Sheltered Lesson Plan Template: Topic: Class: Date

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Sheltered Lesson Plan Template

Topic: Class: Date:

1st grade- Leon & Bob; TESL 474 4/18/18



- W.1.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some
facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure

- SL.1.4: Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing
ideas and feelings clearly

Content Objectives: Language Objectives (identify language

 SWBAT write about a topic and supply levels here): WIDA 2/3
facts and a closure based on a provided ● SWBAT listen to a multi step
text instruction and follow them in
 SWBAT describe details, ideas, and ● SWBAT speak their sentences to
feelings based on a provided text by multiple partners
describing people and events ● SWBAT read feelings written on the
board and relate those feelings to
● SWBAT write 3 sentences using
sentence starters to connect a feeling
to a reason

Learning Strategies Materials (supplemental and adapted)

- Whole Group - Leon and Bob
- Eye to Eye, Knee to Knee - Worksheet (attached)
- Seat Work (individual) - White Board & Markers
- Chart - Elmo
- Discussion
- Checking for Understanding
- Explicit Instruction
- Shoulder Partners
Key Vocabulary (student-friendly definitions)
Feelings – States of emotion
Happy – Feeling joyful about something
Sad – Feeling down about something
Confused – Not understanding/ unsure
Lonely –To be sad about being alone
Lost – Unsure of what to do/feel
Reasons – The explaination for something happening
Imaginary – to exist only in ones mind

Time: 10 Motivation (explicitly describe) INPUT

Building Background Knowledge:
 TW call all students to the thinking rug
 TW talk to students about feelings and their meanings (this is something
students learned prior)
o Happy – Feeling joyful about something
o Sad – Feeling down about something
o Confused – Not understanding something
o Lonely – To be alone
o Lost – Unsure of what to do/feel
 TW ask students to sit eye to eye, knee to knee and discuss a time they
felt one of those feelings
o TW turn class attention back to them & ask 2 students to share
what their partner told them

Links to Experience:

 TW ask students if they have ever had an imaginary friend

o SW Raise hands
o TW call on 2-3 students to share
o TW explain that to have an imaginary friend means to have a
friend that you can see but others cannot
Links to Learning:
 TW show the class Leon and Bob
o TW ask students to think about what they think the story will be
o SW take 1 minute to think
o TW call on 2-3 students to share something they think will be in
the story

Key Vocabulary:
Feelings – States of emotion
Happy – Feeling joyful about something
Sad – Feeling down about something
Confused – Not understanding/ unsure
Lonely –To be sad about being alone
Lost – Unsure of what to do/feel
Reasons – The explaination for something happening
Imaginary – to exist only in ones mind

Time: 10 Presentation (explicitly describe) MODELING/I Do

minutes * Thinking with the end in mind, what content and language do you need to model?

 TW read Leon and Bob

 TW ask students to sit eye to eye, knee to knee
o SW discuss with each other an emotion or feeling that Leon felt
o TW remind students of emotions we discussed
o SW have 2 minutes to discuss with their partner
o SW turn back to the teacher
o TW call on 4-6 students to share their ideas
 TW write the feelings on the board as the students say them
o TW leave enough space next to the feeling for the reasoning
o TW make sure to have 4-6 feelings on the board
 TW start with the top feeling and ask the students to provide reasoning for
o TW explain that the reason is the part that comes after the
because and explains the part previous to it
o SW have a few minutes to think prior to answering
o TW help prompt the students if necessary
o TW write the reasoning next to the emotion

Time: 10 Practice (explicitly describe) GUIDED PRACTICE /We Do

minutes * Thinking with the end in mind, what content and language do students need to
practice here to receive feedback from the teacher before they work independently?
Am I gradually releasing students toward what they are expected to do
 TW discuss with students that with the feeling there is a reason or a
because for why Leon felt that way
o TW point out the feeling and say “So we know Leon feels ______
because________.” We know this because it is in the story we
just read
 TW check for student understanding by doing a thumbs up or thumbs
 TW show students the work sheet
o SW take a copy & pass the rest back
o SW then go to their desks & put their name on their paper
o SW wait for further instructions
 TW pull the worksheet up on the Elmo
 TW explain to students that they will be filling out the top half first and
then doing the bottom half once they have filled out the top
 SW fill out the left most bubble with the person the story is about
o TW ask students who they think goes into this bubble
o SW raise hands & TW call on someone
o If correct, Everyone will write it in their bubble
o If Incorrect, TW ask if they can think of anyone else that we
would put in there & help lead that student to the correct answer

