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Grade 6 DLL English 6 q4 Week 8

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: CHEPIE P. VILLALON Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: March 19 – 23, 2018 (Week 9) Quarter: 4th Quarter


I. Objective Talk about topics of Talk about topics of Identify whether the Identify whether the Answer the questions correctly
interest using preposition and interest using preposition and prepositions/ prepositional prepositions/ prepositional
prepositional phrases. prepositional phrases. phrases are used as adverb of phrases are used as adverb of
Identify whether the Identify whether the time, place or manner. time, place or manner.
prepositions/ prepositional prepositions/ prepositional
phrases are used as adverb of phrases are used as adverb of
time, place or manner. time, place or manner.
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Talk about topics of interest Talk about topics of interest Identify whether the Identify whether the
Competencies/Objectives using preposition and using preposition and prepositions/ prepositional prepositions/ prepositional
prepositional phrases. prepositional phrases. phrases are used as phrases are used as
Identify whether the Identify whether the
prepositions/ prepositional prepositions/ prepositional
phrases are used as adverb of phrases are used as adverb of
time, place or manner. time, place or manner.
II. CONTENT Talking About Topics of Interest Talking About Topics of Interest Talking About Topics of Interest Talking About Topics of Interest
Using Preposition and Using Preposition and Using Preposition and Using Preposition and
Prepositional Phrases. Prepositional Phrases. Prepositional Phrases. Prepositional Phrases.

A. References PELC VI B. 5.7 Growing in PELC VI B. 5.7 Growing in
English Language VI, pp. 280- English Language VI, pp. 280-
289 289
P.55-57 P.55-57 P.55-57 P.55-57
downloaded workbook downloaded workbook
p.169(5775Reverse the p.169(5775Reverse the
Education Crises) Education Crises)
Downloaded LP, p.159-160 Downloaded LP, p.159-160
TM,p.55-57 TM,p.55-57
2. Learner’s Material pages English for All Times Language 6 English for All Times Language 6 English for All Times Language 6 English for All Times Language 6
pp. 258-269 pp. 258-269 pp. 258-269 pp. 258-269
(LANGUAGE)P.150-155 (LANGUAGE)P.151-155

4. Additional Reference
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Have a pretest on prepositions Study the misspelled words, Let the pupils answer EXERCISE Review the function of :
presenting the new lesson by dictating the spelling words give the meaning, variants and 1 on p.263 of their textbook. an adjective prepositional
use each in a sentence. English for All Times Language phrase
Can you add something to make (Let them work in groups of five) an adverb prepositional phrase
each sentence more vivid and
meaningful? Note the question
word inside the parentheses.
I do my assignment
____________. (When)
Manny Paquiao fought his
Mexican opponent _________.
The children do their tasks
_________. (How)
B. Establishing a purpose for Show an enlarged illustration of Show an enlarged illustration of Show pictures/or let them Short review
the lesson the event on p. 259 the event on p. 259 Let the pupils read the observe around the classroom. Giving of instruction
Who among here are members Who among here are members sentences on p.264, EXERCISE2. Call some pupils to give a
of scouting? Have you ever of scouting? Have you ever English for All Times Language sentences about their
heard of a boy named Sahjid S. heard of a boy named Sahjid S. observation, then let other pupil
Bulig? Richard H. Celestino? Bulig? Richard H. Celestino? identify the prepositional phrase
used in the sentence and tell if it
is an adjective prepositional
an adverb prepositional phrase
C. Presenting Have the class listen while one Have the class listen while one Post on the board the chart Let the pupils open their Test Proper
examples/instances of the volunteer/best reader of the volunteer/best reader of the then, let them read it aloud textbook and closely observe
new lesson class narrates the class narrates the (content: refer to exercise the pictures.(ENGLISH for YOU
selection/story on pp. 259-260. selection/story on pp. 259-260. 3,p.264( English for All Times and ME-LANGUAGE)p.154.
Language) Let them make at least 5
sentences and write it on a
manila paper .(Group activity
composed of 5 members each
group, and let them select a
D. Discussing new concepts and Answer each question with a Answer each question with a Let them fill the paragraph with Let them present to the class
practicing new skill #1 phrase. Ask your classmates to phrase. Ask your classmates to correct prepositions their output..
answer the succeeding answer the succeeding
questions. questions.
a. Whose floating shrine is the c. Whose floating shrine is the
Pagoda? Pagoda?
b. Where was it used? d. Where was it used?
E. Discussing new concepts a. Put each phrase strips on a.Put each phrase strips on
and- practicing new skill #2 the board. Have the pupils the board. Have the pupils
discover that their answers to discover that their answers to
all the questions in all the questions in
comprehension check are all comprehension check are all
in phrases. in phrases.
b. Ask the class to find out b.Ask the class to find out that
that prepositions may eithr be prepositions may eithr be
made up of single-words or made up of single-words or
compound words. compound words.
c. Show more written c.Show more written
examples of prepositional examples of prepositional
phrases on the board. phrases on the board

