For a given circuit, VTh and RTh are fixed. We notice from the shown
figure that the power is small for small or large values of RL but maximum
for some value of RL between 0 and ∞
Maximum power is transferred to the load when the load resistance equals
the Thevenin resistance as seen from the load (RL = RTh).
We know want to show that this maximum power occurs when RL is equal
to RTh. This is known as the maximum power theorem.
This Equation applies only when RL = RTh When RL ≠ RTh we compute
the power delivered to the load using the power equation.
For the circuit in this figure, find the Thevenin and Norton equivalent
circuits at terminals a-b. And if a load of RL is connected between terminals
a & b, and it varies from 0 – 20 Ω Find the RL at max. power and find the
max. power transferred to this load.
The variable resistor R in Fig. 4.133 is adjusted until it absorbs the
maximum power from the circuit.
(a) Calculate the value of R for maximum power.
(b) Determine the maximum power absorbed by R.
Obtain the Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits at terminals a-b of the
circuit in Fig. 4.127.