JAIST Repository
JAIST Repository
JAIST Repository
URL http://hdl.handle.net/10119/12984
November, 2015
Nowadays, a smart home has been developed to automatically achieve some services using
sensors and actuators with the goal to improve the occupant experience, e.g., comfortable
and easier life environment. Smart home system is one of Cyber-Physical System applica-
tions, which is defined as tight integrations of computation, communication, and control
for active interaction between physical and cyber elements in which embedded devices,
such as sensors and actuators, are wireless or wired networked to sense, monitor and con-
trol the physical world. It is an appropriate and efficient way to design the home control
system. It is believed that in both the academic and industrial communities that CPS
will have great technical, economic and social impacts in the future. CPS environment
contains the di↵erent terms in its own elements e.g, sensors, actuators, communication
media. In real scenario where users need a single result from whole system, handling the
heterogeneity of sensors requires to manage the collaborative nature of sensors, that leads
to difficulty in processing or estimating desired parameters in high accuracy. Heteroge-
neous data from heterogeneous and CPS-based oriented sensor, which are equipped on
di↵erent appliances, have di↵erent sensing performance information(e,g. operating range,
response time, accuracy, setting interval), that might cause by the unpredictable change
of environment
This paper proposes a new framework, the heterogeneous data processing and estimat-
ing system (HDPES) that can provide a highly accurate sensed data and/or estimate
a desired data using the CPS-oriented and heterogeneous sensors in the cyber-physical
smart home environment. The design of HDPES is considered in heterogeneity of sensing
performance and sensing data to increase the reliability and accuracy of the temperature
control system in Smart Home
By using the raw data from experiments, we analyze and evaluate our proposed frame-
work in the home environment by using R software, a useful program for statistical com-
puting and data analysis. Through multiple data estimation methods, simulation results
reveal that our proposed system HDPES is adaptable and feasible for satisfying normali-
sation sensing error and estimation the desired parameter at a particular estimating point
in cyber-physical smart home environment.
I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all those who have o↵ered me help during
the whole period of my research.
First and most, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Associate
Professor Yuto Lim, for all of his assistance and guidance. He helps me to finish my
master study with his knowledge, enthusiasm and patience, not only for my research but
also for many other skills like how to prepare a good slides as well as, how to make a good
presentation. He always take a lot of time to explain and discuss with me when I have
problem in research. I especially treasure the experience gained over the past year from
I would like to thank Professor Yasuo Tan, my sub supervisor for his encouragement and
support throughout my study and experiments. Thanks to his comments and guidance,
not only to my research, but also presentation skill, make me understand my research
better and express views more clearly.
I would like to express my thanks to Professor Yoichi Shinoda for taking time to attend
my defence and review my thesis. His comments given at my mid-term defence have been
very helpful for my research, which make me better understand and give me important
views about my research.
Many thanks to my friends, their helps, encouragements make me through many difficult
Last but not least, thank to my parents, their great love and fully understanding through
all these years is my strongest motivation to go on my study and pursue my life goals.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Cyber-Physical Systems and their Applications . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.2 Smart Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.3 Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 Sensor Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.2 Sampling Interval and Empty Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3 Thesis Objective and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 Conclusion 35
4.1 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2 Research Challenges and Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1
ical processes. Embedded computers and networks monitor and control the physical pro-
cesses, with feedback loops where physical processes a↵ect computations and vice versa.
CPS integrates the dynamics of the physical processes with those of the software and
networking through a lot of sensors and actuators, providing abstractions and modelling,
design, and analysis techniques for the integrated whole[1]
CPS brings many benefits by merging computation and communication with physi-
cal processes. CPS applications bring advance in many areas such as: health care and
medicine, disaster detection and recovery, energy, robotics, smart transportation, smart
home and another smart structure.
Smart Home is a living environment that incorporates the appropriate technology, called
Smart Home technology, to meet the resident goals of comfort living, life safety, security
and efficiency. Smart Home technology started for more than a decade to introduce the
concept of networking devices and equipment in the house. It is a home automation system
that allows for controlling over a home environment, media systems, home security, and
integrates with an easily accessible user interface through home network. The devices
and systems in Smart Home environment can communicate with each other and can be
controlled automatically in order to interact with the household members and improve
the quality of their daily life.
