General Zoological Microtechniques
General Zoological Microtechniques
General Zoological Microtechniques
The Williams & Wilkins Company
Scientific Book Agency
G. • LIbrary
Copyright © 1960
The Williams & Wilkins Company
428 East Preston Street, Baltimore 2, Maryland, U.S.A.
Printed by Photo-offset at
The Indian Press Pvt. Ld.
93A, Dharamtol/a Street,
Calcutta 13, India
The most fundamental requirements for the technician are the ability
to use the light microscope properly and to understand its capacities
and limitations. The processes utilized in preparing material for study
with the microscope are dependent upon the characteristics of the in-
strument as well as the nature of the material to be examined. Mi-
croscopic technique is not an end in itself but a preliminary step to the
examination of the material. By keeping in mind the requirements of
the microscope system, many of the procedures used in various tech-
niques are more readily appreciated. From the practical standpoint,
the proper use of the microscope permits the technician to obtain an
adequate picture of the material during processing when the slide must
be examined under adverse optical conditions in water or alcohol. The
greatest difficulty that many technicians encounter is the inability to
see and judge the material during and after its preparation.
The following discussion of the microscope is far from complete, but
attempts to provide a working knowledge of the instrument. For fur-
ther technical information regarding optical systems the student should
consult standard physics texts and the manufacturer's manuals.
The Microscope and Its Accessories
The microscope lenses are supported at either end of a tube which
may be moved in a vertical direction above a stationary stage on which
the material is placed. The center of the stage is perforated by an open-
ing which permits light transmission through the specimen and into
the lens system. There are two sets of lenses : an ocular at the top of
the tube, next to the eye, and an objective at the bottom of the tube,
next to the material. The microscope may be monocular or binocular.
Oculars are available in various powers, the 5x, 8x and lOx being the
most useful.
The microscope is usually provided with three objectives arranged
on a rotating nosepiece which permits anyone of them to be brought
into alignment with the tube and ocular. The objectives usually in-
clude: a "low power" (50 to 32 mm.) ; "intermediate power" (usually
16 mm.) ; and "high-dry" (8 to 4 mm.) lens systems. An oil immersion
obj ective (about 1.4 mm.) may be present in addition to the above, or
may replace the low power objective. The oil immersion objective
should not be used with unfinished or wet preparations. For technique
purposes, a 8x or lOx ocular in combination with the 48-, 16- and
4-mm. objectives is satisfactory. The low power objective permits ex-
amination of thick, whole mount material. The 16- and 4-mm. objec-
tives are necessary for the examination of smears or thin sections.
The following points should be kept in mind regarding the objec-
tives: (1) the size of the lens decreases from lower to higher magnifica-
tion objectives; (2) the fi eld of view or visible area of the material
decreases from lower to higher magnifications; and (3) the clearanct!
distance decreases from lower to higher magnification objectives. Clear-
ance distance refers to the distance from the front lens of the objective
to the obj ect, when the obj ect is in focus. The 48-mm. lens has a clear-
ance distance of about 30 mm.; the 16-mm. lens a clearance of about
6 mm., and the 4-mm. lens a clearance distance of less than 1 mm.
Many microscopes have a fixed tube length; that is, the distance be-
tween the bases of the oC.lllar and objectives cannot be varied. Others
have an adjustab le draw tube below the ocular, and a line or scale will
be found on the tube indicating tube length. Most lens systems are cor-
rected for a tube length of 160 mm. It is well to determine the proper
tube length for your microscope by referring to the manufacturer's
specifications. An incorrect tube length will interfere with definition of
detail, especially at high magnifications. Tube length affects the amount
of magnification obtained with a given ocular-objective combination.
The tube length may be varied to correct for cover glasses which are
too thick or too thin. (This is described under the section dealing with
the 4-mm. objective.)
The mirror, below the stage, is used to direct the light from its source
upwards through the aperture in the stage. The mirror usually has two
surfaces, one plane and the other concave. The plane mirror simply
redirects the light without altering its form, and is designed for use
with the substage condenser. The concave mirror directs the light up-
wards and serves as a crude condenser converging the light rays into a
cone. It does not provide adequate illumination for higher magnifica-
tion systems and should never be used with the substage condenser.
The substage condenser includes a set of lenses mounted between the
mirror and the microscope stage. The condenser may be moved in u
vertical direction by means of a ratchet mechanism, and serves as a
critical light-focusing system. The column of light entering the lens
system from the plane mirror is bent inward to form a cone the rays
of which bisect above the upper lens of the condenser. The point of bi-
secting light rays should be focused upon the material being examined
(fig. 1, D). If the concave mirror is used with the substage condenser,
the light rays bisect within the upper lens of the condenser and it be-
comes impossible to focus them on the material.
The substage iris diaphragm, which li es below the condenser, is an
aperture diaphragm used to control the diameter of the light column
entering the substage condenser. The angle of the light rays emerging
from the material is directly proportional to the size of the light col-
umn entering the condenser. The wider the column the greater the angle
of the emerging light (fig. I, D and F) .
The microscope lamp utilized in the technique laboratory may vary
from complex models with lenses, filters and an iris diaphragm to sim-
ple table lamps. Since the formation of the image of the object is de-
pendent upon the light which is transmitted through the material and
picked up by the lens system and the eye, it is apparent that the light
source is an important part of the total system. The character of the
image obtained is as dependent upon proper illumination as it is upon
a good objective. Although the best possible microscope lamp is to be
recommended it is not always practical. It is important to remember
that the proper adjustment of the crudest lighting system will improve
the Image tremendously. On the other hand, the incorrect use of the
most expensive lamp results in a poor image. A relatively simple lamp,
properly used, will provide adequate illumination for most technique
purposes. A partially enclosed light, sometimes referred to as a "tor-
pedo lamp," is to be preferred over a more open light such as a goose-
necked lamp. If the latter must be used it should be inclined as close
to the table as possible so that the light will not strike the top of the
microscope stage. When a simple lamp is used without a ground glass
it should be provided with a frosted, blue "daylight" bulb.
@ A
c E
,/ ,l LIGHT
I ,~,.I "
, '
::::: , I I : :
: - !\ : : J: __ _
~\-1" .1- ......... ..
: I I :
-, .. • . . T-,-----
J .. ~ . . ! - '-
- - .....
: l.: _J_~ __ __ . __ .. . I I I
____ ..
""1--'--4----- .
, I I
I _ ...J, __ ,,.. _ _ _ _ _ _ -r -t .. ----
PLAN E -U:~ ~-_-_-_-_-_~ ~LIGHT , , I
- 1- .. . . . _ .
- -1-
, - .- .. -
MIRROR- ______ _
B o
o G
FIG. 1. The fields of view,-e.nd adjustments of the substage condenser, substage
iris diaphragm and lamp diaphragm for critical illumination. A, C and E show the
fields of view observed with the situations illustrated in figures B, D and F, respec-
tively. B, D and F show the adjustments of the substage condenser and substage iris
diaphragm. In B the substage condenser is too low and the light rays bisect below
the material being observed . If the excessive light is eliminated by closing the sub.
stage iris, the image will still be impaired since the lens is not being provided with
light at the greatest angle which it can utilize. (The set-up approximates the situa-
tion for the high-dry objective.) D shows the correct set-up; the condenser has
been raised so that the light rays bisect at the level of the material being observed.
This is indicated optically by the fact that the image of an object, such as a needle,
held at the light source is projected into the field of view as indicated by 1 in figure
C. Note that the lens is now provided with light at a greater angle than was utilized
with the set-up shown in B . This will greatly improve resolution. F shows the cor-
rect set-up' for intermediate power. Note that although the field of view (E) is
to the image. The field diaphragm does not affect the angle of light as
does the aperture diaphragm.
Some lamps are provided with a rotating shield, having a series of
holes of various diameters for use with different objectives. Simple
lamps, especially those of the "torpedo" type, may be provided with
a cardboard or metal shield having appropriate holes punched out of
the centers. The original aperture of these lamps will fill the field of
view with the 16-mm. objective, if placed at the proper distance. The
improvised diaphragms may be held in place by a metal or cardboard
frame attached to the lamp housing. If the lamp has an overhanging
shield, the diaphragms may be held in place by a magnet glued to the
diaphragm. The aperture in such shields should be carefully centered
over the light source. Such simple arrangements greatly improve the
illumination of the material.
It should be noted that neither the field nor aperture diaphragms
affect the intensity of the light. Intensity varies with the wattage of
the bulb, the voltage used, and the distance of the illuminator from the
object illuminated In the case of a simple bulb or light from a ground
glass filter in front of a lens, the intensity of the light is inversely pro-
portional to the square of the distance from the illuminator to the
object. Voltage may be controlled by use of a rheostat. Intensity may
also be varied by the use of special filters.
Principles of Image Formation
With the compound microscope an image is form ed as a result of
light rays passing through the material being examined (transmitted
light) into the lens system of the microscope and reaching the eye of
the observer. During this process the light rays are shifted in such a
way as to form an inverteg image of the object. The simple microscope,
or magnifying glass, does not invert the image.
In order to discuss the basic principles involved in light microscopy
it is necessary to define several terms.
Magnification. The enlargement of the image of an object. In effect
the object is brought closer to the eye.
Resolution. The ability to distinguish two closely associated objects
as being distinct from one another.
Color Image. The image formed by the differential absorption of
certain wave lengths of light by a pigmented or dyed object.
Refractive Image. An image resulting from differences in the re-
fractive index of a transparent object and the medium which surrounds
tion. The lens is lowered until it is close to the material while watching
from the side with the eye at the level of the stage and then racked up-
wards until the material is brought into focus. Minor focusing adjust-
ments in either direction are made with the fine adjustment knob.
The procedure of racking up the tube when changing objectives
!lhould be followed even though the microscope is parfoeal. A parfocal
system does not guarantee that there is sufficient clearance distance.
When a microscope is parfocal the object may be brought into focus
with one objective and will be in focus when another objective is swung
into place. If, however, the preparation is too thick the lens will be
brought into contact with the slide. In examining thin preparations it
would be expected that the clearance distance would be adequate with
a parfocal system, but extreme care must be exercised to be sure that
the slide is placed tissue-side-up on the stage. An inverted slide will go
undetected with the 16-mm. lens and will not yield sufficient clearance
for the 4-mm. objective because of the thickness of the slide. Slides are
occasionally inverted, especially before a paper label has been attached
and while the material is being processed.
Setting Up the Low Power Objective (50 to 32 mm.)
1. The usual substage condenser does not illuminate a large enough
field to be used with low power objectives. Remove the condenser and'
us~ the concave surface of the mirror. The condenser is usually removed
by racking it all the way down and swinging it to one side.
2. Adjust the concave mirror so that it will direct the light from the
lamp upwards through the material. The intensity of the light and the
area illuminated are controlled by varying the distance of the light from
the substage mirror. The lamp should be placed in a- straight line with
the microscope and the mirror adjusted so that the light is centered in
the field of view.
If a low power condenser is available, or if the one provided for
higher magnifications has a removable upper lens, the condenser and
plane mirror are used for illumination. In this case adjust the micro-
scope as directed for the 16-mm. objective.
3. Use the plane mirror and the substage condenser. Open the sub-
stage iris diaphragm.
4. Adjust the light so it falls upon the mirror and not upon the table
or microscope stage.
5. Adjust the mirror so that the light is directed upward through the
material and is centered in the field of view as observed through the
6. Focus on the material, following the procedure outlined earlier.
This step must be carried out before the following steps can be properly
7. Focus the light source on the material by raising or lowering the
substage condenser. When the light source is in focus the light, or an
object such as a needle held at the light, will be visible in the field of
view, superimposed on the image of the material (fig. 1, C). If a ground
glass filter is used in front of the lamp it serves as a projected light
source and should be used as a point of focus. A small x may be pen-
ciled in the center of the ground glass to serve as a focus point. When
a blue, frosted bulb is used as a light source, focus the surface of the
bulb on the material.
8. Adjust the lamp diaphragm (or lamp di stance with this objec-
tive) so that the visible field is just completely illuminated.
9. Remove the ocular and, while looking down the tube, adjust the
substage iris diaphragm so that it is just visible at the edge of the field
of view as observed in the back lens of the objective. In this position
the objective is receiving as much light as it can utilize. If the substage
iris· is opened beyond this point, a fuzzy image results. If the substage
iris is closed down, the resolving power of the system will be impaired.
If a refractive image is required, the microscope is set up in exactly
the same way, but the substage iris is closed down. By simply opening
and shutting the substage iris, therefore, it is possible to shift from a
color image to a refractive image and back again.
If a lamp with an aspheric lens is available the following procedure
should be followed to obtain Kohler illumination. Position the substage
condenser (and substage iris) so they are at the approximate level
necessary to focus the Jight on the material. Usually the upper lens of
the condenser will be close to the lower surface of the slide. Close the
substage iris diaphragm and focus upon its lower surface the image of
the lamp filaments. The face of the iris may be examined with a small
mirror while focusing the lamp filaments by adjusting the position of
the aspheric lens in the lamp. Once the filaments have been focused on
the iris, open the substage iris and adjust the light as outlined above.
In order to focus the light at the level of the field of view (step 7), close
down the lamp iris and adjust the condenser so that the image of the
lamp iris is projected into the field of view (fig. 1, E). Then open the
lamp iris so that the field is completely illuminated.
Setting Up the High-dry Objective (8 or -4 mm.)
Since the area visible with this objective is relatively small it is de-
sirable to examine the slide first with the 16-mm. objective, setting up
the microscope as outlined above. The area to be examined is then
centered, the objective is racked up and the high-dry objective swung
into position.
1. Focus on the material ; bring the objective close to the cover glass
while watching from the side and rack up slowly while watching through
the microscope.
2. Check that the light source is still focused and centered on the
material. Adjust the mirror and substage condenser if necessary.
3. Reduce the size of the lamp aperture, if a lamp diaphragm is
available, so that just the fi eld of view is illuminated.
4. Remove the ocular and adjust the substage iris so that it is just vis-
ible at the edge of the field of view in the back lens of the obj ective.
Note that whereas the lamp diaphragm must be closed down, the sub-
stage iris m1Jst be opened wider.
In the case of the high-dry objectives it may be necessary to make
corrections for a cover glass which is too thick or too thin for the lens
system. The objective is constructed so that the cover glass and the
mounting medium is a part of the lens system. In the case of the .4-
rom. lens the deviation allowable is very slight, and if exceeded in either
direction a blurred or foggy image results. For this reason it is impor-
tant that the correct thickness of cover glass be employed and that a
minimum of mounting medium is used. In general the " No. 1" cover
glass is approximately correct in thickness for the high-dry obj ective.
For critical work it is best to measure even these and retain only those
cover glasses which have a thickness of 0.15 to 0.18 mm. The cover
glass thickness for which objectives are corrected ·varies somewhat with
different lens manufacturers. If a cll"ar, sharp image cannot be ob-
tained, even though the light has been properly adjusted, it is prob-
able that the cover glass is not of the correct thickness. This may be
compensated for, within narrow limits, by varying the tube length. If
the cover glass is too thick, the tube length is decreased; if too thin, the
tube length is increased. Some objectives are provided with a correc-
tion collar to compensate for deviations in cover glass thickness. If the
Exercise 1
The Compound Microscope
The principles of microscopy presented here are more readily ap-
preciated once they have been visualized. The two procedures which fol-
low have been found to give a simple and effective demonstration of
the effects of lighting and the difference between color and refractive
images. The material required can be prepared by the students or can
be supplied in the form of two prepared slides loaned to each individ-
ual for the occasion.
A. The Microscop e Adjustments
Mark a 25- by 75-mm. (1- by 3-inch) sheet of white bond paper
with a series of circles, one within the other. The inner circle should
be as small as possible and the outer circle about 20 mm. in diameter.
Tape the sheet to a microscope slide. The paper will serve as a diffu-
sion plate which will permit observation of the light at the level of the
field of view, and will show the effects of .adjusting the substage con-
denser, substage iris diaphragm, the mirror, and the lamp diaphragm.
The circles aid in demonstrating the area visible with each ocular-ob-
jective combination.
1. Set up the microscope, following the directions given previously for
low, intermediate and high-dry objectives.
a. In each instance note through the microscope the area of the slide
which is visible.
b. Observe from the side the area of the slide which is illuminated
after adjusting the light as directed for each set-up.
2. With the light adjusted for the high-dry objective, raise the tube
and watch the light at the slide level as observed on the paper.
a. Note the effect of ;hanging from the plane to concave surface of
the mirror.
b. Return to the plane mirror and note the effect of opemng and
closing the substage iris diaphragm.
c. Note the effect of opening and closing the lamp diaphragm if one is
d. Note the effect of lowering the substage condenser.
B . Color Image Versus Refractive Image
Prepare a slide of butterfly wing scales as follows. Press a pencil
eraser firmly on a butterfly wing in an area with colored scales. Then
press the eraser firmly on a clean cover glass, placing the scales slightly
u. . ~.-.,
off center to the right. Wipe the eraser clean. Transfer a group of white
(colorless) wmg scales to the same cover glass, placing them next to
the colored ones and to the left of center. Place a small amount of
mounting medium such as thin Canada balsam or a synthetic resin on
the surface of a clean slide. Invert the slide and bring the drop of
mountant into contact with the surface of the cover glass bearing the
wing scales. Turn the slide right-side-up and allow the medium to flow
to the edge of the cover glass. If the medium is too thick the slide may
be warmed slightly to hasten the flow of the medium. If the correct
amount of mountant has been used it will just flow to the edge of t he
cover glass. This type of mount is easier to prepare with a round cover
glass than with a square one.
1. Place the slide on the microscope stage so that the area of colored
wing scales is in the field of view. Focus on the material, first with in-
termediate and then with the high-dry objective, being careful to set
up the microscope properly. Note the effects of opening and closing
the substage iris and the lamp iris.
2. Focus very carefully on the colored wing scales with the high-dry
objective (intermediate power may also be used). Without altering
the focus, except for very minor movements with the fine adjustment,
search the area where the colorless wing scales were placed. Since both
sets of scales were mounted on the under surface of the cover glass,
they should be at the same focus level. Adjust the light for a refractive
image by closing down the substage iris diaphragm. When you think
you have located a colorless wing scale, open the diaphragm. If it is
a pigmented scale it will still be visible. If it is a colorless scale it will
essentially "disappear" as the substage iris is opened.
3. Place some colorless wing scales on the end of the same slide and
examine them in air. Are they more readily observed in air or in the
mountant? What do your observations indicate regarding the relative
refractive indices of the wing scales, air and the mounting medium used
on the slide?
A similar demonstration which is perhaps even more effective is to
mount on the same slide a stained and unstained section from the same
block of tissue. This type of slide may be used in place of the above or
may be set up on a demonstration microscope.
FIG. 2. The rotary microtome (AO model 820 ; photograph courtesy of the Ameri-
can Optical Company). The lid (1) of the microtome has been raised to expose the
advance mechanism (f), which consists of a cone bearing against an inclined plane .
Each time the advance wheel (3) is turned one revolution, the tissue block (~) held
in the block clamp (5) is advanced forward and downward over a stationary knife
(6). The distance of advancement is determined by the setting of a micron scale
which is not visible in the photograph. See Chapter 12 for a description of the action
and use of the rotary microtome.
terial (that is, in the containers with the tissue) and, therefore, should
be fairly small.
If the material is to be prepared as a whole mount, this label will
serve through the entire processing until the object is mounted on the
slide. When paraffin sections are to be prepared, precautions must be
taken to retain the label with the material when it is embedded in the
paraffin mass, attached to the lIlicrotome peg, cut into sections and
affixed to the slides. If the material is embedded in a paper boat (fig.
10) the accession number should be written on the outside of the boat
(before the material is embedded) . If the material is embedded in a dish,
the label is inserted into the paraffin mass. When the material is at-
tached to the microtome peg the label is attached to the shaft of the peg.
When the sections are cut, the paper on which the sections are placed
in the section tray should be appropriately labeled. Finally, when the
sections are affixed to glass slides, the accession number should be
marked on the slide with a carborundum or diamond pencil. The latter
is a good investment for anyone expecting to do any amount of technique
work. A carborundum pencil with "engravers points" is almost as ex-
pensive and much less satisfactory. A very inexpensive and effective
marker can be made- by embedding a carborundum crystal in sealing
wax, attached to some sort of holder (penholder, glass rod, etc.).
Black glass-marking ink may also be used. Be certain to apply it only
to thoroughly cleaned slides. This ink is removed by strong alkaline
solutions. Glass-marking ink is very useful when material is processed
on cover glasses. Slides with a frosted end may be marked with ordinary
India ink. Slides should not be marked with a grease pencil, since such
marks are usually lost in processing the slides.
cloth moistened in xylol. It is best to then wipe the slide surface with a
cloth moistened in alcohol. If the mountant is perfectly hardened it may
be practical to dip the entire slide in a container of xylol for a moment
and then dip it in alcohol and wipe it clean. Do not attempt this with
slides which are not perfectly dry, or have been mounted in balsam.
Slides cleaned in this way should appear perfectly clean but enough
resin or xylol may still adhere to interfere with proper attachment of
the label. A final cleaning with Bon Ami paste, followed by polishing
with a clean cloth should immediately precede attachment of the label.
Water-soluble mountants are removed with a cloth moistened in water.
Only the best quality labels should be used and it is advisable to fill
out the data before attaching the label to the slide. Use a crow quill or
other fine pen and black India ink. In view of the limited area available,
the label data should be abbreviated. Thus a label for slide a from a tis-
sue block of Rana pipiens small intestine, assigned the accession number
435; fixed in Bouin's fluid; sectioned in paraffin in a transverse plane at
8 microns; stained in Harris' alum hematoxylin and eosin Y; prepared
by J. J. Jones and completed on the third of November 1960 would read,
on successive lines: No. 435a . . . Rana pipiens ... sm. intes .. .. par.
trans 8 1'- .•.• Bouin 's . .. Harris' alum hem .... eosin Y ... JJJones 3-
Nov.-'60. It may be advantageous to include other informat ion, such as
the ·mountant used . The label is usually placed on the left-hand side of
the slide. It is advisable to scratch the accession number on the right
hand end of the slide so it will not be covered by the paper label.
The completcd slides should be stored where they are protected from
dust , dirt and sun li ght. If stored in open boxes or trays the stains may
fade very rapidly. Ordinary slotted wooden or plastic boxes are adc-
quate. The slid es may he kept flat during periods of l:itorage hy standing
the boxes on end . Bal sam mounts must be kept fiat a · much of the timr
as possible or the material will gradua lly drift through the l110untant
even when it is relatively hard.
Fix atives
quirements as possible but one which will meet the specific require-
ments of the study to be undertaken. A number of fixation techniques
may be necessary in order to obtain an adequate picture of the material.
The chemicals most frequently employed as fixers are acetic acid,
formalin (40 per cent formaldehyde), alcohol, picric acid, mercuric
chloride, potassium bichromate, chromic acid, and osmic acid. These
fixers are rarely used by themselves since by utilizing two or several,
more favorable fixation may be achieved through a combination of
their good qualities and a counteraction of their undesirable effects.
Thus, a good chromatic fixer (acetic acid) may be used in combination
with a good cytoplasmic fixer (chromic acid or potassium bichromate).
A reagent which tends to swell the material (acetic acid, potassium bi-
chromate) combined with one whir.h tends to shrink it (chromic acid,
alcohol, mercuric chloride), and so on.
The fixatives discussed below include only a few of the many which
have been devised by various workers. An effort has been made to present
representative fixatives of each type. In most instances these are what
might be called "classical" fixatives that have been used by many
workers on a wide variety of tissues. Some have a limited application
but are utilized on materials which are frequently the subject of
microscopic examination.
In the following discussion the combination fixatives are discussed
under the heading of that chemical which determines the postfixation
treatment required. Postjixation treutment refers to those procedures
necessary for the removal of the fixative.
It is generally advisable to mix fixatives just before use. Prepare
solutions in distilled water unless otherwise indicated. Specific sug-
gestions for stock solutions are given with the formulas. Thus, picric
acid and mercuric chloride are employed in saturated solutions; chromic
acid, in a 1 per cent solution; osmic acid, in a 2 per cent solution; etc.
Acetic Acid
Acetic acid precipitates proteins, especially those of the nucleus,
and penetrates very rapidly. It tends to distort the material by swelling
and destroys cytoplasmic structures such as mitochondria and the
Golgi apparatus, and fats and lipoids in general. It is widely used
in many of the combination fixatives listed below (e.g., Carnoy's,
Bouin's, acetic alcohol, Schaudinn's, etc.). It is usually used in ·com-
bination with other fixers which have a poor rate of penetration, or
do not fix nuclear constituents, or tend to shrink the tissue. No special
treatment is required to remove the acid from the tissue and in each
case, postfixation treatment is determined by the other chemicals em-
ployed with it in the fixa~ive.
