3rd Grade Lesson Plans-Math

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Day 1

Date: 11/7/17 (1 hour)

Daily Objective: Students will be able to apply repeated addition and the use of arrays in order to
practice the following multiplication facts: 0,1,2,5,9,10.

Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.OA.A.1: Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 ×

7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in
which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.

Warm-up: (15 minutes)

Students will begin by engaging in a number talk. This number talk will be about “making landmark
or friendly numbers”
● This number talk is designed to use numbers that are one away from a friendly or landmark
● After the number talk, the students will debrief their thinking and the strategies that they
used. Then we will connect this strategy to the strategy of repeated addition and arrays,
reminding students that math is all about different strategies and how you apply them.
Instruction: (20 minutes)
● As a whole class, the teacher and students will review the use of arrays in multiplication
○ The teacher will use the following problems to show with arrays as a whole class:
2x5, 9x4, 3x10
○ Then, the teacher will ask the students to turn to a partner and use an array to
show the following two problems: 1x6 and 5x8
■ The students will share out their answers and pictures of their arrays that
they constructed with their partners.
● The teacher will then explain that using an array is one strategy to help with solving
multiplication problems; another strategy is to use repeated addition.
○ The teacher will demonstrate using repeated addition on the board with the
following problems: 3x2, and 9x7
○ The students will then go back with their partner and practice using repeated
addition in the following two problems: 10x6, and 0x3
● The teacher will remind students to think of multiplication as “groups of” rather than
“times” (as previously discussed in past lessons)
Centers: (25 minutes)
● After whole group instruction and practice, the students will break off into their math
centers: Each center will be 12 minutes with one rotation
○ Center 1: Students will be working on making arrays with play dough
○ Center 2: Students will play the addition/subtraction board game
○ Center 3: One student will be working with the teacher on their multiplication
fluency with flashcards

Formative Assessment: The teacher will take anecdotal notes on students while they are in their
pairs discussing arrays and repeated addition with multiplication, the teacher will observe how
students are working together and solving the given problems. Also, the teacher will be able to
observe the fluency and take a formative assessment on the 2 students that she sees one-on-one
during centers.

Teaching Notes:
● Materials needed: play dough/multiplication facts for the arrays center,
addition/subtraction board game with 2 dice and game pieces for the other center
Day 2

Date: 11/8 (1 hr)

Daily Objective/Topic: Multiplication Word


Warm-up: High-level/Group worthy task (15 ● Students will get into pairs and solve the
minutes) following group worthy/high-level task:
○ “The answer is 45. What’s the
○ Students are to come up with
their own questions that will give
the answer of 10. The question
should involve multiplication.
○ Probe students who finish early
to come up with another

Instruction: Whole group practice with ● The teacher will review 2 multiplication
multiplication word problems (25 minutes) word problems with the students.
● The first word problem will be a one step
word problem: “Richard has 5 bags of
M&Ms, each bag has 9 M&Ms in it. How
many M&Ms does Richard have in all?
● The second word problem will be a 2 step
word problem: “A ticket to the cubs game
costs $10. Tory buys 3 tickets. Darin buys
2 tickets. How much money do Tory and
Darin spend on tickets?”

Student Activity: Independent practice (20 ● Students will independently complete

minutes) page 100 in their workbook
● If there is time the whole class can play
around the world with their

Formative Assessment: ● The teacher will walk around and take

anecdotal notes/observe the students
while they are completing their
independent practice.
● The teacher will also collect the page that
the students completed as a check for

Teaching Notes/Materials: ● Student workbooks

Day 3

Date: 11/9 (1 hr)

Daily Objective/Topic: 3-1: Introduction to the

Distributive Property

Warm-up: Math Talk (Distributive Property) ● Students will engage in a math talk by
solving the problem on page 109 of their
books “Find 2 ways to break the array
below into 2 smaller arrays. What
multiplication equation can you write for
each array? What is the total? Tell how
you decided.”
● After students work independently to
solve the problem, we will discuss as a
whole class the different strategies that
the students used to solve this problem
and why they used them

Instruction: Whole group instruction ● The teacher will describe how you can
use arrays and break them up into 2
separate multiplication problems with the
distributive property (use visuals on
● Pg. 110
● As a whole class the teacher will engage
with the guided practice with the
students (draw out the problems on the
board and solve them together with the
students) pg. 111

