Grade 8 - Specific Outcomes: Choices To Maintain Health and To Promote Safety For Self and Others
Grade 8 - Specific Outcomes: Choices To Maintain Health and To Promote Safety For Self and Others
Grade 8 - Specific Outcomes: Choices To Maintain Health and To Promote Safety For Self and Others
W–8 Interactions
Personal Health Students will:
Students will: ! 5. develop strategies for maintaining healthy relationships
! 1. examine the relationship between choices and resulting ! 6. describe and provide examples of ethical behaviour in
consequences; e.g., how choosing to smoke affects how relationships; e.g., integrity
one looks, feels and performs ! 7. develop and demonstrate strategies for promoting
! 2. analyze the impact of positive and changing choices on peaceful relationships; e.g., find common ground in
health throughout the life span; e.g., need for varying conflicts
amounts of sleep, calcium
! 3. recognize and accept that individuals experience Group Roles and Processes
different rates of physical, emotional, sexual and social Students will:
development ! 8. describe and explain the positive and negative aspects of
! 4. develop personal strategies to deal with pressures to conformity and dissent as they relate to individuals in a
have a certain look/lifestyle; e.g., accept individual look group or on a team
! 5. evaluate personal food choices, and identify strategies to ! 9. describe the characteristics of, and demonstrate skills of,
maintain optimal nutrition when eating away from an effective leader and group member
home; e.g., eating healthy fast foods
! 6. analyze possible negative consequences of substance use and LIFE LEARNING CHOICES–General Outcome
abuse; e.g., fetal alcohol syndrome, drinking and driving
Students will use resources effectively to manage
Safety and Responsibility and explore life roles and career opportunities
and challenges.
Students will:
! 7. determine the signs, methods and consequences of
various types of abuse; e.g., neglect, physical, L–8
emotional, sexual abuse Learning Strategies
! 8. identify potentially unsafe situations in the community, and
Students will:
begin to develop strategies to reduce risk; e.g., dark parking
lots, lack of railway crossing lights ! 1. determine and develop time management
! 9. describe rights and responsibilities of employers and strategies/skills to establish personal balance; e.g., the
employees in relation to workplace safety use of time and energy in family, school, leisure and
! 10. develop strategies to effectively access health volunteer activities, rest
information and health services in the community; e.g., ! 2. examine learning priorities, and implement a learning
health hot line, family doctor, public health unit plan
! 11. identify and develop personal resiliency skills; e.g., ! 3. identify components of ethical decision making, and
planning skills, social competence apply these concepts to personal decision making
! 12. identify and describe the responsibilities and ! 4. begin to develop goals and priorities related to learning
consequences associated with involvement in a sexual and future career paths, based on personal interests,
relationship aptitudes and skills
! 13. describe symptoms, effects, treatments and prevention
for common sexually transmitted diseases; i.e., Life Roles and Career Development
chlamydia, HPV, herpes, gonorrhea, hepatitis B/C, Students will:
HIV ! 5. update a personal portfolio to show evidence of a range
! 14. identify and describe basic types of contraceptives; e.g., of interests, assets and skills; and relate evidence to
abstinence, condom, birth control pills knowledge and skills required by various career paths
! 6. investigate, interpret and evaluate career information and
RELATIONSHIP CHOICES–General Outcome opportunities, using a variety of sources; e.g., Internet,
Students will develop effective interpersonal informational interviews, mentors, media
skills that demonstrate responsibility, respect and
caring in order to establish and maintain healthy Volunteerism
interactions. Students will:
! 7. relate personal knowledge and skills to potential
R–8 opportunities for volunteering and providing service to
others in the community
Understanding and Expressing Feelings ! 8. investigate the characteristics of a mentor, and practise
Students will: mentorship in a group setting
! 1. describe characteristics of persistent negative feeling
states; e.g., depression, mood disorders
Please note that bold and italicized outcomes contain topics related to human sexuality
and that parents reserve the right to exempt their children from this instruction.
The student will make responsible and
8 Teacher
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
The student will examine the relationship between choices and resulting
Home/School/ W–8.1
Community consequences; e.g., how choosing to smoke affects how one looks, feels
and performs.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • In small groups, brainstorm 25 examples of healthy choices and 25 examples of unhealthy
Assessment • List five health choices that could positively affect the way you look, feel and perform.
Activities • List five health choices that could negatively affect the way you look, feel and perform.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Teacher
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
Home/School/ W–8.2 The student will analyze the impact of positive and changing choices on
Community health throughout the life span; e.g., need for varying amounts of sleep,
! Student
Student Activity
Assessment • How have your sleep patterns changed over the years? Describe your typical sleep pattern
Activities during the school year. Describe what happens when you don’t get enough sleep. List the
choices you make that effect getting (or not getting) enough sleep.
518/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Teacher
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
The student will recognize and accept that individuals experience
Home/School/ W–8.3
Community different rates of physical, emotional, sexual and social development.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Complete a timeline of significant physical and social milestones in your life.
Assessment • List five examples of how you’ve changed in the last five years physically, emotionally
Activities and socially.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Teacher
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
The student will develop personal strategies to deal with pressures to have a
Home/School/ W–8.4
! Community
certain look/lifestyle; e.g., accept individual look.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Brainstorm sources of pressure to look or act in a certain way. For example: peers,
media and parents.
