and social system. By 2030, Germany’s economi-
net service providers and Internet users. In parallel, we will cally active population threatens to decline by several
see to it that service providers whose business models are million. The IT sector is already facing skills shortages.
essentially based on infringement of copyright can no longer These are affecting small and medium-sized enterprises
hide behind the liability privilege as hosting provider. We in particular.
will also pursue this objective at European level. Further-
more, we will reinforce the collective management of We want to take advantage of the opportunities afforded
copyright in accordance with European legislation and by digitally supported, working models based on flexible
take an active role in reviewing European copyright law. working hours and locations to help people reconcile
16 I I . T H E D I G I TA L E CO N O M Y A N D D I G I TA L W O R K P L A C E
family and working life on a partnership basis. To this end, 5. Promoting the transition to renewable
we will perform a thorough review of the current situation energy and green IT
in conjunction with the scientific community and social
partners to evaluate if the political framework currently in The transition to renewable energy (Energiewende) will
place is suited to helping more families achieve a better drive digitisation in the energy sector. This applies, for
work-life balance and to establish if further research and example, to the construction of smart networks and the
action is required. modernisation of distribution systems. Smart distribution
networks will need to integrate a variety of additional
We want to maintain a high level of occupational health generating installations, storage systems and electric cars
and safety for employees with new working arrangements into the energy supply system. Efficient, reliable and
such as crowdsourcing or new working hour arrangements. cost-effective communication infrastructure is as impor-
tant in this context as standards for ensuring data protec-
A digital working world must incorporate future-proof tion, data security and interoperability. We will therefore
social systems. We therefore want to know about the continually review current standards, network and regula-
development of demand for labour in the digital working tion models in terms of their performance to identify if
world and the possible consequences of this for the social and when new approaches are necessary. Before the end of
security systems. 2014, we will start creating reliable framework conditions
for the secure implementation of smart metering systems
We will press ahead with a modern programme of training for consumers, producers and water storage heaters on the
plus professional development, while also continuing to basis of protection profiles and the technical guidelines of
promote digital skills as a core competency for all employ- the Federal Office for Information Security. Where possible
ees. At the same time, we are also determined, as part of a and practical, we will seek to integrate Energiewende projects
range of support services to facilitate the integration of with the Digital Agenda.
young people into the workforce, to further promote and
develop digital media skills as a horizontal task and to keep Another core element of the transition to renewable energy
abreast of the latest technological developments. in Germany is the reduction of electricity consumption in
our living and working environments.
Businesses and employees alike face particular challenges
in updating their skills to tackle work in the digital world. zzUnder the Green IT initiative, we are focusing renewed
Employment promotion measures can offer support in this efforts on reducing the federal administration’s ICT
area within the framework of existing legislative options. energy and resource consumption.
We want the job profiles affected by digitisation – for zzAs part of this process, we will give greater consideration
example, in the IT sector – to adapt if necessary to the new to sustainability when purchasing ICT products.
requirements of a networked and increasingly cross-sec-
toral working environment and thus avoid future skills zzWe will boost the use of green computing in industry,
shortages. With this in mind, we are also promoting the for example, by offering additional certifications and
integration of IT and engineering courses. Adapting to the encouraging voluntary self-regulation by industry.
requirements of new technologies as part of modernising
job profiles is also relevant here. The State is only one of several stakeholders in this area.
Industry is also required to make its contribution towards
Meanwhile, we are committed to creating a more welcom- energy and resource conservation. To exploit the full
ing environment in Germany to attract IT professionals from potential of digitisation, we need to promote and further
abroad. Implementation of the Assessment and Recognition develop smart buildings, smart production systems and
of Foreign Professional Qualifications Act (Anerkennungs ways of optimising traffic systems.
gesetz), which promotes the recognition of foreign profes-
sional qualifications, remains a priority in this area.
