MTP Excise
MTP Excise
MTP Excise
The exercise of the power of arrest by the Exeise Officer is subject to
the belief which should be reasonable that person being arrested is liable to
punishment under the Act.
10. Power to summon persons to give evidence and produce
documents in inquiries under this Act.-(1) Any excise officer duly
empowered by rules made in this I behalf shall have power to summon any
person whose attendance he considers necessary either to give evidence or
to produce a document or any other thing in any inquiry which such officer
is making for any of the purpose of this Act.
(2) A summons to produce documents or other things under sub-
section (1) may be . for the production of certain specified documents or
things or for the production of all documents or things of a certain
description in the possession or under the control of the person concerned.
(3) AU persons so summoned shall be bound to attend either in
person or by an authorized agent as such officer may direct and all
persons so summoned shall be bound _o state the truth on any subject
respecting which he is examined or make statements and produce such
documents and other things as may be required:
S.P.Gupta v. President of India, A.I.R. 1982 S.C. 149 at pp. 304, 314; see also
Mohan Kumar Singhania
Union of India, A.I.R. 1992 S.C. 1 at p. 21.
Balasinor Nagrjk Co-operative Bank Ltd. v. Babubhai Shankerlal Pandya,
A.I.R. 1987 S.C. 849 at p. 851; see aIso N.K. Jain v.C.K. Shah, 1991
Cr.L.J.1347 at p. 1359. (S.C.)
Provided that the exemption under Sec. 132 and Sec. 133 of the,
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908), shall apply to requisitions for
attendance under this section.
(4) Every such inquiry as aforesaid shall be deemed to be a judicial
proceeding within the meaning of Sec. 193 and Sec. 228 of the Indian
Penal Code (45 of 1860).
The section empowers the Excise Officer to summon any person
whose attendance is necessary to give evidence in any inquiry.
11. Officers required to assist excise officers. -All officers of Customs
and Central Excise, and such other officers of the Central Government as
may be specified in this behalf, and all police officers and all officers
engaged in the collection of land revenue are hereby empowered and
required to assist excise officers in the execution of this Act.
(d) commits, as such officer, any other act to the injury of any person,
without having reason to believe that such act is required for the execution
of his duty; shall, for every such offence, be punishable with fine which
may extend to two thousand rupees.
(2) Any person wilfully and maliciously giving false information and so
causing an arrest or a search to be made under this Act shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine
which may extend to two thousand rupees, or with both.
The act of wilful and maliciously giving false information so as to
cause an arrest or a search to be made under the Act is punishable with
imprisonment up to two years or with fine up to two thousand rupees or
with both.
18. Failure of excise officers on duty.-Any Excise Officer who ceases
or refuses to perform, or withdraws himself from the duties of his office,
unless he had obtained the' express, written permission of his superior
officer or has given such superior officer two months' notice in writing of
his intention or has other lawful excuse, shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine
which may, extend to three months' pay, or with both.
The act of refusal to perfonn or withdrawal of one-self from the duty
by the Excise Officer without written permission of the superior is
punishable with imprisonment up to three months or with fine up to three
months' pay.
Supplementary Provisions
19. Power to make rules.-(1) The Central Government may, by
notification in the official Gazette, make rules to carry out the purposes of
this Act
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing
power, such rules may
(i) provide for the assessment and collection of duties levied
under this Act, the authorities by whom functions under this Act are
to be discharged, the issue of notices requiring payment, the manner
in which the duties shall be payable and the recovery of the duty not
(ii) prohibit absolutely, or with such exceptions, or subject to
such conditions as the Central Government may think fit, the
manufacture, or any process of the manufacture, or dutiable goods or
of any component parts or ingredients or containers thereof, except of
land or premises approved for the purpose;
(iii) regulate the removal of dutiable goods from the place where
they are stored or manufactured or subjected to any process of
production or manufacture and their transport to or from the premises
of a licensed person, or a bonded warehouse, or to
a market;
(iv) regulate the production or manufacture l[or any process] of
production or manufacture, the possession and storage of dutiable
goods or of any component parts or ingredients or containers thereof
so far as such regulation is essential for the proper levy and collection
of duties levied under this Act;
(v) provide for the employment of excise officers to supervise
the carrying out of any rules made under this Act;
(vi) require a manufacturer or the licensee of a warehouse to
provide accommodation within the precincts of his factory or
warehouse for Excise Officers employed to supervise the carrying out
of rules made under this Act and prescribe the scale of such
(vii) provide for the appointment, licensing, management and
supervision of bonded warehouses and the procedure to be followed
in entering dutiable goods into a clearing goods from such
warehouses or in the movement of dutiable goods from one bonded
warehouse to another;
(viii) provide for the distinguishing of excisable goods which
have been manufactured under licence', or materials which have been
imported under licence and of goods on which duty has been paid or
which are exempt from duty under this Act;
(ix) impose on persons engaged in the manufacture, storage or
sale (whether 011 their own account or as brokers or commission
agents) so far as such imposition is essential for the proper levy and
collection of the duties levied under this Act, the duty of furnishing
infonnation, keeping records and making returns and prescribe the na
ture of such information and form of such records and returns the
particulars to be contained therein and the manner in which they shall
be verified.
(x) require that dutiable goods shall not be sold or offered or
kept for sale except in prescribed containers, bearing a banderol,
stamp or label of such nature and affixed in such manner as may be
prescribed; .
Subs. by Act 58 of 1960. Sec. 3 and Sch. II. for "of any
(xi) provide for the issue of licences and transport permits and
the fees, if any, to be charged therefor;
(xii) provide for the detention of dutiable goods, plant,
machinery or material for the purpose of exacting the duty;
(xiii) provide for the confiscation of dutiable goods in respect of
which a breach of any rule made under this Act has been committed,
and also for the confiscation of any alcohol, drugs or materials by
means of which the breach has been committed and of any receptacle,
packages or coverings in which goods or articles are contained, and
the animals, vehicles, vessels, or other conveyances used in carrying
such goods or articles and any implements or machinery used in the
manufacture of such goods;
(xiv) provide for the levy of a penalty not exceeding two
thousand rupees for a breach of any rule made under this Act; .
(xv) provide for the procedure in connection with such
confiscation and the imposition of such penalty, the maximum limits
up to which particular classes of excise officers may adjudge such
confiscation or penalty, appeals from orders of such officers and
revision of such orders by some higher authority, the time-limit for
such appeals and revisions and the disposal of goods and articles
(xvi) authorize and regulate the compounding of offences
against, or liabilities incurred under, this Act or the rules made
(xvii) authorize and regulate the inspection of factories and
provide for the taking of samples or for the making of tests of any
substance produced therein and for the inspection or search of any
place, conveyance or vessel used for the production, storage, sale or
transport of dutiable goods in so far as such inspection or search is
essential for the proper levy and collection of the duties levied under
this Act;
(xviii) provide for the grant of a rebate ofthe duty paid on
dutiable goods which are exported out of India or shipped for
consumption on a voyage to any port outside India;
(xix) exempt any dutiable goods from the whole or any part of
the duty levied under this Act where in the opinion ofthe Central
Government, it is necessary to grant such exemption in the interest of
the trade or in the public interest;
(xx) notify in the official Gazette lists of the names and
descriptions of preparations which would fall for assessment under
any particular item or the schedule or for regulating their
manufacture, transport and distribution;
(xxi) authorize particular classes of excise officers to provide by
written instructions for supplemental matters arising out of any rule
made by the Central Government under this section.
(3) Where any confiscation or penalty has been adjudged in respect of
a breach of any
rule under this Act, which is also an offence under Sec. 7 the person
shall not be prosecuted under that section.
[(4) Every rule made under this section shall be laid as soon as may
be after it is made before each House of Parliament while it is in session
a total period of thirty days which may be comprised is one session or
[in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the
session immediately following the session or the successive sessions
aforesaid] both Houses agree in making any modification in the rule or
both Houses agree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall
thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be
Subs. by Act 19 of 1961, Sec. 2, for sub-section (4), w.e.f. 1st June,
Subs. by Act 20 of 1983, Sec. 2, the Schedule SI. No. 31, for the
words, "in two successive sessions, and if before the expiry of the
session in which it is so laid or the session immediately following".
[S. 20
of no effect, as the case may be, so, however, that any such modification or
annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously
done under the rule.]
20. Bar of suits and limitation of suits and other legal proceedings.- (1)
No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against the collecting
Government or against any officer in respect of any order passed in good
faith or any act in good faith done or ordered to be done under this Act.
(2) No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall be instituted
against the collecting Government or against any officer for anything done or
ordered to be done under this Act after the expiration of six months from the
accrual of the cause of action or from the date of the act or order complained
21. Repeals and savings.-If, immediately before the commencement of
this Act, there is in force in any State any law corresponding to this Act, that
law is hereby repealed:
Provided that all rules made, notifications issued, licences or permits
granted, powers conferred under any law hereby repealed shall, so far as they
are not inconsistent with this Act, have the same force and effect as if they
had been respectively made, issued, granted or conferred under this Act and
by the authority empowered hereby in that behalf.
Repeat-There is no doubt that a later statute may repeal an earlier
one either expressly or by implication. The Courts have not favoured such
repeal by implication.l
Applicability.-The proviso to Sec. 21 cannot change the position in
view of the new rules framed in 1956 with respect to medicinal
preparations. As soon as the new rule came into force the old rules must
fall and there is a specific provision in the new rules (namely rule 143)
which says that all rules made under any law corresponding to the Act are
hereby repealed.2
Ite Description SCHEDULE Rate of duty
m of dutiable (See Sec. 3)
No. goods
Medicinal Preparations
1. Allopathic Medicinal Preparations
(i) Medicinal preparations containing
alcohol which are not capable of being con-
sumed as ordinary alcoholic beverages
(a) Patent or proprietary Twenty per cent. ad valorem or rupees
medicines. ten]4 per litre of pure alcohol content,
whichever is higher.
(b)Others. [Rupees ten]4 per litre of pure al-
cohol content.
Interpretation of rule.-The general power of framing rules for
effectuating the
purposes of the Act, would plainly authorise and sanctify the framing of
such a rule.2
2. Definitions .-In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in
the subject or context,
(i) "the Act" means the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations
(Excise Duties) Act,1955;
(ii) "absolute alcohol" means alcohol conforming to the British
Pharmacopoeia specification for dehydrated alcohol;
(iii) "bonded manufactory" means the premises or any part of the
premises approved and licensed for the manufacture and storage of
medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol, opium, Indian
hemp and other narcotic drugs or narcotics on which duty has not
been paid;
(iv) "non-bonded manufactory" means the premises or any part of
the premises approved and licensed for the manufacture and storage
of medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol, opium, Indian
hemp and other narcotic drugs or narcotics on which duty has been
(v) "Chemical Examiner" means the Chemical Examiner to the State
Government and includes such other officer whom the State
Government or the Central Government may at any time appoint as
Chemical Examiner;
(vi) "denatured spirit" or "denatured alcohol" means alcohol of :my
strength which has been rendered unfit for human consumption by the
addition of substances approved by the Central Government or by the
State Government with the approved
of the Central Government;
(vii) "duty" means the duty of excise payable under Sec. 3 of the
(viii) "Excise Commissioner" means the Head of the Excise
administration of
a State and includes a Prohibition Commissioner and also an officer
designated in any State as Prohibition or Excise Director ;
(ix) "finished store" means that portion of a non-bonded or
bonded manufactory (15
which is set apart for the storage of its finished preparations;
(x) "Form" means a Form) appended to the rules;
(xi) "gauge" means to determine the quantity of alcohol or
dutiable goods contained in, or taken from, any cask or receptacle or
to determine the capacity of any cask or receptacle;
Appointment of Officers
4. Appointment of officers and delegation of powers to them.-(i) The
State Government may appoint such number of Excise Officers as it
thinks fit to exercise all or any of the powers conferred or to discharge all
or any of the duties imposed by the Act or these rules and define the
jurisdiction of every such officer.
(ii) Unless the State Government in any case otherwise directs, the
Excise Commissioner may authorize any Excise Officer subordinate to
him to exercise throughout his jurisdiction, or in any specified area
therein, all or any of the powers conferred or to discharge all or any of the
duties imposed on an Excise Commissioner under these rules.