• Discuss the degree of influence and the positive or negative effects these sources may
Assessment • Create a brochure offering tips on what teens can do to cope with pressures to have a
Activities certain look.
520/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
Parents can:
• be aware that the beginning of puberty can bring about changes which affect body image
• be aware that puberty changes begin gradually but often earlier than parents might expect
• make a conscious effort to have and model healthy behaviours and attitudes related to
body image
• be aware that negative comments about body size and type can be damaging to their
children’s developing sense of worth
• be available to listen and talk when children have questions or concerns about body image
• understand that feelings and concerns related to body image may surface in other ways,
such as through behaviours or attitudes
• help your child develop strategies to handle teasing
• ensure that siblings do not tease each other about body size or image
• make a conscious effort not to compare body types among family, friends and celebrities
in nonconstructive ways, such as “She would look much better if …”
• help your child understand that diversity in body shape and size is normal and natural—all
types deserve respect.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
! Teacher
The student will evaluate personal food choices, and identify strategies to
Home/School/ W–8.5
! Community
maintain optimal nutrition when eating away from home; e.g., eating
healthy fast foods.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Use the Internet to locate nutritional information on a variety of fast-food products
available at local restaurants.
• Investigate and evaluate the nutritional content of foods served in your school cafeteria,
hot lunch program and vending machines.
Explore and apply
• Design a fast-food guide based on the Internet information. Include information on the
number of servings from Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating, that each item
provides. Use colour, symbols and charts to make it user-friendly. Visit Health Canada’s
Web site at to order or download a copy of
this guide.
• Analyze the nutritional value of your favourite fast-food meal. Determine if your choices
are healthy or in need of improvement. Outline your plans for maintaining or improving
your eating habits away from home.
• For other activities that support this learning outcome, visit Physical Education Online
at Click on Teacher Resources,
go to General Outcome B and click on activities.
Extend and commit
• Discuss strategies for improving the nutritional food choices provided by the school
cafeteria and vending machines.
Assessment • Describe three healthy food choices you could make away from home.
Background Eating out the healthy way
Eating out has become a way of life for many Canadians. Typically, Canadians eat out
several times a week. Teens, who often lead fast-paced lifestyles, are no exception.
Fast foods may be particularly appealing to teens because of the way that these foods
are advertised, their seemingly low cost and convenience.
Eating out on a regular basis has implications both for health and finances. Without
careful planning, frequent eating out can promote poor eating habits and obesity. Teens
need to understand the financial realities associated with buying prepared foods. They
need to learn how healthy eating, at home or away, can be inexpensive and enjoyable.
Serving size directly affects the caloric content of foods. Because fast food serving sizes
are often much larger than those eaten at home, the impact of these foods on an
individual’s diet is magnified. As a result, regularly relying on fast foods, such as soft
drinks, french fries, burgers and pizza, can increase the risk of excessive fat, sugar and
calorie intake. This, in turn, increases the risk for problems associated with being
522/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
Becoming overweight is a significant health issue for teens. Today’s teens are at greater
risk for excessive body weight due to a variety of factors. Inactivity, an overreliance on
higher fat, higher calorie fast foods, and overly large portion sizes all contribute to weight
problems. Reversing this trend, while discouraging fad dieting, poses a challenge.
Supporting and practising the principles of balance, variety and moderation play a central
role in meeting this challenge.
In moderation, fast food items, such as hamburgers, french fries, ice cream and doughnuts,
can be part of a healthy diet. However, when these foods begin to replace other, more
nutritious foods in an individual’s overall eating plan, problems and nutrient deficiencies
can occur. Comparing typical fast-food items to home-prepared foods or school cafeteria
items can help people see the impact of these choices on their overall eating habits and can
encourage moderation.
Contributed by Alberta Milk in collaboration with registered dietitians and nutrition professionals from across the province.
Parents can:
• discuss the important role healthy eating plays in a person’s overall well-being
• provide teens with the opportunity to become involved in purchasing food for themselves
and their families
• encourage teens to seek out reliable information on the nutrient content of their favourite
• encourage and support teens in requesting nutritious foods when eating out.
Communities can:
• support student proposals aimed at increasing the number of nutrient-rich foods offered at
• strive to initiate or support adult efforts to increase the number of nutritious food choices
offered by school food services.
Contributed by Alberta Milk in collaboration with registered dietitians and nutrition professionals from across the province.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
! Teacher
The student will analyze possible negative consequences of substance use and
Home/School/ W–8.6
! Community
abuse; e.g., fetal alcohol syndrome, drinking and driving.
! Student
! Student Activity
Assessment • Imagine that you have been invited to be a guest columnist for a teen magazine. Your job
Activities is to write an open letter to students your age encouraging them to consider the potential
consequences of using alcohol while pregnant. Include basic information about what
FASD is, the consequences of FASD, and why and how it can be prevented.
524/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
Background For more ideas, see Teaching for the Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
(FASD): Grades 1–12: A Resource for Teachers of Health and Life Skills, and Career
and Life Management (Alberta Learning, 2002).