F. Developing mastery (Leads What are the prepositional

to Formative Assessment) phrases in these sentences?
Identify the prepositions and
their objects.
1. Having an aquarium is
the next best thing to living
under the sea.
2. A tropical fish store
owner will give advice on
the kind of tank and fish for
a beginner.
Many start with a ten-gallon

G. Finding practical applications A. Work with partner. Draw a Work in dyads. Remember that
of concepts and skills in daily circle around the correct an adverb phrase answers the
living preposition in the questions when, where, how
parentheses. often, or with or to what extent.
1. The scout badge is Supply an appropriate adverb
composed (with,of) two major phrase.
parts: the trefoil and the 1. The reenactment
scroll. of the suffering
2. The trefoil is the three- and death of Jesus
pointed portion (of, at) the is another tradition
badge, each point __________.
representing one of the three 2. The event is
promises of the scout oath. observed
3. The three stars stand (for, ____________.
of) the three geographical 3. The observance
divisions of the Philippine usually starts
Archipelago:Luzon, Visayas _____________.
and Mindanao.
H. Making generalizations and What is a prepositional phrase? What is a prepositional phrase? Prepositional phrase is a group Prepositional phrase is a group
abstractions about the What does it consist of? How What does it consist of? How of words that begins with a of words that begins with a
lesson does a prepositional phrase does a prepositional phrase preposition and ends with a preposition and ends with a
function? function? noun or a pronoun. noun or a pronoun.
The noun or a pronoun in the The noun or a pronoun in the
prepositional phrase is called prepositional phrase is called
the object of the preposition. the object of the preposition.
A prepositional phrase can be A prepositional phrase can be
used as a modifier. If the used as a modifier. If the
prepositional phrase function as prepositional phrase function as
an adjective describing a noun an adjective describing a noun
or a pronoun it is an adjective or a pronoun it is an adjective
prepositional phrase. If the prepositional phrase. If the
prepositional phrase function as prepositional phrase function as
an adverb modifying a verb, an an adverb modifying a verb, an
adjective, or another adverb it is adjective, or another adverb it is
an adverb prepositional phrase. an adverb prepositional phrase.
I. Evaluating learning Copy on a piece of paper the Direction: Copy the paragraph Let the pupils answer EXERCISE Let the pupils answer Activity Passing of papers, answering the
prepositional phrases in the and encircle the prepositions 4,p.264 (English for All Times B,p.269 test questions, checking the
following sentences. Underline used in it. Language) (. English for All Times answers and recording the data
each preposition once and its Oceans cover much of the Language)
object twice. earth’s surface. We do not know
1. Oceans cover much of very much about life
the earth’s surface. under the sea. Sealab 1 was an
2. We do not know very experiment in
much about life under undersea living. The experiment
the sea. was run by
3. Sealab I was an the US Navy. Sealab 1 was built
experiment in undersea in 1964. It
living. sunk at about fifty-seven meters
4. The experiment was in the water.
run by the US Navy. The sealab 1 is a manned by
5. Sealab I was built in experts of the US
1964 Navy. A cable attached Sealab1
to mother
ship, floating above. Life support
through the cable and into the
lab. Four men
occupied Sealab 1 during the
first test.
J. Additional activities for Assignment: Direction: Read the paragraph
application or remediation Choose any/at least 5 and find out
prepositions from the list below how Willy and the things he
and use them in meaningful liked to be. Copy
sentences the paragraph and encircle the
Single-word Preposition used in it.
during near My friend Willy is a very
under among interesting boy. He likes things
into with that an ordinary boy does
not go for. He enjoys talking
about plants and
other heavenly bodies. He likes
to do
experiments like making gelatin
out of gumamela leaves. He
spends most of his time
reading science books or doing
his mini laboratory. When you
talk to him, he
drops a lot of science
terminologies that you do
not understand. He loves to talk
for hours
about latest inventions and
about the lives of
famous scientists. You will surely
be amused
to have him around.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted:

Teacher Principal II

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