Eei Lesson Plan 4

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EEI Lesson Plan Template

Name: Damian Liljegren Pima Course: EDC 277 Instructor: Cunningham

Subject: World History Topic: The Renaissance Period Grade Level: 10-11 Duration: 55 minutes

List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents: [List everything you will need to teach this lesson here, then insert
actual examples in the Appendices below the plan] PPT presentation with content of lesson (Renaissance – Art
Techniques), laptop computer, Chrome Books, art paper and supplies, colored pencils, pens, crayons, and students
with pencils and paper who are present and eager to learn 

Purpose: This lesson will help students build on prior knowledge from the Renaissance and gain a basic understanding
of Renaissance art and the new techniques that were implemented and instrumental in the evolution of modern-day art.

Components Description of Plan

Content Standard VA.CR.1.HS1a - a. Use multiple approaches (such as exploring artwork from the past,
Choose ONE standard and type it out experimenting with materials, expressing a personal concern, etc.) to begin creative
along with the number. endeavors.
Learning Objective Bloom’s Level: Applying
 Choose ONE level of complexity from
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Objective: Using class notes and other references students will create a detailed and
 Write ONE objective that is ONE colored drawing (either unique or replica of Renaissance art) that utilizes at least 2
simple sentence with ONE carefully
techniques that were exemplified during the Renaissance.
chosen verb

5 Anticipatory Set Teacher will (TW): Students will (SW):

min  A quick "hook" to grab the 1. Show multiple images of art 1. View images and consider which
s student's attention during the Renaissance and ones are current and which ones
 Activates prior knowledge of modern day. are from the Renaissance and
the objective
 Requires active participation
2. Ask the students to view images state how they know.
from ALL learners and consider which ones are 2. Name certain pieces of art
 Students must literally interact from the Renaissance and which and/or the artists who created
with the OBJECTIVE ones are from our modern era them.
and why. 3. Listen to and read the daily
3. Ask students to name any objective.
famous pieces of art and/or the
artists who created them.
4. State the objective of the day.
10 Teaching-Input Teacher will: Students will:
min  Using effective and varied 1. Use a PPT presentation to teach 1. Write down proper notes guided
s strategies, the teacher key artists from Renaissance art by the teacher.
provides information and and modern-day art and their 2. Do a think-pair-share and be
vocabulary students will need techniques and themes. selected randomly to verbally
in order to grasp the concept,
strategy, or skill. 2. Review key vocabulary and answer questions about key
 Check for Understanding. concepts of Renaissance art vocabulary and concepts.
and modern art (perspective,
shading and shadows, sfumato,
realism, naturalism, etc.) and
have students write down
essential notes.
3. Ensure students understand key
content by asking relevant
questions (individually and
EEI Lesson Plan Template

collectively) and making sure

they’re writing down the proper
5- Teaching-Modeling Teacher will: Students will:
10  Teacher demonstrates and 1. Thoroughly go over guidelines of 1. Follow along with the project
min shows examples of what Renaissance Art Project – guidelines and get prepared for
s students are expected to do Prepare students for what they the Renaissance Art Project.
(how to solve the problem,
answer the question, do the
will need to complete project. 2. Be given appropriate time and
activity etc.). 2. Show students effective resources to effectively
 Check for Understanding. examples of projects previously complete their art projects.
completed by other students. 3. Ask any questions pertaining to
3. Provide students with essential the project and/or lesson.
supplies for them to create their
4. Answer questions and clarify
30 Guided Practice Teacher will: Students will:
min  An opportunity for each 1. Walk around the room to offer 1. Work on and complete their
s student to demonstrate new guidance on certain portions of Renaissance Art Project using
learning by working through project and ensure any of their notes and/or
an activity or exercise with the understanding. Chrome Books for research
teacher’s guidance.
2. Answer any questions and offer purposes.
 This is the heart of the lesson
up any suggestions on potential 2. Ask teacher any questions
and should have the most
minutes assigned to it.
options how students can needed to clarify anything
address this project. pertaining to this art project.

