HHS Public Access: A Simple Prediction Score For Developing A Hospital-Acquired Infection After Acute Ischemic Stroke
HHS Public Access: A Simple Prediction Score For Developing A Hospital-Acquired Infection After Acute Ischemic Stroke
HHS Public Access: A Simple Prediction Score For Developing A Hospital-Acquired Infection After Acute Ischemic Stroke
Author manuscript
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2016 March 01.
Published in final edited form as:
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015 March ; 24(3): 680–686. doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2014.11.014.
Adam J. Friedant, BS1,*, Brittany M. Gouse, BS1,*, Amelia K. Boehme, PhD, MSPH2,3, James
E. Siegler, MD4, Karen C. Albright, DO, MPH5,6,7, Dominique J. Monlezun, MPH1, Alexander
J. George, BS1, T. Mark Beasley, PhD8, and Sheryl Martin-Schild, MD, PhD1
1Stroke Program, Department of Neurology, Tulane University Hospital, New Orleans, LA 70112
6Health Services and Outcomes Research Center for Outcome and Effectiveness Research and
Education (COERE)
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Results—Of 568 patients, 84 (14.8%) developed an infection during their stays. Patients who
developed infection were older (73 vs. 64, p<0.0001), more frequently diabetic (43.9% vs. 29.1%,
Conclusion—In our sample, clinical, laboratory, and imaging information available at admission
identified patients at risk for infections during their acute hospitalizations. If validated in other
populations, this score could assist providers in predicting infections after ischemic stroke.
infection; acute ischemic stroke; outcome; risk factors; modeling
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Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality among
patients admitted with an ischemic stroke.[1] The National Healthcare Safety Network
defines a HAI, or nosocomial infection, as a “localized or systemic condition that is
preventable and results from an adverse reaction to the presence of an infectious agent with
no evidence that the infection was present or incubating at the time of admission to the acute
care setting”.[2] Post-ischemic stroke infections are particularly problematic because they
increase the risk of death and disability after discharge through fever, immobilization of the
patient, and end-organ damage resulting from shock.[3][4] Furthermore, infections are known
to complicate ischemic stroke recovery by increasing hospital costs and by prolonging
While patient-related factors such as stroke severity and age are indicators of outcome
following acute ischemic stroke (AIS), HAIs may also play a long-term role.[8][9][10] Prior
research has shown that infections present on admission (POA) are not associated with poor
outcomes after ischemic stroke, whereas HAIs are a major contributor to poor functional
outcomes.[11] Urinary tract infection (UTI), pneumonia (PNA), and bacteremia are among
the most common types of HAI, presenting a barrier to long term recovery in this
population.[6][12] Together, these three infection types comprise nearly half of all HAIs.13]
Early identification of risk factors for infection during hospitalization for AIS is important,
considering effective management may prevent the development of a HAI and subsequently
improve long-term outcomes, although this remains controversial.[14][15][16] Prior research
has shown that infections occur more commonly in the acute phase following ischemic
stroke.[17] Several investigators have identified risk factors for hospital-acquired PNA after
stroke and prediction models have been generated,[18][19] but to date, no model has been
generated to assess the risk of any nosocomial infection. The purpose of this study was to
develop a simple risk prediction model useful in a broad spectrum of infection subtypes in
patients hospitalized for AIS.
Study Population
A retrospective analysis of previously collected data of all patients with AIS who presented
to our single academic institution between July 2008 and June 2012 was performed using
previously described methods.[20] The registry includes demographic variables, baseline
clinical, laboratory, medication, and imaging variables, as well as inpatient clinical,
laboratory, medication, and imaging variables on all patients admitted with a stroke. Patients
were excluded if they were last seen normal >48 hours prior to admission, had an unknown
time of last seen normal, were transferred to our center from an outside hospital, experienced
an in-hospital stroke, or had an infection present on admission (defined as an infection
diagnosed within the first 24 hours of admission).
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Definition of Outcomes
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All-cause HAIs were defined as any type of bacterial, fungal, or viral infection. Infection
types not included in the detailed scoring mechanisms (e.g. cellulitis, pseudomembranous
colitis, meningitis, ventriculitis) were diagnosed clinically or via laboratory/imaging
findings. Subsequent analyses were performed to assess predictors of UTI, PNA, and
bacteremia. UTIs were defined as >100,000 colony forming units per millimeter of urine in
a patient with signs and symptoms. Urinalysis, which is ordered for all patients on admission
as part of a standardized order set, distinguishes HAI from bacteriuria present on admission.