Formalin is one of the few fixers which is widely used as a simple
fixative. It is useful for the preservation of whole mount material,
leaving it pliable, transparent and receptive to stains. It is also recom-
mended for the fixation of nerve tissue, for material to be teased, be-
fore certain microchemical tests (iron), and in instances where fats and
lipoids are to be demonstrated. It is a good cytoplasmic fixative, pene-
trates well and hardens the material without making it brittle. Its
hardening properties are not adequate before paraffin embedding and
it is not recommended as a general histological fixative since much
better results may be obtained with the combination fixatives, many
of which include formalin.
Formalin is a 38 to 40 per cent aqueous solution of the gas formalde-
hyde. When used as a fixative it is prepared as follows :
Formalin .(40 per cent formaldehyde) . . . . . ............... 10 cc.
Distilled water . . .. . . . . . ...... 90 cc.
to give a 10 per cent formalin (4 per cent formaldehyde) solutioL
When used for the fixation of vertebrate tissues its effects are im-
proved by using physiological saline (0.9 per cent sodium chloride)
instead of water. When used for marine forms it should be made up with
sea water.
Formalin usually contains some formic acid and in certain tech-
niques it is necessary to neutralize the solution. "Neutral formalin"
may be prepared by adding a quantity of calcium carbonate to the
stock solution and shakIng occasionally after it is first added. The
calcium carbonate is then allowed to settle out and the solution is
filtered before use.
Material should be fixed for 24 to 48 hours and may be left for a
longer period. When fixation is complete, the tissue may be stored
in 5 per cent formalin until it is processed.
Postjixation Treatment
Before the material is processed, the formalin is removed by wash-
ing the tissues or organisms in water. Small objects (hydroids, em-
bryos, etc.) may be washed in several changes of water for 15 to 30
minutes in each change. Tissue blocks should be washed in running
Carnoy's Fixatives
Formula I Formula 2
Absolute alcohol. , . 60 cc. 60 cc.
Glacial acetic acid ... . 20 cc. 10 cc .
Chloroform ... .. ... . . ,. 30 cc.
POStfiIO/i07l Tr almf'7lt
~laterial which ha been fixed in picric ucid olutioll", hould b
washed with 70 per cent alcohol, ne\'(' r with watt'r. Till' tis ue 11-
COlnt' mushy and the cells y/\('uolliled if the IIlllt('rial i. (' ' J)() ro to
water or weak alcohol before the fixati\'e ha b n rrnlOV U. One
the picric acid ha been remoyed , as indi('uted by th los ' of til , yellow
color from tlt(· tis::-u ,the mat-erial can apparently be prOC('S$ d thruugh
aqueou olution. without detrimcntal l'fT('ct . MaLcrial fixed In nko-
holic Bouin' is tran ferred dirt·(·tly to 70 per c{'nL alcohol lind tr u d
with rep aLed chanJ!;es until the solution is no longer di colored by
the picric acid. ;'\1 ate rial fixed in aqU(,OllS ,.;ollition!> 1lI11~' hI' left for
a hort time in 30 and 50 per ('ent alcohol (30 minut(,1< (,lIeh fol' til-I'll('
blocks) and t1l('n washed in 70 per ('ent aleohoJ. If thC' matt'rilll il' not
fragile it may he transf('rr('d dirrctly mto 70 prr rent ule-ohol from till'
fixativr . Whcn thc material is to he proec. s d in dioxan',· picril'
acid ma~' h{' r(,lllo\'(·d in dioxall(' mIller I han in alcohol.
\Vhen material is to he Ill·()(· I·~ ~(·d by the pumflill nwthod , it i~ not
necessary to rcmove all of the picric acid bdorc' l'mb('dclin~ . !-imall
quantitie of picric a('id arc rrudily I'xtractc'd from th' ('rtton b -
fore staining. If the material i" rmhcdri<'d without r('rno\'ul of mo t of
the picric acid, how('\'er, it may be difficult to section .
;\Iaterial to be pro('('.~I< ('d in (,rlloidin doe. not SN'm to infiltrate
properly unl ess all of the pirrir arid i rrmovcd b fon' !'Illlwdding,
Objects to be preparl'd a~ whole mO\lnts IIhould al 0 b compl t ly
decolorized befor{' pro('('s~in~. Rc'mo\'nl of pirric acid i Qc('('l('rut .t!
by warming the alcohol 10 about 40° '. If th picric· arid ill not rl'-
moved by thi!' tr ntmrnt it. may be neC('~ ~a ry to add lithium car],onIl.U·
to the 70 p('r r('111 alcohol tls{'d for wl\I.hing.
Mercuric hloride
Mercuric chloride coagulates protein .. penetrates fairly W II, and
provides good general histological fixution . It may d troy d licnLe
structures, such as cilia, and ha a tendency to shrink th mal(>rial.
It i sometimes u ed alone in saturated solution wh n rulcar >ou struc-
t.ures are to be preserved, More frequentl y it is u d with th addition
of glacial acetic acid and oth r fixer.
It hould be noted that thc solubility of mercuric chlorid vor;
greatly with the solvent employed. Thus, in distilled water 100 cc.
will di880lve about 4.5 grams, wherea in sea water a saturated solu-
tion contains about 15 grams per 100 cc. The solubility is similarly in-
creased in saline solutions and in alcohol.
Considerable care should be exercised in handling the mercuric
chloride solutions, since they are extremely poisonous. Wash your
hands thoroughly after u ing the fixatives. Be particularly careful
to avoid inhalation of the powder when making up solutions. Metallic
in truments should not be brought into contact with the solutions, since
the instrument.s will be corroded and the solutions contaminated.
Wooden, horn, or glass forceps or spatulas should be used. Always pre-
pare solution wit.h distilled water.
lituruted aqueoue mercuric chloride .. . .. 100 cc .
laciul acetic acid 5 cc.
chaudinll's Fluid
This alcoholic-mercuric chloride fixat.ive is one of the mo t popula.r
for the fixation of Pl'OtoZA . It is not n'('ornmended for tissues.
:::lilt urllted aqm'OllH m('rcuri c chloridr 66 cc .
115 per c('nt alcohol 33 ce.
Gbl'illl acct.ic IIcid . .5 ClC.
Postfixation Tr crtment
In the CIl e of aqueou mcn'uric chloride fixatives (with the exception
of u a's as mentioned earlier), thp matt' rial Ah ould b washed over-
night in running water. The lissuc is then drhydrawd through 30
and 50 per crnt alcohols for 30 to 60 minutes in each and into 70 per cent
alcohol. All mercuric chloride-fixed tissues arc tht'n tr at<>d with iodine
in 70 per cent alcohol to assure complet( removal of th mercury . AI! the
iodine combines with the mercury, forming 11 soluble compound, the solu-
tion is decolorized. When all of the mercury ha b en removed the iodine
solution will retain the original color.
The iodine-alcohol ha ' been variously described as "port wine"
or "strong tea" in color. The following proportions make a usabl
8mith's Fluid
Pot68Hium hirhromale Ii.O 1(01 .
Formalin 10 cc.
Dietillt·d wat('r AA cc .
CllIl'i .. l IWl'tic I\cid .. 2.5 N'.
Prcpar(' the fixative iust before using. Fix for 12 to 24 hour,. Tn order
to avoid hard<>ning, yolky mat(' rial should 1)(' torrd in 5 prr cmt
formalin rather t.han in alcohol when t,he fixation pror s i completed.
Postfixation Treatment
Potu iurn bichromate fixative arc remov d by washing the ma-
terial in running water for] 2 hour or overnight.
Chromic Acid
hromic acid is excellent for the fixation of cytopla m and the
achromatic elements of cell division . It has a poor penetrut,ion rate
however, and tend to over-harden and hrink the material rather
rapidly . The mo tela ical chromic acid fixative ar Flemming' ·
flujd ,which ar consid red under" mic acid."
Chromo- itne
A combination of chromic acid with nitric acid and akohol has
b n recommended for the fixation of ey by some workers and
as an embryological and general hi tologlcal fixative by oth rs. It i
also used as a fixative for marine organi m . Two version of thi
fixative are given here.
Perenyi's Fluid Ltc', flwd
Chromic acid . . . . 30 ('C. of o. 5';(. 30 cc. of I "~
Alcohol . 30 cc . of 95";, 40 ('c . or 1 ,0
~itric acid . . 40 cc . of 10% 30 ('c . of 20%
Karpechenko's FLuid
Combinations of chromic acid with formalin and glacial acrtie acid
are vcry u cful for the fixation of plant tissues for cytological studi ,
especially for the demonstration of division figure'. Nunwrous formula
are avai lable and are generally referred to a th NsvsHhin or Knrpe-
chenko fluids.
1 pe r ('('nt aqueous chromir I\('id 55 r(' .
Formlliin 40 rc .
Glacial acetic I1cid 5 ('C' .
Thi fixative shou ld be prepared just bt'forr it. is to he URNI . The 1ll1l-
terial i fixed for 24 hour~ to se"eral days .
Postjixntion Treatment
Wash aqueou s chromic acid-fixed mnterial in running water for
12 to 24 hour . Chromo-nitric-nleohol fixatin' liTe rl'movcd by several
change of 70 per rent alcohol.
o m;c Acid
o mic acid is generally considered to be on of the mo t. favorabl
fixer for preserving the cytoplasmic elt'm ntB of t.he ell in a n aT
lifelike condition. It i extremely poor in its penetrating capariti
and does not give good nuclear fixation. Jt i not to h' f('rOIDlnI'ndrd
for histological work.
The fume of this extr mely volatile solution ar very poi onoull and
are injuriou to the no .(. anti eyes. ] n "iew of this dang r, at< w II II
it co 1. a nd the fact that it ill not a good general fixati,·', it i not
recommended for u in general das work, not in g n ral te hniqu
procedures. It i included here for th b nefit of th t.udcnt of cytology.
Osmic acid solutions must be prepared with m ,ticllious care 0 that
no organic contaminate are introduced into th solution. The p per
label i carefully wa hed from the scaled cap ule of 0 mic acid crystals
and the capsule ( till sealed) is placed in a clean bottle in which th
solution i to be prepared. Bottle and capsule ar th n WI\ hed wit.h
~ Q§:)
c F
FIG. 3. The subdivision of a -salamander larva (B) in the standard planes for
sectioning The saggital section (A) is cut in the ¢ane of the page; the frontal sec-
tion (C) 10 the plane indicated by C-C'; the transverse sections (D, E and F)
in the plane indicated by D--D', E--E', and F-F' .
or gas in a well ventilated area and keep away from open flames and
sparks. If the animal is small it may be decapitated with a pair of
heavy scissors. When relatively large or wild animals are to be killed,
their cages can be converted into killing boxes by wrapping them in
aluminum foil.
Fixation of Invertebrate8
Mass cultures of free living protozoans are fixed and handled as
whole mount material. The main problem is concentrating the protozoa.
If the culture is very thick, the fixative may be added to the culture,
the protozoa allowed to settle, the fluid decanted and fresh fixative
added. Gentle centrifugation may be employed to. aid concentration.
When the culture is not very thick and the protozoa tend to concentrate
in certain areas, such as toward a light, such areas of concentration
may be removed with a large pipette and transferred to a volume of
fixative. They are then handled as described above.
Amoebae should be allowed to expand in a thin film of water and,
then, fixed by forcefully squirting the fixative into the dish.
Intestinal protozoa and test-tube-slant cultures of the same are
prepared as smears. The material is smeared on the cover glass or
slide with a circular motion so that a fairly thin film is obtained. The
smear may be made with a wire loop, a stick, dissecting needle, or a
cotton swab moistened with saline. Termite protozoa may be smeared
with a needle, using the gut as a swab to spread the material over the
glass. The smear must be prepared rapidly and immediately dropped,
smear down, into a dish of fixing fluid. Cover glasses will float in the
solution. Slides must be supported off the bottom of the dish with glass
rods or strips, positioned so that they support the ends of the slides.
If the medium containing the protozoa is very fluid it may be necesary
to let the film "dry down" so that the excess fluid evaporates, but great
care must be taken that the organisms are not permitted to dry. If the
medium is very dry, it may be necessary to mix a drop of saline with
the material in order to spread it. Usually, dropping the preparation
face down in the fixative will result in most of the protozoa adhering
to the glass surface. If they float off it may be necessary to coat the
glass with a film of Mayer's albumen or Haupt's affixative (p. 164)
or to mix a small quantity of one of these with the material.
Fecal smears are prepared by spreading the material over the sur-
face of the slide with a stiff brush, such as a small paste brush. These
slides may be fixed in a vertical position since the material does not
tend to float off the slide as do intestinal smear preparations.
For the preparation of spicule mounts, preserve the material in
95 per cent alcohol. These may also be used for tissue preparations.
Material for sectioning may be fixed in Bouin's or Hollande's fluids,
either of which will remove calcareous spicules. Material may also be
fixed in 10 per cent formalin, but should be stored in alcohol. Silicious
sponges may often be sectioned without removal of the spicules. If it
is necessary to remove silicious spicules, place the material in 70 per
cent alcohol in a jar which has been coated on the inside with paraffin ;
add a few drops of hydrofluoric acid. Be extremely careful to avoid
inhalation of the hydrofluoric acid fumes . When desilicification is
complete, wash the material in alcohol.
Hydra may be fixed in an extended condition by placing them in a
shallow dish of water and allowing them to become fully extended. A
quantity of hot Bouin's is then added suddenly from a large pipette.
Hydroids and anemones may be anesthetized with magnesium sul-
fate or magnesium chloride. Bouin's fluid is suitable for the fixation
of material to be sectioned. Large forms should be subdivided after
initial hardening in the fixative. Bouin's or formalin will give good
results with whole mount material.
Turbellarian8 and Trematode8. Planarians should be starved before
fixation. Place on a glass plate in a film of water. When fully distended
add a drop or two of 2 per cent nitric acid; after a few minutes, place in
sublimate-acetic. If carmine-fed whole mount preparations are desired,
feed the animals raw liver into which has been mortared a quantity
of dry carmine. Proceed as described above.
Fasciola hepatica and similar large, tough forms should be fixed
between glass slides, held togetlier with rubber bands. Place the slides
in a dish of fixing fluid (sublimate-acetic or Zenker's) and force the
slides apart occasionally to permit access of the fixative to the material.
When the worms have hardened, remove from between the slides and
return to the fixative.
Bdelloura and similar delicate forms may be placed on a glass plate
and covered with a slide or cover glass, depending on the size of the
Anesthetize with chloral hydrate or magnesium chloride solution.
Fix in Bouin's fluid or in 10 per cent formalin.
Small forms should be fixed by dropping them into hot 70 per cent
alcohol. This will usually fix them in a straightened condition. Large
forms may be fixed in hot Bouin's for general anatomy. Cut into 20-mm.
lengths when introducing into the fixative. For uterine contents of
Ascaris, dissect out the uteru ; and fix in hot Bouin's or in Carnoy's.
One of the main problems encountered in sectioning annelids is the
presence of sand or soil in the gut. Marine forms should be kept in clean
sea water for several days. Lumbricus should be fed filter paper to
flush the soil from the gut. Place the worms in a covered dish with a
quantity. of moist filter paper for several days. It is best to starve them
for another day before fixation so that most of the paper will be elimi-
nated .
Anesthetize marine or fresh water forms with magnesium sulfate
Anesthetize with magnesium sulfate. Proceed as described for
Fasciola hepatica.
For whole mounts fix in alcohol. Place on a glass plate and arrange
the appendages in a natural position after killing (in the fixative) and
before hardening has occurred. For sections, fix in Bouin's fluid . Warm
the fixative for heavily chitinized or large forms , or use alroholi('
Bouin's or Carnoy's fluids. Soaking in Bouin's for a week at 30 to 40° C.
will sufficiently soften forms which are not too heavily chitinizcd RO
that they may be processed in paraffin .. edioning is greatly Rimplificd
by using individuals which have recently molted or metamorphosed.
Whenever possible, structures to be sectioned should be dissected out
of the arthropod before processing. If it is necessary to retain the
structures in sittL subdivide the body as much as possible to facilitate
penetration of the fixative.
Small forms may be fixed entire. Bouin's will usually decalcify small,
shelled forms if such material is left in the fixative for a long enough
period. With larger forms it is best to dissect out the organs of interest
and fix them separately. Material may be aneshetized with alcohol.
Radula preparations should be fixed , flattened on a glass plate or on a
piece of stiff paper, in 10 per cent formalin . Flat structures, such as
gills, should also be fixed in a flattened condition.
These may be anesthetized with magnesium sulfate or magnesium
chloride solution. Large forms must be subdivided. Bouin's gives good
fixation for tissue preparations. Preserve in alcohol for skeletal plate
Cleavage stages may be fixed in Bouin's or 10 per cent formalin.
Larvae with calcareous spicules should be fixed in 10 per cent neutral
formalin or saturated aqueous mercuric chloride.
Anesthetize with magnesium sulfate or magnesium chloride before
fixing. Colonial forms should be subdivided or the zooids dissected out
after anesthetization and before fixing. Tadpoles and adults may be
fixed in Bouin's or formalin.
Fixation of Larvae and Embryos
Ammocoetes larvae may be fixed by placing them on a glass plate
and painting them with the fixative with a soft brush. When hardened,
transfer to a container of the fixative. Bouin's fluid gives excellent
Amphibian larvae will usually be fixed fairly straight if placed
directly into cold Bouin's. With other fixatives it is usually advisable
to anesthetize them before fixation or to handle them as described for
ammocoetes larvae. Yolky stages should be fixed in Smith's fluid .
Embryos should be dissected out of the jelly coat before fixation.
Reptile and bird embryos should be fixed according to the directions
in Exercise 4.
Mammalian embryos should be removed from the uterus and the
amnion opened before fixation. Embryos larger than 25 mm. crown-
rump length should be subdiviaed to facilitate penetration of the fixa-
tive. Use Bouin's or Lavdowsky's fixatives for smaller forms and Moss-
man's fluid for larger embryos. If the material must be left in gitu.
subdivide the uterus by cutting it across on either side of each embryo.
If the embryos are so small that areas of implantation are not yet
visible it may be necessary to fix the entire uterus for preparation of
serial sections. Early implantation stages may be located by opening
the uterus. The area of implantation, along with the embryo, may then
be removed, flattened by pinning it to a cork or board and floating this,
tissue side down, in the fixative. Ova or unimplanted embryos may be
located by cutting serial sections of the fallopian tubes and uterus or by
flushing the ova out with saline and handling them separately.
Fixation of Ti88ue Blocks
The problems and techniques of tissue fixation are essentially the
same for invertebrate and vertebrate materials. The ti sues mu t be
removed as soon as possible after the death of the animal and placed
in the fixative.
The initial subdivision of the tissue should be made in the same
plane as that in which it will later be sectioned; thus, an organ to be
sectioned in a transverse plane should be subdivided in a Lransver e
plane (fig. 4, C). In many cases the tissue may be so largc that it is
necessary to subdivide it in more than a single plane. It i important
that all cuts be made in structural planes and in such a way that the
tissue may be readily oriented for the sections required. If a block is
cut out as a nearly perfect cube (fig. 4, E-6) it becomes difficult to
distinguish the various faces of the block at the time of embedding and
sectioning. This difficulty can be avoided if the block has thrce (or at
least two) different dimensions. Thus a block may be cut so thaL each
face is rectangular in shape and the dimensions of each are different (fig.
4, E-l, 2 and 3) . A block of tissue 2 by 4 by 6 mm. will give sections in
one plane 2 by 4 mm. ; in a second plane, 2 by 6 mm.; and in a third, 4 by
6 mm. Such blocks can be readily oriented for the desired plane of sec-
tioning. A note should be made at the time of fixation regarding the
approximate dimensions of each plane.
A. General Procedure
1. Before killing the animals from which the tissues are to be re-
moved: (a) obtain the necessary fixatives and containers; (b) have on
hand a supply of physiological saline solution for rinsing blood and
debris from the tissue and to prevent drying of tissue surfaccs during
subdivision; (c) have labels prepared or the material on hand to pre-
pare labels; (d) have on hand the necessary instruments. Everything
should be arranged so no delay will occur once the animal has been
killed. If a large number of different tissues are to be fixed from a ingle
specimen it is advisable for several people to work togethcr so that the
tissues are processed in the shortest possible time.
2. Kill the animal.
3. As soon as the animal is dead it is desirable to drain as much blood
from the body as possible. Open the blood vessels in the neck by in-
cision or decapitation.
4. As quickly as possible remove the tissues to be fixed. Carefully
subdivide them as necessary, rinse them in saline solution and place in
the fixative with an appropriate label (Chapter 3).
A B c o
-- - ~ - -
3 6
FIG. 4. Subdivision of excised organs in structural planes. Subdivision of a small
heart (A) in ssgittal (B), transverse (C), or frontal (D) planes. The initial sub-
division should be in the ssme plane as that intended for the sections. E, subdivision
of a tongue. A very small tongue might be fixed intact. A larger tongue might be
subdivided in ssgittal or transverse planes. A large tongue would require consider-
able subdivision as indicated by the numbered blocks. Tissue blocks I , t and Shave
been removed 80 that the sides of the blocks correspond to structural planes. They
are shaped so that they may be readily oriented for sectioning. Block 5 may be diffi..
cult to orient since it is an equal sided cube. Block 6 has not been properly removed
since the cut surfaces do not correspond to structural planes. This is also true of
block 4; in this instance, however, the block has been removed to permit sectioning
of a particular serie of 5trllctures (the vallate papillae).
5. Record the accession numbers and necessary information in the
catalogue (Chapter 3).
B. Suggestions for Specific Tissues
B lood Smears. See Chapter 9.
Bone. For stained, histological sections, remove the mu ele, etc.
(keeping flooded with, or submerged in, saline ) and cut into short
lengths with a bone saw; place in the fixative. If the fixative contains an
acid, partial or complete decalcification will occur, depending upon the
size of the bone, the volume and concentration of the acid, and the time
the material is left in the fixing fluid . Cover the container 100 ely or it
may be broken by the gas produced during the decalcification of the
material. Usually the fixative does not completely decalcify bone and
it is necessary to use a separate decalcifying fluid before sectioning.
After the tissue has received t he necessa ry postfixation treatment, it
should be taken to 70 per cent alcohol from which it i transferred into
an acid-alcohol solution. Two to four per cent hydrochloric acid in 70 or
80 per cent alcohol gives satisfactory results with most material. A 1
to 5 per cent solution of nitric acid in 70 per cent alcohol may al 0 ue
used. With large bones a considerable period of treatment may be
necessary and the acid-alcohol should be renewed every few days. When
completely decalcified the bone should be pliable and a pin should
penetrate readily into the material. After d calcification wash for a
week or more in several changes of 70 or 80 per cent alcohol to remove
all traces of the acid.
For ground bone sectiQns, remove muscle, etc., cut into the shortest
possible lengths and soak in water until all of the organic material has
been destroyed; or dry, subdivide and then soak (Exercise 14 ).
Cartilage. In the case of young animals to be prepared as whole
mounts fix in 10 per cent neutral formalin (Exercise 20). In adults, cut·
out blocks with or without surrounding areas and fix as usual. This
tissue is best processed in celloidin (Exercise 35).
Digestive System. If a number of organs are to be fixed , those of the
digestive tract should be processed first since breakdown occurs very
rapidly in the cells of the gut. Subdivide the tract into structural
units (esophogus, stomach, etc.). In the case of small animals, rinse out
the stomach, intestines and rectum with a stream of saline solution
introduced with a pipette. Subdivide into small sections or fill the lumen
with the fixative by means of a pipette and place in a volume of fixative
until some hardening bas occurred (about 30 minutes) , remove, sub-
divide and return the blocks to the fixative. When intestine blocks are
subdivided without initial hardening the ends tend to evert and should
be trimmed before processing.
Areas may be fixed in a distended condition by first tying off one end
of the gut. A fixative-filled pipette is then inserted into the opposite
end and a thread looped around the gut and enclosed pipette tip. The
lumen is filled with the fixative and, as the pipette is withdrawn, the
upper end of the intestine is closed by tightening the thread. Do not
overdistend. Place in the fixative and subdivide after initial hardening
has occurred.
Lnrge digestive tracts are usually opened, by cutting along their
length, washed in saline and pinned flat to a cork or wooden block.
These are then floated tissue-side-down in the fixative. Do not use metal
pins with mercuric chloride fixatives. After hardening, remove from
the block, subdivide and return to the fixative.
Eyes. When fixing eyes it is desirable to slice through the eyeball
either on the dorsal and ventral surfaces, or laterally, depending upon
the plane in which the material is to be sectioned.
Fat. Blocks of fat for frozen sections should be fixed in 10 per cent
formalin . Formalin-fixed mesenteric spreads are excellent for the dem-
onstration of fat cells.
Heart. Small hearts may be fixed intact. They should be rinsed
thoroughly with saline and flushed out with a pipette. The fixative
should be introduced into the cavities if possible, via the blood vessels,
using a hypodermic syringe in the case of very small forms, or a pipette
for larger forms . Large hearts should be subdivided as required by !Size.
Lung. Fix inflated by introducing the fixative via the bronchial tubes,
using a hypodermic needle or pipette. Subdivide as necessary after
initial hardening. Occasionally air pockets are trapped in the lung
and it may be necessary to use a vacuum during processing to remove
them. -
Mesentery. See Exercise 5.
