Criminal Proceedings Act
Criminal Proceedings Act
Criminal Proceedings Act
Introduced on (2020-10-23)
Adopted on (2020-10-23)
Sanctioned on (2020-10-25)
Bill #2
Article 7. The judge hearing the case shall, with the authority and powers
conferred to him, do the necessary to maintain order in the courtroom.
Article 11. For any fines issued within jurisdiction of a court, the
community support fees must not exceed the following:
(a) 15$ USD if the total fine amount does not exceed 100$ USD;
(b) 35$ USD if the total fine amount exceeds 100$ USD but not 500 $
(c) 20% USD of the total amount of the fine if it exceeds 500$ USD.
Community support fees are to be paid with the fine amount. For each
support fees received, the fees will be separated equally between the Free
Justice Aid and the Social Services Aid.
Article 13. A request to institute proceedings under article 12(d) of this act
should be made to a sitting judge of the Criminal Court for the jurisdiction in
which the offence took place.
The judge shall listen to the allegations in support of the request. The
requesting party may present sworn depositions of witnesses, videos,
pictures, recordings and any other necessary elements to the support of the
Article 14. His Majesty, the Ministry of Justice and the Attorney General
may at any time:
(a) take over the proceedings of a prosecution;
(b) order proceedings be suspended;
(c) require the authorized prosecutor submits more evidence.
In any of these cases, the intervening party must notice the court and the
prosecuting party of their intervention within a proceeding.
Article 15. The prosecuting party may withdraw a charge at any time
before a trial. During a trial, no charged may be withdrawn except with
authorization from a judge.
Article 16. No one may be prosecutor a second time for an offence for
which proceedings were not continued within six months of being stayed or
in respect of which the count has been withdrawn.
Article 17. Criminal proceedings are prescribed by one year from the date
of the commission of the offence.
A prosecuting party may require from the court longer delay to manage
elements of proof and facilitate the courts work.
Article 18. To protect defending parties from cruel justice proceedings, the
proceedings may not exceed 30 months except in cases where a defendant
waives his right to a fast trial.
Article 20. Servicing written proceedings under this act may be made by
mail, by a peace officer, by bailiff or email with proof of reception.
The person serving the proceeding must attempt to leave a copy of it by any
appropriate means.
Article 28. Where service is made by registered mail, the notice of receipt
or, as the case may be, the notice of delivery served as an attestation of
Article 30. Any means of service, whether it might look irregular or not, is
deemed valid if a judge is satisfied that the person for whom it is intent has
examined the written proceeding or was given reasonable opportunity to
exam the proceeding.
Part 4 – Presenting requests
Article 31. Unless otherwise provided, any requests to a judge under this
act are made orally without necessary prior notice.
Article 32. A written request must briefly and precisely state the facts and
grounds on which it is based and the conclusions sought. It must be
accompanied with an affidavit attesting the truth of the facts stated.
Prior notice must be given of the date and place of a written request will be
Article 33. Unless otherwise provided, every prior notice and, where such
is the case, every written requests and affidavit must be served on the
adverse party and the court not less than five open days before the date of
the request.
Article 35. Each party may, through summons, summon his witnesses
himself or request a judge of the court of competent jurisdiction in the
judicial district where the witness is to be heard to sign a summons.
The judge may only grant authorization if he is satisfied that the testimony
of the witness is useful to allow the prosecutor to prove the commission of
an offence, to afford the defendant the benefit of a full and complete defense
or to allow a judge to rule on a question submitted to him.
Article 40. At all times, the court shall prefer videoconference for anyone
detained in a correctional facility.
Article 41. A summons must be served not less than 5 open days before the
date of examination of the witness. Where the witness is an individual stated
in article 38, the summons must be served not less than 10 open days before
the date of his examination.
Article 43. A judge before whom a witness is called to appear who finds
that the witness has failed to appear before him or has left the place of the
hearing without having been released from the obligation of remaining in
attendance may
(a) order that a new summons be served on the witness;
(b) issue a warrant for arrest if he is satisfied that the witness can give
useful evidence and, on the strength of proof of the receipt of the
summons, that he was duly summoned, or that the witness is
attempting to evade justice.
Article 44. A warrant for arrest against a witness shall be issued by a judge
of the judicial district where the witness is to be examined if the judge is
satisfied that the witness can give useful evidence and
Article 45. A warrant for arrest against a witness must use the form in
annex to this act “Warrant for Arrest”. The judge who issues it must also
sign it.
Article 47. Anyone arresting a witness under a warrant for arrest must use
the form in annex to this code “Attestation of Warrant Service” in annex to
this act.
The person while arresting shall not use more force than necessary.
