Scheme of Work Bi Peralihan 2015

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Chapter 1: 1.0 LISTEN 1.Listen to and pronounce 1.Listen to a dialogue and (KA) Knowledge
Getting to 1.3 Listen to and Understand wordscorrectly answer questions Acquisition:
Know You information and ideas 2.Listen to and understand a 2. Relating their likes and dislikes Identify
Page 1-15 2.0 SPEAK dialogue 3.reading and responding to a interesting places in
2.1Speak clearly 3.Read and respond to a conversation Malaysia
with the correct stress conversation 4.underlining the words with /s/, /z/ (TS) Thinking Skills:
and intonation 4.Ask and answer questions on and /iz/sounds Identify true/false
2.2Ask questions politely one’s likes and dislikes 5.Circling words which have plurals statements
2.3Give relevant 5.Pronounce the plural forms that are not formed by adding s, (MI) Multiple
information politely in /s/, /z/ and /iz/ es,ies or ves Intelligences:
response to enquiries 6.Use regular and irregular 6.identify words which have plurals To know about places of
3.0 READ plural forms of nouns formed by adding s, es, ies, or ves interest in Malaysia
3.1 Read and respond texts 7.Write a postcard 7. Writing a postcard. Making
4.0 WRITE 8. Use the punctuation marks, sentences with words/ideas Values
4.2 Construct sentences full stop (.)and capital letters given8.cut words and pictures from Kindness
4.3 Punctuate 9.Take dictation newspapers/magazines for folio Friendliness
correctly1.Listen to and Gratitude
pronounce words correctly Politeness
Chapter 2: 1.0LISTEN 1.Talk about one’s ambitions 1. Listen to a conversation: note (MI) Multiple
What’s My 1.3 Listen to and 2.Talk about other occupations important information Intelligences:
Line understand information and 3.Ask and respond to questions 2.S noting the format of a Write short notes
Page 16 - 29 ideas 4.Skim and scan an article for descriptive text Create name cards
2.0SPEAK specific information 3.S talk about their ambitions or (TS) Thinking Skills:
2.2Ask questions politely 5.Pronounce long and short other occupations Identify true/false
2.3Talk about things heard vowel sounds /i/ and /:i/ 4.Read and discuss news Statements
and read 6.Use articles a, an, and the articles/text
3.0READ 7. Write a description of onDatukJemilah(MERCY Doctor) Values
3.1 Skim and scan texts for people and occupation P.205. Kindness
gist and specificinformation 8. Use the punctuation: comma Rearrange sentences to form Patience
3.4 Read aloud expressively (,) paragraphs Loving/caring
and fluently 9. Take dictation Sacrifice
4.0WRITE Respectfulness
4.2 Construct sentences
4.3 Punctuate correctly
4.4 Complete texts

Chapter 3: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to andunderstand a 1 .Listen to aconversation: (KA)

Favourite 1.3 Listen to letter/ atalk noteimportant information KnowledgeAcquisition:
Personalities andunderstandinformation 2.Talk about other one’s 2.S noting the formatof a Findinformation on
andideas favorite personalities descriptive text one’sfavorite
2.0SPEAK 3.Read and understand an 3.S talk about their ambitions or personality
2.1Speak clearly withthe article for other occupations (TS) Thinking Skills:
correct stressand intonation 4.Pronounce final consonant 4.Read and discussnews articles/text Identify true/false
WK 6 2.2Talk about thingsheard blends/lm/ and /dz/ onDatukJemilah(MERCY Doctor) statements
CNY and read 5.Use subject-verb agreement P.2010.Rearrangesentences to form (MI) Multiple
7-8 3.0READ 6.Write a short description paragraph Intelligences:
3.4 Read aloudexpressively 7.Use the punctuation Find out about other
andfluently Question mark (?) personalities
Vocabulary 8.Take dictation
4.0WRITE Values
4.1 Spell correctly Hardworking
4.3 Punctuate correctly Patience
4.4 Complete texts Not giving up easily