In a Smart Home system, one of CPS applications, many devices and appliances are
equipped with sensors and actuators to meet the demands or preferences of occupants such
as: controllable door, fire alarm, lighting control, human present detector, temperature
control, etc. These di↵erent devices and appliances lead to the presence of heterogeneous
sensor in Smart Home.
1.2 Motivation
In Cyber-Physical Smart Home environment, to collect data from the domain of hetero-
geneous sensors and actuators, two types of data collection method can be implemented.
Figure 1.3: Look-up table Data Collection Method
Look-up table Data Collection Method is a feasible method to collect the sensed data
from traditional heterogeneous sensor and retrieve the sensing performance. Usually, the
sensor performance data sheet is commonly static from a pre-prepared database, which is
provided by the manufacturer.
Figure 1.4: CPS-based Data Collection Method
cording to dynamic environment. Sensor performance characteristics give a technical
information for certain sensor performance parameter with the specified definition and
meaning. Figure 1.6 and 1.5 shows the sensor performance parameters in data-sheet of
sensor SHT7x (including SHT71 and SHT75), relative humidity and temperature sensors
with pins.
In this research, the influence of sensor performance parameter is analyzed, especially
considering in accuracy, operating range and response time
Figure 1.7 shows the relative of measured temperature and sensor accuracy performance
parameter in percentage unit. Before 12:00 AM the temperature is lower than 10 C,
percentage error is higher than 10% . However, after 12:00, the temperature increases
and the percentage error decreases
7 Response Time
Response time, is an expression of how quickly a sensor responds to temperature changes.
Time constant is a particular case of response time, which is defined as the length of time
it takes a sensor to reach 63% of a step temperature change.
The response time depends on heat capacity of and thermal resistance to sensor sub-
strate, that means sensor with di↵erent type of thermocouple will give di↵erent average
response time. A rapid response time is essential for accuracy in a system with sharp
temperature changes [19]. Measured temperature dik of sensor Si at time tk is represent
in the following equation
dik = d0ik (d0ik di(k 1) ) ·e ⌧ (1.1)
where t is response time of sensor Si at time tk , Iset is the setting time on sensor made by
engineer to give an output sensing value, d’ik is the actual temperature
) d0ik dik = d0ik di(k 1) ·e ⌧ (1.2)
Figure 1.8 represent percentage error betweens actual temperature and measured value
of sensor, which is inversely proportional to the ratio of setting interval and response time
1.2.2 Sampling Interval and Empty Value
Some definition of time in sampling data are defined:
• Setting interval Iset is the time, which is set by engineer on sensor, to give sensing
data. Iset is greater or equal to the minimum response time of sensor
• Sampling interval Isamp is the period betweens two samples, which is made by request
from user/application
1.3 Thesis Objective and Contributions
This research aims to develop the heterogeneous data processing and estimating system
(HDPES) that can provide a highly accurate sensed data and/or can estimate a desired
data using the CPS-oriented and heterogeneous sensors in the cyber-physical smart home
The contribution of this research is divided into 3 folds: (i )Specify a new framework
for using CPS sensors with heterogeneous sensing data from cyber-physical smart home
environments. Emphasis on resolving dynamic total error by selecting only some of input
sensors using the minimum error first (MEF) algorithm; (ii ) To propose a novel estima-
tion method, minimum error method (MEM) to improve the accuracy of the parameter
considered (temperature) at specific location; (iii )To study and analyse the relationship
between total error and the performance of the proposed framework. By using a simulator,
which is written in R language.
• Chapter 2 gives some related work, shows our designed proposed framework, pro-
posed algorithm to reducing error in sensing data and estimating the desired pa-
rameter in CPS smart home environment
• Chapter 3 evaluates our proposed system by conducting some simulated studies and
data analysis.
