Abernant Kiln, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport
Abernant Kiln, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport
Abernant Kiln, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport
Archaeological recording
March 2002
A report for The Celtic Manor Resort GGAT report no. 2002/020
by The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust Ltd Project no. A340
Project context
by AG Marvell
The Celtic Manor has been developed to become Wales’ leading hotel and leisure
resort. It occupies a land-take of more than 600ha to the north west of the junction of
the M4 and the A449 trunk road. Archaeological works have focussed on the
development of three golf courses, the last (the location of the particular interest
reported here) now to be amended as the Ryder Cup course for 2010. Across the
land-holding the interests are primarily Roman, but there are also late medieval
remains and features associated with the defence of Newport in the Second World
Advance works for the third course commenced in January 1996. The results of a
desk-based assessment (Maynard 1996a), geophysical survey (Johnson 1996) and
field evaluation (Maynard 1996b) were submitted as part of the planning application.
This work had identified eleven sites (see Appendix 1), eight within the development
boundary (CMG 1-4, 7-9, PRN A90) and three on its edge (CMG 5, 6, PRN 2305g);
two of these (CMG 4 & 5) were considered to be worthy of evaluation ahead of the
determination of the planning application. The subsequent grant of consent included
a condition (No 11) which followed the model provided in WO Circular 60/96 and
required ‘the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accord with
a written scheme of works’ approved by the planning authority (Welsh Office
Circular 60/96: Planning and the Historic Environment, paragraph 23).
The Scheme of Investigation (Marvell 1996) set out various mitigation measures.
These included a watching brief on groundworks likely to expose or affect significant
deposits; areas to be monitored included the hillslopes to the south of Bulmore Road.
The scheme also provided defined activity controls and decision parameters to guide
Thus when a scatter of Roman pottery was found following topsoil stripping in the
intended area of the green for the first hole, the area was fenced off, the upper
surfaces cleaned, examined and recorded and key parties notified. Once it had been
confirmed that the remains were part of a pottery manufacturing site including a
square-shaped kiln, adjacent working areas, and an access track, with evidence for the
production of ‘Caerleon Ware’, it was clear that the site was of national importance.
The Scheme of Investigation, reflecting current government advice and
archaeological philosophies, included a preference that, wherever possible, such
remains should be preserved in situ.
Following the submission of a proposals and options report, discussion with the golf
course designers confirmed that the hole could be re-shaped so that both the green and
adjacent bunker zone were moved away from the remains and thus the risk of damage
to buried remains through any future course modifications occurring under deemed
consent was negated.
The remains were then sealed in accordance with a detailed mitigation strategy agreed
with the local planning authority. This provided for the sealing of the site with a clear
distinguishing medium (builder’s sand with a neutral ph level) to a depth of 0.5m
below a similar level of topsoil before grassing. The protected area was marked on a
plan lodged with the managers of the Golf Course and the local planning authority.
The subsequent scheduling of the site has provided additional protection.
The excavation
by SH Sell
The development lies just under 1km to the west of the known Roman civilian
settlement at Bulmore, 2km to the east-northeast of Caerleon (Vyner 1978,
Zienkiewicz 1985, Macdonald forthcoming), and some 450m to the west of the
enclosed cemetery which lies by the main Roman road between Caerleon and Usk
(Manning 1981, 57). A section of this road was noted running just to the south of the
present course of the Bulmore road during evaluation work carried out as part of the
planning process (Fig 2, No [1]). No evidence was found, however, for a continuation
to the east of the civil settlement, as had been suggested from an earlier geophysical
A second Roman road is known to run between Caerleon and Caerwent (Margery
1973, Route 60a) and is thought to follow the course of the present Catsash Road.
This road was located at the southern boundary of the development area where it was
shown to run a short distance to the north of the modern road; it probably followed
the hollow way which runs due east along the southern boundary of the development
area (Fig 2, No [2]). This is almost certainly the means by which access to the kiln
was gained, approaches from the Caerleon-Usk road to the north being far too steep.
The kiln, and other features of the Roman period including at least three cist burials,
were discovered during monitoring of soil stripping for a new golf course (Fig 2)
centred on NGR ST 368 916. The land had for some years been under pasture, with
the mixed woodland known as New Wood occupying the upper parts of the northeast
and east facing slopes.
The position of the kiln, on the shallower, upper part of the slope, may indicate that
this is a northerly outlier of a previously unknown group of kilns presently lying
beneath New Wood, with ready access to the Roman road to the south and thence to
the legionary fortress some 2.5 km to the west. It had been suggested previously that
the kilns and tileries supplying the fortress should be located much closer to the
fortress, perhaps on the floodplain of the Usk to the southwest in the area where brick
and tile works were sited in the 17th and 18th centuries (Boon 1972, 17).
The structural evidence apparent upon clearance of the site to the south and west of
the kiln itself was not sufficient to determine the existence of any associated buildings
with any degree of certainty, although it is highly likely that such buildings did
occupy the slightly higher ground. Following the decision to preserve the kiln and its
environs in situ within the golf course, no further investigation was possible overall
and only limited recovery of material from the kiln complex itself (see below).
The kiln
The kiln chamber (Fig 3, No 6, context 011) was roughly rectangular in shape and
measured 1.15 x 0.70m. The end was square and the long sides contained three pairs
of recesses, although the pair nearest to the entrance were less certain. The fill of the
chamber (014) was only partly recovered; it consisted principally of sandstone pieces,
quantities of pottery and concentrations of burnt clay which is thought to represent the
remains of the collapsed dome; 43.6% of the fired clay recovered from the site came
from this context.
The flue (Fig 3, No 7, context 012), which was also cut into the sandstone bedrock,
measured 0.70m in length, tapering towards the stokepit from 0.45 to 0.40m. The
upper walls, like those of the kiln chamber itself, were faced up with flat pieces of
further, smaller pit to the southeast cannot be directly associated (Fig 3, No 9, context
044) but is too close to the stoke-pit for a relationship not to be a strong possibility.