PNA was defined as an infiltrate on chest radiography with appropriate clinical correlates,
but is considered present on admission (and therefore excluded) if identified on baseline
chest radiography, which is also part of a standardized admission order set.[21] Bacteremia
was defined as >100,000 colony forming units in at least two venous blood samples
(excluding contaminants). We considered coagulase-negative staphylococci, diphtheroids,
Micrococcus spp., Bacillus spp., and Viridans group streptococci as contaminants if these
bacteria did not grow out of all available blood culture vials from a given date and time (e.g.
if only one out of two blood culture vials speciated the organism).
Statistical Analysis
We compared admission variables of interest between patients who contracted a HAI and
those who did not contract a HAI. Pearson Chi-Square (or Fisher's exact test where
appropriate) was used to compare proportions. The Wilcoxon Rank Sum test was used to
compare medians of continuous data. A prediction score for HAIs was created by dividing
the patient sample into a random sample of 55% of the dataset (build group). The remaining
45% constituted the test group. Once the score was tested in the test group, the score was
tested in the entire dataset. Logistic regression models were used to assess the association
between admission variables and the outcome of interest, HAI. Every variable collected at
the time of admission as part of the registry was tested in a univariable logistic regression
score variables and were evaluated at different values and dichotomizations by calculating
the sensitivity and specificity of each binary exposure. Further testing on the categorized
variable through crude logistic regression models to identify cutoff points was conducted.
Each continuous variable was evaluated using receiver operator characteristics (ROC)
curves. Spearman's correlation and ROC curves were used to evaluate the final score. The
points assigned to the variables in the score were determined using the beta coefficients from
the final adjusted logistic regression model for predicting all-cause infections. This process
was repeated to create a prediction score for UTIs, PNA and bacteremia. Logistic regression
was then used to assess what prediction score cut off was most predictive of each outcome
of interest. As this was an exploratory analysis, no adjustments were made for multiple
comparisons.[22] An alpha of 0.05 was used as the level of significance.
Baseline Characteristics
Of the 568 patients included in this study, 84 (14.8%) were found to have a HAI. Of these
patients, 56 (66.7%) developed a UTI, 28 (33.3%) developed PNA, and 20 (23.8%)
developed bacteremia. These infection groups were not mutually exclusive as 20 patients
(23.8%) in our cohort with HAI experienced more than one HAI during admission. In the
multivariable models, an age of greater than or equal to 70 years old on admission was a
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significant independent predictor of HAI (OR 2.49, 95%CI 1.55-4.00, p=0.0002). History of
diabetes was also a significant independent predictor of HAI (OR 1.91, 95%CI 1.18-3.09,
p=0.0084). We categorized baseline NIHSS into three categories (NIHSS 0-7, 8-14, >14) as
reported in a prior prognostic study,[23] which was also found to be significantly higher in
patients with HAIs than patients without HAIs (OR=2.10, 95% CI 1.60-2.77, p<0.0001).
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In the HAI model, history of diabetes met the <0.2 univariable p-value cut off. Glucose on
admission was not included in the final prediction model because of colinearity with history
of diabetes. History of diabetes was selected over admission glucose due to better sensitivity
and specificity in predicting HAIs. The cutoff age was determined by testing different
cutpoints in the final multivariable model to assess which threshold was more predictive in
the total model. NIHSS on admission categories were determined using previously
established categories.[23] The final prediction score for HAIs is shown in Table 2. The HAI
Prediction Score ranged from 0 to 7 and produced an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.7311.
Using the entire cohort, 76.8% of patients with a HAI Prediction Score greater than or equal
to 4 developed a HAI. Figure 2 illustrates the distribution of the HAI Prediction Score
among patients without HAI compared to patients who developed a HAI. Additionally, the
odds of a patient with a HAI Prediction Score greater than or equal to 4 of developing a HAI
was nearly 6 times the odds of patients with HAI Prediction Scores of 0-3 of developing a
HAI ( OR 5.67 95% CI 3.28-9.81, p<0.0001).
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In the HAI model, history of diabetes and history of atrial fibrillation met the <0.2
univariable p-value cut off. The previously described methods for creating HAI, UTI, and
PNA scores was applied to patients with bacteremia.[23] The final prediction score for
bacteremia is shown in Table 1. The Bacteremia Prediction Score ranged from 0 to 8 and
produced an AUC of 0.6891 (Figure 1). Figure 5 illustrates the distribution of the
Bacteremia Prediction Score among patients without nosocomial bacteremia compared to
patients who developed nosocomial bacteremia. The odds of a patient with a Bacteremia
Prediction Score greater than or equal to 6 of developing bacteremia was 3 times the odds of
patients with Bacteremia Prediction Scores of 0-5 of developing bacteremia (OR 3.34 95%
CI 1.27-8.75, p=0.0143).
