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When a number of voltage and current sources are acting in a linear network
simultaneously, the resultant current in any branch of the circuit is the algebraic sum of
the currents produced by activating one source at a time while de-activating the other
sources. The voltage source is replaced by its internal resistance while the current
source is replaced by open-circuit

This theorem is applicable only in linear circuits , i.e circuits consisting of resistances
or impedances in which ohm’s law is valid.

The above theorem is applied when we are to determine the current in any particular
branch of a network containing several voltage sources or current sources or both
voltage sources and current sources.


Use the superposition theorem to determine the current through the resistor R = 4 Ω for
the network.


step-1: let us first de-activate the 10V voltage source, the circuit becomes as shown
step-2: Now the source 12V is de-activated. The circuit then becomes as shown

This theorem is extensively used in networks when it is desired to determine the current
through any element, or voltage across any element, without rigorous calculations
required for solving a set of network equations.

Thevenin’s theorem states that any linear active bilateral network can be replaced by an
equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source in series with a resistance.

The voltage source is the open-circuit voltage across the open-circuited load terminals
and the resistance being the internal resistance of the source network looking from the
open-circuited load terminals.

Let us consider a simple circuit shown in Figure. (a) for the explanation of the Thevenin’s
theorem to find the current through rL.

• Let us first remove the element rL from the circuit shown in Figure. (a). The
circuit configuration then becomes as shown in Figure. (b). Now let us apply the
following procedure:

Figures: Application of thevenin’s theorem

• Here Voc is the voltage across resistance r2 since there is no current through r3.
The current through r2 is given by [from figure (b)]

VTh is the Thevenin’s voltage.

• Next we will find the Thevenin’s resistance RTh . To find it , the voltage source is
de-activated by a short circuit as the source does not have any internal resistance.
The circuit shown in figure (c).

Figure (c): The thevenin’s resistance RTh


• Next we will reconnect the load resistance rL across the terminals A-B. The
circuit is shown in figure (d).

Figure (d): The thevenin equivalent circuit

Therefore the current I through rL is given by


Norton’s theorem states that any two terminals A & B of a network composed of linear
resistances (see fig.(a)) and independent sources (voltage or current, combination of
voltage and current sources) may be replaced by an equivalent current source and a
parallel resistance. The magnitude of current source is the current measured in the short
circuit placed across the terminal pair A & B . The parallel resistance is the equivalent
resistance looking into the terminal pair A & B with all independent sources has been
replaced by their internal resistances.

Any linear dc circuit, no matter how complicated, can also be replaced by an equivalent
circuit consisting of one dc current source in parallel with one resistance. Precisely,
Norton’s theorem is a dual of Thevenin’s theorem. To find a current ” IL ” through the
load resistance ” RL ” (as shown in fig.(a)) using Norton’s theorem, the following steps
are followed:

fig. (a)

Step-1: Short the output terminal after disconnecting the load resistance ( RL ) from the
terminals A & B and then calculate the short circuit current IN (as shown in fig.(b)). In
general, one can apply any of the techniques (mesh-current, node-voltage and
superposition method) learnt in earlier lessons to compute IN (experimentally just
measure the short-circuit current using an ammeter).

Step-2: Redraw the circuit with each practical sources replaced by its internal resistance
while the short–circuit across the output terminals removed (note: voltage sources should
be short-circuited (just replace with plain wire) and current sources should be open-
circuited (just removed)). Look backward into the resulting circuit from the load
terminals ( A & B ), as suggested by the eye in fig.(c).
Step-3: Calculate the resistance that would exist between the load terminals A & B ( or
equivalently one can think as if a voltage source is applied across the load terminals and
then trace the current distribution through the circuit (fig.(c)) in order to calculate the
resistance across the load terminals). This resistance is denoted as RN , is shown in fig.
(d).Once again, calculating this resistance may be a difficult task but one can try to use
the standard circuit reduction technique or Y-Δ or Δ-Y transformation techniques. It may
be noted that the value of Norton’s resistance RN is truly same as that of Thevenin’s
resistance RTh in a circuit.

Step-4: Place RN in parallel with current IN to form the Norton’s equivalent circuit
(replacing the imaginary fencing portion or fixed part of the circuit with an equivalent
practical current source) as shown in fig. (d).

Step-5: Reconnect the original load to the Norton current circuit; the load’s voltage,
current and power may be calculated by a simple arithmetic operation only.

