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Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s Ekrakene .E. Week 3 Year
Name 7
Subject CCA Fine Art Date:
Topic Art and Community (Functions of Art to community)
Previous Students are familiar sticking coloured Period:
Knowledge papers.
Duration of 55 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING 1. Explain the meaning of collage
OBJECTIVE( 2. Outline materials needed for collage production
S) 3. List steps in collage production
4. Enumerate uses of collage

Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the Most students will be able Higher attaining students
work challenging will be to… will be challenged to…
able to…(including SEN) (Higher Ability Students)
Explain meaning of List steps in collage Outline uses of collage
collage production
and materials needed for
collage production.

CCA by I. Banjoko, projector and slides


Aesthetic, values, opportunitie, intellectual, analytical, expression, antiquities, universal, satisfy,

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities

to support the
Students reviews ways to create two Teacher call a
Starter dimensional artworks by cutting piesces students at random to
(Connectio of newspapers, coloured paper and review how to produce
n phase) magazine. two dimensional
artworks with pieces of
10 minutes paper.

Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects

Introduction analyze individually (at random) the lesson topic and
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. objectives for students
phase) to write. she displays
slides showing various
art activities for
20 minutes students to describe.
she further calls
students at random to
analyze the presumed
content of the lesson
- Explain the meaning of collage. Teacher directs the
Main students to explain
Activities meaning of collage,
(Demonstr -Outline materials needed for collage outline materials
ation production. needed for collage
phase) production
The teacher further
20 minutes - List steps in collage production. pairs students to
groups to research
steps in collage
-Enumerate uses of collage. production and uses of
Students present conclusion at group Teacher marks
Plenary levels, critique and comment on peer’s presentations and
(Consolidat presentations. accesses notes based
ion phase) on presentations. she
5 minutes also commends and
passes comments on
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment
Teacher strengthens less able students’ strategies
knowledge by helping them to use the Students are accessed based :
keywords in their research on the subject 1. Explain the meaning of
matter and then tasks the more able collage
students to analyze researched functions. 2. Outline at least 5 materials
for collage making
3. List all the steps in collage
4. Enumerate at least 5 uses of
Homework and due by date: Discuss the term “collage”
Next lesson we will be…
Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a
clear evidence of differentiation in all lessons.
Name of Head of
HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:


Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s Ekrakene .E. Week 4 Year
Name 7
Subject CCA Fine Art Date:
Previous Students have previously analyzed Period:
Knowledge functions of art to the community.
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age
LEARNING -To mention various subjects offered in school.
OBJECTIVE( -To mention various professions and things that make life easier to
S) live.
-To describe how art influences the study of other subjects.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the Most students will be able Higher attaining students
work challenging will be to… will be challenged to…
able to…(including SEN) (Higher Ability Students)
mention various subjects mention various describe how art
offered in key stage 3 and professions and things that influences the study of
4. make life easier to live. other subjects.

CCA by I.Banjoko, Creative Art by Emu Ogumor, slides of variuos professions, tools and materials,
projector and slides.


Subjects, influence, drawing, shapes, painting, design, construct, decorate, furniture, build, music,
dance, instruments, funfair, gifts, bags, fashion, sports, video games, elecronics, tubes, pharmaceutical
companies, mobile phones companies,
Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities
to support the
Students mention and describe various Teacher displays slides
Starter professions and things they use to of various products
(Connectio enhance their works. and professions and
n phase) asks students to
describe them and
5 minutes how they relate to art.

Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects

Introduction analyze individually (at random) the lesson topic and
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. objectives for students
phase) to write. He displays
slides showing various
art activities for
10 minutes students to describe.
He further calls
students at random to
analyze the presumed
content of the lesson
- Students mention various subjects Teacher tasks and
Main offered in key stage 3 and 4. supervises students to
Activities mention all subjects
(Demonstr -Students mention various professions they offer in key stage
ation and things that make life easier to live. 3 and 4.
phase) He also tasks them to
- Students describe how art influences mention variuos
20 minutes the study of other subjects. profession and what
they use to ease their
jobs done. Through
that, students are
tasked to describe how
art influences the
study of other subjects
and professions.
Students present conclusion at group Teacher marks
Plenary levels, critique and comment on peer’s presentations and
(Consolidat presentations. accesses notes based
ion phase) on presentations. He
5 minutes also commends and
passes comments on
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment
Teacher strengthens less able students’ strategies
knowledge by helping them to use the Students are accessed based on
keywords in their research on the subject clear description of the subject
matter and then tasks the more able matter encapsulating the the roles
students to analyze researched impacts. that art plays in other subjects and
Homework and due by date: Make a lettering design to construct art
across the spelling of other subjects.
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection: Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be

differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in all lessons.
Name of Head of
HOF’s Comments:

Signature ofHOF:


Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s ERAKENE ESE Week 5 Year 7

Previous Students are familiar with pioneers of Period:

Knowledge American and European photography.
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age
LEARNING To identify 5 contemporary Nigerian photographers.
OBJECTIVE(S) To analyze works of the contemporary photographers.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
Identify 5 Nigerian contemporary Analyze major works of the
photographers. photographers

Projector and computer internet source, digital camera, tripod, analogue camera


Aim, focus, snap, release, grip, seize, lens

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
(Pass the parcel) Teacher plays music while Teacher plays music and
Starter students pass the parcel. Whoever the hands a parcel with
(Connection music stops with, answers questions on questions in it for
phase) previous topic. whoever the music stops
5 minutes with to pick and answer.

