Lesson Plan-2

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Berachah Scott Date: June 30, 2019

Grade and Topic: 4th grade/ Multiplication and Division

Length of Lesson: 1hr 5 mins

Mentor Teacher: Professor Townes School:

University of Memphis


● The goal of this lesson is to make students understand the importance of well-known abolitionists and
their roles to help end slavery.
● Using an educational website, students will be able to solve multiplication and division word problems
with 80% accuracy.
● Using an educational website, students will be able to create their own multiplication and division
problems with 80% accuracy.
● Given a computer, students will be able to create a podcast and reflect on what they learned about
multiplication and division with 100% accuracy.
● Given a worksheet, students will be able to create word problems with 80% accuracy.
● Given an exit ticket, students will be able to solve multiplication and division word problems with 80%

● Common Core Standard
Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison, e.g., by
using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the
problem, distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive comparison.
 ISTE Standard
- 3. Research and information fluency

● Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

● a. Plan strategies to guide inquiry
● b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media
● c. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to
specific tasks
● d. Process data and report results

● Internet Access
● Computers
● WebQuest-http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=411391
● Handout-exit ticket
● Podcast-https://vocaroo.com/
● Headsets
● Technology will be integrated to help students improve their research and inquiry skills. Students will go
to a WebQuest, and they will navigate and work through the website until the end. Students will also
record a podcast about what they learned about multiplication and division.


● Students will be able to research information using technology. Students will be able to reflect their
thoughts through technology. They will also be learn how to multiply and divide
● Academic language: Divide, multiply, dividend, divisor, quotient, product, solve, and equal
● In previous lessons, students have learned how to multiply facts up to 10 and to divide facts up to 10. Students
have learned how Students also learned about multiples and common multiples. This lesson connects with
previous lessons because students have knowledge of multiplication, division, and common multiples. The
knowledge of that content can help them solve multiplications and division word problems.
● I plan on using this lesson to help teach future lessons on multi-step equations with multiplication and
● I will need to plan differentiated activities or assessments to accommodate students with disabilities,
ESL students or enrichment students. Some students learn at different paces. Students can be reading or
writing, auditory, or kinesthetic learners.


● Introduction: 10 mins
● TSW assemble on the carpet to talk about today’s lesson
● TTW give a brief introduction about multiplication and division.
- “Multiplication is when you multiply a number by another number by a certain amount of times. Ex:
5× 2 = 10. 5 was doubled two times to make 10 or you can see as 5 +5=10.”
- “Division is dividing a number by another number. You are basically figuring out how many times a
number can go into another number. Ex: 15 ÷ 3 = 5. There are 5 groups of 3 in 15.
● TTW demonstrate a song about multiplication and division
● TSW demonstrate the song along with the teacher.
● Procedure I:5 min
● TTW put students into two different groups.
- Students in group one will work on the computers.
- Students in group two will create and solve their own multiplication and division word problems.

● TSW work at the groups individually.

● TTW observe each group and assist students.
● Procedure II: 20 min
● Students in group one at the computers:
● TSW go to http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=411391
● TSW go to Introduction and follow the instructions from there.
● TTW check students’ progress for completion of each activity on the website.
● Once the student finish completing the WebQuest, then they will go to https://vocaroo.com/.
● TSW complete a podcast and answer the questions on the board.
- “How will you use multiplication and division in the future?
- “ Why do you think learning about multiplication and division is important?”
- “ Do you think word problems are easier than equations? Explain.
● After students complete podcasts, they will save their podcasts to the desktop, then they will rotate to the
table and complete the worksheet.
● If a student has different learning needs for this activity, then the teacher will give the student another
assignment or help that student with the assignment.
● Procedure III: 20 min
● Students in group 2 at the table
● TSW work on a worksheet that has two parts: Multiplication and Division
● TSW create and solve their own problems on a worksheets
● Once the students finish they will rotate to the computer station.
● TTW assist and observe students.
● If a student has different learning needs for this activity, then the teacher will give the student another
assignment or help that student with the assignment.
● Closure: 10 min
● TTW give students an exit ticket which has multiplication and division problems
● TSW solve the problems on the exit ticket.

Multiplication and Division Worksheet
Directions: Create 5 words problems and solve for them.
Word Problem Solve your problem
Ex: Mike had 2 dozen of eggs. How many eggs 12 × 2 = 24
do he have?
Rubric: Multiplication and Division Worksheet
Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

The student was The student was The student was The student was The student was The student was
able to create a able to create 1 able to create 2 able to create 3out able to create 4 out able to create 5 out
word problem out 5 word out 5 word 5 word problems 5 word problems 5 word problems
and solve the problems and problems and and showed their and showed their and showed their
problem and showed their showed their work. work. work.
show their work. work. work.


Exit Ticket: Multiplication and Division

Directions: Solve and show your work.

1. John has 20 dollars in five dollar bills. How many five dollar bills does he have?

2. Tim went to the store with Holly. Tim buys 8 apples. Holly buys twice as many apples as Tim. How
many apples did Holly buy?

3. Jack and Bob each have 3 cookies. How many cookies do they have in all?

4. Jane had 15 balls. How balls can she equally put in 3 boxes?

5. Kayla is selling a cup of lemonade for $2. She sold 20 cups for the day. How many cups of lemonade
did she sell?

6. Daniel had 12 toy cars but he had share his toy cars with 3 of his friends. How many toy cars can he
give to each of his friends?
Exit Ticket Rubric

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6

The student The student The student The student The student The student The student
was able to was able to was able to was able to was able to was able to was able to
solve the answer 1 out answer 2 out answer 3 out 6 answer 4 out 6 answer 5 out 6 answer 6 out 6
problem and 6 questions 6 questions questions right questions right questions right questions right
show their right and right and and showed and showed and showed and showed
work. showed their showed their their work. their work. their work. their work.
work. work.

● Students who need extra assistance:
- Accommodations will made for 504 and special education students with IEP’s.
- Students may be given extra time, shorten assignments or alternative assignments.
- The teacher might have to reteach the lesson for students who did not master the objectives in a small
group or individually.
● ESL students:
- ESL students will be placed with a partner, who will help them with the assignment. Students will be
given extra time if needed for the assignments.
● Enrichment students:
- When they are working on the worksheets, they can draw pictures representing the answers to the creation
of their word problems.

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