Chemical and Water Absorption Behaviour of Hardwickia Binata Fiber Reinforced Composites

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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001
Vol. 8, Issue 1, Feb 2018, 471-478
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




Research Scholar, JNTUA, Ananthapur, Andhara Pradesh, India
Associate Professor, Department of mechanical Engineering, GPREC, Kurnool, Andhara Pradesh, India
Associate Professor, Department of mechanical Engineering, JNTUA, Ananthapur, Andhara Pradesh, India

In recent years Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites have been used in the engineering applications.
Composite materials possess high strength to weight ratio, and due to these facts composite materials are becoming
popular among researchers and scientists. The major proportion of engineering materials consists of composite
materials. Natural fiber reinforced green eco-friendly composites made from jute, hemp, sisal, banana, coir, green
bagasse from the natural sources provide indisputable advantages over synthetic reinforcement materials such as low
cost, low density, non-toxicity, comparable strength, and minimum waste disposal problems. In the present work,
natural fiber Hardwickia Binata was introduced and composites were prepared varying fiber loading like 5%, 10%, 15%

Original Article
and 20% using hand lay-up process. Water absorption and chemical resistance properties were examined for the
fractured fibers. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis is carried out and analyzes the structure of the fractured
surfaces after water absorption

KEYWORDS: Natural Fiber, Composites, Hardwickia Binata, Chemical Absorption, Water Absorption & SEM

Received: Nov 30, 2017; Accepted: Dec 20, 2017; Published: Jan 10, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDFEB201852


Natural fibers are renewable, non-abrasive, and bio-degradable possess a good strength, exhibit excellent
mechanical properties and are inexpensive. This makes the materials very popular in engineering applications such
as the automotive and construction industry. Natural fibers are considered as environmentally friendly materials
which have good properties compared to synthetic fiber [1,2]. The use of natural fiber from both resources,
renewable and nonrenewable such as oil palm, sisal, flax, and jute to produce composite materials, gained
considerable attention in the last decades, so far. The plants, which produce cellulose fibers can be classified into
bast fibers (jute, flax, ramie, hemp, and kenaf), seed fibers (cotton, coir and kapok), leaf fibers (sisal, pineapple,
and abaca), grass and reed fibers (rice, corn, and wheat), and core fibers (hemp, kenaf, and jute) as well as all other
kinds (wood and roots) [3]. NFPCs with a high specific stiffness and strength can be produced by adding the tough
and light-weight natural fiber into polymer (thermoplastic and thermoset) [4]. Different factors can affect the
characteristics and performance of NFPCs. The hydrophilic nature of the natural fiber and the fiber loading also
has impact on the composite properties 5]. The effects of jute fiber on the mechanical properties of pure
biodegradable polymer (Biopol) and the mechanical properties of the resulted composites, impact strength, tensile
strength, and bending strength, showed an increase when compared with pure Biopol. The tensile strength of jute
Biopol was enhanced by 50%, while bending strength and impact strength of the composites were enhanced by
472 K. Sudha Madhuri, H. Raghavendra Rao & B. Chandra Mohan Reddy

30%and 90% in comparison to pure Biopol. NFPCs are such composites whose mechanical efficiency is dependent upon
the interface provided by fiber-matrix along with the stress transfer function in which stress is transferred to fiber from
matrix. This has been reported by many investigators in several researches [6,-, 8]. Characteristic components of natural
fibers such as orientation, moisture absorption, impurities, physical properties, and volume fraction play a constitutive role
in the determination of mechanical properties [9-13]. Bagassee polyester composites were prepared by addition of 5, 10
and 15% of untreated and alkali treated bagasse fibers to polyester, flexural behavior of the prepared composites was
studied, water absorption and chemical resistance were conducted showing that the produced bagassee polyester composite
with appreciable mechanical and physical properties is a new partner and cost effective material for many advanced
industrial applications in addition to their environmental friendly behavior[14]. Rajulu outlines the chemical properties of
natural fibers composites and discusses the latest trends in chemical modification mechanisms [15]. Guduri used uniaxial
natural fabric of Hildegardia populifolia as reinforcement for a polycarbonate toughened found to have reasonable
chemical and water resistance [16]. Jayaramudu used Polyalthiacerasoide woven fabrics as reinforcements of epoxy and
these hybrid composites showed resistance to acids, alkalis and various solvents and also possessed lower water absorption