At the northwest corner of the stoke-pit, and close to its entrance into the flue was a
narrow side chamber, which was only partly investigated. Its upper fill (context 065)
contained fired clay likely to represent structural material deriving from the upper part
of the kiln, overlying more collapsed stonework. The precise function of this
chamber is not clear, but the upper part of at least of the walls appears to have been
exposed to direct heat. Like the other components of the kiln, it contained quantities
(c 2.5kg) of the pottery forms and fabrics typical of the site.
It is not possible to say a great deal more about the physical aspects of the kiln
chamber and its associated structures since excavation was limited to that which had
been required merely to identify the feature.
As has been recounted above the context of the discovery of the Abernant kiln
resulted in a limited examination of both the kiln and nearby surface features.
Consequently the principal aim of this report is to detail the range of pottery
recovered and on this albeit limited evidence consider issues of production date and
Pottery probably made at Abernant
The vast majority of the pottery from the site appears to have been made there and to
be of the fabric now generally known as Caerleon Ware. The fabric is oxidised with
few inclusions and with a smooth surface. The kiln area finds vary considerably in
colour and hardness. Some, probably overfired, grey fragments are present along
with a number which vary from dark red to grey. The great majority, however, are
probably underfired and appear light orange to light red in a soft powdery fabric
which has tended to lose its surface. It is not always possible, therefore, to determine
if all the vessels recovered were originally colour coated in the normal Caerleon Ware
manner, but a considerable number have some evidence of slip. This material has
been divided by class of vessel and quantified.
7. Five fragments probably of the same rim in soft orange fabric; cf Nash-
Williams (1932) Fig 56, Nos 107-110. (001).
8. Soft orange fabric. The ring-necked flagon was produced in many different
fabrics. Nash-Williams (1932) illustrates a range of Caerleon examples (Fig
56, Nos 82-90). (001).
9. Light red fabric with a darker surface, probably produced by a slip; cf. Nash-
Williams (1932) Fig 56, Nos 94-101. (047, with other examples of the type
from 001 (2), 047 (1) and 048).
10. Probably a small flask in light red fabric with a darker surface. (001).
11. Orange-red fabric with a darker surface. Although a flask neck is possible,
this may well be the spout of a jug as Webster & Webster (1998) Fig1, Nos 3
& 5. (Unstratified).
Nos 12 and 13 are flagon handles included to increase the range of handle forms
Other material from the site included a necked jar or flagon with wavy line decoration
on the shoulder.
Of the major Caerleon Ware flagon types, only the straight-sided, ring neck as Nash-
Williams (1932) Fig 56, No 113 appears to be missing.
B Jars (Fig 4)
Few jar rims survive, but those that are present display a considerable variety: Nos.
14 and 15 are both frilled and handled jars.
14. The fabric is overfired to grey. The rim is badly distorted and the angle of the
vessel in the drawing is based on an estimate only. (Unstratified).
15. Orange fabric with a darker, possibly slipped, surface. (Unstratified).
Other examples of vessels similar to Nos 14-5 come from 014, 047, 048 (2) and 065.
A waster from 043 was similar but with stylised leaf on the shoulder groove. A frilled
rim from 017 may be from a similar vessel.
16. Face pot in light orange with a brown slip. The angle of the drawing is based
on that of the finger rilling on the interior but some distortion of the vessel is
evident. (041).
17. Orange fabric. The rim form is likely to have been derived from 1st century
types such as Manning (1993) Fig 5, type 11. (047).
18. Overfired grey fabric with an orange tinge to the surface. There is slight
distortion to the rim. (047, with a further unstratified example).
19. A wide-mouthed jar in orange-red fabric with red ?fired clay inclusions. (048)
20. Base in light orange fabric. (014).
Jar sherds were noted from 008, 014, 017 and 018.
Table 2 Jars
Cat No Examples Wt (gms) EVES
14 1 20 0.10
15 1 15 0.15
14/15 6 157 1.50
16 (1) 44 -
17 2 20 0.25
18 2 39 0.25
19 1 50 0.10
20 (1) 100 -
Sherds (7) 1190 -
Total 13 (+9) 1635 2.35
22. Overfired grey fabric. (014, with further examples from 001, 003 (2), 013,
048 and 065).
23. Grey fabric. The vessel is clearly a waster and probably split apart in firing.
(033, with a further unstratified example).
24. Overfired dark grey; cf Zienkiewicz (1986) Fig 28, No 85. The rim is slightly
distorted. With 17 sherds apparently from the same vessel. The base and
lower wall of another, larger, vessel of this type is illustrated below. (047).
25. Dark grey. (048, with further examples from 001 (3), 014, 048 (2), 065 and
26. Orange-red fabric with a red colour coat. (014, with further examples from
015, 047 (3) and 048 (2)).
Further examples of the type represented by 27-8 come from 001 (7), 003, 014 (3),
033, 043 (21), 047 (8), 048 (8) and two unstratified examples.
29. Orange fabric with a brown colour coat; cf Zienkiewicz (1986) Fig.28, No 55.
(048, with further examples from 014 (6), 015, 047 (5) and 048 (3)).
30. Orange fabric with a red colour coat. (001 with further examples from 043
and 047 (a distorted waster)).
31. Grey fabric. (043, with further examples from 001 (3), 003, 014 (4), 017 (2),
024 and two unstratified examples).
32. Orange fabric with a dark red colour coat. (048, with further examples from
001 (5), 013 (3), 014 (5), 015, 047 (3), 048 (10), 062, 065 (8) and two
unstratified examples).
33. Orange-buff fabric with traces of a red-brown colour coat. (064).
34. Over-fired grey, very distorted; cf. Zienkiewicz (1986) Fig 28, No 63.
The roughcast beaker rims from Abernant compare broadly to the range seen in the
extensive Caerleon Fortress Baths drain deposit (Zienkiewicz 1986, Fig 28) although
exact parallels are rare. One may suggest that the norm is a grooved rim designed to
give a double-beaded appearance.