Chapter 4: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to and understand a 1.S identify words that describe (KA)
World of 1.2 Listen to and repeat documentary animals KnowledgeAcquisition:
Animals accurately the correct 2.Talk about tame animals 2.S use adjectives to describe Complete a passage
Page 43-57 pronunciation of words 3.Read and understand a animals. (TS) Thinking Skills:
1.3 Listen to and respond to poem/a factual text Write short description of animals Tracing animals to their
poems 4.Pronounce initial blends /kw/ 3.Read and understand a poem: homes
2.0SPEAK and/skw/ Aback Cat
2.1Speak clearly 5.Use adjectives of comparison. 4.Read sentences with initial blends Values
10 - 11
3.0READ Describe animals using 5.Write sentences using short notes Responsibilities
3.2 Read aloud expressively adjectives given. Match animals to their homes Love
and fluently 6.Write sentences to describe Discipline
phrases/sentences animals Care for environment
4.0WRITE 7.Take dictation
4.1 Spell correctly
4.2 Construct sentences
4.4 Complete texts
Chapter 5: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to and understand a 1.Listen to a speech on recycling (KA)
Living with 1.3 Listen to and follow speech/a letter and note important details KnowledgeAcquisition:
Nature simple instructions 2.Talk about how to keep the 2.Role play a dialogue Recycle,reduce, reuse
Page 58-72 1.4 Listen to and repeat the environment clean 3.Give advice on recycling (TS) Thinking Skills:
correct pronunciation of 3.Read and understand a poster 4.Answer MCQ Identify
words 4.Pronounce the contraction n’t 5.Read a poster on “Howto save our true/falsestatements
2.0SPEAK 5.Use modal verbs: positive environment”
2.1Speak clearly (must) and negative 6.Read a letter Values
2.3 Give relevant (mustn’t)forms 7.Discussion on school clean-up Kindness
12 - 13 information to questions 6.Write a short message campaign Love
asked 7.Take dictation 8.Write a short message. Expand
2.4 Ask and giveinstructions notes
3.0READ 9.Prepare a folio on recycling
3.2 Read and understand 10.Read a flow-chart on how
simple factual texts unwanted items can be reuse
4.1 Construct sentences
4.2 Match words to linear
Chapter 6: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to andunderstand a 1.S listen to simplefactual text and (TS) Thinking Skills:
World of 1.1 Listen to and repeat the factual text answer comprehension questions Identify
Inventions correct pronunciation of 2.Talk about inventions 2.S listen to andrepeat the correct true/falsestatements
Page 73-85 words 3.Read and understand a factual pronunciation of words and terms (MI) Multiple
1.2 Listen to and respond to text 3.Role-play atelephoneconversation. Intelligences:
short stories 4. Pronounce the Answer open-ended questions Make things
2.0SPEAK consonants, /ð/and /θ/ in initial 4.S read simple textaloud and withrecyclable materials
2.1Speak clearly position pronounce words accurately
14 - 15 2.2 Ask and answer questions 5. Use sequence connectors 5.Read simple story and answer Values
3.0READ 6.Write out a story questions on what the story is about/ Appreciate
3.1 Read aloud fluently 7.Take dictation sequence of events Creative
phrases, sentences 6.Write simpleinstructions Intelligence
3.2 Understand meanings of 7.Sequencing paragraphs into a Diligence
words complete text
4.0WRITE 8.Take spelling and dictation(
4.1 Construct sentences
4.3 Complete texts

Chapter 7: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to 1.S listen and follow instructions on (TS) Thinking Skills:
Giving 1.3 Listen to and follow andunderstandinstructions how to make a paper swan Identify true/false
instructions simple instructions 2.Listen to and ask for and 2.Role play a dialogue statements
Page 86-98 1.4 Listen to and repeat the follow simple instructions 3.S ask for information on how to (KA) Knowledge
correct pronunciation of 3.Giveinstructions on how to make a bookmark Acquisition: Open a file
words make a book mark 4.Read a recipe and answer on Microsoft Word
2.0SPEAK 4.Read and understand a recipe comprehension questions Programme
2.1Speak clearly 5.Listen to and repeat the 5.Read a poster and answer (MI) Multiple
2.2 Ask questions correct pronunciation of words comprehension questions Intelligences:
2.4 Ask for and give 6.Pronounceshort vowel /^/ 6.S use the base form of a verb to Type and print a recipe
16 - 17 instructions asin cup give an order
3.0READ 7.Use imperative form of verbs 7.S use the short notes given to
3.2 Read and understand 8.Writeinstructions write simple instructions Values
simple factual texts 9.Take dictation 8.S match pictures to the correct Politeness
3.5 Understand meanings of instructions Systematic
words Skillfulness
4.0WRITE Cooperation
4.1 Write simpleinstructions
4.2 Construct simple