Parents can:
• model stress-management skills
• provide opportunities and support for teens to develop effective decision-making skills
• use family meetings and discussions to model healthy expression and management of
• talk to teens about the risks and responsibilities of using alcohol.
Communities can:
• support early intervention programs
• encourage mentoring programs that support mothers of children with FASD.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
! Teacher
The student will determine the signs, methods and consequences of
Home/School/ W–8.7
! Community
various types of abuse; e.g., neglect, physical, emotional, sexual abuse.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Discuss how abuse can affect children and their families.
Assessment • In your own words, explain why child abuse is an important issue in your community.
Activities Discuss the signs and consequences of abuse, and actions communities can take to break
the cycle.
526/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
Background Child abuse
Types of child abuse
• Neglect: failure to provide a child with the necessities of life, including failure to
obtain needed medical, surgical or other treatment
• Physical abuse: intentional, substantial and observable injury to a child
• Sexual abuse: inappropriate exposure or subjection to sexual contact, activity or
• Emotional abuse: the substantial and observable impairment of a child’s mental or
emotional functioning caused by such things as rejection, deprivation of affection
and/or cognitive stimulation, exposure to domestic violence or disharmony,
inappropriate criticism and humiliation, or chronic drug or alcohol use by anyone living
in the child’s home.
Adapted from Government of Alberta, Responding to Child Abuse: A Handbook (Edmonton, AB: Government of Alberta,
1999), pp. 5–9.
Abused children may encounter the following abusive behaviours from adults:
hitting, punching, kicking, slapping, pushing, choking, threatening violence as punishment
for bad behaviour, saying things over and over again that make children feel bad, forcing
children to touch them or be involved in adult sexual activities.
Children and adults who are abused may cope by:
• hiding feelings
• keeping it secret
• withdrawing
• reacting with anger and aggression
• using drugs or alcohol
• running away
• attempting suicide.
Adapted with permission from Red Cross Abuse Prevention Services, It’s Not Your Fault (Ottawa, ON: Canadian Red
Cross, 1998), p. 2.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
528/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
Parents can:
• talk to teens about abuse and prevention
• listen to and believe teens who reveal abuse or suspected abuse
• refuse to accept abusive behaviour in the home from friends or family members
• attend related presentations at school with their children
• be aware of help lines and local support services available to teens
• report known incidents of abuse in the community.
Communities can:
• provide guest presentations on abuse through local RCMP, police services, mental health
agencies, Red Cross
• facilitate anti-violence and anti-abuse presentations for schools and community
• organize public anti-violence forums with a guest panel from local community
• provide support groups and services through local mental health agencies
• organize and support volunteer help lines and crisis centres through local agencies.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Teacher
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
The student will identify potentially unsafe situations in the community, and
Home/School/ W–8.8
! Community
begin to develop strategies to reduce risk; e.g., dark parking lots, lack of
railway crossing lights.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Do a think–pair–share discussing an unsafe situation in the community that you
experienced within the last year.
Assessment • Identify three potentially unsafe situations near your home. Describe strategies you can
Activities use to reduce these risks.
Parents can:
• acknowledge teens’ feelings of fear
• give practical suggestions for staying safe in specific circumstances
• get to know teens’ friends and their parents
• include friends in family activities
• point out Block Parent symbols when walking or driving in the neighbourhood
• set clear rules and consequences; monitor teens’ whereabouts
• foster independence by adjusting boundaries and curfews as teens mature.
530/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
Communities can:
• support Block Parent programs
• support Neighbourhood Watch programs
• support Rural Crime Watch programs
• encourage neighbours to take responsibility for monitoring youth behaviour in residential
and business districts
• require professionals and caregivers working directly with teens to be aware of custody
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
! Teacher
The student will describe rights and responsibilities of employers and
Home/School/ W–8.9
Community employees in relation to workplace safety.
! Student
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Brainstorm a list of jobs (paid or volunteer) students may have or look forward to having
in the future.
• Discuss what rights students have when it comes to workplace safety. What rights do
employers have?
• Discuss responsibilities students have when it comes to workplace safety. What
responsibilities do employers have?
Assessment • Design a brochure or poster outlining teens’ rights and responsibilities regarding
Activities workplace safety.
Background For additional information
For more information on potential safety questions, see Student information master 28:
Workplace health and safety on page B.37 in Appendix B.
532/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Teacher
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
The student will develop strategies to effectively access health information
Home/School/ W–8.10
Community and health services in the community; e.g., health hot line, family doctor,
public health unit.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Brainstorm sources of health information and services available to teens in the local area.
• Do an informal survey of the class to determine how many students know:
− their doctor’s name and the name and location of the clinic
− the location of the nearest public health unit
− where to go to get information on general health questions and concerns
− teen information hot line numbers.
Assessment • Choose a health issue you are interested in. Create a mind map showing all the different
Activities strategies you could use to find out more information on this topic.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
! Teacher
The student will identify and develop personal resiliency skills; e.g.,
Home/School/ W–8.11
! Community
planning skills, social competence.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • As a class, review the definition and characteristics of resiliency. For example: resiliency
is the ability to spring back or recover from a restrictive or difficult life situation.
Assessment • Describe three ways you demonstrate personal resiliency skills in your life.
