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Lori Hanna 763 Alignment Chart

Plan to teach how to utilize the WIDA Performance Definitions in instructional practices of educators of English learners in
an online professional development course.

Module Topic: Defining English proficiency levels with WIDA Performance Definitions
Terminal Objective: Using the WIDA Performance Definitions, you will be able to describe the developmental linguistic
characteristics of the five WIDA English language proficiency levels according to three dimensions of academic language by
domain using Can Do language as related to a student portrait
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Using cards listing Drag and drop Explaining the WIDA Drag and drop Identify the linguistic
each of the characteristic cards to Performance characteristics cards characteristics of a
characteristic of the reconstruct the WIDA Definitions Screencast focus student’s English
Performance Performance Proficiency level from
Definitions, you will be Definitions ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
Read Essential
able to sort the cards score report and the
Actions: A Handbook
by English language WIDA Performance
for Implementing
proficiency levels Definitions
WIDA’s Framework for
according to three
English Language
dimensions of Development
academic language
Standards pages 20-24
Given a sample Create a student Demonstrating the Can Analyze the Can Do Create a student
student portrait, you portrait based on Do Philosophy when descriptions of English portrait based on
will be able to create a English proficiency Creating Student proficiency levels by English proficiency
student portrait for one level by domain using Portraits Screencast domain in a sample level by domain using
of your students your choice of student student portrait your choice of student
demonstrating their portrait template portrait template
Read the WIDA Can
English proficiency Do Philosophy
level based on the
Definitions with Can Do
Lori Hanna 763 Alignment Chart

Module Topic: Analyzing the language demands of a learning task

Terminal Objective: Based on a lesson plan, you will be able to use the WIDA Performance Definitions to analyze the
language demands of a learning task by applying the delineate expectations of receptive and productive language
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Using a lesson plan Analyze your lesson Read Essential Complete the Analyze your lesson
you will be able to plan by describing the Actions: A Handbook Analyzing the plan by describing the
identify how students learning task and the for Implementing Language Demands learning task and the
will use each domain of domains of language WIDA’s Framework for template for the sample domains of language
language to complete used to complete the English Language lesson plan used to complete the
each learning task task with the Analyzing Development task with the Analyzing
the Language Standards pages 17-19 the Language
Demands template Demands template

Identifying the
Language Demands of
a Standards-Based
Content Area Lesson
Plan Screencast

After determining the Analyze the language Read Common Core Complete the Analyze the language
language domains of demands of each task Ratchets Up Language Identifying the English demands of each task
the learning task, you by domain in your Demands for English- Proficiency Level of a by domain in your
will be able to use the lesson plan and identify Learners task template for the lesson plan and identify
WIDA Performance the proficiency level of sample lesson plan the proficiency level of
Definitions to identify the task. articles/2013/10/30/10cc- the task.
the English proficiency academiclanguage.h33.html
level required to Using the WIDA
complete the task Performance
independently. Definitions to Identify
the English Proficiency
Level on Instructional
Task Screencast
Lori Hanna 763 Alignment Chart

Module Topic: Determining an exemplary response of a learning task

Terminal Objective: Based on analysis of the language demands, you will be able to use the WIDA Performance Definitions
to determine an exemplary response of a learning task by English proficiency level
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Using the sample Identify a proficiency Review the Screener: Identify a proficiency Develop a proficiency
lesson plan, you will be level 5 exemplary Speaking Scoring level 5 exemplary level 5 exemplary
able to create an speaking and/or writing series speaking and/or writing speaking and/or writing
exemplary response to response for the task in response for the task in response for the task in
Module 1: Overview
a speaking and/or your lesson plan the sample lesson plan your lesson plan
writing task at PL 5 Module 2: Speaking
Scoring Practice
Based on your PL5 Identify an exemplary Review the Screener Identify an exemplary Develop an exemplary
exemplary responses speaking and/or writing Writing Scoring series speaking and/or writing speaking and/or writing
for a speaking and/or response at each modules response at each response at each
writing task, use the proficiency level for the proficiency level for the proficiency level for the
Performance task in your lesson plan Module 1: Overview task in the sample task in your lesson plan
Definitions to create Module 2: Writing lesson plan
exemplary responses Scoring Practice
for each proficiency
level Determining What
Make a Speaking
and/or Writing
Response Exemplary
Lori Hanna 763 Alignment Chart

Module Topic: Determining the “Just Right” support

Terminal Objective: Using a student portrait, you will be able to identify the appropriate support needed for a student to
engage in the learning task based on their proficiency level
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Using language Identify what possible Determining the “Just Identify what possible Determine what
demands analysis of supports a student Right” Supports for supports a student possible supports a
the lesson plan, you would need to engage Learning Screencast would need to engage student would need to
will be able to identify in the learning activity in the learning activity engage in the learning
what possible supports at each proficiency at each proficiency activity at each
a student would need level in your lesson Read WIDA Focus on level in the sample proficiency level in your
to engage in the plan Differentiation Part 1 lesson plan lesson plan
learning activity at each bulletin
proficiency level

Using your student Identify what possible Match Supports to Identify what possible Determine what
portrait, you will be supports your student English Proficiency supports the sample possible supports your
able to select the would need to engage Level Screencast student would need to student would need to
appropriate supports in the learning activity engage in the learning engage in the learning
your student would at each proficiency activity at each activity at each
need to engage in the level in your lesson Read WIDA Focus on proficiency level in the proficiency level in your
learning activity plan Differentiation Part 2 sample lesson plan lesson plan
Lori Hanna 763 Alignment Chart

Module Topic: Creating language objectives or targets

Terminal Objective: Using a student portrait and sample lesson plan, you will be able to develop language objectives/target
that focuses on one three dimensions of academic language
Enabling Objectives Assessment Idea Absorb Activity Do Activity Connect Activity
Using the language Identify a language Read Language Identify a language Create a language
demand analysis of the objectives at each Objectives: The Key to objectives at each objectives at each
lesson plan, you will be language dimension for Effective Content Area language dimension for language dimension for
able to identify a a sample lesson plan Instruction for English the sample lesson plan your lesson plan
possible language Learners
objective for each of
the three dimensions
language How to Create
Language Objectives

Using the student Identify a language Academic Vocabulary Identify a language Create a language
portrait, you will be target for a sample Development by Andy target for the sample target for your student
able to create a student in the sample Mizell student in the sample in your lesson plan
language target for that lesson plan lesson plan
student at the next 50405
higher proficiency level How to Create a
Language Target
Based on the WIDA
Definitions Screencast

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