Diversity Abundance and Composition of Non Human Primates
Diversity Abundance and Composition of Non Human Primates
Diversity Abundance and Composition of Non Human Primates
J. Env. Bio-Sci., 2019: Vol. 33 (2): 269-274 ISSN 0973-6913 (Print), ISSN 0976-3384 (On Line)
Diversity is one of the most important live supporting systems millions of Rhesus macaques were present in India and 86 %
on the earth. India has long been known as one of the rich of that population were living near to human habitation. Primate's
primate areas of the world, both in species diversity and population are being reduced or eliminated in many parts of
population Southwick and Lindburg (1986). All species on earth the world due to habitat destruction, competition for food and
have some unique ecological function and we need to explore space, meat hunting, biomedical research and the pet trade
their use for better well-being (Prasad et al., 2019). The primates (Wolthaeim, 1983a; Mittermeier, 1986; Priston & Underdown,
have enormous inherent values, their behavior and ecology 2009). A few studies have been carried out to ascertain their
have made a number of significant contributions to understand diversity, status, distribution and demography by different
human evolution; moreover, they also record increasingly workers (Chetry et al., 2003: Biswas, 2004; Medhi, et al,.
important in conservation biology Martin, (2003). The mega 2007; Kumar, 2015, Prasad, 2017). There is very few information
biodiversity country, India supports sixteen species of non about the diversity status and population parameters of non
human primates occur in eight species of macaque, five of human primates species in various protected areas in India.
langurs, two of lorises and one species of gibbon occurs in Besides population in the wild, there are primates' Rhesus
South Asia (Southwick and Lindburg 1986: Smith and Me monkey and hanuman langur on the premises of undulated,
Donough, 2005). Non-human primate occupies a large diversity sandy soil with scattered forest area of Haryana Cattle Breeding
of habitats ranging from dense forest in mountain region to Farm (HCBF), town areas, temples and old fort living in
open land and human habitations in India Tiwari and association with human population, but none have been
Mukhargee, (1992). The Hanuman langur (Semnopithecus documented particularly in Bihar.
entellus) is biggest species of old world monkeys distributed
In this paper we have for the first time assessed and an effort
throughout India except northeastern India, while rhesus
has been done to study the diversity, distribution, composition
macaque occurs in all habitats of India (Chaudhary et al, 2006).
as well as prospects on present population of non human
Southwick and Siddhiqui (1994) were believed that more than
primates (M. mulatta) and (P. entellus) in Dumraon, Buxar, Bihar. Diversity and characteristics: The world tropical region
harbor most of the global biodiversity, are unfortunately among
the places with maximum human pressure on the environment
Study area: Dumraon is one of the oldest municipalities of (Mazumdar, 2014). The occurrence of the M. mulatta and
Bihar and one of India's oldest princely states. Now It is a sub- black footed gray langur (P. entellus) in Dumraon, Buxar was
division of district Buxar and 100 km far-away from Patna that studied for the first time during the present research. In the
lies between 25 .55 o N Latitude and 84. 15 oE Longitude at the investigation, the identified population of two species that
average elevation of 61 metres (200 feets). It is located 1.5 km rhesus macaque (M. mulatta) is found in the Rajgard garrison
South of National High way (NH-44) (Ara- Buxar Highway) and and black footed gray langur (P. entellus) was found in the
human population was 53,618 (census of 2011) having Haryana Cattle Breeding Farm that located south east part
considerable non human primates population. of Dumraon town, detail predicted in (Table -1& 2 and Fig -1
& 2.). A few decades ago in the Dumraon (Buxar) had variety
The present investigation was carried out on diversity, abundance of wild animals and game birds when the forests were thick.