Activities • Describe one personal resiliency skill that you would like to strengthen.
Background Resiliency
“Resiliency is the ability to recognize our personal power—to see ourselves and our lives
in new ways.”
Patricia O’Gorman
Resiliency is a process of balancing protective factors against risk factors. It is the gradual
accumulation of emotional strength that gives people the ability to rise above difficult life
Risk factors Protective factors
• stress • ability to cope
• adversity • availability of support
• disadvantages
Resiliency researcher Bonnie Benard discovered that resilient individuals have social
competence. They attract positive attention from others, are empathetic and caring,
communicate well and can find humour in difficult situations.
534/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
They have problem-solving skills. They can plan, think critically and creatively, and seek
help when they need it.
They develop a critical consciousness which allows them to be aware of the problems in
their family or society, and to know that they are not the cause of these troubles.
They have autonomy. They believe in their ability to influence events around them, and
have a strong sense of their own identity, which does not waiver in the face of neglect or
Resilient children have a sense of purpose and believe in a bright future. They have goals,
educational aspirations, optimism and faith.
Resilient children use the abilities they have effectively. They can take advantage of
opportunities that exist in their environment.
Resilient children tend to recruit support from friends, relatives, teachers and other elders.
They join organizations like 4-H or the YMCA. They take advantage of educational
opportunities at community colleges, churches and community service organizations.
Adapted from Deirdre Ah Shene, “Resiliency: A Vision of Hope,” Developments 18, 7 (1999), pp. 2–3. Adapted with
permission from the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC).
We are all born with innate resiliency, with the capacity to develop the traits of resiliency.
Resiliency is a capacity for self-righting, and for transformation and change.
Connections Ideas for promoting and enhancing the development of personal resiliency skills
Students can:
• develop caring relationships with adult mentors
• organize peer support groups within the school
• be aware of local counselling services
• seek help from adults or support services when facing difficulties
• recognize that it’s okay when things don’t go their way
• recognize that individuals can have control over most of the circumstances in life that
cause unhappiness
• develop autonomy by learning to depend on themselves
• recognize that attitudes, actions and values are what define them, and not their past
• set reasonable personal goals, work toward them and celebrate their achievements.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
Parents can:
• listen to their teens
• talk with their teens
• let their teens grow from their mistakes
• believe in their teens
• let their teens know that the world is a good place
• volunteer as mentors to teens in the school and community
• invite youth to join family outings and activities
• do something new together with their teens
• be aware that teens need meaningful relationships with at least three adults other than their
• help teens find trusted adults who share similar hobbies or interests
• connect with other families
• encourage teens to find adult-led programs of interest
• be aware of local support services for at-risk teens
• help teens recognize the relationship between positive attitudes and success.
Communities can:
• provide volunteer mentors through programs such as Big Sisters and Big Brothers
• facilitate youth–adult relationships through support of initiatives for teen recreation
centres, coffee houses
• help teens organize drop-in centres through local agencies and chambers of commerce,
and provide access to a variety of mentors
• organize annual neighbourhood block parties
• increase awareness of resiliency and the factors that promote resiliency in youth
• provide inservices for community coaches, mentors and group leaders which focus on
promoting resiliency
• celebrate teen success within the community through local newspapers and newsletters.
536/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Teacher
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
The student will identify and describe the responsibilities and
Home/School/ W–8.12
Community consequences associated with involvement in a sexual relationship.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Discuss ground rules for talking about sensitive topics in the classroom.
Assessment • Describe three potential consequences of involvement in a teen sexual relationship.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Teacher
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
The student will describe symptoms, effects, treatments and prevention for
Home/School/ W–8.13
! Community
common sexually transmitted diseases; i.e., chlamydia, HPV, herpes,
gonorrhea, hepatitis B/C, HIV.
! Information
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Discuss germ theory and develop a working definition of sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs). For example, STDs are a group of diseases mainly transmitted through sexual
contact, including intercourse and/or intimate contact with genitals, mouth and/or rectum.
Some STDs are also transmitted through blood.
• Discuss why it is important to learn about STDs.
Assessment • Write a paragraph describing at least three strategies for preventing sexually transmitted
Activities diseases.
538/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
The student will make responsible and
8 Choices
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
Connections Ideas for reducing and preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
Students can:
• commit to and practise abstinence in their relationships
• be aware of STDs and safer sex practices
• be aware of treatments and local health-care services available to teens.
Parents can:
• talk to teens about STDs and safer sex practices
• encourage and support abstinence by facilitating and supervising group dating activities.
Communities can:
• provide presentations by professional health-care workers through the local health unit
• provide confidential information and services to teens in the community.
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©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
The student will make responsible and
8 Teacher
informed choices to maintain health and to
promote safety for self and others.
The student will identify and describe basic types of contraceptives; e.g.,
Home/School/ W–8.14
Community abstinence, condom, birth control pills.
! Student
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • As a class, discuss and define the word contraceptives.
• Brainstorm types of contraceptives.
Assessment • Complete the following statements to show your understanding of the basic types of
Activities contraceptives:
− “Abstinence means …”
− “A condom …”
− “Birth control pills …”
− “Contraception is important because …”
540/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
! Teacher
The student will describe characteristics of persistent negative feeling
Home/School/ R–8.1
! Community
states; e.g., depression, mood disorders.