Students write lesson objectives and keyTeacher displays lesson

Introduction words displayed in their notes and attempt
objectives for students
(Activation to explain each step of the lesson to write with keywords
phase) objectives. and asks students at
random to interpret the
10 minutes objectives.
Students describe shooting in general Teacher poses questions
Main notion and compare with shooting as a on general notion about
Activities term in photography individually. shooting, tasks students
(Demonstratio -students identify and mention the 12 steps in comparing shooting,
n phase) to taking outstanding pictures. projects steps to taking
20 minutes -students brainstorm in groups to describe pictures and pair
any 2 steps in taking outstanding pictures. students in groups to
brainstorm on the
subject matter.
Students present conclusion at group Teacher marks
Plenary levels, critique and comment on peer’s presentations and
(Consolidation presentations. accesses notes based on
phase) presentations. He also
5 minutes commends and passes
comments on
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Teacher strengthens less able students’ Students are accessed based on clear
knowledge by helping them to use the description of the subject matter
keywords in their research on the subject encapsulating the definition and
matter and then tasks the more able steps.
students to describe the shooting steps.
Homework and due by date:
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:

Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:
Signature of HOF:



Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s Ekrakene Ese Week 7 Year 7
Subject CCA Fine Art Date:
Topic Drawing from still life

Previous Students are familiar with drawing from Period:

Knowledge direct observation
Duration of 40 minutes Average age
LEARNING -To identify basic shapes that compose displayed still life objects.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To use pencil to represent still life composition.
-To apply any suitable shading technique to show depth and solidy.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
identify basic shapes that use pencil to represent still apply any suitable shading
compose displayed still life life composition. technique to show depth
objects. and solidy.

Still life objects, pencil, drawing books, drawing board, donkey seats, source of natural light, projector, modeling throne.


Motion, still, mobile, balance, space, proportion, picture plane, high light, shade, random, sketch

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students write down shapes they can see Teacher displays a still
Starter that compose the modelled still life object. life object on a throne
(Connection They further analyze why a drawing should for all to see, asks
phase) be landscaped or in portrat. students to write down
5 minutes shapes that compose
the object and state
whether it shoul be in
portrait or landscape.
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually (at random) the topic and objectives for
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. students to write. He
phase) displays slides showing
various still life objects
10 minutes for students to describe.
He further calls students
at random to analyze
the presumed content of
the lesson objectives.
-Students identify basic shapes that Teacher asks students to
Main compose displayed still life objects. make a thumbnail
Activities analysis of the
(Demonstratio -Students use pencil to represent still life composed shapes at the
n phase) composition. top right hand corner of
20 minutes their drawing books as
-Students apply any suitable shading he also guides them on
technique to show depth and solidy. how to calculate and
represent the object.
Students display drawings and move round Teacher analyzes
Plenary to see peers works while they comment on displayed drawings and
(Consolidation the success and challenges on the groups them into
phase) drawings. grades.
5 minutes
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Less able students are aided to represent -accurate representation of object
object through analyzed shapes to proportion -use of space
while the more able ones are tasked to apply -balance in drawing
suitable shading technique to enhance -neatness of drawing.
solidity. -finishing
Homework and due by date: Make a drawing of another still life object
showing the shapes that make up the composition.
Next lesson we will be… .

Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:


Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s Ekrakene E WEEK 8 Year
Name 7
Subject CCA Date: Oct

Previous Students are familiar with festivals and Period:

Knowledge cultures
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING -To identify Nok as a Nigerian art cultures and the locations.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To state characteristics of Nok art cultures.
-To state the historical background of Nok Art
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
Identify nok as a Nigerian art State the historical State chracteristics of Nok art
culture among other cultures background of Nok art culture cultures

Projector and source, board marker, CCA textbook


Nature, symbol, terra-cotta, ivory, clay, brass, excavate, anthropology, discover, antiquities
Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to
support the learning
Students mention cultural festivals in their Teacher initiates
Starter home towns and names of popular shrines discussion on cultural
(Connection ever being told of. festivals and tasks the
phase) students to mention
5 minutes popular shrines ever
being told of.
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually (at random) the topic and objectives for
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. students to write. He
phase) displays slides showing
various artworks for
10 minutes students to describe. He
further calls students at
random to analyze the
presumed content of the
lesson objectives.
-students individually identify displayed Teacher projects
Main artworks from various cultures artworks of various
Activities Nigerian art cultures,
(Demonstratio - Students state the characteristics of Nok tasks students to
n phase) art culture identify them.
20 minutes
-students state the historical background of
He further displays
Nok art culture.. another slide showing
the art cultures and
tasks students to state
the characteristics in
Students present works based on the art Teacher comments on
Plenary culture. students’ presentation
(Consolidation as he re-analyzes the
phase) content of the subject
5 minutes matter.
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Less able learners are aided to state the - right identification of cultures
characteristics using keywords while more - good presentation of points
able learners are tasked to state the -
significance of the art cultures.
Homework and due by date: Discuss Ife culture
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection: Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated.
There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:

Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 9 Year
Name 7
Subject CCA Date:

Previous Students are familiar with festivals and Period:

Knowledge cultures
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING -To identify Ife as a Nigerian art cultures and the locations.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To state characteristics of Ife art culture.
-To state the historical background of Ife Art
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
Identify Ife as a Nigerian art State the historical State chracteristics of Ife art
culture among other cultures background of Ife art culture cultures

Projector and source, board marker, CCA textbook


Nature, symbol, terra-cotta, ivory, clay, brass, excavate, anthropology, discover, antiquities

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students mention cultural festivals in their Teacher initiates
Starter home towns and names of popular shrines discussion on cultural
(Connection ever being told of. festivals and tasks the
phase) students to mention
5 minutes popular shrines ever
being told of.
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually (at random) the topic and objectives for
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. students to write. He
phase) displays slides showing
various artworks for
10 minutes students to describe. He
further calls students at
random to analyze the
presumed content of the
lesson objectives.
-students individually identify displayed Teacher projects
Main artworks from various cultures artworks of various
Activities Nigerian art cultures,
(Demonstratio - Students state the characteristics of Ife tasks students to
n phase) art culture identify them.
20 minutes
-students state the historical background of
He further displays
Ife art culture.. another slide showing
the art cultures and
tasks students to state
the characteristics in
Students present works based on the art Teacher comments on
Plenary culture. students’ presentation
(Consolidation as he re-analyzes the
phase) content of the subject
5 minutes matter.
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Less able learners are aided to state the - right identification of cultures
characteristics using keywords while more - good presentation of points
able learners are tasked to state the -
significance of the art cultures.
Homework and due by date: Discuss Igbo ukwu culture
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection: Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated.
There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:

Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 10 Year
Name 7
Subject CCA Date:

Previous Students are familiar with festivals and Period:

Knowledge cultures
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING -To identify Igbo-ukwu as a Nigerian art cultures and the locations.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To state characteristics of Igbo-ukwu art culture.
-To state the historical background of Igbo-ukwu Art
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
Identify Igbo-ukwu as a Nigerian State the historical State chracteristics of Igbo-ukwu
art culture among other cultures background of Igbo-ukwu art art cultures

Projector and source, board marker, CCA textbook


Nature, symbol, terra-cotta, ivory, clay, brass, excavate, anthropology, discover, antiquities

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students mention cultural festivals in their Teacher initiates
Starter home towns and names of popular shrines discussion on cultural
(Connection ever being told of. festivals and tasks the
phase) students to mention
5 minutes popular shrines ever
being told of.
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually (at random) the topic and objectives for
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. students to write. He
phase) displays slides showing
various artworks for
10 minutes students to describe. He
further calls students at
random to analyze the
presumed content of the
lesson objectives.
-students individually identify displayed Teacher projects
Main artworks from various cultures artworks of various
Activities Nigerian art cultures,
(Demonstratio - Students state the characteristics of Igbo- tasks students to
n phase) ukwu art culture identify them.
20 minutes
-students state the historical background of
He further displays
Igbo-ukwu art culture.. another slide showing
the art cultures and
tasks students to state
the characteristics in
Students present works based on the art Teacher comments on
Plenary culture. students’ presentation
(Consolidation as he re-analyzes the
phase) content of the subject
5 minutes matter.
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Less able learners are aided to state the - right identification of cultures
characteristics using keywords while more - good presentation of points
able learners are tasked to state the -
significance of the art cultures.
Homework and due by date: Discuss Benin culture
Next lesson we will be… ,

Teacher Reflection: Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated.
There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:

Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 3 Year
Name 9
Subject VISUAL ART Date:

Previous Students are familiar with festivals and Period:

Knowledge cultures
Duration of 40 minutes Average AGE
LEARNING -To identify Benin as a Nigerian art cultures and the location.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To state characteristics of Benin art cultures.
-To state the historical background of Benin Art
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
Identify Benin as a Nigerian art State the historical State chracteristics of Benin art
culture among other cultures background of Benin art cultures

Projector and source, board marker, CCA textbook


Nature, symbol, terra-cotta, ivory, clay, brass, excavate, anthropology, discover, antiquities