Student Activity: Partner/Independent practice ● The students will complete problems 5 &
6 with a partner
● Then, as a group the partners will share
their thinking and how they solved the
problems using the arrays provided
● Students will then independently
complete problems 7-10

Formative Assessment: ● The teacher will walk around and

listen/engage in the students’ discussions
while in their partner groups solving the
above problems
● The teacher will also collect page 111 to
see the students’ thinking and their
understanding of the distributive

Teaching Notes/Materials: ● Student books

Day 4

Date: 11/10 (1hr)

Daily Objective/Topic: 3-1: Distributive Property


Warm-up: Math Talk (doubles/near-doubles) (10 ● Students will engage in a math talk about
minutes) doubles/near doubles:
5+5 8+8
5+6 8+7
5+7 8+9
5+8 8+6
*Students will discuss the strategies that they
used to solve the above problems

Instruction: Whole group instruction on the ● Remind students how to use the
Distributive property (15 minutes) distributive property with arrays by
breaking them up and then adding them
back together
● Practice examples together as a whole
class, have the students choose the
multiplication problem, write it on the
board using an array, then allow students
to break the arrays apart and use
addition to add back together with the
distributive property

Student Activity: Independent practice and then ● Students will complete the reteach
Centers (35 minutes) worksheet independently
○ While students are working, the
teacher will walk around and
observe/assist the students
● Then, students will break up into centers
to practice their multiplication fluency
● Center 1: Students will practice the
distributive property by making arrays
with play dough then splitting up the
arrays into 2 separate problems using the
distributive property
● Center 2: Multiplication bingo
● Center 3: One student will work with the
teacher on their multiplication
fluency/addition subtraction fluency

Formative Assessment: ● The teacher will walk around and take

anecdotal notes on the students while
they are working independently
● Also, a check for understanding will take
place after collecting the distributive
property worksheet that the students
completed independently

Teaching Notes/Materials: ● Materials: multiplication bingo board

game and chips, play dough and
multiplication problems for the array
center, and reteaching worksheet

Day 5

Date: 11/13 (1 hr)

Daily Objective/Topic: 3-2: Apply properties: 3 as

a factor

Warm-up: Math talk (10 minutes) ● Students will engage in a math talk with
the solve and share portion of the lesson
on page 115
● The students will try to solve the problem
first independently and then they will
share the strategies that they used to
solve the problem

Instruction: Whole group instruction using page ● The teacher will demonstrate how to
116 (25 minutes) break apart arrays to multiply with 3
● The teacher and students will then
engage in the guided practice together
using arrays to help the students to solve
the multiplication facts of 3’s
● The teacher will remind students of
strategies to use when they do not
remember a multiplication fact
○ Arrays, drawing a picture to
model, using repeated addition,
using a multiplication fact that
they already know

Student Activity: (25 minutes) ● Students will then complete the

independent practice on page 117
● While the students are working, the
teacher will take a few students aside if
needed for extra instruction/support
● Then the students will play around the
world to practice their multiplication facts

Formative Assessment: ● The teacher will walk around and take

anecdotal notes on the students while
they are completing their work

Teaching Notes/Materials: ● Flashcards for around the world, student

Day 6

Date: 11/14 (1 hr)

Daily Objective/Topic: 3-3: Apply Properties: 4 as

a Factor

Warm-up: Math Talk (10 minutes) ● Students will engage in a math talk using
the solve and share on page 121
● Students will first attempt to solve the
problem by themselves
● Then, they will share their strategies and
work through the problem with the class,
sharing how they solved it and talking out
the math as a group

Instruction: Whole group instruction (20 minutes) ● The teacher will discuss how to use the
strategy of doubles to multiply with 4
● The students and teacher will do the
guided practice together on page 123
● The teacher will remind the students of
strategies such as arrays, models,
repeated addition, and now the strategy
of doubles to solve multiplication
problems that they do not already know

Student Activity: Independent practice and ● Students will then do the independent
centers practice by themselves on page 123,
using the above strategies to solve the
multiplication problems
● Students will then practice their
multiplication fluency with centers
● Center 1: Students will use play dough to
practice making arrays and practice their
multiples of 4
● Center 2: Students will play multiplication
● Center 3: Students will play the
addition/subtraction board game