! Student
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Create a triple T-chart of what depression looks, sounds and feels like.
Assessment • Design a tip sheet or brochure for recognizing and overcoming teen depression.
Background For additional information
For more information on depression and suicidal feelings, see the Depression section of
Teaching Students with Emotional Disorders and/or Mental Illnesses (Alberta Learning,
2000), Book 8 in the Programming for Students with Special Needs series. This teacher
resource was a collaborative project between Alberta Mental Health Board, The Alberta
Teachers’ Association and Alberta Learning. The resource is available for purchase from
the Learning Resources Centre.
Connections Ideas for supporting teens who are struggling with depression
Students can:
• organize a peer support group in the school
• talk with trusted mentors and school counsellors about personal concerns
• be aware of school and community support and counselling services available
• be aware of teen help and crisis lines
• reduce the impact of depression through exercise and physical activity
• get involved in physical activity programs.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /541
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
Parents can:
• volunteer to be mentors within the school or community
• communicate openly about feelings with teens
• be aware that teens need to have their feelings acknowledged
• learn to listen in ways that encourage teens to discuss their personal concerns
• read and learn about depression
• encourage and reward growth and progress in teens’ personal goals
• be aware of school and community support services.
Communities can:
• provide presentations for students by health-care professionals through local agencies
• support student initiatives for youth drop-in centres or recreation centres
• facilitate volunteer help lines or peer support services run by local teens under adult
• support comprehensive suicide and depression programming and awareness.
542/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
! Teacher
The student will describe signs associated with suicidal behaviour, and
Home/School/ R–8.2
! Community
identify interventional strategies.
! Student
! Student
Learning Get ready
Activities • Generate a list of questions about suicide and suicide prevention.
• View an informational video or invite a local resource person in to speak on suicide
Explore and apply
• Discuss reasons why people contemplate or die by suicide.
• Working in pairs, complete Student activity master 40: Facts and myths about suicide on
page C.41 in Appendix C. Discuss the answers in small groups or as a class.
• Review and discuss ideas contained in Student information master 35: Suicide on
pages B.50–B.51 in Appendix B.
• Survey community agencies to find out about suicide prevention and intervention
initiatives in your community.
Extend and commit
• Discuss your responsibilities, and the possible challenges posed, when someone you know
tells you he or she is considering suicide.
• Research suicide statistics for your community. Compare with other communities in the
province and across Canada. Are there any significant patterns?
Assessment • Design a brochure outlining what a person can do to cope with suicidal feelings and how
Activities someone can support a person who is thinking about suicide.
AAC … • To download the teacher-developed assessment activity I Never Knew Your Name, go
Everyday assessment to the Alberta Assessment Consortium’s Web site at, select
tools for teachers
Assessment material and then click on Public access: Assessment material
(public domain) and then go to Grade 8: I Never Knew.
[This assessment task can also be used with specific outcome R–8.5.]
Background Talking about suicide
Discussing suicide with young people is difficult. Teachers need to balance being
understanding, empathetic and nonjudgemental, while also helping youth understand
suicide is not a solution to dealing with pain. We need to decrease the stigma associated
with talking about suicide while avoiding creating approval for suicide.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /543
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
Choose your language carefully. Avoid the use of the phrase “commit suicide” as suicide
is no longer a crime. An alternative, and more realistic term is “die by suicide.” We do
not want to imply suicide is success so avoid phrases such as “succeed in killing
themselves” or “successful suicide.”
Teachers must be prepared for the possible emotional effects of discussing this topic.
You cannot know ahead of time which students might have been affected by suicide or
thinking about suicide before the discussion in class. Be aware of the emotions the
students experience as they are sharing. This will give you an opportunity to identify
students who may be upset and may need extra support outside of class. If any students
in the class have recently attempted suicide or have experienced a loss, they should be
offered the opportunity to work elsewhere during these class activities. Whether they
choose to participate or opt out, you want to have someone work with them or be nearby,
in case the topic generates anxiety and they need support.
Teachers are often privy to information about their students and have opportunities to use
their existing rapport with students to ask questions about suicidal thoughts. Teachers
can serve as a link to resources that students may benefit from. We all need to work to
decrease the stigma of seeking help and model good self-care and wellness. Students
need access to information on local agencies and professionals where they can go if they
need more help.
Background information courtesy of Alberta Mental Health Board, Suicide Prevention Program.
544/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
7. If someone in the family has died by suicide, are others in the family more likely to die
by suicide when they have problems?
If someone in the family has died by suicide, other family members may be more
likely to contemplate suicide because that behaviour has been modelled for them.
8. How can one help a person who is suicidal?
A person who believes that life is too painful is usually feeling worthless and unloved.
Showing such individuals some real caring by listening and accepting feelings, staying
close and getting others to be supportive can really help individuals feel life may be
worth living. Seek the help of a trusted adult.
9. How does talking about suicide help prevent it?
Talking about suicide diffuses some of the intensity of these feelings. It helps the
person get connected to the help that is needed. It creates a climate of caring and
breaks through the loneliness the person is experiencing.
