Development of Liquid Slug Length in Gas-Liquid Slug Flow Along Horizontal Pipeline: Experiment and Simulation
Development of Liquid Slug Length in Gas-Liquid Slug Flow Along Horizontal Pipeline: Experiment and Simulation
Development of Liquid Slug Length in Gas-Liquid Slug Flow Along Horizontal Pipeline: Experiment and Simulation
Abstract The liquid slug length distribution is crucial for designing the downstream processing system with mul-
tiphase pipeline. Experiments were conducted in a 133m long horizontal test loop. The measurements were per-
formed by conductivity probes to determine the liquid slug length distribution. The data covered both the slug and
plug flow regimes. From experimental results, the mean liquid slug lengths were relatively insensitive to gas and
liquid flow rates in the higher mixture velocity range. But in the lower mixture velocity range, the mean liquid slug
length decreased and then increased with mixture velocity. It shows that the development length of slug flow was
longer than x/D=1157. A slug tracking model was adapted to study the evolution of liquid slug length distribution in
a horizontal pipeline. In the present model, the wake effect of elongated bubble and the pressure drop due to accel-
eration are taken into account and random slug lengths are introduced at the entrance. The results of the model are
compared with the measured slug length distributions of slug flow regime. It shows that the predicted mean and
maximum slug lengths are in agreement with the experimental data at x/D=1157 and the form of the slug length
distributions is also predicted well by the model.
Keywords two-phase flow, slug flow, liquid slug length, slug tracking
and VGSO=1-20m⋅s 1.
Predicted results of the model were compared with the sponded to VLS=0.16-1.5m⋅s
measured data of slug flow in hilly terrain pipeline.
Based on the unit cell model presented by Dukler and 2.1 Experimental facility
Hubbard[1], Taitel and Barnea[10,11] proposed a slug Figure 1 illustrates the experimental facility. Wa-
tracking model to study the slug flow in hilly terrain ter was pumped and measured by an electromagnetic
pipeline. Al-safran et al.[12] verified the slug tracking flowmeter with precision of 0.5%. Oil was supplied
model with two-phase flow experimental data ac- by a gear pump from an oil tank and then measured by
quired in a 420 m long hilly terrain flow loop and the a CMF050 or CMF200 micro motion mass flowmeter
agreement between the measured slug length distribu- with precision of 0.1%. Air was compressed by the
tion along pipeline and the predicted data was good, screw compressor into a buffer vessel. Then it was
although only two cases were provided. However, the filtered and measured by an orifice plate or a digital
model[10,11] only took into account the terrain slugs vortex flowmeter (accuracy 1%) before entering the
and neglected the wake effect of hydrodynamic slugs. mixer. A horizontal plate was fixed in the mixer pipe
Slugs could dissipate at top elbows or be generated at to get stratified flow regime at the initial part of the
bottom elbows due to the gravity force. In addition, test section, as shown in Fig.1.
the pressure drop due to acceleration was not included The experimental facility consisted of a 133m
in this model[10,11]. Also the lengths of the liquid slug long horizontal test section and finally a 16m vertical
and the elongated bubble that enter the pipe were pipe. Most segments of the test loop were made of
specified and a constant stable slug length 50D or stainless steel pipe, but several segments of the
150D was used in the model. straight pipe sections were made of PVC pipe and
In this work, the measurement of liquid slug were transparent for visual observation. The inner
length conducted in a 133m long horizontal and diameter of the test loop was 50mm. At the end of the
φ 50mm test loop was presented, over a wide range of vertical pipe, the gas-liquid mixture was separated in a
input gas and liquid velocities. The slug tracking separator which was operated under atmospheric con-
model[10,11] was adapted to take into account the hy- dition. The air was vented to atmosphere and the liq-
drodynamic slugs that assumed a stochastic normal uid was returned to the liquid-liquid separator tank,
distribution of liquid slug lengths at the pipe entrance. from which oil and water flowed back to their storage
Also, the wake effect and the acceleration pressure drop tanks separately.
were included. The liquid slug lengths predicted by the Air and water were used as the test fluids in this
model were then verified with the measured data. study. The flow regime was slug flow or plug flow in
the horizontal pipeline. Measurement instruments in-
2 EXPERIMENTAL cluding Keller pressure and differential pressure
An experimental facility was designed and con- transducers (accuracy 0.1%) were installed along the
structed in this study to determine liquid slug length test loop. The liquid slug and elongated bubble inter-
distributions. The parameter values investigated corre- faces were measured by conductivity probes[13]. The
October, 2006
Development of Liquid Slug Length in Gas-Liquid Slug Flow along Horizontal Pipeline: Experiment and Simulation 631
A slug tracking model, based on the work of
Taitel and Barnea[10,11], was adapted for the hydrody-
namic slug flow in horizontal pipeline, that included
the wake effect and the pressure drop due to accelera-
tion and assumed a random slug length distribution
introduced at the entrance. The model was imple-
mented in C++ using object-oriented techniques and
the evolution of the slug length distribution along the
pipeline was simulated.
Figure 11 Distributions of calculated liquid slug
length at two locations (VLS=1m⋅s-1, VGSO=5.8m⋅s-1) Experimental study of gas-liquid slug flow was
carried out in a 133m long horizontal test loop and the
maximum mixture velocity was only 2.5m⋅s 1, which
measurements were performed by conductivity probes.
were different from the conditions in this study. From The liquid slug length and the other parameters were
the experimental results, it was found that the mean determined from two locations positioned at the
October, 2006
Development of Liquid Slug Length in Gas-Liquid Slug Flow along Horizontal Pipeline: Experiment and Simulation 633
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