• Chapter 4 concludes the thesis, points some research challenges and draws our future
Chapter 2
2.1 Overview
Indoor applications developed intelligent diversification in many areas to bring utilities
to the user in everyday life or toward the maximum saving of energy for electrical equip-
ment in the smart home. The Home Automation field is expanding rapidly as electronic
technologies converge. The home network encompasses communications, entertainment,
security, convenience, and information systems [20]. Advancements in the fields of in-
telligent home systems such as doors control system for safety purposes, healthcare; the
warning systems: fire alarm, gas leak detection; environment adjustment of living space.
This research focuses on the gathering, handling heterogeneous data from sensors of
di↵erent appliances to serve the same purpose is to estimate and control a specific variable.
Specific variables could be as temperature, illumination, humidity, occupants’ locations,
sound, etc. The proposed system can be applied to achieve this aim. However, in this
research temperature, one of importance information for thermal comfort in smart home,
is used as the particular parameter to study and analysis data, system performance.
Figure 2.1: Related works of temperature estimation
2.2.1 Kalman Filterring (KF) Method
S.Sharifi, proposed method for accurate estimation of temperature at various locations on
a chip considering the inaccuracies in thermal sensor readings due to limitations mainly on
thermal sensor placement and sensor noise. Kalman filter (KF) is ultilized for temperature
estimation and for elimination of sensing inaccuracies as well. This technique typically
reduces the standard deviation and maximum value of temperature estimation errors
by about an order of magnitude. The most important of this technique is efficiently
in order to estimate the temperatures at the locations of interest where no sensor is
available. Model order reduction is used to reduce the size of the model and generate
a much smaller yet accurate linear system. Kalman Filtering estimates the temperature
at di↵erent locations on the chip based on the inaccurate temperature readings at sensor
locations and inaccurate power consumption estimates [2].
The thermal network is represented in state space form with the grid cell temperatures
as states and the power consumption as inputs to this system. The outputs of this state
space model are the temperatures at the sensor locations which can be observed by sensor
2.2.4 Fitting Method
Z.Cheng proposes a fitting method to estimate the actual room temperature, which felt by
occupant. By using the design idea of CPS, a hybrid temperature control (HTC) system
was proposed. It enables to monitor and maintain the room temperature in the desired
interval. Through simulations and field experiments, the relationship between control
performance and sensing accuracy was captured. This method improved the sensing ac-
curacy without increasing monetary cost of the system implementation. To increase the
sensing accuracy is crucial to improve the efficiency of the control system, linear regres-
sion method is used to establish the fitting function. With the help of Simulink Design
Optimization toolbox in Matlab software, the mean value of square error is minimized
based on trust region reflective algorithm [5]
Figure 2.2: Heterogeneous Data Processing and Estimating System
Figure 2.2 shows the basic architecture of HDPES. In this architecture, cyber world and
physical world are defined. These two worlds connect together through a communication
media (e.g, WSAN). In particular, the WSAN comprises of two components: sensors
and actuators. The sensors in the physical side send data included the environment
temperature for inside room periodically to data storage in the cyber side.
Subsequently, the sensed data and performance parameter from server is extracted and
sent to Data Abstracting block. Inside Data Abstracting block, total error from the
influence of unpredictable changing environment and performance parameters on sensing
accuracy is appreciated to reduce sensing error before supply input for next block. Based
on the data from previous block, Data Processing and Estimating block use a special
estimate method, which is proposed by the authors, to predict desired parameter at
estimating point and send to controller. The mission of controller is to compute a control
signal to achieve appropriate actuators to perform the corresponding task to influence the
home temperature.
Data Abstracting consists of Fitting Method and ARIMA model with the goal to supply
better input data for estimating a highly accurate value of the desired parameter in Data
Processing and Estimating block
16 Error Computation
To optimise the accuracy of desired parameter, this method also makes an error compu-
tation, which is an adding bounding condition for choosing a good input data suitable
with scenario sampling. To choose better sensors’ readings with lower error for the inputs
by using Minimum Error First (MEF) Algorithm.
The measured value dik of Si at time tk consists of actual value d’ik and random generated
error in range ±Eik :
E is the total expected error representing the overall change in the sensor performance
which is caused by the unpredictable change of the surrounding environment as well as
sensors unreliability. E sometimes is provided by the sensor specification.