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students mention cultural festivals in their Teacher initiates
Starter home towns and names of popular shrines discussion on cultural
(Connection ever being told of. festivals and tasks the
phase) students to mention
5 minutes popular shrines ever
being told of.
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually (at random) the topic and objectives for
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. students to write. He
phase) displays slides showing
various artworks for
10 minutes students to describe. He
further calls students at
random to analyze the
presumed content of the
lesson objectives.
-students individually identify displayed Teacher projects
Main artworks from various cultures artworks of various
Activities Nigerian art cultures,
(Demonstratio - Students state the characteristics of tasks students to
n phase) Benin art culture identify them.
20 minutes
-students state the historical background of
He further displays
Benin art culture.. another slide showing
the art cultures and
tasks students to state
the characteristics in
Students present works based on the art Teacher comments on
Plenary culture. students’ presentation
(Consolidation as he re-analyzes the
phase) content of the subject
5 minutes matter.
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Less able learners are aided to state the - right identification of cultures
characteristics using keywords while more - good presentation of points
able learners are tasked to state the -
significance of the art cultures.
Homework and due by date: Discuss Esie culture
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection: Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated.
There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:

Lesson Plan
Teacher’s EKRAKENE .E. WEEK 4 Year 9
Subject CCA Date:
Topic Perspective

Previous Students have drawn from direct Period:

Knowledge observation through various angles of
Duration of 55 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING  To describe the concept ‘Perspective’ in Art.
OBJECTIVE(S)  To mention types of perspective.
 To describe the types of perspective with terms associated.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
describe the concept  mention types of describe the types of
‘Perspective’ in Art. perspective. perspective with the terms



 lines,technique.represent,distance,converge, vanish ,horizon ,view, depth , surface, colours, tones

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students describe pictures displayed to Teacher projects
Starter show the various parts in the scene as
(Connection related to buildings and roads.

15 minutes
Students write down the lesson objectives Teacher enumerates the
Introduction to show the activities with the key words lesson objectives with
(Activation associated as well. the key words and how
phase) they inter-weave with
the activities of the day
10 minutes and ensures that
students write them in
their books.
Students describe the concept Students are shared
Main ‘Perspective’ according to conceptual in groups to use their
clues. textbooks to
n phase) research on the
30 minutes
-Students mention types of meaning and types
perspective of perspective

-Students describe terms relating to Teacher points out

perspective in groups. some terms in
outdoor scene, share
students in groups to
describe the terms.
Students choose group Teacher analyzes
Plenary representatives to present their presentations and
phase) findings on clues. accesses notes
5 minutes based on
presentations. He
also commends and
passes comments on
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Teacher strengthens less able Students are accessed based on
students’ knowledge by helping them clear description of the subject
to use the keywords in their research matter encapsulating the
on the subject matter and then tasks definition and types of
the more able students to describe the perspective
afore-listed types of perspective
Homework and due by date: Draw a bucket placed below the eye level.
Next lesson we will be

Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:


Lesson Plan
Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 5 Year 9
Topic Contemporary wall decoration designs ( Mural design; Motif compositions
on wall, mounting of wall papers.)
Previous Students have made various foot designs Period:
Knowledge using improvised materials
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING  To draw-out abstract designs for wall decorations
OBJECTIVE(S)  To use sharp objects like cutter to cut out drawn designs.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
 draw-out abstract use sharp objects like cutter
designs for wall to cut out drawn designs.

Pencil, cardboard sheets, cutter, drawing board


Inspire, principles, elements, ,resist, ,view, depth , surface, colours, tones

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students describe various wall designs Teacher projects various
Starter seen and suggest how they were made wall designs for students
(Connection with possible materials used in achieving to describe their mode
phase) them. of production and stair-
5 minutes up discussion on various
designs ever seen by the
students and how they
were made.
Students write down the lesson objectives Teacher enumerates the
Introduction to show the activities with the key words lesson objectives with
(Activation associated as well. the key words and how
phase) they inter-weave with
the activities of the day
10 minutes and ensures that
students write them in
their books.
 Students draw-out abstract designs Students are given
Main for wall decorations materials needed for
the task of drawing-
n phase) -Students use sharp objects like cutter to out designs for wall
cut out drawn designs. decorations ranging
20 minutes
from cardboard,
pencil and tracing
paper and as well
guides the students
on how to cut for
resist motif.
Students present designs made Teacher analyzes
Plenary individually and state how they wish presentations and
phase) to accomplish the end product. accesses designs
5 minutes based on the
proposed outcome.
He also commends
and passes
comments on
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Teacher strengthens less able Students are accessed based on
students’ designs by helping them to thematic designs on the subject
use the materials given in their matter encapsulating the
research on the subject matter and effective use of materials.
then tasks the more able students to
use given materials to achieve desired
Homework and due by date: Perfect your design and get ready for printing
on wall (mural)
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:



Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 7 Year
Name 9
Subject PHOTOGAPHY Date:

Previous Students have previously used camera to Period:

Knowledge take pictures using Tripod and hand held.
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING -To mention 3 ways that photographs could be preserved.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To describe framing, mounting and laminating as relating to care of
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
Mention 3 ways that photographs Describe framing, mounting Describe how photographs are
could be taken care and and laminating as relating to framed.
care of photographs.
Portrait and landscape Photographs, frames, laminating films, laminated pictures, framed pictures.