In this current study, we derived a simple risk score for HAI during post-stroke
hospitalization using clinical and demographic variables available on admission.
Additionally, we developed individual risk scores for the three main types of HAI: UTI,
PNA, and bacteremia. These models predict the potential risk of a HAI using information
available at the time of hospital presentation, regardless of subsequent in-hospital
management. These simple scores can identify patients at risk for a HAI, and have the
potential to subsequently guide in-hospital care to mitigate HAIs and their effects on
In our cohort, we found that 1 in 7 patients experienced a HAI during their stroke admission.
Our results are consistent with previous studies in showing that HAIs occur in older patients
with higher NIHSS at baseline and in patients with diabetes.[18][24][25][26] Our data is also
consistent with previous reports where the prevalence of HAI, while lower in our sample
than other reports of AIS (14% vs. 16-42%),[27][28] remains higher than the general
prevalence of HAI reported in larger cohort studies of non-stroke patients (16-42% vs. 6-
Predictive scores have been developed in prior research for PNA. The A2DS2 score, a
10point scoring system that included age, history of atrial fibrillation, dysphagia, sex, and
stroke severity as calculated by NIHSS, was used to determine the risk of PNA following
ischemic stroke.[31] Several other studies assessed risk factors and created scores for
nosocomial post-stroke PNA.[18][24][32][33] While these previous models are adequate for
predicting post-stroke PNA, our model incorporates multiple HAI subtypes. Further, these
studies included lab values in their algorithms, while our score requires no more than patient
history and short clinical assessments.[34][35][36] Our study demonstrates that a score using
only variables available at the time of admission is feasible. Through our model, we were
able to identify patients who were at 6-fold higher odds of developing a HAI after an
ischemic stroke. This score may eventually prove valuable in an effort to prevent HAIs;
however, this remains unknown at this time.
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A prior meta-analysis investigated the effects of prophylactic antibiotic use in acute ischemic
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stroke patients. Unfortunately, the clinical trials used in the meta-analysis were not designed
or powered to investigate the use of prophylactic antibiotics to reduce post stroke
infections.[16] Further research is needed in the form of prospective studies to evaluate the
efficacy of certain safety precautions or prophylactic antibiotic use in AIS patients in
preventing HAIs and improving outcome.
Our study is limited by its retrospective nature and relatively small sample size. Our sample
is derived from a large, urban area seeking services at a single academic center.
Furthermore, a weakness in the development of any prediction score is the difficulty
inherent to widespread implementation, which could be mitigated by the use of centralized
freeware sources. Due to the high prevalence of UTI, PNA, and bacteremia within HAIs, we
focused our prediction models on these three subtypes only. Confirmation of additional
infection subtypes is technically challenging (e.g., rhinosinusitis, lower extremity cellulitis)
or infrequent (e.g., meningitis/encephalitis), which thereby limits the broad range of
infections we could include in our modeling. Because of the relative rarity in these infection
subtypes, we do not believe their inclusion would significantly affect the results presented
here. Additional validation is needed to examine the generalizability of our HAI prediction
Despite its limitations, our study is unique in that we were able to develop sensitive and
specific prediction scores for all-cause HAI, as well as specific types of HAIs in AIS
patients. If validated, our scoring system has the potential to identify AIS patients at higher
odds of developing a HAI. This could then be used for future prospective studies designed to
evaluate safety precautions and treatment methods to reduce HAIs and improve patient
outcome. Future work may incorporate blood-based immune and stress markers to further
improve upon our simple HAI scoring system.
Sources of Funding: Dr. Boehme is supported by NINDS NIH T32 NS007153-31. The content is solely the
responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NINDS or the NIH. This
study was conducted at Tulane Medical Center.
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Figure 1. Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for the HAI Predictor Score, the UTI
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Prediction Score, the Pneumonia Prediction score and the bacteremia prediction score Figure 2.
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Table 1
Baseline characteristics of patients with and without a hospital inquired infection (HAI) during stroke service
Serum Glucose, median mg/dl (IQR) 115 (58-569) 133 (78-481) 0.0427
Serum Platelet count, median per mL 222 (54-751) 210 (10-750) 0.1732
IV tPA, No. (%) 186 (40.3%) 37 (44.1%) 0.5159
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Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; Baseline NIHSS, National Institutes of Stroke Scale score at admission; TOAST, Trial of Org 10172 in
Acute Stroke Treatment; IV tPA, intravenous tissue plasminogen activator.
Table 2
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Characteristics of the Overall HAI score, the UTI prediction score, the pneumonia
prediction score and the bacteremia prediction score
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