Pancreas. The pancreas should be fixed immediately after the death
of the animal since breakdown is very rapid in the cells of this organ.
Fix in Helly's to retain cytoplasmic granules and to prepare the tissue
for differential staining of cell types (Exercise 46).
Pituitary. The pituitary should be fixed in Helly's fluid to retain
cytoplasmic granules and prepare the tissue for differential staining to
demonstrate cell types (Exercise 46).
Skin. Skin should be fixed flattened, by spreading like a mesentery,
if it is thin, or by pinning out on a cork or board if it is thick. In the case
of skin with hair it is advisable to trim off or even shave off the hair
unless it is a required part of the preparation.
Testis. Small testes may be fixed entire, although it is best to care-
fully slit the tunica before fixing. Larger testes, such as tho e of the rat,
are difficult objects to fix, since the tissue tends to fall apart if sub-
divided before fixation and is too large to obtain adequate fixation
with the entire organ. Carefully slice the testis transversely into two
portions if transverse sections are required. If sagittal sections are to be
prepared slice a portion from each lateral surface and place in the
fixative. Subdivide the blocks after initial hardening has occurred, and
return to the fixative. A second method is to inject some of the fixing
fluid directly into the testis with a hypodermic syringe, and place the
entire organ in the fixative for initial hardening. This method results
in considerable displacement of the tubules in the areas where the fixa-
tive is injected. A third method is to inject the fixative into the blood
vessels. This technique is recommended when a considerable amount of
work is to be done with such material. In general, however, it is rather
Urinary Bladder. To obtain distended preparations, expel the con-
tents and distend the bladder with the fixative, introduced with a pipette
or syringe. In the case of large bladders, the material may be opened
out and handled as described for mesenteric spreads, or pinned to a
board and floated tissue-side-down in the fixative.
Uterus. In the case of small animals, the uterus or entire reproductive
tract can be removed, laid out on a piece of paper and flooded with the
fixative. If the material adheres to the paper, place it in a volume of
fixing fluid . If it does not adhere, place the tissue in a shallow dish and
just cover with the fixing fluid until hardening has occurred. The fixa-
tive may be introduced into the uterus as described for the digestive
system. With larger forms subdivide before fixation. Very large uteri
should be opened out, subdivided and flattened.
Exercise 3
Fixation of Invertebrates for Smears and Whole Mounts
The following exercises are designed to provide a variety of objects
for later processing. In most instances other forms may be substituted
from the local fauna of the area. When class time is too limited for the
group to carry out all procedures, some tissues may be provided already
fixed and washed for further processing by the students. It is strongly
recommended that the student fix as many tissues as pos ible, including
at least one wet smear, one embryo, one spread and several types of
tissues. The Buggested exercises can be readily modified or extended by
reference to the text.
A. Protozoa Smears
1. Prepare smears of termite protozoa on slides. For removal of the
termite gut, follow the directions given in Exercise 2. Termite and other
protozoa are spread as directed in the text (p. 42).
2. As each smear is prepared, drop the slide smear-side-down into
a shallow dish of Schaudinn's. The ends of the slides should be supported
off the bottom of the dish with glass rods or bars. Fix for 20 minutes;
keep the container covered.
3. Remove the slides from the fixative and wash in 70 per cent alcohol
for 5 minutes to remove most of the fixative .
4. Transfer the slides to iodine-alcohol (p.35) for 20 minutes.
5. Transfer the slides to 70 per cent alcohol to remove the iodine. Do
not use the alcohol used in step 3, since it will contain fixative. Leaye
the slides for 15 minutes.
6. Store slides in 70 per cent alcohol until processed. These slides may
be stained in iron hematoxylin as directed in Exercise 21 , or in Cason's
rapid Mallory stain as directed in Exercise 23.
B. ponge Spicules
1. Fix and store portions of some calcareous sponge in 95 per cent
2. Process as directed in Exercise 13.
C. Small Hydromedusae
1. Place ripe Obelia colonies in If measured amount of fresh sea water
at room temperature. This will usually result in the release of the
medusae. Remove the polyps (these may be used for section D).
2. Anesthetize by adding saturated magnesium sulfate in sea water.
3. As soon as the medusae no longer pulsate, add enough 100 per cent
formalin to convert the water containing the medusae to about 10 per
cent formalin .
4. Set aside and let the medusae settle to the bottom of the dish.
5. With a small pipette, collect the medusae from the bottom of the
large container and transfer them to a narrow vial. Allow them to
settle and decant off the fluid; add another pipette full of material, and
so on, until the medusae have been concentrated into the small vial.
6. Decant off the original fluid and add fresh 10 per cent formalin .
Leave for 2 hours or several days.
7. RepJace the fixative with 5 per cent formalin for storage. This
material may be processed according to the directions in Exercise 17.
D. Hydroids
Substitute fresh water bryozoans if hydroids are not available.
1. Place Obelia, Campanularia, or other hydroid in a measured
amount of sea water which is just sufficient to cover them.
2. Add to the water crystals of magnesium sulfate or an equal volume
of 7.5 per cent magnesium chloride.
3. Watch the animals closely; when they are fully extended and no
longer contract when the tentacles are touched with a needle, add
enough 100 per cent formalin to convert the sea water containing the
animals to about 10 per cent formalin .
4. Transfer to fresh formalin and leave 1 to 7 days.
5. Store in 5 per cent formalin until processed. This material may be
stained and mounted as directed in Exercise 16.
E. Platyhelminthes
1. Immobilize Plana ria, Fasciola, Bdelloura, or similar forms, ac-
cording to the directions given in the text (p. 43).
2. Fix in sublimate-acetic for 12 to 24 hours.
3. Wash in running water or through numerous changes of water
for 12 to 24 hours.
4. Dehydrate through a graded series of alcohols (30, 50, and 70 per
cent) for 30 to 60 minutes each.
5. Place in iodine-alcohol and leave until the solution is no longer
decolorized. If the solution becomes clear replace it with fresh iodine-
alcohol. Shake the bottle occasionally.
6. Wash with fresh 70 or 80 per cent alcohol to remove the iodine
(leave several hours to several days).
7. Store in fresh 80 per cent alcohol until processed. This material
may be stained in Grenacher's borax carmine according to the direc-
tions in Exercise 16.
H. Arthropods
1. Fix a numb~r of small arthropods suitable for whole mounts in
95 per cent alcohol. Small marine, fresh water, or terrestrial forms arc
equally suitable.
2. Store in 80 per cent alcohol until processed. Such material may be
mounted unstained in glycerine jelly (Exercise 10) or in resin (Exercise
12) or stained in Grenacher's borax carmine and fast green (Exercise
16) . See also Berlese's gum-chloral mounts described in Exercise 11.
Exercise 4
minalis. Hold these firmly in your left hand and do not release them
until the embryo has been removed.
7. With a pair of fine, sharp scissors, cut around the edge of the sinus
terminal is, meanwhile holding the yolk steady with your forceps.
Begin and end the cut at the point held by the forceps.
8. Remove the embryo from the yolk by directing a stream of saline
solution between the embryo and' the yolk with a small pipette. Do
not release your hold on the forceps restraining the yolk until the
embryo is removed . Do not eject the solution forcefully from the
pipette and be careful not to suck the embryo up into ti)e pipette. Notice
if the delicate vitelline membrane, lying over the embryo, comes free at
this time. If not it must be removed later. Pull the yolk mass away
from the area where the embryo lies. The yolk may now be released.
9. Submerge a syracuse watch glass in the saline solution and care-
fully pull the embryo into the dish with your forceps. Hold the embryo
in the dish as you remove it from the solution.
10. Check to see that the embryo is lying in the dish with the
yolky side down. Turn it over if necessary before removing the saline
solution. .
11. If a quantity of yolk was introduced with the embryo, wash it
away by changing the saline solution as many times as is necessary.
12. Remove the vitelline membrane, which lies over the upper surface
of the embryo. Usually it can be pulled free with a pair of forceps. If
dull scissors were used it may be fused to the underlying layers and
difficult to remove.
13. Carefully remove as much of the saline as possible, drawing it
off with a pipette, held just beyond the edge of the material. Work
the pipette around and around the dish so that the embryo is perfectly
flattened and not pulled to one side.
14. Add Lavdowsky's fixative, a drop at a time, with the tip of the
pipette as close above and as near the center of the embryo as possible.
Let each drop spread out before adding the next. Add just enough to
completely cover the embryo but not enough to float it.
15. Cover the dish and let the embryo harden for about 1 hour. Be
sure it is not permitted to dry out.
16. Add additional fixative without disturbing the position of the
embryo. Cover the dish, sealing the edges shut with a film of vaseline.
Leave in the fixative for several days.
17. Remove the fixative and store in 70 per cent alcohol until pro-
cessed. This material may be stained in Grenacher's alum carmine as
directed in Exercise 15.
A B c
FIC . 5. Preparation of a mesenteric spread on a glass tube (lee Exercise lj) .
depending upon the size of the tissue block, and may be left for a
longer period (overnight) to facilitate scheduling of the work.
C. Onion Root Tips
This material is excellent for class work with Heidenhain's iron
hematoxylin. There are numerous division figures , the cell are rela-
tively large, and the material can be processed by routine embedding
1. Submerge the root end of an onion bulb in water. Individual
onions may be placed in jars, suspended by a tripod of tooth pick in -
serted around the circumference of the bulb. The mouth of the jar
should be large enough to permit some air circulation around the onion .
If the water becomes foul or cloudy it should be changed.
2. Cut the root tips when they are 10 to 15 mm. long. Let them fall
into a dish of freshly prepared Karpechenko's fluid (p. 37) . If the
tips are cut between noon and 1 p.m., a large number of division figure
will usually be obtained. Fix the tissue for 24 hours to several days.
3. Wash in running water for 12 hours or overnight.
4. Dehydrate through a graded series of alcohols (15, 30 and 50
per cent and into 70 per cent alcohol where they may be stored until
further processing. Twenty minutes in each solution is usually adequate.
This material may be processed by the usual methods (Exercise 24 ) and
embedded in paraffin. Root tips should be stained li ghtly with eosin
just before they are processed into paraffin so that they will be visible
in the paraffin mass.
FlO. 6. A, the slide ringer; B, method of applying the llelll or ring; C, cr06l! sec-
tion of a sealed preparation.
the clamps. Determine wh.ich of the guide lines corresponds to the size
of the cover glass to be used. The cell wall should be prepared so that
its outer edge will coincide with the edge of the cover glass. A width of
1 to 2 mm. is usually sufficient.
3. Have on hand a clean "camel's hair" brush (No. 2 to 5), a con-
tainer of ringing solution (Gold Size varnish, Canada balsam or other
resinous mounting medium) and a container of solvent for the ringing
4. Place the ringer so that the hand rest is toward you. With your
right hand spin the table vigorously toward you in a clockwise direction.
Quickly dip the brush into the ringing solution, brush off the excess on
the lip of the container and place the brush tip at "9 o'clock" (fig.
6, B) . The brush tip should be held slightly in from the point which you
have predetermined to correspond to the edge of the cover glass. Your
hand should be supported on the hand rest. As the slide spins, a perfect
ring of media should be left on the slide surface. (If you are left-handed,
spin the table with your left hand in a counterclockwise direction and
hold the brush at "3 o'clock.")
After a little practice you 'Yill find that the width of the wall can be
varied by using different brushes and varying the pressure applied to
the brush. The height of the ring may be increased by applying
numerous layers of ringing material. In general it is best to prepare a
number of cells and let them dry completely before using them. Protect
them from dust.
Irregular rings with thick and thin areas are caused by: (1) ex-
cessive or over-thin media which results in a large blob where the brush
is first applied; (2) irregular pressure on the brush; (3) dry ringing
material on the brush. The brush should be carefully cleaned in a
suitable solvent between each application of ringing material.
B. Sealing Procedure
Mounts made with aqueous mounting media must be carefully sealed
so that the mountant will not evaporate. Air and resin mounts may also
be sealed. Such mounts are best prepared with round cover glasses and
sealed with the aid of the slide ringer. Any quick drying paint with
good elasticity, such as nail polish, model aeroplane dope, or a good
varnish such as Gold Size, may be used as a sealer.
1. Clean the preparation very carefully, scraping away any excessive
mountant with a razor and then carefully cleaning the slide with a
cloth moistened with water (in the case of aqueous mountants) or
xylol (in the case of resin mounts). The surface of the cover glass must
Exercise 8
Dry Mounts
Dry mounts are limited to objects which are already dry or may
be dried without distortion. The material is mounted on a slide under
a cover glass which is supp'.>rted off of the material and held in place
by a wall, thus enclosing the object in a cell of air. If the object is thin
enough to transmit light, prepare it as a transparent mount as directed
in' Section A. If the material is extremely opaque or too thick to transmit
light, it is prepared as an opaque mount according to the directions in
A. Transparent Mounts
Lepidoptera wing cales, mall membranous wing , hair, feathers,
ground sections of bone or tooth, etc., may be prepared as follows.
1. Prepare cells for round cover glasses using a slide ringer as de-
scribed earlier. Cells for quare cover glas es may be prepared freehand.
by drawing an outline of the cover glass on a piece of paper and using
this as a pattern when preparing the cell. The wall should be as low 88
possible, although deep enough to accommodate the material.
2. Place the material to be mounted in the center of the cell. Lepidop-
tera wing scales may be transferred by pressing on the wing with an
eraser and then pressing it on the slide surface; do not twist. Other
objects may be handled with a brush or forceps or on the tip of a
needle. Material suspended in alcohol or xylol (such as corrosion
products, Exercise 13) may be transferred in a drop of the fluid by
means of a pipette. Be sure the material is completely dried before
mounting the cover glass. Moisture left in the material will condense on
the under side of the cover glass and obscure the preparation.
Objects may be held in place in the bottom of the cell by a very thin
layer of mounting medium or varnish applied just before the object is
introduced. This is useful with larger objects, but must be kept at a
minimum so that it does not infiltrate the material.
3. Warm a cover glass in a soot-free flam e and quickly place it over
the material so that it is centered on the wall. Press it firmly into place
by applying pressure around the edge of the cover glass where it is
supported by the wall. Use a blunt instrument such as the handle of a
dissecting needle. Excessivc pressure or pressure on the unsupported
portion of the glass will brcak the cover. If the seal is not complete,
invert the slide and warm thc CO\'cr glass area slightly over a flame.
Ovcrheating will break the glass or cause the medium to flow in to the
4. Optional. Seal the preparation, using the turntable for round cover
glasses as described earlier.
If the ringing compound flows into the center of the air cell, the
obj ect will be infiltrated and will be difficult to observe. The medium
will flow in: (1) if the cover glass is applied before the wall is sufficiently
dried or, (2) if the sealing material is overheated while attaching the
cover glass. For this latter reason it is better to heat the cover glass
instead of the slide when making the seal.
B. Opaque Mounts
Foraminifera shells, ground tooth or bone sections, and other opaque
objects which are mounted dry must be studied by reflected light, and
are ea ier to observe if they are placed on a colored background rather
than on a clear slide. This background may be provided by paint,
01' by mounting on opaque paper.
1. Prepare a cell, using a turntable for round cover glasses or making
a freehand ('Pll for square royer gla!<ses.
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Exercise 9
Glycerine Mounts
Glycerine is frequently used as a mounting medium for small nema-
to'des and helminth eggs in fecal samples. For temporary preparations,
a 1: 1 mixture of glycerine in water is usually used. For permanent
mounts it is best to use pure glycerine, and even then permanency is
not insured because of the consistency of the medium. Glycerine jelly
(Exercise 10) is much more satisfactory for permanent mounts of this
type of material.
The material may be mounted directly from water or alcohol (after
fixation). This is usually adequate when a mixture of glycerine and
water is employed for temporary mounts. For permanent mounts
in pure glycerine it is best to gradually infiltrate tbe material with
glycerine to prevent distortion. Infiltration is accomplished by placing
the material in a mixture of water and glycerine, or alcohol and
glycerine, and evaporating off the water or alcohol. Evaporation may
be hastened by warming, but if it is too rapid the material may collap e.
The rate of evaporation will have to be adjusted to accommodate the
objects being processed.
1. Fix the material in alcohol (see Chapter 5) or u e material which
was fixed by other methods, washed as required and proce sed into
alcohol. .
2. From 70 or 80 per cent alcohol, transfer the material into a mixture
of glycerine and 80 per cent alcohol, 1: 2 by volume. Leave the container
open so that the alcohol will evaporate. Reduce the volume by one-half
to two-thirds before proceeding. The container should be protected from
3. Prepare a cclI on the center of a clean slide.
For temporary mounts, the cell wall may be prepared with warm
paraffin or glycerine jelly. Round cells are prepared by dipping the open
end of a vial of ~ uitable size into the melted ringing solution and
transferring a ring of the solution to the slide. Such rings solidify when
cool. For permanent preparations the cell wall should be prepared with
varnish or balsam, using the slide ringer as described earlier. The cell
wall should be high enough to support the cover glass up off the matt!rial.
4. Place a small drop of glycerine in the center of the cell. Transfer
into this the material to be mounted. Small objects such as nematodes
may be handled on the tip of a needle. Helminth eggs in fecal samples
may be transferred with a small pipette or wire loop. If necessary add
more glycerine so the cell will be completely fill ed when the cover glass
is put in place.
5. Film a clean cover glass with moisture by holding it over a beaker
of steaming water or by breathing on it. Lower it horizontally (fig. 8, A)
onto the preparation. centering it on the wall. (The moisture film helps
to prevent bubbles and if the cover glass is not lowered horizontally the
material wiII be displaced in the cell.) If bubbles are trapped in the
glycerine, or if there was not enough glycerine to fill the cell, remove
the cover glass, wash it with water, add more glycerine and recover.
After some practice you wiII be able to estimate the correct amount of
glycerine required to fill a cell.
6. If any glycerine has exuded onto the slide, remove it very care-
fully and wash the slide surface with a cloth moistened with water.
If there is glycerine on the cover glass it will probably be necessary
to mount a clean one.
7. Place the clean slide on a slide ringer and seal the preparation with
orne quick-drying paint. (Follow the directions given earlier in this
chapter.) Be sure the seal extends on to the edge of the cover glass, over
the wall of the cell and on to the side (fig. 6, C) . If the preparation was
made with a square cover glass, paint around the edge of the cover glass
Exerci8e 10
Glycerine Jelly Mounts
Glycerine jelly is solid when cool and is to be preferred over glycerine
for permanent preparations. As in the case of glycerine, the material
may be mounted directly from water or alcohol, but the results are
generally better if the object is first infiltrated with glycerine.
Of the many formulas for glycerine jelly, the following is both satis-
factory to use and easily prepared.
Kaiser's Glycerine Jelly
Gelatin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 gm.
Distilled water ....................... . .. . .... .... . ... ..... 60 cc.
Glycerine ........ . . . .... . . ............ . . . ............. . .. . 70 cc.
Concentrated phenol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gm.
Dissolve the gelatin in water, heating just enough to dissolve the
gelatin i add the glycerine and phenol. Phenol crystals (0.25 gram per
100 cc. of glycerine jelly) may be used in place of the concentrated
solution of phenol. For thick mounts it is best to evaporate this solution
CG- ~ l~ F
MM - . ~O MM-
,, I
CG- '6
FIa. 8. Methods of mounting the cover glass. A, for loose material such as a whole
mount. B, for sections or smears, when the material is attached to the slide . C, the
inverted slide technique for minute objects (see Exercise 17).
down before using. Such preliminary thickening greatly reduce later
shrinkage of the mountant. In preparing, evaporating, or melting glyc-
erine jelly, excessive heat should be avoided or the material will not
solidify when cooled. Evaporation may be accomplished in an oven
maintained between 55 and 60° C. Always melt the jelly in a hot water
bath, never over a direct flame .
center of the jelly, using a dissecting needle or fine forceps. If the object
is thick introduce several glass chips around it to support the cover
8. Lower a cover glass horizuntally until it is just above the surface
of the warm glycerine jelly. Hold it just above the jelly surface until
you can see that a film of water vapor has condensed on the lower sur-
face, then lower it on to the jelly. The moisture film will prevent
bubbles. Alternately, the covE!r glass may be water-filmed by holding
it over a steaming beaker of water.
If insufficient glycerine jelly was used, large air pockets will form
when the cover glass is mounted. If the material was mounted in a cell,
the cover glass must be removed, washed in water, additional glycerine
jelly added and the cover glass replaced. If the material is not in a cell,
additional glycerine jelly may be added at the point where one edge of
t,he air pocket is in contact with the edge of the cover glass. If the jelly
is added at the mid-point of such an air space, a large bubble will be
trapped in the preparation. If air bubbles are trapped in the glycerine
jelly, it is usually necessary to remove the cover glass, burst the bubbles
with a warm needle, and recover. Occasional bubbles can sometimes be
removed by sucking them out with a fine tipped pipette.
9. Keep the slide perfectly fiat, remove it from the slide warmer
and set it aside to cool.
10. Carefully scrape away any excessive glycerine jelly from ' the slide
and clean with a cloth moistened with water. The cover glass must als(l
be clean and great care must be taken not to cru~h the preparation
or displace the cover glass during cleaning. Make every effort to keep
the cover glass clean while mounting it.
11. Place the slide on a turntable and carefully seal the preparation
with Gold Size varnish or any quick-drying paint as directed earlier.
If unthickened glycerine jelly IS used in preparing the mount the seal
should be completed the same day that the mount is made.
B. Alternate Method for Small Objects
1. Fix the material and infiltrate with glycerine as described in
Section A.
2. Place a large (22 mm.) round cover glass on a warming plate and
on the center of this a small drop of warm glycerine jelly.
3. Transfer the material from the glycerine to the glycerine jelly on
the cover glass.
4. Lower a smaller cover glass (14 to 16 mm.) on to the preparation '
so that it is centered on the large cover glass with the material sarid-
wiched between. The glycerine jelly should flow to the edge of the smaller
cover glass.
5. Place a drop of Canada balsam on the small cover glass and bring
the center of a clean slide into contact with the drop of mountant. Do
not press down on the cover glass, but rather let the balsam flow out
between the slide and the cover glass. Invert the slide. The mountant
should flow to the edge of the large cover glass, which is now on top.
The small cover glass is attached to the slide and the preparation is
automatically sealed by the ring of balsam between the outer edge of
the small and large cover glasses (fig. 7, F and G).
Exercise 11
Berlese's Gum-Choral Mounts
This procedure is extremely useful when mounting large numbers of
small arthropods from soil or debTlS samples. It i a rapid and effective
method of preserving them for later reference and identification. The
material need not be previously fixed; although fixed material may be
used, the best results are obtained if the animals are placed in the
mountant while they are still alive.
Berlese's Gum-Chloral }If ountant
Distilled water . 20 ee .
Gum a.ra.bic ..... . .. ...... ,.,.,.".,",", " "'.,',. ,. 15 gm .
Glucose syrup . , , . , , , .. , , , , , , . , " , , , , , . , , , , , , , JO cc.
4. Allow the slide to dry for about a week. Add more mountant if
necessary. Carefully clean away any excess mountant from the slide,
using a cloth moistened with water. Seal the preparation with some
quick-drying paint.
Exercise 12
Resin Mounts of Unstained. Materials
Resin mounts are definitely superior to any aqueous preparations
from the standpoint of permanence. In the case of pigmented materials,
the resin also provides better optical qualities. Unpigmented objects
may be mounted in resins such as Euparal or Hydrax, having relatively
low or high refractive indices, as compared with the tissue. Pigmented
objects are mounted in resins having refractive indices which approxi-
mate those of the tissues. In these instances the image is provided by the
pigment. It may be necessary to bleach heavily pigmented forms to in-
crease their transparency. Arthropod exoskeleton mounts may be im-
proved by first destroying the soft tissues. The material may then be
mounted in a flattened condition, thus increasing the transparency of
large ~bjects as well as permitting observation with higher magnification
lens systems.
A. Soft Tissues
The following exercise is based upon the use of some small arthropods
or arthropod larvae, but may be adapted to other types of material.
1. Preserve in alcohol, Carnoy's fluid, or another suitable fixative
(Chapter 5) . Wash as required by the fixative employed.
2. Optional. For flat exoskeleton mounts of arthropods, destroy the
soft tissues by soaking in 20 per cent potassium hydroxide in water
(handle with care). Wash w~l in water to remove the corrosive before
3. Optional. Heavily pigmented forms may be partially bleached by
one of the following methods. (a) From water, transfer the material
into 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide; when sufficiently bleached, wash well
in water and dehydrate to 70 per cent alcohol. (b) From alcohol, trans-
fer the material into sodium hyperchlorite in 70 per cent alcohol. Add 1
drop of 5 per cent sodium hyperchlorite to each 2 cc. of alcohol. When
the material is sufficiently bleached, wash in at least three changes of
70 per cent alcohol, leaving at least 30 minutes in each.
4. From 70 or 80 per cent alcohol transfer the material to 95 per cent
alcohol for 1 hour or more.
