Ciw 861
Ciw 861
Ciw 861
hospital discharge or even many years later. We, therefore, prefer
Meningitis may not only be acquired in the community setting, the term “healthcare-associated ventriculitis and meningitis” to
but may be associated with a variety of invasive procedures or be more representative of the diverse mechanisms (that include
head trauma. The latter group has often been classified as nosoco- placement of devices) that can lead to these serious illnesses.
mial meningitis because a different spectrum of microorganisms Summarized below are recommendations for the evaluation,
(ie, resistant gram-negative bacilli and staphylococci) is the more diagnosis, and management of healthcare-associated ventricu-
likely the etiologic agents, and different pathogenic mechanisms litis and meningitis, specifically addressing the approach to
are associated with the development of this disease. Although infections associated with cerebrospinal fluid shunts, cerebro-
many of these patients present with clinical symptoms during spinal fluid drains, intrathecal drug (eg, baclofen) therapy, deep
hospitalization, ventriculitis and meningitis may develop after brain stimulation hardware, and neurosurgery and head trauma.
These infections may be difficult to diagnose because changes in
cerebrospinal fluid parameters are often subtle, making it hard
Received 12 December 2016; editorial decision 12 December 2016; accepted 16 December 2016. to determine if the abnormalities are related to infection, related
*It is important to realize that guidelines cannot always account for individual variation
among patients. They are not intended to supplant physician judgment with respect to particu- to placement of devices, or following neurosurgery. Many of our
lar patients or special clinical situations. The Infectious Diseases Society of America considers recommendations are based on expert opinion because rigor-
adherence to these guidelines to be voluntary, with the ultimate determination regarding their
application to be made by the physician in the light of each patient’s individual circumstances.
ous clinical data are not available and the likelihood that clini-
Correspondence: A. R. Tunkel, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, 222 Rich- cal trials will be conducted to answer some of these questions is
mond Street, Room G-M143 Providence, RI 02912 (
low. Our goal was to develop guidelines that offered a practical
Clinical Infectious Diseases® 2017;64(6):e34–e65 and useful approach to assist practicing clinicians in the man-
© The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society
of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail:
agement of these challenging infections. The panel followed a
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciw861 process used in the development of other IDSA guidelines that
Figure 1. Approach and implications to rating the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment,
Development and Evaluation) methodology (unrestricted use of the figure granted by the US GRADE Network).
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e35
11. Fever, in the absence of another clear source of infection, is therapy; a negative CSF culture in the setting of previous
suggestive of central nervous system (CNS) infection in the antimicrobial therapy does not exclude healthcare-associ-
setting of recent head trauma or neurosurgery (weak, low). ated ventriculitis and meningitis (strong, moderate).
12. New fever and drainage from the surgical site in patients 24. CSF pleocytosis with a positive culture and symptoms of
with intrathecal infusion pumps are suggestive of wound infection are indicative of a diagnosis of healthcare-associ-
infection (weak, low). ated ventriculitis or meningitis (strong, high).
25. Hypoglycorrhachia and elevated CSF protein concentra-
II. What are the Typical Cerebrospinal Fluid Findings in Patients tions are suggestive of the diagnosis of healthcare-associ-
with Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis?
ated ventriculitis or meningitis (weak, low).
Cell Count, Glucose, and Protein
26. Growth of an organism that is commonly considered a con-
taminant (eg, coagulase-negative staphylococcus) in enrich-
13. Abnormalities of CSF cell count, glucose, and/or protein ment broth only or on just 1 of multiple cultures in a patient
may not be reliable indicators for the presence of infection with normal CSF and no fever is not indicative of health-
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e37
VII. What is the Role of Intraventricular Antimicrobial Therapy X. How are Patients Monitored for Response to Treatment?
in Patients with Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Recommendations
Meningitis? 66. Patients with healthcare-associated ventriculitis and men-
ingitis should be monitored for response to treatment
55. Intraventricular antimicrobial therapy should be consid- based on clinical parameters (strong, low).
ered for patients with healthcare-associated ventriculitis 67. In patients with healthcare-associated ventriculitis and
and meningitis in which the infection responds poorly to meningitis and an external drainage device, monitoring of
systemic antimicrobial therapy alone (strong, low). CSF cultures is recommended to ensure that they become