5. Excise Commissioner may exercise the powers of any officer.- The
Excise Commissioner may perform all or any of the duties, or exercise all
or any of the powers assigned to any Excise Officer under these rules.
Levy and refund of, and exemption from duty
6. Recovery of duty.-Every person who manufactures any dutiable
goods, or who stores such goods in a warehouse, shall pay the duty or
duties leviable on such goods under the Act, at such time and place and to
such person as may be designated in, or under the authority of these rules,
whether the payment of such duty or duties is secured by bond or
[7. Exemption from duty on medicinal preparation for Government
and charitable institutions.--(l) Except as provided in sub-rule (2) no duty
shall be collected on medicinal preparation containing alcohol
manufactured in India and supplied direct from a bonded manufactory or a
warehouse to the following institutions:
(i) hospitals and dispensaries working under the supervision of
the CentJal Government or a State Government;
Pharma Product Ltd., Thanjavur v. District Revenue Officer,
1. Thanjavur, A.I.R. 1969 Mad. 443.01 p. 457.
S.P. Gupta v, Presid_nt of India, AI.R. 1982 S.c. 149 at pp. 304. 314;
2. see also Mohan Kumar Singhania v. Union ot India, AI.R. 1992 S.C.
1 at p. 21,
3 Subs. by G.S.R. 368, dated the 8th March, 1973.
(ii) hospitals and dispensaries subsidised by the Central
Government or a State
(iii) charitable hospitals and dispensaries under the
administrative control and management of a local body;
(iv) Medical Store Depot, of the Central Government or a State
(v) every other institution certified by the principal Medical
Officer of the district in which such institution is situated as
supplying medicines free to the poor. (2) If in the supply of any
medicinal preparation made direct to all or any of the
institutions referred to in sub-rule (1), any loss or shortage is detected at
the destination, the manufacturer or the licensee of a warehouse, as the
case may be, shall be liable to pay duty on such loss or shortage at the rate
in force on the date on which such loss or shortage is detected made
known to the proper officer:
Provided that if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Excise
Commissioner that the loss or shortage was due to circumstances over
which the manufacturer or licensee, as the case may be, had no control,
the Excise Commissioner may remit the whole or part of the duty
The direct supply of medicinal preparations containing alcohol
manufactured in India to the institutions like Government hospitals or
charitable hospitals is exempted from the excise duty.
8. Power to exempt from duty in special cases.-The Central
Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, exempt subject to
such conditions as may be specified in the notification any dutiable goods
from the whole or any part of the duty leviable on such goods if in the
opinion of that Government it is necessary to grant such exemption in the
interest of trade or in the public interest.
The Central Government is empowered to exempt any dutiable goods
from the whole or any part of the duty leviable on such goods in the
interest of trade or in the public interest.
9. Time and manner of payment of duty.-(I) No dutiable goods shall
be removed from any place where they are manufactured or any premises
appurtenant thereto, which may be specified by the Excise Commissioner
in this behalf, whether for consumption, export or manufacture of any
other commodity in or outside such place, until the excise duty leviable
thereon has been paid at such place and in such manner as is prescribed in
these rules or as the Excise Commissioner may require:
Provided that such goods may be deposited without payment of duty
in a warehouse or may be exported out of India under bond as provided in
rule 97 :
Provided further that the Excise Commissioner may, if he thinks fit,
instead of requiring payment of duty in respect of each separate
consignment of goods removed from the place or premises specified in
this behalf, or from a warehouse keep with any person dealing in such
goods an account-current of the duties payable thereon and such account
shall be settled at intervals not exceeding three months, and the account-
holder shall periodically deposit a sum therein sufficient in the opinion of
the Excise Commissioner to cover the duty on the goods intended to be
removed from the place of manufacture or storage.
(2) If any dutiable goods are, in contravention of sub-rule (1)
deposited in, or removed from, any place specified therein the
manufacturer thereof shall pay the duty leviable on such goods upon
written demand made by the proper officer, whether such demand is
delivered personally to him or is left at the manufactory or his dwelling-
house, and he shall also be liable to a penalty to be determined by the
Excise Commissioner which may extend to two thousand rupees, and such
goods shall also be liable to confiscation.
Taxing provision-Rule of interpretation.-It is settled law that a
distinction has to be made by Court while interpreting the provisions of a
taxing statute between charging provisions which impose the charge to
tax and machinery provisions which provide the machinery for the
quantification of the tax and the levying and collection of the tax so
imposed. While charging provisions are construed strictly, machinery
sections are not generally subject to a rigorous construction. The courts
are expected to construe the machinery sections in such a manner that a
charge to tax is not defeated.!
While interpreting a taxing statute, equity has no place. The clear
language of the statute is to be given effect notwithstanding hardship.2
Scope of.-Ru1e 9 (2) of the Rules provides for the imposition of
penalty and confiscation of the goods if removed without payment of
excise duty in contravention of sub-rule (1). In N. B Sanjana v.
Elphinstone Spinning and Weaving Mills Co. Ltd.,3it has been laid down
by the Supreme Court that in the order to attract sub-rule (2) of rule 9 of
the Central Excise Rules, which is the same as sub-rule (2) of rule 9 of the
Rules, the goods should have been removed clandestinely and without
assessment. There is no allegation in the instant case that the respondent
had clandestinely removed the goods from its manufactory. On the
contrary, it is not disputed that the goods were removed on the basis of
applications made by the respondent in AR. 2 forms on payment of duty
assessed by the Excise Officer. There is, therefore, no question of
clandestine removal of the good and, accordingly, rule 9 (2) will have no
10. Alteration of duty.- The rate of duty applicable to goods cleared
on payment of duty shall be the rate in force on the date on which duty is
paid, or if the goods are cleared from a manufactory or warehouse, on the
date of the actual removal of such goods from such manufactory or
Provided that if the goods have previously been removed from a
warehouse under bond to be rewarehoused and the duty is paid on such
goods without their being rewarehoused, the rate applicable thereto shall
be the rate in force on the date on which duty is paid, or if duty is paid
through an account-current maintained with the Excise Commissioner
under rule 9 on the date on which an application in Form AR. 2 is
delivered to the officer-in-charge of the warehouse from which the goods
were removed.
11. Recovery of duties or charges short-levied or erroneously
refunded.- When duties or charges have been short-levied through
inadvertence, error, collusion or mis-construction on the part of an Excise
Officer, or through mis-statement as to the quantity or description of such
goods on the part of the owner, or when any such duty or charge, after
having been levied, has been, owing to any such cause erroneously
refunded the person chargeable with the duty or charge, so short-levied, or
to whom such refund has been erroneously made, shall pay the deficiency
or repay the amount paid to him in excess, as the case may be, on written
demand by the proper officer being made within six months from
the date on which the duty or charge was paid or adjusted in the owner's
account-current, if any, or from the date of making the refund.
12. Residuary powers for recovery of sums due to Government.- Where
rules do not make any specific provision for the collection of any duty,
or of any deficiency!
in duty if the duty has for any reason been short-levied, or of any other
sum of any kind payable to the collecting Government under the Act or these
rules, such duty, deficiency in
1. Associated Cement Co. Ltd. v. Commercial Tax Officer, A.I.R. 1981
2. S.C. 1887 at p. 1904. Commissioner of Income-Tax. v. Electro Steel
3. Castings Ltd., (1992) 193 I. T.R 103 at p. 108 (Orissa). A.I.R. 1971
4. S.C. 2039.
State of West Bengal v. Bio-Drug Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.. 87 C.W.N.
245 at p. 258.
duty or sum shall, on written demand made by the proper officer, be paid
to such person and at such time and place, as the proper officer may
Scope and applicability.- Their Lordships of the Madras High Court
observed as follows: .
"The rules other than rule 12 do not contain any specific
provision for a case where the manufacturer, due to his own default,
fails to take a licence and fails to ensure the proper safeguards for the
manufacture under rules 46 to 58. Had he done so, it would have
ensured the levy of duty at the proper time and proper place. But that
does not mean that the goods which are dutiable under the Act should
escape from duty due to the default of the manufacturer. It is for such
cases that rule 12 provides the appropriate power for levy, it being in
the nature of a residuary power, as the heading itself states. For the
application of rule 12, there is no period of limitation. A limitation of
six months is provided only for rule 11."1
13. No refund of duties or charges erroneously paid, unless claimed
within six months.-No duties or charges which have been paid or
have been adjusted in an accountcurrent maintained with the Excise
Commissioner under rule 9 and of which repayment wholly or in part
is claimed in consequence of the same having been paid through
inadvertence, error or misconstruction, shall be refunded unless a
written claim is lodged with the proper officer within six months
from the date of such payment or adjustment as the case may be.
The rule prescribes the period of limitation as six months for making
the claim for the
refusal of duty or charges paid in consequence of inadvertence or some
14. Rebate of duty on goods exported.-The collecting Government
shall, subject to such safeguards, conditions and limitations as are
specified in Chapter VII of these rules, grant rebate of duty on dutiable
goods, if exported out of India.
The rule provides for grant of rebate of duty in dutiable goods, if
imported out of India. 15. Export under bond of goods on which duty
has not been paid.-Dutiable goods may be exported out of India,
without payment of duty, from a warehouse or a bonded
manufactory, provided that export is made in accordance with the
procedure set out in the relevant provisions of Chapter VII of these
rules and the owner enters into a bond in Form B-3 with such surety
or sufficient security, and under such conditions as the Excise
Commissioner approves, in a sum equal at least to the duty
chargeable on the goods, for thedue export thereof at the place of
export, within the period that may be specified by the officer-in-
charge under sub-rule (3) of rule 99 and such bond shall not be
discharged unless the goods are duly exported out of India, to the
satisfaction of the Excise Commissioner or are otherwise accounted
for the satisfaction of such officer, nor until the full duty due upon
any deficiency of goods not so accounted for, has been paid.
16. General bond by an exporter.-The Excise Commissioner may
permit any licensed person desirous of exporting from his State, in the
manner provided in the foregoing rules, dutiable goods on which duty has
not been paid, to enter into a general bond in Form B-3 with such surety or
sufficient security, in such amount, and under such conditions, as the
Excise Commissioner approves, for the export, from time to time, of such
dutiable goods within the period prescribed for the goods exported under
sub-rule (3) of rule 99 :
Provided that in the event of death, insolvency or insufficiency of the
surety, the Excise
Pharma Products Ltd., Thanjavur v. District Revenue Officer, Thanjavur, A.I.R. 1969 Mad.
448 at p. 455.
Commissioner may, in his discretion demand a fresh bond and may, if the bond is with security,
demand at any time he considers it fit to do, additional security.
17. Penalty for failure to furnish proof of export within the prescribed period.
-When any person authorized to export dutiable goods in bond in accordance with the provisions
of Chapter VII of these rules fails to furnish proof of such export to the satisfaction of the Excise
Commissioner, he shall upon a written demand being made by the officer-in
. charge forthwith pay the duty leviable on such goods, and shall also be liable to a penalty which
may, subject to a maximum of two thousand rupees, extend to twice the amount of duty and until
such duty and penalty are paid, the Excise Commissioner may in his discretion refuse to permit
such person to make further exports of dutiable goods in bond.
18. Supply of rectified spirit for manufacture of medicinal and toilet
preparations.-Rectified spirit shall ordinarily be supplied to a
manufacturer from a distillery or a spirit warehouse of the State in which
the manufactory is situated. The manufacturer, however, is not precluded
from obtaining his requirements of rectified spirit from sources situated
outside the State.
Manufacturer can obtain the rectified spirit from outside the State.
19. Wastage in transit of rectified spirit-If, in any particular case it is
proved to
the satisfaction of the Excise Commissioner that the loss is bona rule and
not due to negligence or connivance on the part of the manufacturer, the
duty payable in respect of such loss may be waived in full or in part
according to the merits of the case.
Except with the prior sanction of the State Government the
concession in this rule shall not be applicable to issues of rectified spirit
made to non-bonded manufactories.
20. Mode of manufacture.-Manufacture of medicinal and toilet
preparations containing alcohol shall be permitted in bond without
payment of duty as well as outside bond. In the case of manufacture in
bond alcohol on which duty has not been paid shall be used under excise
supervision; and in the case of manufacture outside bond, only alcohol on
which duty has already been paid shall be used.
Only alcohol on which duty has already been paid shall be used in the
case of manufacture outside bond.