5. Complete dehydration through two changes of 100 per cent alcohol
B. Dry Materials
Many dry objects may be mounted in resins even though they are
unstained and unpigmented. Thus spicules, skeletal plates and small
bones usually have very high refractive indices and will be visible in
balsam or may be mounted in one of the other resins which experiment
shows to be satisfactory. Feathers and hair may also be mounted in this
Since the materials are not distorted by drying, they may be mounted
5. Replace the water with 95 per cent alcohol. ( ince the material is
not fragile, gradual dehydration is not necessary.)
6. Small objects are transferred to the slide with a pipette. Place a
drop of fluid containing the material on the center of a clean slide and
let the alcohol evaporate completely. This may be hastened by warming.
Minute objects may be mounted dry (Exercise 8) or these and larger
objects may be mounted in a suitable resin (Exercise 12, Section B).
Exercise 14-
Ground Sections of Bone or Tooth
1. Strip the bone of all flesh and dry thoroughly. Some workers pre-
fer to complete steps 2, 3 and 4 before drying.
2. Clamp the bone (or tooth) in a small vise, and with a fine blade
(a hacksaw will suffice) subdivide it into the thinnest possible sections,
keeping the cuts as parallel as possible.
3. Place the strips in water and let them macerate for several weeks
or longer to destroy all of the soft tissue.
4. Wash thoroughly in running water to remove the macerated soft
5. If the bone is spongy, dry it thoroughly, place it in xylol and then
transfer it to moderately thick balsam. Dry the balsam down until
it is hard when cool. This may be accomplished very rapidly in a con-
vection oven. The bone may be placed on a slide in a drop of balsam,
or in a small dish of the resin, depending upon its size.
6. Carefully rub the bone over a flat, wet, sharpening stone. Apply
light, even pressure with the finger tip and turn the material frequently.
The process should be continued until the section is very transparent.
It is usually advisable to start the grinding on a fairly coarse stone or
even a flat file, especially if the initial block is rather thick. The grind-
ing should be finished on a very smooth stone or glass plate so that the
surface of the section will not be scoured. Wash the section to remove
grinding dust and then dry thoroughly.
7. Remove the . balsam from the spongy bone by soaking it in xylol.
8. (a) Air mount the sections (Exercise 8) using either a transparent
or opaque mount, depending upon the thickness of the section. A com-
bination slide may be readily prepared by painting one-half of the cell
black and leaving the opposite side clear. The tissue is mounted over
the junction of the two areas. Attach the bone with a very thin layer of
vaIVish or balsam, placing the bone in the film while the latter is just
tacky enough to hold it in place. (b) The ideal mount for dense bone is
one in which the matrix is cleared while the haversian systems remain
Combine and boil for 15 minutes or until the carmine i dissolved. It may
be possible to increase the amount of carmine in solution by increasing
the amount of aluminum ammonium sulfate to 5 grams and the carmine
to 2 grams. When the solution has cooled, it is filtered .
Alum carmine is used progrcssivcly for whole mounts (Exercise 15
and 17) or for bulk staining (Exercise 41). It does not usually over-
stain but may be destained in 0.1 pcr cent hydrochloric acid in 70 per
cent alcohol, following the method described for Grenacher's borax
carmine. Large dense objects are usually not counterstained. mall
objects and sections may be counter tained with fast green or similar
Grenacher's Borax Carmine
Distilled water , . 100 ce .
Borax ... 4 .0 gm .
Ca.rmine .. " . 2.0 gm .
Mix and allow to stand for several days, stirring daily. Thc solution may
be boiled to hasten preparation. Mix with 100 cc. of 70 per cent alcohol
and allow to stand for several days, stirring daily. Filter before use.
Grenacher's borax carmine may be used as a whole mount stain
(Exercise 16), for staining tissues in bulk (Exercise-n) or a a pri-
mary stain for sections. It is used regressively and differentiated in
a weak solution of hydrochloric acid in 70 per cent alcohol. For whole
mount preparations with dense parenchymatous tissue it is generally
used without a couRterstain. On sections and on object without paren-
chyma, and especially for materials containing chitin, it i eff ctively
combined with fast green as described in Exercise 16. When working
with large whole mount materials it i important that the material i '
stained for a long period (several days to a week), ince the penetration
rate of the dye is very slow.
Hematoxylin is obtained from the South American logwood tree,
and produces a very sharp blue to black chromatin stain when oxidized
to hematein and combined with a mordant. Heidenhain's iron hema-
toxylin technique provides a very beautiful and critical chromatin stain
for cytological work. The alum hematoxylins are more generally useful
in hi stological preparations in combination with counter tains such as
eosin or erythrosin. In the case of the alum hematoxylins the mordant
(aluminum ammonium sulfate). is combi ned with the dye in the tain-
ing olution.
Ehrlich's Acid Hematoxylin
Distillp.d water . 100 cc.
100 per cent alcohol 100 ce .
Glycerine . 100 cc.
Glacial acetic acid .. 10 cc.
Hematoxylin . 2 gm.
Aluminum ammonium su lfate , to exceSR (ahout 20 gm. )
Dissolve the hcmatoxylin in alcohol, add the acid, then the water and
glycerine. Allow the solution to ripen in the sunlight for about 2 months,
opening the bottle occasionally. Th e solution should assume a deep
red color. The aluminum ammonium sulfate may be added before or
aftpr ripening. When the solution is ripened , store in a closed bottle
on a dark shelf. This stain is quite stable and will keep for long
This stain may be used regressively as described for Harris' alum
hematoxylin (Exercise 33) . It may also be used as a progressive stain
for sections (Exercise 32) or for staining tissues in bulk (Exercise 41).
The times and cffects of staining may be varied by diluting the stain
with distilled water or with a saturated solution of aluminum ammonium
ulfatc. The latter technique tends to restrict the stain to the chromatin .
It is important that the material is washed very thoroughly in running
water or severe fading of the stain will occur after mounting.
Harris' Alum H ematoxylin
Hematoxylin . . .. .............. . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... . 0 .5 gm.
Aluminum ammonium sulfate ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 20.0 gm .
Distilled wat r . . . ..................... ... ....... .. . 100 cr .
Mercuric oxide ... 0 .5 gm .
fore use. The solution will keep for a considerable period and may b
reused. If a scum develops on the solution it should be filtered.
This stain is most effective when used regressively (Exercise 33). It
may be used progressively in a dilute solution, diluting the stock 1: 100,
more or less, with distilled water or with 20 per cent aluminum am-
monium sulfate. When used regressively the material is destained in
0.5 to 1 per cent hydrochloric acid in distilled water The material must
then be washed and "blued" in a basic solution (ordinary tap water
is usually effective) before further processing. When the dilute solution
is prepared with a quantity of aluminum ammonium sulfate the slides
should be washed thoroughly in running water to remove all trace
of the mordant.
Heidenhain's Iron Hematoxylin
10 per cent hematoxylin in 100 per cent alcohol (aged) ... . . 5 cc .
Distilled water ...................................... ..... , 100 oc .
Many of the problems which arise in this technique may be attributed
to the preparation of the staining and mordanting solutions. If the
staining solution is made up directly in water (0.5 gram of hematoxylin
in 100 cc. of distilled water) it will require several weeks to ripen when
exposed to air, and may pass rather rapidly from an under-ripened to
an over-ripened condition. The. staining solution may also be prepared
from hematein, in which case it is theoretically ready for use im-
mediately since the hematoxylin has already been oxidized. Such a solu-
tion, however, is frequently over-ripe, the hematein oxidizing further
and losing its staining capacity. The most satisfactory results are
obtained by ageing the hema.toxylin in 100 per cent alcohol. Enough
hematoxylin is placed in a glass stoppered bottle of 100 per cent alcohol
to make up a 10 per cent solution of stain. The bottle is then closed
but not sealed and is left on a window sill or sunlit shelf for 6 to
8 months or more. It may then be tested in aqueous dilution, and if it
produces a good stain the bottle of stock solution may be sealed and
stored in a dark cupboard. This stock will keep for 6 months or more.
Before the stain is used, the stock solution is diluted with distilled
water and allowed to ripen for about 1 week (with the bottle closed).
This staining solution should not be muddy in appearance, but a clear '
brownish fluid.
In Heidenhain's technique the tissue is treated with a separate
mordanting solution of 2 to 4 per cent ferric ammonium sulfate ("iron
alum") before staining. The material is then overstained in the hema-
toxylin and is differentiated in a 2 to 4 per cent solution of the mordant.
Alizarin Red S
Alizarin red S is an acid dye most commonly employed as a stain
for calcified structures such as bone (Exercise 19). The stain is u ed
in concentrations of 0.0025 to 0.01 per cent in 1 per cent potassium
Aniline Blue WS
Aniline blue . . .... . ........ . ................ . 0 .5 gm .
Oxalic acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 2.0 gm .
Distilled water . . .. .. . ............................ . .. 100 cc .
Azocarmine G
Azocarmine G . . .................. .. .. . 1.0 gm .
1 per cent glacial acetic acid ........... " .. 100 cc.
Basic Fuchsin
Basic fuchsin is best known for its use in Feulgen's nuclear staining
technique (Exercise 43). The staining solution is prepared as follows .
Basic fuchsin . . .. ...... .. .... . ......... " .. . ... . . . . .. . . . 1.0 gm .
Distilled water . ...................... , " ..... . ....... . . 100 cc.
Boil, filter, and add 30 cc. of normal hydrochloric acid and 1 gram of
anhydrous sodium bisulfite or potassium metabisulfite. Let the solution
stand in the dark for 24 hours. The solution produced should be a clear
yellowish fluid.
An aqueous solution (0.2 to 1 per cent) of basic fuchsin may be utilized
in place of acid fuchsin in Mallory's techniques or as a general choma tin
stain with a fast green counterstain.
Crystal Violet
Crystal violet is a basic dye employed as a nuclear stain. The
stain is applied as a 1 per cent solution in distilled water. It washes out
quickly in water and the lower alcohols and an accelerated dehydra-
tion schedule is necessary. Its most popular use is as a spindle dye in
Flemming's triple stain (Exercise 44).
Eosin Y
Eosin Y (yellowish) is widely used as a counterstain following alum
hematoxylin. It may be used in aqueous solution but generally pro-
vides the best results with the least difficulty in a 0.2 per cent solution
in 95 per cent alcohol (Exercises 32 and 33). Eosin should impart a
bright, clear pink color to the cytoplasm without interfering with the
clear blue of the chromatin stain. The stain is acid l and if the sections
are left in the solution for an excessive period the blue color of the
hematoxylin is changed to purple and then to a weak pink shade. A
10- to I5-second staining period should suffice. The main source of
error in using the stain is in leaving the slides in 95 per cent alcohol
after staining. The slides should be rinsed quickly through two changes
of 95 per cent alcohol and placed in 100 per cent alcohol before they
are examined. Eosin is removed by basic solutions. Eosin B (bluish) may
be substituted for eosin Y following alum hematoxylin stains.
Eosin Y is also utilized with methylene blue chloride as a general
blood and tissue stain (Exercise 42). The eosin is applied in a 0.2 per
cent aqueous solution before the methylene blue. These two dyes are
the basic ingredients of both Wright's and Giemsa's stains.
Erythrosin is similar in effect and use to eosin, and is generally em-
ployed in place of eosin by botanists. It is utilized in a 0.5 to 1.0
per cent aqueous solution in a 0.2 per cent solution in 95 per cent alcohol.
Erythrosin B is used more commonly than erythrosin Y.
Fast Green
Fast green is an acid dye which makes a very effective counter-
stain for who.le~!:IJ material prepared with carmine (Exerci e 16),
Cason' 8 Mallory
Cason (Stain Technology, 1950, Vol. 25, p. 225-226) adds the acid and
the dyes to the distilled water, one by one, stirring to dissolve each as
it is added.
Cadon described this rapid technique for protozoa and paraffin sec-
tions. It has proved very useful for dried sperm and vaginal smears that
would not stain with Wright's or Giemsa's stains. The main disadvan-
tage of this technique is that when it is unsuccessful on certain sections
there is little possibility of varying the procedure to improve the re-
sults. As with the usual Mallory's triple stain, the results are improved
if the tissue is treated with phosphomolybdic acid before staining and
rinsed with phosphomolybdic acid after staining. Directions for staining
sperm and vaginal smears with this technique are given in Exercise 23.
Sudan II
Sudan II is an acid dye which is soluble in fats and is used as a fat
"stain" (Exercise 40, Section B). It has a low solubility in alcohol
(about 0.4 per cent) and is introduced as a saturated solution in alcohol.
The dye is taken up as a solution in the fat. Sudan III and sudan IV have
similar effects and are applied in the same manner as sudan II.
Toluidine Blue 0
Toluidine blue 0 is a basic dye similar to methylene blue and it may
be substituted for the laUer in staining techniques. It is employed as It
nuclear stain in It 1 per cent solution in ·water and is differentiated in
95 per cent alcohol. This dye is also utilized as a cartilage stain in the
Van Wij he technique.
Van Wijhe's Stain
Van Wijhe's stain is a 0.1 per cent solution of toluidine blue 0 in 0.1
per cent hydrochloric acid in 70 per cent alcohol. It is employed as a
cartilage stain as directed in Exercise 20. The material is differentiated
in a weak solution of hydrochloric acid in 70 per cent alcohol until only
the cartilage is stained.
Wright's Stain
Wright's stain is a combination of oxidized methylene blue and eo:sin
Y and is similar in effect and use to Giemsa's stain. The material is first
treated with the concentrated staining solution, which serves to fix
the material; the concentrated stain is then diluted with distilled water
as directed in Exercise 22.
area is usually trimmed just beyond the edge of the SinU8 tenninalis.
With later stages it may be necessary to trim closer to the embryo in
order to mount it within a standard sized cell.
8. Complete dehydration through 95 per cent alcohol and two change
of 100 per cent alcohol, leaving for about 20 minutes in each solution.
9. Pick the embryo up on a piece of stiff paper and tran fer it into a
dish of xylol, toluol or carbo I-xylol (see the Appendix). The embryo
should be perfectly .flattened when it is introduced into the dealcoholiz-
ing-clearing solution, since it will become hardened; if it is wrinkled or
folded at the time of transfer it will not be possible to flatten it. Within
about 10 minutes the material should be perfectly transparent or
"cleared." If there are opaque areas the embryo has not been propcrly
dehydrated and must be returned to 100 per cent alcohol or transferred
to carbol-xylol or beechwood creosote-xylol. Failure to obtain complete
dehydration and clearing is frequently due to placing the dealcoholizing
agent in a wet dish. Only a perfectly dry container should be used. As
soon as the embryo has cleared the stain will assume a brilliant red ap-
10. Process the material through a second change of clearing solution
to insure complete removal of the alcohol. If carbol-xylol was lIsed for
initial dealcoholization, use xylol for the second change.
11. Attach a glass or aluminum mounting cell of appropriate size to
the center of a clean slide (fig. 7, E) with a layer of balsam. The cell
shou ld be slightly deeper than the embryo.
12. Place a drop of moderately thick balsam in the bottom of the
cciI. Carefully transfer the embryo from the clearing solution into the
cell, centering it within the cell wall. The long axis of the embryo should
be at right angles to the long axis of the slide. The embryo should be
placed in the cell dorsal-side-up with the ventral or yolky side next to
the slide surface. The initial placement of the embryo should be correct,
since it is now extremely fragile and almost impossible to arrange in the
balsam without shattering it completely. The embryo will be quite stiff
and the most successful procedure for transferring and placing it is as
follows . pick the embryo up on a piece of stiff paper moistened with
the clearing solution; let one edge of the embryo protrude slightly be-
yond the edge of the paper; bring this edge into contact with the balsam
at one side of the mounting cell and slowly withdraw the paper, leaving
the embryo upon the layer of balsam. Do not let the embryo dry. Imme-
diately cover the embryo with balsam.
13. Fill ~he cell with balsam. If numerous bubble. Are trapped in the
mountant, place a drop of xylol on the surface or warm the slide and
leave uncovered until the bubbles escape.
14. Grasp a clean cover glass with a pair of forceps and dip one end
of the glass in xylol. Bring this moistened edge into contact with the
balsam at one side of the cell. Slowly lower the cover glass to the oppo-
site side. (If thin balsam is used for mounting it may be necessary to
lower the cover glass horizontally to avoid displacement of the ma-
terial. In this case bubbles may be trapped beneath it and these may
be removed by leaving the slide flat on a warmer or in an oven overnight
or longer.)
The preparation must be kept fiat until the balsam is completely
solidified. With thick balsam mounts this may require a very long
period. Drying may be hastened by heating in a convection oven. In
any case it is best to store thick balsam whole mounts fiat in trays or in
slide boxes kept on end, since the objects will gradually drift to one
side if the material is left on edge for long periods.
Exercise 16
Exercise 17
Whole Mounts of Minute Objects
Protozoa, small medusae, echinoderm and molluscan developmental
stages and similar materials may be handl ed as minute whole mounts.
These objects are transparent enough so that they may be stained as
critically as sections of larger organisms. Such material may be stained
by any of the usual methods. Progressive techniques are usually satis-
factory and are relatively simple iii procedure. It should be noted that
such material may be sectioned in paraffin (Exercise 26) , and upon
affixation to slides is easier to process through regressive staining tech-
niques than are free objects in vials.
When considerable quantities of material are available it may be
handled in small, narrow vials and processed by sucking off each solu-
tion and replacing it with the next one. The material must be permitted
to settle between each change The proce s may be hastened by. using
centrifuge tubes and settling the objects with gentle centrifugation; this
is particularly u eful with protozoa. Since it is not possible to com-
pletely remove each olution without the ri k of losing some of the
material, it is necessary to increase the number of washes and changes
of dehydrating and dealcoholizing solutions. If the material tends to
tubing around the material to prevent the weight of the cover glass
from crushing the objects.
14. Place a drop of balsam on the center of a slide. Invert tht' slide
and bring the drop of balsam into contact with the cover glass (fig. 8,
C). D o not press down upon the cover glass but lower the slide just
enough to make sufficient contact so that the cover glass will be lifted
with the slide when the latter is withdrawn. Leave the slide inverted
until the balsam flows to the cover glass edge. It is advisable to use
round cover glasses for this mounting procedure.
15. Turn the slide right-side-up and store flat until dry. If bubbles are
trapped in the preparation leave the slide on the warmer at about 35° C.
until they escape. When the material is mounted in this way it' will re-
tain almost exactly the position in which it was originally placed on the
cover glass. If mounted on the slide in a quantity of balsam, minute ob-
jects tend to flow outward with the balsam and may escape from be-
neath the cover glass.
Exercise 18
Mesenteric Spread in Mallory's Triple Stain
The mesenteric spread prepared as directp.d in Exercise 5 may be
stained by anyone of a number of dyes, but is perhaps most effectively
processed in Mallory's triple stain. (Formalin-fixed material to be used
for the demonstration of fat should be processed as directed for frozen
sections in Exercise 40.) The results will be much more satisfactory if
the spread is left on the fixing tube. during staining and dehydration.
This produces a flat preparation which is otherwise difficult to obtain.
The disadvantage of leaving the material attached to the tube is that
the progress of staining and destaining cannot be checked under the
microscope. Staining must be based on a time schedule developed by
trial and error, with a rough check provided by the gross appearance
of the material. Fortunately the results obtained with this type of ma-
terial and this combination of stains are fairly uniform and the timing
given below will usuallly produce excellent results.
1. Fix the material in Bouin's fluid as directed in Exercise 5. Wash in
70 per cent alcohol until all of the picric acid has been removed ; removal
may be hastened by warming.
2. Hydrate the material through 50 and 30 per cent alcohols and into
distilled water, leaving for 5 minutes in each change. Transfer the ma-
terial on the fixing tube. At each change, tip the tube and pour out the
solution, then tip the tube in the subsequent solution so that the tube is
refilled. This procedure should be followed' throughout processing.
3. Place the spread in 0.2 per cent acid fuchsin (Mallory's I) and
leave for 5 minutes. When removed from the stain the tissue should ap-
pear generally red.
4. Transfer to 1 per cent phosphomolybdic acid and leave for 10
minutes. When removed from the acid the tissue will be a very pale pink,
except for fatty areas which will still be red.
5. Stain in aniline blue and orange G (Mallory's II) for 1 minute.
6. Rinse well in a fresh solution of 1 per cent phosphomolybdic acid.
The general appearance of the tissue should now be blue, unless large
areas of fat are present; these will be red.
7. Dehydrate through 50 and 70 per cent alcohol and into 95 per cent
alcohol, leaving about 2 minutes in each change. Some of the aniline
blue will wash out in the first two solutions.
8. Complete dehydration through two changes of 100 per cent alcohol,
leaving for 5 minutes in each.
9. Transfer the tube with attached mesentery to. a shallow dish of
xylol or toluol. Remove the rubber from the preparation and carefully
work the spread off of the tube. Do not let the preparation dry. Trim the
spread for mounting. Cut away the areas which were folded up over the
sides of the tube. The spread may be quickly trimmed by lifting it on
a strip of paper and cutting spread and paper with a pair of sharp scis-
10. Complete dealcoholization and clearing in a second change of
xylol or toluol.
11. Mount the spread as follows: place a small drop of balsam on the
center of a clean slide; lift the spread on a strip of paper; invert the
paper and place the spread on the balsam. Press firmly on the spread
area with a finger tip (do not move the paper) and then carefully lift
the paper from one end to the other_If the spread tends to stick to the
paper, catch one edge of it with a dissecting needle and hold it down
as the paper is removed. Immediately cover the spread with another
small drop of balsam and put the cover glass in place.
The connective tissue fibers should be blue, nuclei and fat cells red,
and blood cells orange.
Exercise 19
Alizarin R ed S for Bone
A number of stains are utilized for staining bone in :situ in small ani-
mals, young animals or portions (e.g. paws, tails, bacula) of larger
forms. Of these, alizarin red S seems the most widely used. The tech- .
nique consists of treating the tissue with a relatively weak solution oj
Exercise 20
Toluidine Blue for Cartilage
Cartilagenous areas in embryos and larvae as well as in small mature
forms may be demonstrated in whole mounts by differential staining in
toluidine blue. Other cartilage stains include methylene blue, nile blue
and gentian violet. This procedure is known as Van Wijhe's technique.
1. Fix in 10 per cent neutral formalin . Wash in water after fixation .
2. Bleach pigmented material in 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide. Wash
in water after bleaching.
3. Dehydrate to 70 per cent alcohol, processing through 30 and 50
per cent alcohols for 10 to 30 minutes in each depending upon size.
4. Stain in 0.25 per cent toluidine blue in 1 per cent hydrochloric acid
in 70 per cent alcohol. Staining will usually require 24 hOUTS or more.
5. Wash in 70 per cent alcohol to remove the superficial stain.
and then place the slides in alcohol, to be removed and dried just before
use. This is satisfactory for most procedures. Keep in mind that the
slides will not be properly cleaned if the alcohol or towels are dirty.
Once the slide has been cleaned, handle it only by the edges, never by
the flat surfaces.
Occasionally new slides are so dirty that they must be cleaned with
a dichromate cleaning solution or with strong nitric or hydrochloric
acid. Such solutions must be handled with extreme care to avoid splash-
ing, contact with the skin, etc. The slides are placed in the solution, one
by one, and left over night. They should be thoroughly rinsed in running
tap water, placed in clean alcohol and dried before using. Such treat-
ment is generally required before reusing old slides. In general old slides
are not recommended for affixation of sections or for the preparation of
blood smears, since small scratches will interfere with proper attach-
ment and spreading. Such slides may be used for whole mounts or for
protozoa smears. Old slides of resin mounts should be soaked in xylol
before washing.
Cover glasses may also be cleaned by dipping in alcohol and wiping
dry. It is advisable to use a thin cloth (such as an old, clean, hand-
kerchief) for drying cover glasses since one is less apt to break them
than with a heavy cloth. If the cover glasses are soaked in alcohol be
sure to drop them in one by one or they may be difficult to separate.
Cover glasses may also be cleaned in dichromate or acid cleaning solil-
tions if required. Be sure you have an adequate supply of cover glasses
on hand before you begin removing slides from-the final clearing solution
for mounting. A convenient method of storing cover glasses is to stretch
a small spring over a cardboard in the bottom of a covered dish and
insert the cleaned cover glasses in an upright position in the slightly
extended spring. They may then be readily removed with your forceps
when you are ready to mount them on the slide.
Containers and General Procedures
When processing slides with materials attached, several points should
be kept in mind:
1. The material must not be permitted to dry out; be sure the solu-
tions are deep enough to cover the material on the slides.
2. The surface of the slide bearing the material must not oe allowed
to contact the surface of the jar, other slides, etc.
3. Every effort should be made to avoid excessive contamination of
the solutions. Racks of slides should be drained when changed from
one dish to another (although the slides must not be permitted to ~ry) .
Slides run in pairs, back-to-back, should be separated upon removal
from one solution and introduced one at a time into the next solution.
