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MME 4134






a) Sequence control
Sequence control happens around us every day. You probably have seen or touched objects
under sequence control.

The word "sequence" is explained as follows:

a) succession
b) connected line of events, ideas, etc.
c) the order in which they occur
d) three or more next to each other in value
Reference: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English" (Oxford University Press)

Based on the above, we can see that the word "sequence" indicates "succession" and "the order in
which they occur".

The meaning of the term "sequence control" is derived from the word "sequence", and indicates
the control of operations in accordance with the predetermined order. The word "control"
indicates "means by which a machine, etc. is operated or regulated".

Let’s take a look at a familiar example and see how the PLC is used:

In the picture below, a door is opened and closed. The person follows the necessary procedure
and manipulates the door to allow a car to pass through.

Opening and closing of the door (manual)

b) Function of the PLC

In (a), the person opens and closes the door manually. However, the door can be automatically
opened and closed using the PLC.

The screen below shows the concept of the sequence, "predetermined order of work". Sequence
control indicates "let the sequence repeat automatically and correctly as many times as desired".

By using the PLC, the door can be automatically opened and closed.

Control of automatic opening / closing of the door using the PLC

c) Control targets and control specifications

In the previous automatic door example, control targets are "sensors detecting the approaching
vehicle" and "motors to open and close the door".
The PLC can control a variety of equipment.

Relationship between inputs and outputs

Parts of control related equipment are mainly classified into two types as shown in the
screen below.

- Devices controlled by the operator

(e.g.: switches and push buttons) In PLC control, they are regarded as the
“conditions” for operation, and called
- Devices which indicate the machine “inputs” in the PLC.
status (e.g.: sensors)

- Devices which detect the machine
status (e.g.: lamps and buzzers) In PLC control, they are regarded as what
are “operated”, and called “outputs” in the
- Devices perform work PLC.
(e.g.: motors and solenoid valves)

Each of the "input" and "output" equipment is individually connected to the PLC. The operation
of each piece of equipment is determined by the sequence program in the PLC.

Control target classification

Example of inputs and outputs in the PLC (in the unit of part)

Example of inputs and outputs in the PLC (in the unit of machine)


a) Inputs, outputs and other devices

The PLC is equipped with input points and output points which are connected to control
equipment and a variety of devices the aid in sequencing operations.

- What are devices?

Control equipment such as switches and lamps are connected to the PLC and symbols
such as X, Y, M, T and C are asssigned as their names. Each symbol represents a
different function and has a serial number to identify it.
Symbols and numbers handled inside the PLC are device symbols and device numbers,
most times these are generally called devices.

Input: From X000

Inputs are terminals to receive signals from external equipment (such as switches and sensors)
and their device symbol is represented by “X”.
Numbers are assigned starting from ’000’.

Output: From Y000

Outputs are terminals to drive external equipment (such as lamps and motors) and their device
symbol is represented by “Y”.
Numbers are assigned starting from ’000’.

Auxiliary relay: From M0

Auxiliary relays (which are also called internal relays) are provided inside the PLC and their
device symbol is represented by “M”.
Auxiliary relays are convenient when using dual OUT instructions and two or more contacts at a

Timer: From T0
Timers are provided inside the PLC and their device symbol is represented by “T”. Timers are
used provide a set period of delay time before their nominated contacts are either opened or
closed depending upon the program instructions.

Counter: From C0
Counters are provided inside the PLC and their device symbol is represented by “C”. Counters
are used to increment or decrement in steps of one to a preset value and subsequently open or
close their nominated contacts depending on the program instructions.

- Device number and number of devices

Inputs (X) and outputs (Y) are expressed in octal - X000 to X007, X010 to X017 (and so
on), Y000 to Y007, Y010 to Y017 (and so on).
Auxiliary relays (M), timers (T) and couners (C) are expressed in decimal - M0 to M10,
M11, M12 (and so on).

b) Contact instruction and OUT instruction

The input/output equipment is individually connected to the PLC. The operation of individual
control equipment is determined by the internal wiring within the PLC. This internal wiring work
is called programming.
In this software, connection (programming) can be easily performed using instruction symbols.