Handled beakers are rare in Caerleon roughcast ware, cf Nash-Williams (1932) Fig
60, No 304. The only certain example from Abernant is represented by the wall sherd
No 35, below.
Wall sherds suggest that a few of the Abernant roughcast beakers were indented, but
it has not proved possible to ascertain the proportion so treated.
F Cups (Fig 5)
Cups appear to be under-represented among the Abernant collection. Only four types
are present and these in small numbers.
49. Soft, probably underfired, orange fabric. A form derived from the samian cup,
form 33 is probably intended. The Caerleon potters have included the internal
groove of this type (as Webster & Webster 1998, Fig 2, Nos 28-29) and added
an external bead. (014, with further examples from 047 and 048).
50. Red fabric with a grey-brown colour coat. It is difficult to envisage the
remainder of this vessel, but a small cup, perhaps resembling a minute samian
form 37 seems possible. (Unstratified).
51. Soft orange fabric with a red colour coat surviving within the groove.
Hemispherical bowls such as these are discussed by Webster & Webster
(1998, 253). (048, with further examples from 001, 016 and 048).
52. Soft, probably underfired, orange fabric. The form is derived from the samian
cup, form 27, current up to the mid 2nd century; cf Webster & Webster (1998)
Fig 2, Nos 22-27. (014).
Table 6 Cups
Cat no Examples Wt (gms) EVES
49 3 63 0.35
50 1 5 0.10
51 5 25 0.45
52 1 5 0.05
Total 10 98 0.95
Nos 53-54 show two sizes of a similar form. It is clearly derivative of the samian
form 37, but with the barbotine decoration common on the Caerleon type, cf Webster
& Webster (1998) Fig 3, Nos 43-45 and 256.
53. Orange fabric with an orange-red colour coat. (013, with a similar rim from
54. Light orange fabric with traces of a thin colour coat in the same colour. (034).
Other examples of types 53-54 come from 014, 047 (4), 048 and 065.
Nos 55-7 are also derived from the samian form 37.
55. Soft, probably underfired, orange with faint traces of a red colour coat. (048,
with further examples from 003 (2), 014, 047 (4), 064 and 065). Another sherd
from a vessel probably of this form but in overfired grey has been illustrated as
No 55A to show a variant with rouletted decoration; see also No 57, below
56. Soft, probably underfired, orange with faint traces of red colour coat. This
represents a slight rim variation of No 55, cf Webster & Webster (1998) Fig 3,
No 45, but there is slight evidence of rouletting on the Abernant example (cf
No 57, below). (065).
57. Light red fabric with a grey core and grey-brown colour coat. The wall sherd
has been illustrated to show the most common rouletted form of the Caerleon
Dragendorf 37 types. Nash-Williams (1932, Fig 58, Nos 196-200) illustrates a
number of Dr 37 imitations in grey but this is definitely a Caerleon Ware
version of the same thing. (048, with further examples from 003 and 014).
Small fragments of the bowl forms represented by Nos 53-57 were noted in 001(3),
003, 014(2), 016, 043, 047(4), 048(3) and 065(3).
58. Several examples of the distinctive Caerleon Ware type related to the samian
form 81 (Webster & Webster 1998, Fig.4, Nos 62-65) were noted from 001,
003(2) and 024. (Unfortunately, none were sufficiently complete to illustrate.)
Nos 59-60 are probably derived from the samian form Curle 11.
59. Orange-buff fabric with a dull orange colour coat over burnishing; cf Webster
& Webster (1998) Fig 4, No 73. (048, with another example from this context
and from 001, 013(2), 041, and 047(2)).
60. Light red with traces of red colour coat; cf Webster & Webster (1998) Fig 4,
No 78, also Murray-Threipland (1965) Fig 5, No 10. (047).
Cat No Examples Wt (gms) EVES
53/4 10 416 1.40
55 12 110 0.85
56 1 20 0.10
57 3 25 0.10
53-7 (18) 145 0.65
58 (4) 100 1.05
59 8 90 0.50
60 3 30 0.15
Total 36(+22) 926 4.78
61. Flanged strainer in soft orange fabric. The rim form is reminiscent of the
flanged and carinated bowls of the mid first to early second centuries, but this
will have been more hemispherical in shape to accommodate the piercings. If
truly related to the flanged and carinated bowls, then this form should belong
to the earlier part of Caerleon Ware production. (013, with a fragment
possibly of the same vessel from 001. Other examples come from 014, 016
and 048).
62. Flanged and reeded bowl, much abraded, in soft orange fabric with grey
patches externally. Possibly from a flanged and carinated bowl, although a
strainer similar to No.61 is also possible. (048).
63. Flange from a small bowl or dish in orange fabric, discoloured grey. (003).
64. Beaded bowl in soft orange fabric. This may be from a hemisherical bowl
such as Webster & Webster (1998) Nos 10 & 13 (with discussion, 253)
although the upper part of a bowl reminiscent of the samian form 38 (as
Webster & Webster 1998, 54) is also possible. (013).
Nos 65-71 are all derived from the samian form 18/31. The Abernant range compares
well with that published by Webster & Webster (1998, Fig 2, 15-19). A Hadrianic to
early Antonine date comparable to that of their samian 'parent' may be expected.
Nos 72-3 are derived from the samian dish form 36.
72. Light orange fabric with slight grey discoloration externally. The flange is
abraded but may originally have had barbotine decoration, as Webster &
Webster (1998) Nos 38-39. (013, with a further example from 033).
73. Light orange fabric which has laminated and largely lost its external surfaces.
What survives shows no clear signs of colour coating, cf Webster & Webster
(1998) No 38. (014).
Nos 74-5 are both from beaded bowls or dishes. Derivation from the samian form
18/31, as Nos 65-71 above, seems most probable, although influence from one of a
number of other forms cannot be entirely ruled out.