4. Containers should be correctly and clearly labeled on the jar-
not just on the lid.
5. Containers should be kept covered as much of the time as pos ible.
6. Containers should be set out in an orderly fashion in the sequence
in which they will be used.
7. Solutions should be changed whenever necessary, but excessive
replacement is costly and poor technique. Change water washes fre-
8. Solutions should always be placed in dry, clean containers.
Small numbers of slides may be processed through 32 by 90 mm. or
larger shell vials ; small jelly glasses with screw caps are also suitable.
The vials should be supported in some type of rack or wooden block,
since they are easily tipped. Rubber stoppers should be used with such
vials, or corks covered with aluminum foil. Rubber stoppers must not
be used for containers of dealcoholizing-deparaffinating solutions since
these will attack the rubber. Two ' slides, placed back to back with the
tissue out, may be processed through the vials at one time. As noted
earlier the slides should be separated between solutions. Slides may be
kept separated in such containers by placing a paper clip at the top of
each or alternate slides. This is practical only if the clips are kept above
the level of the solutions. The clips permit processing of larger numbers
of slides at one time.
Coplin jars which are grooved to hold five slides separated from one
another, are more convenient for processing slides than are vials. The
complement of slides may be increased to nine, with the extra four
angled between successive slides in the jar. This is to be preferred over
running ten slides back-to-back.
Since shell vials are relatively inexpensive, the student is often pro-
vided with a number of vials and a few Coplin j are. The latter should be
utilized at those points in the technique where the slides are to be stored
from one period to the next (as in 70 per cent alcohol) or where the
longest period of treatment is called for -(as in the stain, 100 per cent
alcohol, xylol, etc.).
Large groups of slides are most conveniently processed in glass or
metal racks which hold 10 to 19 slides. Such racks permit transfer of all
of the slides as a unit from solution to solution. Such'racks of slides may
be processed in rectangular staining jars, or in less expensive "refriger-
ator" dishes of appropriate size and provided with lids. Plastic dishes
are very useful for aqueous solutions and alcohols of 95 per cent or lcs .
take some practice but, once mastered, provides a quick and infallible
check of the position of the tissue. It is advisable to get in the habit of
checking every slide even if you are sure of the position of the tissue.
3. Without draining or wiping the slide, place a drop of mountant to
one side of the material at about the position that one end of the cover
glass will occupy when it is in place. .
4. Grasp a cover glass by one edge with a pair of forceps. Bring the
opposite end into contact with the drop of mountant j hold the cover
glass at an angle of about 45° with the mountant between the cover
and the slide. Hold the cover glass at an angle for a moment until
the drop of mountant has flowed out along the edge of the cover glass
that is resting on the slide. Lower the cover glass slowly on to the
preparation so that the mountant will flow ahead of the descending glass
without trapipng any air bubbles between the cover and slide. The
entire process must be carried out before the tissue can dry. If the
mountant is too thick, and does not flow smoothly over the slide, it
should be thinned. Alternately the edge of the cover glass which is
brought into contact with the drop of mountant may be dipped into
clean xylol before it is placed on the slide. Over dilution of the mountant
must be avoided or large air pockets will develop when the preparation
is dried.
If there is a possibility that excessive mountant was used, blow
straight down on the cover glass as soon as it is in position. This will
tend to drive excessive mountant out from under the cover glass and
on to the ends of the slide where it can be easily removed. If you attempt
to remove excessive mountant by pressing on the cover glass you may
damage the tissue or break the cover glass and the excessive mountant
will tend to climb on to the top of the cover glass where it is difficult to
5. With a clean cloth wipe the bottom and upper ends of the slide
clean, being careful not to displace the cover glass. If excessive mountant
is not readily removed, moisten the cloth slightly with xylol and wipe
the slide clean. Set the slide aside to harden, keeping it flat. Drying may
be hastened by warming.
If bubbles have been trapped in the preparation or if air pockets
develop when the preparation has dried, it is best to remount the ma-
terial. Place the slide in a container of xylol and leave until the cover
glass falls off of its own accord.
that finishing the slide will sharpen the image but will not reveal
structure of nuclei which appear as solid black masses in water. If these
two points are kept in mind one can quickly learn to differentiate the
material properly with a little experience. In the case of preparations
of various types of protozoa, as in termite intestinal preparations, it is
necessary to concentrate on one type while destaining, since different
species will destain at different rates.
When you feel that the first slide is properly differentiated, wash it in
distilled water and then place it in running tap water. Proceed to differ-
entiate the second slide. The initial destaining period of the second
slide may be adjusted on the basis of the time required to destain the
first. The second, however, should not be left in the iron alum for the
total time required to destain the first. For example, if the first slide was
destained for ten, 30-second intervals, or a total of 5 minutes, the second
slide might be left for 3 minutes before initial observation. If left for
5 minutes it will probably be over-destained.
9. Wash the destained slides for 20 to 45 minutes (or longer) in run-
ning water. This insures complete removal of the iron alum, which will
otherwise impart a muddy brownish color to the finished preparation.
10. Dehydrate the slides through a graded series of aicohols (usually
30, 50, 70 and 95 per cent) and two changes of 100 per cent alcohol,
leaving for 3 minutes each in the lower alcohols and for 5 minutes each
in the absolute alcohols. ' If chunks of intestine still adhere to the slide
(in the case of termite protozoa smears) remove these during processing.
11. Dealcoholize and clear in xylol, using two changes for 5 minutes
12. Working with one slide at a time, mount the cover glass on each
preparation, following the directions given in Chapter 9. Keep the slide
flat until it is dry.
Exercise 22
Blood Smears
Do not attempt to prepare blood smears until you have a supply of
slides carefully cleaned as directed in Chapter 9.
Special Problems and Procedures
Invertebrate blood. Since the corpuscles are usually relatively few
it is best to prepare thick rather than thin smears.
Amphibians. Becau&e of the large quantity of mucus encountered
when attempting to obtain blood from superficial sources, it is best to
8MEABS 111
obtain blood from the heart. Kill the animal with a sharp blow on the
head. Make a medial-ventral incision and expo e the heart. Mak a
small incision in the tip of the heart (in small forms snip off the end)
and collect the blood on the slide.
Rodents and Other Small Mammals. Blood may be obtained
by snipping a small portion from the end of the tail after first re training
or anesthetizing the animal.
Holding Blood Samples. When blood samples are required from ani-
mals killed in the field, it is sometimes difficult to make the smears
immediately, although this procedure is to be preferred. A sample of
blood may be collected from the heart of a recently killed animal and
introduced into a small vial which has been previously provided with
a drop of anticoagulant such as heparin. The sample is then kept cool
until it can be processed upon return to the laboratory.
A. Thin Smears
1. Wipe the area from which the blood is to be obtained with cotton
soaked in alcohol. Sterilize a needle or thin, sharp scapel blade and
puncture the skin. Wipe away the first blood which exudes. As soon as
another drop forms, touch a slide to the blood so that a small drop is
deposited toward one end of the slide surface. Grasp a second, clean
slide at one end, holding it by the long edges. Place the opposite end on
the surface of the first slide, between the blood drop and the slide c('nter,
holding it at an angle of 30 to 45° to the blood drop (fig. 9, A). Draw the
angled slide back toward the blood until the slide edge and blood contact
one another (fig. 9, B) . The blood will flow out laterally along the edge
of the angled slide. Immediately push the angled slide away from the
blood drop, movil!g it quickly and smoothly to the opposite end of the
flat slide (fig. 9, C). The blood will be drawn out behind it in a thin film.
The entire process must be carri~d out before the blood clots.
The angled slide should rest lightly. upon the surf ace of the flat slide;
if pressure is applied, the blood cells will be broken. If the film is too
thick (so that adjacent cells overlap one another) decrease the angle
and/or move the slide more rapidly. If the film is too thin, increase
the angle and/or move more slowly. The second smear may be made on
the surface of the slide used to spread the first, and so on, provided you
have not touched the surface of the slide with your fingers.
2. Wave the slide vigorously through the air so that the film dries
quickly. The slides may be stored before staining but should be pro-
tected from dust. The best staining results are obtained with freshly
prepared films.
Fla. 9. Preparing blood or spermatozoa ernears. A-C, method of spreading the
material on the surface of one slide with the edge of a second slide. D-E, method of
preparing smears on cover glasses. Corners 1-1 and 2-f are held in the finger tips of
opposite hands and the cover glasses are slipped apart in the plane of their surfaces.
ing the slides instead of submerging them. Use 1 drop of stain to 1 cc. of
diluent. Place the slides flat and flood with the solution. The slides may
be covered to reduce evaporation of the stain.
Stain for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse a slide in di tilled water and ex-
amine. The nuclei should be varying shades of deep blue or purple. The
cytoplasm of the erythrocytes 'should be pink. If it is grey the stain is
not sufficiently acid. If the stain is light, return to the staining solution
and recheck about every 10 minutes. Rinse the slides in distilled water,
drain and dry.
4. Slides to be observed with an' immersion system may be left un-
covered and examined with the immersion oil on the slide surface. uch
slides are then dipped in xylol to remove the oil. (Do not wipe them or
the film will be removed!) If the smears are to be examined with a dry
lens system they should be covered with a thin film of mounting medium
and a cover glass. Unless the mountant is neutral, rapid and pro-
nounced discoloration of these stains will occur.
B. Thick Smears
When the purpose of the blood smear is not to observe the blood
cells but to examine the sample for parasites, a thick smear is indicated.
Thick preparations are also preferable when small numbers of cor-
puscles are present, as in many invertebrates.
1. Obtain the blood as directed in Section A. Place several drops of
blood in the center of a clean slide and spread the blood with a circular
motion with a glass rod. A combination slide may be prepared by
placing the blood toward onc end of the slide, preparing a thin film from
the edge of it as described in Section A , and then spreading the bulk of
the blood as described above. Air dry the smear.
2. Thick smears for the demonstration of parasites are hemolyzed
in distilled water for 15 minutes before fixing. In the case of combina-
tion slides, only the end bearing the thick smear is submerged in water.
Remove and dry.
3. Fix, stain and mount the material as described in Section A, using
either Wright's or Giemsa's stains. For staining parasites the staining
time in Giemsa's should be increased, especially if undulating mem-
branes are to be demonstrated.
Exercl8e 23
Sperm, Vaginal and Tis8ue Smears
Cason's Mallory's triple stain (p. 87) has proved particularly
effective for processing dried sperm and vaginal smears. In many in-
stances preparations which proved unreceptive to the usually employed
Giemsa's or Wright's stains are easily processed by this method. Al-
though wet smears of sperm and vaginal epithelium are preferable when
any detail of structure is required, the dry smear is effective for the
demonstration of the presence or absence of spermatocytes and may be
readily prepared and handled in the field . Under laboratory conditions
it is better to prepare wet smears.
A . Preparation of Smears
Spermatozoa may be obtained directly from the testis, but in general
it is better to obtain them from the ducts or storage areas between
the testis and the external genital orifice. Some amphibians have an
enlarged mesonephric duct in which the sperm are stored, and this
provides a good source of material for smears. In many birds sperm
storage occurs in an enlargement of the vas deferens, near the cloacal
opening. In other birds and in reptiles the sperm are obtained from
the epididymis. In most cases the sperm may be readily obtained by ex-
posing and opening the indicated structure and transferring a drop of
the fluid contents to a clean slide. Spread the material with the edge
of a second slide as described for thin smears of blood (Exercise 22,
ection A). If the fluid is very thick it may be diluted with physio-
logical aline olution before spreading.
Soft tissues such as testis and epididymis may be smeared on a slide
by removing the organ, cutting across it with a sharp instrument and
drawing the cut surface over a clean slide. Other tissues frequently
used for smear preparations include spleen and bone marrow.
VaginaZ smears are obtained in one of several ways. The material
may be collected with a flattened glass rod of appropriate size and the
material spread over the slide with the rod. With l~ger animals a
pipette with a curved tip may be used to collect the material, and a
drop of the fluid is placed at one end of the slide and pread in the
manner described for blood smears. Thicker preparations may be ob-
tained by spreading the material with a needle or glass rod. Some
workers prefer to use a cotton swab which is slightly moistened with
saline solution, inserted into the vagina, gently rotated, withdrawn
and then rolled over the surface of a slide.
B. Fixation Methods
Air dry the material by waving the slide vigorously through the air.
Such preparations may then be fixed before staining by submerging
in absolute methyl alcohol for 5 minutes.
H eat fix by drying the film smear-side-up above a small flame, such
as that provided by an alcohol lamp.
Wet fix the material by submerging the preparation in a fixing fluid
as soon as it is spread and before it has dried. If the material is very
fluid it may be desirable to let it "dry down;" that is, to let the excess
fluid evaporate off before fixing, but it must not be permitted to dry.
Saturated aqueous mercuric chloride is frequently u ed for the fixation
of such smears. Other standard fixatives may be employed. Fixation
will occur very rapidly with this type of preparation and 5 to 10 minutes
will usually suffice. The material should then be given the necessary
postfixation treatment recommended for the fixative employed. Vaginal
smears are usually fixed in a 1: 1 mixture of 95 per cent alcohol and
ether. After several minutes in the fixative transfer the smears to 70
per cent alcohol where they are stored until processed.
General Steps
Dehydration. Since paraffin is not miscible with water, the tissue
must be perfectly dehydrated before it can be infiltrated with paraffin
which must permeate the material, not just surround it. Dehydration is
usually accomplished by replacing the water in the tis ue with ethyl
alcohol. Dehydration should be carried out gradually to avoid distor-
tion of the tissue. Usually a series consisting of 30, 50, 70, 95 and two
changes of 100 per cent alcohols produces excellent results. If distortion
occurs, the series may be extended by introducing intermediate solu-
tions. Thus, 15, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 per cent alcohols may be sub-
stituted before 95 per cent alcohol. The series can, of course, be further
extended if necessary. The average block of tissue which does not ex-
ceed 6 mm. in any dimension is adequately permeated after 20 to 30
minutes in each solution. Larger blocks of tissue must be left for pro-
portionally longer periods. In general it is best not to leave tissues over-
night in alcohols below 70 per cent, since they will tend to macerate,
or in 100 per cent alcohol, where they may over-harden and become
too brittle to section. If the block is to be stored overnight or longer
during dehydration, the schedule should be planned so that the tissue
is left in 70 per cent alcohol. If long storage is anticipated, 80 per cent
alcohol is to be preferred. Although ethyl alcohol is the standard solu-
tion for dehydration, methyl alcohol, iso-propyl alcohol or acetone may
be substituted.
Dealcoholization. Since alcohol is not miscible with paraffin it
must in turn be removed from the tissue and replaced with a solvent
which is miscible with both the alcohol and paraffin. Toluol, xylol and
chloroform are the most commonly used dealcoholizing agents. Toluol
is' to be preferred since it does not make the tissues as brittle as does
xylol, and i not as unpleasant to work with and has better penetrating
powers than chloroform. Dealcoholization is usually accomplished by
transferring the tissue from the second change of 100 per cent alcohol
into a 1: 1 mixture of 100 per cent alcohol and toluol. The tissue is
th n processed through two changes of pure toluol. The times. required
will approximate those for the dehydration solutions. For delicate
structures, such as embryos, it may be desirable to extend the series by
introducing 100 per cent alcohol and toluol mixtures of 2: 1, 1: 1 and
1: 2 before pure toluol. This series can be further extended if necessary.
The procedure is the same when using xylol or chloroform, although it
is advisable to double the times in each solution when using the latter.
Benzene and n-butyl alcohol are al 0 used as dealcohoJizing agents.
Dioxane may be substituted for both alcohol and toluol as described
in Exercise 25, Section A.
Material such as liver, spleen and yolky embryos, which become very
brittle in the standard dealcoholizing agents, may be processed through
terpineol or cedar oil. These are not recommended for general work since
they are difficult to remove from the material, but with extra changes
of infiltrating paraffin they impart excellent cutting qualities to many
is placed in the oven it should only be heated until it is just melted; or,
if overheated, let it cool until a scum begins to form on the surface and
the sides of the container before placing it in the oven. If you place the
tissue in hot paraffin it will cook the tissue even if the oven temperatur
is below the critical point.
When paraffin chips from trimming blocks are reclaimed, or if there
is any sign of dirt in fresh embedding paraffin, the paraffin must be
filtered before use. Various heated funnels are available for this purpo .
The paraffin may be filtered by setting up a funnel with coarse filter
paper in the oven, over a container, heating the paraffin and pouring it
into the heated funnel and leaving it in the oven .
Infiltration and embedding are greatly simplified if the infiltrating
paraffins are placed in flat dishes (such as Stender dishes) or wide-
mouthed vials which are fitted into holes in a wooden block. The wooden
block will retain enough heat to prevent the paraffin from solidifying
during short periods outside the oven.
Paraffin Ovens
The best type of oven for paraffin infiltration is a convection oven,
which is warmed by a mO\'ing supply of hot air drivcn by a fan. The
temperature will be uniform throughout and the oven reheats almo t
immediately when the door is opened and closed. A water-jacketed oven
is also excellent, since again the temperature tends to be uniform and the
oven temperature will not drop rnuch when the door is opened and
closed. Temperature recovery is somewhat slower than in the convec-
tion oven. Both of these types are quite expensive and may not be
available in some laboratories.
Ovens heated by a coil at the bottom of the oven must be carefully
cheeked for temperature variation in different areas. The e ovens are
generally referred to as "gravity convection" ovens. Reheating of such
ovens is very slow and great car must be taken to keep the door closed
as much as possible. A fairly effective oven can be constructed in an
insulated box, provided with a thermostat, and heated with an electric
light hulb. These have the same disadvantages as gravity convection
ovens. Individual embedding, ovens arc readily constructed out of metal
bread boxes supplied with a light socket and low wattage bulb, which
trial shows will provide temperature adequate to just melt. the paraffin
being used. A very simple method of infiltration i to place a goose-
necked lamp over a pan of paraffin so that the paraffin is melted by the
heat of the lamp. The distance of thc light from the paraffin and the
wattage of the bulb should be adjusted to that there is a layer of solid
tion required during embedding and the size of the embedding container
that you should use.
I. Embedding Containers
a. Glass dishes may be used for embedding. One inch diameter
Stender dishes are suitable for average blocks. One inch diameter
syracuse watch glasses are excellent for very small tissue blocks. Petri
dishes can be used for multiple embedding of a number of blocks. In
any case the glass containers used for embedding must be somewhat
wider at the top than at the bottom so that the paraffin can pop out
when it is cool. The glass should be coated with a thin layer of glycerine
before embedding so that the paraffin can be readily removed.
b. Metal "L's" placed on a metal base may be adjusted to accommo-
date various sizes of blocks and are available in different heights and
lengths from biological supply houses.
c. Paper "boats" make excellent embedding containers and are some-
what more favorable for cooling the paraffin mass than are thick
walled glass containers. They can be made in any size required by the
block, but in general should never be more than twice as long as they
are high. The boats can be prepared from stiff paper, heavy aluminum
foil or the foil-backed paper that is used in packaging cigarettes.
Some workers prefer to use graph paper, since the squares facilitate
orientation of the block in the paraffin. The foil-backed paper is very
useful since it is stiff enough to produce a sturdy boat; the foil (placed
inside) can be readily separated from the paraffin mass, and the paper
(placed outside) can be labeled directly with India ink. This avoids
the difficulties frequ ently encountered when labels are inserted into
the paraffin mass and the label is essentially inseparable from the ma-
terial. With plain foil, or the paper-backed foil, the label may be im-
pressed into the end flap with a sharp, hard pencil. Plain paper should
be coated with glycerine beforc the boat is filled with paraffin.
The boats are most readily prepared by folding a strip of paper
around a wooden block of appropriate size. The paper is cut so that
it is longer than wide. The length of the paper should equal the length
of the boat plus twice the height, plus 8 to 10 mm. for the end flaps.
The width should equal the width of the boat plus twice the height.
Thus for a boat 22 by 11 mm. and 22 mm. high, the paper should be
33 by 52 mm. Place the wooden block in the center of the paper (foil
side up in the case of paper-backed foil as shown in figure 10, A).
Fold the sides of the paper up, creasing the bottom edges sharply
against the form . Fold one end up in the same way (fig. 10, B) and
----'~/--____1~.~' ~
_ llIllIlll
r- n
c o
'fIIIIllWllii ~
:rI:r ~15
FlO . 10. Preparation of a papcr hoat for embeddinp:. If papel'-uockrd foil i~ ul i-
Iized. the foil surface (indicated here by lines) should b on the in ide of the boat .
The form is placed in the center of the paper (A) and the pap r is creased sharply
against the long edges of the form at 1. One end is then creased sharpl~' againsl th
end of the (orm as at t in B. One comer is then pinched together Ilnd {oldc'd hack
over the end of the block as at S in C. This is repeated at the opposite ~orner. fold-
ing the paper as at 4 in D ; and the end is locked in place by folding the nd Allp
down as at 5 in E. The process is then repeated at the opposi te end nnd fh e finish d
boat (F) is removed from the form .
pinch each of the corners together. Fold the corners back over th
ends of the block (fig. 10, C and D) and fold the end fl ap down to lock
the boat together (fig. 10, E). Repeat at the opposite end. The label
may now be written on the outside of the boat before it is withdrawn
from the block. Use waterproof ink. With some practice boats may b
folded freehand by creasing the sides, ends and corners, in that order,
and folding the corners back over the ends and the ends down as if
on a form.
B I~ I
c I ;~I F
o H
FIG. 11. Orientation of tissue blocks in the paraffin mass. A, Band C show th po-
sitioning of three uniform blocks in boats of the same size to provide transv rse
(A ), sagittal (B) and frontal (C) sections. The views to the left are from above ; the
views to the right are from the side . Figures D - H show vario-.m ethods of mul-
tiple embedding. In D a series of paper boats is lined up on a sliFe or glass plate to
facilitate embedding of several tissues in separate boats at one time. In E a series
of small objects (such as root tips) is embedded in a row in a single boat 80 that
they may be sectioned in sequence after trimming, and attaching to the peg as in-
djcated in figure F . In G a series of tissue blocks from one animal has been em-
bedded for simultaneous sectioning (see discussion in text). In H a series of blocks
from one animal is embedded in a single block for later separation and individual
not be more than a few degrees above melting point. Very hot paraffin
will cook the tissue and excessive shrinkage of the block will occur if
the container is filled with very hot paraffin. If fairly large embedding
containers are u cd, the paraffin should be in some container from
which it can be easily poured. If small boats are to be filled, have on
hand several clean dry pipettes with which the paraffin can be trans-
ferred into the dishes.
c. Prepare a dish or pan of cold water, using about one ice cube for
every two cups of water.
d. Have a lighted alcohol lamp and clean, dry forceps ready for use.
e. Remove the embedding paraffin from the oven and fill the em-
bedding dish. If a pipette is used to transfer the paraffin, warm it in
the lamp flame. The dish should be as full as possible. Paper boats
should be placed on a small glass plate, such as a slide, to facilitate
f. Insert the label against one side of the container. The writing
should be placed outward so that it can be read through the paraffin. If
the label is completely submerged it is less apt to cause embedding
difficulties. Alternately, the label may be placed in the paraffin by one
end with the writing exposed above the paraffin surface.
g. Permit a layer of paraffin to solidify on the hottom of the con-
tainer, keeping the surface melted by touching it occasionally with
heated forceps . The process may be hastened by touching the bottom of
the container to cool water.
h. Remove the tissue in the infiltrating paraffin from the oven. Warm
the forceps, quickly melt off any surface film from the dish of em-
bedding paraffin and immediately transfer the tissue from the infiltrat-
ing paraffin into the embedding boat.
i. Reheat the forceps and orient the tissue in the paraffin, carefully
removing any ~ bubbles which may be trapped in the paraffin.
j. Carefully blow on the paraffin surface. If any bubbles appear in
the surface film, melt them out with heated forceps and again cool.
Transfer the embedding dish (or paper boat on the slide) to the cool
water and lower it until just the surface is above water. Let a film
of wat r flow over the surface to thicken the upper layer of paraffin.
Then let the glass or metal blocks sink to the bottom of the pan. Paper
boats may be inverted.
Leave the blocks in water for 15 to 60 minutes depending upon size.
The paraffin block will usually pop out of glass or metal containers ..
If nece sary work them loose carefully around the edges. Blocks em-
bedded in paper boats are left in the boats until they are to be mounted
on the microtome peg.
The tissue may be stored in paraffin indefinitely or may be pro d
as soon as the block is completely cool. It is best to store block in
a refrigerator or other cool place. torage of blocks in paraffin i the
best procedure when tissues are to be held for long periods befor
staining. The staining properties of tissues are retained better in par-
affin than in alcohol.
V. Embedding Difficulties
Most embedding problems are apparent when the block i ' ca t 01'
when it is trimmed; these will be con idered here. A few will not be
apparent until the material is sectioned, and these are di 'cu ed 1st r.
In most instances the means of avoiding the difficulty will be appar nt
in the discussion of the cause.
