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Artefact 2.

3: Unit Overview for Physical Education

HPE overarching idea: Modified Netball Games Year Level: 6 Sessions: 6 Timing of unit: First 6 weeks
of term 2

Overall aims of the unit Lesson summaries:

These weeks will be based on a Game Sense Approach (Meldrum & Peters, 2012). While each week will have a
The aim of this unit is for students to be different skill focused on, once the skill is demonstrated it will be practiced in a game of modified netball or similar
able to play a strategic game of modified team games. There will be a strong emphasis on team work through each of the lessons.
netball in a safe and tactical manner.
Week 1: Playing a game of modified netball with a focus on throwing and catching skills: including chest pass, shoulder pass
and bounce pass. Allowing students to participate in drills.
Week 2: Looking at safety while playing modified netball with a focus on footwork skills: including safe landings, one and two
foot landings, pivot and dodge skills
Week 3: Playing 'Keentan' as a way to work on tactics: passing, catching and running to evade and intercept when playing
Week 4: Practicing shooting skills in a modified game of netball
Week 5: Working with students to develop team building skills and providing specific strategies to get the ball from one end
of the court to the other.
Week 6: Allowing students to put all their skills into practice in a tournament style of modified netball games.
Key vocabulary: Assessment: Key equipment / Key Victorian Curriculum Content Descriptors
Health and Physical Education:
 Chest Pass Students will be required to resources: Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns with the rules when
 Shoulder Pass show their ability to pass a  Netball Balls x 15 participating in a range of physical activities (VCHPEM122)
 Bounce Pass ball and intercept a ball during  Netball Rings Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and
 Defense games. This will be assessed
 Hulla Hoops x 15 negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCHPEM120)
 Dodging formatively through Manipulate and modify the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people
 Intercepting observations and anecdotal  Large Soft Balls x 15 to perform movement sequences (VCHPEM119)
 Attack notes as the students  Cones x 8 Propose and apply movement concepts and strategies (VCHPEM117)
 Shooting participate in the activities.  Bibs x 3 different Design and perform a variety of movement sequences (VCHPEM116)
Students will be provided with colours Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement
tips to help them improve  2 Whistles situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM115)
Personal and Social Capability
their form throughout the
Identify the characteristics of an effective team and develop descriptions for
particular roles including leadership, and describe both their own and their
team’s performance when undertaking various roles(VCPSCSO032)
Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or
from a distance(VCSSU064)


Australia Government, Australian Sports Commission. (2009). Yulunga: Traditional Aboriginal games. Retrieved from
Australia Government, Australian Sports Commission. (ND). Playing for life: Netball companion book. Retrieved from
Basic Netball Skills. (ND). Basic Netball Skills. Retrieved from
Netball Australia. (2007). Official rules of netball. Retrieved from http://netball.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Official-Rules-of-
Sportplan. (2016). Netball drills: Shooting. Retrieved from https://www.sportplan.net/drills/Netball/Shooting/practiceIndex.jsp

TES. (2016). 6 lesson plans for netball high 5. Retrieved from https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/6-lesson-plans-for-netball-
uScore Netball. (2016). Netball lesson plans week 1-6. Retrieved from https://www.uscorenetball.com/blogs/netball/tagged/coaches
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority,. (2016). Health and physical education curriculum. Retrieved from

Physical Education Lesson Plan Template - Laura Bennett S00142516

Year group: Unit topic: Modified Netball Games Lesson: 3 of 6

Grade 6
Class size: 30 Lesson Focus: Playing 'Keentan' as a way to work on tactics: passing, catching and running to Lesson length: 50 minutes
evade and intercept when playing netball.

Overall aim of unit: Link to curriculum: The Health and Physical Education Assumed prior learning:
Curriculum F-10 (ACARA) -Students are competent at
The aim of this unit is for students to be able to play throwing and catching.
a strategic game of modified netball in a safe and STRAND: Movement and Physical Activities -Students know how to land
tactical manner. safely
SUB STRAND: Moving the body -Students know the rules of
Practise and apply movement concepts and
strategies (VCHPEM099)
Objectives for my teaching:

 planning and performing strategies to be successful in tag and - Student will demonstrate
dodge games (AP) dodging their opponent when
 demonstrating movement concepts and strategies to create playing a game of netball.
scoring opportunities (GS)
 exploring centre of gravity and stability as they perform - Students will demonstrate
balance activities (FMS, RE,AP) invading opponent throughout
 participating in physical activities which require problem- a game of modified netball
solving to achieve a goal (CA, RS, AP) 'Keentan.'

STRAND: Personal and Social Capability

SUB STRAND: Collaboration

Identify the characteristics of an effective team and develop

descriptions for particular roles including leadership, and describe
both their own and their team’s performance when undertaking
various roles (VCPSCSO032)



Introduction/ Equipment Activity Name: Fish in the Net (Retrieved from: Netball Instructions:
Warmup 1 x Whistle companion book ) -Choose three students as
4 x Cones net.
10 minutes Activity description -They run holding hands with
This is a warm up game that allows students to begin thinking the aim to catch someone
about tactics and ways to get away from other opponents. inside their circle.
Demonstration -When they catch the student,
Modifications that student joins the net.
- Larger court size
- Break students up to create multiple "nets" Key Teaching Points :
- Work together
To modify for a students who cannot run, do this game just as a - Discuss team building skills
walking game.
EAL Students: Print out image and demonstrate it to them before Common errors:
they begin to play. -Students not staying in
playing areas.
Safety considerations
- Being aware of other students Focus questions:
- Ensure students are running in the same direction -What different attacking
(Figure 1: Image retrieved from: moves can you use to evade
Netball companion book) another player?
-What is the best way for a
defender to shadow another

Skill Introduction Equipment Activity name: Partner Tag (Retrieved from: Netball companion Instructions:
/ skill application 15 x Soft Balls book) -Students get into pairs.
1 x Whistle -The tagger tries to tag their
(Main body of Activity description: This allows students to practice their opponent with a soft ball.
lesson) defending skills and ways to attack and dodge the ball. - While the second partner
uses moves to dodge or attack
Modifications the ball.
- Play on a larger court size. - Once being tagged, students
(10 minutes) - Play in groups of 4, one person trying to tag the other 3. swap roles.