74. Soft light orange fabric. (048, with two further examples from this context and
others from 003 and 016). (Not illustrated)
75. Light orange fabric with an orange-red colour coat surviving internally.
(047).(Not illustrated)
Unclassified rims, probably from vessels such as Nos 65-71, come from 001, 003,
014, 026 and 033 (3 examples).
Only one dish form not derived from a samian prototype was noted:
K Lids (Fig 6)
Although lids are rarely common as site finds, the Abernant kiln produced a
comparatively large number. The great majority show a preference for what may be
termed the 'pulley-wheel' effect on the outer rim.
77. Lid or very shallow dish with a plain rim in soft orange fabric. (001).
78. Two joining sherds in soft orange fabric with traces of a darker surface. (048,
with other examples from 003, 013 and 047).
79. Light orange fabric. The rim is more squared in profile but has distorted in
firing. (014).
80. Light orange fabric turned grey on the upper surface. (065, with another
example from 034).
81. Two joining sherds in orange fabric with traces of a darker surface. This
shows the developed 'pulley-wheel' rim. (048, with other examples, and 014).
82. Orange-pink fabric. The upper lobe of the 'pulley-wheel' is smaller than the
lower. This is by far the most popular form from Abernant. (065; with other
examples from 013 (3), 014 (6), 024 and 048 (14)).
83. Pinkish-grey fabric. A variant of No 82. (065, with two other examples).
84. Soft orange fabric. A smaller version of No 83. (065, with others from 014
and 048 (3 examples) and a distorted version from 014).
A number of knobs from lids were recovered. All are of a simple type.
85. Knob from a large lid in light orange fabric, stained grey in a patch on the
upper surface. (003).
86. Knob in light orange fabric. (014).
87. Knob in light orange fabric. (014).
Other knobs come from 017, 018 (2 examples), 026 and 065.
Table 11 Lids
Cat No Examples Wt (gms) EVES
77 1 20 0.05
78 4 65 0.85
79 1 35 0.25
80 2 10 0.09
81 4 45 0.37
82 25 270 2.01
83 3 12 0.15
84 5 170 1.43
85 (1) 50 -
86 (1) 25 -
87 (1) 25 -
other knobs (5) 130 -
All of the Abernant mortaria are in this type of fabric, though their condition is typical
of kiln waste. The slip has disappeared from the majority of sherds. Most are very
powdery and perhaps slightly underfired, though the collection does contain a few
overfired sherds with definite waster cracks, and at least one sherd (from 014) where
the fabric is sintered, fired to black and has accretion adhering to it. Many of the
stamps are abraded and some may have gone unrecognised.
Some Cowbridge and Usk mortaria in a basically similar fabric have a dark blue-grey
core. None of the Abernant sherds show this variation. Cowbridge also has some
mortaria in a harder and even slightly abrasive orange-brown fabric with comparable
red- to orange-brown slip. The significance of these variations from the norm is not
completely certain. Caerleon Ware from Caerleon itself shows some variation and
this may be no more than an indication of the range of fabrics produced in the
'Caerleon' potteries. Equally, there could be other small workshops in south Wales
working in the Caerleon tradition and serving a very local market.
a) ABS Die 1
Nos 88-95 all carry die 1 of the potter stamping ABS retrograde, with a dotted A and
a dot between A and B. See also No117 for a stamp from this die on another kind of
88. Flange fragment with the stamp []BS retrograde. (Unstratified). (Not
89. Flange fragment, overfired to dark grey, but with a red-brown core. The
stamp reads AB[] retrograde. (Unstratified). (Not illustrated.)
90. Two joining sherds overfired to grey with part of the retrograde S surviving.
The rim profile is generally similar to Manning (1993) Fig 194, No 15.
(Context 001). (Not illustrated.)
91. Two joining sherds, with a right-facing stamp AB[] retrograde. The rim
profile is generally similar to Manning (1993) Fig 194, No 17. (013). (Stamp
only illustrated).
92. The stamp probably faced right and reads [.]BS retrograde. The rim profile is
generally similar to Manning (1993) Fig194, No 11. (013). (Vessel and
restored stamp illustrated).
93. The surface is discoloured in parts. The retrograde stamp reads AB[], and
there is a finger depression under the flange where the stamp has been
impressed. The form is identical to No 103 but from a different vessel. (047).
(Not illustrated.)
94. The retrograde stamp reads []BS. The rim profile is as Manning (1993)
Fig194, No 18. (047). (Not illustrated.)
95. The slip is dull and the stamp eroded but identifiable, reading ABS retrograde.
The rim profile is as Manning (1993) Fig194, No 18. (047). (Not illustrated.)
b) ABS Die 2
Die 2 reads exactly as die 1. There are difficulties in attributing very fragmentary
stamps to die 1 or die 2, because no complete impression is known from any site for
either die, whilst many of the stamps from the kiln waste are eroded. The stamps
from these two dies are similar in character, but there are some distinct differences
between them. The shape of the S differs, while the letter panel of die 1 appears to be
notably longer and marginally deeper than that for die 2. Nevertheless, when clear
and entire impressions are found, there will be a need to check some former
attributions. At least five mortaria carry stamps from die 2:
96. A sherd with an incomplete rim section and left-facing retrograde stamp
reading AB[]. (001). (Not illustrated.)
97. A fragmentary stamp with part of AB[]retrograde. The form is generally close
to Manning (1993) Fig194, No 11. (014). (Not illustrated.)
98. A fragmentary retrograde stamp gives the lower parts of the letters ABS. The
form is generally similar to Manning (1993) Fig194, No 12. (024). (Not
99. A fragmentary retrograde stamp gives A[BS]. The form is Manning (1993)
Fig194, No 16. (003). (Not illustrated.)
100. Two sherds with a recent break. The retrograde stamp reads ABS. The form
shows similarities to Manning (1993) Fig194, No 11. (048).
