Pbis Lesson Plan For Hallway

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PBIS Lesson Plan


Essential Question–
 How does it look and sound when we are ready, respectful, and responsible
in the hallway?

Activating Strategy–
 Turn and talk with partner- what rules can you think of for when you are in
the hallway?
 Brainstorm on chart paper how it looks/sounds with 3 Rs when in the
 Review 3 R matrix for hallway with whole class. (Students can see if they
brainstormed correctly)
 Act out how students think they should behave in the hallway. Have a few
students come to the front of the room.

Teaching Strategies–
I Do–
 Hang poster near or above the door frame.
 Use language to remind students of how to behave.
o Think Aloud “Are we ready and respectful, facing forward and
remaining quiet?”
o “When we are responsible we walk at all times.”
o “When you are respectful you keep hands and feet to yourself, stay in
your personal space, and follow directions.”
o “If I am walking somewhere on my own I should have a pass and go
directly to my destination taking the shortest route.”

We Do–
 Teacher models appropriate and inappropriate behaviors/interactions with
others in the hallway using the matrix. Students will use thumbs up/down to
respond to each example.
o Face forward.
o Remain quiet.
o Walk at all times.
o Keep hands and feet to yourself. No hugging. Don’t interrupt other
 Discuss with the students, as a whole, specifically what the teacher did that
was appropriate. How did the teacher use the 3 R’s in the hallway?

You Do–
 Line up quietly (In any particular order? This will depend on grade/class.)
while following 3R’s. Students should only practice appropriate hallway
behaviors. They should not practice the “non-examples” of hallway behavior.
o Face forward.
o Remain quiet.
o Walk at all times.
o Keep hands and feet to yourself. No hugging. Don’t interrupt other
 When students walk on their own somewhere, go directly to destination and
take shortest route
 Consider designating two line monitors per week- Give them each a yellow
ticket and they can give tickets to classmates who display appropriate
hallway behavior. Teachers will need to monitor this closely.

 Return to classroom.
 Review matrix.
 Have students give examples of what they did that was appropriate and how
it relates to the 3 Rs.
 Can discuss what they didn’t see too (negative behaviors).
 Have students create posters of appropriate hallway behavior to hang near
the door as a reminder.

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