Manufacture in bond of medicinal and toilet preparations
containing alcohol, opium, Indian hemp and other narcotic drugs
and narcotics
21. Issue of rectified spirit without payment of duty.-Rectified spirit
shall be issued without previous payment of duty for the manufacture of
medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol subject to the
condition that the manufacturer enters into a bond in Form B-1 with
sufficient security, as laid down in rule 96, towards due payment of duty
and observance of the rules.
22. Entry into and exit from a bonded manufactory.-Unless otherwise
ordered by the State Government there shall be only one entrance to the
bonded manufactory and one door to each of its compartments. All the
doors shall be secured with excise ticket locks during the absence of the
23. Essentials of a bonded manufactory.-(l) A bonded manufactory
shall make provision for the following:
(i) one plain spirit store unless the manufactory is attached to a
distillery or a rectified spirit warehouse from which rectified spirit is
made available as and when
(ii) at least one large room for manufacturing medicinal
(iii) one or m0re rooms for storing finished medicinal
(iv) separate arrangement for manufacture of toilet preparations ;
(v) the storage of finished toilet preparations ;
(vi) accommodation with necessary furniture near the bonded
premises for the officer-in-charge ;
(vii) malleable iron rods not less than 19 mm. in thickness, set
not more than 102 mm. apart, embodied in brick work up to a depth
of at least 51 mm. and covered on the inside with strong wire netting
or expanded metal of a mesh not exceeding 25 mm. in diameter of
length in every window of the bonded premises;
(viii) a board on which the name of the room and a serial
number, if any, are legibly painted in oil colour on the outside of every
such room in the manufactory ;
(ix) all pipes from sinks or wash-basins inside manufactory
premises discharging into drains forming part of the general drainage
system of the premises;
(x) all gas and electric connections with the licensed premises so
fixed as to admit of the supply of gas or electricity being cut off and
all the regulators or switches being securely locked at the end of the
day's work.
(2) The Central Government may in special cases relax any of
the provisions of CIs. (i) to (x) of sub-rule (1).
24. No additions or alterations to be made without orders.-No
addition or alteration shall be made in the bonded premises or in respect of
the permanent fixtures therein without the previous orders of the Excise
Commissioner. Plans, in triplicate showing each addition or alteration
shall be submitted with the application for the necessary permission and
copies disposed of in the same manner as copies of the original plans of
the bonded manufactory as provided in rule 95.
Prior permission of the Excise Commissioner is a must for making
alterations or
additions in the bonded
25. Arrangement of receptacles in a bonded manufactory.-(I) The
permanent vessels for the storage of alcohol, opium Indian, hemp and
other narcotic drugs and narcotics received under bond and all the finished
preparation on which duty has not been paid shall be secured with excise
ticket locks.
(2) All vessels intended to hold alcohol and liquid preparations shall
be gauged by the officer-in-charge. They shall each bear a distinctive
serial number and their full capacities distinctly and indelibly marked on
them. A record of these details shall b_ kept in Form R.G.-I.
(3) Table shall be computed to show contents at an inch and tenth of
an inch of the depth of each such vessel.
26. Indent for rectified spirit-Rectified spirit required for
manufacturing medicinal and toilet preparations shall be obtained on an
indent in Form I.D.-l countersigned by the officer-in-charge, from any
distillery or spirit warehouse approved by the Excise Commissioner, the
original being sent by the licensee of the bonded manufactory to the
distiller the duplicate sent through the officer-in-charge to the distillery or
spirit warehouse officer and the triplicate retained as office copy. The cost
price of such rectified spirit shall be paid by the licensee of the bonded
manufactory to the distiller. If the distillery
excise ticket lock, and shall be returned to the finished store immediately on receipt of the report of
the Chemical Examiner.
(ix) All such samples sent shall be sealed by the officer-in-charge and the licensee of the
(x) The duplicate sample shall not be returned to the finished store in any case where--
(a) the alcohol strength of a preparation from which the sample was taken, is
declared by the Chemical Examiner to be beyond the margin of 3% unless the Excise
Commissioner permit standardization of such sub-standard preparation; and
(b) the preparation is declared to be a spurious preparation under these rules.
(xi) All samples required for analysis under these rules shall be supplied free of cost by the licensee
and all expenses in connection with packing and despatch of the samples shall be borne by him.
Samples of medicinal or toilet preparation may also be taken at any time by the officer-in-charge or
other superior officer and such samples shall be sent to the Chemical Examiner for analysis and
The word "shall"-Meaning of.- It has been laid down consistently by
the Supreme Court that the mere use of the word "shall" by itself in the
statute does not make the provision mandatory, but it is the duty of the
Courts of Justice to try to get at the real intention of the Legislature by
carefully attending to the whole scope of the statute to be construed. In
each case, one has to look to the subject-matter, consider the importance
of the provisions and the relation of that provision with the general object
intended to be secured by the Act and upon the review of the case in that
aspect decide whether the enactment is mandatory or only directory.!
34. Storage of finished products.-{i) Medicinal and toilet preparation
shall on completion of production be stored in bulk in jars or bottles each
containing not less than 2,273 ml.
(ii) Such preparations ready for issue may be filled in bottles or
containers of not less than 57 ml. content:
Provided that the Excise Commissioner may by an order in writing
specify that any such preparation may be filled in botties or containers of
smaller capacity.
(iii) Every container of a finished preparation shall bear a label
showing the name of the preparation, its batch number, its alcoholic
strength and the name of the manufacturer.
(iv) The label of each container of a preparation stored in bulk shall, in
addition, indicate the actual contents in litres, its alcoholic strength and the
date of storage.
(v) The containers shall be kept so arranged in suitable racks as to
allow ready identification of each batch.
(vi) Any goods stored may be left in the store room for a period of
three years or for such extended period as the Excise Commissioner may,
in each case, allow. The owner of the bonded laboratory shall, before the
expiry of the period of three years or the extended period, if any, clear the
same for consumption in the State on payment of excise duty or for
removal in bond to a bonded warehouse or for exportation.
I. 35. Deficiency noticed in the finished store_.-(l) A record shall be
kept of all deficiencies in bulk content of any finished medicinal or toilet
preparation in store by the' officer-in-charge in Form R. G.-4, and a report
of all such deficiencies, shall be submitted by him at the end of each
quarter to the Excise Commissioner.
(2) All such loss in the absence of a satisfactory explanation from the
licensee shall
63. Preparations containing opium, Indian hemp and other narcotic drugs and
narcotics.- The rules in respect of alcoholic medicinal and toilet preparations shall, as far
as may be, apply to preparations containing opium, Indian hemp, and other narcotic
drugs and narcotics.
Ayurvedic Preparations
64. Types of preparation.--Asavas and Aristas are the principal types of
Ayurvedic preparations in which alcoholic contents is self-generated and not added to
65. Pharmacopoeia for Ayurvedic preparations.-Until a standard Ayurvedic
pharmacopoeia has been evolved by the Central Government, the pharmacopoeias that
are in the various States shall be recognized as standard Ayurvedic pharmacopoeias.
66. Classification of preparation containing self-generated alcohol for
purposes of levy of duty.-No duty shall be levied on Ayurvedic preparations containing
self-generated alcohol in which the alcoholic content does not exceed 2 per cent proof
spirit. Where the percentage of proof spirit is in excess of 2 per cent duty will be leviable
under item 2 (ii) or 2 (i) of the Schedule to the Act according as the preparations are
capable of being consumed as ordinary alcoholic beverage or not:
Provided that Ayurvedic practitioner registered under any law for the time being in
force in any State where there is no such registration of Ayurvedic practitioners, such
practitioners, as are proved to satisfaction of the Excise Commissioner to be of good
standing, shall be allowed to manufacture and dispense Ayurvedic preparations,
excepting those prepared by distillation or by addition of alcohol as such during the
process of manufacture or to the finished product, free of duty subject to the following
(a) Practitioners shall take out licence on payment of fee of Re. 1 in the
manner hereinafter stated;
(b) such preparations shall be used only for the patients of the practitioners
and shall not be for sale to the general public;
(c) the practitioner shall allow drawing of samples by Excise Officer to
ensure that the preparations contain only self- generated alcohol; and
(d) daily account shall be maintained of all the preparations manufactured and
dispensed giving particulars of names and addresses of the patients ofthe practitioners.
67. Levy of duty on Ayurvedic preparations made by distillation or to which alcohol is
added at any stage of manufacture. For purpose of duty Ayurvedic preparations, made by
distillation or to which alcohol is added at any stage of manufacture, shall be treated as-
alcoholic preparations capable of being used as ordinary alcoholic beverages.
Applicability.-The presumption under the rule, however, will apply only when the
preparation in question is an Ayurvedic preparation, and unless this is established, the
presumption under rule 67 or for the matter of that, the application of the higher duty
under the item 1 of the Schedule of the Act, cannot be made .l
67-A. [* * * * * * *]
Standing Committee
68. Standing Committee and its functions.-(1) 2[The Standing Committee
referred to in rule 60 shall consist of the following as its members:]
(i) The Drugs Controller of the Government of India;
(ii) the Chief Chemist, Central Revenues Control Laboratory;
(iii) one pharmacologist to be nominated by the Central Government;
(iv) the Adviser in Indigenous systems of Medicine, Ministry of Health,
Family Planning and Urban Development:
[Provided that the Drugs Controller, the Chief Chemist or the Adviser may, for
reasons to be recorded by him in writing, depute the Deputy Drugs Controller, the Deputy
Adviser in Indigenous System of Medicines, as the case may be, to attend any meeting of
the Committee on his behalf.]
1. Abhoy Pada Roy v. Excise Commissioner, West Bengal, AI.R. 1970 Cal. 161 at pp. 161-62.
2. Subs. by G.S.R. 604, dated the 27th April, 1978.
3. Ins. by G.S.R. 530 (E), dated the 5th September, 1973.
The Committee shall advise the Central Government on all matters connected with
the technical aspects of the administration of the Act and their rules and, in particular, on
the question whether-
(i) a particular preparation is entitled to be treated, or to continue to be treated,
as a genuine medicinal or toilet preparation for the purposes of the Act;
(ii) and if so, whether it should be treated, or continue to be treated, as a
restricted or an unrestricted preparation.
(2) The Committee may tender such advice, on the motion of the Central Government
and may make such investigation as it or the Central Government considers necessary,
and the Central Government may take, on such advice, such decision as that Government
thinks fit.
(3) For the purpose of such investigation, four samples of 227 ml. each or such
other quantity of the preparation as may be considered necessary shall be taken.
[(4) The Standing Committee shall before declaring under sub-rule (2) of rule 60 a
preparation as a restricted preparation, grant, if the person concerned so desires, an
opportunity of being heard in the matter.
(5) Where a member of the Standing Committee is unable for any reason to, attend
the meeting of that committee, he may nominate an officer subordinate to him attend the
meeting on his behalf.]
69. Establishment of bonded warehouses.- The manufacturers or dealers in duti-
able goods may establish bonded warehouses anywhere in India. No duty paid goods and
no goods other than dutiable goods shall be deposited in such bonded warehouses.
70. Licensing of warehouses.- The Excise Commissioner shall licence a private
warehouse for the storage of dutiable goods on which duty has not been paid and may
direct in what manner and on what terms such goods shall be stored and how and in what
manner such warehouse shall be secured by locks or fastenings.
71. Licensee to enter into a bond.- The Excise Commissioner shall require the
licensee to furnish a bond in Form B-2 with such surety or sufficient security, in such
amount and under such conditions, as the Excise Commissioner approves binding the
licensee to pay duty on the goods deposited therein and for the due and safe removal of
such goods to another warehouse and for the due observance of the terms, conditions and
requirements of the Act, these rules and any other rule made hereunder in respect of the
Provided that on the revocation of any licence by the Excise Commissioner all such
goods warehoused therein shall be removed as the Excise Commissioner directs and no
abatement of duty or allowance shall be made in respect of any such goods for deficiency
of quantity, strength or quality after due notice of such revocation has been given to the
Provided further that in the event of death, insolvency or insufficiency of the surety,
the Excise Commissioner may, in his discretion, demand a fresh bond; and may, if the
bond is with security, demand at any time he considers it fit to do so, additional security.