of primates in Dumraon from January 2013 to December 2014. In present observation, rapidly increasing populations of
The investigation was initiated with survey and troops were human in Dumraon with the increases in irrigation facilities
monitored in three phases of the day, i.e. morning, noon and the area under cultivation has grown, consequently resulting
evening on specific days. The non human primates were in scattered form forest which does not offer a good shelter or
observed by direct observation and scan sampling methods environment to wildlife. The wild animals have suffered in the
(Altman: 1974). Diversity and composition status at each site
process and their number has gone down very considerably,
has been considered direct counts of groups' size and sex of
nilgai, spotted deer are found in a small population in the
the species. The individuals of the group were classified as
plains and near the Ganga bank. In present, a very small
adult males, adult females, juveniles and infants. The juveniles
were those more than one year or less than three years old and number of monkeys and langurs are now living in the Dumraon
infants were those carried by mothers, less than one year old. (Buxar). According to local people of Dumraon, during 1960s
Before computation of the actual data collected, several personal number of langurs was in this area but now most of them
visits were made to record information on the past histories of they gradually left the area due to deforestation and human
the group, their interactions with local people, and the attitudes disturbance more or less similar observation were reported
of the people towards the non human primates. Where the by Medhi et al., 2007; Kumar, 2012. Tiwari and Mukharjee
authentic proof of the presence of monkeys was found the (1992) reported head with body length in male Rhesus
reports of the local people about these groups were also taken macaque ranged from 455-635 mm and tail measured 200-
into consideration for the purpose of estimation of population. 317 mm. whereas in male languor, head & body measured
In such cases the average group size of the monkeys were 58-64 cm and tail ranged from 85-105 cm.
observed in the area was taken as the group size of the group
reported by the local people. Apart from this, the author taken Habitat preferences and distribution: Grey langur and
room on rent and reside (from 2013-2014) in Tiwari tola, near macaque are diurnal. They sleep during the night in trees but
Jawahar temple, Dumraon, the area supposed to be the pathway also on man-made structures like towers, electric polls, forts,
of Rhesus macaques. The necessary information's were also old building when in human settlements (Sharma, 2002).
collected through direct observation. The identified monkeys Ungulates like bovine and deer will eat food dropped by
groups were visited during dusk or dawn and visually counting foraging langur (Punekar, 2002). During the survey period 2013-
of each group was made carefully from closed distance.
2014, non agricultural open undulated land (sandy and sandy
Data analysis: The group structure of non human primates' loam soil) of Haryana Cattle Breeding Farm (HCBF), converted
rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) and Hanuman langur in to the some permanently and occasionally residence with
(Presbytis entellus) individual detail and number of individuals natural habitat of different wild animals like nilgai deer, wild
were recorded. The collected data was presented in simple boars, hanuman etc. We found that the area of (HCBF), cover
tubular form. by small trees in different patches.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Haryana Cattle Breeding Farm (HCBF), come in existence
on 17th December 1952 was established with the aim to rear monkey, M. mulatta is more commonly found in villages and
bulls of hybrid and supply them among farmers to raise the towns than in forest area. Rhesus monkey lives in various
quality of milk producing cattle on the spreading 431.10 acres diversified habitats, namely, temples urban, railway station,
of land in East-Southern part of Dumraon town. This farm village, village-cum-pond, pond, road side canal side and forest
famous for its Sahiwal cows and Murrah buffaloes has the having varying degree of human interactions in India (Richard
capacity of keeping 450 cattle heads at a time. According to et al, 1989; Chopra and Kumar, 2012; Kumar, 2015; Prasad,
farmer Raj Narayan Yadev (65 years old), from village Banjhu- et al., 2018). The distribution of hanuman langur was spread
Dera, before the existence of HCBF, that area covered by the in Dumraon Haryana Farm. A total of three troop of hanuman
deep forest and that time considerable resident population were observed in Haryana farm. The troop were observed
aand habitat of gray languor, Rhesus macaques, Nilgai, Deer, adjacent to water bodies (Kawn river) and amid of agricultural
wild Boar, Jackal, Indian porcupines, Indian flying fox, field at Haryana farm and Dumrajni Mata temple hanuman
Squirrels, Rats, Snakes and different types of birds etc. in occupy the large tree such as Pepal, Jamun, Mango, Mahua
present study most of areas of HCBF were found covered (M. indica). The most widely distributed species of non-human
with small bushes and some trees. Prasad, (2020) also reported primate in India is the hanuman langure, P.entellus. It occurs
Indian flying fox, Pteropus giganteus (Brunnich) Chiroptera, throughout the country except in the westernmost section of
Pteropodidae in Dumraon, Bihar. In the present study, M. the Rajasthan desert and easternmost areas of India bordering
mulata, general status is reduced and least concern under Burma (Wolfheim, 1983).
