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1st Grade Opinion Argument Writing Continuum 11 7 12

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Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing First Grade

Updated 11/7/12
Pre-Kindergarten 1.5 Kindergarten 2.5 Grade 1 3.5 Grade 2 Score
(1 point) pts (2 points) pts (3 points) pts (4 points)

Overall I told about something I like Mid- I told, drew, and wrote my Mid- I wrote my opinion or my Mid- I wrote my opinion or my
or dislike with pictures and level opinion (or likes and level likes and dislikes and said level likes/dislikes and gave
some writing. dislikes) about a topic or why. reasons for my opinion.
Lead I started by drawing or Mid- In the beginning, I wrote my Mid- In the beginning, I got my Mid- In the beginning, I not only
saying something. level opinion. level readers attention. I told the level gave my opinion, I also set
topic (or text) I am writing readers up to expect that my
about and gave my opinion. writing will try to convince

them of it.
Transitions I kept on working. Mid- I wrote my idea and then Mid- I said more about my Mid- I connected parts of my piece
level said more. I used words like level opinion and used words like level using words like also,
because. and and because. another, and because.
Ending When I said, drew, and Mid- I have a last part or page. Mid- I wrote an ending for my Mid- The ending I wrote reminds
wrote all I could about my level level piece. level readers of my opinion.
opinion, I ended.
Organization On my paper, there is a Mid- In one place, I tell my Mid- I have a part where I get my Mid- My piece has different parts
place for the drawing and a level opinion and in another place level readers attention and a part level and I wrote lots of lines for
place where I tried to write I say why. where I say more. each part.

Pre-Kindergarten 1.5 pts Kindergarten 2.5 Grade 1 3.5 Grade 2 Score

(1 point) (2 points) pts (3 points) pts (4 points)
Elaboration I put more and then more on Mid- I put everything I think about Mid- I wrote at least one reason Mid- I wrote at least two reasons
the page. level the topic (or book) on the level for my opinion. level and wrote at least a few
page. sentences about each one.

(x 2)

Description I said, drew, and wrote Mid- I have details in pictures and Mid- I used labels and words to Mid- I chose words that would
some things about what I level words. level give details. level make readers agree with my
like and dont like. opinion.
(x 2)


(Elaboration and Description are double weighted categories. Whatever score a student would get in these categories is worth double the amount of points. Ex. if a student exceeds expectations in Elaboration, then that
student would receive 8 points instead of 4 points. If a student meets standards in Elaboration, then that student would receive 6 points instead of 3 points, and so on.)

Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing First Grade
Updated 11/7/12
Pre-Kindergarten 1.5 pts Kindergarten 2.5 Grade 1 3.5 Grade 2 Score
(1 point) (2 points) pts (3 points) pts (4 points)

Spelling I can read my writing. I used all I know about To spell a word, I used what I
I can read my pictures and Mid- Mid- words and chunks of words Mid- know about spelling patterns
some of my words. level level (at, op, it) to help level (tion, er, ly, etc.)
I wrote a letter for the sounds me spell.
I tried to make words. I hear.
Language Conventions

I used the Word Wall to help I spelled all the Word Wall I spelled all of the Word Wall
me spell. Words right and used the words correctly and used the
Word Wall to help me spell Word Wall to help me figure
other words. out how to spell other words..
Punctuation I can label pictures. I put spaces between words. I ended sentences with I used quotation marks to
Mid- Mid- punctuation. Mid- show what people said.
level level level
I can write my name.
I used lower case letters I used a capital letter for When I used words like cant
unless capitals were needed. names. and dont, I put in the

I wrote capital letters to start

every sentence. I used commas in dates and
lists lists.


Teachers, when this is totally finished, each category will refer to the writer rather than I. We are giving out these assessments so they can be used immediately, after giving the on demands, and
they can be used with kids for self-assessment and setting goals. We have created these contiua so you will have your own place to pull together scores of student work.

Scoring Guide:

In each row, circle the descriptor in the column that matches the student work. Scores in the categories of Elaboration and Description are worth double the point
value (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 instead of 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, or 4).

Total the number of points, and track students progress by seeing when the total points increase.

(Elaboration and Description are double weighted categories. Whatever score a student would get in these categories is worth double the amount of points. Ex. if a student exceeds expectations in Elaboration, then that
student would receive 8 points instead of 4 points. If a student meets standards in Elaboration, then that student would receive 6 points instead of 3 points, and so on.)

Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools
Continuum for Opinion/Argument Writing First Grade
Updated 11/7/12

Total score: ________

If you want to translate this score into a grade, you can use the provided table to score each student on a scale from 0 4.

Number of Points Scaled Score

1-11 1
11.5-16.5 1.5
17-22 2
22.5-27.5 2.5
28-33 3
33.5-38.5 3.5
39-44 4

(Elaboration and Description are double weighted categories. Whatever score a student would get in these categories is worth double the amount of points. Ex. if a student exceeds expectations in Elaboration, then that
student would receive 8 points instead of 4 points. If a student meets standards in Elaboration, then that student would receive 6 points instead of 3 points, and so on.)

Units of Study for Teaching Writing, Grade by Grade: A Yearlong Workshop Curriculum, Grades K-8,
by Lucy Calkins and Colleagues (Heinemann, 2013/2014)
For distribution only in TCRWP schools

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