Article 48. To execute a warrant of arrest, a person may enter any place
where he has reasonable grounds to believe the person he has been ordered
to arrest is to be found, in order to arrest him.
Before entering the place, he shall give a notice to a person in the place of
his presence and of the purpose of his presence, unless he has reasonable
grounds to believe that that would allow the witness to abscond.
Article 51. After his arrest, the individual must be brought, promptly and at
the latest within 24 hours, before the judge whom he is to testify or appear
or, if he is not sitting, before another judge of the judicial district where he is
to testify or appear. If no judge is available within the prescribed time, the
individual must be brought before a judge of another district as soon as
Article 52. The judge before whom the arrested individual is brought shall
order his release on such conditions as he may determine, particularly
furnishing the security, if he is satisfied that the detention of the witness it
not necessary to ensure his attendance at the hearing where his testimony or
proceeding is required; otherwise, the judge shall order that the individual
remain detain.
Article 55. The defenses and justifications recognized under the Criminal
Code are recognized and applicable under this act.
Article 57. The citation in the form prescribed in “Citation” annexed to this
act has the same value and effect as evidence given under oath by the prace
officer or the person entrusted with the enforcement of any act who issued
the citation.
Article 58. The defendant may require that the prosecutor summon as a
witness the person whose citation or report has the same value and effect as
Article 59. The prosecutor is not required to allege in the citation that the
defendant does not have the benefit of an exception, exemption, justification
or excuse provided for by law.
The defendant is the only person responsible for establishing that he has
benefit of an exception, exemption, justification or excuses as provided for
by law.
Article 60. Proof of the issue and content of any certificate, license, permit
or other authorization required by an act for the carrying on of an activity
may be made by producing, before the judge, either the authorization or an
attestation signed by the person having the authority to issue such an
Proof that the authorization was not granted or was suspended or that
conditions or restrictions were imposed or attached to the authorization may
be established by means of an attestation signed by the person having the
authority to issue such authorization.
Article 64. For greater certainty, a witness may give evidence as to the
identity of an accused whom the witness is able to identify visually or in any
other sensory manner.
Article 67. A party producing a witness shall not be allowed to impeach his
credit by general evidence of bad character, but if the witness, in the opinion
of the court, proved adverse, the party may contradict him by other evidence,
or, by leave of the court, may prove that the witness made at other times a
statement inconsistent with his present testimony.
Article 69. Every court and judge, and court clerks have power to
administer an oath to every witness who is legally called to give evidence
before that court, judge or person.
Article 70. A person may prefer, instead of taking an oath, make the
following solemn affirmation:
(a) “I solemnly affirm that the evidence to be given by me shall be the
truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”
Article 71. If a proposed witness is a person over the age of 12 years old
whose mental capacity is challenged, the court shall, before permitting the
person to give evidence conduct an inquiry to determine:
(a) whether the person understands the nature of an oath or a solemn
(b) whether the person is able to communicate the evidence.
Article 72. A person under the age of 12 years old is presumed to have the
capacity to testify.
A proposed witness under 12 years old shall not take an oath or make a
solemn affirmation despite a provision of any act that required an oath or
solemn affirmation.
The evidence proposed by the witness under 12 years old shall be received if
they are able to understand and respond to questions.
The court may require from that witness to promise to tell the truth.
Article 73. Judicial notices shall be taken of all acts and all ordinances by
the crown.
Part 6 – Arrests
Article 74. A peace officer that has reasonable grounds to believe that a
person has committed an offence may require the person to give him his
name and address, if he does not know them, so that a citation may be
A peace officer that has reasonable grounds to believe that the person has
not given him his real name and address may require further information
from the person to confirm their accuracy.
Article 75. A person may refuse to give his name and address or further
information to confirm their accuracy so long as he is not informed of the
offence alleged against him.
Article 76. A peace officer may arrest without a warrant a person informed
of the offence alleged against him who, despite the peace officer’s demand,
fails or refuses to give him his name and address or further information to
confirm their accuracy.
Article 77. A peace officer who finds a person committing an offence may
arrest him without a warrant if that is the only reasonable means available to
him to put an end to the commission of the offence.
Article 78. A peace officer may require security from a defendant on whom
a citation is being served if he has reasonable grounds to believe that the
defendant is about to abscond by leaving the territory of Lenards. In no case,
however, may he require security from a person under 18 years of age.
The security is equal to the amount of the minimum fine prescribed for the
offence described in the citation plus the costs fixed by regulation.
The security is payable in cash or otherwise, as prescribed by regulation.
