Published-Pdf-327-6-10. IJZAB ID No. 327 PDF
Published-Pdf-327-6-10. IJZAB ID No. 327 PDF
Published-Pdf-327-6-10. IJZAB ID No. 327 PDF
Research Article
Article History: Received 3rd January 2018; Accepted 23rd January 2017; Published 7th February 2018
Rajasthan is land where conservation is religion. In many sites peaceful cohabitation between humans and wildlife is
conjoint. The mutual efforts of Forest Department, Rajasthan and local communities for the protection of wildlife lead to
an almost threefold upsurge in blackbuck population in this region. Due to conservation efforts across the country
including Rajasthan have placed blackbuck in the Least Concern category in Red Data Book published by IUCN from
earlier Near Threatened category. In India, blackbuck is distributed across 15 states and in Rajasthan; it is distributed
among 19 districts. The total population of blackbuck in Rajasthan including protected area is estimated to be over thirty
thousand in 2016.
the Wildlife Act of 1972 (Meena et al., 2017b). The Population status of blackbuck in Rajasthan
Blackbuck is native to India and earlier occurred across
In India, blackbuck population has been reported in states
almost the throughout the Indian subcontinent. Although of Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra,
blackbuck now has disappeared from numerous areas due Odisha, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, Bihar,
to habitat destruction for anthropocentric development, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil
they are increasing in many protected areas and community Nadu and Karnataka. Among the 15 states of India, where
reserves in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Haryana (Rahmani, blackbuck is found, the large number is found is Rajasthan
2001). In Rajasthan, herds of blackbuck can be easily seen (Rahmani 1991). In Rajasthan, the blackbuck is distributed
in western, northern as well as southeastern part of the state across various districts which include Baran, Bikaner,
(Figure 1). Churu, Ganganagar, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, Jalore, Jodhpur,
Kota, Nagaur, Pali, Sawai Madhopur,Sikar, Sirohi and
Blackbuck exhibit pronounced sexual dimorphism;
Tonk (Figure 2).
males have black and white pelage and large spiraling
horns. The brown areas at the back of males gradually The major site where the blackbuck population has
darken with age finally becoming black (Prater 1965). been protected is Tal Chhapar Sanctuary. Tal Chhapar
Blackbucks rarely live in isolation, they are mostly found Sanctuary is a sanctuary located in the Churu district of
mainly in groups. They are found in wide range of habitat Northwestern Rajasthan in the Shekhawati region of India.
but it attains greatest densities in semi-arid grasslands According to the state forest department the Tal Chhapar
Sanctuary houses the largest blackbuck population in the
(Jarman, 1974). They feed on fresh tender leaves, grass,
state. Ranthambhore National Park, Chambal and Shergarh
crops, cereals, vegetables and leaves of shrubs and trees
protected area have some recordable populations. The data
(Meena and Chourasia, 2017a). Blackbuck is mainly from forest department (Rajasthan) suggest that population
diurnal, rarely can be nocturnal (Meena and Choursia, of blackbuck has increased in protected areas (Table 1,
2017b).They show a definite pattern of activities in the Figure 3). The Rajasthan forest department is doing
fixed hours of the day which may slightly vary with the efficient work to protect wildlife including blackbuck. The
seasons (Sharma, 2013, Meena et al. 2017b). Blackbuck population of blackbuck in different protected area of
has important ecological roles in grassland ecosystem Rajasthan has increased from 2209 to 2692 in last six years.
(Meena et al, 2017c). (Table 1).
Ram Prakash Saran and Renu Meena Int. J. Zool. Appl. Biosci., 3(1), 71-76, 2018
The major site where the blackbuck population has been Jodhpur, Karauli, Kota, Nagaur, Pali, Sawai Madhopur,
protected is Tal Chhapar Sanctuary. Tal Chhapar Sanctuary Sikar, Sirohi and Tonk districts of Rajasthan. The increase
is a sanctuary located in the Churu district of Northwestern in the population of blackbuck outside protected area has
Rajasthan in the Shekhawati region of India. According to been phenomenal. In last six years population has increased
the state forest department the Tal Chhapar Sanctuary almost 250 % (Figure 4). The population recorded in 2011
houses the largest blackbuck population in the state. was 11248 which have reached to 27838 in 2016 (Table 1).
Ranthambhore National Park, Chambal and Shergarh The increase in population outside protected area represents
protected area have some recordable populations. The data positive cooperation of society and forest department in
from forest department (Rajasthan) suggest that population Rajasthan.
of blackbuck has increased in protected areas (Table 1, The major increase in black population in last six years
Figure 3). The Rajasthan forest department is doing (2011-2016) has been observed in Baran, Bikaner, Jodhpur,
efficient work to protect wildlife including blackbuck. The Nagaur and Pali. In Baran, blackbuck population has
population of blackbuck in different protected area of increased from 1144 individuals in 2011 to 3394 in 2016.
Rajasthan has increased from 2209 to 2692 in last six years. In Bikaner population has increased almost five-fold while
(Table 1). in Nagaur it has doubled (Figure 5). In Pali large number
(6201) blackbucks has been reported in 2016, prior to this
Distribution of blackbuck population outside closed number of blackbuck were very low. In districts like Bundi,
area has been reported in Baran, Barmer, Bikaner, Churu, Jaipur, Sirohi and Tonk the count of blackbuck is very low
Ganganagar, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Jalore, as compare to other sites (Table 2).
Ram Prakash Saran and Renu Meena Int. J. Zool. Appl. Biosci., 3(1), 71-76, 2018
Table 1. Trend in population of blackbuck in protected and outside protected area in Rajasthan (Source: Rajasthan forest
department, 2017)
Year Protected Area Outside protected area Total
2016 2692 27838 30530
2015 2508 15189 17697
2014 2472 15549 18021
2013 2487 14073 16560
2012 2316 12789 15105
2011 2209 11248 13457
Figure 3. Population status of blackbuck (2011-2016) in protected and outside protected area in Rajasthan.
Figure 4. Change in population of blackbuck from 2011-2016 in protected and outside protected area in Rajasthan.
Ram Prakash Saran and Renu Meena Int. J. Zool. Appl. Biosci., 3(1), 71-76, 2018
Figure 5. Trend in change of blackbuck population outside of closed area in different districts of Rajasthan (Source:
Rajasthan Forest Department, 2017).
Table 2. Population status of blackbuck outside protected area in Rajasthan (Source: Rajasthan Forest Department, 2017).
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Baran 1144 1774 1796 1994 2240 3394
Bikaner 136 140 152 219 235 701
Bundi 49 54 32 24 71 66
Churu 0 0 0 0 0 2673
Ganganagar 3596 3568 3570 3750 3879 4012
Hanumangarh 186 768 811 776 781 815
Jaipur 0 0 0 40 22 23
Jodhpur 2301 3238 3390 2530 2702 3932
Karauli 126 140 163 262 169 160
Kota 182 185 198 356 361 287
Nagaur 2456 2496 3660 3992 4426 5495
Pali 0 30 23 61 229 6201
Sirohi 6 5 14 17 8 14
Tonk 300 321 219 204 66 65
Ram Prakash Saran and Renu Meena Int. J. Zool. Appl. Biosci., 3(1), 71-76, 2018