ECONOMICS (Code No. 030) : Rationale
ECONOMICS (Code No. 030) : Rationale
ECONOMICS (Code No. 030) : Rationale
Economics is one of the social sciences, which has great influence on every human being. As economic
life and the economy go through changes, the need to ground education in children’s own experience
becomes essential. While doing so, it is imperative to provide them opportunities to acquire analytical
skills to observe and understand the economic realities.
At senior secondary stage, the learners are in a position to understand abstract ideas, exercise the power
of thinking and to develop their own perception. It is at this stage, the learners are exposed to the rigour
of the discipline of economics in a systematic way.
The economics courses are introduced in such a way that in the initial stage, the learners are introduced
to the economic realities that the nation is facing today along with some basic statistical tools to
understand these broader economic realities. In the later stage, the learners are introduced to economics
as a theory of abstraction.
The economics courses also contain many projects and activities. These will provide opportunities for
the learners to explore various economic issues both from their day-to-day life and also from issues,
which are broader and invisible in nature. The academic skills that they learn in these courses would
help to develop the projects and activities. The syllabus is also expected to provide opportunities to use
information and communication technologies to facilitate their learning process.
Understanding of some basic economic concepts and development of economic reasoning
which the learners can apply in their day-to-day life as citizens, workers and consumers.
Realisation of learners’ role in nation building and sensitivity to the economic issues that the
nation is facing today.
Equipment with basic tools of economics and statistics to analyse economic issues. This is
pertinent for even those who may not pursue this course beyond senior secondary stage.
Development of understanding that there can be more than one view on any economic issue and
necessary skills to argue logically with reasoning.
Session 2018-19
Class XI Part A: Introductory Microeconomics Part B: Statistics for Economics
Class XII Part A: Introductory Microeconomics Part B: Introductory Macroeconomics
Session 2019-20
Class XI Part A: Introductory Microeconomics Part B: Statistics for Economics
Class XII Part A: Introductory Macroeconomics Part B: Indian Economic Development
CLASS – XI (2018-19)
Theory: 80 Marks Project: 20 Marks 3 Hours
Units Marks Periods
Part A Introductory Microeconomics
Introduction 4 8
Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand 13 32
Producer Behaviour and Supply 13 32
Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect 10 28
competition with simple applications
40 100
Part B Statistics for Economics
1. Introduction 07
2. Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data 27
3. Statistical Tools and Interpretation 27 66
40 100
What is an economy? Central problems of an economy: what, how and for whom to produce;
concepts of production possibility frontier and opportunity cost.
Indifference curve analysis of consumer's equilibrium-the consumer's budget (budget set and
budget line), preferences of the consumer (indifference curve, indifference map) and conditions
of consumer's equilibrium.
Demand, market demand, determinants of demand, demand schedule, demand curve and its
slope, movement along and shifts in the demand curve; price elasticity of demand - factors
affecting price elasticity of demand; measurement of price elasticity of demand –
percentage-change method.
Unit 3: Producer Behaviour and Supply 32 Periods
Meaning of Production Function – Short-Run and Long-Run
Returns to a Factor
Cost: Short run costs - total cost, total fixed cost, total variable cost; Average cost; Average
fixed cost, average variable cost and marginal cost-meaning and their relationships.
Revenue - total, average and marginal revenue - meaning and their relationship.
Unit 4: Forms of Market and Price Determination under Perfect Competition with simple
applications. 28 Periods
Perfect competition - Features; Determination of market equilibrium and effects of shifts in
demand and supply.
Other Market Forms - monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly - their meaning and
Simple Applications of Demand and Supply: Price ceiling, price floor.
Measures of Central Tendency- mean (simple and weighted), median and mode
Measures of Dispersion - absolute dispersion (range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard
deviation); relative dispersion (co-efficient of range, co-efficient of quartile-deviation, co-efficient of
mean deviation, co-efficient of variation); Lorenz Curve: Meaning, construction and its application.
Correlation – meaning and properties, scatter diagram; Measures of correlation - Karl Pearson's method
(two variables ungrouped data) Spearman's rank correlation.
Introduction to Index Numbers - meaning, types - wholesale price index, consumer price index and
index of industrial production, uses of index numbers; Inflation and index numbers.
Some of the examples of the projects are as follows (they are not mandatory but suggestive):
(i) A report on demographic structure of your neighborhood.
(ii) Changing consumer awareness amongst households.
(iii) Dissemination of price information for growers and its impact on consumers.
(iv) Study of a cooperative institution: milk cooperatives, marketing cooperatives, etc.
(v) Case studies on public private partnership, outsourcing and outward Foreign Direct Investment.
(vi) Global warming.
(vii) Designing eco-friendly projects applicable in school such as paper and water recycle.