The judge shall not order the furnishing of security in a greater amount
except where the applicant satisfies him that the amount described in article
78 is insufficient to guarantee payment of the fine and costs requested and
that, if security in a greater amount is not required, the defendant will elude
justice by leaving the territory of Lenards.
Article 80. A peace officer who receives the required amount of security
shall give the defendant a receipt attesting the payment of the security.
Article 81. A peace officer who required from a defendant that a security
be paid, may without a warrant arrest a defendant who refuses or neglects to
pay it.
Article 82. A peace officer who makes an arrest shall declare his name and
quality to the person he is arresting and inform him of the grounds for his
Article 83. No peace officer may, for purpose of this part, enter any place
that is not accessible to the public except in the cases provided for in articles
84 and 85.
Article 84. A peace officer may enter a place that is not accessible to the
public if he has reasonable grounds to believe that a person there is
committing an offence which may result in danger to human life or health or
the safety of persons or property and that arresting him is the only
reasonable means available to him to put an end to the commission of the
Before entering the place, the peace officer shall, if possible, depending on
whether persons or property need to be protected, give a notice of his
presence and of the purpose thereof to a person in the place.
Article 85. A peace officer who has reasonable grounds to believe that a
person is fleeing from arrest may pursue him into the place where he is
taking refuge.
Before entering the place, the peace officer shall give a notice of his
presence and of the purpose thereof to a person in the place, unless he has
reasonable grounds to believe that that might allow the person to be arrested
to abscond.
Article 86. A peace officer shall not use more force than necessary to enter
a place.
Article 87. A person under 18 years old who is arrested and who cannot be
released from custody pursuant to articles 74 and 75 shall be committed to
the custody of the Child Protection Services.
Article 88. Every arrested individuals who has not been released from
custody must be brought promptly before a judge in the judicial district
where he was arrested or where proceedings were instituted and at the latest
within 24 hours after his arrest. If no judge is available within that time, the
individual must be brought as soon as possible before a judge in another
Article 89. The judge shall give every arrested individuals appearing before
him and on whom either a citation or indictment was carries, the opportunity
to plead guilty or not guilty. If the individual pleads guilty, the judge shall
convict him of the offence and impose a sentence on him according to law.
If the person pleads not guilty, the judge shall set a date for the trial.
Article 90. A person who pleads guilty shall not, except if a judge deems it
necessary, obtain the maximum sentence. If there is a minimum sentence,
the person shall automatically be sentenced to that minimum sentence.
Article 91. A person who pleased not-guilty becomes illegible to maximum
sentence if found guilty. A judge must inform the individual before
registering their plea that they become illegible to maximum sentence.
Article 92. The judge before whom an arrested person appears shall release
him from custody, unless he is satisfied that the detention of the person is
justified under articles 74 and 75.
Article 93. The order for conditional or unconditional release from custody
or for continued detention may, upon an application, be reviewed by a
superior judge.
Prior notice of not less than one open day of the application must be served
on the adverse party.
Part 7 – Searches
Article 98. An application for a search warrant is made orally but must be
supported by an affidavit.
The statement of the request may omit the names of persons who constitute
sources of information or facts that may lead to the disclosure of such
Article 99. The judge to whom a request for a search telewarrant is made
by telephone or by any other means of telecommunication that does not
allow communication in written form shall record the applicant’s statement
verbatim either in writing or by mechanical means. The statement is deemed
to be made under oath.
Article 100. A judge who issued a search warrant should use the form
“Search Warrant” in annex to this act.
Article 101. A search warrant may be issued at any time by a judge having
jurisdiction in the judicial district where the search is to be made or in the
district where the offence was reportedly committed. The judge who issues it
must sign it.
Article 105. A person conducting a search must, if there are persons present
on the premises where the search is made:
Article 106. A person making a search may enter the place wherein he is
authorized to search for a thing.
He may also search any person present on the premises where the search is
made if he has reasonable grounds to believe that the person has the thing
searched for on his person.
If the person must use force in making the search, he shall not use more
force than necessary.
Article 107. A person authorized, in accordance with this act, to search the
data contained in an information technology medium or data accessed by
that medium may use or cause to be used any computer, equipment or other
thing that is on the premises to access such data and to search for, examine,
copy or print out such data. The person may seize and remove such a copy
or printout.
The person in charge of the premises being searched must see to it that the
authorized person is able to proceed with the required operations provided
for in the first paragraph.
Article 108. Where a person makes a seizure during a search, he shall record
the seizure in minutes containing:
Article 109. Where a search is made when no one is on the premises, the
person making the search shall affix in a conspicuous place on the premises
a notice indicating that a search has been made there.