To modify for a students who cannot run, allow students to sit on Key Teaching Points :
a chair and use their hands to dodge the ball - Keep eyes on the ball

EAL Students: Demonstrate various ways to attack or dodge the - Explain difference between
ball attack, lead and dodge skills.

Safety considerations Common errors:

- Players need to be aware of other groups when throwing the ball -Students simply catching the
- Players should keep a minimum distance away from their ball
partner to avoid contact at the start of the activity. - Students throwing the ball
- Use soft balls. straight at their opponent,
rather than changing from high
Transition to low passes etc.
- Blow whistle when done.
- Get students to line up in a line.
- Share what attacking moves they found to work. Focus questions:
- Begin to introduce the next game 'Keentan' and how they will -What different attacking
need to put skills into a game. moves can you use to evade
another player?
Teaching Cues: -What is the best way for a
- Have students stand in a line for instructions. defender to shadow another
- Ensure no student has a ball in their hand. player?

(Figure 2: Image retrieved from:

Netball companion book)

Small Equipment Activity name: Keentan (Retrieved from: Yulunga traditional Instructions:
Group/Group Indigenous games) -This game is played in teams
Practice 2 x Soft Balls up to 10.
10 x 3 different colour bibs Activity description -The ball is passed between
(Main body of 2 x Whistle This game allows practice of netball skills in a modified game players of the same team.
lesson) students practise passing, catching and throwing. They can While the opposing team
attempt to invade and dodge the ball. needs to try and intercept the
(20 minutes) ball.
Modifications -When catching or throwing
- Similar to netball, after catching the ball a player may pivot on the ball, students must jump.
one foot. If the ball is not caught or is
- Players jump when throwing or catching the ball. intercepted it goes to the
- Players are not to run with the ball opposing team.

To modify for a students who cannot run, have them be the score -Players are allowed to run
keeper between teams., once they have the ball.
EAL Students: Demonstrate various ways to attack or dodge the -Defenders must stand at least
ball 1 metre away from the person
in possession of the ball.
Safety considerations - Point is gained when the ball
- Watching out for people around you is thrown into the hoop at
- Use a softer ball while students are getting to know the rules. either end.
- Play over a large area so students can spread out.
(Figure 3: Image retrieved from: Key Teaching Points:
Yulunga traditional Indigenous -Work through ways to be an
games) Transition: effective team mate and play
- Allow students to get a drink of water your part.
-Students to stand in a circle and talk about strategies that -Call for the ball.
worked and did not work. -Move to open spaces
- Have students stay in the circle to begin final cool down activity. -No contacts.
-Quick passes.
-Call for the ball.
Teaching Cues:
- Put cones down to define court area Common errors:
- Give out bibs in different -Students crowding the ball
- Ask questions: -Students not passing the ball
"What tactics worked well?" -Students not using tactics.
"What are some different dodging positions?"
Focus questions:
-How can you use the court to
your advantage?
-What strategies can you use
to evade opponents?

Conclusion Equipment Activity name: Dodge It/Catch It (Retrieved from Warm Up Cool Instructions:
2 x Large Soft Ball Downs)  Students stand in a circle
with one person in the
(10 minutes) Activity description: middle.
This activity allows for students to cool down while still refining  The person in the middle
their evading tactics. throws the ball at any
Key: person in the outer circle.
Person Modifications
- Add in multiple soft balls.

- Play with a larger/smaller circle.  The person in the middle
Demonstration: of the circle needs to
Allow a student who cannot run to be the thrower in the middle of throw the ball at a person
the circle. in the larger circle. They
EAL Students: Can watch a demonstration happen once or twice call out their name.
before joining in on the game. .  The student on the left
needs to intercept the ball.
Safety considerations  If the ball is dropped or not
- Ensure names are being called out so people know where the intercepted the players
ball is going. must sit down for a turn
- Use a soft ball before they can rejoin.

-Gather students together.
-Give them feedback on their performance. Key Teaching Points:
-When students have their next PE lesson, class will focus on - Making sure students are
shooting skills and defence tactics within a game of modified watching the ball.
Common errors:
- Student snot responding
Teaching Cues quick enough
- Ensure students are mixed up based on their skill level. - Student whose name is
- Ensure student in the middle keeps choosing different people. called catching the ball

Focus questions:
-What are different ways you
can intercept the ball?
-What are ways to throw the

Lesson Assessment:
Student objectives?
Can students identify different ways to evade players? How do I know this?
Are students cooperating fairly in a team?
Do students demonstrate understanding of the rules of games?

Teacher objectives?
Has the game sense approach further supported students learning?
Were key terms explained clearly?
Did the modifications I made assure equal playing for all students?
Did I explain games clearly?

Australia Government, Australian Sports Commission. (2009). Yulunga: Traditional Aboriginal games. Retrieved from
Australia Government, Australian Sports Commission. (ND). Playing for life: Netball companion book. Retrieved from
TES. (2016). 6 lesson plans for netball high 5. Retrieved from https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/6-lesson-plans-for-netball-high-5-yr-5-6-or-7-6372254
uScore Netball. (2016). Netball lesson plans week 1-6. Retrieved from https://www.uscorenetball.com/blogs/netball/tagged/coaches
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority,. (2016). Health and physical education curriculum. Retrieved from


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