56. When antimicrobial therapy is administered via a ventricu- negative (strong, low).
lar drain, the drain should be clamped for 15–60 minutes to 68. In patients with no definitive clinical improvement, addi-
allow the agent to equilibrate throughout the CSF (strong, tional CSF analysis is recommended to ensure that the CSF
low). parameters have improved and the cultures become nega-
57. Dosages and intervals of intraventricular antimicrobial tive (strong, low).
therapy should be adjusted based on CSF antimicrobial 69. For external CSF drains not being used in the treatment of
concentrations to 10–20 times the MIC of the causative CSF shunt infection, daily CSF cultures and analysis are not
microorganism (strong, low), ventricular size (strong, low),
58. Infections caused by a coagulase-negative staphylococcus 70. In patients with infection caused by coagulase-negative
or P. acnes with no or minimal CSF pleocytosis, normal staphylococci or P. acnes, with no associated CSF abnor-
CSF glucose, and few clinical symptoms or systemic fea- malities and with negative CSF cultures for 48 hours after
tures should be treated for 10 days (strong, low). externalization, a new shunt should be reimplanted as soon
59. Infections caused by a coagulase-negative staphylococcus as the third day after removal (strong, low).
or P. acnes with significant CSF pleocytosis, CSF hypoglyc- 71. In patients with infection caused by a coagulase-negative
orrhachia, or clinical symptoms or systemic features should staphylococcus or P. acnes, with associated CSF abnormal-
be treated for 10–14 days (strong, low). ities but negative repeat CSF cultures, a new shunt should
60. Infections caused by S. aureus or gram-negative bacilli with be reimplanted after 7 days of antimicrobial therapy (strong,
or without significant CSF pleocytosis, CSF hypoglycor- low); if repeat cultures are positive, antimicrobial treatment
rhachia, or clinical symptoms or systemic features should is recommended until CSF cultures remain negative for 7–10
be treated for 10–14 days (strong, low); some experts sug- consecutive days before a new shunt is placed (strong, low).
gest treatment of infection caused by gram-negative bacilli 72. In patients with infection caused by S. aureus or gram-neg-
for 21 days (weak, low). ative bacilli, a new shunt should be reimplanted 10 days
61. In patients with repeatedly positive CSF cultures on appro- after CSF cultures are negative (strong, low).
priate antimicrobial therapy, treatment should be contin- 73. A period off antimicrobial therapy is not recommended to
ued for 10–14 after the last positive culture (strong, low). verify clearing of the infection before shunt reimplantation
(strong, low).
IX. What is the Role of Catheter Removal in Patients with
Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts or Drains? XII. What is the Best Approach to Prevent Infection in Patients
Recommendations Who are Receiving Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts?
62. Complete removal of an infected CSF shunt and replace-
ment with an external ventricular drain combined with 74. Periprocedural prophylactic antimicrobial administration
intravenous antimicrobial therapy is recommended in is recommended for patients undergoing CSF shunt or
patients with infected CSF shunts (strong, moderate). drain insertion (strong, moderate).
63. Removal of an infected CSF drain is recommended (strong, 75. Periprocedural prophylactic antimicrobial administration
moderate). is recommended for patients undergoing placement of
64. Removal of an infected intrathecal infusion pump is rec- external ventricular drains (strong, moderate).
ommended (strong, moderate). 76. Prolonged antimicrobial prophylaxis for the duration of
65. Removal of infected hardware in patients with deep brain the external ventricular drain is of uncertain benefit and
stimulation infections is recommended (strong, moderate). not recommended (strong, moderate).
