OpenText StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide
OpenText StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide
OpenText StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide
User Guide
Rev A
OpenText™ StreamServe 5.6.2 Collector User Guide
Rev A
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About Collector
• For information about how to create a Collector archive and configure an
Archiver application, see the Control Center documentation.
• For information about how to configure the StreamStudio environment, see
the StreamStudio Administrator’s Guide and the Control Center
Storing documents
In Design Center, you can configure any queue enabled output connector to store
generated documents, or use a variable to determine which documents to store.
To reduce the size of the Collector archive, you can compress stored documents
and only store metadata that is essential.
In this section
To store documents in the Collector archive, you must do the following in your
• Configure document types and metadata to use in StreamStudio Collector.
For more information, see the Document types and metadata documentation.
• Configure the output connector in the Runtime configuration, or configure
the CollectorArchive filter. See either:
– Configuring an output connector for document storing on page 10.
– Configuring the CollectorArchive filter on page 11.
A document types is configured in the resource set.
A document type is configured in the resource set.
The Collector user can reprocess stored documents and forward them to a
printer, fax, or as email attachments. The reprocess function is managed by a
separate StreamServer application which publishes the reprocess channels (print,
fax or email) as links in StreamStudio Collector.
When the user clicks a link in Collector, the selected document is retrieved from
the Collector archive and reprocessed by the StreamServer application.
The Collector user also enters delivery instructions, for example, an email
address and an email subject. The delivery instructions are sent together with the
documents to the StreamServer application which extracts the delivery
instructions to script variables and delivers the documents. For a complete list of
available delivery instructions, see Configuring variables for HTTP header fields on
page 17.
To reprocess documents, device independent copies of the documents must have
been stored.
In this section
• Configuring a Project for reprocessing on page 16.
• Configuring variables for HTTP header fields on page 17.
Increasing performance
To increase performance, you can configure the Events so that the StreamServer
application stops searching the input data once the specified field is found. Select
the Ignore remaining data setting in the Runtime configuration.
In this script example, the From address, the To address and the Subject of the
email are retrieved to variables.
See the tables below for information about the field names.
Custom document metadata and predefined system metadata can be sent as
HTTP header fields and extracted to variables by the StreamServer application.
Custom metadata
To enable the use of custom metadata in HTTP header fields, the metadata must
be stored in the archive.
To extract custom metadata, you must use the following syntax:
strs-document-metadata-<metadata name>
In this example, Customer name and Invoice number are stored as custom
$customer_name=GetHttpHeaderValue(Customer name);
$invoice_no=GetHttpHeaderValue(Invoice number);
In this script example, the values of predefined system metadata External job
ID, Sender number and Document type are extracted to variables.
Predefined system metadata listed in the table below are available if they are
stored in the archive.
Receiver FixedMetaData.Receiver
Sender FixedMetaData.Sender
Tracker ID Part.TrackerID
Predefined system metadata listed in the table below are always available.
Part ID Part.PartID
The email and fax templates are used when Collector users forwards stored
documents via fax or email. The email template contains, for example, sending
and receiving email addresses.
To ensure that only valid characters are entered in the template fields, you can
configure input validation and error messages that are displayed when users
enter incorrect characters.
In this example, input validation is configured for the fax number field in the
document-fax.xml file:
<setting name="faxNumber" id="8E1506E2-E95F-4076-B274-
A958342F8C16" format="string" regexp="[+]{0,1}[0-9]+"
message="web.forms.validation.string.regexp.faxnumber" />
In the application-texts.xml file the corresponding error message is
<message key="web.forms.validation.string.regexp.faxnumber">Use
number format like +4631265000 or 004631265000</message>
In the fax template, users can enter the + character and characters within the
interval 0-9. The + character can occur once or not at all ({0,1}) and can be
followed by any number of digits ([0-9]+).
If any other character is entered, for example a letter, the following message is
displayed to the user: Use number format like +4631265000 or