The idea behind introducing this unit is to enable the students to develop the ways and means by which
a project can be developed using the skills learned in the course. This includes all the steps involved in
designing a project starting from choosing a title, exploring the information relating to the title,
collection of primary and secondary data, analysing the data, presentation of the project and using
various statistical tools and their interpretation and conclusion.
Suggested Question Paper Design
Economics (Code No. 030)
Class XI (2018-19)
March 2019 Examination
Theory: 80 marks + Project: 20 Marks Duration: 3 hrs.
S. Typology of Questions Very Short Short Long Marks %
No Short Answer I Answer II Answer
Answer/ 3 Marks 4 Marks 6 Marks
1 Mark
1 Remembering- (Knowledge based 2 - 2 2 22 27%
Simple recall questions, to know
meaning of specific facts, terms,
concepts, principles, or theories;
Identify information)
2 Understanding(Comprehension– 2 1 2 1 19 24%
to be familiar with meaning and
to understand conceptually,
interpret, compare, contrast,
explain, paraphrase, or interpret
3 Application (Use abstract 2 1 1 1 15 19%
information in concrete situation,
to apply knowledge to new
situations; Use given content to
interpret a situation,
provide an example, or solve a
4 High Order Thinking Skills 1 1 1 1 14 17%
(Analysis & Synthesis- Classify,
compare, contrast, or differentiate
between different pieces of
information, Organize and/or
integrate unique pieces of
information from a variety of
5 Evaluation and Multi- 1 1 - 1 10 13%
Disciplinary- (Appraise, judge,
and/or justify the value or worth
of a decision or outcome, or to
predict outcomes based on values)
Total 8x1=8 4x3=12 6x4=24 6x6=36 Theory 100
There will be Internal Choice in questions of 3 marks, 4 marks and 6 marks in both sections (A and B).
(Total 3 internal choices in section A and total 3 internal choices in section B).
CLASS - XII (2018-19)
Theory: 80 Marks Project: 20 Marks 3 Hours
Units Marks Periods
Part A Introductory Microeconomics
Introduction 4 8
Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand 13 32
Producer Behaviour and Supply 13 32
Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect 10 28
competition with simple applications
40 100
Part B Introductory Macroeconomics
National Income and Related Aggregates 10 28
Money and Banking 6 15
Determination of Income and Employment 12 27
Government Budget and the Economy 6 15
Balance of Payments 6 15
40 100
What is an economy? Central problems of an economy: what, how and for whom to produce;
concepts of production possibility frontier and opportunity cost.
Indifference curve analysis of consumer's equilibrium-the consumer's budget (budget set and
budget line), preferences of the consumer (indifference curve, indifference map) and conditions
of consumer's equilibrium.
Demand, market demand, determinants of demand, demand schedule, demand curve and its
slope, movement along and shifts in the demand curve; price elasticity of demand - factors
affecting price elasticity of demand; measurement of price elasticity of demand –
percentage-change method.
Returns to a Factor
Cost: Short run costs - total cost, total fixed cost, total variable cost; Average cost; Average
fixed cost, average variable cost and marginal cost-meaning and their relationships.
Revenue - total, average and marginal revenue - meaning and their relationship.
Unit 4: Forms of Market and Price Determination under Perfect Competition with simple
applications. 28 Periods
Perfect competition - Features; Determination of market equilibrium and effects of shifts in
demand and supply.
Other Market Forms - monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly - their meaning and
Simple Applications of Demand and Supply: Price ceiling, price floor.
Problems of excess demand and deficient demand; measures to correct them - changes in
government spending, taxes and money supply.
Suggested Question Paper Design
Economics (Code No. 030)
Class XII (2018-19)
March 2019 Examination
Marks: 80 Duration: 3 hrs.
Short Short Long
Answer Answer I Answer Marks
S.N. Typology of Questions Answer/ %
II 4 Marks 6 Marks
3 Marks
1 Mark
Remembering- (Knowledge based
Simple recall questions, to know
1 specific facts, terms, concepts, 2 - 2 2 22 27%
principles, or theories; identify,
define, or recite, information)
Understanding- (Comprehension –to
be familiar with meaning and to
2 understand conceptually, interpret, 2 1 2 1 19 24%
compare, contrast, explain,
paraphrase, or interpret information)
Application (Use abstract information
in concrete situation, to apply
knowledge to new situations; Use
3 2 1 1 1 15 19%
given content to interpret a situation,
provide an example, or solve a
High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis
& Synthesis- Classify, compare,
contrast, or differentiate between
4 different pieces of information, 1 1 1 1 14 17%
Organize and/or integrate unique
pieces of information from a variety
of sources)
Evaluation and Multi-Disciplinary-
(Appraise, judge, and/or justify the
5 value or worth of a decision or 1 1 - 1 10 13%
outcome, or to predict outcomes
based on values)
Total 8x1=8 4x3=12 6x4=24 6x6=36 80 (24) 100%
Note: There will be Internal Choice in questions of 3 marks, 4 marks and 6 marks in both sections (A
and B). (Total 3 internal choices in section A and total 3 internal choices in section B).