Formative Assessment: ● The teacher will walk around and take

anecdotal notes during centers and the
independent practice, on the students’
progress and how they are using different
strategies to solve the multiplication

Teaching Notes/Materials: ● Materials: play dough for center 1,

multiplication bingo board game and
game pieces, addition/subtraction board
Day 7

Date: 11/16 (1 hr)

Daily Objective/Topic: Review of 3 and 4 as a


Warm-up: Word problem (10 minutes) ● As a warm up, students will engage in
creating their own word problem using
multiplication. The teacher will display a
picture of 4 circles with 3 tally marks in
each circle. The students will have to
create their own word problem to solve
this multiplication problem and make it
applicable to their real lives.

Instruction: Centers ● Today there will not be a lot of teacher

focused instruction, but rather the
students will work in centers to practice
their multiplication facts

Student Activity: Centers (50 minutes) Each ● Center 1: Students will play multiplication
student will get to rotate through all 3 stations bingo
today ● Center 2: Students will make arrays with
play dough practicing multiplication with
3’s and 4’s
● Center 3: 2 students will work with the
teacher and play Kaboom! With popsicle
sticks to practice their multiplication
facts, especially 3’s and 4’s

Formative Assessment: ● The teacher will take anecdotal notes and

observe the students as they are playing
Kaboom! The multiplication practice

Teaching Notes/Materials: ● Materials: play dough, multiplication

bingo, kaboom sticks

Day 8

Date: 11/17 (1 hr)

Daily Objective/Topic: Lesson 3-4: Apply

properties: 6 and 7 as factors

Warm-up: Timed test ● Students will complete a 3 minute timed

test to practice their multiplication
fluency as a warm up

Instruction: Math talk and whole group ● Students will first complete a math talk
instruction on page 127 by solving the word problem
using any strategy that they choose
○ Then, the students will share out
their strategies and discuss how
they got their solutions
● The teacher will then do whole group
instruction with the guided practice on
page 129
● The teacher will remind the students of
different strategies that the students can
use to figure out multiplication problems,
for example model how if you know 5x a
number, you can figure out 6x a number
by just adding up since multiplication is
repeated addition

Student Activity: Independent practice ● The students will complete the

independent practice on page 129, while
the teacher walks around and provides
help where needed
● If there is time, the students will play
around the world to practice their facts

Formative Assessment: ● The teacher will collect the workbook

when completed to see if the students
understood the lesson, and the teacher
will walk around during the lesson to see
how the students are solving the

Teaching Notes/Materials: ● Materials: Student workbooks

Day 9

Date: 11/20 (1 hr)

Daily Objective/Topic: Practicing multiplication

facts: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Warm-up: Timed test (5 minutes) ● Students will start the lesson with a 3
minute multiplication timed test to
practice their fluency

Instruction: Small group centers ● Today, the students will continue to work
on their multiplication fluency with
numbers 0-10 by engaging and practicing
in centers

Student Activity: Centers (55 minutes) with ● Center 1: Kaboom! (2 students will play
rotations between all 3 centers this fluency game with the teacher)
● Center 2: multiplication bingo
● Center 3: “I have….who has…?”
multiplication game

Formative Assessment: ● The teacher will take anecdotal notes on

the students as they are practicing their
multiplication facts, and provide
feedback/strategies for the students who
are getting stuck

Teaching Notes/Materials: ● Kaboom game, bingo game, “I have...who

has…?” game

Day 10

Date: 11/21 (1 hr)

Daily Objective/Topic: Lesson 3-6: Practice

Multiplication Facts

Warm-up: Math talk (10 minutes) ● Students will do a math talk with the
problem on page 139, they are to solve
the problem first by themselves using any
strategy they like, then we will share out
to the class

Instruction: Whole group (10 minutes) ● The teacher will review the strategies
that the students can use to solve
multiplication problems that they are
unfamiliar with

Student Activity: Independent practice, fluency ● The students will complete the
game (30 minutes) independent practice with multiplication
fluency on page 141
● If there is time, the students will play
around the world to practice their fluency
as well

Formative Assessment: ● The teacher will collect the independent

practice sheet to see how the students
are doing with their fluency/accuracy

Teaching Notes/Materials: ● Student math books, around the world


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