June, July and August 2018

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110 S. Main St. New Carlisle, Ohio - www.newcarlisle100.com

EDITOR: Jay Maxwell - Phone 937-307-6429 - jmax580@aol.com

New Carlisle Lodge

Open All Summer NEW CARLISLE LODGE NO. 100 F.& A.M.
Douglas Baker, W.M. 902-0698 Jay Maxwell, Secy. 307-6429
While most lodges and other
masonic organizations do not meet
in the months of July and August
New Carlisle Lodge meets
June 9 Strawberry Festival 5-7 PM: All New
Carlisle Members, families and friends are invited to our
throughout the summer with Stated FREE Annual Strawberry Festival. Fresh Strawberries, Ice
meetings in July and August. We Cream and Biscuits will be served. If you haven’t been to
invite all masons in the area to join the Temple in awhile this is a great opportunity to enjoy
us this summer. Our Lodge is now fresh strawberries and ice cream with your family and
air conditioned, dress is casual in friends at the Lodge. Give your sons, daughters and grandchildren a call and invite
the summer. them to join you at the Temple.

HAPPY 80+ June 14 Stated Meeting 7 PM: Many masons have

trouble finding their white apron that was presented to them in the
BIRTHDAY Entered Apprentice Degree. Because of this many years ago we
asked our members to find their white apron and wear it at our June
JUNE Stated meeting. This has become an annual event and we invite
masons from other lodges to join us in this tradition by wearing
Richard Winters - 82 their white apron at our June Stated meeting. A free Dinner will be served prior to
Omer Sparks - 80 the meeting at 6 PM. Dress: Summer casual.
Ronald Morgan - 80
JULY Annual Blood Drive - July 10
July 10 Annual Blood Drive 3 - 7 PM: New Carlisle Lodge will sponsor a
Paul G. Price - 88 Community Blood Drive with hours of registration from 3-6:30 at the Sacred Heart
AUGUST Church Social Center, 205 W. Lake Ave, New Carlisle. All who can give blood,
Ted M. Chapman - 96 members, wives, friends, neighbors over the age of 17 are asked to give.
Julian E. Baxley - 94
Ralph E. Moore - 90
Hawaiian Luau - July 12
July 12 Stated Meeting 7 PM: The theme for this Stated meeting
Gerald R. Duncan - 86 is a Hawaiian Luau. A free Dinner will be served prior to the
Charles D. Miller - 84 meeting at 6 PM. Dress: Hawaiian or summer casual
Percy F. Edwards - 82
Kenneth D. Fisher - 81
Cornell J. Deweese - 80 14th Annual Outdoor Raising - July 28 - 9 AM
New Carlisle and Mt. Olivet Lodges will confer the Master Mason Degree at the
William Smith - 80 Annual Outdoor Raising located at 12681 St. Rt. 55, St. Paris, Ohio 43072. All
Master Masons are welcome. Mt. Olivet Lodge will provide a free lunch after the
raising. In the event of rain, it will be moved to New Carlisle Masonic Temple.
2019 Dues Increase Bring an apron and lawn chair. Dress: summer casual.
By-Laws Change Directions: North on Rt 235 to left on St. Rt. 55. It’s between Rt 235 and Panhandle
Voting at our June 14 Meeting Rd on Rt. 55. Turn left into the Drive. Watch for signs.
The Finance Committee recommended
that the Lodge Annual Dues, Corn Feastival
membership on demit, and fee for August 9 Stated Meeting 7 PM
affiliation by dual/plural membership, Everyone enjoys FRESH Corn on the Cob. All masons are invited
be increased to $75. The proposed to join us and after the Stated meeting we will serve delicious
By-Laws changes were entered upon fresh corn on the cob.
the minutes at our May 10 meeting Light Refreshments Served at 6 PM
and will be voted on at our June 14 Dress: Summer casual.
Stated meeting.


Roger Thornbury, Pres. 845-9565
Robert Maxson, Secy 206-3038

Outdoor Raising
Master Mason Degree
July 28
This year at the Outdoor Raising we
are responsible for the degree work SATURDAY JUNE 9
and Christiansburg is responsible for
lunch. 5 - 7 PM
New Carlisle Lodge Members, Families and Friends Are
We need your help in filling in the Invited To Our FREE Annual Strawberry Festival
Marching Craft. Please let Roger
Menu: Fresh Strawberries, Ice Cream & Biscuits
Thornbury know if you can make the
Outdoor Raising July 28 and
participate in the Marching Craft.
June 7 @ 7 PM - Stated Meeting William Berry, E.H.P. 845-8774 Steven Raiff, I.M. 408-6488
July 5 @ 7 PM - Stated Meeting Ranold Seymour, Secy 462-9044 Ranold Seymour, Secy 462-9044
July 28 @ 9 AM - Outdoor Raising
August 2 @ 7 PM - Stated Meeting
Chapter and Council News
Companions, A lot has happened since the last newsletter. Council 143 completed
their inspection in the SEM with great success! Congratulate IM Steve Raiff, his
Ohio Masonic Home Day officers and degree cast for a job well done! On May 12th the Companions of New
June 10 11- 4 PM Carlisle Council and Springfield Council traveled to Lebanon, Ohio to participate in
the 3rd Arch Degree Day. The work of the day was very good. Thanks to all who were
Food Vendors Open 11 A.M. able to be there. Great job, you are the best!
Springfield Masonic
Community At our stated meeting in May the following were elected; for Chapter 57: HP Richard
Boitnott, King Bob Maxson, Scribe Steve Raiff , CoH Bill Berry, PS Roger
2655 W. National Rd Thornbury, RAC Bobby Jones, M3V William Tingley, M2V Earl Arnett, M1V
Springfield, OH 45504 Willis Boitnott, Guard Jordon Ashley, Chaplin Ted Buskirk, Treasurer Don
Rutledge, Secretary Ron Seymour.

The elected officers for Council 143 are: IM Steve Raiff, DM Bob Maxson, PCW
Roger Thornbury, CoG Dick Boitnott, CoC Bobby Jones, Steward William Tingley,
Ohio Special Olympics Sentinel Willis Boitnott, Chaplin Ted Buskirk, Treasurer Don Rutledge, Recorder
Columbus, Ohio Ron Seymour.
Jesse Owens Sports HP elect Richard Boitnott and IM elect Steven Raiff have announced we are to have
Complex a joint Installation of Officers on June 19th. This will be an open Installation. Meal
at 6PM consisting of burgers, hotdogs and sides. Installation to take place at
June 22 @ 6:30 PM approximately 7:30pm. All masons their families and friends are invited. Contact
Richard Boitnott at dkboitnott@gmail.com
Assemble at 5 PM. Eat @ 5:30
First 500 will receive hat and pin. June 19 @ 6:00 PM Dinner before Installation of Officers.
Step off 6:30 June 19 @ 7:00 PM Meeting and 7:30 PM Installation of Officers.

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