Contact symbols
Is normally open (OFF), and is closed (turned ON) when a signal
NO contact
is received from the input equipment.

Is normally closed (ON), and is opened (turned OFF) when a

NC contact
signal is received from the input equipment.

OUT instruction symbol

Is driven (turned ON) when signals for all the contacts connected
to the OUT instructions are received (turned ON).

Reference: Instruction word

Inside the PLC, contact symbols and OUT instruction symbols are handled in “instruction

c) Writing basic I/O instruction in the program (B-1)

1. Click “Edit Ladder” button on the remote control.

2. Only the “END” symbol is displayed on the screen.
3. Write the input by pressing the following keys that represent the respective symbols:

4. Convert the program you have written into a form the PLC can recognize by pressing
“F4” key.
o The background of the program is changed from gray to white. The program has
been converted.
o If the program has not been input properly, a conversion error message is
5. Click “Online – Write to PLC” in the ladder program area.
6. When the message “Write completed. The simulation will start” is displayed, select

d) Writing dual coils and auxiliary relays

’Writing dual coils’ means to construct a program with two or more control steps for the same
output. If you wish to control an identical output with multiple input conditions, try to
combine the input conditions as in the program below.

Example of dual coils

Tips for using auxiliary relays

Auxiliary relays are convenient when avoiding dual coils as shown or when writing similar
input conditions as shown below.

e) Writing a latched output program and SET/RST program (B-2)

The latched output instruction is frequently used in PLC programming. The Output contact
latches On when first energized by an Input(s), remaining On until forced Off by another
programming condition.

Example of latched output instruction

• Write the contact of OUT instruction

Y000 in parallel to the input
condition X020.

• When X020 is set ON, Y000 is
driven (turned ON) as indicated with
the dotted line 1.
• Even if X020 is set OFF the ON
status of the output Y000 is held as
indicated with the dotted line 2.

Example to shut down the latched output instruction

• Enter another input condition X24
so that the route 1 and 2 are shut
down and the latched output status is
not operated.

* X024 is an NC contact and normally

ON. When an input signal is given,
X024 is set OFF, and the operation
is stopped.

Example of SET (set) / RST (reset) instructions

• When X020 is set ON, the output
Y000 turns ON. Even if the X020 is
set OFF, the output status of Y000
remains On.
• When X024 is set ON, Y000 is
Reset (turned Off).

f) Writing an Interlock program (B-3)

The interlock program is used to give precedence to an input operated first to avoid any
unwanted interruption by another operation.
The principle is often used to control the forward/reverse rotation command of motors or the
ON/OFF status of a solenoid valve with possible safety hazards.

Example – interlock program (precedence is given to the first input)

• Enter Y001 as the NC contact for
OUT instruction Y000. Enter Y000 as
the NC contact for OUT instruction
• The example demonstrates an
interlock operation whereby Y0 and
Y1 can never be set ON

Example – interlock program (precedence is given to the last input)

• The precedence is given to either
X020 or X021 which is input last, and
the Y000 or the Y001 turns ON

g) Writing input rising / falling edge detection instruction (B-4)

Let’s learn programs which operate only when an input is set to ON or OFF.
The rising / falling edge detection instruction captures the alternate status of ON to OFF and
OFF to ON.
It is used for control where the input signal should not be kept either ON or OFF.

• X024 is an alternate switch
which is
always either ON or OFF.
because the PLS instruction is
used here, the OUT instruction
M0 is operated only on the
rising edge of input X024 for a
single scan cycle.

• X020 is a momentary
pushbutton switch which turns
ON when pressed. However,
because the PLF instruction is
used here, the OUT instruction
M1 is operated on the
falling edge of input X020 for a
single scan cycle.

* Even if inputs X024 or X020 are set ON or OFF by the PLS or PLF instruction, the latched
output instruction program for Y000, Y001 and Y006 can be shut down by the input of

Example – Contact type rising/falling edge detection instruction

• The program shown on the left
performs the same operation
with the program shown above
in which the PLS and PLF
instructions are used for
rising/falling edge detection.

3.0 PLC task assignment

Task 1: D-1 Paging Unit

1.1. Control Objective:

Control the paging unit in a restaurant using the basic instructions.