Safe, surround, hold, support, attractive, clearly, firmly, fix, protection, thin-layer, plastic.

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students describe how things like clothes, Teacher selects some
Starter shoes, hairdo and toothbrushes are taken students to describe
(Connection care of. how things like clothes,
phase) shoes, hairdo and
5 minutes toothbrushes could be
preserved and cared for.
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually (at random) the topic and objectives for
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. students to write. He
phase) displays pictures, frames
and laminating films. He
10 minutes further calls students at
random to analyze the
presumed content of the
lesson objectives.
-Students brainstorm in groups to mention Teacher sits students in
Main 3 ways that photographs could be taken groups and projects
Activities care and preserved. objective tasks one after
(Demonstratio the other, marking
n phase) -students submit findings. presentations and
20 minutes findings.
-Students research in groups to describe
framing, mounting and laminating as
relating to care of photographs.

-students present descriptions.

Students agree on three ways to care and Teacher summarizes
Plenary preserve photographs. students’ findings as he
(Consolidation comments and writes
phase) the basic points to note
5 minutes in concordance with the
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Less able students are paired to work with -team work in research.
others in groups and aided to use keywords -good use of keywords in description.
appropriately while the more able ones are -accuracy in research to content.
tasked to work with others to ensure their -completed class work.
group have good presentation.
Homework and due by date: Discuss the advantage adopting ‘Framing’ over

Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.
Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:



Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 8 Year 9
Subject CCA Fine Art Date:
Topic Drawing from Nature

Previous Students are familiar with drawing from Period:

Knowledge direct observation and identification of
shapes in that compose objects.
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING -To identify basic shapes that compose displayed natural objects.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To use pencil to represent natural object.
-To apply any suitable drawing technique to show depth and solidy.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
identify basic shapes that use pencil to represent apply any suitable shading
compose displayed natural composition from nature. technique to show depth
objects. and solidy.

fruits, leaves, pencil, drawing books, drawing board, donkey seats, source of natural light, projector, modeling throne.


Motion, still, mobile, balance, space, proportion, picture plane, high light, shade, random, sketch
Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to
support the learning
Students write down shapes they can see Teacher displays a
Starter that compose the modelled natural object. natural object on a
(Connection They further analyze why a drawing should throne for all to see,
phase) be landscaped or in portrat. asks students to write
5 minutes down shapes that
compose the object and
state whether it should
be in portrait or
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually (at random) the topic and objectives for
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. students to write. He
phase) displays slides showing
various natural objects
10 minutes for students to describe.
He further calls students
at random to analyze
the presumed content of
the lesson objectives.
-Students identify basic shapes that Teacher asks students to
Main compose displayed natural objects. make a thumbnail
Activities analysis of the
(Demonstratio -Students use pencil to represent composed shapes at the
n phase) composition from nature top right hand corner of
20 minutes their drawing books as
-Students apply any suitable shading he also guides them on
technique to show depth and solidy. how to calculate and
represent the object.
Students display drawings and move round Teacher analyzes
Plenary to see peers works while they comment on displayed drawing and
(Consolidation the success and challenges on the groups them into
phase) drawings. grades.
5 minutes
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Less able students are aided to represent -accurate representation of object
object through analyzed shapes to proportion -use of space
while the more able ones are tasked to apply -balance in drawing
suitable shading technique to enhance -neatness of drawing.
solidity. -finishing
Homework and due by date: Make a painting of another natural object
showing the shapes that make up the composition.
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:
Signature of HOF:



Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 9 Year 9
Topic Drawing and painting from still life

Previous Students are familiar with drawing from Period:

Knowledge direct observation
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING -To identify basic shapes that compose displayed still life objects.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To use pencil to represent still life composition.
-To apply any suitable painting technique to show depth and solidy.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
identify basic shapes that use pencil to represent still apply any suitable painting
compose displayed still life life composition. technique to show depth
objects. and solidy.

Still life objects, pencil, drawing books, drawing board, donkey seats, source of natural light, projector, modeling throne.


Motion, still, mobile, balance, space, proportion, picture plane, high light, shade, random, sketch
Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to
support the learning
Students write down shapes they can see Teacher displays a still
Starter that compose the modelled still life object. life object on a throne
(Connection They further analyze why a drawing should for all to see, asks
phase) be landscaped or in portrat. students to write down
5 minutes shapes that compose
the object and state
whether it shoul be in
portrait or landscape.
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually (at random) the topic and objectives for
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. students to write. He
phase) displays slides showing
various still life objects
10 minutes for students to describe.
He further calls students
at random to analyze
the presumed content of
the lesson objectives.
-Students identify basic shapes that Teacher asks students to
Main compose displayed still life objects. make a thumbnail
Activities analysis of the
(Demonstratio -Students use pencil to represent still life composed shapes at the
n phase) composition. top right hand corner of
20 minutes their drawing books as
-Students apply any suitable painting he also guides them on
technique to show depth and solidy. how to calculate and
represent the object.
Students display drawings and move round Teacher analyzes
Plenary to see peers works while they comment on displayed drawings and
(Consolidation the success and challenges on the groups them into
phase) drawings. grades.
5 minutes
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Less able students are aided to represent -accurate representation of object
object through analyzed shapes to proportion -use of space
while the more able ones are tasked to apply -balance in drawing
suitable painting technique to enhance -neatness of painting.
solidity. -finishing
Homework and due by date: Make a drawing of another still life object
showing the shapes that make up the composition.
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:


Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 10 Year
Name 9
Subject CCA Date:

Previous Students are familiar with techniques of Period:

Knowledge taking pictures with handheld and tripod.
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age
LEARNING -To define tripod as a tool in photography.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To mention parts of tripod.
-To describe the parts of Camera Tripod and their functions.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
Define tripod as a tool in Mention the parts of Tripod. Describe the parts of camera
photography. Tripod and their functions.

Tripod, camera, projector


Tool, technique, skill, rotate, balance, slop ,mount, landscape, portrait
Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to
support the learning
Students describe various tools for Teacher asks students to
Starter different professions describe various tools
(Connection associated with
phase) professions and how the
5 minutes tools aid their works.

Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson

Introduction analyze individually the content of the topic and objectives for
(Activation lesson objectives students to write,
phase) display a piece of tripod
and asks students to
10 minutes analyze the presumed
context of the content.
Students work in groups to define tripod as Teacher tasks students
Main a tool in photography. in groups with the lesson
Activities objectives, analyzes
(Demonstratio Students mention parts of tripod in groups. group works and
n phase) presentations.
20 minutes Students describe the parts of Camera
Tripod and their functions in groups.
Students present their findings orally
through a group representative.
Students submit notes from group works Teacher assesses
Plenary and take necessary corrections from students’ notes and
(Consolidation teacher. makes corrections as
phase) applicable.
5 minutes Students write homework in their notes.

Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies

Less able students are aided to work with -team work in research.
others in groups and use keywords -good use of keywords in description.
appropriately while the more able ones are -accuracy in research to content.
tasked to work with others to ensure their -completed class work.
group have good presentation.
Homework and due by date: State 3 uses of camera tripod.
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:

Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:
Signature of HOF:



Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 3 Year
Name 10
Subject VISUAL ART Date:

Previous Students are familiar with designs of Period:

Knowledge various fabrics used at home and motifs
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
Lesson 13 years and
LEARNING -To define textile as a means of fabric decoration.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To mention types of fabric decoration.
-To state the essence of fabric decoration.
-To initiate a motif for fabric decoration
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
define textile as a means of mention types of fabric initiate a motif for fabric
fabric decoration decoration. decoration
- state the essence of fabric

Decorate, design, fabric, loom warp, weft, repeat,


Tool, technique, skill, rotate, balance, slop ,mount, landscape, portrait
Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to
support the learning
Students describe various fabrics ever seen Teacher asks students to
Starter and used and suggest how they are made describe at random
(Connection with reference to various cultures, various fabrics ever seen
phase) and used and suggest
5 minutes how they are made with
reference to various
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually the content of the topic and objectives for
(Activation lesson objectives students to write,
phase) displays various fabric
designs and asks
10 minutes students to analyze the
presumed context of the
Objective 1 Teacher projects tasks in
Main Students work in pairs to define textile as a phases and guides
Activities means of fabric design. students to achieve the
(Demonstratio objectives using
n phase) Objective 2 available resources.
20 minutes Students mention types of fabric
decoration in pairs. The teacher assesses
the students at various
Objective 3 stages of the objectives
-Students state the essence of fabric awarding marks
decoration. appropriately.

Objective 4
Students state the essence of fabric

Objective 5
Students use pencil and paper to
individually initiate a motif for fabric

Students present their proposed motif

designs and reason behind their choice.
Students submit notes from group works Teacher assesses
Plenary and take necessary corrections from students’ designs and
(Consolidation teacher. makes corrections as
phase) applicable and also
5 minutes Students write homework in their notes. makes reference
comments applicable to
the topic

Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies

Less able students are aided to work with -team work in research.
others in pairs to use keywords appropriately -good use of keywords in description.
and present co-relating motif while the more -accuracy in research to content.
able ones are tasked to develop their motifs -completed class work.
to ensure adequate design .
Homework and due by date :develop motif design and plan colours
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:

Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:


Lesson Plan
Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 4 Year 10
Subject VISUAL ART Date:
Topic Contemporary wall decoration designs (Wall Planters)

Previous Students have made flower designs using Period:

Knowledge improvised materials from straws, grasses
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING  To map-out designs fit for wall planter
OBJECTIVE(S)  To prepare clay for moulding wall planters
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
 Map-out designs fit for Prepare clay for moulding Prepare clay and work with clay
wall planter using wall planter i.e pounding, adequately
pencil on paper mixing with water fixing.