101. A flange fragment carries a tiny part of a potter’s stamp, the very bottom of
the letters AB retrograde and probably from die 2 rather than die 1. (Not
Nos 88-101 are from a total of thirteen or fourteen mortaria stamped by two similar
but differing dies attributable to one potter who stamped ABS retrograde. Stamps
from a smaller die with the same reading (die 3) are also known (Nash-Williams
1932, Fig 68, No 37), but these are not represented in this sample of the pottery made
at Abernant. Two impressions from this third die show some tiny variation,
suggesting that the potter may perhaps have made more than one die from the matrix.
Other stamps from die 1 have been recorded from Carmarthen, Caerwent and
Wroxeter. Stamps from die 2 have been noted from Bath (Owen 1979, 105-6, Fig 46,
No 52), Carmarthen and Caerwent. A stamp from Knowle, Somerset is from either
die 1 or die 2. Stamps from die 3 have been noted from Caerleon (3), Carmarthen and
Shepton Mallet (Leach 2001, Fig 43, M4.21). All these stamps denote individual
As with most of the Caerleon mortarium stamps, the meaning of the stamps is
obscure, but the letters are clear and allow no other meaning. A total of twelve
mortaria found on occupation sites may not appear to indicate a large output but ABS
stamps are among the most commonly and the most widely dispersed of the Caerleon
mortaria. Also, there are more dies for ABS than for any other Caerleon potter. If the
letters ABS represent the work of one potter, then he was one of the most important
working in this pottery. The difficulties inherent in dealing with Caerleon stamps
mean that stamps from another die, reading ASB retrograde (unpublished), must be
treated separately although they are confusingly similar.
Stamps 109-111 are very fragmentary and it has not been possible to identify them.
Some, at least, are likely to be from unknown dies. Sufficient survives, however, for
there to be hope of identification in the future.
109. A flange fragment with part of two letters of the stamp surviving. (001). (Not
110. Flange fragment and broken stamp, probably including a reversed S. (003).
(Not illustrated)
111. A fragmentary stamp showing the ends of three letters. (047).
d) Stamps too fragmentary for illustration but with complete rim profiles.
112. The border of a stamp survives. (047). (Not illustrated)
113. The border of a stamp survives. The sherd contains two waster cracks. (064).
(Vessel only illustrated).
114. (047). (Not illustrated)
115. (017). (Not illustrated)
116. (017/018). (Not illustrated)
The kiln and kiln waste at Abernant has provided the first physical evidence for the
manufacture of the distinctive mortaria found in abundance at Caerleon, Caerwent and
Carmarthen and to a lesser extent on the English side of the Bristol Channel. It has,
however, always been supposed that they were produced in the vicinity of Caerleon
since they were first noted by the Wheelers in their report on the Amphitheatre
(Wheeler & Wheeler 1928, 178).
A total of 51 potters’ stamps, virtually all fragmentary, have been noted on mortaria
in this sample of kiln waste. There is no evidence from the kiln waste to suggest that
any unstamped mortaria were being made. This accords with finds from occupation
sites which show that it was the practice in the Caerleon potteries to stamp mortaria
on both sides of the spout. It has not been possible to find any example from the kiln
waste which has sufficient surviving to show both the stamps, and, in fact, careful
examination of the rim profiles makes it clear that most, if not all, of the stamps are
from individual mortaria (this is certainly the case with Nos 88-100, 102-113).
Because some of the pottery is badly abraded, some stamps may have been destroyed.
Out of a total of 51 stamps on mortaria (ie excluding No 117), only the fourteen
stamps from two dies reading ABS retrograde are from dies already known. Of the
remaining 37 stamps, three are from one die (Nos 102-104), two from another die
(Nos 106, 107), five are from five individual dies (Nos 105, 108-111) and 27 are too
fragmentary for useful comment. The evidence indicates the presence at Abernant of
a workshop using the ABS dies. It is interesting and surprising that this sample
should include at least two ‘readings’ which we can be certain have not been recorded
before (Nos 102-104, 108) and at least one other die not recorded before (No 106).
There is reasonably good evidence to date the overall length of the industry producing
this type of mortarium in the vicinity of Caerleon to the period c 110-170 (Hartley
1966, Manning 1993, 256, Webster & Webster 1998). There is very little
stratigraphic or site evidence to date individual die-types or rim-profiles. It is,
however, possible to range them in a typological order and to suggest relative dating
within this period (Hartley 1993, Fig 194), although this will need testing as hard
dating evidence appears.
There are two noticeable facts about the rim-profiles in this collection of waste
mortaria: Firstly, whenever the end of the flange survives, there is a distal bead; and
secondly, the bead is normally above the flange, although this varies, and in a small
proportion it is only marginally higher. All the available mortaria stamped ABS
retrograde and found elsewhere also conform to these criteria. According to the
typological dating suggested for Caerleon mortaria (see above), these factors would
indicate a date considerably later than 110 but probably not at the very end of the
period, an optimum date range of perhaps 140-160.
The Wheelers were clearly right in attributing this pottery to Caerleon, but their
supposition that it was from legionary kilns is very much open to doubt (Wheeler &
Wheeler 1928, 178). It is hard to believe that these very difficult stamps are a letter
series in use in a ‘legionary’ pottery. The potters certainly made no obvious attempt
to produce complete impressions of the dies, which would be essential for a letter
series to work. One would, in fact, expect stamps more like those of the Caerleon tile
stamps (Boon 1984), which habitually mention the legion. Some of the Caerleon
stamps may represent names (Nash-Williams 1932, Fig 68, eg Nos 8-12, 21, 27-29,
31-35, 47-48), and a few might conceivably represent tria nomina, but they often have
letters which cannot be deciphered with any certainty and Nash-Williams (1932) Fig
68, No 49 can only be a trade mark.
Apart from sites at Caerleon, Caerwent, Carmarthen and Cowbridge, these stamped
mortaria are as common on sites in Avon and Somerset as on sites in South Wales.