The Federal Government is committed to implementing a zzThe provision of electronic services for public adminis-
digital transformation within the public sector. We want tration requires efficient interfaces between public
citizens to be able to avail of digital services from public administration, citizens and companies. We are further
authorities as easily and efficiently as they would from pri- developing existing, cross-level solutions, such as the
vate service providers, while being able to rely on the high single government contact or government hotline
standards of confidentiality and security. At the same time, 115 already established. We are making all useful public
we want to ensure the efficiency and security of the State’s administration services available online.
information technology systems in the long term. As a major
procurer of IT services, we will play a role in promoting zzIt should be possible to contact public authorities via a
innovation and security in IT. Our aim is to have a trans- range of channels, in a simple and secure manner. We
parent state offering easy access to reliable data. are rolling out De-Mail, the encrypted electronic letter
system, at national level. To expedite this roll-out, a
To tackle the tasks ahead, we must join forces across all joint working group is being set up with industry. The
government and public sector levels. We therefore wish group will exchange experiences and address any identi-
to intensify cooperation within the IT Planning Council fied obstacles promptly.
and call on Länder and local authorities to help implement
sustainable public administration across the board. zzExisting administrative formalities, such as those requir-
ing a handwritten signature or personal appearance at
the office of an authority, are greatly hampering the fur-
1. Public sector digital services for citizens ther expansion of electronic services. We are therefore
and companies reviewing all administrative formalities and dispensing
with these where possible.
In order to offer attractive, user-friendly and secure digital
services, the Federal Government will apply the following zzAt European level, we are working towards enabling
principles to its actions: citizens in other member states to use electronic iden
tification in a secure manner. We are also working
zzFurther modernisation of public administration can on the cross-border recognition and use of electronic
only succeed if we implement measures in a coordi- signatures, including company signatures.
nated and effective manner. We are therefore taking a
cross-departmental approach in our government pro- zzThe digitisation of innovative public services and pro-
gramme “Digital Administration 2020”, which brings cesses both facilitates and dictates further openness with
together a series of measures. regard to state geo data, statistics and other datasets
(open data). With open data, we are also supporting the
zzWe work closely with the Länder and local authorities growth of innovative small and medium-sized enter-
and support the development of user-friendly local prises. As a result of our efforts, the federal authorities
e-government services. are pioneering the provision of open data in Germany.
In this context, we are presenting a “National Action
zzCitizens must be able to rely on straightforward, secure Plan on Implementing the G8 Open-Data Charta“.
communication with public administration. We are
therefore setting up citizen accounts in conjunction zzRemote sensing data such as satellite images are increas-
with the Länder: these accounts will also allow secure ingly vital for industry, science and many federal author-
authentication using the eID function on identity cards ities. We are therefore examining ways of providing
and facilitate simple and secure use of the maximum central digital access to such data and derived products.
possible number of administration services at local
authority, Länder and government level.
20 I I I . I N N O VAT I V E P U B L I C A D M I N I S T R AT I O N
zzBasic services for Federal Government departments 3. Ensuring secure government communication
must only be developed once and in a single location.
We are planning and developing these services within We will maintain and further improve the trustworthiness
the framework of the programme “Sharing Government of the German government’s communication systems.
IT” (Gemeinsame IT des Bundes) and making them avail-
able to all federal authorities. zzWe use our own dedicated networks to the greatest
extent possible, using trusted components, to route data
zzThere is a need for swifter, more efficient management belonging to the federal administrative authorities.
of procurement processes. We are therefore standardis-
ing and ramping up the digitisation of the government’s zzWith the major government network consolidation pro-
procurement processes. Our work on further developing ject “Netze des Bundes”, we are providing a cross-depart-
e-procurement and e-invoicing is in process. mental communication infrastructure offering high-
level security. The three cross-departmental or Federal
and Länder networks (IVBB & IVBV/BVN and DOI) are
2. Government IT: protecting its autonomy being fully migrated to this infrastructure, which can act
and ability to take action as an integration platform for all of the federal adminis-
tration’s wide area networks. Agreements on integrating
Cloud computing and largely closed IT ecosystems are cross-departmental networks are to follow from 2018.
increasing the technological dependence of private and
government users. In order to protect the government’s zzIn the area of information security, we are working
autonomy and ability to take action, we want to reduce or closely together with representatives at all government
avoid, if possible, the reliance of government information and public administration levels. Where possible and
technology on global IT corporations. practical in this process, we are drawing on the standar
disation expertise of the IT Planning Council arising
zzWe are merging the government’s IT networks and from the Interstate Agreement on IT.
computing centres and creating the necessary legal
framework for this purpose.
