Template For Lesson Plan: Subtract To Compare
Template For Lesson Plan: Subtract To Compare
Template For Lesson Plan: Subtract To Compare
1) Class 1B. *who are they
2) There are 22 students. * how many
3) Their ages are about six years. * what ages
4) There are in grade 1. * What grade
* male/female ratio
5) Their ratio is 13 female\ 7 male.
* native language(s)
6) Their native language is Arabic.
* learning styles (and
7) Their learning style is visual and kinesthetic. student intelligence
8) Most of them quiet except the special needs. *personalities
9) There are two special needs in the class. * special needs
10) The last lesson was basis subtraction and some stories about * prior learning
subtraction. . * how this lesson fits into
11) This lesson explain deeper details about subtraction. And in the prior & future learning
future the child will be able to solve 2 digits subtraction problems. experiences
*what specific skill or
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: concept would students
have learned or
experience by the end of
1) Model and compare groups to show the meaning of the lesson
subtraction. * always expressed in
2) Count and subtract using cubes and drawing circles. terms of student
3) Use cock numbers to make subtraction problems and try to learning
* concrete, measurable &
solve it.
* maximum of three
* include name of
curriculum guide &
objective numbers when
& where applicable
* goals are connected to
Materials & resources: *how DAP is the materials
1) Foam circles & resources?
2) Foam numbers * have all safety & health
3) White board considerations been
taken into account?
*remember technology is
Technology integration:
a tool & is not just limited
1) Video.
to computers
2) Online game. *incorporate technology
when & if it supports &
Strategies: enhances what youre
already doing
1) Group activities * do you have a plan B for
2) Challenging activities. technology upsets?
Engagement: what will you do to grab
student attention & to
Using bell to transetions. generate
Destrbuting dollar for good students. interest/enthusiasm in the
Teacher will Students will .. *description of activities
used to meet the learning
Include your open and closed- objectives
ended questions here
* articulated in terms of
1) Make a quick revision. 1) Watching a video student activity & teacher
about subtraction to activity
2) Show video to the solve some
students. questions.
* sources that you may
1) Barshay, J. (2014, July 21). Right and wrong methods for have used/consulted in
teaching first graders who struggle with math. Retrieved from building your lesson
(includes books, websites,
magazines, journals, etc.)
* use APA citation (refer
worksheet-style-drilling-might-effective-little-kids-struggle- to Noodle Tools when in
math_1564/ doubt).