10. Do more men or women make attempts on their lives?
Although many more women than men make attempts on their lives, more men
actually die by suicide. This is due to the fact that men usually use more lethal
methods, such as guns. Women are more likely to use pills.
11. Is there a time of year when suicide is more common?
– Suicide is more common in spring and fall.
– Suicide can occur in clusters within the local area. An imitative or copycat effect is
possible for persons at risk who have similar stresses and are the same age, sex or
– Suicide rates tend to drop prior to major holidays, including Christmas, but often
increase afterwards.
12. Is there a connection between suicide and alcohol?
Recent research indicates that a large percentage of people who die by suicide are
legally drunk at the time.
The risk for suicide is increased by predisposing, contributing and precipitating factors.
The protective factors serve to decrease the risk for suicide. Refer to the table on the next
page for examples of factors across various levels.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /545
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
• Family history of suicidal • Substance abuse within • Loss of significant family • Family relationships
behaviour/completed suicide family member characterized by warmth and
• Family violence/abuse • Family instability • Death, especially by suicide belonging
• Family history of psychiatric • Ongoing conflict • Adults modelling healthy
disorder adjustment
• Early childhood • High and realistic
loss/separation expectations
• Community “legacy” of • Sensational media portrayal • High profile/celebrity death, • Opportunities for
suicides of suicide especially by suicide participation
• Community marginalization • Access to firearms or other • Conflict with the • Evidence of hope for the
• Political disempowerment lethal methods law/incarceration future
• Reluctance/uncertainty about • Community self-
From Jennifer White, Youth Suicide Prevention: A Framework for British Columbia (Vancouver, BC: Mental Health Evaluation and Community
Consultation Unit (MHECCU)–Suicide Prevention, The University of British Columbia, 1998), p. 8. Used with permission from MHECCU.
546/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /547
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
Parents can:
• volunteer as mentors to teens in the school and community
• talk to teens about suicide
• maintain open communication with teens
• be aware of help lines and local support services available for teens and families.
Communities can:
• support programs, such as Big Sisters and Big Brothers, that use volunteer mentors
• support youth initiatives for teen drop-in centres, coffee houses or recreation centres
• provide presentations by health-care professionals through related agencies
• support and facilitate volunteer crisis lines
• ensure that community efforts focus on prevention of suicide
• promote mental health through workshops for stress management, communication
strategies, relationship building, asset building.
548/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Teacher
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
The student will evaluate the relationship between risk management and
Home/School/ R–8.3
Community stress management; e.g., managing risks effectively reduces stress,
managing stress can reduce impulsive behaviours.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Brainstorm ideas about what risks are and how they can create stress.
• Is there such a thing as a smart risk? Discuss.
• Brainstorm potential causes of stress for the typical Grade 8 student.
Assessment • Describe three kinds of risks you can manage so your stress is reduced. Explain how this
Activities kind of risk management could reduce stress.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /549
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Teacher
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
Home/School/ R–8.4 The student will analyze the effects of self-concept on personal
Community communication.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • As a class, define and discuss self-concept and personal communication.
• Brainstorm examples of personal communication. For example: how you talk with
family members, how you respond to teachers, how you communicate with friends.
If you don’t value yourself If you value yourself more If you value yourself and
much, your communication than others, your others, your communication
is characterized by: communication is is characterized by:
characterized by:
• Share findings with other groups and compile a class chart. Discuss.
• Generate scenarios of typical communication situations and role-play how communication
looks between people who value themselves and others.
Assessment • Complete the following sentences:
Activities − “When I’m feeling confident, my communication with others tends to …”
− “When I’m feeling respected, my communication with others tends to …”
− “When I’m feeling unsure of myself, my communication with others …”
550/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Teacher
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
The student will develop strategies for maintaining healthy relationships.
Home/School/ R–8.5
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • With a partner, complete a triple T-chart of what a healthy relationship looks, sounds and
feels like.
Assessment • Make a Top ten list of strategies you can use to maintain healthy relationships in your life.
AAC … • To download the teacher-developed assessment activity I Never Knew Your Name, go
Everyday assessment to the Alberta Assessment Consortium’s Web site at, select
tools for teachers
Assessment material and then click on Public access: Assessment material
(public domain) and then go to Grade 8: I Never Knew.
[This assessment task can also be used with specific outcome R–8.2.]
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /551
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
! Teacher
The student will describe and provide examples of ethical behaviour in
Home/School/ R–8.6
Community relationships; e.g., integrity.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • List character virtues that ethical people demonstrate. For example: assertiveness, caring,
commitment, confidence, consideration, courage, courtesy, determination, diligence,
excellence, flexibility. Discuss the meaning of each and share examples of behaviours
which demonstrate these virtues.
Assessment • Describe three ways you demonstrate integrity in your relationships with others.
Background Ethical behaviour
Ethics is the study of standards of conduct and moral judgement. Ethical principles guide
everyday conduct and decision making, and form the basis for personal standards.
Integrity is best defined in terms of action: practise what you preach; do what you said
you would do; live in accordance to your beliefs; keep promises; do what you know is
right. Integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is when a person says one thing and then does another.
Justice is the fair treatment of others.