Our daily lives are in a constant state of flux. Skills that zzThe Federal Government is working to enhance the
we have acquired in the past, such as particular ways of media and information skills of German citizens, in
communicating with each other, operating machinery and their various adopted roles. Increasingly, these same
devices or sourcing information, are becoming less impor- citizens are not just users but also creators of media
tant as a result of digitisation. In the meantime, new skills content and data or developers of software. We will
must be acquired. Many people consider the changes affect- set up information platforms with this goal in mind.
ing their daily lives to be a source of great enrichment. Others
lack the confidence or the necessary skills to embrace the zzWe want to help children and young people grow up
opportunities offered by these changes. with a positive experience of digital media. We are
supporting media education in families by providing
We will therefore engage in debate with the greatest possi- information and advice, by promoting age-appropriate
ble number of demographic groups to discuss how we want media environments and by developing and imple-
to live together with the digital transformation. Further- menting a coherent and up-to-date policy on protecting
more, we want to empower all those living in our country, minors in the media. To provide this type of up-to-date
whether young or old, male or female, with or without protection of minors in the media, we are also holding
disabilities, to control their own access to and engagement a dialogue with businesses about options for safer
with the digital daily environment. Many of our citizens default settings (safety by default). In addition, we are
are already involved in non-profit making activities for the inviting young people to become involved in suitable
common good during their spare time. Digitisation also structures for peer support.
offers new opportunities in this area. The Federal Govern-
ment will support new ways of allowing citizens to become zzWe are continuing the “An Internet for children” (Ein
involved in helping each other using digital technology. Netz für Kinder) initiative, which is designed to support
interesting, age-appropriate digital services for children.
1. Engaging in greater dialogue with social zzAmong older social groups, many people remain scep
groups tical of digital developments and their consequences.
For this reason, we are reviewing ways of improving
Previously, discussions on the social issues related to the digital media skills of older people in particular and
digitisation have only been held intermittently and within also boosting their confidence in digital developments.
a small group of interested parties.
We want to include in the discussion those who have not 3. Making digital participation a reality
yet voiced their opinion, for whatever reason. Peoples’ con-
cerns and particular requirements will be noted and used Democracy cannot exist without participation. Digital
constructively to shape the Digital Agenda. We plan to hold services play an important role in this regard by fostering
the discussions using several different formats, including enhanced dialogue in the democratic environment, while
online and offline events. also providing to information that was often previously
difficult to access.
2. Strengthening digital media skills for all zzWe are improving our citizens’ opportunities to partici-
generations pate online. For this purpose, we are supporting public
participation platforms based on real-life models and
It is our aim that all individuals should be able to develop opportunities to participate and become empowered at
their full potential in the digital society in a secure, informed local authority level, in industry associations, in volun-
and proactive manner. tary and youth work, for men and women, people with
disabilities and for all generations.
24 I V. S H A P I N G D I G I TA L E N V I R O N M E N T S I N S O C I E T Y
4. Shaping digital environments: supporting zzWe are fostering existing voluntary work by promoting
family life and equal opportunities digital options that can be used to improve the organi-
sation of voluntary work, for example, in recruiting
Digitisation is already helping us to achieve a more flexible new members or deploying volunteers in the event of
balance between work, family lives and leisure. Technical a catastrophe.
advances will allow even greater flexibility in this area. The
Federal Government wants to ensure that as many people zzWe are expanding digital resources that can be used to
as possible can avail of this flexibility. take greater advantage of the digital options for provid-
ing civic education and raising interest in politics and
zzWe are therefore assessing how family support services social engagement.
contracted on the Internet can be better targeted
towards helping parents reconcile family and working zzWe are strengthening voluntary, intergenerational
life on a partnership basis and how, in this process, new engagement to promote media skills in the area of the
and secure family support digital services can be enabled. Internet and other new media.