In this simulated study, assuming that E of sensor Si at time tk : Eik consist of error
come from influence of operating range to accuracy and response time parameter
Eik = "o,ik + "r,ik (2.1)
The block diagram of reducing sensing error mission is shown in figure 2.4 . In this
block, server checks the existing of total error band in sensing performance information,
and figure out Eik if it does not in static prepared database.
Subsequently, Minimum Error First Algorithms (MEF) collects all the generated error
from the total number of sensors, sort in increasing order, then choosing the number of
input sensors (n) based on minimum E and send data output to Data Imputation block.
Figure 2.4: Error Computation block diagram
18 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model (ARIMA)
The time series data that has inexplicable changes in direction, is analysed and build
a temporal model by modelling it in ARIMA model ARIMA(p,q) models are a class of
linear models, that are capable of representing stationary and non-stationary time series.
ARIMA model rely heavily on autocorrelation patterns in data both ACF and PACF are
used to select an initial model.
The model is generally denoted to as an ARIMA(p,d,q) model where, parameters p,
d, and q are non-negative integers used to refer to the order of the auto-regressive, the
amount of di↵erencing, and moving average parts of the model respectively
ik = 0+ 1 d1(k 1) + 2 d2(k 2) +...+ p di(k p) ⇥1 "1(k 1) +⇥2 "2(k 2) +...+⇥q "i(k q) (2.2)
ik = ⇥0 + ⇥1 "1(k 1) + ⇥2 "2(k 2) + ... + ⇥q "i(k q) (2.4)
20 Root Mean Square (RMS)
This is the improvement of average method to reach the higher accuracy of estimated
value. In statistics, the root mean square value, also known as the quadratic mean, is a
statistical measure defined as the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of a
set of values. The RMS value is always greater than or equal to the average
PN 2
cR i=1 dik
dk = (2.6)
This is the method proposed by Cheng [5]. In this research, fitting function is conducted
by using training data based on history value of measured sensors, selected in previous
Linear regression was the first type of regression analysis to be studied rigorously, and
to be used extensively in practical applications. In linear regression, the relationships are
modelled using linear predictor functions whose unknown model parameters are estimated
from the data. The block diagram of FM shows how to build a fitting function in fitting
This is the equation of fitting function:
k = 1 d1k + 2 d2k + ... + i dik (2.7)
This is the proposed method, using fitting method (FM), root mean square(RMS), to
obtain an additional representation of the current values of sensors’ readings. Choosing
the readings with lowest error (closest to the estimated value obtained from FM).
According to the correlation coefficients between the measured sensors and refer sensor,
make regression analysis which analyses the relationship between the data fitting. There-
fore, when the mutual amendment is made in the use of a higher correlation coefficient
failure without valid data of relevant measured sensors can be used to supplement it.
Considering in this concept, MMEM is a method to compute the minimum error among
the sensors’ readings and FM,RMS or another estimate method in each sampling interval
and choose the best values for estimated data.
This is the mathematical equation to represent for MMEM estimated value:
0 1
|d1k dc F
B |d2k dc k| C
|dIk dc F
k | = M in B (2.8)
@ ... A
|d ik dc
k |
dbk = dIk
Chapter 3
3.1.2 Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
The MAE is another statistical measurement that used to measure how close the estimated
values are to the measured values. The MAE measures the average magnitude of the errors
in a data set, over the verification sample of the absolute values of the di↵erences between
forecast and the corresponding observation, without considering their direction. In other
words, it measures the accuracy for the continuous variables.
The MAE and the RMSE can be used together to analyse the variation in the errors of
the data set. The value of RMSE will always be greater or equal to the MAE. The value
of RMSE will always be greater or equal to the MAE
1X d
M AE = dV k dV k (3.2)
T k=1
3.2 Simulation and Data Analysis
3.2.1 Setup, Scenario and Setting
In this section, I verify and examine how the proposed Heterogeneous Data Processing
Estimation System (HDPES) will behave in estimated data by making the simulation
conducted with R software tool. In the simulation, I use the raw data from the experiments
that were conducted at the intelligent house environment, iHouse, which is located at Nomi
city, Ishikawa, Japan. Figure 3.1 shows the overview of iHouse. Three parts are included
in the simulations.