1.2. Control specification 1:

Implement the following instructions using a ladder logic diagram.
1) When Button 1 (X0) on the table is pressed, Lamp 1 (Y0) on the wall is lit.
If Button 1 (X0) is released, Lamp 1 (Y0) remains lit.
2) When Button 2 (X1) is pressed, Lamp 2 (Y1) on the wall is lit.
If Button 2 (X1) is released, Lamp 2 (Y1) remains lit.
3) When both Lamp 1 (Y0) and Lamp 2 (Y1) are lit, [PL4] (Y23) on the operation panel
4) When [PB1] (X20) on the operation panel is pressed, both Lamp 1 (Y0) and Lamp 2
(Y1) on the wall and [PL4] (Y23) on the operation panel are extinguished.

1.3. Control specification 2:

Modify your previous ladder logic diagram to achieve the following instructions.
- The waiter may cancel (turn off) each of the lamp on the wall separately.

1.4. Control specification 3:

Modify your previous ladder logic diagram to achieve the following instructions.
- The waiter may either cancel (turn off) each of the lamp on the wall separately or also

1.5. Control specification 4:

Build alternate ladder logic diagrams for each of the above instructions using SET and
RST functions.

Select appropriate Input switch addresses to exactly achieve all of the above instructions.
Verify that the program works by making it online and testing it on the trainer system
panel. Capture an image of the ladder logic program that you have built and include it in
your report.

Task 2: D-4 Part Sorting by Size (I)

2.1. Control Objective:

Sort three different sized parts carried on a conveyor.

2.2. Control specification 1:

Implement the following instructions using a ladder logic diagram.

1) When [PB1] (X10) on the operation panel is pressed, Supply command (Y5) for the
robot is turned ON.
When [PB1] (X10) is released, Supply command (Y5) is turned OFF.
2) When [Operation start] (X14) on the operation panel is turned ON, Conveyor forward
(Y3) is ON.
When [Operation start] (X14) on the operation panel is turned OFF, Conveyor
forward (Y3) is OFF.
3) Large, medium or small parts carried on the conveyor are sorted by the input of
sensors Upper (X0), Middle (X1) or Lower (X2), then a corresponding lamp is lit.
- Large → Y10
- Medium → Y11
- Small → Y12
4) A lamp is lit immediately after the sensors (X0, X1, X2) sort the size, then is
extinguished when the part has passed Sensor (X4).

Select appropriate Input switch addresses to exactly achieve the above instructions.
Verify that the program works by making it online and testing it on the trainer system
panel. Capture an image of the ladder logic program that you have built and include it in
your report.

Task 3: E-3 Part Separation

3.1. Control Objective:

Give the command to a robot to move a part to a new location.

3.2. Control specification 1:

Implement the following instructions using a ladder logic diagram.

1) The operator supplies parts. The operator confirms the indicator lamp [Supply
allowed] is lit and supplies a part to the conveyor. If the indicator lamp is always lit,
the operator continuously supplies parts.
2) While the PLC is in RUN status, the conveyor always moves forward.
3) When [PB1] (X20) on the operation panel is pressed, Supply command (Y0) is turned
ON and the [Supply allowed] indicator lamp is lit. The operator supplies a part. When
[PB1] (X20) is released, the indicator lamp is extinguished. However, if a part is still
located on the table, Supply command (Y0) is not turned ON so that the indicator
lamp [Supply allowed] is not lit.
4) When Part on table (X1) is turned ON in the robot, Unload command (Y2) is set ON.
When Robot operation finished (X2) is turned ON (it is ON when a part is placed on
the tray), Unload command (Y2) is set OFF.
Unload command (Y2) should be set ON only when the robot is at the starting point.

Select appropriate Input switch addresses to exactly achieve the above instructions.
Verify that the program works by making it online and testing it on the trainer system
panel. Capture an image of the ladder logic program that you have built and include it in
your report.


Please include the followings in your lab report:

1. Cover page
2. Objective
3. Device Assignment:

4. Ladder diagram.
5. Discussion on the system operation respective to your ladder diagram.

1. FX-TRN-BEG-E user manual.


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