As part of this examination, we need to establish the
extent to which qualifications and quality assurance can We plan to implement a pilot project under the heading
help build more trust in the online environment. of “Digital Voluntary Social Service Year” (FSJ-digital). As
part of this project, we wish to gather and summarise
zzEveryday family life is also facing new opportunities best-practice experience about how young people can
and challenges as a result of the digital transformation. offer their skills and talent in managing and applying new
The digital transformation is affecting everything from media to help non-profit organisations.
questions concerning responsibility for education to
the everyday organisational issues involved in running
a family. Our aim is to support parents in creating a
positive family environment in the digital age while
encouraging them to be critical and sovereign consumers
of what the Internet has to offer.
The areas of education, science, research, culture and media zzThe Council for Information Infrastructure (Rat für
are key deployment areas for new digital advances and in Informationsinfrastrukturen) set up by the Federal
themselves act as crucial drivers and facilitators of further Government and the Länder will act as a superordinate
digital development. This development means that all citi- coordinating and advisory committee to support the
zens can availing of tremendous opportunities in the above science and research information infrastructure, e.g.
areas for learning, further training, continuing education, by making recommendations.
progression and participation in economic and social life.
zzWe want to promote the networking of research data-
Scientists need to be able to communicate scientific infor- bases, repositories and virtual research environments
mation easily and cooperate across national borders. and to support this networking by means of strategic
Research results should be able to make their way from projects with vital leverage.
basic research to implementation along an essentially
unbroken path, thus accelerating their transfer into inno-
vative applications and helping to boost new levels pros- 2. Safeguarding access to knowledge as a
perity and secure jobs for the future. For those working in basis for innovation
the media and the cultural sectors, the Internet not only
offers an almost inexhaustible source of inspiration but We will improve the framework conditions for an unre-
also opens up new potential applications, business models stricted flow of information, particularly within the scien-
and means of dissemination. In order to exploit the new tific sector. This will include a comprehensive open access
opportunities for development and participation created strategy designed to enhance incentives and ensure more
by digitisation, the government, business sector and society efficient, ongoing access to publicly funded research publi-
must make concerted efforts to invest sustainably in educa- cations and data.
tion, science and infrastructure and ensure that the appro-
priate framework is put in place. Scientists must conduct To fully exploit the potential for science, research and edu-
more research on the subject of digitisation itself. This is cation, we will improve the use of protected content for
the only way that they can make the necessary contribu- these purposes in a way that does not infringe copyright.
tion to the social and political debate surrounding the More specifically, a copyright limitation for education and
relationship between freedom and security and the private science is to be introduced.
and the public sphere.
zzTo be prepared for the main challenges posed by digiti- 5. Understanding the digital transformation
sation in the working world, we need to analyse more through research
effectively training needs for initial training, further
training and continuing education and – where neces- First-class research is essential for underpinning society‘s
sary – develop and/or enhance measures to implement debate around digitisation, which focuses on the protection
them. of the private sphere and the right to privacy, self-determi-
nation and transparency. Research findings are an impor-
zzWith the “Digital Media in Vocational Education and tant foundation for policymakers and society to shape the
Training” support programme (Digitale Medien in der transformation in a responsible way and making people
beruflichen Bildung), we are strengthening vocational more accepting and trusting of a digital world.
education and initiating structural changes with the
aim of significantly increasing the use of digital tools zzThe interdisciplinary research forum on “Privacy –
for initial and continuing training in vocational educa- Empowered living in the digital world” (Privatheit –
tion. The Digitisation University Forum (Hochschul selbstbestimmtes Leben in der Digitalen Welt) investigates
forum Digitalisierung) identifies opportunities for digi new, cross-disciplinary approaches to protecting privacy
tisation in universities and drafts recommendations in an increasingly digitised world.
for action.
zzResearch on the future of work in a digital world helps
to facilitate a beneficial coevolution of technology and
4. Exploiting digitisation’s potential for social factors such as skills development, (work) process
innovation innovations and prevention strategies in health so that
the focus will continue to be on the person.