Wk 18 & 19 – Ulangkaji dan PepriksaanPertengahanTahun 2015




Chapter 8: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to and understand 1.S listen to a description of a (KA) Knowledge
Lighting Up 1.1 Listen to and follow factual text battery Acquisition:
the World simple instructions 2.Talk about electrical circuits 2.Talk about the different types of Relate batteries to
Page 1.2 Listen to and repeat the 3.Read and respond to batteries appliances
99-112 correct pronunciation of adescription4.Read and 3. S listen to and follow simple (TS) Thinking Skills:
words understand factual text instructions Identify true/false
2.0SPEAK 5.Pronounce the plural forms 4.Role play: How to set up an statements
2.1 Speak clearly /aiz/ electrical circuit Values
2.3 Give relevant 6.understand simple and 5.Write out the process of making Intelligence
information to questions compound sentences simple electrical circuit Diligence
asked 7.Write short paragraphs8.Take 6.Read simple texts aloud and Skillfulness
2.4 Ask and give instructions dictation pronounce words correctly
20 - 21
3.0READ 7.Read simple factual text and
3.2 Read and understand answer comprehension questions
simple factual texts 8.Write simple and compound
3.5 Understand meanings of sentences with guidance
words 9.Write simple instructions using
4.0WRITE sequence connectors(
4.1 Write simple
4.2 Construct simple and
compound sentences
4.3 Match words to linear

22 – 24 Chapter 9: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to and pronounce 1.S listen to description and answer (KA) Knowledge
Living in 1.3 Listen to andunderstand words correctly questions Acquisition:
Harmony information and ideas 2.Listen to and understand a 2.Talk about some of the major Find information on
Page 113-127 1.4 Obtain information from description festivals in Malaysia other festivals in
texts listened to 3.Talk about the celebrations of 3.Talk about one’s own festival Malaysia
2.0SPEAK one’sfestival 4.Read a letter on festivals in (TS) Thinking Skills:
2.1Speak clearly with the 4.Read and understand a letter Malaysia/HariGawai Identify true/false
correct stress and intonation 5.Pronounce short vowels /i/ 5. Answer “Wh” questions statements
2.2 Ask questions politely and /e/6.Use subject-verb 6. Write a short description on (MI) Multiple
2.3 Talk about things heard, agreement festivals using short notes given Intelligences:
seen and read 7.Write a short paragraph 7.Making the subject adverb agree Relate greetings to
3.0READ 8.Take dictation different festivals
3.1 Read and understand
texts Values
3.4 Read aloud expressively Kindness
and fluently Gratitude
3.5 understand meanings of Respectfulness
words and acquire Cooperation
4.1 Spell correctly
4.2 Construct sentences
4.3 Complete texts

Chapter 10: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to and pronounce 1.S listen to a speech on vaccination (TS) Thinking Skills:
Heal theWorld 1.2 Listen to and repeat the words correctly and answer “Wh” questions Identify
Page 128-139 correct pronunciation of 2.Listen to and understand a 2.Role playa conversation true/falsestatements
words speech 3.Read and understand a text about Analyse information
2.0SPEAK 3.Ask questions politely X-ray and answer comprehension (MI) Multiple
2.1 Speak clearly 4.Read and understand a factual questions Intelligences:
2.2 Ask questions text 4.Read sentences aloud and Make short notes on
25 - 27
2.3 Give relevant 5.Pronounce short vowel pronounce words correctly some infectious
information to questions sounds /e/ and/æ/ 5.Make polite requests using ‘may” diseases.
asked 6.Make polite requests and “would you”
3.0READ 7.Write a message8.Take 6.Take spelling and dictation Values
3.1 Read and respond to texts dictation 7. Write short notes for folio on Good health
4.0WRITE causes, symptoms and preventions Safety
4.2 Construct sentences of any infectious diseases Politeness
4.3 Punctuate correctly