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e39
subarachnoid space (lumbar drain). External ventricular drains Intrathecal Infusion Pumps
are most useful for temporary management in patients with ele- Administration of drug therapy (eg, baclofen) via intrathecal
vated intracranial pressure secondary to acute hydrocephalus infusion pumps has been successful for patients with intractable
caused by intracranial hemorrhage, neoplasm obstruction of spasticity, most commonly in patients with cerebral palsy but
the CSF circulation, or trauma. The distal end of the catheter also in patients with spasticity from multiple sclerosis, trauma,
is connected to a collecting system, which has a drip chamber, hereditary spastic paraplegia, and a variety of other conditions.
ports for measuring intracranial pressure, sampling and injec- Intrathecal opiate therapy has been used in the management of
tion ports (used to obtain CSF and inject medications), and intractable pain, usually in patients with malignancy. The cath-
a collection bag. Drains are usually placed via 1 incision and eter is inserted in the lumbar region and passed intrathecally
then tunneled a distance subcutaneously before exiting through with the tip at the highest spinal cord level at which the drug
the skin. In patients with external ventricular drains, the inci- is to be administered. Initially, the pumps were inserted sub-
dence of ventriculitis has ranged from 0% to 22%. In a large cutaneously in the abdomen, but this has been superseded in
metaanalysis of 35 studies that yielded 752 infections from some centers, particularly those focused on pediatric patients,
66 706 catheter-days of observation [21], the overall pooled by placement below the abdominal fascia to decrease the risk of
incidence of external ventricular drain–related CSF infection erosion through the skin. Once implanted, the device must be
was 11.4 per 1000 catheter-days (95% confidence interval [CI], periodically refilled with the desired drug via transcutaneous
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e41
implantation of intrathecal infusion pumps, implantation of 3. Fever, in the absence of another clear source of infection,
deep brain stimulation hardware, and general neurosurgery and could be suggestive of CSF shunt infection (weak, low).
head trauma. Recommendations were followed by the strength 4. Symptoms and signs of peritonitis or abdominal tenderness
of the recommendation and the quality of the evidence support- in patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunts, in the absence
ing the recommendation. Many recommendations, however, of another clear etiology, are indicative of CSF shunt infec-
were based on expert opinion because rigorous clinical data are tion (strong, moderate).
not available, and the likelihood that clinical trials will be con- 5. Symptoms and signs of pleuritis in patients with ventricu-
ducted to answer some of these questions is low. For many of lopleural shunts, in the absence of another clear etiology, are
these recommendations, the grade was designated as “strong” indicative of CSF shunt infection (strong, moderate).
and evidence was designated as “low” if there was consensus 6. Demonstration of bacteremia in a patient with a ventricu-
among the experts around specific recommendations. Drafts loatrial shunt, in the absence of another clear source of
were reviewed by panel members, who provided input on the bacteremia, is evidence of CSF shunt infection (strong,
content as well as weighting and grading of the evidence. These moderate).
guidelines represent a practical and useful approach to assist 7. Demonstration of glomerulonephritis in a patient with a
practicing clinicians in the management of these challenging ventriculoatrial shunt is suggestive of CSF shunt infection
infections. (weak, low).
or meningitis and may cause shunt obstruction or decreased 8. New or worsening altered mental status in patients with
function [38, 46]. Rarely, intracranial empyemas and abscesses external ventricular drains is suggestive of infection (weak,
may occur secondary to an incompletely treated infection or in low).
the presence of hardware not removed as part of the treatment 9. New fever and increased CSF white blood cell count in
process. patients with external ventricular drains could be suggestive
Symptoms of infection referable to the distal portion of the of infection (weak, low).
shunt are more specific to terminus location [46]. Infected
shunts that terminate in the peritoneal or pleural space may Evidence Summary
lead to an inflammatory response in the absorbing tissue (ie, Ventricular drains become infected from organisms that are
peritonitis or pleuritis). In patients with infected ventricu- introduced through the drainage system or through the skin
loperitoneal shunts, symptoms of peritonitis appear as the site [47, 48]. Infections are more frequent with external ven-
peritoneal inflammation becomes more severe and as fever, tricular drains than with CSF shunts and may be caused by hos-
anorexia, and other signs and symptoms of an acute abdomen pital flora. The change in mental status that occurs in patients
develop. With low-virulence organisms, localizing signs of
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e43
peripheral leukocytosis are also classic findings in meningitis, but erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein) have not
there may be many other causes of these findings in a hospital- been evaluated in the approach to diagnosis of these infections. In
ized patient [51]. Signs of meningeal irritation, including nuchal patients with suspected CSF shunt infection (ie, in those in whom
rigidity, are seen in only 20%–30% of patients [52, 53]. A history evidence of infection is suspected and other sources of infection
of a device placed into the CSF, a craniotomy or trauma resulting have been excluded), consultation with a neurosurgeon is neces-
in contamination of the CSF, and the absence of another cause for sary to access CSF for analysis. Note that CSF may not need to be
fevers or seizures makes this diagnosis more likely. obtained if another clear source of infection has been identified.
