Input: KNM/M N/MM N/MM MM MM MM MM To These Bars C S
Input: KNM/M N/MM N/MM MM MM MM MM To These Bars C S
Input: KNM/M N/MM N/MM MM MM MM MM To These Bars C S
Originated from RCC11.xls v2.1 © 2001-2003 BCA for RCC
INPUT Location S1
Design moment, M 37.0 kNm/m fcu 25 N/mm² gc = 1.50
ßb 0.70 fy 460 N/mm² gs = 1.05
span 6500 mm
Height, h 250 mm Section location CONTINUOUS SPAN
Bar Ø 12 mm Compression steel NOMINAL
cover 25 mm to these bars (deflection control only)
INPUT Location B1
Design moment, M 360.0 kNm fcu 20 N/mm² gc = 1.50
ßb 0.70 fy 460 N/mm² gs = 1.05
Span 6000 mm Comp cover 30 mm to main reinforcement
Height, h 600 mm Tens cover 30 mm to main reinforcement
Breadth, b 350 mm Side cover 30 mm to main reinforcement
Tens Ø 20 mm
Comp Ø 16 mm Section location CONTINUOUS SPAN
d = 600 - 30 - 20/2 = 560.0 mm
( K' = 0.104 < K = 0.164 compression steel required
( z = 560.0(0.5 + (0.25 - 0.104/0.893)^½ ) = 485.1 < 532.0 mm
( x = (560.0 - 484.4) /0.45 = 168.0 mm
d' = 30 + 16/2 = 38.0 mm .
(Fig 3.3) Gross fsc = 438.1 N/mm² from strain diagram .
(Fig 3.3) net fsc = 438.1 - 0.67 x 20 /1.5 = 429.2 > 0 N/mm²
Excess M = M - Mu = 360.0(0.164 - 0.104) /0.164 = 131.0 kNm
As' = 131.0E6 /429.2 /(560.0 - 38.0) = 585 mm²
PROVIDE 3 T16 compression steel = 603 mm² .
(Fig 3.3) fst = 438.1 N/mm² .
As = (131.0E6 /522.0 + 229.0E6 /484.4) /438.1 = 165 .
PROVIDE 6 T20 tension steel = 1885 mm² .
(Eqn 8) fs = 2/3 x 460 x 1,652 /1,885 /0.70 = 383.9 N/mm²
(Table 3.11) Comp mod factor = 1 + 0.308 /(3 + 0.308) = 1.093 < 1.5
(Table 3.10) Tens mod factor = 0.55 + (477 - 383.9) /120 /(0.9 + 3.280) = 0.736 < 2
( Permissible L/d = 23.0 x 1.093 x 0.736 = 18.491
( Actual L/d = 6000 /560.0 = 10.714 ok .
ELEMENT DESIGN to BS 8110:1997
Originated from RCC11.xls v2.1 © 2001-2003 BCA for RCC
INPUT Location B1
M 280.0 kNm fcu 25 N/mm² gc = 1.50
ßb 1.00 fy 460 N/mm² gs = 1.05
span 8000 mm Comp cover 48 mm to main reinforcement
h 500 mm Tens cover 40 mm to main reinforcement
bw 300 mm Side cover 35 mm to main reinforcement
bf 400 mm
hf 100 mm Section location INTERIOR SPAN
Tens Ø 32 mm Section shape T BEAM
Top steel 2 no & Ø 12 INCREASE TOP STEEL
d = 500 - 40 - 32/2 = 444.0 mm (x derived from K using flange width, bf)
( K' = 0.156 < K = 0.160 (as x>hf/0.9, K here relates to beam without flange(s))
( x = 444 /0.45(0.5 - (0.25 - 0.160 /0.893)^½) = 229.8 mm (outside flange)
( z = {236.0(444-0.45x229.8) + 44.0(444-100/2)} /280 = 349.0 < 421.8 mm
As' = 5.69E6 /390 /426.934 < 226 mm² (Muflange(s) = 44.0)
( As = 1.05(274.3E6 / 349.0 + 34 x 426.9) /460 = 1828 .
PROVIDE 3 T32 bottom = 2413 mm² .
(Eqn 8) fs = 2/3 x 460 x 1,828 /2,413 = 232.3 N/mm²
(Table 3.11) Comp mod factor = 1 + 0.170 /(3 + 0.170) = 1.054 < 1.5
(Table 3.10) Tens mod factor = 0.55 + (477 - 232.3) /120 /(0.9 + 3.551) = 1.008 < 2
( Permissible L/d = 24.1 x 1.054 x 1.008 = 25.644
( Actual L/d = 8000 /444.0 = 18.018 ok
ELEMENT DESIGN to BS 8110:1997
Originated from RCC11.xls v2.1 © 2001-2003 BCA for RCC
9 Stresses in N/mm2
Compression +ve
7 1 - - - Neutral axis
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Revision history RCC11 Element Design.xls RCC.