3rd Cot - 1

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I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of continuous patterns using two attributes
and mathematical sentences involving multiplication and division of whole numbers
using 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 only.

B. Performance Standard
Is able to apply knowledge of continuous patterns using two attributes and
mathematical sentences involving multiplication and division of whole numbers using 2,
3, 4, 5, and 10 only.

C. Learning Objectives
Knowledge: Determines the missing term/s in a given continuous pattern
using two attributes (any of two of the following: figures, numbers, colors, sizes and
orientations, etc.) M2AL-IIIj-3

Attitude: Promoting cooperation in doing an activity

Skill: Completing the given continuous pattern by filling the missing term/s

II. Content
Lesson 93: Extending and Completing the Patterns

A. Referenes: K-12 CG, p. 11

1. Teacher’s Guide: 322-326
2. Learner’s Material: 226-228

B. Other Learning Materials

charts, tarpapels, activity sheets, boxes, cut-outs, realia, Powerpoint

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Energizer
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Checking of Assignment
6. Recalling the Classroom Rules

The Classroom Rules:

The 5 P’s

1. Be positive
2. Be polite
3. Be productive
4. Be prepared
5. Be resPectful

B. Developmental Activities
1. Drill

(The teacher will show flaashcards of

pictures that have or do not have

2. Review

Last meeting, we talked about objects that

have symmetry. How can you tell if an
object has symmetry? An object has symmetry if the left side and
the right side are the same.

Correct! Can you give me an example of

an object with symmetry? A ball has symmetry.

Yes! Are there other answers?

Sir, flower vase.
Books have symmetry.
Tables have symmetry.

Alright! What do we call the line that shows

symmetry in an object? The line that shows symmetry is called line
of symmetry.

Very good. Always remember that the line

of symmetry can be drawn vertically,
horizontally, or diagonally.
C. Unlocking of Difficulties

Children, let us read the following words.

1. pattern
2. shapes
3. color
4. complete
5. missing

Class, a pattern is a set of objects that are

drawn repeatedly.

Shapes are closed figures like square,

circles and triangles.

Color is the shade of an object like yellow,

blue, and red.

Complete means to fill in all parts.

Missing means there is an empty part of

an object.

D. Motivation

Today, I will teach you a song. The title of

the song is “Small Circle”. The song goes
like this:

Small circle, small circle, big circle

Small circle, small circle, big circle
Six times six is thirty six
This is the boat we’re going to ride
Love mama, love papa
Waving goodbye

E. Presentation of the Lesson


Today, we will have an activity. I will group

you into five. I will give each group an
activity card and an envelope. You have to
arrange the shapes according to the
pattern written in the activity card.

Whoever arranges the fastest will win the


Before we start our activity, let us recall

again the rules in doing a group activity.

Who can give the first rule? The first rule is to be with your group
during the activity.
What are the other rules? Be cooperative.

Be respectful of your groupmates and


Follow the directions.

Great! Let us now start the activity. (The pupils will do the group activity.)

Activity Cards:

(After the activity, the teacher will ask a

series of questions for each group.)
1. What did you do in the activity? We arranged the shapes according to the
activity card.

2. What kind of pattern did you see? We saw shapes.

3. What shapes are in the pattern?

The shapes are _______.
4. What is the repeating pattern in the
activity card?
The pattern is _________.
5. What would be the next shape if we
extend the pattern? The next shape will be ____.

F. Discussion

(The teacher will show two boxes of


Now, we are going to play a game. The

name of the game is “Usuya Abe Ako”.
I have here two boxes of objects. I will give
each row two boxes of these.

You are going to get an object from the

first box and you will try to find its partner
in the second box. After that, the group
leader will count the number of pairs in the

Do you understand? Yes, sir.

Now, choose your group leader and

he/she will count the pairs of objects later. (Each row will pick a leader.)

Let us begin the game. (The pupils will do the activity.)

(Pairs to be matched:)

1. a pair of slippers
2. a pair of shoes
3. two umbrellas
4. two books
5. two caps
6. two chairs
7. two shells

(After the activity, the teacher will ask

some questions.)

1. What did you do to find the other pair of

the objects? We placed the objects from the 1st box in
the table and we matched them with the
objects in the 2nd box.

2. What objects did you find in the boxes? We found slippers, shoes, umbrellas,
books, chairs, caps and shells.

3. How many pairs are there in all? There are 7 pairs of objects in all.

That’s great! Today, we are going to learn

about completing patterns of objects.

(The teacher will present a series of

pattern using Powerpoint presentation.)

Let us take a look in the pattern.

There are two missing pictures in the

What do you think is the first missing Sir, the first missing pattern is the smiley.

Correct! How did you know that the smiley

is the first missing pattern? We know that the smiley is the first
missing pattern because the smiley is the
first object drawn in the pattern.

Nice! What do you think is the second

missing pattern? The second missing pattern is the heart.

Good! How did you know that the heart is

the second missing pattern? The heart is the second missing pattern
because the heart is also the second
drawn object in the pattern.

That is right! In order to find the missing

objects in the pattern, you have to look for
the first and second object drawn in the

By doing this, you will know how the

pattern is going to be if we will continue or
extend it.

F. Fixing Skills

Now, get your Show-Me boards and we

will have an activity. I will show a pattern
and you will draw the next two patterns.

Are you ready? Yes, we are.

Great! Let us begin.


1. __, __ .

2. 1, 2, 1, 2, ___, ____ 1, 2

3. 2, 4, 2, 4, ___, ____ 2,4

4. A , B , A, ____, ____, B B,A

5. ___, ___

G. Generalization

In completing missing parts of a series of

patterns, what are we going to look first? We have to look for the first and second
objects in the pattern.
What is the next step that you will do when
you found the 1st and 2nd object? We have to name them because they are
going to be the pattern.


H. Application

I have here an activity sheet. You will draw

the missing objects to complete the pattern
for each number.
(The pupils will do the activity.)

Activity Sheet:

Write the missing shapes to complete the


1. E , L, E, L, E, ___, ___ L,E

2. ____, ___

3. ___, ____

4. __, __

5. ____, ____

IV. Evaluation

Write the missing parts to complete the


1. J , K, J , K, ___, ____ J,K

2. ___, ___

3. N , I, N , I, ___, ____ N,I

4. ____, ____

5. ___, ___

V. Assignment

Draw 5 groups of object that show

repeating pattern.

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