72. Receipt of goods at warehouse.-All goods brought for warehousing shall be
produced to the officer-in-charge of the warehouse, if any, or the proper officer, together
with the relative transport and shall be weighed, gauged and proved, wherever necessary,
1. Ins. by G.S.R. 604, dated the 27th April, 1978.
his presence and assessed to duty prior to entry into the warehouse and the quantity and
description of the goods, the marks and numbers of the packages, the number and date of
the permit and the amount of duty leviable thereon shall be noted in the warehouse
register in Form R. G-5. All goods received into the warehouse shall be kept separate
from other goods until the receipt account has been taken by the officer-in-charge or the
proper officer, as the case may be.
73. Owner's power to deal with warehoused goods. -With the sanction of the of-
ficer-in-charge or the proper officer, as the case may be, and in accordance with such
instructions as the Excise Commissioner may, from time to time, issue in writing in this
behalf, any owner of goods lodged in a warehouse may sort, separate, pack and re-pack
the goods and make such alterations therein as may be necessary for the preservation, sale
or disposal thereof. After the goods have been so separated and repacked in such manner
as may be ordered by the Excise Commissioner, the officer-in-charge or the proper
officer, as the case may be, may, at the owner's request, cause or permit any damaged
goods remaining after such repacking to be destroyed subject to such limitations as the
Excise Commissioner may, from time to time, impose and may remit the duty assessed
74. Goods not to be taken out of warehouse except as provided by these roles. -
No goods shall be removed from any warehouse except on payment of duty or for
removal to any other warehouse or for export and on presentation of a written application
prescribed in rule 81 or rule 98, as the case may be.
Goods can be removed from any warehouse on payment of duty or for export on
written application as prescribed in rule 81.
75. Periods for which goods may remain in warehouse under bond.-Any goods
warehoused may be left in the warehouse in which they are deposited for a period of three
years or such extended period as the Excise Commissioner in each case allow. The owner
of any such goods remaining in the warehouse shall, before the expiry of the period
mentioned above, clear the same for consumption in the State after payment of duty or for
removal in bond to another bonded warehouse or for exportation.
The rule fixes the period of three years in normal case for which goods may remain
in warehouse.
76. Mode for calculating quantity of goods warehoused.- The quantity of goods
contained in any package warehoused may be calculated by weight, measure, gauge,
proof strength, or in such other manner as the Excise Commissioner may direct.
77. Power to remit duty on warehoused goods lost or destroyed. -If any goods
lodged in a warehouse are lost or destroyed by unavoidable accident, the Excise Commis-
sioner may remit the duty thereon:
Provided that if any goods are so lost or destroyed, notice thereof shall be given to
the officer-in-charge of the warehouse or the proper officer immediately on discovery of
such loss or destruction.
78. Responsibility of the licensee of the warehouse. -The licensee of the
warehouse in respect of goods lodged therein, shall be responsible for their due reception
therein and delivery there from and for their safe custody while deposited therein,
according to the quantity or weight reported by the officer who has assessed the goods.
79. Offences with respect to warehousing. -If the owner by goods warehoused, by
himself or by any person in his employ, or by any other person with his connivance
commits any of the following offences, namely:
(a) opens any of the locks or doors of the warehouse, which is required by
these rules, or by any general or special order of the Excise Commissioner, to be locked
or makes or obtains access into such a warehouse except in the presence of an officer
acting in his duty as such; or
(b) after the approval of a warehouse, makes any alteration therein or
addition thereto without the previous consent of the Excise Commissioner; or
(c) warehouses goods in, or removes goods from, a warehouse otherwise than
as provided by these rules; or
(d) privately removes or conceals any goods either before or after they are
he shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to two thousand rupees, and all goods
warehoused, removed, or concealed in contravention of this rule shall be liable to
Penal provisions-Rule of interpretation.-In any case, when criminal or quasi criminal
liability is sough to be imputed on the basis of provisions of law which are capable of two
reasonable interpretations, the one favourable to the accused must prevail.1
80. Monthly returns.-Within seven days after the close of each month, every
licensee shall submit to the Excise Commissioner a monthly return showing the quantity
of dutiable goods received, the quantity transferred to another warehouse under bond, the
quantity removed on payment of duty and such other particulars as the State Government
may by general or special order require.
81. Clearance on payment of duty.-When the licensee desires to remove goods on
payment of duty, he shall make an application in Form AR.-2, in triplicate, to the officer -
in-charge or the proper officer, as the case may be, at least twelve hours before he is
intended to remove the goods. The officer shall, thereupon, assess the amount of duty
leviable on the goods and on production of evidence that the sum has been paid into a
treasury or the sum has been debited to the account-current, as the case may be, shall
allow the goods to be cleared.
82. Procedure for obtaining licence. -(l) Every person desiring to engage in
operations requiring the possession of a licence shall apply in writing every year for a
licence or for renewal thereof to the licensing authority who shall be-
(i) the Excise Commissioner in the case of a bonded manufactory or
(ii) in other cases such officer as the State Government may authorize in this
behalf. .
(2) If any person desires to have more than one kind of licence he shall submit a
separate application for every such licence.
(3) Where the applicant has more than one place of business he shall obtain a
separate licence in respect of each such place of business.
Separate application is required for more than one kind of licence.
83. Form of application.-(l) Every application for a licence under these rules shall
1. Delhi Development Authority v. H.S. Kalra, 1981 Cr.LJ. 666 at p. 667 (Delhi).
be in such one of the proper forms of application as may be appropriate to the case, shall
clearly describe the premises, if any, in which the applicant intends to conduct his
business, and shall be submitted so as to reach the licensing authority at least two months
before the proposed date of commencement of the worth of the licence. In case of
renewal such application shall be submitted at least one month before the commencement
of the year for which it is required.
(2) Every such application for grant or renewal of licence shall, where a fee is
prescribed in the sub-joined table, be accompanied by a treasury chalan showing payment
of such fee:
Provided that where an application for the renewal of licence is not made within the
period prescribed by sub-rule (1), it shall be accompanied by an additional fee, payable in
the same manner, equivalent to twenty-five percent. such fee or rupee one, whichever is
Serial Purpose for which licence Licence fee
No. is required payable per
1 2 3
is that this opportunity be reasonable. Both these matters are justiciable and it is for
the Court to decide whether an opportunity has been given and whether that oppor-
tunity has been reasonable.
"There can be no invariable standard for reasonableness in such matters
except that the Court's conscience must be satisfied, that the person against whom
an action is proposed has had a fair chance of convincing the authority who
proposes to take action against him that the grounds on which the action is
proposed are either non-existent or even if they exist they do not justify the
proposed action. The decision of this question will necessarily depend upon the
peculiar facts and circumstances of each case, including the nature ofthe action
proposed, the grounds on which the action is proposed, the material on which the
allegations are based, the attitude of the party against whom the action is proposed
in showing cause against such proposed action, the nature of the plea raised by him
in reply, the requests for further opportunity that may be made, his admissions by
conduct or otherwise of some or all the allegations and all other matters which help
the mind in coming to a fair conclusion of the question. "
88. Refund of licence-fee.-(1) The licence applied for is refused, the licence-fee
paid, if any, with the application shall be refunded.
(2) If the applicant surrenders his licence at any time either before the
commencement of the licence or during the currency of the licence, he shall forfeit any
claim for refund of such licence-fee in full or in proportion to the period not availed of.
89. Licence to be exhibited.-Every licensee shall exhibit his licence (or a copy
thereof, certified by the proper officer) in a conspicuous part of the licensed premises.
90. Regulation of business of Licensee.-(1) The licensee shall conduct his business
under the licence either personally or by an agent authorized in writing by him in this
(2) The licensed premises and all the goods licensed to be dealt with shall at all
times be opened to inspection by the Excise Commissioner and any other officer
empowered by him in this behalf subject to the provisions of rule 58.
(3) The licensee shall, when so required by the Excise Commissioner or by an
officer empowered by him in this behalf, give an explanation in writing regarding any
irregularity detected at his licensed premises and shall furnish any information regarding
the management of the said premises. He shall answer all questions put to him to the best
of his knowledge and belief. He shall also, if so required, allow any officer duly
empowered by the Excise Commissioner to take samples of any of the goods he is
licensed to deal in for analysis.
(4) The licensee shall provide a visit-book paged and stamped by any officer em-
powered by the Excise Commissioner in this behalf, in which the visiting officer may
record in remarks when inspecting the licensed premises. The licensee shall, on the
termination of the period of the licence, deliver the visit-book, the accounts and the
licence to such officer as directed by the licensing authority.
(5) The licensee shall preserve invoices, each memoranda, permits and other docu-
ments relating to the consignments received and dealt with by him for a period of one
year after the year to which they relate.
91. Additional rules specially applicable for applying for a licence to
manufacture medicinal and toilet preparations in a bonded/non-bonded
manufactory.-In addition to the particulars required in rule 83, a person desiring to
obtain a licence to establish a bonded or non-bonded manufactory shall in his application
for licence furnish the following particulars ':
(i) the name or names, and the address or addresses of the person or persons
applying; if the applicant is a firm, the name and address of every partner of the firm;
and if a company, the registered name and address thereof, the names of the
Directors, Managers and Managing Agents, and if there is a Managing Director, the
name of such Director;
(ii) the amount of capital proposed to be invested in the venture;
(iii) the name of the place, and the site on which the building or buildings
housing the bonded or non-bonded manufactory is/are situated or to be
(iv) the approximate date from which the applicant desires to commence
working the manufactory in case the required licence is granted;
(v) the number and full description of the vats, stills and other permanent
apparatus and machinery which the applicant wishes to set up or work.
(vi) the maximum quantities in London-proof litres of alcohol and alcoholic
content in unfinished and finished preparations and the maximum
quantities by weight of opium, Indian hemp or other narcotic drugs and
their content in unfinished and finished preparations, which are likely to
remain in the manufactory at one time;]
(vii) whether the proposed bonded manufactory will require the service of a
whole-time or part-time Excise Officer;
(viii) the kind and number of each licence under the 1[Drugs and Cosmetics
Act, 1940 (23 of 1940)] held by the applicant; and
(ix) a list of all preparations which the licensee proposes to manufacture in
his manufactory showing the percentage or proportion of alcohol in terms of
Londonproof litres contained in each such preparation containing alcohol, or of
opium, Indian hemp or other narcotic drug or a narcotic, in terms of weight in
preparations containing those substances, quoting the authority (pharmacopoeia)
under which such preparations are proposed to be manufactured.]
The rule requires the particulars relating to the amount of capital proposed to be
invested in the venture to be furnished along with the application for the grant of licence.
92. Plan of the manufactory to accompany the application.-The applicant shall
enclose with the application site and elevation plans of the manufactory building or
buildings showing the location of the different rooms therein with doors and windows
and also similar plans of the quarters in the case of a bonded manufactory, if the licensee
is required to provide quarters for the excise staff to be posted to the bonded
Provided that the State Government may relax the provisions of this rule in the case
of hakims and vaidyas who prepare medical preparations for dispensing to their patients
only and not for sale.
93. In case of a firm certain particulars to accompany the application.-In the
case of a firm of a true copy of the partnership deed and if a company, a list of the
Directors and Managers, as certified by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, together
with copies of Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and the latest
balance-sheet shall be submitted with the application.
94. The applicant to be in possession of the requisite licence under the Drugs
and Cosmetics Act, 1940.-No licence for the manufacture of medicinal and toilet
preparations or renewal of such licence shall be granted to an applicant unless he holds
the requisite licence under that Act for the manufacture of the said medicinal
The licence for the manufacture of medicinal and toilet preparations shall be
granted only to the person who already holds a licence under the Drugs and Cosmetics
Act, 1940.
progressive number commencing with No.1 for each year, with the owner's name and
special mark, if any, the total quantity of dutiable goods with their alcoholic contents in
London-proof litres.
(2) Duty paid goods.- The owner of a non-bonded manufactory or a wholesale
dealer, who wants to export duty paid goods shall give 48 hours notice to the proper
officer, for supervising packing of the goods to be exported. The manufacturer or
wholesale dealer shall present the entire consignment to be exported to the proper officer.
The said officer shall take samples from each kind of dutiable goods to be exported and
shall allow the despatch of the goods subject to fulfilling further conditions laid down in
sub-rule (3). Thereafter he shall send the samples to the Chemical Examiner for analysis.