In the present research the newly identified Hardwickia Binata Fiber obtained from the trees which are grayish
brown in colour, rough with deep cracks and it darkens with age [18]. The compound leaves have only two leaflets which
are joined at the base. The common name of hardwickia Binata Plant is Anjan or Narepa which belongs to the family
“caesalpiniaceae” native to tropical and subtropical regions [19, 20]. In the present study composites were fabricated by
hand layup process varying fiber loading and chemical resistance and water absorption properties were studied at 20%
fiber loading where maximum strength was found for the fractured fiber composites. Finally it is suggested that
Hardwickia binata fiber as an eco-friendly green composite and also used as an alternative for synthetic fibers.



In the present investigation, Hardwickia Binata fibers are used for the preparation of the composites. Fiber
collected from the bark of trees are extracted through retting process is treated with NaoH. Processed fiber is supplied by
Natural fiber suppliers, Guntur. Physical properties of the fiber were mentioned below in Table1. Epoxy resin type:
Araldite LY-556 and hardener HY-951 as the matrix components, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is used as mould releasing
agent, glass moulds are used for fabrication and the mould cavity is coated with a thin layer of aqueous solution of PVA for
easy removal of the sheet from the mould.

Table 1: Physical Properties of Hardwickia Binata Fiber

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

Chemical and Water Absorption Behaviour of Hardwickia 473
Binata Fiber Reinforced Composites

Preparation of Epoxy and Hardener

Epoxy LY-556 of density 1.15–1.20 g/cm3, mixed with hardener HY-951 of density 0.97–0.99 g/cm3 is used to
prepare the composite. The mixing ratio of Epoxy and hardener is 10:1. Resin was purchased from M/s. Sivaram Traders,
Hyderabad, A.P, India. Properties of resin were presented in the following table-2.

Table 2: Properties of Epoxy Resin

Chemical Treatment

Fiber extracted from the bark of the trees is treated with 5% NaoH solution and processed. The processed fiber is
dried in sunlight and in the Oven for 2hrs at 600 c to remove any moisture still present before going for Fabrication.
Processed fiber is readily supplied by the ‘Natural Fiber suppliers’, Guntur, A.P, India.

Fabrication of Composites

In the present work moulds made of Glass with dimensions 150X150X3 mm are used for fabrication of
Composites. Fabrication was carried out through hand lay-up technique. Initially the top and bottom surfaces of the mould
are coated with removing agent and dried. A layer of epoxy mixed with the hardener is applied on the bottom surface of the
mould and soon it began to dry completely a layer of fiber is placed and the process is repeated till the required thickness
and weight percentage of the fiber is reached. The top surface of the mould is closed with the glass plate followed by
releasing agent, compressed and allowed to dry for 24 hrs. After the curing process, test samples were cut to the required
sizes prescribed in the ASTM standards.

Chemical Resistance

The chemical resistance of the test composites was studied under alkalies, acids and solvents. The Hardwickia
Binata Fiber composites were immersed in chemicals according to standards ASTM D 543-87 with dimensions
10x10x3mm. Three acids, three bases and three solvents were taken for analysis. Glacial Acetic acid (8%), con. nitric acid
(40%), con. hydrochloric acid (10%), con ammonium hydroxide (10%), aq. sodium carbonate (20%), aq. sodium
hydroxide (10%), toluene (250ml), benzene (250ml), and carbon tetrachloride (250ml) were used after purification. In each
case, the samples were pre-weighed in a precision electronic balance and dipped in the respective chemicals for 24 hours.
They were removed and immediately washed in distilled water and dried by pressing them on both sides with the filter
paper at room temperature. The treated samples were then re-weighed and the %weight loss/gain was determined. In each
case, five samples were tested and their average values were reported.

