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OpenText StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide

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OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.

User Guide
Rev A
OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide
Rev A

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About Collector ............................................................................................................ 5

Collector usage scenario .................................................................................................... 7
Collector search performance............................................................................................. 8
Storing documents....................................................................................................... 9
Configuring an output connector for document storing..................................................... 10
Configuring the CollectorArchive filter .............................................................................. 11
Viewing stored documents........................................................................................ 13
Reprocessing stored documents ............................................................................. 15
Configuring a Project for reprocessing ............................................................................. 16
Configuring variables for HTTP header fields................................................................... 17
Document delivery instructions ................................................................................ 17
Metadata .................................................................................................................. 18
Validating input in fax and email templates............................................................. 21
Configuring input validation and error messages ............................................................. 22

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A


OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A


About Collector

In the StreamStudio Collector application, users access documents that are

generated by StreamServer applications and stored in the Collector archive by an
Archiver application. The StreamServer and Archiver applications, and the
Collector archive are configured in Control Center.

Figure 1 The Collector archive

In StreamStudio Collector, the user can:

• Use document metadata as search criteria when searching for documents in
the Collector archive.
• View the content of documents and detailed information related to the
documents, such as, customer names and when documents were created.
• Reprocess stored documents and forward them to a printer, fax, or as email
• Write annotations to describe actions taken for documents. For example,
annotations about customer contacts.
• Delete stored documents. This requires a role with full access rights in

StreamStudio roles and access rights

To log in to StreamStudio Collector, you must be assigned a StreamStudio role.
The role determines which documents you have access to. The roles and the
access rights are configured in the StreamStudio Administrator application.

Personalized user interface

You can personalize the StreamStudio Collector user interface. For example, the
font size and background color. In the StreamStudio My Preferences application
you can make private personalization settings that apply to all your
StreamStudio applications. Global personalization settings, per role or per user,
are configured in the StreamStudio Administrator application.

• For information about how to create a Collector archive and configure an
Archiver application, see the Control Center documentation.
• For information about how to configure the StreamStudio environment, see
the StreamStudio Administrator’s Guide and the Control Center

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

About Collector

• For information about how to use the StreamStudio Collector application,

see the StreamStudio online help.
• For information about the StreamStudio roles and access rights, see the
StreamStudio online help.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

Collector usage scenario 7
About Collector

Collector usage scenario

In this scenario the company Utility Inc. uses StreamServe to retrieve invoice data
from a source application (ERP) and generate invoices in PDF format. The
invoices are distributed via email and copies are stored in the Collector archive.
Michael works as customer service representative and is responsible for customer
correspondence regarding invoicing. He has access to all stored invoices for
customers in his region.
When Michael arrives at work in the morning he launches the ERP portal where
he conducts his daily work. He receives a call from a customer who has lost her
invoice and Michael launches Collector from the ERP portal. He is automatically
re-directed to his preferred landing page, the document search page. The
customer does not know the invoice number, so Michael uses the customer name,
and the document type Invoice as search criteria.
He finds the invoice and asks the customer how to deliver the copy. The customer
decides that email is the best alternative since the due date is tomorrow. Michael
selects the invoice, enters the email address and a short message before he sends
the invoice.
Before Michael takes the next call he enters an annotation about the resent copy.
This annotation is available for other customer service representatives until the
expire date for annotations is exceeded.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

8 Collector search performance
About Collector

Collector search performance

When documents are searched in the Collector archive, metadata is used as
search criteria. To improve search performance, the following actions can be
• A database administrator can index the database columns that corresponds
to metadata that is frequently used as search criteria.
• A StreamStudio administrator can limit the number of search criteria that
can be used and the number of metadata that can be displayed in search
results. These settings are done in the StreamStudio Administrator

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A


Storing documents

In Design Center, you can configure any queue enabled output connector to store
generated documents, or use a variable to determine which documents to store.
To reduce the size of the Collector archive, you can compress stored documents
and only store metadata that is essential.

Storing documents without delivering to the target device

If you only want to store the documents, and not deliver the documents to the
target device, you must use a Null Connector as output connector.

Device independent document copies

To be able to reprocess stored documents, you must store device independent
copies of the documents. The device independent copies are in LXF format.

Date formatted data

Date formatted data is stored in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). When
displayed in StreamStudio Collector, dates are converted according to the
localization selected in My Preferences or Administrator/Customers.

In this section
To store documents in the Collector archive, you must do the following in your
• Configure document types and metadata to use in StreamStudio Collector.
For more information, see the Document types and metadata documentation.
• Configure the output connector in the Runtime configuration, or configure
the CollectorArchive filter. See either:
– Configuring an output connector for document storing on page 10.
– Configuring the CollectorArchive filter on page 11.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

10 Configuring an output connector for document storing
Storing documents

Configuring an output connector for document

For information about the settings on the Archiving tab, see the Design Center
documentation. The settings are the same for all output connectors.