To help innovations enjoy market success, we are focusing
on a continuous value chain from basic research to transfer zzUsing an interdisciplinary approach, a publicly funded
and commercialisation. research institute will investigate the ethical, legal, eco-
nomic and participatory aspects of the Internet and digi-
zzWe are developing our High-Tech Strategy into a com- tisation. The focus is on harnessing and targeting the
prehensive, government-wide innovation strategy for existing potential of the German research landscape.
Germany and thus giving fresh impetus to the key areas
of research outlined by Industry 4.0: IT security research, zzStudies to carry out scientific analyses of the opportuni-
microelectronics and service research. ties and risks of future developments in digitisation will
be funded as part of the innovation and technology
zzWe are increasing innovation support for the area of big analysis.
data to exploit its inherent potential for business (e.g.
Industry 4.0), science (e.g. life sciences) and the health
service. Two centres of excellence for big data are to be 6. Culture and media
established in Berlin and Dresden.
Digital technologies and distribution via the Internet have
zzThe Federal Government is boosting high-performance revolutionised and democratised the creation of and access
computing as a basis for scientific excellence and added to cultural assets and media content on the one hand and
value in business. Its aim is to be a leader in this area. the opportunities for shaping and expressing opinions on
the other. The online provision of digital content and
zzWe are also increasing research on digitisation in medi- imagery reinforces the basis for culture, science, research
cine, for example, with a focus on medical informatics. and social participation.
V. E D U C AT I O N , S C I E N C E , R E S E A R C H , C U LT U R E A N D M E D I A 29
It is on this basis that we will transform Germany into a zzWe are therefore supporting the establishment of a
country that embraces digital culture. High-quality digital Federal and Länder Commission as soon as possible
content is a prerequisite for this transformation. To this to create a compatible media regime and to adapt this
end, we will further improve conditions for content pro- regime more effectively to digitisation and convergence
viders. We will also continue to drive the digitisation of of media in the relevant areas of media supervision,
cultural assets and improve accessibility to our cultural telecommunications law and competition law.
and scientific heritage in archives, libraries and museums.
zzWe are also advocating a review of the Audiovisual
Our society‘s collective knowledge will be increasingly Media Services Directive.
stored in digital form. We will be able to access this know
ledge anywhere, at any time. The exponential growth in
data offers great opportunities for our knowledge society,
but also presents us with new challenges for preserving this
data. Public digital content is also available in a wide vari-
ety of media and formats. There is a risk of this content
becoming unreadable and therefore being lost in the long
term due to changes in technology.
The Federal Government has set itself the task of ensuring zzWe are carrying out research relating to the security
that the network is secure in order to reap the full benefits of users and implementing the findings in practice.
of digitisation for German society and its economy. People The “Safe, secure and empowered in the digital world”
will not trust new digital services and offerings unless their research programme (Selbstbestimmt und sicher in der
data is protected and they can operate with maximum digitalen Welt) will deal with the IT security of new
security on the Internet. Consumers will not trust online technologies and the protection of data in tomorrow‘s
shops, email services and social networks unless their data world. The programme will also focus on the develop-
is secure and not misused. Companies will not trust new ment of user-friendly solutions.
business models unless they can be sure that the hardware
and software used guarantees the confidentiality of their zzWe are helping people to increase their awareness and
trade secrets and the integrity and availability of their IT knowledge of online security. Caution and know-how
systems. System security and data protection are the key on the part of users are crucial to online protection and
cross-cutting issues of digitisation and are incorporated security. We are stepping up our cooperation with the
into all areas of activity in the Digital Agenda. Germany Secure Online association (Deutschland sicher
im Netz, DSiN).