Guidelines for Project Work in Economics (Class XII)
Students are supposed to pick any ONE of the two suggested projects.
The project should be of 30-40 pages (approx), preferably hand-written.
Teachers should help the students to select the topic after detailed discussions and deliberations.
Teacher should play the role of a facilitator and should supervise and monitor the project work of
the student. The teacher must periodically discuss and review the progress of the project.
The teacher must play a vital role of a guide in the research work for the relevant data, material and
information regarding the project work. Also, the students must be guided to quote the source (in
the Bibliography/References section) of the information to ensure authenticity.
The teacher must ensure that the students actually learn the concepts related to the project as he/she
would be required to face questions related to the project in viva-voce stage of the final presentation
of the project. Empirical study based / investing project work may be appreciated.
The teacher may arrange a presentation in the classroom of each and every student so that students
may learn from each others’ project work.
The teacher must ensure that the students learn various aspects of the concept related to the topic of
the project work.
I. Project (Option One) : What’s Going Around Us
The purpose of this project is to –
Enable the student to understand the scope and repercussions of various Economic events and
happenings taking place around the country and the world. (eg. The Dynamics of the Goods &
Services Tax and likely impacts on the Indian Economy or the Economics behind the
Demonetisation of 500 and 1000 Rupee Notes and the Short Run and Long Run impact on the
Indian Economy or The impact of BREXIT from the European Union etc.)
Provide an opportunity to the learner to develop economic reasoning and acquire analytical skills
to observe and understand the economic events.
Make students aware about the different economic developments taking place in the country and
across the world.
Develop the understanding that there can be more than one view on any economic issue and to
develop the skill to argue logically with reasoning.
Compare the efficacy of economic policies and their respective implementations in real world
situations and analyse the impact of Economic Policies on the lives of common people.
Provide an opportunity to the learner to explore various economic issues both from his/her day to
day life and also issues which are of broader perspective.
Scope of the project: Student may work upon the following lines:
Details of the topic
Pros and Cons of the economic event/happening
Major criticism related to the topic (if any)
Students’ own views/perception/ opinion and learning from the work
Any other valid idea as per the perceived notion of the student who is actually working and
presenting the Project-Work.
Mode of presentation and submission of the Project: At the end of the stipulated term, each student
will present the work in the Project File (with viva voce) to the external examiner.
Marking Scheme: Marks are suggested to be given as –
S.No. Heading Marks Allotted
1. Relevance of the topic 3
2. Knowledge Content/Research Work 6
3. Presentation Technique 3
4. Viva 8
Total 20 Marks
The external examiner should value the efforts of the students on the criteria suggested.
Suggestive List
1. Micro and small scale industries
2. Food supply channel in India
3. Contemporary employment situation in India
4. Disinvestment policy
5. Health expenditure (of any state)
6. Goods and Services Tax Act
7. Inclusive growth strategy
8. Human Development Index
9. Self help groups
10. Any other topic
II. Project (Option Two): Analyse any concept from the syllabus
The purpose of this project is to –
Develop interest of the students in the concepts of Economic theory and application of the
concept to the real life situations.
Provide opportunity to the learners to develop economic reasoning vis-a-vis to the given
concept from the syllabus.
Enable the students to understand abstract ideas, exercise the power of thinking and to
develop his/her own perception
To develop the understanding that there can be more than one view on any economic issue
and to develop the skill to argue logically with reasoning
Compare the efficacy of economic policies in real world situations
To expose the student to the rigour of the discipline of economics in a systematic way
Impact of Economic Theory/ Principles and concepts on the lives of common people
Scope of the project:
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled in the project.
Explanation of the concept:
- Meaning and Definition
- Application of the concept
- Diagrammatic Explanation (if any)
- Numerical Explanation related to the concept etc. (if any)
- Students’ own views/perception/ opinion and learning from the topic..
Marking Scheme:
Marks are suggested to be given as –
The external examiner should value the efforts of the students on the criteria suggested.
Suggested List:
Price Determination Monopolistic Competition
Price Discrimination Credit Creation
Opportunity Cost Money Multiplier
Production Possibility Curve Central Bank and its functions
Demand and its determinants Government Budget & its Components
Supply and its determinants Budget deficit
Production – Returns to a Factor Exchange Rate Systems
Cost function and Cost Curves Foreign Exchange Markets
Monopoly Balance of payments
Oligopoly Any other topic