This seems to indicate a civilian market rather than a military one. It is also difficult
to see why the pottery was flourishing at a time when legionaries would have been
more concerned with building Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall than with
making pottery for Caerleon.
There is probably, however, a military factor involved, in that the profile and red slip
tradition being followed must have been derived via the workshop at Shepton Mallet
(with illiterate stamps), from unstamped mortaria probably made in the first century
by the second legion at Exeter (Hartley 1991, 207-9 and Fig 85, B2, B3 (Exeter) and
B6 (Shepton Mallet)), since this combined tradition exists nowhere else in Britain
except in the southwest corner.
118. (043).
119. (013).
The typology adopted for the mortaria relies upon linking stamps and profiles. Our
mortarium table is, therefore, divided between information on the published sherds
and a summary of information on other mortarium fragments by context.
Table 12 Mortaria
a) Stamped sherds.
Cat No Wt (gms) EVES
88 40 0.06
89 19 0.03
90 40 0.05
91 286 0.32
92 212 0.28
93 78 0.10
94 105 0.17
95 49 0.07
96 102 0.15
97 37 0.05
98 50 0.05
99 50 0.05
100 93 0.10
101 6 0.02
102 54 0.08
103 20 -
104 302 0.27
105 52 0.07
106 128 0.10
107 5 0.02
108 127 0.17
109 7 -
110 9 0.03
111 140 0.25
112 68 0.15
113 112 0.10
114 25 0.03
Other 28 0.08
Total 2244 2.85
b) Published spouts
Cat no Wt (gms) EVES
118 360 0.15
119 182 0.21
Total 542 0.36
c) Other rims
We have attempted to quantify rim fragments by estimating the number of vessels
likely to be represented by the rims in each context using criteria of fabric and form.
Context Min.Vessels Wt (gms) EVES
unstratified 5 753 0.57
001 7 1796 1.10
003 6 847 0.80
013 4 713 0.77
014 3 344 0.35
016 1 9 0.04
018 1 86 0.08
026 2 222 0.20
033 4 810 0.85
034 2 401 0.79
043 2 116 0.15
047 9 1655 1.85
048 15 1319 1.20
064 2 93 0.03
065 4 331 0.28
Total 67 9495 9.06
The excavations produced a certain amount of kiln waste in the form of fired clay,
some of it recognisably derived from kiln linings or superstructure. A total of 7.91kg
of both diagnostic and undiagnostic fired clay was recovered from 14 contexts,
excluding unstratified or topsoil material.
In addition a certain amount of tile was recovered which may have formed part of kiln
structures. Most was imbrex, which was noted in topsoil and in contexts 014, 024,
047, 048 and 065 (total 2.18kg). Context 017 contained 0.595kg of tegula, and a
fragment of box-tile (0.028kg) was noted in context 014.
In addition a certain amount of tile was recovered which may have formed part of kiln
structures. 1.074kg was recovered from Context 017, mainly tegulae but with one
box tile fragment. A further 0.13kg came from Context 065.
Also of interest was a much overfired imbrex from context 047. The tile itself was
unusual in that it had a wavy line decoration along its apex. Of greater interest,
however, was the fact that a sherd of mortarium, clearly broken before the event, had
fired onto the edge of the tile. This may represent material placed in the top of the
kiln to help control the speed of firing.
It remains to review the range and date of the Abernant kiln material. It is instructive
to summarise the tables, which have themselves summarised each class of vessel
adding percentages for each category:
Given the uncertain nature of the sample recovered from Abernant (see introduction,
above), conclusions concerning the forms produced must be tentative. Further
excavation could easily alter our conclusions. However, even with such a caveat, it is
clear that roughcast beakers formed the major product of the site, accounting for over
30% of the vessels recovered. Also important were mortaria (almost 20% of vessels
recovered) and samian-derived forms (between almost 13% and almost 20%
depending on the method used). Of the remainder, only lids (8 to 9%) were of any
great significance. Comparable figures for Caerleon, undoubtedly the major market
for the kiln products, does not exist, but a glance at site reports suggests that Caerleon
Ware beakers, mortaria and samian derived forms are indeed among the most
important products of the industry as a whole. They are also among the Caerleon
Ware forms most likely to be found away from the fortress.
Closer inspection of the range of Caerleon Ware found in or around the fortress does,
however, show a number of noticeable absentees in the Abernant list. Imitations of
the samian cup, form 27, are, for instance, scarce (cf No 52), despite many examples
at Caerleon (cf Webster & Webster 1998, Nos 22-7). Totally missing are examples of
Caerleon Ware forms in coarser fabrics, which in the fortress appear to shade into the
finer Caerleon Ware is such a way as to suggest a common source. On a fortress site
of the right period one would expect also to see more derivatives of the samian forms
33, 36, 44 and 81 and a wider range of jars and flagons (see Manning 1993, 255-263
for an attempt to represent the range of Caerleon Ware forms from the fortress). We
may assume that the waste found at Abernant represents a sample, not only of
material made at the kiln found, but also that from any nearby kiln or kilns. Even so,
it is clear that other kilns must await discovery in order to account for even the range
of Caerleon Ware products appearing as site finds elsewhere, as well as for the wider
range of apparently local products found in the fortress and its civilian settlements.
No Roman kiln of the type found will have remained in production for very long and
it is possible, therefore, that our material is limited in scope due to chronological
factors. The overall date of Caerleon Ware has generally been estimated as being c
110 to c 160/170, based largely on the samian and glass derivatives produced. In her
analysis of the mortaria above, Kay Hartley suggest that the Abernant mortaria would
fit within a narrower date band than this, perhaps c 140-160. The remaining material
will not answer to such precision, but it is noticeable that dishes derived from the
samian range forms 18 to 31 are all of the earlier 18/31 type which one would have
expected to have been superseded by more bowl-like forms (closer to form 31) by c
150/160. A similar argument applies to the beakers. Roughcast beakers predominate.