1. Greater online protection for citizens and zzWe promote business models that use anonymisation
companies and pseudonymisation measures. We help companies
improve their IT security. Small and medium-sized
Our aim is to protect the privacy of individuals and their enterprises (SMEs), in particular, often do not have the
communication on the Internet. We are creating the necessary resources. The complementary initiatives “IT
conditions to ensure that every individual is in a position security in business” (IT-Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft) and
to protect themselves and their data online. “Alliance for cyber security” (Allianz für Cybersicherheit)
are being expanded.
zzWe support and demand simple security technologies.
Internet providers must also take responsibility for
ensuring that users can operate securely online. We are 2. Modern data protection for the
making industry and business more accountable for information age
developing and offering trustworthy hardware and soft-
ware products and services that users can deploy to We are committed to a high level of data protection that
increase their online security. continues to guarantee the freedom and right to privacy
of citizens. At the same time, we want to optimise the
zzWe are providing secure infrastructures so that users opportunities offered by digitisation for our society and
can protect their own identity online and communicate economy.
securely. Use of the new identity card will be simplified
and its applications will be extended. We support the use zzWe will modernise and harmonise European data pro-
of more and better encryption and aim to be the world’s tection law in the digital internal market in order to
leading country in this area. To achieve this goal, the strengthen the rights of citizens in the networked world
encryption of private communication must be adopted and recognise the importance of data protection as a
as standard across the board. We are expanding the use crucial factor in a business location. The most important
of security technologies such as De-Mail. step to achieving this goal will be the adoption of the
General Data Protection Regulation by 2015 at the latest.
We also want to have a high level of data protection to
respond to issues arising from the new technologies or
types of data processing such as big data, profiling, web
tracking or cloud computing to protect privacy.
32 V I . S I C H E R H E I T, S C H U T Z U N D V E RT R AU E N F Ü R G E S E L L S C H A F T U N D W I RT S C H A F T
zzIn response to global networking and revelations about As the digital transformation takes place, we also want to
the misuse of personal data, we want to be in the van- ensure a high level of security by means of legal require-
guard of the development of international data protec- ments or generally binding standards. To do this, we need
tion principles. To this end, we are engaging in dialogue to take the necessary measures to safeguard the trustwor-
with partners around the world. thiness of our digital infrastructures, expand our techno-
logical system expertise and reduce our dependencies. It is
important to promote the use of German and European IT
3. Consumer protection in the digital world products and their manufacturers. To achieve these objec-
tives, business, civil society, science and government must
Consumer sovereignty on the digital markets must be work together closely.
restored and safeguarded.
zzWe are improving IT security by developing partner-
zzWith this goal in mind, we are strengthening consumer ships with operators of critical infrastructures; through
confidence in digital products and services. We support legal guidelines for minimum security standards; and by
the establishment of an Internet arbitration board. introducing mandatory reporting for serious IT security
incidents as part of an IT security law.
zzIn order to identify shortcomings in digital products
and services at an early stage, we are setting up a market zzWe support and demand the use of trustworthy IT secu-
watchdog to monitor the digital world (Digitale Welt). rity technologies, especially the use of more and better
encryption in electronic communication. This will also
zzWe are introducing a right of associations to take legal lead to a more robust market for IT security solutions.
action to improve data protection.
zzWe investing greater efforts into the certification and
zzHigh standards of data protection and data security recognition of expert agencies as this generates trust in
are essential to maintain trust in digital services and IT products.
products. We are therefore supporting and demanding
technology-based data protection (privacy by design) zzWe support the design of new technologies that are
and privacy-friendly default settings (privacy by default). secure and trustworthy. To this end, we are expanding
standardisation activities that apply in particular to the
zzTo prevent infringements of the law, we will improve international context.
the media literacy of users and ensure they are better
equipped to distinguish between legal and illegal activi- zzWe are empowering the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA)
ties on the Internet. to meet the needs of telecommunications security and
the European regulation on electronic identification and
zzWe will clarify the future status and role of the Data trust services for electronic transactions in the internal
Protection Foundation (Stiftung Datenschutz). market. The improved provision of resources is also part
of this process.