On receipt of the analysis report of the Chemical Examiner, the proper officer shall enter
the alcoholic content in London-proof litres of the goods packed as ascertained by
analysis in the duplicate copy of the application which the owner shall present to him
before its presentation to the Excise Commissioner for claiming rebate of excise duty as
laid down in rule 103 :
Provided that the process of determining alcoholic content by chemical analysis
shall be dispensed with in the case of goods sent out from a bonded manufactory or
warehouse if the owner of such goods chooses to pay the duty on goods to be exported in
lieu of entering into a bond for due transport of goods to the place of report and in which
case the procedure laid down in sub-rule (1) shall apply.
(3) After verifying the particulars entered in the application, and, in the case of
duty-paid goods, after satisfying himself that the goods are identifiable as the goods, in
respect of which the payment of duty cited in the application was made, the officer-in-
charge or the proper officer, as the case ma y be, shall get the following particulars noted
in the body of each package:
(a) name and address of the consignee.
(b) description of the goods,
(c) total quantity of the goods packed.
(d) alcoholic content of the goods in London-proof litres as declared by
the manufacturer,
(e) gross weight of the package,
and shall then sell each package with his official seal in such a manner that the package
cannot be tampered with without breaking the seal. The said officer shall endorse all
copies of the application, shall specify the period within which the goods shall be actually
exported and return the duplicate to the consignor, who, after dispatching the goods shall
enter the number and date of the railway receipt or bill of lading in the duplicate copy and
shall communicate these particulars to the proper officer for entry in the other copies.
100. Examination at the place of export.-On arrival at the place of export by post
have been sealed, the exporter shall present the duplicate application, together with the
packet or packets to which it refers, to the postmaster at the office of booking.
The rule requires the exporter to present the duplicate application with the packet to
the postmaster at office of booking.
101. Examination at the place of export.-On arrival at the place of export, the
goods shall be presented, together with the duplicate application, to the Customs
Collector, Border Examiner, or any officer, of customs or land customs duly appointed
for the purpose. The consignment shall be carefully examined and check-weighed and if
the seals are intact and the case or the packages correspond with the description given in
the application, and the particulars stated in the duplicate application and the original
received from the officer at the place of despatch agree in all respects, the Customs
Collector, Border Examiner, or
any such officer of customs shall allow export and shall then certify on the duplicate
application that the goods have been duly exported (citing in the case of exports by sea or
air, the shipping bill number and date and other particulars of export) and return it to the
102. Further procedure in respect of goods exported by parcel post-Where the
goods are exported by post, the postmaster of the post office of [mal despatch from India
shall certify on the duplicate application that the goods covered by the application have
been duly exported out of India and shall return it, through the postmaster at the post
office of booking, to the exporter. The original application shall be returned to the
officer-in-charge of the proper officer with the certificate of export.
103. Presentation of claim for rebate.-In order to obtain payment of the rebate,
the exporter shall produce to the Excise Commissioner from whose jurisdiction the goods
were despatched, the duplicate application bearing the certificate of the officer, who
examined the goods at the port or post office of export or the frontier, as the case may be.
If the Excise Commissioner is satisfied from comparison of the duplicate application with
the original received from such certifying officer, that the claim is in order, he shall
sanction the rebate:
Provided such claims for rebate of duty shall be made within one month from the
date of issue of the certificate of the officer who examined the goods at the port or post
office of export or the frontier, as the case may be :
Provided further that the Excise Commissioner may in his discretion extend the
period within such claims for rebate shall be made.
The time for making claims for rebate of duty may be extended beyond one month
from the date of issue of the certificate by the Commissioner.
nor until the full duty due upon any deficiency on such goods not so accounted for has
been paid.
(3) For purposes of such a discharge, if the bond has been furnished by the
consignor, an essential condition shall be the prior receipt by the officer-in-charge of the
warehouse of removal, of the duplicate application from the officer-in-charge of the
warehouse of destination with his re-warehousing certificate recorded therein as
hereinafter provided.
106. Remover may enter into a general bond.-The Excise Commissioner may
permit any person, to remove warehoused goods from one warehouse to another, by
entering into a general bond in Form B-4, with such surety or sufficient security in such
amount and under such condition, as the Excise Commissioner approves for the removal,
from time to time, of any goods from one warehouse to another and for the due arrival
and re-warehousing thereof at the warehouse of destination within such time as the
officer-in-charge of the warehouse of removal directs :
Provided that in the event of death, insolvency of insufficiency of the surety, or
where the amount of bond is inadequate the Excise Commissioner may, in his discretion,
demand a fresh bond and may, if the bond is with security, demand at any time he
considers fit to do so, additional security.
The Excise Commissioner is empowered to demand a fresh bond in the event of
death, insolvency or insufficiency of the surety.
107. Procedure in respect of goods removed from one warehouse to another.-
(1) The application for removal of goods from one warehouse to another in triplicate shall
be presented by the consignor to the officer-in-charge of the warehouse removal at least
24 hours before the intended removal together with such other information as the Excise
Commissioner may, by general or special rules or order, require.
(2) Such officer shall then take account of the goods, and after completing the
removal certificate on all the copies of the application, shall send the duplicate to the
officer-in-charge of the warehouse of destination, and hand over the triplicate to the
consignor for despatch to the consignee. He shall also over-deliver to the consignor a
transport permit
(3) On arrival of the goods at the warehouse of destination, the consignee shall
present them together with the triplicate application and the transport permitted the
officer-in-charge of such warehouse, who shall, after taking account of the goods,
complete the re-warehousing certificate on the duplicate and the triplicate application and
return the duplicate to the officer-in-charge of the warehouse of removal, and the triplicate
to the consignee for despatch to the consignor.
(4) The consignor shall present the triplicate application duly endorsed with such
certificate to the officer-in-charge of the warehouse of removal within ninety days of the
date of issue of the transport permit.
108. Failure to present triplicate application.-(l) If the consignor fails to present
the triplicate application to the officer-in-charge of the warehouse of removal in the
manner laid down above, and the duplicate application endorsed with the re-warehousing
certificate has also not been received by such officer, from the officer-in-charge of the
warehouse of destination, the consignor shall, upon a written demand being made by the
former officer, pay the duty leviable on such goods within ten days of the notice of
demand and if the duty is not so paid, he shall not be permitted to make fresh removals of
any warehoused goods from one warehouse to another until the duty is paid or until the
triplicate application is so presented or the duplicate application is so received.
(2) Where such duty has been paid, it shall be refunded to the consignor, either on
his presentation of his triplicate application to, or on the receipt of the duplicate
application by the officer at the warehouse of removal, duly endorsed as provided above,
with a certificate
by the officer-in-charge of the warehouse of destination that the goods covered by the
application have been satisfactorily re-warehoused.
109. Procedure on failure to pay duty. -(l) If the owner fails to pay any sum
demanded under any of the preceding rules, the officer authorized in this behalf by the
State Government may forthwith either proceed upon the bond executed by the owner of
such goods, or cause such portion as he thinks fit of such goods (if any) in the warehouse,
on account of which the money is due, to be detained with a view to recovering the
demand; and if the demand is not discharged within ten days from the date of such
detention, due notice thereof being given to the owner, the goods so detained may be sold
by public auction duly advertised in the official Gazette, or in such other manner as the
Excise Commissioner may, in any particular case direct.
(2) The net proceeds of the sales of any goods so detained shall be adjusted against
the amount due under the bond and the effect of such adjustment shall be recorded and if
there is any surplus remaining after such adjustment, the surplus shall be paid to the
owner of the goods:
Provided that application for the payment of such surplus is made within six months
from the date of sale unless the period is extended by the Excise Commissioner on
sufficient cause being shown.
The officer authorized by the State Government is empowered to sell the goods
detained, if the demand for payment of duty is not discharged within ten days from the
detention of such goods.
is required by these rules, and may examine the goods and may require the production of
a permit or other document authorizing the removal thereof. If a permit or other
prescribed document is produced agreeing with the goods in all respects, the officer may
endorse thereon the time and place of his examination thereof.
113. Power to stop, enter and search. -Any Excise Officer not below the rank of
a sub-inspector of excise may stop and search any vessel, car or other means of
conveyance for dutiable goods, and enter and search at any time by day or by night any
land, building, any enclosed place, premises, vessel, conveyance or other place upon or in
which he has reason to believe that dutiable goods are stored, manufactured or carried or
in contravention of the provisions of the Act or these rules, and in case of resistance
break open any door and remove any other obstacle to his entry, open and search into
such land, building and closed places, premises, vessel, conveyance or other place.
The rule empowers the Excise Officer not below the rank of a sub- inspector of
excise to break open any door and remove obstacle to his entry so as to make search into
land or building in the case of resistance.
114. Seizure.-Any Excise Officer not below the rank of a sub-inspector of excise
may seize and remove or detain any goods in respect of which, it appears to him, the duty
should have been, but has not been, levied or that contravention of the provisions of the
Act or these rules has occurred. He may also seize and remove or detain any receptacle,
packages or coverings, in which such goods or articles are contained, and animals,
vehicles, vessels or other conveyances used in carrying such goods or articles and any
implements and machinery used in the manufacture of such goods.
115. Power to require access to place, vessel or conveyance for inspection or
examination of goods.-Any officer not below the rank of a sub-inspector of excise may
require any person who has the immediate possession, control or use of any land,
building, enclosed place, premises, vessel, conveyance or other place which he desires to
search under these rules, or of any dutiable goods, stored manufactured or carried
thereupon or therein, to open or allow access to inspect or examine such place or
conveyance or to open, unload, unpack or allow the inspection or examination of such
116. Police to take charge of articles seized.-All officers-in charge of police sta-
tions shall take charge of and keep in safe custody, pending the orders of the Magistrate
or of the adjudicating Excise Officer, all things seized under the Act or these rules which
may be delivered to them, and shall allow any officer who may accompany such goods to
the police or who may be deputed for the purpose by his superior officer, to affix his seal
to such things or to take samples of and from them. All samples so taken shall also be
sealed with the seal of the officer-in-charge of the police station.
117. Summons and notices: Manner of service.-(l) Any Excise Officer not below
the rank of a sub- inspector of excise may summon any person whose attendance he
considers necessary either to give evidence or to produce documents or any other things,
in any enquiry which such officer is making for any of the purposes of the Act or the
(2) Every summon or notice issued under the Act or the rules shall be in writing in
duplicate, and shall state the purpose for which it is issued, and shall be signed by the
officer issuing it, and shall also bear his official seal, if he has any; and shall be served
by tendering a copy of it to the person summoned, or if he cannot be found, by affixing a
copy of it to some conspicuous part of the house in which he is known to have last
resided, or carried on business or personally worked for gain.
118. Service of notice: Notice not void for error. -No notice shall be deemed void
on account of an error in the name or designation of any person referred to therein,
unless such error has produced a material misconception of the intended intimation.
Notice may be deemed void if there is an error which has produced a material
misconception of the intended intimation.
119. Disposal of things seized. -(1) The owner or person having the charge of any
animal seized and detained shall provide from day to day for its keep while detained, and if he
fails to do so, such animal may be sold by public auction, and the expenses (if any) incurred
on account of it defrayed from the proceeds of the sale.
(2) When anything is seized an order for its release is subsequently passed and owner
does not, within a period of one month, appear to claim such thing and tender the duties,
penalties and charge (if any) due in respect thereof, it may be sold by public auction; and such
duties, penalties, and charges will be defrayed from the proceeds of the sale.
(3) Surplus proceeds of a sale under these rules shall, if not claimed by the owner of the
things seized within a period of three months from the date of such sale be forfeited, to the
collecting Government.
120. Prosecution.-No prosecutions under the Act shall be instituted except by an
Excise Officer not below the rank of a sub-inspector of excise.
Only the sub-inspector or officer above his rank can institute the prosecution under
the Act.
121. Arrests.-Any Excise Officer not below the rank of a sub-inspector of excise
may arrest any person whom he has reason to believe to be liable to punishment under the
Act or any person who, on demand by him refuse to give his name and residence, or who
gives his name and address which such officer has reason to believe to be false.
Only the sub-inspector or officer above his rank can make arrest under the Act.
122. Provisions of arrests and seizures to be in conformity with the Act.-All ar-
rests and seizures made under these rules shall be in conformity with the provisions
of the Act and the rules.
committed an offence under the Act a sum of money not exceeding two thousand rupees
in lieu of confiscation of goods or of punishment for breach of any provisions of the Act
or of the rules.