These are apparently a local attempt to reproduce the North Gaulish Roughcast
Beakers, which were imported into Britain between the late first and the mid second
century, or Köln Roughcast Beakers, again current up to the mid second century. If
we assume that continental fashion changes were rapidly followed in Britain, then the
Abernant beakers should not have been produced long after the middle of the century.
Arguments from absence are dangerous given the nature of the sample. The samian
form 27 appears to have gone out of production c 150 to be replaced as the most
popular cup by form 33. The small numbers of derivatives of the latter and the almost
total absence of those of the former might favour a mid century date but does not
inspire complete confidence. Similarly the dearth of derivatives of form 38 and its
‘family’ (forms 44 and 81) compared to derivatives of the earlier Curle 11 may be
significant. An early Antonine date for the assemblage may, therefore, be very
tentatively advanced as fitting the evidence currently available, but it would not be
surprising if this date range was extended, should further excavation of the site ever
become possible.
As already stated, the major market for the Abernant products will have been the
fortress of Caerleon. To this may be added the extensive civilian settlements (cf
Evans 2000) and the ‘satellite’ settlements of Bulmore which lie between Abernant
and Caerleon. However, as already stated in the mortarium report, Caerleon Ware
enjoyed a more extensive market than this. Mortaria appear in both south Wales and
the south west (cf Boon 1966 and above). Other products appear to be less widely
distributed, but certainly appear in small quantities through south and southwest
Wales, although no examples in southwest England have been noted. This
distribution should not, however, mask the total dominance of Caerleon itself as the
major market. Even fifteen miles up river at Usk, Caerleon Ware is rare. At
Caerleon, in second century levels, it is extremely common. There can be no doubt
that, although the Abernant potters and their companions took the opportunity to
market over a wide area (or, more probably, to sell to those who did), their main
concern was the needs of those in and around the nearby fortress. This is despite the
fact, as Kay Hartley remarks above, that for much of the floruit of the industry large
portions of the legion must have been away from their base, occupied on construction
work in northern Britain.
120. Sixty-four small sherds of Black Burnished ware represented the shattered
remains of a small jar lacking its upper portion, including all of the rim. The
date may be inferred from the decoration on the outer wall, which consisted of
lattice decoration, the upper angle of which was obtuse, below a horizontal
groove. This design is characteristic of the later 3rd and 4th centuries. (054).
a) Samian
The site yielded very little samian.
A small sherd from a Central Gaulish cup was also noted in 045.
123. Jar; cf Gillam (1976) No 2, although our example lacks the wavy-line
decoration on the neck (mid 2nd century). (001).
124. Small jar, cf Gillam (1976) No 4 (late 2nd century). (049).
125. Jar, burnt light grey in the core and tinged with orange on the surface; cf
Gillam (1976) No 6 (early 3rd century). (001).
126. Jar; probably as Gillam (1976) No 6 (early 3rd century). (047).
127. Jar; cf Manning (1993) Fig 125, No 20.2 (late 3rd to early 4th century). (003).
128. Jar; cf Gillam (1976) No12 (early 4th century). (003).
129. Jar; cf.Gillam 1976, Nos 12-14 (4th century). (001).
130. Everted rim jar; probably as Gillam (1976) Nos 30-3 but lacking the diagnostic
lattice zone. (014).
131. Flanged bowl. The general form is 2nd century. The rounded form of the rim
makes closer dating difficult. (048).
132. Flanged bowl; cf Manning (1993) Fig 127, No 23.2 (late 1st to mid 2nd
century). (047).
133. Flanged dish. The angle of the wall suggests a mid to late 2nd century
example; cf Gillam (1976) 73. (026).
134. Flanged and beaded bowl; cf Gillam (1976) No 48 (early to mid 4th century).
135. Wide-mouthed jar in light orange shading to light grey on one edge; cf
Manning (1993) Fig 112, No 40.5 (2nd to 3rd century). (013).
136. Wide-mouthed jar in light orange with slight greying at the external burnished
surface. The slight groove at the rim is unusual; otherwise the vessel
resembles Manning (1993) Fig 112, No 40.1 (probably 2nd century) (065).
Nos 137-9 are all in the normal reduced South Wales Greyware fabric. They
represent the more diagnostic vessels from an assemblage of some 48 vessels from
001, 003, 025, 026 and unstratified contexts.
137. Jar. The angle of the rim suggests a later type as Manning (1993) 22-3 (3rd-
4th century). (026)
138. Flanged bowl; some influence from 2nd century Black Burnished ware flanged
bowl forms seems likely. (003).
139. Flanged vessel with grooved rim; a small flanged cup seems most likely but
the apparent shallowness of the vessel means that this may be a lid. (026).
e) Other fabrics
There were also two sherds of calcite-gritted jar of a type associated with the conquest
period (cf Manning 1993, 230-2, Fabric Group A) from contexts 001 and 003.
Mortaria not made at the kiln came in the form of small, usually abraded sherds from
003, 026 and 049. All appeared to be from the Oxford region and are probably 3rd to
4th century in date.
The fabrics not made at the kiln show a considerable variation in terms of date. Given
the dating of Caerleon Ware obtained from dated contexts elsewhere (cf Manning
1993, 255-7; Webster & Webster 1998) they cannot be used to help date the kiln
itself. Given the limited excavation context its presence seems to indicate two things.
Firstly, it provides a 3rd to 4th century context for the burial. Secondly it suggests
that occupation in the vicinity extended over much of the Roman period. This may
well suggest that the kiln site lies close to some other settlement of Roman date, and
makes the whole area of Abernant potentially sensitive in archaeological terms.