Chapter 11: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to and understand 1.Talk about the importance of (MI)
The World of 1.1 Listen to and follow factual text computers Multiple Intelligences:
Computers simple instructions 2.Read and understand dialogue 2.Ask and answer questions about Make reading cards
Page 140-153 1.2 Listen to and repeat the 3.Read a dialogue and answer the computer
correct pronunciation of comprehension questions 3.S listen to and follow simple
words 4.Acquire words/terms related instructions on how to use the Values
2.0SPEAK to computers computer Intelligence
2.1 Speak clearly 5.Pronounce the consonant 4.Talk about the all the different Diligence
2.2 Give relevant sounds /∫/as insure components of a computer Creative
29-30 information to questions 6.Use sequence connectors: 5.Role play
asked later, afterwards 6.Write an e-mail. Discuss how an
3.0READ 7.Write an e-mail e-mail is sent(ICT) Sending an e-
3.2 Read and understand 8.Take dictation mail
simple factual texts
3.5 Understand meanings of
4.1 Write simple instructions
4.2 Construct simple and
compound sentences
Chapter 12: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to and ask for and 1.S listen to and follow instructions (KA)Knowledge
Shapes and 1.1 Listen to and follow follow simple instructions 2.S talk about shapes and sizes they Acquisition: Similes
Sizes simple instructions 2.Listen to and repeat the see (TS) Thinking Skills:
Page 154-171 1.2 Listen to and repeat the correct pronunciation of words 3.S ask for descriptions of objects. Analyse information
correct pronunciation of and terms Respond to “Wh”questions (MI) Multiple
words 3.Talk about shapes and sizes 4.S describe objects Intelligences:
2.0SPEAK 2.1 Speak clearly 4.Read and respond to a 5.Read a narrative/a story. Answer Solve riddles
Ask questions narrative comprehensionquestions
31-33 3.0READ 5.Read simple texts aloud and 6.identify adjectives
3.2 Read and understand pronounce words correctly 7. Write sentences about circus- Values
simple factual texts 6.Acquiremeanings of words expand notes Intelligence
3.5 Understand meanings of 7.complete texts with the 8.Take spelling and dictation Diligence
words missing words or phrases Politeness
4.0WRITE 8. Practice word stress
4.1 Write simple instructions 9.Use adjectives of quality and
4.3 Match words to linear quantity
Chapter 13: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to and understand a 1. S listen to a dialogue and answer (KA) Knowledge
Money 1.1 Listen to and follow dialogue questions Acquisition: How to
Matters simple instructions 2.Listen to and repeat the 2.S role play a dialogue open savings account
Page 172-186 2.0SPEAK correct pronunciation of words 3.Talk about savings (TS) Thinking Skills:
2.1 Speak clearly Ask and terms 4.Talk about buying a present for a Identify true/false
questions 3.Talk about things heard and friend statements
2.3 Give relevant read 5.S read a text on how to save
34 – 35 information to questions 4.Read and understand a text. money
asked Answer 6.S read a poem on how to save Values
3.0READ comprehensionquestions water Thrifty
3.2 Read and understand 5.Practice contractions 7.Use short notes given to write a Saving up
simple factual texts 6.Use positive/negative short paragraph. Answer “Wh” Appreciate
4.0WRITE statements and questions questions
4.2 Construct simple and 7.Write a short paragraph 8.Take spelling and
compound sentences 8.Take dictation dictation(PFRW) Saving money
Chapter 14: 1.0LISTEN 1.Listen to and understand a 1.S listen to a radio announcement (KA) Knowledge
Saving the 1.1 Listen to and follow radio announcement and answer comprehension Acquisition: Find
World simple instructions 2.Talk about saving water questions information on saving
Page 187-201 1.2 Listen to and repeat the 3.Read and understand a poster. 2.S ask questions and answer on electricity and water
correct pronunciation of 4.Practice sentence stress what one should do to save water (TS) Thinking Skills:
words instatements 3.S read and understand a poster on Identify true/false
2.0SPEAK 5.Use modal verbs: can, may, how to save electricity and answer statements
2.1 Speak clearly Ask must comprehension questions (MI)
questions 6.Write a dialogue 4.Acquire meanings of words. Multiple Intelligences:
36 – 3.0READ 7.Take dictation Match words to their meanings Prepare a poster
37 3.2 Read and understand 5 S complete the dialogue using the
simple factual texts modal verbs: can, may, must
3.5 Understand meanings of 6.S write about things they can do Values
words and things they must do in school Thrifty
4.0WRITE 7.S write on “How to Save Water” Moderation
4.2 Construct simple and based on pictures provided. Write a Appreciate
compound sentences short narrative
4.3 Match words to linear 8.Take spelling and dictation

Wk38– Ulangkaji &Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun 2015

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