Use the measured data of the sensor located at the centre of Bedroom A of the iHouse
as a reference reading. Layout of the bed room A showed in figure 3.2
Scenarios: Evaluate the proposed system, 8 CPS-sensors from 4 types (A,B,C,D) with
di↵erent sensor performance. Data for those sensors is created based on actual measured
data of the reference sensor with di↵erent generated random error with the maximum
total error band as described in table 3.1
Table 3.1: Sensor Specification
Accuracy C Response Time
Quality Type Operating range C (Optimum Values C) (seconds)
2 (High accurate) -40 ! 150 ± 0.25 (25) 2
4 (Typical sensor) -40 ! 123.8 ± 0.25 (25) 17.5
(Sensor inside
1 wall-clock) -40 ! 70 ± 1.5 (25) 30
(Sensor inside
1 air-conditioner) -50 ! 80 ± 2 (25) 10
The reference source to refer the sensor performance is shown in table 3.2
Table 3.3: Simulation parameters and settings: Part I
Parameter Value
Vroom (L ⇥ W ⇥ H): volume of room 5.005m ⇥4.095m ⇥2.4m
Iset : setting interval sensors 2mins
Isamp : sampling interval of system 30secs, 1min, 2mins, 3mins, 4mins, 6mins
tsamp : period time to observe data 1day
N : number of measured sensor 2!8
Observation Time for reference sensor 15 and 16 - December 2013
All temperature sensor are used in this simulation have the same unit and meaning
(to measured room’s temperature). However, in practical environment, sensors can be
di↵erent unit (Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit) and di↵erent meaning or di↵erent function
(measure room’s temperature, measure temperature inside an appliance/ device, etc.).
Because of these reasons, before apply MMEM algorithm, the unit of all used sensors
must be synchronised to the standard unit (Celsius) by the proposed system. Besides, a
threshold for inside room’s temperature is necessary to make a boundary for temperature
value in room.
Linear regression, root mean square method, minimum square error method, are the
di↵erent represent of average method. These methods are easy to implement and save
time in computing. The disadvantage of these methods is extremely sensitive to extreme
values. Hence, using FM, RMS, AM for data sets of sensors’ readings containing a few
extreme values is not a good solution. In this case, median value of a large data set can
be a better alternative (Gaussian).
With a few sensors, the present solution is to normalise all sensor’s readings di by
using percentage of relative value between sensor reading and measured temperature of
reference sensor dd
ref .
di ! d0i = · 100
3.2.2 Results Part I: Analysis of Data Imputation Block
The results we report in figure 3.3 is conducted by using average method on reduced error
data and raw data for estimating the desired parameter at estimating point RMSE is
shown of the system with and without the Data Imputation Block. With data imputing,
RMSE decreases up to 16% (at Isamp = 30s)
• 4 sensors (2 type A, 2 type B ) ! not shown Accuracy
After using Minimum Error First algorithm to choose sensors, which has lower error band,
the estimated temperature is closer to the measured temperature of reference sensor. The
di↵erence for 4 cases with di↵erent the number of high error band sensors, the result is
better with the decreasing of randomly generated error E. In figure 3.4 , case of using 2
high accurate sensor is the best case, and the case of using 8 sensors (included large error
band sensor, which are in air-conditioner and wall-clock).
The result of MMEM also represents the influence of Data Imputation block in case
of sampling interval is : 30secs, 1min, 2mins, 4mins and 6mins. The results is reported
in figure 3.5 is conducted by using Most Minimum Error method on reduced error data
and raw data for estimating the desired parameter at estimating point. RMSE, MAE is
shown of the system with the Data Imputation Block. With data imputing, RMSE in
case of sampling interval equal to 3 minnutes is the best case in this simulation (0.27 C)
Figure 3.5: Performance of MMEM in di↵erent sampling interval
In figure 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8, the estimated value of two methods: Fitting Method(FM)
and the proposed method Most Minimum Error Method(MMEM) are compared with
temperature from reference sensor. The di↵erence for both RMSE, MAE, IAE between
MEM and FM increases with the average of total error E. However, in this simulation,
the increasing of RMSE, MAE, IAE is not much.