It has long been assumed that much of the pottery and tile used at Caerleon was made
locally. Until the finding of the Abernant kiln, not a single example of what must
have been a large number of production units were known. One has to say that this
still leaves a large number of kilns yet to be located. The tile kilns for Caerleon, in
particular, must have been large and one would have expected them to have had
access to water transport to facilitate supply to the fortress. Ease of transport is
perhaps less important for pottery, but one would not, nevertheless, have expected to
find any representative of what must have been a major local industry near the top of
a hill some distance from the fortress. The siting of the Abernant kiln is, therefore,
unusual and it remains to be seen if it is typical of its industry. Even if it is not, the
finds from the site indicate that other kilns in the locality await discovery, for the
revealed kiln is too small for making such vessels as mortaria. These formed almost
20% of the waste vessels found, and one cannot envisage a situation where it was
worthwhile to move such waste products any distance. What must have been moved,
however, was the clay for the pottery and the finished products. That this was felt
worthwhile is possibly due to the availability of some other component of pottery
production, probably fuel for firing the kiln. One envisages a situation where potters
imported raw materials into or near to an area of (presumably managed) woodland,
which also happened to have a suitable water supply. That this could be worthwhile
is demonstrated by the history of the medieval iron industry, which tended to be
located close to power supplies. Roman pottery production near Caerleon appears to
have been similarly motivated.
The Abernant collection provides a number of insights into the range of products
made on site and the relative popularity of various forms. Because of the partial and
superficial nature of the investigation it does not produce any independent dating
evidence for pottery production. However, pottery which is not a product of the kiln
or kilns does have a story to tell. It is a clear indicator of activity well beyond the
floruit of the Caerleon Ware industry. There are signs of activity in the area from the
conquest period through to the fourth century. This is in many ways as unexpected as
the discovery of the kiln itself.
The Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust carried out the excavation for the Celtic
Manor Hotel and Country Club. Mr Steve Sell supervised the fieldwork and oversaw
the post-excavation programme. Messrs A Yates and D Maynard assisted with the
fieldwork along with voluntary support from members of the Trostrey Excavation
Group in particular Mr Martin Tuck and Mrs Anne Leaver.
The Trust is indebted to Mr Peter Webster and his team of assistants from TEG and
Cardiff University for the production of the pottery report and to Mrs Kay Hartley for
her work on the mortaria. Mr Webster his grateful to Mrs Hartley for discussion of
Caerleon Ware. The illustrations were prepared by Mr Paul Jones.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Full details of other categories of finds may be found in the site archive. Quantities were in
general small, but a number of items are nevertheless worthy of note.
Omitting obviously modern fragments, probably derived from recent agricultural use of the
land, a total of c 65 objects and fragments were recovered, of which nearly 90% were
structural nails or fragments probably from nails. Hobnails (5/0.008kg) were also noted from
topsoil. Unstratified contexts also produced part of a ?rod, a fragment probably too long to be
a nail (SF004; length 155mm, wt 0.070kg), what appears to be a split pin (SF009; length
50mm, wt 0.032kg), and a chisel or wedge (SF011; length 94mm, wt 0.246kg).
Items of stone
Almost all of the utilised stone was recovered from unstratified or general clearance contexts.
A total of ten pieces mostly of fine-grained metamorphic sandstone (total wt 2.01kg) are
likely to have derived from whetstones or rubbers although the majority do not show
distinctive wear patterns. A larger piece (SF010, wt 1.12kg) exhibits scoring consistent with
sharpening points. A possible total of three sandstone discs, likely to have been used as pot-
lids, were also noted; two were unstratified and the third came from context 033. One of the
unstratified examples has a diameter of 54mm and thickness of 9mm (SF008, wt 0.04kg).
Another flat fragment (unstratified) may be part of a rooftile (thickness 14mm, wt 0.064kg).
A broken piece of sandstone from 013 appears to have been part of a slab, thickness 35mm,
with a curved cut-out hollow in its unbroken edge. The purpose of this feature, which appears
to have been deliberately engineered, remains obscure, although a function of sharpening
blades or points would be indicated by its shape, if not by the degree of wear on its internal
Two rotary quernstones also came from general clearance. One, the fragment of an upper
stone in micaceous sandstone conglomerate of local origin, had an estimated diameter of 0.5m
(SF007, wt 1.85kg). A lower stone of similar composition was also recovered from one of the
stone spreads on slightly higher ground to the south of the kiln (context 005) where it appears
to have been re-used within the formation of an area of hardstanding, possibly a road or track.
The quern itself (SF006) has an average diameter of. 0.40m, a depth of approximately 0.10m,
and a central spindle hole 40-45mm in diameter and 35mm deep. Much of the working
surface has been dressed, but a substantial irregularity raising the working surface 10-15mm
may have been a significant factor in its abandonment as a quern; the adjacent grinding
surface is also too flat to be of service. Jonathan Parkhouse comments that this stone has been
subjected to considerable wear from use not connected with grinding, probably the result of
re-use in a floor. He also notes that although the underside of the stone has received basic
working only, this is not unusual in a lower stone, and this quern was probably a finished
Only very small quantities of clear blue-green glass were retained, but the topsoil material
may include some modern fragments. A few sherds are thought to belong to bottles of Roman
date, but the only diagnostic piece noted was part of the handle from a large prismatic bottle
(wt 0.016kg) recovered from what is thought to be a possible pit (context 026). A single
melon bead in turquoise frit (SF003; diameter 19mm) was recovered from topsoil.
Other materials
Lead waste (0.175kg) was recovered from topsoil and from pit 026 – one piece may be a
repair plug. None of the flint was diagnostic, but five pieces of waste (0.004kg) were noted
in topsoil and unstratified contexts, and from one of the stone spreads to the south of the kiln.
The presence of fragments of slag and furnace lining totalling 0.474kg was noted in topsoil
and unstratified contexts, in pit 026 and from the upper fill of the kiln chamber; it would
appear to indicate another area of industrial activityin the immediate vicinity.
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Fig 5 Coarse Pottery Nos 39-55, 55A, 56, 57, 59-65, 70, 72, 73, 76 (1:4)
Fig 7 Mortaria Stamps Nos 91, 92, 100, 102, 105, 106, 108, 111, 117 (1:1)
Fig 8 Mortaria Vessels Nos 92, 100, 104-106, 108, 111, 113, 118, 119 (1:4)