How students can apply ethics
• Admit mistakes.
• Follow school and classroom rules.
• Choose to do good to others.
• Apply ethical principles in class meetings.
• Apply ethical principles to fair play in team sports and activities.
• Accept the consequences of their own actions.
552/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /553
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Teacher
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
The student will develop and demonstrate strategies for promoting
Home/School/ R–8.7
Community peaceful relationships; e.g., find common ground in conflicts.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • List examples of typical conflicts Grade 8 students might have with peers, siblings,
parents and teachers.
Assessment • Write an advice column for teens on “How to keep peace in your relationships at home
Activities and school.”
554/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Teacher
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
The student will describe and explain the positive and negative aspects of
Home/School/ R–8.8
Community conformity and dissent as they relate to individuals in a group or on a
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • As a class, discuss and define conformity and dissent. For example: to conform is to act
or behave like everyone else; to dissent is to think differently or disagree with others.
Assessment • Draw four cartoon panels, illustrating the following concepts:
Activities − conformity as a positive force
− conformity as a negative force
− dissent as a positive force
− dissent as a negative force.
• Write a paragraph describing what you learned about conformity and dissent that could
help you relate more positively with others.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /555
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
! Teacher
The student will describe the characteristics of, and demonstrate skills of,
Home/School/ R–8.9
! Community
an effective leader and group member.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Discuss and define leadership.
• Brainstorm words that describe a good leader.
• Working with a partner, think of a skill or concept to teach the other person in three
minutes or less, such as counting to 10 in another language, a dance step or how to whistle
with your fingers. After partners have taught each other, discuss the skills used to teach
the new concept. Consider skills such as organizing thoughts, communicating clear
messages, providing opportunities for practice and giving constructive feedback.
Adapted from Risk Watch—Grades 7 and 8, Lesson 3: Choking, Suffocation and Strangulation Prevention (Quincy, MA:
National Fire Protection Association, 1998). The name and image of Risk Watch are registered trademarks of the National
Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269.
556/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
Assessment • Describe an opportunity you had to be a leader. Describe the kind of leadership style and
Activities skills you used. What are some additional leadership skills you would like to develop?
• Write a thank-you letter to a person who helped you reach a goal and whom you consider
to be a leader. Describe what this person did and said that made him or her an effective
leader. What did you learn from that person?
• Describe an opportunity you had to be a team member. Describe what skills you used to
be an effective team member.
Background Leadership skills
Students need many opportunities to develop their leadership and group membership
skills. Encourage students to articulate qualities of a good leader so they can better
analyze leadership behaviour they see and be better able to develop these qualities
themselves. The “Getting Into Character” section of the Risk Watch Safety Program
(Grades 7–8) offers the following description of effective leaders.
Effective leaders:
• lead from the future
• communicate a clear vision and purpose
• persevere with strong passion
• act with courage, commitment and integrity
• empower followers
• engage conflict and controversy
• set out feedback and criticism
• keep commitments
• hold themselves accountable
• respect the dignity of others.
Adapted from Risk Watch—Grades 7 and 8, Getting Into Character (Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Association,
1998). Adapted with permission of NFPA. The name and image of Risk Watch are registered trademarks of the National Fire
Protection Association, Quincy, MA 02269.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /557
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
GRADE The student will develop effective
interpersonal skills that demonstrate
8 Choices
responsibility, respect and caring in order to
establish and maintain healthy interactions.
Parents can:
• assist and provide supervision for student-run activities
• model leadership in the home and community
• note leadership abilities in students
• accompany students on leadership conferences or retreats
• assume leadership roles in church youth groups, sports teams, youth clubs.
Communities can:
• provide opportunities for local youth to be involved in community government and
• provide opportunities for volunteerism
• sponsor youth leadership conferences or retreats
• provide feedback for student leadership
• recognize student leaders through local media.
558/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Teacher
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
The student will determine and develop time management strategies/skills
Home/School/ L–8.1
Community to establish personal balance; e.g., the use of time and energy in family,
school, leisure and volunteer activities, rest.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Define the word balance. Discuss how you know if your life is not in balance. What are
some clues?
• Use magazine pictures and your own illustrations to create a collage “How I create
balance in my life.”
Assessment • Create a mind map illustrating how you manage your use of time and energy in family,
Activities school, leisure and volunteer activities.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /559
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Teacher
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
The student will examine learning priorities, and implement a learning
Home/School/ L–8.2
Community plan.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Discuss the importance of goal setting for learning activities both in and out of school.
Assessment • List three learning priorities you have this year and outline what you will do to ensure you
Activities are successful in these priorities.
560/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Teacher
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
The student will identify components of ethical decision making, and
Home/School/ L–8.3
Community apply these concepts to personal decision making.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Review the definition of ethics and generate examples of ethical issues and ethical
implications in the decision-making process. For example: ethics are the rules of right
and wrong that form a system of behaviour. They form the basis for personal values that
people develop throughout their lives.
Assessment • Imagine you have to make a personal decision about whether or not to tell your parents
Activities that your older sister is planning a big party when they go out of town for the weekend.