IUCN-13, threatened and vulnerable condition. Whereas, P.
Status and Compositions: Kumar et al., 1991, reported a
entellus also declined and endangered. Mewa (2011) reported
total of 152 Rhesus monkey groups and 64 langur groups in
many primate species in India presently are facing the dangers
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Sengupta and Radhakrishna (2013)
of extinction. Of the 29 primate taxa in India, only four are
recorded 475 individuals of Rhesus macaque in 18 groups, 11
considered Least Concern (IUCN Red List of threatened
were in protected areas five along road sides and two in private
species), whereas all others are threatened to some degree
estates. In the present study, (Table-3), the group composition
with over 50% being endangered or critically endangered. The
of Rhesus macaques total 208 and 53, 59, 17, 24 and 45
langur diet at present is almost wholly vegetation consisting
individuals of adult male, adult female, juvenile male juvenile
mainly of the leaves, shoots buds, flower, fruits and seeds of a
female and infants were recorded. Whereas hanuman langur
number of plants. There is only a negligible natural habitat left
were observed total 57 number and 3, 7, 16, 7, 12, and 15
for hanuman and macaque in Dumraon and virtually none of it
individuals of adult male, adult female, juvenile male juvenile
has a protected area status. Tree cover is in small patches
female and infants were recorded.
and consist mainly Peepal (Ficus religiosa), Pakar, Bargad
(Ficus bengalensis), Shisham (Delbergia sissoo), Babool Primate Populations, species of M. mulatta groups travelled
(Acacia nilotica) Jamun (Syzigium cumitiv), Ber (Ziziphus extensively in the adjacent areas. Inside the Rajgard garrison;
mauritiana) and shrubs like Jharber (Ziziphus nummularia) etc. four banks, one post-office, telephone exchange office, gas
However, these areas do not provide much food for the animal godown, two schools, others non government agencies and
except leaves seeds and fruits. In place where plantations temples are situated and in working position and also one
are not available, the animals seek cover and rest in shrub hundred family all residing in the garrison (Prasad, et al., 2018).
and wasteland although these areas are dwindling fast. Prasad, A varied number of rhesus macaques (M. mulatta) with their
et al., 2018, reported M. mulatta wide spread in Dumraon and permanently or occasionally habitat live in most of the old
found most of the temples except Dumrajnii temple. They also buildings of in Raj-gardh garrison Dumraon freely or in an
found in railway station, subji mundi, (Gola). At Kali mata temple association with human that was an age-old phenomenon in
near Kao river M. mulatta occupied the large tree such as the said region. (Rechard, et al., 1989) have reported that
Peepal. The highest population was observed at Rajgadh Rhesus macaques are exceptionally adapted coexisting with
garrison. (Southwick et al., 1983) reported that the Rhesus human and thrive near human settlement in both urban and
PRASAD (272)
Table 2: Habitat, Distribution and Status of non human primates in Dumraon premises
Species Common General status IUCN Cites status Habitat
composed name status
Macaca Rhesus Reduced/ declining Least Appendix-II Rajgadh, Town, temples,
mulatta macaque but still common in concern threatened & railway premises &
north IUCN-13 vulnerable (Kisagar Lat. 25.5902,
Log. 84.2517)
Presbytis Hanuman Common --- Appendix-1 rare Haryana Cattle farm &
entellus langur throughout India but & endangered Dumrajni Mata temple
Table 3: Diversity and group composition of primates during Jan. 2013-Dec. 2014
Species Diversity No. of groups AM AF JM JF I Total
Macaca mulatta 13 53 59 17 24 45 208
Presbytis entellus 3 7 16 7 12 15 57
AM=Adult male; AF=Adult female; JM=Juvenile male; JF=Juveniles female; I=Unidentified infant
Fig-1. M. mulatta, Kalimata Mandir Dumraon Fig-2. P. entellus, Dumrajni Mandir Dumraon.
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