Changes in CSF parameters may be subtle [14], thus making it
Intrathecal Infusion Pumps hard to determine if the abnormalities are related to infection or
Recommendation secondary to the underlying reason for catheter placement or a
12. New fever and drainage from the surgical site in patients result of neurosurgery [55, 56]. Although high CSF white blood
with intrathecal infusion pumps are suggestive of wound cell counts correlate with the presence of infection, infection may
infection (weak, low). be present even in patients with normal CSF white blood cell
counts. CSF white blood cell counts and lactate concentrations
Evidence Summary were normal in approximately 20% of episodes in one study of
The clinical presentation of patients with intrathecal infusion adults with shunt-associated infection [14]. CSF eosinophilia
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e45
routine cultures of shunt components, when shunts are • Infection: Single or multiple positive CSF cultures with CSF ple-
removed for other indications, is not recommended. In one ocytosis and/or hypoglycorrhachia, or an increasing cell count,
study of 174 shunt revisions, 19 patients had positive shunt and clinical symptoms suspicious for ventriculitis or meningitis.
component cultures without signs of infection (ie, asymp-
tomatic bacteriologic shunt contamination); only 1 patient The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National
was treated with antimicrobial therapy [66]. There was no Healthcare Safety Network (CDC/NHSN) definition of health-
increase in the risk of shunt malfunction in this group when care-associated ventriculitis or meningitis includes at least 1 of
compared to other patients with CSF shunts in the database the following criteria (CDC/NHSN Surveillance Definitions;
at their institution. January 2015) [67]:
In patients with ventriculoatrial shunts, blood cultures
should be performed because bacteremia is invariably present • Organism cultured from CSF
in patients with infected ventriculoatrial shunts (positive blood • At least 2 of the following symptoms with no other recog-
cultures in >90% of cases). This contrasts with infections in nized cause in patients aged >1 year: fever >38°C or headache,
other types of CSF shunts in which the incidence of negative meningeal signs, or cranial nerve signs, or at least 2 of the fol-
blood cultures approaches 80% [38]. Blood cultures may be lowing symptoms with no other recognized cause in patients
considered in these patients, although positive results should aged ≤1 year: fever >38°C or hypothermia <36°C, apnea,
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e47
32. Nucleic acid amplification tests, such as PCR, on CSF may of hydrocephalus, CSF lactate concentrations were normal in
both increase the ability to identify a pathogen and decrease 20% of patients who were diagnosed with a shunt infection.
the time to making a specific diagnosis (weak, low).
33. Detection of β–D-glucan and galactomannan in CSF may Procalcitonin
be useful in the diagnosis of fungal ventriculitis and men- In patients who presented from the community with meningi-
ingitis (strong, moderate). tis, serum procalcitonin concentrations had the highest speci-
ficity for identifying bacterial meningitis when compared to
Evidence Summary C-reactive protein, blood and CSF leukocyte counts, CSF pro-
Lactate tein, CSF lactate concentrations, and the CSF-to-serum glucose
An elevated CSF lactate concentration of more than 3.5 to 4.2 ratio. The cutoff used in this study was 0.5 ng/mL. The speci-
mmol/L occurs more frequently in bacterial than in aseptic ficity was 100%, but the sensitivity was only 68% [82]. Serum
meningitis. Two large metaanalyses have concluded that ele- procalcitonin has been studied in patients who had a neurologic
vated CSF lactate concentration is better than the CSF WBC disorder that resulted in hydrocephalus and subsequent place-
count, glucose, or protein in differentiating bacterial menin- ment of an external ventricular drain [83]. This included patients
gitis from aseptic meningitis (sensitivity of 93% and 97% and with intracranial hemorrhage, infarction, or tumor. In this study,
specificity of 96% and 94%, respectively) [76, 77]. However, the body temperature, CSF white cell count, CSF protein, CSF lac-
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e49
should be based on local in vitro susceptibility patterns VI. Once a Pathogen is Identified, what Specific Antimicrobial
(strong, low). Agent(s) Should be Administered?
