Expert-Jigsaw Rubric

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Expert/Jigsaw Rubric

I consistently and
3 Meets
I usually helped
I sometimes

I did very little

actively helped my team achieve helped my team to help my team
Commitment my team achieve its goals. achieve its goals. achieve its goals.
to Goals its goals.

As an expert, I did As an expert, I As an expert, I As an expert, I

my best to collect did my best to collected some collected little
lots of accurate collect accurate accurate accurate
information for information for information for information for
Research and my team. my team. my team. my team.
Communication In jigsaw, I shared In jigsaw, I shared In jigsaw, I In jigsaw, I did not
what I learned what I learned generally shared share, or had little
with my team. with my team. with my team. to share with my
I encouraged my I encouraged I was sometimes I was often
team to work my team to work off task or off task and
Leadership and together and stay together, and reluctant to reluctant to
Teamwork on task. I willingly I accepted the accept the duties accept the duties
accepted the duties of my role. of my role. of my role.
duties of my role.

© 2007 Interact - Branches of Government - Teacher Guide 163

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