When embedding faults occur the block sMuld be re-embedd ed as
follows. Trim the paraffin down close to the t issue and place it in fresh
infiltrating paraffin in the oven. Leave the tissue in the paraffin for 20
traction occurs at the surface, and the paraffin contracts away from the
center. This is most apt to happen when very cold water i combined
with very hot embedding paraffin.
13. Trimming the block. The paraffin block mu t be carefully
trimmed before it is attached to the microtome peg. The following points
houJd be kept in mind:
a. The block should be at room temperature when it is trimmed, or it
may fracture.
b. Do not remove more than 1 mm. of paraffin with a single cut, or
the paraffin may fracture.
c. Whenever possible the sides of the paraffin block should correspond
to the sides of the tissue block. Thus, in the case of the larva used in
the illustrations (fig. 12, C) the sides of the block correspond to the
right, left, dorsal and ventral sides of the larva. In the case of a square
block of excised tissue the paraffin should ht, tl"imtn'd to correspond
to the shape of the tissue. If the tis ue block is irr gular, however, the
paraffin is trimmed into a square or rectangle, irrespective of the shape
of the tissue (fig. 12, A) .
face grooves and provide a base to which the tis ue block may be at-
tached. The block is attached a described below.
b. Wooden pegs can be easily prepared from dowling, and provide
an excellent base on which to mount the paraffin blocks. Round p gs
are desirable since no special placement of the paraffin block is nec-
essary on these. If square blocks are used the paraffin block must be
placed on the peg so that the block and peg sides coincide.
Dowling of appropriate diameter is cut into 40 to 50 mm. lengths
and placed in a container of melted paraffin in an oven. The pegs are
thus infiltrated with paraffin. Only one such treatment is usually nec-
essary and the pegs may be used indefinitely. With small pegs (up to
12 mm in diameter) no grooving of the peg surface is necessary to
obtain a firm attachment of block to peg. With larger peg it is de-
sirable to groove or cross groove the upper end to increas the strength
of attachment. The diameter of the peg which can be u 'cd is limited
by the size of the peg clamp on the microtome.
II . Mounting Procedure
Place the pegs in a holder (such as a drilled wooden block) 0 that
they are held upright and both hands are freed for work. Wooden pegs
may be stuck down to a glass plate with a mall amount of melted
paraffin. Place a chip of paraffin on top of the wooden peg and with
a hot copper spatula, melt the chip down into the peg surface (fig. 13, A) .
It is not necessary, nor even desirable, to have a mound of paraffin on
the peg surface. The metal peg is coated with hot paraffin as m ntioned
earlier. Reheat the spatula and place it on top of the peg. J mmediately
place the bottom of the paraffin block on top of the hot spatula so that
some of the paraffin on the bottom of the block is melted . Imm diately
withdraw the spatula and gently but firmly press the paraffin block
down against the peg. Excessive pressure must be avoided 0 that the
block is not broken or badly squashed at the top. Apply the pressure
with your forefinger placed on top of the block. While the pressure
is being applied, check that the paraffin block is perfectly perpendicular
to the peg (fig. 13, A). Slight tipping can be corrected with g ntle
directional pressure applied from the top as soon as the block is mounted
on the peg.
15. Label the Preparation. Attach the label to the face of the metal
peg or the side of the wooden peg with paraffin and a heated spatula.
It is best to cover the label with a piece of cellophane tape which should
completely encircle the peg and label. The tape alone i not ad ·quat ,
----- PEG-------
FIG . 13. Attaching the paraffin block to the mi crotome peg. A shows the sequence
of attaching the block. B shows variolls errors in trimming and attaching the block .
5. Transfer into a mixture of 25 cc. of 100 per cent ethyl alcohol and
75 cc. of TEA.
6. Run through two changes of pure tertiary butyl alcohol.
7. Leave overnight in a third change of TEA.
8. Transfer into a 1: 1 mixture of TEA and paraffin oil.
9. Transfer into a 1: 1 mixture of TEA and paraffin oil saturated with
paraffin, and place in a paraffin infiltrating oven.
10. When the TEA-paraffin oil-paraffin mixture has warmed to the
temperature of the oven, transfer into the first change of infiltrating
paraffin. Use three changes of infiltrating paraffin and follow the pro-
cedures outlined in Exercise 24, beginning with step 9.
Exercise 26
Processing Minute Organisms in Paraffin
The general procedure for embedding minute objects in paraffin is
the same as for blocks of tissue. The differences lie in the necessity of
concentrating the material and handling it in such a way that it will
not be lost in processing. There are innumerable methods for accom-
plishing this and those presented here are representative of three general
methods. The first involves concentration by gravity settling or centrif-
ugation ; the second involves enclosing the material in a sac of animal
tissue; and the third involves "embedding" the material in a substrate
which is then processed as though it were a block of ti ssue. These pro-
cedures are applicable to any small objects such as protozoa, devrlop-
mental stages of molluscs or echinoderms, etc.
In each instance the material should be fixed and given the necessary
postfixation treatment, as determined by the fixative used. It is best
to color minute objects with a preliminary stain (such as eosin in 95 per
cent alcohol) during the dehydration series so that they can be located
in the paraffin.
A. Centrifugation or Gravity Settling
If possible, process the material in a pointed centrifuge tube (Pyrex)
and settle the material by gentle centrifugation before changing each
solution. If a centrifuge is not available the material may be processed
in narrow vials, and the material allowed to settle to the bottom of the
vial before changing each solution. For most objects Y'2-dram shell
vials are suitable containers for processing. The tubes or vials should be
supported in some type of rack to prevent tipping.
Remove as much of the fluid as possible without disturbing the ma-
terial. Do not attempt to pour the solutions off. An ordinary glass
pipet.te wit? a rubber b.ulb and a fine tip is useful for removing the
solutIOns. Smce some flUid must be left on the material at each chang ,
it is advisable to extend the series of solutions to the following:
1. One change each of 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 95 per cent alcohol.
2. 0.2 per cent eosin Y in 95 per cent alcohol.
3. 95 per cent alcohol.
4. Three changes of 100 per cent alcohol.
5. Two changes of toluol-alcohol , 1; 1.
6. Three changes of toluol.
7. One change of toluol saturated with paraffin.
S. Three changes of paraffin kept above melting point.
Minute objects need be left for only about 5 minutes in each of the
alcohols and dealcoholizing solutions, or as much longer as is required
for gravity settling. If the objects are relatively heavy it is not necessary
to attempt centrifugation while they are in paraffin. If the material is
very minute (such as small protozoa), centrifuge very quickly to setti
the material before the paraffin cools. Leave about 15 minutes in each
change of paraffin.
After the material has settled to the bottom of the last change of
paraffin, remove the tube from the oven, being careful not to disturb the
objects. Dip the bottom of the tube or vial into a dish of cold water. In
the case of centrifuge tubes, insert a handle into the paraffin mass to
facilitate removal. The handle may be made of wire provided with a
small hook or loop at one end to grip the paraffin, and a larger
loop at the opposite end to keep it from slipping into the tube (fig. 14, A) .
The distance between the two 'loops should be adjusted so that the wire
will not extend into the area of paraffin which will be sectioned. If suffi-
cient contraction of the paraffin occurs at cooling, it may be possibl e to
withdraw the paraffin from the tube by pulling on the handle. If the mass
will not come free, submerge the tube, for a distance equal to the height
of the paraffin mass, in a dish of warm water a.nd exert a continuous pull
on the handle so that the paraffin mass is removed as quickly as possible.
The material may be removed from the small shell vials by carefully
breaking the vials. (This procedure should not be used with centrifuge
tubes which are not expendable.)
The resulting paraffin mass should have the objects concentrated at
one end, with enough paraffin at the opposite end to permit attachment
to the microtome peg. Since the tubes and vials are round, the block must
be trimmed to obtain a ribbon of sections. This will result in the los8 of
some material. The loss may be minimized by only trimming two faces
A B c o
FIC . 14. Methods of embedding minute objects in paraffin. A showe the material
embedded in the tip of a centrifuge tube . A wire handle has been inserted into the
paraffin mass to facilitate removal of the hardened paraffin. B-D show the method
of embedding in a sac of animal tissue, in this instance a length of small intestine .
In B the intestine has been closed off at one end and tied to a short pipette at the
other end. C shows a cross section of the intestine and attached pipette as the
minute material is transferred and permitted to settle into the intestine. In D the
intestine, now filled with the minute material, has been tied off just below the tip
of the attached pipette and cut free .
of the block so that they are parallel to one another and aligning these
so that th ey will be parallel to the knife edge.
'Vhen it is essential that none of the material is lost by trimming the
block , the cylinder of paraffin containing the material may be embedded
in n second mass of paraffin. The second embedding paraffin should be
just above it melting point, and should be cooled immediately after the
introduction of the core of paraffin containing the material. The disad-
vantage of this method lies in the tendency of the two paraffin masses to
sepHrHte from one another during sectioning.
B. Embedding in a Sac of Animal Tissue
Many parasitic or symbiotic organisms may be most easily processed
in situ. Thus termite protozoa may be processed within the hind gut
where they occur, by the simple process of fixing and embedding the gut.
Free living forms may be introduced into a sac formed by fixing some
animal membrane (such a mesentery or bladder) into a sa -like con-
the other next to the peg. Trim the face of the block down with a razor
to remove the thread before sectioning. Stop sectioning before you con-
tact the second thread. It is advisable to use colored thread to facilitate
observation, and the ends of the threads should be cut as short as pos-
C. Embedding in Agar-Agar
Minute objects may be progessed by concentrating the fixed and
washed material in a depression slide and mixing with egg albumen or
horse serum which is then coagulated with alcohol. The mass produced
is then processed through paraffin in the manner described for tissue
blocks. Alternately, the objects may be mixed into a drop of warm 3
per cent agar-agar which is then allowed to cool and solidify and is proc-
essed into paraffin. The method outlined below is somewhat more com-
plicated than the "drop" method, but produces a good concentration of
numbers of organisms in a uniform block. It is desirable to color the
material with eosin before processing.
1. Prepare a 3 per cent solution of agar-agar in water, heating care-
fully to avoid scorching.
2. Pour out some of the agar-agar to produce a block deep enough to
accommodate the material and at least one inch square. The agar-agar
may be poured into a dish or "boat" of paper such as those used for par-
affin embedding. Keep the rest of the agar-agar fluid over a hot water
3. Cool the agar-agar mass, either at room temperature or in a re-
4. From the center of the solidified mass, remove a core of material
with a small cork borer. If possible, leave a layer of agar-agar at the
bottom of the cavity; otherwise,. plug the bottom with a few drops of
warm agar-agar.
5. Transfer the material to be embedded into the opening in the block
with a small pipette (the material should be in water following fixation
and washing). Let the organisms settle, decant off the fluid, refill the
cavity with additional material and repeat until all of the material has
be.en transferred or the cavity is about one-half full. Remove as much
fluid as you can without disturbing the material. Introduce fluid agar-
agar into the cavity and stir into the material with a fine needle. Cool
the mass and trim out the material-filled core, leaving 1 to 2 mm. of
substrate on each side of the core. Dehydrate, dealcoholize, infiltrate
and embed the agar-agar block as directed for tissue blocks.
II. Sectioning
Once the tissue has been embedded, trimmed and attached to the
microtome peg it is ready for sectioning. The sections should be of a
known and uniform thickness, free from scratches, breaks or fold s.
This chapter is concerned with the process of cutting the sections and
with the instruments which make this preparation relatively simple.
A considerable degree of patience and practice is required to master the
process of cutting uniformly good sections. The beginning technician
should take comfort in the thought that it is through encountering
difficulties that one really learns how to adjust and handle the micro-
The Cutting Blade
Before proceeding to a discussion of the rotary microtome and the
process of sectioning, some consideration must be given to the blade
which will be used to cut the material.
The Microtome Knife
The microtome knife is undoubtedly the best instrument for c-
tioning and is almost a necessity for obtaining sections under 5 microns
(1 micron equals 1/ 1000 mm.) . The blade is useful only if it is per-
fectly sharp and correctly ground. If these conditions cannot be met,
much better results will be obtained with the razor blade method
discussed later. The ability to grind the knife on a stone and strop
·, ..
, '
~.J (
~ .~
" 5~CLEARANCE • .... _ 5·,
0- - " : 45.----- J
B c o
FlO. 15. The microtome knife. A, profile of a wedged knife blade showing the
cutting facet. The blade is sharpened at an angle to the sides of the knife; the
bevel formed by sharpening is known as the cutting facet. In the illustration (A)
the cutting facet is set at 34·. whereas the angle form ed by the faces of the knife is
only 16·. Note that as the knife is worn the depth of the cutting facet increases while
the angle is maintained at 34·. Figures B, C and D illustrate the differ nce between
the knife angle and the clearance angle. The clearance angle is that formed be-
tween the cutting fa cet and the face of the block and is usually set at about 5·, If
the kn ife is 11 simple wedge, as in B. the clearance angle of 5· is formed between the
face of the block and the fare of the blade. The angle from the face of the block to
t he midline of the blade would be about 15· . In C the cutting facet is about 30 to 34·,
the clearance angle is 5· and the angle between the midpoint of the knife and the
face of the block is about 23·; this is the usual situation . Figure D shows the situa-
tion which would occur with a cutting facet of 70·; a clearance angle of 5· would re-
quire positioning of the knife so that the midpoint of the knife WOllin be at an angle
of about 45· to the face of the block .
and should be coated with oil when not in frequent use. Some type of
box should be provided for storage. It is preferable that this box is
designed so that the blade, edge down, is suspended by slotted blocks
at the two ends. The knife should never be laid on a table or other
surface, but should be in the microtome or in the storage box. It should
not be left in the microtome when not in use. Paraffin should be removed
by washing the blade with xylol. When using the microtome do not
forget the presence of the knife, nor that its entire cutting edge is
sharp. At first you will find it requires a conscious effort to avoid
contact with the knife edge. Any moment of carelessness can result in
severe injury to both technician and knife.
Grinding the knife. Place the knife on a clean glass plate on the
stage of the microscope. When moving the knife to examine the edge
move the plate and the knife, holding them firmly with both hands.
Examine the edge with the 16-mm. objective, using reflected light. Note
the general condition of the edge and the location of any nicks. A
dull blade will have an irregularly serrated margin. If the blade needs
sharpening, attach the knife handle to the base of the knife and then
slip the sleeve on the back of the blade. The sleeve should be marked
so that it is always placed on the blade in the same position. Flood the
grinding stone with the appropriate lubricant (oil or water, depending
upon the type of stone used). The stone should be a fine finishing
stone 2 to 3 inches wide and 8 to 12 inches long, and must be perfectly
flat. Place the knife across the stone at one end with the cutting edlZe
leading and the knife base (next to the handle) resting on the stone.
Keep the back of the knife at right angles to the length of the stone and
draw the knife forward diagonally along the length of the stone. The
angle of the stroke should be adjusted so that the entire knife edge
will have crossed the surface of the stone by the end of the stroke.
Rotate the blade on the sleeve s'O that the opposite face of the knife
lies on the stone, with the edge leading and the knife base on the stone
surface. R epeat the diagonal stroke to the opposite end. The only pres-
sure applied should be that provided by the weight of the kniff>. Con-
t.inue to grind the knife edge with successive strok s on alternate faces
of the knife, until the edge appears even under the 16-mm. objective.
The edge may have a series of very fine and regular serrations. If
you find that these persist after prolonged grinding the stone i not
fine enough to produce a perfect edge, but if the serrations are fine
enough they may be removed by stropping. If irregular serrations or
even nicks appear in the edge, the stone may be dirty or you may be
hitting the knife edge against the stone edge as you turn the blade.
Flo. 16. The razor blade holder. CAO model 966; photograph courtesy of the
Americal Optical Company.)
Flo. 17. The Spencer rotary microtome (AO model 815; photograph courtesy of
the American Optical Company) . !, the drive or advance wheel; t, the return wheel;
S, the micron advance indicator; 4, the swivel clamp; 5, the drive wheel lock .
. Exercise 27
The Rotary Microtome
This exercise is designed to familiarize you with the rotary microtome
(figs. 2 and 17) before you actually attempt to prepare sections. When-
ever possible have someone who is familiar with the microtome demon-
strate how to use it. Although paraffin blocks are most readily sec-
tioned on the rotary microtome they may also be prepared on microtomes
of the sliding or clinical type (Exercises 36; and 40, Section A) .
1.' General Rules. The rotary microtome is a precision instrument
and must be handled with intelligence and care.
a. Be sure you understand the function of each part before you
attempt to use the machine.
b. Never force any adjustment.
c: Leave repairs to qualified personnel.
d. Keep the machine protected from moisture and dust.
are disengaged. The block holder will be down from the top of the cycle.
Usually the handle of the advance wheel will be down.
b. Rotate the return wheel, first in one direction and then in the op-
posite direction and notice that the block holder is moved rapidly for-
ward or backward without moving up or down. Caution. The return
wheel should move readily and soundlessly. If you hear a grinding sound
it means that you have not disengaged the ratchet wheel. If the ratchet
wheel is not disengaged it will be badly worn when the return wheel is
moved in either direction.
c. Determine the working distance of the microtome by moving the
mechanism from one end of its adjustment range to the other by means
of the return wheel. Rotate the wheel at a moderate speed. If you hit
the limits of the adjustment range with any force you may jam the
mechanism. The machine does not need to be reset each time a block
is sectioned. You should always determine H the working distance avail-
able is sufficient to permit you to section the tissue block so that you
will not have to readjust the machine halfway through a tissue.
5. The Block Holder. The actual block holder is a simple clamp
which is tightened against the peg holding the tissue. This clamp is sus-
pended in a swivel clamp which provides a means of aligning the tissue
with the knife. The clamp may be pivoted from top to bottom by loosen-
ing the two top set screws and tightening the bottom one or vice versa.
The block clamp may be pivoted from side to side by loosening one top
set screw and tightening the opposite one. Only minor adjustments
should be made with the swivel clamp. Be sure that all screws are set
firmly against the swivel head when alignment has been completed. Ac-
tual alignment of the block with the knife is discussed in Exercise 28.
6. The Knife Carriage. The knife carriage moves forward or back-
ward on a stationary track upon which it must be securely locked
during sectioning. The carriage consists of a rigId base having two up-
right arms whose upper surfaces embrace two half-cylinders which are
the actual knife clamps. In many types of holders the two knife clamps
move independently of one another. In others, such as that shown in
figures 17 and 18, the two knife clamps are connected by a crossbar so
that they move as a unit within the arms of the knife carriage.
Each knife clamp has three screws or levers. The angle screws or levers
bear upon the knife clamps and hold them rigid in the arms of the car-
riage. The elevator screws bear upon the bottom of the knife, and may
be used to adjust the height and level of the knife. They also serve to
hold the knife firmly against the jaws of the knife clamp. The clamp
FIG . 18. The knife carriage (AO model 826; photograph courtesy of the American
Optical Company). This holder is shown in position in the microtomes in figures 2
and 17. The knife clamp screws (1) bear upon the back face of the blade; the
elevator screws (!) force the knife upward into the jaws of the clamp. (In other
models the elevator screws lie below the knife and bear directly against its back .)
The angle levers (3) , when loosened, permit adjustment of the knife angle; wheu
tightened, they lock the knife clamp firmly in the knife carriage. (In other models
the levers are replaced by angle screws which bear directly against two independent
knife clamps.) The carriage lock (4) holds the knife carriage firmly in the micro-
tom e.
screws bear upon the back face of the blade and hold it rigidly in place
in the clamps.
a. Release the knife carriage lock and move the carriage to the outer
end of the track and lock it in place.
b. Loosen the clamp screws and insert a blade holder or knife into the
clamps, being careful to handle the knife by its back margin.
c. Test the adjustments made possible by the elevator screws. They
must be adjusted with the knife in position so that it is kept perfectly
level. The knife should be elevated so that its upper edge will clear the
clamps. The upper edges of the arms of the razor blade holder may be
level with the top of the clamps.
d. Tighten the clamp screws down on the knife just enough so that
both clamps move together with the knife when the angle screws are
loosened. In holders having independent knife clamps the knife cannot
be moved if the clamp screws are too tight, and if they are too loose the
clamps may not be set at the same angle when the angle screws are
e. With the angle screws loosened, pivot the knife and clamps to test
the angular adjustment available. Setting the correct angle is a matter
of trial and experience. In general the knife should be as perpendicular
as possible but must be angled forward enough so that only the cutting
edge of the blade will come into contact with the paraffin block. The
angle with which we are concerned is that which is formed between the
block face and the cutting facet of the knife (fig. 15, B-D). An angle of
50 is usually required to avoid contact between the shoulder of the knife
(where the cutting facet joins the face of the blade) and the paraffin
block. When the knife angle has been adjusted the angle screws are
tightened firmly against the knife clamp.
f. Tighten the clamp screws firmly against the knife.
Before you begin sectioning you should always check each screw on
the block holder and knife carriage and clamp to be sure that they are
firmly set. If you encounter difficulties when you begin sectioning (Exer-
cise 28) refer back to these directions to be sure that you have set up the
machine and knife as required.
Exercise 28
Paraffin Sectioning
Although the following directions may be painfully detailed, they
represent, step by step, the procedures which must be followed each
time a block is sectioned. With experience they are completed very
quickly and almost automatically.
1. Familiarize yourself with the actions and adjustments of the rotary
microtome as described in Exercise 27.
2. Have available some type of tray to receive the sections as they
are cut. The tray should be provided with a stiff lid and should be lined
with a clean paper, cut so it will lie smoothly in the bottom . Durable
section trays can be made by using sides of 5- to 9-mm. wooden slats
glued and tacked to a stiff cardboard with a sheet of stiff cardboard as a
cover. Flat, covered boxes may be used but when the lid overlaps the
sides it must be removed with extreme care or the sections will be dis-
rupted. Such trays protect the sections from drafts and dirt and permit
storage between sectioning and affixing.
course tht: knife may be moved closer to the block by releasing the car-
riage and pushing it forward, and this should be done if the distance is
2 or 3 mm. or more. This adjustment is difficult to control, however, and
it is best to advance the block on to the knife for the final distance. If
you use the return wheel, have the tissue block just above the knife
edge (this should be low enough to disengage the ratchet wheel) ; make a
quarter turn with the return wheel (in a forward direction) and lower
the tissue block across the knife to test for contact. If no paraffin is re-
moved from the block, raise the block just above the knife and rotate the
return wheel another quarter turn. Continue to advance the block until
the knife removes some paraffin from the surface of the block. Never
advance the return wheel with the block below the knife and do not turn
it more than a quarter turn without testing the position of the block
against the knife.
17. The first sections which are removed from the face of the block usually incomplete. Turn the advance wheel until you can see tha.t
a full section is removed from the face of the block each time it passes
over the knife edge.
18. When the face of the block has been cut even by the knife, recheck
the orientation of the tissue as viewed from the side (step 16, a). The
surface of the block now indicates the exact plane of section you will
obtain. This provides an excellent point of reference for perfect align-
ment of the block. If it is necessary to readjust the position of the
block recheck the alignment from the top and front.
19. As soon as complete sections are being removed from the face of
the block, successive sections should adhere together to form a smooth,
straight ribbon. If the ribbon does not form or appears irregular in any
way every effort should be maGe to correct the difficulty before the tis-
sue is reached. This will not only avoid loss of tissue sections but will
help in distinguishing those faults which are inherent in the microtome
adjustments or the paraffin rather than in the tissue. It is not advisable
to leave a great mass of paraffin in front of the tissue or you will waste
time and may dull the knife edge before you begin sectioning the tissue.
When you become experienced with the microtome adjustments, the
paraffin on the face of the block should be kept at a minimum so that
the tissue is reached within about 30 sections of the surface. Some com-
mon faults of sectioning which do not actually involve the tissue block
are listed below with suggestions for possible causes. In many instances
corrective measures will be apparent from the cau e; otherwise sug-
gestions are given for eliminating the difficulty.
~--- .LOCK----~----TISSUE---f2J
---RIBBON- - -
A B c
o E F
FIG. 20. Common difficulties encountered in sectioning. A, a partial scratch or
split occurs in the ribbon. B, the ribbon is scratched and splits longitudinally. C,
the sections are excessively compressed. D, the sections vary in thickness ; alternate
sections are usually thick and thin. E, the ribbon curves to one side even though
the block is squarely trimmed. F, the ribbon curves to one aide because of a wedge-
shaped block . See the text for remarks regarding causes and corrections of theee
and other difficulties.
Persistent splitting of the ribbon in the same place after the knife has
been moved indicates that some hard material is present in the block.
Frequent reoccurrence in different areas indicaws that you are damag-
ing the knife edge (perhaps with a brush) or that the paraffin in which
the material is embedded is contaminated with dust, dirt or soot. Such
blocks must be re-embedded in clean paraffin.
e. The sections are greatly compressed, so that the individual section
is only a fraction of the size of the original block (fig. 20, C) . Some com-
pression of the section usually occurs and will tend to increase with thin
sections. This can be minimized by cooling the block in ice water and
cutting very thin sections in a cold room. Excessive compression may in-
dicate that the melting point of the paraffin used is too low for the section
required. Use high melting point paraffin for very thin sections (5 mi-
crons or less). The knife may be inclined too far forward; try reducing
the tilt slightly. If compression of the sections is combined with damage
to the face of the block refer to f, below.
f. The sections are compressed or irregular and shattered or mashed;
the face of the block appears white or smashed, especially at the edges.