38. In seriously ill adult patients with healthcare-associated
ventriculitis and meningitis, the vancomycin trough con- 41. For treatment of infection caused by methicillin-suscepti-
centration should be maintained at 15–20 μg/mL in those ble S. aureus, nafcillin or oxacillin is recommended (strong,
who receive intermittent bolus administration (strong, moderate). If the patient cannot receive beta-lactam agents,
low). the patient can be desensitized or may receive vancomycin
39. For patients with healthcare-associated ventriculitis and as an alternative agent (weak, moderate).
meningitis who have experienced anaphylaxis to beta- 42. For treatment of infection caused by methicillin-resistant
lactam antimicrobial agents and in whom meropenem is S. aureus, vancomycin is recommended as first-line therapy
contraindicated, aztreonam or ciprofloxacin is recom- (strong, moderate), with consideration for an alternative
mended for gram-negative coverage (strong, low). antimicrobial agent if the vancomycin minimal inhibitory
40. For patients with healthcare-associated ventriculitis and concentration (MIC) is ≥1 μg/mL (strong, moderate).
meningitis who are colonized or infected elsewhere with 43. For treatment of infection caused by coagulase-negative
a highly antimicrobial-resistant pathogen, adjusting the staphylococci, the recommended therapy should be simi-
empiric regimen to treat for this pathogen is recommended lar to that for S. aureus and based on in vitro susceptibility
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e51
Table 1. Recommended Antimicrobial Therapy in Patients With Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis Based on Isolated Pathogen and In
Vitro Susceptibility Testing
liposomal amphotericin B, and amphotericin B lipid complex minutes to allow the agent to equilibrate throughout the
are reasonable alternatives. The duration of therapy for these CSF (strong, low).
infections depends largely on the host. If the patient is chroni- 57. Dosages and intervals of intraventricular antimicrobial
cally immunosuppressed, the initial treatment may be followed therapy should be adjusted based on CSF antimicrobial
by oral therapy to prevent relapse. Any immunosuppressive concentrations to 10–20 times the MIC of the causative
agents that can be safely discontinued should be stopped. In the microorganism (strong, low), ventricular size (strong, low),
2012 outbreak of E. rostratum meningitis, voriconazole was also and daily output from the ventricular drain (strong, low).
recommended. A 3-month course of treatment appeared to be
adequate for patients who had isolated meningitis and who had Evidence Summary
no symptoms or CSF abnormalities after 3 months [74, 75]. Direct instillation of antimicrobial agents into the lateral ven-
tricle or the lumbar thecal sac (in the case of lumbar shunts)
VII. What is the Role of Intraventricular Antimicrobial Therapy may be necessary in patients with CSF shunt or drain infec-
in Patients with Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and tions that are difficult to eradicate with intravenous antimi-
Meningitis? crobial therapy alone or when the patient is unable to undergo
the surgical components of therapy. This route of admin-
55. Intraventricular antimicrobial therapy should be consid- istration bypasses the blood–CSF barrier, with controlled
ered for patients with healthcare-associated ventriculitis delivery of the antimicrobial agent to the site of infection.
and meningitis in which the infection responds poorly to Intraventricular antimicrobials have the theoretical advantage
systemic antimicrobial therapy alone (strong, low). of achieving high CSF concentrations without high systemic
56. When antimicrobial therapy is administered via a ven- blood concentrations, hence lower potential systemic toxic-
tricular drain, the drain should be clamped for 15–60 ities [116]. However, the efficacy and safety of this route of
administration have not been demonstrated in controlled tri- Chemotherapy for the management of neurosurgical patients
als. Intraventricular antimicrobials are not approved by the with postoperative meningitis or external ventricular drain–
US Food and Drug Administration and there is insufficient associated ventriculitis [118]. Reports suggest that intraven-
evidence to recommend their general use. However, intraven- tricular or intrathecal administration of antimicrobials (eg,
tricular antimicrobial therapy may be considered an option for polymyxin B, colistimethate sodium, gentamicin, and van-
patients with healthcare-associated ventriculitis and meningi- comycin) is not associated with severe or irreversible toxic-
tis in which the infection responds poorly to systemic antimi- ity [119]. There are also prospective comparative studies that
crobial therapy alone. A recent systematic review sponsored by demonstrated that antimicrobials intraventricularly adminis-
the American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress tered show better pharmacodynamics and similar efficacy and
of Neurological Surgeons also noted insufficient evidence safety compared to intravenous antimicrobial agents [120,
to recommend their use in pediatric shunt infections [117]. 121]. Penicillins and cephalosporins should not be given by
However, they have been recommended by the Neurosurgery the intrathecal route because they have been associated with
Working Party of the British Society for Antimicrobial significant neurotoxicity, especially seizures [116].