Pencil, cardboard sheets, cutter, drawing board, clay mortar and pestle, water, buckets, synthetic nylon materials, slabs, modelling tools
Inspire, principles, scoop, blend, design, mix, slab, coil, pinch, mould, resist, fire, kiln, bisque, greenware, grog, slip, sieve,

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students describetheir concept on wall Teacher initiates
Starter planters, nature and uses of the various discussion on wall
(Connection wall planters seen and suggest how they decorations with the
phase) were made with possible materials used in essence of decorating
5 minutes achieving them. walls as essential part of
a building and how they
were made.
Students write down the lesson objectives Teacher enumerates the
Introduction to show the activities with the key words lesson objectives with
(Activation associated as well. the key words and how
phase) they inter-weave with
the activities of the day
10 minutes and ensures that
students write them in
their books.
 Students map-out designs fit for Students are given
Main wall planters using pencil on materials needed for
paper the task of maping-
n phase) out designs. The
 Students prepare clay for students are further
20 minutes
working on wall planters using given clay to prepare
materials available. for the task and as
well guides the
students on how to
prepare and use the
clay to achieve
desired result for the
Students present designs made Teacher analyzes
Plenary individually and state how they wish designs and
phase) to accomplish the end product. accesses designs
5 minutes based on the
proposed outcome.
He also commends
and passes
comments on the
designs drawn.
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Teacher strengthens less able Students are accessed based on
students’ designs by helping them to thematic designs on the subject
use the materials given in their matter encapsulating the
research on the subject matter and effective use of materials.
then tasks the more able students to
use given materials to achieve desired
Homework and due by date: Perfect your design and continue with the use
of clay at leisure to achieve their designs rapidly and effectively
Next lesson we will be…
Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:



Lesson Plan
Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 5 Year 10
Subject VISUAL ART Date:

Previous Students have drawn from perspective and Period:

Knowledge are familiar with the principles of
perspective through various angles of
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING  To describe the concept ‘Foreshortening’ in Art.
OBJECTIVE(S)  To draw from foreshortened objects.
 To apply suitable shading technique to drawing.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
describe the concept  Draw from apply suitable shading
‘Foreshortening’ in Art. foreshortened objects technique to drawing.



 lines,technique.represent,distance,converge, vanish ,horizon ,view, depth , surface, colours, tones, elliptical, shorten

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students describe pictures displayed to Teacher projects slides
Starter show the various parts in the scene as on foreshortening and
(Connection related to recession and foreshortening. asks students to identify
phase) parts foreshortened
5 minutes
Students write down the lesson objectives Teacher enumerates the
Introduction to show the activities with the key words lesson objectives with
(Activation associated as well. the key words and how
phase) they inter-weave with
the activities of the day
10 minutes and ensures that
students write them in
their books.
Students describe the concept Students are shown
Main ‘Foreshortening’ according to slides of
conceptual clues and based on slides foreshortened parts
n phase) shown in a whole and
20 minutes
tasked to describe
-Students draw foreshortened object what seems
displayed with pencil in their books. technically
represented and
-Students apply any suitable shading thus asked to
technique on drawn foreshortened describe their
part of the object individually concept on
The students are
guided to draw
technically and apply
suitable shades to
same to establish
Students present works done and Teacher analyzes
Plenary move around to see other works presentations and
phase) done by peers and to establish good accesses notes
5 minutes representation of works that shows based on
foreshortening individually. presentations. He
also commends and
passes comments on
drawing and shading.
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Teacher strengthens less able Students are accessed based on
students’ knowledge by helping them clear description of the subject
to use the keywords in their research matter encapsulating the
on the subject matter and then tasks definition and technique of
the more able students to apply shading applied to drawing.
suitable shading techniques on
drawings made.
Homework and due by date: Draw a foreshortened view to show ‘It is mine’
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:



Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE ESE WEEK 7 Year
Name 10
Subject VISUAL ART Date:

Previous Students are familiar with black and white Period:

Knowledge pictures and the techniques of taking
pictures with handheld and tripod.
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING -To define filters as a tool in photography.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To mention 5 types of camera filters.
-To describe the various types of camera filters and their functions.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
Define tripod as a tool in . mention 5 types of camera describe the various types
photography. filters. of camera filters and their

Projector, digital camera,


Tool, technique, skill, amend, enhance, beautify, correct, change, digital, pixel

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students describe various dresses for Teacher tasks students
Starter various professions, styles and names of to describe various
(Connection make-ups for occasions and the dresses for various
phase) significances professions, styles and
5 minutes names of make-ups for
such occasions and the
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually the content of the topic and objectives for
(Activation lesson objectives students to write,
phase) displays a slide showing
camera filters and asks
10 minutes students to analyze the
presumed context of the
Students work in groups to define camera Teacher shares students
Main filters as a tool in photography. in groups, tasks students
Activities in groups to define
(Demonstratio Students mention 5 types of camera filters camera filters,5 types
n phase) that can enhance photos in groups. and their uses
20 minutes
Students describe the various types of
camera filters and their uses in groups
through a group representative.
Students submit notes from group works Teacher assesses
Plenary and take necessary corrections from students’ notes and
(Consolidation teacher. makes corrections as
phase) applicable.
5 minutes Students write homework in their notes.

Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies

Less able students are aided to work with -team work in research.
others in groups and use keywords -good use of keywords in description.
appropriately while the more able ones are -accuracy in research to content.
tasked to work with others to ensure their -completed class work.
group have good presentation.
Homework and due by date: Describe 5 other camera filters and their uses
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:

Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:



Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 8 Year 10
Topic Drawing and shading from still life

Previous Students are familiar with drawing from Period:

Knowledge direct observation
Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
LEARNING -To identify basic shapes that compose displayed still life objects.
OBJECTIVE(S) -To use pencil to represent still life composition.
-To apply any suitable shading technique to show depth and solidy.
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
identify basic shapes that use pencil to represent still apply any suitable shading
compose displayed still life life composition. technique to show depth
objects. and solidy.

Still life objects, pencil, drawing books, drawing board, donkey seats, source of natural light, projector, modeling throne.


Motion, still, mobile, balance, space, proportion, picture plane, high light, shade, random, sketch

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students write down shapes they can see Teacher displays a still
Starter that compose the modelled still life object. life object on a throne
(Connection They further analyze why a drawing should for all to see, asks
phase) be landscaped or in portrat. students to write down
5 minutes shapes that compose
the object and state
whether it shoul be in
portrait or landscape.
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually (at random) the topic and objectives for
(Activation content of the lesson objectives. students to write. He
phase) displays slides showing
various still life objects
10 minutes for students to describe.
He further calls students
at random to analyze
the presumed content of
the lesson objectives.
-Students identify basic shapes that Teacher asks students to
Main compose displayed still life objects. make a thumbnail
Activities analysis of the
(Demonstratio -Students use pencil to represent still life composed shapes at the
n phase) composition. top right hand corner of
20 minutes their drawing books as
-Students apply any suitable shading he also guides them on
technique to show depth and solidy. how to calculate and
represent the object.
Students display drawings and move round Teacher analyzes
Plenary to see peers works while they comment on displayed drawings and
(Consolidation the success and challenges on the groups them into
phase) drawings. grades.
5 minutes
Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies
Less able students are aided to represent -accurate representation of object
object through analyzed shapes to proportion -use of space
while the more able ones are tasked to apply -balance in drawing
suitable shading technique to enhance -neatness of shading.
solidity. -finishing
Homework and due by date: Make a drawing of another still life object
showing the shapes that make up the composition.
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:
Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.

Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:


Lesson Plan Class:

Teacher’s EKRAKENE E WEEK 9 AND 10 Year
Name 10
Subject VISUAL ART Date:

Previous Students have traced motifs fit for textile Period:

Duration of 40 minutes Average Age:
Lesson 13 years and
LEARNING -To trace motifs into pattern
OBJECTIVE(S) -To mix paint for design
-To apply background colour on pattern.
-To mix colour for motif
Learning Outcomes:
Students who will find the work Most students will be able to… Higher attaining students will be
challenging will be able to… challenged to… (Higher Ability
(including SEN) Students)
trace motifs into pattern -mix paint for design mix colour for motif
-apply background colour on

Decorate, design, fabric, loom warp, weft, repeat,


Tool, technique, skill, rotate, balance, slop ,mount, landscape, portrait

Timings Learning (Student activities) Teaching activities to

support the learning
Students describe various and analyze Teacher asks students to
Starter steps taken to achieve motifs and describe at random
(Connection challenges faced various fabrics ever seen
phase) and used and suggest
5 minutes how they are made with
reference to various
Students write lesson objectives and Teacher projects lesson
Introduction analyze individually the content of the topic and objectives for
(Activation lesson objectives students to write,
phase) displays various fabric
designs and asks
10 minutes students to analyze the
presumed context of the
Objective 1 Teacher projects tasks in
Main Students work in pairs to define textile as a phases and guides
Activities means of fabric design. students to achieve the
(Demonstratio objectives using
n phase) Objective 2 available resources.
20 minutes Students mention types of fabric
decoration in pairs. The teacher assesses
the students at various
Objective 3 stages of the objectives
-Students state the essence of fabric awarding marks
decoration. appropriately.

Objective 4
Students state the essence of fabric

Objective 5
Students use pencil and paper to
individually initiate a motif for fabric

Students present their proposed motif

designs and reason behind their choice.
Students submit notes from group works Teacher assesses
Plenary and take necessary corrections from students’ designs and
(Consolidation teacher. makes corrections as
phase) applicable and also
5 minutes Students write homework in their notes. makes reference
comments applicable to
the topic

Notes on differentiation strategies Notes on assessment strategies

Less able students are aided to work with -team work in research.
others in pairs to use keywords appropriately -good use of keywords in description.
and present co-relating motif while the more -accuracy in research to content.
able ones are tasked to develop their motifs -completed class work.
to ensure adequate design .
Homework and due by date :develop motif design and plan colours
Next lesson we will be…

Teacher Reflection:

Learning objectives and learning opportunities may need to be differentiated. There should be a clear evidence of differentiation in
all lessons.
Name of Head of Faculty:

HOF’s Comments:

Signature of HOF:

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