Going Beyond: Business

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JK Trust Gram
Vikas Yojana

JK BovaGenix

Skilled Tailoring
3 4
Centre, Thane

Singhania Schools

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64 | Annual Report 2016-17

The Raymond Group’s CSR JK Trust Gram Vikas Yojana Singhania Schools
initiatives are designed to The JK Trust Gram Vikas Yojana The Shrimati Sulochanadevi
benefit disadvantaged sections aims to significantly improve Singhania School at Thane
of society. Raymond’s CSR the quality of life in rural areas (managed by the Shrimati
initiatives are centred on the through a strategically executed Sulochanadevi Singhania
core principle of inclusiveness cattle breeding programme. Thus School Trust) and the Kailashpat
and empowerment, driven by an far, this initiative has provided Singhania High School in
overarching vision of creating a breeding and veterinary services Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh
better tomorrow for all Indians. to >4.5 million people across have a combined headcount of
Raymond’s commitment to its 45,000 villages in 11 States of ~8,000 students. Similarly, the
CSR projects and programmes India. Dr. Vijaypat Singhania School in
is vindicated by its calculated Vapi, Gujarat, provides quality
JK BovaGenix
investments in activities specified education to the children of
This first-of-its-kind breeding
under Schedule VII of the Raymond employees and local
programme utilising in-vitro
Companies Act, 2013 (2% of residents. As per the Education
fertilisation of selected indigenous
the average profit earned during World rankings of 2015,
cattle breeds was launched on
the past three years). Raymond the Shrimati Sulochanadevi
20th July, 2016. JK BovaGenix
has undertaken CSR activities in Singhania School was adjudged
aims to achieve 1,000 IVF
the realms of healthcare (raising the number one school in India
pregnancies within a year of its
awareness about cancer, treating for employing a holistic approach
commissioning and scale it to
patients suffering from cancer to education.
10,000 by 2020.
and treating patients afflicted with
renal ailments), potable water, Skilled Tailoring Institutes
employment, environmental The Skilled Tailoring Institutes
sustainability and promotion of in Patna, Jaipur, Jodhpur and
traditional art forms. At Raymond, Lucknow provide training in
CSR activities are carried out tailoring skills to marginalised
as per the company’s Board- women and youth, enhancing
approved CSR policy. Moreover, their livelihoods.
there are in place precise SOPs
for the implementation of these Raymond Rehabilitation Centre
projects as approved by the The Raymond Rehabilitation
CSR committee. Consequently, Centre was set up for the welfare
Raymond’s CSR expenditure of underprivileged youth at
stood at H0.57 crore during Jekegram (Thane). It runs free
FY16 and H1.53 crore in FY17, vocational training workshops
respectively. The company also (electrical, air conditioning,
continues to voluntarily support refrigeration and plumbing) for
the following social initiatives: boys over 16 years of age.

Raymond Limited | 65

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