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e53
In several studies on the pharmacokinetics, safety, and Table 3. Recommended Dosages of Antimicrobial Agents Administered
efficacy of intraventricular administration of antimicrobial by the Intraventricular Route
ative meningitis were treated with intraventricular gen- Vancomycin 5–20 mge,f,h
tamicin and intravenous antimicrobials when compared to There are no specific data that define the exact dose of intraventricular antimicrobial
agents that should be used in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt and drain infections. Given
intravenous therapy alone. However, one half of the infants the smaller CSF volume in infants (approximately 50 mL) compared to adults (approxi-
mately 125–150 mL), doses in infants should probably be decreased at least 60% or more
in the intraventricular gentamicin group had received only 1
VIII. What is the Optimal Duration of Antimicrobial Therapy 62. Complete removal of an infected CSF shunt and replace-
in Patients with Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and ment with an external ventricular drain combined with
Meningitis? intravenous antimicrobial therapy is recommended in
patients with infected CSF shunts (strong, moderate).
58. Infections caused by a coagulase-negative staphylococcus 63. Removal of an infected CSF drain is recommended (strong,
or P. acnes with no or minimal CSF pleocytosis, normal moderate).
CSF glucose, and few clinical symptoms or systemic fea- 64. Removal of an infected intrathecal infusion pump is rec-
tures should be treated for 10 days (strong, low). ommended (strong, moderate).
59. Infections caused by a coagulase-negative staphylococcus 65. Removal of infected hardware in patients with deep brain
or P. acnes with significant CSF pleocytosis, CSF hypoglyc- stimulation infections is recommended (strong, moderate).
orrhachia, or clinical symptoms or systemic features should
be treated for 10–14 days (strong, low). Evidence Summary
60. Infections caused by S. aureus or gram-negative bacilli with Surgical options for the management of CSF shunt infection
or without significant CSF pleocytosis, CSF hypoglycor- include no surgical management (ie, antimicrobial therapy
rhachia, or clinical symptoms or systemic features should alone), removal of the device and performance of an alternative
be treated for 10–14 days (strong, low); some experts sug- nonhardware-based procedure for hydrocephalus treatment
gest treatment of infection caused by gram-negative bacilli (when the patient’s anatomy allows), removal of the device with
for 21 days (weak, low). immediate replacement, and partial or complete device removal
61. In patients with repeatedly positive CSF cultures on appro- with a period of external drainage followed by subsequent CSF
priate antimicrobial therapy, treatment should be continued shunt insertion [38, 39, 46, 143]. In children with noncommu-
for 10–14 days after the last positive culture (strong, low). nicating hydrocephalus and persistent infection, shunt removal
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e55
and an endoscopic third ventriculostomy have been advocated cultures become negative, the ventricular drain is removed
[144]. Even if the endoscopic third ventriculostomy fails, the and a new shunt can be inserted (see Question X for spe-
ventriculoperitoneal shunt inserted after failure appears to have cific recommendations on timing of shunt reimplantation).
better longevity than if it is inserted without first performing However, even with this approach, treatment failures still
the ventriculostomy [145]. occur in 10%–20% of cases [141, 146, 147, 150, 151]. It is not
Management of shunt infection without removal of shunt clear from existing studies whether all or just the externalized
hardware has been attempted periodically since shunts were portion of the shunt should be removed, although logically,
first introduced. In early attempts, intravenous and/or intra- one would expect that complete removal, if possible, would
ventricular antimicrobial agents were used without sur- be the better approach. Another option is shunt removal with
gery to avoid the morbidity of additional operations and delayed replacement (to treat the infection with antimicro-
to maintain CSF diversion during treatment. Success with bial therapy in the absence of any shunt hardware), although
this approach, however, was low (34%–36%) and carried a this approach leaves the reason for the initial shunt placement
high mortality rate [146, 147]. Additionally, instillation of untreated.