A document types is configured in the resource set.

To configure the output connector for document storing

1 In the output connector Runtime configuration, activate the generic layer.
2 Depending on selected output mode, click either Process Begin, Document
End or Job End.
3 Click the Archiving tab.
4 In Document Type: box, browse to and select the document type.
5 Select one of the following:
• Documents from successful jobs, which stores documents that are part
of successful jobs.
• All documents, which archives all successful documents from both
successful and failed jobs, but does not archive failed documents.
• Variable, and then enter the variable that determines which documents
to store.
6 Optionally, select Device independent copy, which enables modification of
documents when reprocessing.
7 Optionally, select Compress document in archive, which saves space in the
Collector archive.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

Configuring the CollectorArchive filter 11
Storing documents

Configuring the CollectorArchive filter

The CollectorArchive filter archives output data from the specific stage in a filter
chain. There are no settings to configure for the CollectorArchive filter. For
information on how to configure filter chains, see the Design Center
In the output connector Runtime configuration, on the Archiving tab, you must
configure which document types to store in the Collector archive. For
information about the settings on the Archiving tab, see the Design Center
documentation. The settings are the same for all output connectors.
Note: Device independent copies and compressed documents are not possible
to store with the CollectorArchive filter.

A document type is configured in the resource set.

To configure which document types to archive

1 In the output connector Runtime configuration, activate the generic layer.
2 Depending on selected output mode, select either Process Begin, Document
Begin or Job Begin.
3 Click the Archiving tab.
4 Select Document Type.
5 Select No to avoid double archiving.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

12 Configuring the CollectorArchive filter
Storing documents

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A


Viewing stored documents

In StreamStudio Collector, users can view stored documents in viewers, for

example, PDF files in Adobe Reader. The viewer used is determined by the driver
that generated the stored document.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

Viewing stored documents

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A


Reprocessing stored documents

The Collector user can reprocess stored documents and forward them to a
printer, fax, or as email attachments. The reprocess function is managed by a
separate StreamServer application which publishes the reprocess channels (print,
fax or email) as links in StreamStudio Collector.
When the user clicks a link in Collector, the selected document is retrieved from
the Collector archive and reprocessed by the StreamServer application.

Figure 2 Reprocessing documents

The Collector user also enters delivery instructions, for example, an email
address and an email subject. The delivery instructions are sent together with the
documents to the StreamServer application which extracts the delivery
instructions to script variables and delivers the documents. For a complete list of
available delivery instructions, see Configuring variables for HTTP header fields on
page 17.

To reprocess documents, device independent copies of the documents must have
been stored.

In this section
• Configuring a Project for reprocessing on page 16.
• Configuring variables for HTTP header fields on page 17.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

16 Configuring a Project for reprocessing
Reprocessing stored documents

Configuring a Project for reprocessing

To configure the StreamServer application that handles reprocess requests from
Collector, you can copy and modify the template Project provided with the
StreamServe setup.

Increasing performance
To increase performance, you can configure the Events so that the StreamServer
application stops searching the input data once the specified field is found. Select
the Ignore remaining data setting in the Runtime configuration.

The template Project

For testing purposes, the template Project is configured to store orders and device
independent copies of these documents. The template Project contains the
• Input connectors – Service Request connectors for receiving documents and
delivery instructions.
• Events – XMLIN Events for receiving device independent copies in LXF
• Processes – RedirectOUT Processes to send on the documents.
• Scripts and variables – Before Message scripts to extract the HTTP header
values to variables. The variables are used in the Runtime configuration as
delivery instructions.
• Output connectors – Spool, SMTP (MIME), and Fax Connect connectors are
used for delivery.

What you need to configure in the template Project

To forward documents to a fax, you must:
• In the Platform configuration, select fax driver.
• In the Runtime configuration, configure variables for the HTTP header
fields to use as delivery instructions. For more information, see Configuring
variables for HTTP header fields on page 17.
To forward documents as email attachments, you must:
• In the Platform configuration, configure the Mail server name.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

Configuring variables for HTTP header fields 17
Reprocessing stored documents

Configuring variables for HTTP header fields

When a document is forwarded from Collector, the following can be sent as
HTTP header values and extracted to variables:
• Delivery instructions – For example, email addresses to the sender and the
receiver that are entered in Collector. For a complete list, see Document
delivery instructions on page 17.
• Document metadata – For example, custom metadata such as customer
name or predefined system metadata. For more information, see Metadata
on page 18.
To extract the values to variables, you use the GetHTTPHeaderValue scripting

Document delivery instructions

The values that the Collector user enters when forwarding a document, can be
sent as delivery instructions in HTTP header fields and extracted to variables by
the StreamServer application.

