KG934V1 Page 25-30
KG934V1 Page 25-30
KG934V1 Page 25-30
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KG934V1 User Manual
NB: The unit is a complex electronic device and caution should be taken to ensure correct wiring
before power is applied.
The unit is fitted with 2, 3, 6 and 14 way Molex Minifit or equivalent socket connectors for which
mating plugs can be selected from the Molex, Tyco/Amp PE, or TPK 5566 range.
The unit is also fitted with 4 way Mate-N-Lok or equivalent socket connectors for which mating plugs
supplied by Tyco Electronics or equivalent can be used.
The majority of unit wiring is low current for which 0.75mm wire is sufficient. This excludes the CT wires
(CTR, CTY, CTB, CTCom) for which 1.5mm wire should be used.
Connector Details
Connector Assignment Pin Wire Name Function
J1: DC Power Supply J1-1 01 DC - Battery – Supply. 0V, Common.
This connection must be made directly to
the engine crankcase for lowest electrical
1 noise. This connection must not have
2 currents other than the controller currents
flowing and must be used exclusively for
the controller.
J1-2 02 DC + Battery + Supply. This connection must be
made directly to the positive terminal of
the battery for best performance. Do not
make this connection to the positive
terminal on the Starting Motor.
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KG934V1 User Manual
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KG934V1 User Manual
NB: The unit is a complex electronic device and caution should be taken to ensure correct wiring
before power is applied.
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KG934V1 User Manual
The following warning messages indicate potential problems. When a warning occurs, the message
associated with the warning is displayed. Warnings clear automatically when the warning condition is
Warning Messages
Message Cause
No Excitation Excitation voltage is low when engine is running. This indicates a probable
charging fault or the alternator belt has broken.
Low Charge Volts Battery Voltage is below the charging voltage setpoint when the engine is
running. Indicates that the alternator is not charging the battery.
Under Voltage Battery Voltage is below the low battery setpoint.
Over Voltage Battery Voltage is above the high battery volts setpoint. This may be due to
a faulty regulator or battery charger.
Oil Lock Out The unit has detected that the oil pressure is above the oil pressure alarm
setpoint with the engine not running. This warning prevents the engine from
attempting to crank with the engine potentially running. This may be due to a
faulty oil sender or a very tight engine. This warning is disabled if Oil
Pressure Check before Cranking is set to Off.
Tacho Lock Out The unit has detected that a speed signal is present with the engine not
running. This warning prevents the engine from attempting to crank with the
engine potentially running. This warning can sometimes be caused by ripple
generated by mains powered battery chargers.
Excite Lock Out The unit has detected that Excitation is present with the engine not running.
This warning prevents the engine from attempting to crank with the engine
potentially running. This warning can sometimes be caused by ripple
generated by mains powered battery chargers.
AutoStart On The unit has detected an Autostart signal when not in auto mode, indicating
the engine needs to be started in Auto mode.
Low Oil Pressure The Oil Pressure has dropped below the Oil Pressure Warning set point
while the engine is running. The Oil Pressure Icon is lit.
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KG934V1 User Manual
High Engine Temp Engine Coolant temperature has exceeded the high temperature warning
High Water Temp set point after the Temperature monitoring delay has expired.
High Canopy Temp Canopy Temperature was activated after the Temperature monitoring delay
has expired.
Low Fuel Level Fuel level is less than the warning set point.
Fuel Level Flt The unit has detected that the fuel sender is open circuit. This is only a
warning, and will not shut down the engine
No Speed Signal A speed signal could not be detected after the engine had started
Maintenance The time since the last maintenance has exceeded the maintenance time.
The alarm output is not activated for this warning. The warning is cleared by
pressing and holding the button for 30 seconds. If the engine
maintenance is carried out prior to the timer expiring, pressing the button
for 60 seconds will reset the timer.
Con A
Con B
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