% of variation in weight = (w2-w1)/w1 X 100

Where w1 is the weight of the specimen before immersion
474 K. Sudha Madhuri, H. Raghavendra Rao & B. Chandra Mohan Reddy

w2 is the weight of the specimen after immersion

Water Absorption

The water absorption experiment has been conducted for the composite samples. The samples were cut as per the
ASTM D 5229/D 5229M-92 standards with size 20x20x3 mm and dried in an oven at 800C for 24 h. The dried specimens
were weighed and note the weight. Then the specimens are immersed in distilled water at room temperature. The samples
were taken out in the time interval of 10 hrs and weighed, after wiping off the water on the surface of the specimens
samples with a cloth. The natural fibers are good examples of permeable fibers that absorb water to a much larger extent
than the resin calculated by using the following equation.

% of Water absorption = (m2-m1/m1) X 100

Where m2 is the weight of the specimen after immersion

m1 is the weight of the specimen before immersion

Scanning Electron Microscopy

Interfacial properties, such as fiber–matrix interaction, fracture behavior, and fiber pull-out of samples after water
absorption was observed using ZEISS scanning electron microscope. The fractured portions of the samples were cut and
gold coated over the surface uniformly for examination. The accelerating voltage used in this work is 10 kV.


Chemical Analysis

From the chemical Analysis, is observed that for acids and alkalies there is weight gain and the samples dipped in
the solvents there is weight loss. The percentage variation in weight is due to hydrophilicity nature of the fiber. In these
cases, the OH groups in the cellulose were better exposed and increased the hydrophilicity of the system. Also it is
observed that as the fiber loading is increasing there is an increase in the percentage variation of weight. Percentage
variation of weight is almost near for 15% and 20% fiber loading. For solvents it is quiet reverse i.e weight loss is
observed. Maximum weight loss is observed at Toulene.

Figure 1: Chemical Absorption of different Composite Samples Varying Fiber Loading

Water Absorption

From the figure, it is confirmed that the maximum amount of water has been absorbed up to 50 hours of
immersion and after that the percentage of water absorption remains constant. The swelled surface of the composite
specimen and fiber swelling has been observed. Surface decomposition also takes place when the specimen immersed in

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

Chemical and Water Absorption Behaviour of Hardwickia 475
Binata Fiber Reinforced Composites

water for a long period of time.

Figure: 2 Moisture Absorption of different Composite Samples varying Fiber Loading

Scanning Electron Microscopy Analysis

The micrographs of the samples after moisture absorption at constant time intervals are presented in Figure 3. The
water absorbed matrix layer is clearly visible in Figure 3(a), this is confirmed that the maximum amount of water has been
absorbed up to 50 hours of immersion and after that the percentage of water absorption remains constant. The swelled
surface of the composite specimen and fiber swelling has been observed. Surface decomposition also takes place when the
specimen immersed in water for a long period of time.

Figure 3(a) & 3(b): Microstructures of Composite Samples Immersed in Water


In the present investigation Hardwickia Binata fiber reinforced composites are fabricated at different fiber
loadings and the following conclusions have been arrived.

• From the water absorption tests, it can be concluded that the incorporation of Hardwickia binata fiber into the
Epoxy matrix is increasing simultaneously, with increase fiber content from 5% to 20% and is following Fickian

• From the chemical resistance test it is observed that the composites were found to be resistant to some acids,
alkalies and solvents. Also it is concluded that percentage variation in weight is increasing as the fiber content is

• From the SEM analysis, the fiber fracture, swelling due to water absorption and the internal cracks of the
fractured surfaces are clearly observed. Further it can be observed that the interfacial bonding between the fiber
and matrix is good for the composite samples and the fibers are well dispersed into the matrix.
476 K. Sudha Madhuri, H. Raghavendra Rao & B. Chandra Mohan Reddy


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