The knife is not adequately inclined and the block is hitting the face of
the blade. Increase the angle of the knife. If a r!j.zor blade is being used
it may not be far enough out of the holder and the block is hitting the
front lip of the razor blade holder.
g. The sections crumble and the block feels soft . The paraffin in
which the material is embedded is contaminated with the dealcoholizing
agent. Re-embed the material, running it through two changes of fresh
h. The machine is not removing a section each time the advance
wheel is rotated, or successive sections are not uniform in appearance;
frequently , alternate sections are thick and thin and appear wide and
narrow (fig. 20, D) . Something ma'y be loose; recheck all the set screws
on the block and blade holder; check that the razor is firmly held in
the razor blade holder ; check that the block is firmly attached to the peg.
The knife may not be inclined sufficiently. The razor may be too far
out of the holder.
i. The sections are badly wrinkled across, so that they may appear
greatly compressed. The room is too warm for the melting point of the
paraffin or the thinnes of the sections. The knife is inclined too much.
j. The sections adhere to the paraffin block on the upstroke, instead
of remaining on the knife. The knife edge may be dirty; clean as directed, ·
under d. This may also occur if the knife is not tilted enough; increase
the angle.
Two of the most widely used affixatives are Haupt's and Mayer's.
Haupt's is the most readily prepared in the laboratory. Mayer's may be
purchased from biological supply houses and the commercial product is
recommended. A very small amount of either affixative will provide
medium for a large number of slides.
Haupt's Affixative
Distilled water . . . ... . .. ... .... ... . ..... .................. .. 100 cc.
Gelatin ... _... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 gm.
Phenol crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 gm.
Glycerine . . . .. ..... ............. . . .. . . •. . ... ... . ......... 15 cc.
Dissolve the gelatin in warmed distilled water, add the phenol and glyc-
erine, and filter. This affixative is used with 2 per cent neutral formalin
as the floating medium for the sections. The formalin denatures the gela-
tin so the film (and the sections) will not be washed from the slides
during processing. When a large number of slides are being processed, or
if the technician must work for many hours spreading serial sections, the
fumes from the warm formalin may irritate the eyes and throat and
Mayer's affixative should be used instead of Haupt's.
Mayer's Affixative
Egg albumen .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. ... . . ... 5 cc.
Glycerine. . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 cc.
Sodium salicylate ....... . . ........... .. . . . .. • . ..•....... •_ 1 gm.
Slide Warmers
Thermostatically controlled slide warmers are a good investment in
any laboratory where quantities of slides are prepared. The slide warmer
is usually provided with a copper top plate with a uniform heat source.
The temperature of the warming plate should be set well below the melt-
ing point of the paraffin. A temperature 10 to 15 or even 20 degrees below
Exercise 29
Affixing Paraffin Sections
The following discussion is based upon the mounting of individual or
several representative sections on each slide. Affixing serial sections is
discussed in Exercise 30.
1. Clean the required number of slides (see Chapter 9).
2. Mark the slides with the proper initials and accession numbers (see
Chapter 3). :t3e careful not to bring the fingers into contact with the slide
surface. The marked surface of the slide is referred to hereafter as the
upper surface.
3. Place a small drop of affixative on the upper center of one slide.
4. Bring the upper, center surface of a second slide into contact with
the drop of affixative on the first slide. Hold the slides by the end edges
between the thumbs and index fingers, crossing the slides at right angles
to one another. Repeat the transfer to successive slides until no further
transfer of affixative occurs. A small drop is usually sufficient for 10 to 12
slides. See fig. 21, A .
5. With a clean finger tip spread the small amount of affixative over
the area where the section will be affixed (the center third of the slide).
Hold the finger flat, being careful not to rub it along the edge of the
6. Place the slides on a flat surface (with the marked side up) and
add a few drops of floating medium to the center of each slide (2 per cent
formalin with Haupt's and boiled distilled water with Mayer's).
7. Subdivide the paraffin ribbon into the desired lengths (lor more
sections) being careful to cut between the sections. The ribbon is most
readily subdivided with a rather large, rounded scalpel blade, the cut
being made with a rocking motion of the blade.
8. Transfer the sections to the drop of floating medium on the slides,
being careful to place them shiny side down. (This is the position in
which they were removed from the microtome knife. The upper surface
of the ribbon is dull.) The transfer may be made by touching the section
with the tip of a small brush which has been slightly moistened, or with
the tip of a dissecting needle. With large sections, it is best to pick them
up on a spatula (section lifter) or a piece of stiff paper. Be careful not
to damage the tissue.
9. If the section is not floating completely free of the slide add addi-
tional floating medium before step 10. Add the fluid to one side of the
section. Do not use so much fluid that it will tend to run off of the slide.
The section should be positioned in the center of the slide.
10. Transfer the slides to the warmer and check that the temperature
is high enough to spread the section but not so warm as to melt the par-
affin. If the sections are very slow to.flatten it may be necessary to add
additional floating medium. This should be placed to one side and al-
lowed to flow under the section. Let the sections spread until they are
completely flattened.
11. When the sections appear perfectly flat, remove the slides from the
spreader and drain away any excessive floating medium. This should be
done by tipping the slide carefully against an absorbant surface. If the
section tends to flow with the fluid, hold it in position with the tip of a
needle. A thin film of moisture will remain on the slide surface and the
section can now be positioned exactly to the center of the slide with a
needle tip. (It is helpful to have a guide for positioning the sections on
the slides. Draw an outline of a slide on a piece of paper and connect op-
posite corners with diagonal lines. The center point will indicate the po-
sition for the section. You may prefer to mount the section oft' center to
the right. This will a.llow a larger label space to the left. Such positioning
may be inconvenient if stage clips are used on the microscope. All slides
in a series or set should have the sections positioned on the same area of
the slide, since this simplifies observation on a microscope equipped with
a mechanical stage.)
12. Return the drained slides to the spreader to complete drying. With
thermostatically controlled warmers it may be convenient to leave the
slides overnight. On small spreaders which may overheat, the slides
should be removed after 20 to 30 minutes or when they appear perfectly
dry. Store the slides in a dust-free place until they are processed.
Common Difficultiel$ Encountered in Affixation
a. The section collapses instead of spreading. The warmer may' be too
hot so that the section does not have a chance to flatten; reduce the tem-
perature. The paraffin used for embedding may have been too soft for
the thinness of the sections or the hardness of the tissue. This problem
may be corrected by applying a slight, steady pull at opposite ends of the
section (fig. 21, B) with a pair of dissecting needles (placed in the paraf-
fin) .
b. The tissue buckles up off of the slide when the paraffin is expanded.
This. indicates excessive compression of the paraffin, as compared with
the paraffin and tissue at the time the material was sectioned. It usually
indicates that the melting point of the paraffin was not high enough for
the thinness of the sections prepared, or that the block was not cold
enough at the time of sectioning. Sometimes this can be corrected by
Fro . 21 A, method of transferring a drop·of affixative from one slide to a second
slide . B, method of applying tension to the spreading ribbon in order to straighten
the sections.
terior section is placed in the upper, left hand corner of the slide (as
is the usual procedure) the block must be placed in the microtome with
the left hand side of the object down (next to the knife) when the
object is cut from anterior to posterior (fig. 22) . The sections must be
~ J
'/7'/'77 /--r-a-r-J'
FlO. 22. A , positioning of the block in the microtome to obtain proper orientation
for sections for a serial, transverse preparation. The animal is being sectioned from
anterior to posterior. Note that the sections adhere from side to side in forming
the ribbon. B, reduction of block size after removal of the sections for the first
slide (see discussion in text). C, orderly arrangement of sections in a section tray .
Note that the paper liner in the tray has been labeled. D, arrangement of the sec-
tions on a slide so that they will lie within the cover glass area; note that the slide
has been labeled . E, appearance of the individual section on the slide as viewed
with the unaided eye or with a simple microscope. F, appearance of the section
under the compound microscope.
regularly arranged in the section tray in the order in which they are
cut and a note should be made on the tray when sections ar 10 i.
Transverse sections of very thin, dorso-ventrallv flattened objects
(such as chick embryos, flatworms, etc.) are usually cut from dor al
to ventral surface, across the smalle t dimension of the block face ,
from anterior to posterior.
Utilization of Space
The usefulness of serial preparations is greatly improved if as many
sections as possible are placed on a single slide. Not only does thi re-
duce the number of slides which must be processed. and stored and
reduce the cost of preparation, but it simplifies the examination of the
material. The largest cover glass which is practical with a standard
slide (24 by 75 mm.) is 22 by 60 mm. A I-mm. margin should be left
between the tissue and the cover glass edge, since sections at the edge
of the cover glass tend to fade very rapidly. This means that the maximal
working area of the slide is 20 by 58 mm. When estimating the number
of sections which can be fitted into this area; it must be remembered
that the sections are compressed to some degree during sectioning and
an allowance must be made for expansion at the timE' the sections
are spread. A fairly accurate estimate can be made on the ba is of
the block size. With large blocks the number of sectIOns can be de-
termined very readily. With small blocks the safest procedure is to
take a test strip from the face of the block (before the tissue is reached)
and actually spread them on a slide. If such a test strip is not available
the first row of sections may be spread before mounting subsequent
rows If you find that too many sections were used. remove the slide
from the warmer, cut the extra sections free from the right hand end
of the row and reposition these at the beginning of the second row.
This must be done while the sections are still floating free of the slide
and while the slide is cool Once you have determined the number
of sectIOns which can be accommodated in one row, subdivide the ribbon
into strips of the necessary length. It is advisable to mount the same
number of sections per row on a given slide. This fa.cilitates both mount-
ing and observation of the slide.
In order to conserve space, the paraffin block should be trimmed as
close to the tissue as is practical. Furthermore, when the ti ssue tapers,
as in the salamander larvae used in the illustrations (fig. 13), it is
desirable to reduce the size of the block as the tissue narrows. The block
should not be trimmed into a wedge, however (fig. 13, B), since this
weakens the block and each row of sections would vary in number.
parallel to the edge of the slide so that the finished preparation can be
effectively examined with the aid of a mechanical stage. The time ex-
pended in straightening the sections will be saved many times over
during examination of the material. When the sections have warmed
and while they are spreading, a slight tension is applied to the ends of
each row with clean, sharp dissecting needles (fig. 21, B). The needles
are inserted into the paraffin at either end of the row at the edge which
forms the inside of the curve. It is advisable to rest the hands upon the
spreading table. Just enough tension is applied to straighten the ribbon
and bring the sections into alignment with the edge of the slide. If
the needles are not clean and sharp they may stick to the paraffin with
disastrous results. In general it is best to straighten the bottom row
first if the sections curve toward the top of the slide and vice versa.
This avoids contacts between successive rows. If, however, the upper
(or lower) row is curving so badly that there is danger of its flowing off
of the slide, it must be straightened first. If the amount of curvature is
extreme it may be necessary to place the rows on the slide one at a
time, straighten one, remove the slide from the warmer, add the next
row, and so on. Straightening curved ribbons is effective only if the
sections originated from a properly trimmed block. If the sections
curve because the block was wedgeshaped, the sections cannot be
straightened without danger of distorting the tissue.
9. During the flattening process the slide should be kept well flooded
with the floating medium. When the sections are flattened and straight~
ened the slide is removed from the warmer and the excess fluid is drained
away. Be careful not to lose the sections! A thin film of fluid should
remain on the slide so that it is possible to move the sections into perfect
alignment before final drying. Position the sections so that they lie
within the cover glass area and sq. that successive sections are aligned
with comparable sections in the rows above and below (fig. 22, D).
This positioning is carried out on the cooled slide, off of the warming
table. If you find that the sections are not perfectly flattened , reflood
the slide, rewarm, and repeat steps 8 and 9 as required.
10. Return the slide to the warmer to complete drying. Refer to Ex-
ercise 28 for common difficulties encountered in affixing sections. When
processing serial sections it is best to spread, drain and position the
sections on one slide before begining work on the next slide.
Processing Paraffin Sections
Processing the affixed sections involves seven successive steps:
1. Deparaffination. Most stains are in aqueous solution and a few
are in alcohol. Neither will have any effect on tissues permiated with
paraffin. It is necessary, therefore, to remove the paraffin before further
processing. This is accomplished by submerging the slides in a paraffin
solvent such as xylol. Two changes of the solution should be used, leav-
ing the slides in each change for about 5 minutes.
2. Removal of the Deparaffining Solution. Since the deparaffining
solution is not miscible with water or dilute alcohol it must be re.-
moved from the tissue. This may be accomplished by processing the
slides through two changes of 100 per cent alcohol, leaving the slides for
about 5 minutes in each change.
3. Hydration. If the staining solutions are in water, as is usually
the case, the slides must be hydrated before they are stained. If the
stains are in alcohol the slides should be processed into alcohol of com-
parable strength. The slides are processed through a series of alcohols
(usually 95, 70, 50 and 30 per cent) and into water. Rapid hydration
from 95 per cent alcohol directly into water may distort the tissue, and
the convection currents produced will tend to strip the sections from
the slide. The slides are left 2 to 3 minutes in each solution.
4. Staining. As has been indicated in Chapter 7, staining procedures
vary greatly with different stains and usually involve staining, de-
staining, and washing of the tissue. A separate mordanting solution
may be required, as in the iron hematoxylin technique, or a series of
staining solutions may be employed, as in Mallory's triple stain. De-
tails of these procedures are discussed in the exercises which follow.
The primary or nuclear stain is usually in aqueous solution, whereas
the cytoplasmic or counterstain is frequently in alcoholic solution and
is introduced during the dehydration process.
5. Dehydration. In order to obtain a permanent preparation, having
optical properties which are optimum for examination by transmitted
light, the material should be mounted in a medium having a high
refractive index which approximates that of the tissue (Chapter 1) .
The resins utilized as mountants are not miscible with water and
the material must be dehydrated before the cover glass is mounted. This
is accomplished by running the slides up through a graded seri s of
alcohols (usually 30,50, 70, 95 and two changes of 100 per cent) . lide
are left 2 to 3 minutes in each of the lower alcohols and about 5 minutes
in 95 and each change of 100 per cent alcohols.
6. Dealcoholization and Clearing. In the case of Euparal, the slides
may be mounted directly from 100 per cent or even from 95 per cent
alcohol. With other resins, however, the alcohol must be re,moved with
xylol , toluol or some solvent which is miscible with the moun ting
Common Faults
a. The ·cytoplasm in the finished preparation is brown or yellow al-
though the chromatin is blu'e or black. Material was not washed long
enough in tap water; old iron alum used for mordanting or destaining;
destaining solution too weak so that an excessive period was required
for destaining.
b. Chromatin not blue or black; frequently the nucleoli are black
but chromosomes brown, yellow or colorless. Material was over-de-
c. Chromatin black but no details of structure are visible. The
material was not destained enough or the preparation was permitted
to dry.
Exerci8e 32
Ehrlich's Acid Hematoxylin
Sll88ested Materials. AlmOst any histological preparation may be
processed by this method.
will be intensified when the slides are cleared. If nece ary restain in
8. Complete dehydration through 100 per cent alcohol I, leaving the
slides for 5 minutes.
9. Dealcoholize and clear the slides through xylol II and M, in that
order, leaving for 5 minutes in each change.
10. Mount the cover glass (see Chapter 9), being careful not to let
the slide dry. Store the slides flat until \he mountant hardens.
Common Faults
a. The chromatin is a pinkish purple instead of a bright blue. The
slides may not have been stained long enough; the water wash (step
5) may not have been basic; the solutions used for processing may
have been acid; most commonly, the slides have been overstained in
b. The nuclei are too dark, showing little detail of structure and/or
the cytoplasm is blue. The material was overstained in hematoxylin.
c. The cytoplasm is not pink. The material was not left long enough
in the eosin; most commonly the slide was left in 95 per cent alcohol
after staining and the dye was extracted. Do not skip the 95 per cent
alcohol washes or a film of eosin will be left over the slide surface.
Exercise 33
Common Faults
The faults described for Ehrlich's acid hematoxylin (Exercise 32)
apply here as well. If you find that you cannot destain the cytoplasm
without losing the stain from the chromatin, try varying the length
of the staining period; in general, the best procedure is to increase the
time in the stain by 15 minutes.
Exercise 34
Mallory's Triple Stain
Suggested Materials. Most effective with materials containing dif-
ferent tissue elements including masses of connective tissue.
Prior Treatment. Fix as recommended in Chapter 5. Mercuric
chloride fixatives are generally recommended before Mallory's; freshly
fixed Bouin's-treated tissues also give good results. Wash the material
as required by the fixatives; dehydrate, dealcoholize and embed in paraf-
fin; section at 7 to 10 microns, and affix the sections to slides. The sec-
tions should be affixed at least one day before processing.
1. Remove the paraffin in xylols I and II and the xylol in 100 per cent
alcohols I and II; leave for 5 minutes (or more) in each solution.
2. Hydrate the material by running through 95, 70, 50 and 30 per
cent alcohols and into distilled water ; leave 2 minutes (or more) in
each solution.
3. Place in 0.2 per cent acid fuchsin for 5 to 10 minutes. The entire
tissue will take up a bright red stain.
4. Transfer to 1 per cent phosphomolybdic or phosphotungstic acid;
leave for 10 minutes to overnight. The chromatin should remain a bright
red; the cytopillsm, varying shades of pink and the connective tissue
should be free of the stain. This is a selective destaining-mordanting
solution and will not over-destain. In general the longer the tissue is
treated with phosphomolybdic acid the longer it may be stained in
Mallory'S II (giving a deeper blue to the connective tissue), without
obtaining an unrestricted stain.
5. Transfer the slides directly from phosphomolybdic acid into Mal-
form will harden the nitrocellulose attaching block to p g, and will com-
plete hardening of the tissue block itself. The compl d block i much
firmer than the rubberlike mass produced by initial hardening by
evaporation. If evaporation is allowed to continue beyond the rubbery
stage the block becomes glasslike and will shatter. The final harden-
ing, therefore, is one of displacing the remaining alcohol with chloro-
form instead of permitting the last of the solvent to evaporate off.
lt is desirable to change the chloroform at least once before attempting
to section the block. The material may be stored in chloroform or chloro-
form vapors for an indefinite period before sectioning. uch blocks
will provide very thin sections. The material may also be stored in
80 per cent alcohol or in glycerine-alcohol, but such material does
not usually provide a hard enough block for thin sections (under 12
microns) and is only recommended when thick sections of 15 or more
microns are required.
If an adequate mass of nitrocellulose is left below the tissue block
and the nitrocellulose is well hardened in chloroform, the tissue may be
clamped directly into the microtome, using the nitrocellulose itself as a
microtome peg. This procedure is recommended when a large number of
blocks are to be prepared and stored.
Exercise 36
Cutting Celloidin SectiODS
Celloidin is extremely tough and resilient as compared with paraf-
fin. It is almost impossible to cut celloidin blocks on a rotary or other
microtome where the knife edge lies at an angle of 90° to the cutting
direction. Indeed, the resistance is so great that damage may result
not only to the block but to the knife and the microtome. If, however,
the knife edge is slanted between about 20 and 45° to the direction of
the cutting action, the material may be sectioned without difficulty.
The exact slant angle of the knife will vary with the hardness of the
material. The slant of the knife should not be confused with the tilt
of the knife. The tilt angle is that formed between the cutting facet
of the knife edge and the face of the block (fig. 15, B- D). The slant
angle is that formed between the entire cutting edge of the knife and
the direction of movement of the block or knife during sectioning
(fig. 23, A and B).
The sliding microtome (fig. 24) differs from the rotary type in
both structure and action. As mentioned earlier, the knife on the rotary
microtome is held at an angle of 90° to the direction of cut, whereas
@J I
190 0
~ I
FIG. 23. The sla.nt of the knife on the rotary microtome (A) compared with the
slant of the knife on the sliding microtome (8). The b'haded areas on the edges
of the knives indicate the areas which are utilized in cutting the sections. C, the
alignment of sections on the knife blade ror the preparation of serial celloidin sec-
tions (see discussion in text) .
Fro . 24. The slIding microtome. (AO model 860 with knife holder 861; photograph
courtesy of the Americal Optical Company .)
10. Pu h the knife to th e back of the track and flood the knife and
block with alcohol. Elevate the block about 50 microns with the hand
advance mechanism and test its elevation by bringing the knife forward.
Repeat the proce s, being sure that the knife is behind the tissue before
elevating t he block, until the knife contacts the celloidin. Keep block
and knife wet with alcohol. Remove the upper layer of the block with
fairly thick cuts (up to 30 microns) until you are obtaining complete
sections of the tissue.
11. et t he automatic advance mechanism for the thickness of sec-
tion required. Flood the knife and block with alcohol.
12. Pull the knife forward with a smooth steady motion. If the
section rolls as it is cut, cut through the tissue and stop the forward
progress of the knife before it has cut through the celloidin mass
beyond the tissue. Unroll the section upon the blade with a wet
brush; the bru h should cross the knife edge only where it is covered
by the section. Pull the knife through the corner of celloidin attaching
the section to the block and move the section up on to the face of
the knife away from the edge. If the sections do not roB as they are cut,
the knife may be drawn through the block with a single stroke.
Although the rolling of individual sections may seem a disadvantage,
it indicates that the block is adequately hardened for the thickness of
section being obtained. UsuaUy these sections are much more perfect
than those which cut without rolling. If the individual sections are un-
rolled as they are cut and allowed to remain, flattened, on the face of
the knife for a few minutes they will remain flat as they are being pro-
cessed. If they are removed without flattening they may be very dif-
ficult to unroll in the processing solutions. You can avoid the rolling
by soaking the block in alcohol to soften it before sectioning (leave
several hours), but you may t hen have difficulty obtaining sections of
the thinness required.
One method of cutting a hard block and preventing rolling is to place
the wetting brush on top of t he block as the sections are being cut. You
must be very careful that the brush does not overlap the edge of the
block, or the knife will be damaged. Furthermore, if you should forget
to activate the advance mechanism by pushing the knife all the way
to the back of the knife track, the knife will contact the brush in-
stead of cutting the tissue, with disastrous results to the knife edge.
This procedure is not recommended until you become very proficient in
the use of the machine.
13. After you have removed the section, push the knife all the way
back and activate the advance mechanism. Pull the knife forward to
clear the advance mechanism before stopping to remove sections, rewet
the block or knife, etc. The sections are not removed from the knife
one at a time but are collected on the blade until a number of sections
have been obtained. Be sure to keep them wet with alcohol.
14. Continue to cut the sections until you have all that are re-
quired or the knife face becomes crowded. The sections are then removed
to a dish of 80 per cent alcohol. The sections may be removed by brush-
ing them over the edge with a brush, or by flooding them over the edge
with a quantity of alcohol. Pushing the sections over the edge may
result in damage to the knife, and pushing or flooding them over the
edge may cause som~ of the sections to slip onto the bottom face of
the blade, where they are difficult to remove. A better method is to
lift the sections by brlnging a wet brush into contact with one edge of
the section and then pushing gently toward the section while turning
the brush in a counterclockwise direction.
The sections may be stored in alcohol before processing, but long
storage will tend to soften the tissue and make it difficult to handle
without damaging the material.
15. When you have finished sectioning, remove and carefully dry
and oil the knife before putting it away. Remove the knife carriage from
the track and carefully clean the riding surfaces on both carriage and
track and coat them with a thin oil.
Common Difficulties Encountered in Sectioning
a. The tissue sections appear mushy and broken. The block is not
hard enough for the thinness of sections being cut. Return to fresh
chloroform. The knife may be generally dull; the slant of the knife
may be wrong; the tilt of the knife may be wrong; you may not have
enough alcohol on the block and knife. ~
b. The tissue is badly scratched or torn. The knife is nicked; move
the knife in the carriage so that a different area of the blade is utilized.
Sharpen the knife.
c. The tissue separates or falls out of the surrounding nitrocellulose.
The block is not adequately hardened; the tissue is not properly in-
filtrated; the slant or tilt of the knife are not adjusted correctly; or the
knife is dull.
Exercise 37
Processing Free Celloidin Sections
The celloidin sections may be stained, dehydrated, and mounted with
the celloidin intact. The sections are processed in fiat dishes and a
large number may be handled at one time. The material may be
moved from solution to solution on a brush, spatula or strip of stiff
paper; or the solutions may be removed and fresh solutions added to
the original container. Use the first method for a few sections, the latter
method for a large number of sections. In general the sections may be
processed by any of the methods described for paraffin sections or by
those presented in Chapter 16, or, for that matter, by most of the other
procedures used in histology. Stains which color the celloidin should
be avoided, or such stains must be carefully removed from the celloidin
during processing. Two examples are given here to provide a general
outline for adapting other staining techniques to processing free cel-
loidin sections. It should be noted that: the dehydration series may
be shortened, since the sections are not readily distorted while sup-
ported by the celloidin; if the celloidin is to be retained through
mounting, absolute alcohol must be avoided in the dehydration series;
the length of time required for mordanting, staining, destaining, etc. is
generally shorter than for attached sections; some mechanical pre sure
must be applied to the finished mount in order to obtain a Bat prepara-
for this purpose) ; invert the paper and place the section in the drop
of mountant. Roll a finger tip over the section and remove the paper;
if the section tends to stay with the paper hold one corner down with
a dissecting needle.