Describe the ethical issues you have to face as you decide how to handle this situation.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /561
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Teacher
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
The student will begin to develop goals and priorities related to learning
Home/School/ L–8.4
Community and future career paths, based on personal interests, aptitudes and skills.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • As a class, define these work-related terms:
− career (a way of making a living, an occupation or profession)
− vocation (a strong feeling of dedication for a particular career or occupation)
− avocation (a secondary activity undertaken in addition to one’s main work)
− job (a paid position of employment).
• Discuss the difference between a career and a job.
Assessment • Describe one career path that interests you and outline the goals you might set over the
Activities next few years in order to make that career a reality.
• Relate your own personal interests and skills to this career choice.
562/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Choices
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
! Teacher
The student will update a personal portfolio to show evidence of a range of
Home/School/ L–8.5
Community interests, assets and skills; and relate evidence to knowledge and skills
required by various career paths.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Discuss reasons to build a personal skills and interests portfolio.
Assessment • List the five most important things you plan to put in your personal portfolio. Why do
Activities you believe they are important? What do they show evidence of?
Background For additional information
For more information on developing personal portfolios, see pages 76–80 and 124–126 of
this guide.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /563
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Choices
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
! Teacher
The student will investigate, interpret and evaluate career information and
Home/School/ L–8.6
! Community
opportunities, using a variety of sources; e.g., Internet, informational
interviews, mentors, media.
! Student
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • As a class, discuss and define the terms:
− personal support network
− mentor
− career path
− occupational cluster.
• Brainstorm strategies for obtaining career information.
Assessment • Create a mind map of a plan for investigating career information.
Background The career information interview
Information interviews may be conducted for many purposes. Students may wish to
interview people to establish connections or gather specific information in a field of
The student has to decide whom to interview, create a list of questions, contact the person
and conduct the interview. The student asks questions. Interviews are a good way to
become familiar with workplaces and people the student may see in future job interviews
or within the local business community.
564/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Choices
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
Connections Ideas for promoting and sharing career information for teens
Students can:
• enroll in option courses related to future interests or courses that provide potential career-
related skills and knowledge
• ask parents, relatives, neighbours or community service providers about their careers
• participate in volunteer jobs within the school and community
• participate in job shadowing within the community
• invite members of the local community to speak at school
• organize and participate in a school-based career day
• attend open houses at nearby colleges, universities and technical institutes
• note the variety of careers and services connected to daily living
• read local and regional newspapers to be aware of employment trends and issues.
Parents can:
• encourage teens to pursue opportunities to develop their skills
• talk with teens about their own career training and choices
• talk with teens about their interests and dreams for the future
• support teens’ interest in skill-building activities
• help teens recognize that change is constant, learning is ongoing, and that learning takes
place both in and out of the classroom
• encourage teens to follow their interests and dreams
• help teens recognize that all decisions are career decisions, directly or indirectly; that all
decisions involve multiple levels and that there are no right decisions in the career-
planning process.
Communities can:
• provide volunteer opportunities for teens within local businesses
• provide opportunities for teen job shadowing
• provide career-related presentations in schools by local trades professionals, coaches or
• organize a local career fair for students and their parents
• host student tour groups in community businesses, plants or factories.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /565
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Teacher
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
The student will relate personal knowledge and skills to potential
Home/School/ L–8.7
Community opportunities for volunteering and providing service to others in the
! Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • In small groups, generate a list of volunteer opportunities available in the home, school
and community.
• For each opportunity, identify knowledge, skills and attitudes you could bring to the
volunteer experience.
• Contact local volunteer organizations and find out what knowledge, skills and attitudes
they want from their volunteers.
Assessment • Describe one volunteer activity you would like to participate in. List the personal
Activities knowledge and skills that you could bring to that activity. Explain why you think this is a
worthwhile volunteer activity. How does it benefit the community? How could you
benefit from this type of experience?
566/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Teacher
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
The student will investigate the characteristics of a mentor, and practise
Home/School/ L–8.8
! Community
mentorship in a group setting.
Student Activity
Learning Get ready
Activities • Review the term mentor. For example: an experienced and trusted advisor or guide.
• Brainstorm a list of ways people can act as mentors to others.
Assessment • Describe a situation in which you were a mentor to another person. Describe at least three
Activities things you said or did to positively influence that person.
Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9) Grade 8 Illustrative Examples /567
©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada 2002
Life Learning
The student will use resources effectively to
8 Choices
manage and explore life roles and career
opportunities and challenges.
Parents can:
• volunteer to be mentors through agencies such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters or school-
based mentorship programs
• look for opportunities to share skills, talents or encouragement with other people who
have similar interests or abilities
• offer to speak to students about mentorship in schools
• volunteer to be youth career mentors
• encourage students to spend time with adults they respect and admire
• volunteer to teach or lead group activities related to their own abilities or talents
• accompany students on educational field trips as interested chaperones
• volunteer to coach sports or academic teams within the school.
Communities can:
• support community agencies, such as Big Sisters or Big Brothers, that use volunteer
• provide volunteer opportunities in specific placements for students with particular
interests or abilities
• organize or host mentorship conferences for adults and teens
• support student business and recreation initiatives.
568/ Grade 8 Illustrative Examples Health and Life Skills Guide to Implementation (K–9)
2002 ©Alberta Learning, Alberta, Canada