5 Closure 1. SW think about and choose one key point or idea (and its significance) they
min  ALL students must engage in got from today’s lesson.
s brief closure activity to cement 2. SW write down and verbally share their responses with the class and/or
learning and optimize transfer.
 Do not introduce anything
new during Closure. 3. TW call on a couple students to share their responses with the class.
 Check for Understanding.
 Students must re-engage with
N/A Independent Practice Students will:
 AFTER proper closure, it is
important to provide time for We generally don’t assign homework at PHS. However, the Renaissance Art Projects
additional practice. It may be can be taken home for completion/enhancement, if the students would like to devote
group or individual work in more time and effort to their pieces of art.
class or it might be
 Do not introduce anything
new during Independent

Checks for Understanding 1. Think-pair-shares

 List at least THREE quick, informal 2. Select random students to verbally answer questions about key vocabulary and
strategies that you used to check content.
understanding throughout the lesson. 3. Circulate the room to ensure students are writing the proper notes down and
 Checks should be varied (i.e., self- effectively completing their Renaissance Art Projects.
check, verbal check, written check). 4. Asking random students to briefly summarize their key points and their significances
from today’s lesson.
EEI Lesson Plan Template

Assessment Options Pre- and Post-Assessment of Objective:

 Describe how you will pre- and post-
test students’ understanding of the Formal assessment will be the students’ Renaissance Art Projects and how well they
objective. These do not need to incorporate 2 Renaissance techniques into them. Points will be assessed via rubric
happen on the same day as the
(attached at end).
 Alternative options for diverse
learners should also be provided Key vocabulary and concepts from this lesson will be on both the test review and
midterm test (how we do testing at PHS). Students will have the chance to correct any
incorrect responses they received on the test for 50% of the point value. Many of the
key vocabulary and concepts will show up in future lessons for reiteration.

Summative Assessment: At the end of this unit, Students will complete a small-group
(3 students per group) slideshow presentation (to be presented to the class) that
connects 3 different key individuals and/or concepts from the Renaissance/Scientific
Revolution and their ideals to how we deal with issues in today’s world (government,
social, religious, etc.). Rubric uploaded with unit plan.

Alternative Assessment Options: Accommodations for diverse learners would be more

time to complete the Renaissance Art Project and/or tests, reduced or increased
guidelines on the Renaissance Art Project, depending on the student.

Differentiation Options Content – Scaffold: I ask numerous questions throughout my lesson for a reason. All
Describe how you will reach diverse students may not be able to answer them with master proficiency, but all students will
learners by varying the: be exposed to them and they will all be able to participate at a level that will enable
 Content them to properly learn the content standard.
 Process Content – Challenge: Some students will be able to answer the higher-level learning
 Product
questions in a manner that will challenge their critical-thinking skills.

Process – Scaffold: Instructions and step-by-step process with sufficient time during
Teaching-Modeling. Extra time to complete the assignment will be provided for those
students who need it.
Process – Challenge: Students who finish the assignment early will have their work
checked by teacher and be asked to elaborate further on some details (verbally to
teacher or to help emphasize their points/perspectives to the class).

Product – Scaffold: Create a discussion with students to have them offer up their
perspectives on the techniques/themes of Renaissance art.
Product – Challenge: Ask gifted students to provide some specific examples or
analogies of how these techniques/themes compare/contrast with today’s art.

21st Century Learning Technology: Students will use Chrome Books to research specific examples of
Describe how you will incorporate techniques and themes of Renaissance art.
technology and/or the 4 Cs:
 Critical Thinking Critical Thinking: Students will be thinking about and formulating their thoughts
 Creativity
(think-pair-share), as well as answering various questions throughout the lesson.
 Collaboration
 Communication
Creativity: Students will be expected to be extremely creative with their Renaissance
Art Projects, especially the techniques/themes they select and draw.

Collaboration: Students will be effectively collaborating with other students for their

Communication: Students will effectively communicate with each other and the
EEI Lesson Plan Template

teacher throughout the lesson and with their Renaissance Art Projects.

Appendices/Additional Information: [insert materials/links/screenshots below]

Renaissance Art Project Rubric:

To answer a question you had about this rubric; yes, each criterion is assessed equally.

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