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Thevenin’s Theorem

Thevenin’s theorem is very important in circuit analysis. It helps simplify a

circuit. A large circuit may be replaced by a single independent voltage
source and a single resistor. This replacement technique is a powerful tool in
circuit design.

Thevenin’s theorem states that a linear two-terminal circuit can be replaced

by an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source VTh in series with a
resistor RTh, where VTh is the open-circuit voltage at the terminals and RTh
is the input or equivalent resistance at the terminals when the independent
sources are turned off.

 To find the Thevenin resistance ;

We need to consider two cases:
CASE 1: If the network has no dependent sources; we turn off all
independent sources. Rth is the input resistance of the network looking
between terminals a and b, as shown in the figure.
CASE 2: If the network has dependent sources; we turn off all independent
sources. As with superposition, dependent sources are not to be turned off
because they are controlled by circuit variables. We apply a voltage source
vo at terminals a and b and determine the resulting current io. Then Rth =
vo/io , as shown in attached figure

Alternatively, we may insert a current source io at terminals a-b as shown in

beside figure and find the terminal voltage vo. Again Rth = vo/io. Either of
the two approaches will give the same result. In either approach we may
assume any value of vo and io . For example, we may use vo =1 V or io
=1A, or even use unspecified values of vo or io .

Linear circuit with variable load

a linear circuit with a variable load can be replaced by the Thevenin

equivalent, exclusive of the load. The equivalent network behaves the same
way externally as the original circuit.
To find Rth, we set the independent source equal to zero but leave the
dependent source alone. Because of the presence of the dependent source,
however, we excite the network with a voltage source vo connected to the
terminals. We may set vo= 1 V to ease calculation, since the circuit is linear.
Our goal is to find the current io through the terminals, and then obtain Rth
= 1/io. (Alternatively, we may insert a 1-A current source, find the
corresponding voltage vo, and obtain Rth = vo/1)
Norton’s Theorem

Norton’s theorem states that a linear two-terminal circuit can be replaced by

an equivalent circuit consisting of a current source IN in parallel with a
resistor RN, where IN is the short-circuit current through the terminals and
RN is the input or equivalent resistance at the terminals when the
independent sources are turned off.
The Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits are related by a source
And source transformation is often called Thevenin-Norton transformation.
To determine the Thevenin or Norton equivalent circuit requires that we
 The open-circuit voltage across terminals a and b.
 The short-circuit current at terminals a and b.

The equivalent or input resistance at terminals a and b when all independent

sources are turned off.
Maximum Power Theorem

For a given circuit, VTh and RTh are fixed. We notice from the shown
figure that the power is small for small or large values of RL but maximum
for some value of RL between 0 and ∞

Maximum power is transferred to the load when the load resistance equals
the Thevenin resistance as seen from the load (RL = RTh).
We know want to show that this maximum power occurs when RL is equal
to RTh. This is known as the maximum power theorem.
This Equation applies only when RL = RTh When RL ≠ RTh we compute
the power delivered to the load using the power equation.
For the circuit in this figure, find the Thevenin and Norton equivalent
circuits at terminals a-b. And if a load of RL is connected between terminals
a & b, and it varies from 0 – 20 Ω Find the RL at max. power and find the
max. power transferred to this load.
The variable resistor R in Fig. 4.133 is adjusted until it absorbs the
maximum power from the circuit.
(a) Calculate the value of R for maximum power.
(b) Determine the maximum power absorbed by R.

Obtain the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits at terminals a-b of the
circuit in Fig. 4.127.

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