5. More security in cyberspace zzTo do this, we will also provide the Federal Office for
the Protection of the Constitution with the appropriate
As in the offline world, the government also has a respon- infrastructure and technical analysis tools to improve
sibility in the networked world to avert risks and criminal- the analysis of existing data and to make communica-
ity. We acknowledge this responsibility for public IT secu- tion patterns much more visible.
rity and want to play our part in protecting society and
the economy in the digital age. This requires a strategic zzWe will expand the expertise in the Federal Office for
realignment of the cyber security architecture and better Civil Protection in the area of impact analysis of cyber
resources for security authorities in terms of technology attacks on critical infrastructures.
and staffing.
zzWe will bolster international cooperation in this area,
zzWe are strengthening the Federal Office for Information e.g. with ENISA (European Network and Information
Security (BSI). Improving the resources made available Security Agency) and Europol‘s European Cybercrime
to the BSI will be part of this process. Centre.
zzWe will adapt the criminal law to the digital age and in
particular close any loopholes in criminal law relating to
the handling of stolen data.
We want to protect and expand an open, free and secure 2. Integration of the Digital Agenda for
global Internet as a space for diversity of opinion, partici- Germany in the international context
pation, innovation and as an engine for economic growth
and work. Rules and conditions for the global network can- We also represent the Digital Agenda for Germany in the
not be created solely at national level, but must be rooted relevant international organisations. Multi-stakeholder
and supported at European and international level. Some processes, in which stakeholders from industry and busi-
of the basic issues surrounding management of the Inter- ness, science, government and civil society work together
net (such as the assignment and coordination of critical transparently within the framework of their respective
Internet resources) are decided at a global level. Germany responsibilities, are particularly important in this regard.
will participate even more actively than before at interna- We are also broadening our strategic bilateral and multi
tional and European level in the relevant negotiations and lateral consultations.
These consultations include government consultations
with key countries on issues covered by the Digital Agenda,
1. Integration of the Digital Agenda for such as the ICT consultations between Germany and the
Germany in the European context US. Within this framework, we will also continue the trans-
atlantic cyber dialogue as an example of a stronger multi-
Issues like network development, network neutrality, stakeholder focus.
completion of the digital single market, data protection,
the protection of intellectual property on the Internet, We are opposed to a ‚cyber arms race‘ but instead favour a
IT security and research funding involve not just German, peaceful alignment of international cyber security policy.
but also important European considerations. We therefore
act as advocates for the Digital Agenda for Germany on We will continue to actively follow discussions on the sub-
the relevant European committees and actively support ject of the Internet, among other issues, within the Interna-
the ongoing processes. This helps us to initiate and con- tional Telecommunication Union (ITU) and debate them
tinue a wide-ranging strategic debate with our European with interested experts. We are coordinating and partici-
partners, covering issues such as future measures to be pating in decision-making processes in the ITU‘s radio sec-
taken at European level. We will take an active part in the tor and standardisation sector, which form the basis for a
preparations for the review of the European regulatory successful implementation of the objectives for the digital
framework for electronic communication and copyright infrastructures. We will also actively help to shape the
announced by the European Commission. debate on digital issues in the OECD.
4. Developing „international network law“ zzWithin the area of governance, digitisation is seen and
and the protection of human rights promoted as a means of transparent, efficient govern-
ance and administration in the partner countries of
We want to establish clarity about the applicable „interna- German development cooperation.
tional network law“ to protect the prevailing fundamental
rights and civil liberties in the digital world and augment zzWe regularly supply raw data on ongoing development
opportunities for democratic participation in the global projects to the International Aid Transparency Initiative
communications network. The right to privacy, freedom of (IATI), thus contributing to greater effectiveness and
information and free speech must also be enforced in the transparency in international development cooperation.
digital age. To this end, we are embarking on a multi-stage
process to create recommendations for elements of an
„international network law“. Important elements include
the report presented by the UN High Commissioner for
Human Rights and the fourth round of the government
experts process at UN level.