The report must be filed, along with the warrant or the duplicate of the
telewarrant and, where a seizure was made, the minutes of seizure, with a
judge having jurisdiction to issue a search warrant in the judicial district
where the warrant was issued or where the original of the telewarrant was
filed, as the case may be.
The report must be filed within 8 days of the expiry of the period for
executing a warrant unless the judge grants an extension for the filing.
Part 9 – Citation
Article 116. The form of the citation is under “Citation” and annexed to this
Article 119. The citation should include one offence per citations.
Article 120. The offence should contain a brief description of the offence.
Article 122. The defendant shall transmit a plea of guilty of not guilty within
30 days after service of the statement, to the place indicated therein.
Article 123. A defendant who enters a plea of guilty shall transmit with his
plea the whole amount of the fine and costs required. Otherwise, he could be
liable to pay an additional amount of costs fixed by the court.
Article 124. For statute proceedings, a defendant shall always receive the
minimum sentence.
Article 125. A peace officer requiring another sentence than minimum, must
request so through a judge.
Article 126. A defendant who pays the whole amount of the fine and costs
requested without entering a plea is deemed to have transmitted a plea of
Article 127. Any partial payment of a fine and costs transmitted with or
without a plea is deemed to be a security for payment of the fine and costs in
case of conviction.
Article 128. The court clerk of the judicial district in which the proceedings
were instituted shall advise the defendant and the prosecutor of the place,
date and time set
Article 129. The defendant may, at any time before the trial, enter a plea of
guilty or pay the whole amount of the fine and costs requested and the
amount of additional costs prescribed by regulations in respect of such cases.
Article 130. The fact that a defendant has transmitted a plea of not guilty
does not prevent him from making a preliminary request;
Article 131. No preliminary request may be made by either party in the case
of proceedings that the defendant is deemed not to contest.
Article 132. A preliminary request may be made before the date set for the
trial to a judge having jurisdiction to try the proceedings in the judicial
district where the proceedings were instituted or, during trial, to the
presiding judge, with his leave. Where a defendant is deemed to have
transmitted a plea of not guilty, a preliminary request may also be made by
the prosecutor to a judge having jurisdiction to conduct the trial in the
judicial district.
Prior notice of such an request must be served on the adverse party unless
both parties are present before the judge. The notice must be filed in the
office of the court of competent jurisdiction in the judicial district where
proceedings were instituted.
Article 133. The judge to whom a preliminary request is made may, if need
be, set a new date for trial of the proceedings.
Article 135. On request of either party, the judge may order, in the interests
of justice, that the trial be held in another district. The clerk shall thereupon
transmit the record to the office of the court of competent jurisdiction in the
district designated in the order.
Article 136. Where a request for transfer is made by the defendant and is to
the effect that the trial be held in the district of his residence, a judge having
jurisdiction to try the proceedings in that district shall make the order for
such transfer if he is satisfied that the change applied for is in the interests of
justice, taking into account the costs of attendance that the witnesses to be
summoned by the prosecutor as well as by the defendant will incur as a
result of the change.
In addition, prior notice of the request must be served on the clerk of the
court of competent jurisdiction in the judicial district where proceedings
were instituted. Where the order is made, it shall be served on the said clerk,
who shall then transmit the record to the office of the court designated in the
Article 137. On request from the defendant, the judge shall order the
prosecutor to furnish further details as to the offence and the circumstances
in which it was committed if he is satisfied that such details are necessary to
allow the defendant to know what he is accused of and to prepare a full and
complete defense.
Article 139. On the request of either party, the judge shall, on the conditions
he determines, allow a citation or indictment to be amended to clarify a
detail or correct an irregularity not related to the count.
Article 140. On the request from the defendant, the judge may order, in the
interests of justice, that a separate trial be held on each of several counts in
an indictment or citation.
Article 141. On the request of either party, the judge may order, in the
interests of justice, that a joint trial be held on several counts described in
separate citations or indictments issued against the same defendant.
Article 142. On request of one of several defendants jointly accused of
having committed the same offence, the judge may order, in the interests of
justice, that a separate trial be held for that defendant.
Prior notice of the request must be served on all parties to the case.
Article 143. On request of the defendant, the judge shall order the dismissal
of a count if he is satisfied that
(a) the defendant has already been acquitted or convicted of the offence
described in the indictment or citation or been in jeopardy for the
(b) the offence is prescribed;
(c) the defendant has immunity from prosecution;
(d) the prosecutor does not have the authority to institute the proceedings.
Part 12 – Trial
Article 144. Where the defendant has transmitted a plea of not guilty, the
proceedings shall be tried by a judge of the judicial district where they were
Article 146. The prosecutor and the defendant may act in person or through
an attorney. A legal person may act through one of its directors or other
officers or through an attorney.