The Excise Commissioner is empowered to combine the offence which makes the
property liable to confiscation, by accepting a sum of money not exceeding two thousand
rupees in lieu of confiscation.
126. Confiscation.-(l) When any goods or articles are liable to confiscation for
breach of any of the provisions of the Act or these rules, any alcohol, drugs or materials
by means of which the breach bas been committed and of any receptacle, packages or
coverings in which such goods or articles are contained and the animals, vehicles, vessels
or other conveyances used in carrying such goods or articles and any implements or
machinery used in the manufacture of such goods shall be liable to confiscation.
(2) When anything is confiscated under these rules, such thing shall thereupon vest in
the collecting Government.
(3) The officer adjudging confiscation shall take and bold possession of the things
confiscated, and every officer of police, on the requisition of such officer, shall assist him
in taking and bolding such possession.
127. Appeals.--(i) An appeal against an order of an officer other than an Excise
Commissioner made in exercise of the powers conferred on him by the Act or these rules
shall lie to the Excise Commissioner of the State concerned:
Provided that an appeal against an order passed by the Excise Commissioner shall lie
to the State Government:
Provided further that if, between the date of the order or decision appealed against
and the date of the bearing of the appeal, the officer who passed the order or decision is
promoted to be the officer to bear such appeal, such appeal shall be beard by an officer
superior in rank to such officer.
(ii) Every appeal under this rule should be filed within three months of the date of
the decision or order appealed against an order passed in appeal under this rule shall,
subject to the power of revision conferred by rule 129, be final.
The period of limitation for preferring an appeal is three months from the date of
order or decision appealed against.
128. Revision petitions.-(l) The Central Government may, on the application of
any person aggrieved by any decision or order passed under the Act or these rules, and
from which no appeal lies, reverse or modify such decision or order.
(2) Every application under sub-rule (1) shall be filed within six months of the date
of the decision or order appealed against.
129. Appeal and application for revision to be accompanied by copy of
decision or order appealed against-Every appeal or application for revision shall be
accompanied by a copy of the decision or order by which the appellant, or applicant as
the case may be, is aggrieved.
130. Excise Commissioner may require a fresh declaration.-If the Excise Com-
missioner at any time requires a new declaration to be made in any case, he shall cause a
written notice, addressed to the person who signed the existing declaration, to be
At the declared premises, and at the expiration of fourteen days from the delivery of the
notice the existing declaration shall, without prejudice to any liability incurred, be void
and the licence granted to the owner in respect of the premises shall be suspended.
131. Stocks of dutiable goods to be stored in an orderly manner.- (i) All duti-
able goods stored in the premises of a person licensed under Chapter VI of these rules or
in a private warehouse, whether without or after payment of duty, shall be stacked in an
orderly manner, so as to permit of actual counting and, if the Excise Commissioner so
requires, packages containing goods of the same kind and with the same quality in each
shall be kept together in separate lots and the goods shall be arranged in separate rows
each row containing, the same number of packages of uniform size of volume or
strength. The Excise Commissioner may also require the licensed person or keeper of the
warehouse, to maintain stock cards in respect of the separate lots and to leave an
accessible passage free of packages in the middle of the warehouse or other place of
storage and a similar passage along the walls of such warehouse or other place of storage
at right angles to the aforesaid passage, so as to facilitate counting, and may require that
each separate lot or consignment shall be clearly marked with the number and date of the
document under which the goods were admitted to the place of storage, the number of the
relevant record in stock card, account or warehouse register and such other identifying
particulars as he may direct.
(ii) Breach of this shall be punishable with a penalty which may extend to one
thousand rupees.
132. Account of stock of goods in a manufactory or ware house to be taken
and balance to be struck.-As often as the Excise Commissioner may deem it necessary
or proper, and at least once in every year, the stock of dutiable goods remaining in a
manufactory or warehouse or store-room licensed or approved for the storage of such
goods shall be counted, weighed, measured, proved, gauged or otherwise ascertained in
the presence of the proper officer or the officer-in-charge, as the case may be, and if the
quantity so ascertained is less than the quantity which ought to be found in such
premises, (after taking into account receipts and deliveries, and making such. allowance
for wastage by evaporation or other natural causes, as the proper officer or the officer-in-
charge, as the case may be, may consider reasonable and as may be in accordance with
any order issued by the State Government) the owner of such goods shall, unless the
deficiency be accounted for to the satisfaction of such officer, be liable to pay the duty
leviable on such deficiency; and shall also be liable to a penalty which may extend to ten
times the duty chargeable on such goods as are found deficient or a sum of Rs. 2,000
whichever is less.
133. Restriction of removal of goods.-Dutiable goods shall not be delivered from
a bonded manufactory or a bonded warehouse licensed under these rules before six
o'clock in the forenoon or after six o'clock in the afternoon, nor at any hour on Sundays
and closed holidays, except with the permission of the Excise Commissioner and under
such conditions, as the Commissioner may, by general or special order, direct.
134. Licensees’ liability for removal of goods by any person.-If any dutiable
goods are, in contravention of any condition prescribed in these rules, removed by any
person from the place where they are manufactured or warehoused, the manufacturer or
the licensee or keeper of the warehouse shall be held responsible for such removal, and
shall be liable, to be dealt with according to the provisions of the Act or the rules as if he
had removed the goods himself.
135. How registers and stock accounts to be maintained.-(1) Where any person is
required by these rules to maintain any register or a stock account in respect of goods
manufactured or stored by him, he shall-
(i) at the time of making any entry, insert the date when the entry is made;
(ii) correctly keep such account or register in the manner required and shall not
cancel, obliterate, or alter any entry therein, except for correction of any errors, with
the sanction and in the presence of the proper officer or the officer-in- charge, as the
case may be, and shall not make any entry therein which is untrue in any
(iii) keep the account or Register at all times ready for the inspection of the
Excise Officers, and shall permit any such officer to inspect it and make any such
minute therein or any extract therefrom, as the officer thinks fit, and shall, at any
time, if demanded, send that minute or extract to that officer.
(2) Any person who fails to enter the required particulars within the time prescribed
in the relevant rules, or who fails to keep such account or Register, as the case may be, or
to deliver it up to the Excise Officer on demand or who obstructs or hinders such officer
in making any minute therein or extract therefrom, or conveys away or conceals it, or
destroys or tears out any leaf therefrom, or makes any false entry therein or fraudulently
alters any entry therein, shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to two thousand
rupees and all the goods of which due entry has not been made in such account or register
shall be liable to confiscation.
136. Provision and maintenance of weighing and measuring apparatus. - (1)
Every person licensed to deal in dutiable goods shall render all necessary assistance to
Excise Officers in taking account of such goods in his possession, and shall, where so
required by the Excise Commissioner by written order, provide sufficient and just scales
and weights, or a correct weighing machine, capable of weighing the largest and smallest
package of such goods which may be packed on his premises, and, where necessary; a set
of standard measures and instruments for the purpose of weighing, measuring, gauging,
proving and taking an account of the goods in his warehouse, stock or possession, and of
any vessels used for the purpose of containing any such goods.
(2) The weights, measures, and gauging and proving instruments shall be of the
denominations as may be specified by the Excise Commissioner by general or special
(3) The dealer shall maintain and keep the scales, weights, measures, and gauging
and proving instruments in such proper and convenient place in his manufactory,
warehouse, or other premises as the proper officer or the officer-in-charge approves, so
that they shall be at all times ready for the use of officers.
(4) The dealer shall permit every officer specified in sub-rule (1) to the scales,
weights, measures, and gauging and proving instruments for the purpose aforesaid and
shall, with his servants and workmen whenever required by such officer, weigh or
measure, or assist him in weighing, measuring and gauging, as he requires, and in taking
account of any such goods as aforesaid.
(5) For any refusal or neglect on the part of a licensee to comply with any of the
provisions of this rule, he shall be liable to a penalty which may extend to one thousand
137. Provision and maintenance of locks.-(l) Where any warehouse, room, place,
vessel, or fitting belonging to any person licensed to deal in dutiable goods is by these
rules, or by any general or special order of the Excise Commissioner, directed to be
secured or locked, the licensee shall, to the satisfaction of the proper officer-in-charge, as
the case may be, provide, affix, repair and renew all fastenings requisite for the purpose
of enabling officers to affix locks thereto or otherwise to secure them.
(2) If the licensee or warehouse-keeper fails so to do, the proper officer may
provide, affix, repair or renew the fastenings, and the expense thereof shall be paid on
demand by the licensee or warehouse-keeper, as the case may be.
(3) All requisite excise ticket or keys shall be provided by the collecting
(4) If any licensee or warehouse-keeper fails on demand to pay the expenses of
providing, affixing, repairing or renewing, fastenings, as prescribed in sub-rule (2) or if
Repealing the old rules.-The proviso to Sec. 21 cannot change the position in view
of the new rules framed in 1956 with respect to medicinal preparations. As soon as the
new rules came into force the old rules must fail and there is a specific provision in the
new rules (namely rule 143) which says that all rules made under any law corresponding
to the Act are hereby repealed.1
List Of Medicinal And Toilet Preparations Containing Alcohol which are Capable
of Being Consumed As Ordinary Alcohol Beverages
Pharmacopoeial Preparations
Aqua Anisi Concentrata (Anisi Water Concentrated).
" Anethi Concentrata (Concentrated Distilled Water).
" Comphorae Concentrata.
" Caryophilli Concentrata.
" Carl Concentrata.
" Chloroformi Concentrata.
" Cinnamoni Concentrata.
" Mellis.
" Menthae Piperitae Concentrata.
" Pimentae Concentrata.
" Rosae Concentrata.
Elixirs :
Elixir Anisi.
" Aromaticum. "
Aurantii Amari. "
" Pepsini.
" Simplex.
Extracts :
Extractum Agroyri Liquidum.
" Cocillanace Liquidum.
" Exphorbiae Liquidum.
" Kavae Liquidum.
" Kolae Liquidum.
" Malti Liquidum.
" Glycerium Croci.
Infusions :
Infusum Carophilli Concentratum.
" Rosae Acidum Concentratum.
1. Hyderabad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works Ltd. v. State of Andhra Pradesh, A.I.R. 1964 S.C. 1870
at p. 1872.
2. The Schedule is reproduced here as amended up to 1st January, 1970.
Elixir Amygdalae Co.
" Cardamomi Co.
" Valerian Bromi.
" Valerine Compound.
Essence Amygdalae Co.
" Amygdalae.
" Anethi.
" Anisi.
" Aromatica.
" Auranti.
" Capsici.
" Cardamomi
"Cardamomi Co.
" Caryophylli.
" Crinalis.
" Limonis
" Menthae Pip.
" Mint.
" Myristicae.
" Roemarini.
" Shatwari.
" Zingiberis.
Extractum Absinthii Liq:
" Aurantii Amar Liq.
Ext. Kamala Liq.
Extractum Zingiberis.
" Shatwari Liq.
Extract Rosae Liq.
Glycerium Aurantii.
Infusum Limonis.
Liquid Extract of Ashwagandha "Ashwin".
Liquid Extract Kushta (Saussurea Lappa, Product of M/s. Zandu Pharmaceutical Works,
Liquor Aurantii Pro. Syrup
" “Croci.
" Limonis Pro. Syrup
" Lilly Tonic.
" Lotio Ros.
Mustee Tonic.
Rakto- Phospho- Mait.
Salsa Hemtinic.
Soma Tonic.
Spiritus Absinthii.
" Anethii.
" Aromaticus.
" Aurantii.
" Caramomi Compsitus
" Cardamom.
" Carui.
" Coriandri.
" Cumini.
" Limonis.
" Menthae Virid.
" Pimentae.
" Pudinae.
" Rosae.
Succus Cucumis.
Cucus Mori.
Super Neoevel.
Surupus Cinnamomi.
Tinctura Avena.
"Card Co-Extra.
" Cardamomi.
" Carui.
" Caryophylli.
" Coriandri.
" Cumini Alba.
" Cumini Nigra.
" Gentianae.
" Gulallcha.
" Kamala.
" Levandulae.
Toilet Preparations
Ayurvedic Preparations
Mahadraksharista . . . . . . . . …… . . . Manufactured by M/s. Dacca Aurvedic
Pharmacy Ltd., Calcutta
Himalaya Shisu-Sanjivini…………
Himalaya Salsa…………………….