13. Immediately place another small drop of mountant on top of
the section and mount the cover glass.
14. Cut a disk of cork from a cork stopper and place this on the
center of the cover glass over the section. Clamp the cork in place
with an ordinary snap type clothes pin and set the slide aside to dry.
B. Safranin 0 and Fast Green
Suggested Materials. Plant tissues fixed in F.A.A. or Karpechenko's.
1. Hydrate the sections by passing through 50 per cent alcohol and
into distilled water; leave 1 minute or more in each solution.
2. Stain in 1 per cent safranin 0 for 10 to 30 minutes.
3. Rinse well in distilled water to remove superficial stain.
4. Transfer to 70 per cent alcohol for 1 minute.
5. Destain in 0.25 per cent hydrochloric acid in 95 per cent alcohol
until the cytoplasm is almost free of the safranin and the chromatin is
slightly darker than finally required.
6. Stop the destaining process by placing the sections in fresh 95
per cent alcohol; leave for 1 to 2 minutes.
7. Counterstain in 0.2 per cent fast green in 95 per cent alcohol; a few
seconds should suffice. Rinse the sections in 95 per cent alcohol and
examine. If necessary, return to the stain. If staining is too dark the
fast green should be diluted further for subsequent sections.
8. Dehydrate in carbol-xylol, complete clearing in xylol and mount
as directed in Section A.
In animal tissues the chromatin should be red, the cytoplasm green.
In plant tissues the chromatin, cutinized, and lignified material will
be red; other areas, green.
C. Removing the Celloidin before Mounting
If you find that the stains are retained in the celloidin it is necessary
to remove the matrix after staining and before mounting. This is
practical with dense, solid structures such as spleen, liver, etc., but
is impractical with materials which tend to separate. The celloidin
may be removed by running the sections through two or more changes
of fresh 100 per cent alcohol after· staining and dehydration through 95
per cent alcohol. They should be left until all of the nitrocellulose is
dissolved. The sections are then processed through xylol and mounted
as described in Section A. Unless the tissue is very tough it is inad-
visable to apply a clothes pin for flattening, since without the support of
the celloidin the tissue may be crushed. Some pressure may be applied
by ' placing a small lead weight on the cover glass.
Exercise 38
Affixing Celloidin SectiODS
It may be desirable to affix the celloidin sections to slides and re-
move the celloidin before processing. This is indicated when the stains
employed tend to color the celloidin itself, or when serial sections are
required from tissues which cannot be sectioned in paraffin. This affixa-
tion procedure is much more difficult to master than the affixation of
paraffin sections and in most instances it is desirable to leave the cel-
loidin intact and process the sections as described in Exercise 37.
1. The sections are cut as directed in Exercise 36. As each section is
cut, align it carefully on the upper, back edge of the knife blade so that
successive sections are in serial order (fig. 23, C). The sections should
be arranged as they will be positioned on the slide, with the most anterior
section at the upper left-hand corner. Care must be taken to orient each
section correctly. When a row approximating 58 mm. has been cut and
aligned, start a second row below the first, and so on, until the area
covered approximates, or is less than, 58 by 20 mm. (assuming that
a 60 by 22 mm. cover glass will be used).
2. Lay a piece of thin paper, such as cigarette paper, over the sec-
tions and moisten thoroughly with 80 per cent alcohol. Roll a finger tip
firmly over the paper so that the sections and paper are brought into
close contact with one another.
3. Coat a slide with Mayer's albumen affixative and mark it with an
appropriate number (see Chapter 3).
4. Carefully slip the paper, with the adhering sections, off of the back
of the knife and place it, sections down, on the albumenized slide. Flood
the paper with alcohol and press the sections firmly onto the slide with
a finger tip which is drawn over the paper-backed sections from one
end to the other.
5. Withdraw the paper carefully. Watch to see that the sections stay
on the slide and not on the paper. If they tend to stay on the paper,
reflood the paper and repeat the pressing procedure. Be careful not
to let the sections dry.
6. Let any excessive alcohol evaporate off of thp sections but do not
let them dry.
7. Place the slide in clove oil; this will remove the celloidin and
coagulate the affixative.
8. When the cellOIdin has been removed (this may require an hour
or more) wash the slide through three or more changes of 100 per cent
alcohol to remove the clove oil and any traces of celloidin which re-
main. Leave at least 5 minutes in each change.
9. Transfer to 95 per cent alcohol and process the material exactly
as though it was a paraffin section from which the paraffin and de-
paraffinating solution had been removed.
Individual sections may be processed in the same way by transferring
them from the dish of 80 per cent alcohol onto the albumenized slide on
a piece of paper.
Exercise 39
Double Embedding
It is possible to combine the supporting qualities of celloidin with the
ribboning properties of paraffin by double embedding the tissue. This
technique may be very useful for processing small arthropods when
serial sections are required and paraffin alone is not providing adequate
tissue support. Large blocks of material are difficult to process with
this method.
1. Fix, wash and process the material into thick nitrocelhllose as
described in steps 2 through 7 in Exercise 35.
2. Trim the air hardened block (of soft rubbery consistency) . close
to the tissue. Leave overnight in chloroform or until the block sinks t.o
the bottom of the container.
3. Transfer to fresh chloroform for about 1 hour.
4. Transfer to chloroform saturated with paraffin.
5. Warm the chloroform-paraffin to the temperature of the infiltrat-
ing paraffin and infiltrate and embed as directed in Exercise 24, begin-
ning with step 9. Use three to five changes of infiltrating paraffin, em-
bed, trim, attach to the microtome peg, section and affix the sections
as directed for paraffin sections. When spreading the material it will
probably be necessary to roll the sections as described on page 170.
Chloroform, like terpineol, is rather difficult to remove from the
tissue and may be replaced by toluol (or xylol) and t~luol-paraffin (or
xylol-paraffin) after the first change of chloroform. If there is any
indication that the material is not perfectly dehydrated, treat with
carbol-xylol before final clearing.
Exercise 40
Cutting and Staining Frozen Sections
A. Sectioning
1. Fix the material in 10 per cent formalin . If the tissue is fixed
considerably in advance of processing store in 5 per cent formalin. Wash
the tissue overnight in running tap water before sectioning.
2. Familiarize yourself with the operation of the microtome to be
used in sectioning. The sliding microtome, discussed under celloidin
sections, is readily adaptable to cutting frozen sections. The machine
must be provided with a block holder having a dry ice chamber or
with an attachment for connection with a tank of carbon dioxide gas.
The clinical microtome (fig. 25) is satisfactory for preparing frozen
sections. In machines of this type the knife is held in a horizontal posi-
FlO. 25. The clinical microtome equipped with a CO. freezing platform . (AD
model 888 ; photograph courtesy of the American Optical Company .)
Exercise 41
Bulk Staining
In certain instances it may be practical to stain tissues in bulk be-
fore they are sectioned. Usually the material is stained with the primary
stain, either carmine or hematoxylin, before embedding and is then
counterstained after sectioning, ;ffixation and removal of the paraffin.
This is very useful for serial preparations of small embryos, etc. Blocks
which are to be embedded in celloidin may also be processed'in this man-
ner. The primary problem is in obtaining a uniform stain through the
block of tissue, and materials which are bulk stained should not exceed
3 or 4 mm. in thickness. When in doubt, leave the material somewhat
darker than is finally required and complete differentiation after sec-
1. Fix the material and wash as required by the fixative (Chapters 4
and 5) .
2. Stain by one of the following methods. Stain in Grenacher's alum
or borax carmine as directed for whole mounts in Exercises 15 and 16.
methylene blue has been removed and the slides begin to appear pink
rather than blue. If the material does not differentiate, add a small
quantity of colophonium to the alcohol.
8. Rinse in 100 per cent alcohol and transfer to carbol-xylol to com-
plete dehydration.
9. Clear in two changes of xylol and mount the cover glass.
The chromatin should be a bright blue; cytoplasm, pink; mucin, blue
to purple
Exercise 43
Feulgen's Nuclear Stain
Feulgen's nuclear stain represents one of the first histochemical tech-
niques. The material is hydrolyzed and the thymonucleic acid stained
with reduced basic fuchsin (p. 83) . The stain should be a bright red
or magenta color and limited to the chromatic areas. It is well to run a
control series of slides, processing the COIl troIs through all steps except
hydrolysis. Mercuric chloride fixation is generally recommended, al-
though any good chromatin fixer may provide good results. The period
required for proper hydrolysis will vary following different fixation pro-
cedures, and must be determined by trial. This technique may be ap-
plied equally well to smears or sections.
1. Prepare, fix and wash smeaTS; or fix, wash, dehydrate, embed, sec-
tion and affix tissue blocks.
2. Process the material to water.
3. Place in cold, 1 normal hydrochloric acid for 1 minute.
4. Hydrolyze in 1 normal hydrochloric acid at 60°C. for 4 to 15 min-
utes. The best time must be determined by trial.
5. Rinse in distilled water. _
6. Stain in reduced basic fuchsin for 1 to 3 hours.
7. Wash the slides through three changes of the following solution:
10 per cent sodium bisulfite ...............•....... ..... ......... 5 cc.
Distilled water .... . .............. .. . ... ............•.......... 100 cc.
Leave for 5 to 10 minutes in each change.
8. Examine the slides and process additional material if necessary.
Vary the time in the hydrolyzing solution and the stain.
9. Wash the slides in running water for 15 to 20 minutes.
10. Dehydrate through 95 per cent alcohol.
11. Optional. Counterstain with 0.2 per cent fast green in 95 per cent
alcohol; rinse well in 95 per cent alcohol.
12. Complete dehydration through two changes of 100 per cent al-
13. Dealcoholize and clear through two changes of xylol and mount
the cover glass.
Exercise 44
Flemming's Triple Stain
The greatest difficulty encountered with this stain is in retaining the
crystal violet which is removed by water, lower alcohols, and the orange
G counterstain. This technique is recommended for onion root tips fixed
in Karpechenko's fluid , or other tissues showing numerous dividing
1. Fix the material in Flemming's fluid or a chromic acid fixative such
as Karpechenko's. Wash as required by the fixative.
2. Dehydrate, infiltrate, embed, section and affix by the usual meth-
3. Process the material to water.
4. Stain in 1 per cent aqueous safranin 0 for 30 minutes to overnight.
5. Rinse well in distilled water.
6. Differentiate in 0.5 per cent hydrochloric acid in water until the
stain has been removed from the cytoplasm; the chromatin should be a
bright pink or red.
7. Rinse in distilled water to arrest the destaining process.
8. Stain in 1 per cent crystal violet in distilled water until the spindles
are a deep violet; remove before the chromatin is stained (10 minutes or
9. Rinse in distilled water, examine and return to the stain if neces-
10. Rinse in 70 per cent alcohol and then in 95 per cent alcohol.
11. Counterstain in a saturated solution of orange G in 95 per cent
alcohol for 10 to 15 seconds. Rinse in 95 per cent alcohol and then in 100
per cent alcohol.
12. Place the slide on a glass plate on the microscope stage and flood
the slide with clove oil. Examine the material and when the cytoplasm is
orange, spindles violet and chromatin red, transfer the slide to xylol.
13. Complete clearing through two changes of xylol and mount the
cover glass.
The orange G may also be introduced in an aqueous solution or as a
saturated solution in clove oil. In the latter case flood the slide with the
orange G-clove oil solution and then differentiate in clove oil.
Exercise 45
Masson's Triple Stain
There are many modifications of this technique, which involves basi-
cally the use of iron hematoxylin as a primary stain, secondary staining
with acid fuchsin or xylidene ponceau, differentiation of the connective
tissue with phosphomolybdic or phosphotungstic acid, and counter-
staining the connective tissue with aniline blue, light green or fast green.
1. Fix, wash, dehydrate, embed, section and affix by the usual meth-
2. Process the material to water.
3. Stain in Reidenhain's iron hematoxylin, using ferric ammonium
sulfate as the mordanting and destaining solutions (Exercise 31).
4. Wash well in running water for 30 to 60 minutes.
5. Stain in 1 per cent acid fuchsin for 5 minutes.
6. Differentiate in 1 per cent phosphomolybdic acid until the con-
nective tissue is free of the stain.
7. Rinse in distilled water.
8. Dehydrate to 95 per cent alcohol.
9. Counterstain in 0.2 per cent fast green in 95 per cent alcohol. A
short staining period of 10 to 15 seconds will usually suffice. Rinse in 95
per cent alcohol and examine. The connective tissue should be green.
Return to the stain if necessary. The stain may be diluted further for
greater control over the staining process.
10. Dehydrate through two changes of 100 per cent alcohol for 5 min-
utes each.
11. Dealcoholize and clear through two changes of xylol for 5 min-
utes each and mount the cover glass .
Exercise 46
Heidenhain's Mallory-Azan
This procedure is rather difficult to master, but is excellent for dem-
onstrating cell types in pituitary or pancreatic tissue. The material
must be fixed in ReIly's fluid (Zenker-formal) , saturated mercuric chlo-
ride, or some other fixative which is acid-free so that the cytoplasmic
granules will not be destroyed during fixation. The material may be
processed in paraffin or celloidin and should be sectioned at 3 to 5 mi-
1. Fix, wash, dehydrate, embed, section and affix the material to
2. Process the slides to distilled water.
C. Reagents
Acids. The acids most commonly employed in technique procedures
are acetic and nitric acids in fixatives, and hydrochloric acid in decalci-
fying and destaining solutions. When percentages are indicated they are
based upon dilutions of glacial acetic acid (99 per cent) ; concentrated
nitric acid (about 70 per cent), and concentrated hydrochloric acid
(about 39 per cent). Thus, 1 per cent hydrochloric acid for destaining
refers to a solution prepared by adding 1 cc. of concentrated hydro-
chloric acid to 99 cc. of alcohol or water as specified. The exact percent-
ages of the concentrated acids vary slightly with different suppliers and
grades and this must be taken into account when a "normal" solution is
Alcohol. References to "alcohol" in technique procedures mean ethyl
alcohol unless otherwise specified. Isopropyl alcohol may be substituted
for ethyl alcohol in the dehydration and hydration series. Methyl alco-
hol is preferred for the fixation of smears before staining in Giemsa's.
D. Resins
Canada Bal8am. Natural Canada balsam is very slow drying, and
solutions of the dried gum redissolved in toluol or xylol are recommended.
A thin solution may be used for mounting cover glasses on sections, al-
though synthetic resins are now generally preferred for this type of
mount. Balsam is generally employed as a mountant for whole mount
materials. With small flukes, arthropods, or delicate objects such as
hydroids and certain embryos, etc., it is advisable to use a medium-thick
syrupy balsam. If the object is mounted in an open "cell" with the
cover glass resting on the material, or supported by a tripod of glass
chips (fig. 7, C), an excess of balsam should be used to allow for shrink-
age as the mountant hardens. If material is mounted within a solid wall
in rather thin balsam, air pockets are very apt to develop. If this should
occur, flame the cover glass and carefully remove it from the prepara-
tion; add more mount ant and mount a clean cover glass. It may be prac-
tical to leave thick-cell mounts of delicate objects uncovered for several
days on a slide warmer; they must be carefully protected from dust.
Additional balsam is added after the initial mountant has thickened and
the cover glass is then placed on the preparation. Delicate embryos and
hydroids, etc. cannot be mounted in thickened balsam since they are too
fragile to handle in a viscous fluid.
Thick mounts of relatively tough materials (such as flukes) or mounts
of minute objects which tend to drift in the mountant even when the
slides are kept flat, should be mounted in thickened balsam which is es-
sentially solid when cool. Material which is mounted in thickened bal-
sam will usually require infiltration with the mountant as described in
Exercise 17. The balsam may be thickened by permitting some of the
solvent to evaporate off (loosEln the lid, or uncover and protect from
dust). Thickening may be hastened in a convection oven, but excessive
heat must be avoided or the balsam will darken. When the material is to
be mounted, the balsam is warmed (by placing the container in a hot
water bath) and the slide used for mounting is also warmed (on a spread-
ing table such as those used for affixing paraffin sections). The balsam
containing the infiltrated material is also warmed. The desirable thick-
ness of the balsam is a matter of experience. The balsam should be es-
sentially solid when cool, but fluid enough to permit mounting when it
is warmed to about 40 C. When preparing large mounts in thickened
balsam it will be easier to mount the cover glass if it is first dipped in
Canada balsam tends to be acid and marble chips or balls should be
Acids and bases may usually be discarded in the sink with a quantity
of water. If a concentrated solution is involved pour this into a large
volume of water and then discard the diluted solution with a good flow
of water.
Alcohols of 70 per cent or more, whi<;h are not contaminated with
xylol, toluol, etc. should be saved in a separate container for use in al-
cohol lamps.
Alcohols below 70 per cent, and those which are contaminated with
other reagents may be discarded in the sink along with a good flow of
Animal remains should always be placed in a separate container.
These are usually disposed of by incineration.
Celloidin should never be discarded in a sink. Containers should be
provided and emptied frequently. It is well to keep such waste wet with
water. The waste may be disposed of by burning in the open in small
quantities. Do not throw it into an incinerator nor attempt to burn a
large quantity at one time. It is best to make arrangements for its dis-
posal with the maintenance department.
Clearing agents, such as toluol, xylol, terpineol and chloroform, should
be placed in separate containers for disposal. These are often discarded
in the sink along with quantities of water, but in any volume they may
present a fire hazard or, at the least, complaints from other persons
served by the same sewer system. Arrangements should be made with the
maintenance department for their disposal. They may, for example, be
disposed of by pouring them out in an open area in a dump where they
will safely burn or evaporate off.
Paraffin should never be poured into sinks. This includes mixtures of
paraffin with toluol or xylol, etc. Paraffin chips from trimming blocks
should be saved, filtered, and reused. Waste paraffin should be disposed
of in open cans and may be discarded by the usual means for solid
wastes. Never throw paraffin into an incinerator.
Ether rarely presents a disposal problem, since it usually evaporates
off before it is necessary to discard it. Empty ether cans should be left
open when they are discarded, since a small quantity of ether in a closed
can is highly explosive if the can should be incinerated. If a quantity of
waste ether must be disposed of, special arrangements must be made
with the maintenance department.
m. Equipment Usually Needed by the Individual for
Routine Technique Work
Noncorrosive glass microscope slides, 25 by 75 mm. (1 by 3 inches)
Cover glasses
ever, must be affixed at least one period before they are processed. For
class work the use of Bouin's fluid and F.A.A. for the fixation of tissue
blocks is recommended, since these simplify the handling of material
through postfixation procedures and the tissues may be left in either
fixative for considerable periods of time. When tissues are fixed in fluids
requiring prompt removal and/ or washing in running water, special ar-
rangements wi ll be required.
When scheduling the work every effort must be made to avoid leaving
tissues in alcohol below 70 per cent alcohol, where they will tend to
macerate; or in 9.5 and 100 per cent alcohols, where they may over-
harden. Tis ues should not be left overnight in the infiltrating paraffin
in the oven , except under special circumstances discussed in the text.
The best result with taining procedures will usually be achieved if
the material is stained, differentiated and completed during one period
There are several exceptions to this (as in Grenacher's borax carmine
and iron hematoxylin techniques, where the tissues may be stained from
one period until the next).
Several procedures are usually carried out simultaneously. Thus, one
tissue is being infiltrated while another is being stained and so on. This
necessitates careful scheduling on the part of the individual. Students
who have difficulty accomplishing the work in the time allotted should
prepare a written schedule of work for each period.
The semesters' work may be divided into four portions as follows:
I. The microscope, Exercise 1.
Supravital staining and methyl green fixing-staining, Exercise 2.
Fixation of tissues, Exercises 3 through 7.
Preparation and mounting of unstained materials, Exercises 8
through 14.
II. Stained whole mounts, Exercises 15 through 20.
Smears, Exercises 21 through 23.
III. The paraffin method, Exercises 24 through 33.
IV. The celloidin method, Exercises 35 through 39.
The frozen method, Exercise 40.
Miscellaneous techniques, Exercises 41 through 46.
The separation between the four portions is not as sharp as is indicated.
Thus, fixation and po tfixation processing of tissues for the entire se-
mester occurs in the first portion of work. Blocks should be processed
into paraffin while smears are being prepared; and infiltration with
celloidin could be initiated while work with paraffin sections is in prog-
The numbers of unstained materials, whole mounts and tissues proc-
essed through paraffin, celloidin and frozen techniques will vary with
the time available. If laboratory time is very limited, the proportion of
the course assigned to the paraffin method should probably be increased.
If celloidin and frozen methods are not included, the use of the paraffin
method may be extended by processing paraffin sections through a num-
ber of different staining techniques, including safranin 0 and fast green
(Exercise 37, Section B) and those procedures outlined under miscella-
neous techniques in Exercises 41 through 46. If frozen techniques are
not included, it is recommended that mesenteric spreads be fixed in
formalin (Exercise 5) and stained in sudan II (Exercise 40, Section B).
V. Selected References
It is strongly recommended that the beginning technician examine all
or some of the following volumes in order to obtain a broader concept
of the types of technique methods available. Most of these books pro-
vide extensive references to the original literature.
CoNN, H. J ., 1953. Biological stains, a handbook on the nature and uses
of the dyes employed in the biological laboratory , 6th ed., The
Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore.
COWDRY, E. V., 1948. Laboratory technique in biology and medicine, 2nd
ed., The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore.
DAVENPORT, H . A., 1960. Histological and histochemical techniques, W.
B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
GRAY, P., 1954. The microtomist's formulary and guide, Blakiston Com-
pany, Inc., New York.
LEE, B., GATENBY, J. B., AND H . W. BEAMS, 1950. The microtomist's vade-
mecum (Bolles Lee), 11th ed., Blakiston Company, Philadelphia.
LILLIE, R. D., 1954. Histopathological technique and practical histo-
chemistry, Blakiston Company, Philadelphia.
JOHANSEN, D. A., 1940. Plant microtechnique, McGraw-Hill Book Com-
pany, Inc., New York.
SASS, J. E., 1958. Botanical micro technique, 3rd ed., Iowa State College
Press, Ames.
G . .v . ~ llbrsry
5 OCT 1971
Ace. NO ,~ii zal
CL.NO. _ _ __
Accesaion numbers, 24 Ammocoetes larvae, 46
.Acetic acid, 29, 213 Amphibian embryos and larvae, 46
Acetic-alcohol, 31 Amphibian blood, 110
Acetone, 118 Anemones, 43
jAcid fuchsin Annelids, 44
. formulas, 82, 86, 87, 88 Anesthetizing, 41
procedures, 99, 185-187, 197-198, 210 Aniline
Acid hematoxylin. &e Hematoxylin, Ehr- blue W S
lich's. formulas, 83, 86, 87
Acids, dilution of, 213 procedures, 100, lIS, 116, 185-187,
disposal of, 218 197- 198, 210-211
&e specific acids. dyes, 82-90
A.F A . fluid, 31 oil, 211
Affixatives, 163, 164 Anticoagulant, 111
Affixing . Aperture diaphragm, 3, 5
celloidin sections, 199-200 Arthrop'ods
paraffin sections, 166-176 double embedding, 200
common difficulties, 167-170 exoskeleton mounts, 72
serial sections, 171-176 fixation of, 45
Agar-agar embedding, II\inute objects, 140 staining whole mounts, 94-
Alcohol ~. Ascaris, 31, 44
dilution of, 214 :r Ascidians. See Tunicates.
disposal of, 218 ~." :. ""'" .-. ., Aves. See Birds.
dehydration with . Sec' J:?_eey'dration. Amoebae t ,,42 •
ethyl, 213 . Azan :·Se~ Heidenhain's Mallory-azan.
anesthetizing with, '41, 45 Azocarmine ' G-
-acetic fixative, 31 formula, 83, 86
fixatives, 29, 31, 32 procedure, 210-211
See also Dehydration. Azures, 85, 88
-formalin-acetic fluid, 31
iso-propyl, 118, 213 Bacula, 100
methyl, 112, 118, 213 Balsam, Canada, 216
n-butyl, 118 infiltrating with, 96, 98
tertiary butyl, 119, 135, 136, 214 mounting in, 93, 96, 98
Alizaran red S storage of mounts, 27
formula, 83 thickening, 96, 98, 216
procedure, 100-101 Basic fuchsin
Alum formula, 83--84
carmine. See Carmine, Grenacher's procedure, 82, 208
alum. Bdelloura, 43, 53
hematoxylin . See Hematoxylin, Harris' Beechwood-creo8ote-xylol, 73, 214
alum. Benzene, 118