Example 1 Extracting email delivery instructions to variables

In this script example, the From address, the To address and the Subject of the
email are retrieved to variables.

See the tables below for information about the field names.

Fax delivery instruction HTTP header field name

Fax number to the normal destination strs-fax-fax-number

Fax number to alternate fax destination strs-fax-alt-fax-number

Priority number strs-fax-priority

Name of the fax sender strs-fax-sender-name

Comment on the fax cover page strs-fax-cover-sheet-text1

Comment on the fax cover page strs-fax-cover-sheet-text2

Comment on the fax cover page strs-fax-cover-sheet-text3

When to send the fax strs-fax-send-time

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

18 Configuring variables for HTTP header fields
Reprocessing stored documents

Email delivery instruction HTTP header field name

Sender of the email strs-email-from

Receiver of the email strs-email-to

Receiver of a copy of the email strs-email-cc

Receiver of a copy of the email strs-email-bcc

Reply address strs-email-reply-to

Subject of the email strs-email-subject

Email message strs-email-message

Name of email attachment strs-email-attachments

Print delivery instruction HTTP header field name

Name and path to printer strs-print-printer-name

Custom document metadata and predefined system metadata can be sent as
HTTP header fields and extracted to variables by the StreamServer application.

Custom metadata
To enable the use of custom metadata in HTTP header fields, the metadata must
be stored in the archive.
To extract custom metadata, you must use the following syntax:
strs-document-metadata-<metadata name>

Example 2 Extracting custom metadata

In this example, Customer name and Invoice number are stored as custom
$customer_name=GetHttpHeaderValue(Customer name);
$invoice_no=GetHttpHeaderValue(Invoice number);

Predefined system metadata

Some predefined system metadata must be stored in the archive to enable the use
of it in HTTP header fields. Other metadata are always available to use in HTTP
header fields.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

Configuring variables for HTTP header fields 19
Reprocessing stored documents

Example 3 Extracting predefined system metadata

In this script example, the values of predefined system metadata External job
ID, Sender number and Document type are extracted to variables.

Predefined system metadata listed in the table below are available if they are
stored in the archive.

Must be stored in archive HTTP header field name

External job ID FixedMetaData.ExternalID

Receiver FixedMetaData.Receiver

Sender FixedMetaData.Sender

Content type BlobInfo.ContentType

Expiring date time BlobInfo.ExpiringDateTime

Total BLOB size BlobInfo.TotalBlobSize

Tracker ID Part.TrackerID

Application domain ID Part.ApplicationDomainID

Predefined system metadata listed in the table below are always available.

Always available HTTP header field name

Part ID Part.PartID

Creation date BlobInfo.CreationDateTime

Control flags DocumentControlFlags

Device independent copy flags DeviceIndependentControlFlags

Document type strs-document-type

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

20 Configuring variables for HTTP header fields
Reprocessing stored documents

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A


Validating input in fax and email templates

The email and fax templates are used when Collector users forwards stored
documents via fax or email. The email template contains, for example, sending
and receiving email addresses.

Figure 3 Template for forwarding archived documents via email

To ensure that only valid characters are entered in the template fields, you can
configure input validation and error messages that are displayed when users
enter incorrect characters.

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

22 Configuring input validation and error messages
Validating input in fax and email templates

Configuring input validation and error messages

To configure input validation, you use regular expression patterns (regexp). For
information about the regexp syntax, please refer to documentation of
To implement configured input validation, you must restart the Java application

To configure input validation

You configure input validation in the following files:
• document-fax.xml – Fax template configuration.
• document-email.xml – Email template configuration.
When running Apache Tomcat, the default installation directory for the files is:
<Tomcat_inst_dir>\webapps\<portal name>\WEB-INF\settings

To configure error messages

In the application-texts.xml file, you configure error messages that are
displayed when incorrect characters are entered in the fields.
When running Apache Tomcat, the default installation directory for this file is:
<Tomcat_inst_dir>\webapps\<portal name>\WEB-INF\i18n

Example 4 Input validation for fax number

In this example, input validation is configured for the fax number field in the
document-fax.xml file:
<setting name="faxNumber" id="8E1506E2-E95F-4076-B274-
A958342F8C16" format="string" regexp="[+]{0,1}[0-9]+"
message="web.forms.validation.string.regexp.faxnumber" />
In the application-texts.xml file the corresponding error message is
<message key="web.forms.validation.string.regexp.faxnumber">Use
number format like +4631265000 or 004631265000</message>
In the fax template, users can enter the + character and characters within the
interval 0-9. The + character can occur once or not at all ({0,1}) and can be
followed by any number of digits ([0-9]+).
If any other character is entered, for example a letter, the following message is
displayed to the user: Use number format like +4631265000 or

OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide Rev A

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