Kumari Asav No.1 Manufactured by M/s. Or. Purohit's Phar-
macy, Kolhapur (Maharashtra).
Manufactured by M/s. Shree Baidyanath
Mrit Sanjivani Sura. . . . . . . Ayurved Bhavan Pvt Ltd., Nagpur.
Manufactured by M/s. Dhootpapeshwar
Industries Ltd., Panvel (Mabarashtra).
Orakshasava (Special)……………
Kutjarishta………………………………. -Do-
Arjunarishta .............……………………
Arvindasava . . . . . . ………………….… -Do-
(Restricted Preparations)
Cariplex Manufactured by M/s. Oriental Trading Co.,
Elixir Taka Combex ........………. Product of M/s. Indu Pharmaceutical Works,
Metovit ...............………………..
ZolaCordiaton .............
Inducamis ..............…. Product of M/s. Metro Laboratories (India),
Metovit ..……………. Bombay.
(Restricted Preparations)
Pharmacopoeial Preparations
Glycero Compound with Lecithin……… Manufactured by M/s. Spencer & Co. Ltd.,
Gentian Simple (Tinct. Gentian B.P.C. 1923) Manufactured by M/s. Sewa Phannacy Ltd.,
................………………………………….. Nasik-Poona Road, Nasik-l.
M and H-B Complex Forte Syrup………….
Manufactured by M/s. Oriental Trading Co.,
Feribeta ...............…………………………..
VibetaElixir.............………………………… -Do-
Prothricin…………….....…………………. -Do-
Vasak with Hypo and Tolu ....…….. (product of M/s. Emedia Export Company,
M.B.H., Bombay).
Orheptol...............…………………. (product of MIs. Geoffrey Manners & Co.,
Private Ltd. Bombay).
Plebex Elixir……………………….
Sedofina Elixir…………….............. (product of M/s. Calcutta Chemical Co. Ltd.,
Irin Compound with Creosote and (products of M/s. Indian Research Institute
Guaiacol (private) Ltd., Calcutta).
Mistura Bismuth Co. with Opium (Product of M/s. Empire Chemical Works,
Bombay- 7).
Stanley' Pulmostan Compound with Crrosote and (products of M/s. Stanley Pharmaceuticals,
Guaiacol……………………………......... Madras).
Stanley's Gripe Mixture………………….
Pemexin Elixir……………………............
(product of M/s. Shering Asia, Bombay).
Woodward's Gripe Water……………….
(product of M/s. Orient Pharma Private Ltd.,
Incretone………………………………… [Product of M/s. G. W. Carnrick Co. (Asia)
Ltd., Bombay].
Cobeton……….....………………………… --Do
Tetmosol Solution………………………
Catevlon Concentrate…………………...
Catevlon Tincture……………………….
Shetty's Gripe Mixture………………….
Manufactured by M/s. Shetty's Phar-
maceutical and Biologicals Ltd., Hyderabad.
Baby Lonel........………………………...
Manufactured by M/s. Vimso Chemicals Pvt
Vimso Gripe Water…………………….. Ltd., Navsari.
Printoplex……………………………… -Do-
Vasacodin Cough Syrup………………..
Printozol……………………………….. -Do-
Sapat Tooth Ache Drops………………….. Manufactured by M/s. Sapat & Co., Bom-
Vimstin………………………………………… -Do-
Syrpoglyc……………………………………… -Do-
Sarkari's Tooth-ache Drops……………
Bharat's Gripe Water……………………
Manufactured by M/s. Phann Chern. Mfg.
Phanna Compound……………………… Corporation, Bombay.
Xylotox Hydrocloride 2%…………….
Manufactured by M/s. Assam Chemical and
Ferry Tonic…………………………...
Pharmaceutical Ltd., Gauhati.
Acicod………………………………… -Do-
Guipac…………………………………. -Do-
Sascodin………………………….......... Manufactured by MIs. Surya Chemicals,
Ashoka Cordial Compound.…………....
M_nufactured by M/s. Ramban Patent Depot,
Ramban Pain Killer…………………….. Bombay.
Xylotox Hydrochloride Plain 2%
Xylotox Hydrochloride Plain 1%
....... Manufactured by M/s. H.Jules & Co.
Jules Cordial for Women. Pharmaceutical Works, Nagpur.
M.& T.P.
Series No.Description of Forms Rule No. Short title Page No.'
ACT, 1955
RULES, 1956
5 6 7]
I ............................................................residing at.............................................................
taluk ...................................................district .............................................................and practicing
at .....................................................................................................................................request that
I may be granted a during
licence to manufacture the year ending the
the accompanying may be renewed for
31st March,19 .
I/We..................................... residing at .......................... taluk............. ................
I/We may be granted a
District ............................................................................., ........request that licence
the accompanying
as a bonded warehouse" during
for the use of my/our premises described overleaf
may be renewed for
the year ending the 31st March, 19
2. I/We agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the licence which may be I
granted/renewed. I
3. I/We have enclosed a challan in payment of the licence fee of .........................rupees. I
*4. I/We have verified that the surety/sureties specified in the bond (s) executed by I
me/us in from (s) ..............................under rule ........................... is/are alive and is/are solvent.
5. I/We hereby declare that no excise licence previously held by me/us has been revoked or
suspended or has failed to be renewed owing to a breach of the Act and/or rules governing the grant of
such licence.
6. I/We declare that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief the information furnished
herein is true and complete.
Signature (s) of the applicant (s)
Description of premises
1. Village or town.
2. District.
Distinguishing Detailed Purpose:
letter or number description of each,
of letter and of each
number of
Strike out if the application is made for the first time and if the bond has been executed with Security" Strike out if
the application is made for the first time.
M. & T.P. Series No.4
Licence to manufacture medicinal and toilet preparations containing alcohol,
hemp and other narcotic drug; and narcotics under bond for payment of duty
(See Rule 83)
(Delete the letters and words not applicable)
Shri/Sarvashri..........................of ........................having undertaking to comply with the con
ditions prescribed in the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Rules, 1956, and
any orders issued thereunder and having paid the prescribed licence-fee ofRs ........................ is/are
hereby authorised to manufacture dutiable goods specified overleaf during the year ending
31st March 19,……….. in the premises situated at ................. and ..................described in his/their
application dated.....................subject to the provisions of the Rules.
2. The privilege conferred by this licence extends only to the manufacture of preparations of
standard pharmacopoeias of Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Homoeopathic and Unani Systems of
medicine, proprietary types of medicines and all toilet preparations.
3. The quantity of spirit/ opium/Indian hemp/narcotic drugs/narcotics in the licensee's
possession shall not exceed .......................................................................................... ,
London-proof litres/........................... *kilograms/ ...........................grams at anyone time and shall
not be allowed more than *London-proof litres/ ..................... *kilograms/ .............. '*grams for the
year ending 31st March, 19 /'
4. This licence may be revoked or suspended or its renewal may be refused, if any
declaration made or information given in the application thereof is found to be false or if any
undertaking given in such application is not carried out. Place............. Date..............
(Licensing Authority)
T o be filled by the licensing authority in accordance with the actual requirements of the manufactures.
Sch. ] 89
List of preparations authorized to manufacture
To be fixed by the licensing Authority in accordance with the actual requirements of the
Renewal of licence
Bond to be entered into by the licensee of a bonded manufactory
(See Rule 21)
(Delete the letters and words not applicable)
I/We am of
[hereinafter called obligor (s)] bound to the
are jointly and severally
President in the sum of rupees to be paid to the President of
India/Governor of State
for which payment bind myself/ourselves and
we jointly and severally
my/our legal representatives.
The above-bounden obligor(s) having applied to the Excise Commissioner
of State at (hereinafter called the
Commissioner) for and obtained a licence for the manufacture of at
his/their manufactory at the licence being entered in the
State Excise Records as No. dated
Whereas the Commissioner has required the obligor (s) to deposit as guarantee for
the amount of this Bond, the sum of
the securities as hereinafter mentioned of a total face value of
rupees endorsed in the Commissioner's favour, namely, and
whereas the obligor (s) has/have furnished such guarantee by depositing with the
Commissioner the cash/securities as aforementioned.
The condition of this bond is that if the obligor (s) and his/their legal
representatives shall observe all the provisions of the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations
(Excise Duties) Rules, 1956, and in particular shall either produce for charge of duty all
dutiable goods manufactured at the above manufactory and such other dutiable goods on
which duty has not been paid which are brought into the manufactory for manufacturing,
or shall deposit such goods in a store room or other place of storage approved by the
Commissioner under rule 31 of the Rules or shall otherwise account to the satisfaction of
the Commissioner, for such goods and shall not remove from the approved premises or
from the store room or other place of storage, before the proper duty has been paid, any
dutiable goods except as provided for in the rules.
And if the obligor (s) or his/their legal representatives shall pay into the treasury to
the account of the Commissioner, all dues whether excise duty or other lawful charges,
which shall be demandable from the obligor(s) as shown in the records of the proper
officer within ten days from the date of demand thereof being made in writing by the said
This obligation shall be void.
Otherwise and on breach or failure in the performances of any part of this
the same shall be in full force.
And the President of India/Governor of ......... State shall, at his option, be
to make good all the loss and damages from the amount of the guarantee deposit or by
enforcing his rights under the above written bond or by both.
I/We declare that this bond is given under the orders of the Central/State
Government for the performance of an act in which the public are interested.
Place ......................................................................................Signature (s) of obligor (s).
Witnesses (1)
Address (1)
Occupation (1)
Accepted by day of 19.
me this ......of Excise.
President of India
On behalf of the
Governor of
Signature (s) of obligor (s).
Witnesses (1)
Address (1)
Occupation (1)
Date............... Signature of Surety.
Witnesses (1)
Address (1)
Occupation (1)
Accepted by me this day of 19.
.......of Excise.
President of India
On behalf of the
Governor of
Whereas the Commissioner has required the obligor (s) to deposit, as guarantee for
the amount of this Bond the sum of rupees in cash.
of Excise.
President of India.
On behalf of the
Governor of
1956, being observed, without payment of duty
bonded warehouse
from the at for exportation.
licensed manufactory
Whereas the Excise Commissioner of State at (here-
inafter called the Commissioner) has required the obligor(s) to deposit as
the sum of rupees in cash
guarantee for the amount of this Bond
the securities as hereinafter mentioned
of a total face value of rupees
endorsed in the Commissioner's favour,
And whereas the obligor (s) has/have furnished such guarantee by depositing with
the Commissioner the cash/securites as aforementioned.
The condition of this bond is that if the obligor (s) or his/their legal representatives
shall observe all the provisions of the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties)
Rules, 1956, to be observed in respect of the goods so removed for export;
And if the said goods are duly removed and exported within such time as the
Commissioner directs ;
This obligation shall be void.
Otherwise and on breach or failure in the performance of any part of this condition,
the same shall be in full force.
And the President of India/Governor State
shall at his option be competent to make good all the loss and damages either from the
amount of the guarantee deposit or by enforcing his rights under the above-written bond
or by both.
I/We declare that this bond is given under the orders of the
Government for the performance of an act in which the public are interested.
Date................ "
Witnesses (1) Address (1) Signature (s) of obligor (s).
(2) (2) Occupation (1)
Place .... Signature of surety. (2)
Witnesses (1) Address (1) Occupation (1) (2)
(2) (2)
Accepted by me this day of 19.
of Excise.
President of India
On behalf of the
Governor of
And if all the said goods are duly removed to and rewarehoused at the warehouse
at before the day of 19 ;
This obligation shall be void.
Otherwise and on breach or failure in the performance of any part of this condition,
the same shall be in full force.
We declare that this bond is given under the orders of the
Government for the performance of an act in which the public are interested.
Signature (s) of obligor (s).
Witnesses (1) Address (1) Occupation (1)
(2) (2) (2)
Signature of surety.
Witnesses (1) Address (1) Occupation (1)
(2) (2) (2)
Accepted by me this day of 19.
__________of Excise
President of India
On behalf of the __________________
Governor of
M. & T. P. Series No. 16
Bond (with Security) for the due arrival and rewarehousing of dutiable goods
removed from one bonded warehouse to another
(See Rule 105)
(Delete the letters and words not applicable)
I/We of [hereinafter called the
obligor (s)] bound to the President of India/Governor
are jointly and severally
of State in the sum of
rupees to be paid to the President of India/Governor of State
for which payment bind myself/ourselves and my/our
we jointly and severally
legal representatives.