Load current IL = (RL/ RN+RL) × IN

Voltage across the load VL = IL × RL

Power absorbed by the load PL=IL2 × RL


(i) Similar to the Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem has also a similar advantage
over the normal circuit reduction technique or any other technique when it is used to
calculate load current ( IL ), load voltage ( VL ) and load power (PL ) for different loads.
(ii)Fortunately, with help of either Norton’s theorem or Thevenin’s theorem one can find
the choice of load resistance RL that results in the maximum power transfer to the load.

(iii) Norton’s current source may be replaced by an equivalent Thevenin’s voltage

source . The magnitude of voltage source ( VTh ) and its internal resistances (RTh ) are
expressed by the following relations

VTh = IN × RN RTh = RN ( with proper polarities at the terminals)

In other words, a source transformation converts a Thevenin’s equivalent circuit into a

Norton equivalent circuit or vice-verse.

In an electric circuit, the load receives electric energy via the supply sources and converts
that energy into a useful form. The maximum allowable power receives by the load is
always limited either by the heating effect (incase of resistive load) or by the other power
conversion taking place in the load. The Thevenin and Norton models imply that the
internal circuits within the source will necessarily dissipate some of power generated by
the source. A logical question will arise in mind, how much power can be transferred to
the load from the source under the most practical conditions? In other words, what is the
value of load resistance that will absorbs the maximum power from the source? This is an
important issue in many practical problems and it is discussed with a suitable example.

Let us consider an electric network as shown in fig.(a), the problem is to find the choice
of the resistance L R so that the network delivers maximum power to the load or in other
words what value of load resistance RL will absorb the maximum amount of power from
the network. This problem can be solved using nodal or mesh current analysis to obtain
an expression for the power absorbed by RL , then the derivative of this expression with
respect to RL will establish the condition under what circumstances the maximum power
transfer occurs. The effort required for such an approach can be quite tedious and
complex. Fortunately, the network shown in fig.(a) can be represented by an equivalent
Thevenin’s voltage source as shown in fig.(b).

In fig.(b) a variable load resistance RL is connected to an equivalent Thevenin circuit of

original circuit(fig.(a)). The current for any value of load resistance is
IL = VTh / RTh+RL

Then, the power delivered to the load is

The load power depends on both RTh and RL ; however, RTh is constant for the equivalent
Thevenin network. So power delivered by the equivalent Thevenin network to the load
resistor is entirely depends on the value of RL . To find the value of RL that absorbs a
maximum power from the Thevenin circuit, we differentiate PL with respect to RL.

For maximum power dissipation in the load, the condition given below must be satisfied

This result is known as “Matching the load” or maximum power transfer occurs when the
load resistance ‘ RL ‘matches the Thevenin’s resistance ‘ RTh ‘ of a given systems. Also,
notice that under the condition of maximum power transfer, the load voltage is, by
voltage division, one-half of the Thevenin voltage. The expression for maximum power
dissipated to the load resistance is given by

The total power delivered by the source

PT = IL 2 ( RTh + RL ) = 2 ×IL 2 . RL

This means that the Thevenin voltage source itself dissipates as much power in its
internal resistance RTh as the power absorbed by the load RL . Efficiency under maximum
power transfer condition is given by
For a given circuit, VTh and RTh are fixed. By varying the load resistance RL , the power
delivered to the load varies as shown in fig.(c).


• When applied to a dc network maximum power transfered from source to load,

when source resistance equal to the load resistance

Rsource = R load

• When applied to ac network maximum power transfered from source to load ,

when source and load impedance are complex conjugate.

Rload=Rsource and X load = – X source

Remarks: The Thevenin equivalent circuit is useful in finding the maximum power that
a linear circuit can deliver to a load

This theorem states that in any linear bi-lateral network , the current I through any branch
of the network due to a single voltage source E elsewhere in the network is equal to the
current through the branch of the network where the source was originally placed if the
source is placed in the branch in which the current I was originally determined.


In fig.(a) the source is shown and the current through resistor r4 is I1. In fig.(b) , the
source is placed in series with r4 and the current through r1 is I2. By reciprocity theorem
I1 = I2.

The main limitation of this theorem is that it is applicable only to single source networks
and not to multi-source networks. Another point to note is that the network should not
have any time-varying element.

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