The average of total error is represented in the following equation:
k=1 Eik
j=1 T
E= (3.4)
• 8 sensors (4 type A, 2 type B, 1 type C, 1 type D): 40.10%
Figure 3.6: Performance of MMEM vs FM: RMSE
Figure 3.8: Performance of MMEM vs FM: IAE
Chapter 4
makes data analysis, processing and estimating as a complex task[6]. Base on these views,
my future research direction will aim to expand the proposed system HDPES with a fully
API such as an interface to integrate between the proposed system and the other home
application/controller, CPS oriented sensor. This API will be developed in CPS-base
oriented to obtain these below folds:
1. To consider the case when abnormally long response time sensor causing communi-
cation delay longer than the communication cycle
2. Spatial correlation also need to be considered same as temporal correlation has been
studied in this research
3. To formally define the interface between the already in use controllers and its pro-
tocols on one hand and the proposed system on the other hand
I expect that the machine learning technique can be developed for improving the per-
formance of error computation and estimating algorithm in the proposed system. This is
a new and promising research domain for CPS approach especially in smart home envi-
ronment. Since the outcomes of the HDPES system using the co-design framework can be
varied dynamically due to the unpredictable changing of environment factors, the machine
learning technique may be able to improve the predictive variables accuracy of estimating
method, it may leads to the entire system is adaptable to the dynamic change of smart
home environment under di↵erent sensing performance of CPS-based oriented sensors.
Appendix A
Use data from Smart Temperature Sensor Performance Survey [7], this graph show the
a↵ect of measured temperature to sensor accuracy of many type of sensor Relative inac-
curacy corresponds to the slope of an imaginary boo placed around the sensor’s error by
this formula:
· 100
Specified temperature range
Appendix B
%Return d a t a o f n s e l e c t e d s e n s o r s
return ( data [ , c ( l i s t . s e n s o r s ) ] )
Appendix C
% Offline part
% C o n t r i b u t e arima model f o r each s e n s o r i n s e l e c t e d s e n s o r s
from Error Computation
for ( c i n 1 : n c o l (m) )
f i t < arima ( t s ( o l d d a t a [ , j ] ) , o r d e r )
pdata [ , c ] < f o r e c a s t . Arima ( f i t , samples ) $upper
[ ,2]
% This can be s e p a r a t e d i n Online p a r t
% Recover empty v a l u e s
for ( i i n 1 : nrow (m) )
for ( j i n 1 : n c o l (m) )
v a l < m[ i , j ]
i f ( i == 1 | | i == 2 )
k < 1
while ( k<=10)
i f ( ! i s . na (m[ k+1, j ] ) )
m[ i , j ] < m[ k+1,
k = k+1
x < 1
pval < c ()
k < i
pval < a s . numeric ( p v a l )
return (m)
Appendix D
%I n i t i a l t h e e r r o r a r r a y
e < matrix ( data = NA, nrow , n c o l )
estimate < c ()
for ( i i n 1 : nrow )
for ( j i n 1 : n c o l )
%C a l c u l a t e A b s o l u t e Error b e t w e e n s t e m p o r a l e s t i m a t e d
d a t a and r e f e r e n t d a t a
e [ i , j ] < abs ( data [ i , j ] r e f e r )
% which . min ( ) f u n c t i o n r e t u r n i n d e x o f minimum v a l u e
min < which . min( e [ i , ] )
Appendix E
m< data
for ( j i n 1 : n c o l )
f o r m u l a < s t r c ( formula ,”+ o l d d a t a [ , ” , j , ” ] ” )
%f i t : contains f i t t i n g f unc tio n
f i t < lm ( a s . f o r m u l a ( f o r m u l a ) )
%p r e d i c t new t e m p e r a t u r e o f each s e l e c t e d s e n s o r i n
c u r r e n t day
d . f i t < p r e d i c t ( f i t ,m)
%m: i n c l u d e d f i t t e d v a l u e s and s e n s o r s ’ r e a d i n g s o f n
selected sensors
m < c b i n d (m, d . f i t )
colnames (m) < c ( colnames ( data ) , ”FM” )
return (m)
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