Article 147. The judge may admit or reject a plea of guilty entered before
him by a defendant before judgment is rendered. If he admits it, he shall
render judgment, if he rejects it, he may either adjourn or proceed with the
Article 148. The trial shall be held in open court unless presiding judge
orders that it be held through a video communication platform.
The judge may also, in special cases, prohibit or restrict, on the condition he
fixed, the publication or broadcast of information relating to court
proceedings or able to identify the persons which he identifies, whatever
their age.
Article 150. The judge may adjourn the trial of his own motion or on the
request of either party. He may then condemn the party who applied for the
adjournment to pay the costs fixed by the court.
Article 153. A judge who adjourns the trial may, on request and with the
consent of the parties, continue the trial on a date prior to that fixed at the
time of the adjournment if he is satisfied that fixing a new date for the trial
will facilitate the administration of justice.
Article 154. The prosecutor has complete freedom within the limits
prescribed by law in the conduct of the proceedings and the defendant has a
right to a full and complete defense.
Article 155. The prosecutor shall first present the evidence of the
commission of the offence, the defendant may then, if he elects to do so,
produce his defense and, finally, the prosecutor may adduce evidence in
Article 156. The trial judge shall hear the witnesses summoned or the
persons present at the trial whose testimony may be required by the
prosecutor or the defendant. The judge may also order the persons to testify
if he is satisfied that their testimony may be useful.
Article 157. Where the trial judge discovers any ground for dismissal of a
count, he shall raise that fact of his own motion. He then has the powers and
obligations of a judge having a preliminary application before him for
dismissal of a count.
Article 158. After the prosecutor declares his proof closed, the defendant
may apply for acquittal by reasons of the total absence of proof of an
essential element of the offence.
Article 159. The judge, upon request, shall allow a party to submit proof of
a new fact or of a fact that he inadvertently omitted to prove, even after the
parties declared their proof closed, if he is satisfied that no injustice results
Article 160. Unless he has made a defense, the defendant shall make his
address after that of the prosecutor. The judge may allow the party who
made his address first to reply.
Article 161. The trial of proceedings cannot be continued where more than
one year has elapsed from the date of suspension of proceedings.
Article 162. A judge may, on his own initiative or on a party’s request, order
that a pre-trial conference be held to discuss the measures likely to promote
a quick and efficient trial.
Part 13 – Judgment
Article 163. The judge who renders judgment may acquit the defendant,
convict him or dismiss the proceedings.
Article 166. When rendering judgment, the judge shall, where applicable in
accordance with this act, make an order the disposition of things seized or
the proceeds of the sale thereof that are still in detention, and of things
submitted in evidence. The order is executor only after the expiry of 30 days,
unless the parties waive that period.
Article 167. When rendering judgment, the judge may
(a) order the defendant to pay the costs fixed by regulation where he
convicts him of an offence and imposes a fine on him;
(b) order the prosecutor to pay to the defendant the costs fixed by
regulation if he considers the proceedings to be an abuse or clearly
(c) order the defendant or the prosecutor, as the case may be, to pay the
costs fixed by regulation where it has been decided that they would be
determined upon judgment on the proceedings.
Article 169. Once rendered, every judgment is final and cannot be upheld,
quashed or amended except by superior courts.
Part 14 – Sentencing
Article 173. Where an offence continued for more than one day, the judge is
not bound to impose a sentence for each day or part of a day for which the
offence continued if he is satisfied that the prosecutor unduly delayed to
institute proceedings.
Article 176. Where the defendant is under 18 years old, no fine to which he
is liable may, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, exceed 1 000$
Article 177. Where the defendant is a legal person, a fine of 500$ USD per
days of imprisonment shall be substituted for any compulsory term of
imprisonment prescribed as a sentence for the offence committed by that
Article 179. A term of detention is interrupted for the whole time that the
defendant is released from custody according to law or is unlawfully at
large. It begins to run against upon his re-imprisonment to finish serving his
OTHER: ____________________________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Arresting officer:
Departmental ID:
Date and time of arrest:
Location of arrest:
Used violence?
Was caught committing a crime?
I solemnly declare that all the information mentioned in this attestation are to the
best of my knowledge, truth and honest.
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
These elements are brought upon the judge for examination in accordance with
the Criminal Proceedings Act.
I solemnly declare that all the information mentioned in this report are to the best
of my knowledge, truth and honest.
__________________________________ __________________________________
eligible for parole after serving _____ ( ) years ( ) months ( ) days. Upon
release or parole, a notice must be sent to the sentencing judge.
__________________________________ __________________________________