The above-bounden obligor(s) being permitted to remove the goods described in
his/their application No. dated
from the bonded warehouse at to the bonded warehouse at
Whereas the Excise Commissioner at (hereinafter
called the Commissioner) has required the obligor(s) to deposit as guarantee
the sum of rupees in cash
for the amount of this bond _____________________________________________________ .
the securities as hereinafter mentioned of a total face value
of rupees endorsed in the Commissioner's favour,
And whereas the obligor(s) has/have furnished such guarantee by depositing with the
Commissioner the cash/securities as aforementioned.
The condition of this bond is that if the obligor(s) and his/their legal representatives shall
observe all the provisions of the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Rules, 1956, to
be observed in respect of the goods so transferred:
And if all the said goods are duly removed to, and rewarehoused at
before the day of 19 ;
This obligation shall be void.
Otherwise and on breach or failure in the performance of any part of this condition,
the same shall be in full force.
And the President of India/Governor of State
shall, at his option, be competent to make good all the loss and damages either from the amount of
the guarantee deposit or by enforcing his rights under the above written bond or both.
I/We declare that this bond is given under the orders of the ______________ Government
for the performance of an act in which the public are interested.
Signature (s) of obligor (s).
I/We of
[hereinafter called the obligor (s)] am/are bound to the President of India/Governor
of State in the sum
of rupees and l/we
of (hereinafter called the "First Surety")
of (hereinafter called the "Second Surety")
of (hereinafter called the "Third Surety")
of (hereinafter called the "Fourth Surety")
(all hereinafter collectively referred to as the First Surety, the Second Surety, the Third Surety, the
Fourth Surety) are each of us severally, bound to the President of India/Governor
of state
in the sum of rupees each to be paid to the President of India/
Governor of State
for which payment I/we the obligor/obligors bind ourselves and our legal representatives and I/we
the above named First Surety, the Second Surety, the Third Surety and the Fourth
Surety severaly bind myself/ourselves and our legal representatives.
The above-bounden obligor (s) being permitted to remove from time to time conditional on
the provisions of the Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Rules, 1956, being
observed, from the bonded warehouse(s) at to other bonded warehouse situated anywhere in India
or vice versa.
The condition of his bond is that if the obligor(s) and his/their legal representatives shall
observe all the provisions of the said rules, to be observed in respect of the goods so transferred
from time to time.
And if the said goods are duly removed to and rewarehoused at the bonded warehouse(s) of
destination to which they are permitted to be removed within such time as the proper officer
FORM R. G.-2
(Rules 27, 30, 49 and 50)
Register of transaction in the spirit store of bonded/non-bonded manufactory
Shri/Sarvashri... .................. . ... .............
the case of opium, Indian hemp and other naroctic drugs and narcotics only quantity need be noted)
Application number
proof litres
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
FORM R. G.-3 (Rules 31, 33 and 52)
M. & T. P. Series No. 21
Register of operations in the bonded/non-bonded manufactory _
of 108
Shri/Sarvashri ........................................ ............
Alcohol Alcohol
Proof litres
Batch No
drugs or
Proof litres
Batch No.
Alcohol in L.P litres
Indian hemp
Content per litre
Bulk Quantity
Vessel No.
(Rules 31,35 and 52)
Bulk Qty.
Register of preparations in the bonded/non-bonded manufactory of
Vessel No.
taken in stock
Total Bulk Qty. in stack as per cols. 8& 10
Shri/Sarvashri ……………………………………
Issue Bulk Qty.
paid on
Treasury Receipt No. & Date Entry No. & Date in Account current
Balance stack Bulk Qty.
FORM R .G. 4
Serial No.
* Date
No. and date of Transport permit
Name and address of owner of
Number and description of packages
Marks and number
Gross weight
Batch No.
Name of preparation
G-D Alcohol in L.P litres
Indian hemp
Description of goods.
Content per litre
Where the goods are received from another warehouse the date of first warehousing should also be stated in red ink?
Rs. np.15
S. No
Number and date of relative entry in part I
Number and date of relative application of clearance
Name and address and licence No. of persons to whom issued
M. & T. P Series No. 24
Batch No.
Name of preparation
Rate Bulk quantity
Amount Alcohol in L.P litre
Indian hemp
Content per
Other narcotic drugs and narcotics
Description of goods
(Rules 72 and 75)
FORM R. G (Part II)
Warehouse register of issues
Treasury an d Treasury Chalan No. and date or entry No. and date of Account –Current
(To be maintained in a Bonded Warehouse)
No. of date of Transport permit
Batch No.
19 Name of preparation
Bulk quantity
Indian hemp
M & T. P.Series No 25
(Front Pasge)
(Rule 90)
Visit Book
Name of licensee:
Description of the licence
Licence No……………..
Alcohol C-D
Opium S-T
Indian hemp S-T
Other narcotic
Drugs and
Narcotics Grams
Notes. - 1 This book must be delivered up to the licensing authority on the expiry of the period for which the
licence is valid.
2 This book must be available at all times for any officer authorized to inspect the licensed premises for
writing his minutes.
Kind of
Name of
Name of
Kind of
Indian hemp/
Indian hemp/
Month Rema Month other narcotic Remarks
other narcotic
and date rk
, .
Required Required
Quantity ....
G-D Quantity
Grams G-D
Signature of licensee.
M. & T.P. Series No. 28 115
FORM A. R.-1
(Rule 107)
Application for removal of dutiable goods from one bonded manufactory/warehouse to another bonded warehouse I/we apply for leave to remove the undermentioned
goods from to
Manner of transport
Route of transport
Alcolhol in L.P
drugs of narcotics
Value of goods
Indian hemp
Other narotic
……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………………………….
I hereby certify that the consignment conforms in all respects to the description given overleaf and that the following particulars relate thereto.
Place …………….
Date …………….
Signature of Officer-in-charge .
Name of preparation
Or narcotics.
Rs. P Rs. P Rs. P
G- G- S-T S-T Gram
(*To be entered by the owner or his agent in works and figures.)
I/We declare the above particulars to be true and correctly stated.
I/We apply for leave to clear the above goods.
Date........................... Signature of the owner or his authorized agent.)
RULES, 1956
Assessment Memorandum
(To be entered in words and figures)
1 Total number of containers………………..
2. Quantity of goods on which duty is assessed......
3. Rate of duty..............
4. Total duty-payable...........
Bonded Manufactory/Warehouse.
Statement of duty paid at.......... Sub-Treasury
State Bank of India
1 For payment in cash (to be filled in by the owner or his Reserve Bank of India
name of person tendering Particulars of person Amount in Head of account
Payment Payment words and figures
Rs. p
(to be filled in by Treasury or Bank) Signature to tender ……………..
Deposit No..........................
Received payment of rupees...............................(In words).
Signature of Treasurer............................ .............................
Accountant ........................................................
Treasury Officer ................................................
Agent or Manager………………………………….
Number and date of Title of Account of Number and date of entry Amount
Transport Permit, if ledger Number Rs. P.
Office-in-Charge, Date......................... Signature of owner or his
Bonded Manufactory /Warehouse. authorized agent.
3 4
The Office-in-Charge
The Excise Officer…….
Alcohol in L. P. liters
Description of goods
Others narcotics drugs or narcotics
True formula of the preparation
(Rules 98)
FORM A. R.-3
Rs. P
Application for removal of dutiable goods for export by land
Certified that I have examined the above mentioned consignment, that the description given above is correct that duty has
been paid thereon, and that after examination I have sealed the packages with my official seal, the owner has entered into
a bond under rule 16.
Date.............................. Manufactory/Warehouse……………….
(Rule 98)
Application for removal of dutiable goods for export by Sea/Air/post
The Excise Officer----------------------
The office in-charge
I/We --------------------------of --------------------------propose to export the undermentioned consignment to ----------
Description of Goods Duty
Number and date of document under which duty was paid or number and date of document under rule
Content per litre
Mark and number of container
Bulk quantity
Batch number
Gross weight
Indian hemp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
-------------claim for rebate --------------------------( country of destination) by sea/Air / parcel post under bond:-
1. Certified that I have examined the consignment described overleaf, that the particulars
stated in the description are correct, that duty has been paid on the goods------------------------
--- ------------------------------------- and that after examination I have sealed the packages the
owner has entered into
a bond under rule 16
with my official seal.
Date........... Signature of Excise Officer...........................
(On original and duplicate)
2. Certified that the seals on the packages were found intact and that I have satisfied
myself that the particulars of the consignment are as specified overleaf except for the
shortages mentioned below.
3. Certified that the consignment was shipped under my supervision under shipping
bill No S.S./Air ship............... which left for ............. on the day
of..... 19........
Date.............. Signature of Preventive Officer.
Signature of Customs Collector.
(On duplicate only)
4. Certified that the goods described overleaf have not been relanded and are not
intended to be relanded at any port in India.
date......... Signature of Exporter.
5. Certified that the consignment described above has been dispatched by foreign post
to .........on of .....19........
Signature of Post Master.
Post Office.
6. Certified that the alcoholic content of the dutiable goods mentioned above
is .................………L.P. litres ascertained by chemical analysis and the duty leviable is Rs.
Rs.......... Signature of Excise Officer.
7. Rebate of...... (...... Rupees) sanctioned.
8. Certified that I have this day paid the sum of Rs. ... (...Rupees) to .. in satisfaction
of his claim.
Date......... Signature of Officer-in-Charge.
(Delete the entries and words not applicable.
M & T. P. Series No. 32
(Rules 107 and 112)
Transport permit for intra-State/inter-State movement of dutiable goods
Permit is granted to
(here enter name of consignee)
to transport from....................................................................(here enter place of dispatch)
to………………………………………………(here enter the place of dispatch)
the dutiable goods..................................................... as specified below :-
(Here state description and weight or quantity of each kind of
Content per liter
Number and marks of packages
Name of preparation
Bulk quantity
or narcotic
Indian hemp
Batch no.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
This pass must be used within 90 days from the date of its issue. The bulk of the
consignment shall not be broken in transit.
Place............... Excise Officer
Officer-in-Charge of
Bonded Manufactory/
Certified that the consignment of dutiable goods mentioned above has been received
Signature of Excise Officer...............
Note:- This Form will be printed in books of two parts and four parts. In the case of
book containing four parts the certificate at the top should be printed in the last part above.
M. & T. P. Series No. 33 M. & T. P. Series No. 33 M. & T. P. Series No. 33
……………Treasury ……………….of Excise
Rate of duty.......................................................
Officer- in-Charge........... Treasury ... ............
Number... ................................................ ......
Date ................................................ Signature.
RULES, 1956 M. & T. P. Series No. J5
FORM R. T.-1
(Rules 41 and 56)
Return of transactions of business at the bonded/non- bonded manufactory
of Sbrl/SarvMbrl at during the month of 19
(To be submitted by the licensee by the 5th of every month)
Bulk Alcohol Opium Indian Other Remarks
L.P Hemp narcotic
drugs or
1. Opening balance—
2. Receipt from distillery/spirit
3. total stock(1+2).
4. Wastage in transit.
5. Issue for manufacture of preparations.
6. Quantity remaining in unfinished
preparations at the end of month.
7. Quantity remaining in finished
preparations at the end of month.
8. Balance in stock at the end of month.
9. Wastage in manufacture with brief
reasons in remarks Col.
I/we declared that the particulars in this statement have been correctly stated. Countersigned and forwarded
to …………….
bonded manufactory,
……………of excise…
Receipt during the Serial Number
month Quantity in
grams or litres
Total stock as per
Place …………..
Name of preparation
Date ……………
Cols. 9 and 10
Date ………………….
Place …………………
M. & T. P SERIES No. 36
Clearance on payment
of duty Quantity in
grams or litres Trade Mark etc
Amount of duty paid
during the month Rs.
(Rule 80)
Batch No. & date of
Form R.T.-2
Transference to other
Total Quantity
removed as per Cols.
12 and 14 grams or
litres Opium
Balance quantity in
stock grams or litres
Declared content per litre
Indian hemp
Return of transactions of business at the bonded warehouse at Shri/Sarvashri
Wastage if any with Other narcotic
brief reasons thereof drugs or
Opening balance
Signature of the licensee or
Quantity in Grams or