Time: 10 Application (explicitly describe) INDEPENDENT

* Does this opportunity give students the opportunity to demonstrate language and
content mastery?
o TW tell the students that the next step is to fill out the 3 bubbles to the right
with things that Leon feels
 SW fill out the 3 bubbles
 SW be able to use the board if necessary to help with ideas
o TW explain that the lines that connect the person the story is about to the
feelings needs to be labeled
 SW be able to think about what we would want to put on that line
 TW teach students that the line that connects the two almost makes it
like the start of a sentence & what are the things in the bubbles on the
 SW answer with feelings & TW explain that yes it is in relation to
feelings and so we would put the word feels on the line.
 SW write feels on all 3 lines
o TW explain that the next part they will do independently
 SW fill in the first blank of each sentence with a feeling that they
 SW then fill in the second blank with the reasoning or because
statement as to why they think Leon felt that way
● SW do all three sentences

Time: 5 minutes Review (explicitly describe)

 SW share with their table partners their sentences
 SW self check that their reasoning matches the feeling
 TW call on 3-5 students to share their favorite sentence with the class
o SW stand up at their table and share their sentence then sit back
o TW ask students if they agree with the reason for that emotion or
 SW hand all worksheets to one person at the table
o This person will bring the worksheets up to the teacher

Key Vocabulary:
Feelings – States of emotion
Happy – Feeling joyful about something
Sad – Feeling down about something
Confused – Not understanding/ unsure
Lonely –To be sad about being alone
Lost – Unsure of what to do/feel
Reasons – The explaination for something happening
Imaginary – to exist only in ones mind
Lesson Reflection
(Taught on 4/18)

1. To ensure that my lesson is inclusive of all students and their prior knowledge I first

spoke with my teacher about what they have learned previously. By being within the

classroom for almost a half semester I am more aware of what they know and the types

of personalities the students have. The first part I made sure they would understand is

what feelings are and what some of them mean. By doing this I was able to ensure that

they would be able to relate a feeling to the reason for feeling that. By asking the

students about if they have had an imaginary friend this will help them to relate better to

this story and understand the feelings of loneliness or sadness. By making sure the

students have some prior knowledge and some relation to the story it helps them feel

more involved and interested in what the activity and lesson is.

2. During this lesson I was much better about calling the students by name as I am much

more aware of the names now. There was one point that I did say the wrong name at

one point but I self corrected and said the right name right away. I did not right away

move around the classroom once they started independent practice as I had a few

questions for my mentor teacher. After I spoke with her briefly, I made sure to move

around the classroom & work with the students as needed. I made sure to speak with

every student however I did notice that I did not spend a lot of talking or assisting our

new student from China as it is quite difficult to work with him due to the lack of speaking

English. My mentor worked with him as I had everyone else asking me questions.

Everyone was included in this lesson and by having them hand up stand up pair up they

were all able to participate and be included in what we were doing.

3. The central focus of this lesson was to work on comprehension and relating a feeling to

a reason. To help the student learning on this I made sure to model the expectation on

the board with them before letting them do it on their own. I made sure that they had

learned about feelings and ‘because’ sentences prior to doing this lesson so I could
make sure that what I was teaching them was sort of a mixture of what they already

knew but in a different format. To check for student understanding we did thumbs up

while at the rug and then when they were working independently I walked around and

checked their work. I would have them read their sentences to me to ensure that their

sentences made sense and were doing what was asked of them.

4. (Question 2) I modified my lesson from my previous lesson by making it a little shorter.

My last lesson ran very long so I wanted to make sure that I simplified this time around

to make sure that I hit the time frame I was given. Also this time around I made sure to

check prior knowledge a little deeper to make sure that the lesson I was teaching was

something that they would better relate to as I was reading rather than just hoping that

they will make a personal connection. This time around I also provided them multiple

steps at the same time as previously I had done one step, back to the rug, another step,

back to the rug, etc. and this time I wanted to give them multiple steps to help them with

their sequencing.

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