antimicrobial agents into CSF often required a lengthy hos- In patients with intrathecal infusion pumps that deliver
pitalization, and the frequency of adverse outcomes was baclofen, removal was required in all patients with deep-seated
unacceptably high. The ability of many of the organisms infections [27]. Treatment of deep brain stimulation–associ-
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e57
76. Prolonged antimicrobial prophylaxis for the duration of studies did not show a difference [20, 47, 160–162, 168], with
the external ventricular drain is of uncertain benefit and the caveat that they were underpowered for an event rate of
not recommended (strong, moderate). 1%–10%. A recent large review of 35 studies published from
77. Use of antimicrobial-impregnated CSF shunts and CSF 1972 to 2013 noted that about half of these studies describe the
drains is recommended (strong, moderate). use of periprocedural antimicrobial therapy [21], but did not
78. In patients with external ventricular drains, fixed interval assess the efficacy of this practice. Some studies also showed
exchange is not recommended (strong, moderate). that use of prophylactic antimicrobials resulted in develop-
79. Use of a standardized protocol for insertion of CSF shunts ment of ventriculitis due to resistant organisms [162, 167]. In
and drains is recommended (strong, moderate). one study, patients in the prophylactic antimicrobial arm devel-
oped ventriculitis caused by MRSA and Candida spp. [163].
Evidence Summary In another study, rates of gram-negative ventriculitis were
There have been numerous studies on specific surgical tech- higher in patients who received prophylactic antibiotics [160].
niques to minimize the possibility of infection in patients However, conflicting reports have been published. In a Brazilian
undergoing CSF shunt placement; however, there are signifi- prospective study [169], prophylactic antimicrobials were used
cant methodological limitations to these studies. Much of what in 75% of the patients, and there was no significant difference
is recommended is based on described risk factors for shunt in ventriculitis when compared to those who did not receive
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e59
drain to 44 children who were treated with a standard exter- may also be valuable in development of standardized protocols
nal ventricular drain [186], CSF cultures were positive in 14 of for CSF shunt insertion. The Hydrocephalus Clinical Research
44 control patients (31.8%) and in only 1 of 47 patients (2.1%) Network recently undertook an initiative in which centers
treated with a coated catheter, demonstrating a statistically sig- agreed to develop an 11-step protocol in an effort to reduce
nificant decrease in ventriculitis with the use of an antimicro- CSF shunt infection rates. This was a collaboration of pediatric
bial-coated catheter (P < .05). In another study that compared neurosurgical centers and included all children who received
prolonged antimicrobial prophylaxis (ampicillin/sulbactam and shunts or revisions [192]. The initiative involved 21 surgeons
ceftriaxone) to antimicrobial-coated external ventricular drains and included 1571 procedures in 1004 children. Overall pro-
with clindamycin and rifampin [187], the interim data analysis tocol compliance was about 75%, and another 20% followed
demonstrated that no ventriculitis occurred in either group. 10 of the 11 steps. The network infection rate decreased from
Allergic or systemic complications directly related to the 8.8% prior to the protocol to 5.7% while using the protocol
antimicrobial agents in antimicrobial-impregnated catheters (P = .0028; relative risk reduction, 36%), indicating that use of a
have been rare. When used for CSF shunt insertions, antimi- standardized protocol and reduction in variation by adherence
crobial-impregnated catheters have not been associated with an to a common protocol are effective at reducing CSF shunt infec-
increased risk of late CSF shunt infections when compared to tion rates. Only proper hand-washing technique by all team
historic controls [188]. members emerged as an independent predictor of decreased
Practice Guidelines for Healthcare-Associated Ventriculitis and Meningitis • CID 2017:64 (15 March) • e61
13. Vinchon M, Dhellemmes P. Cerebrospinal fluid shunt infection: risk factors and 41. Snowden JN, Beaver M, Smeltzer MS, Kielian T. Biofilm-infected intracere-
long-term follow-up. Childs Nerv Syst 2006; 22:692–7. broventricular shunts elicit inflammation within the central nervous system.
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