3rd Cot - 1
3rd Cot - 1
3rd Cot - 1
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of continuous patterns using two attributes
and mathematical sentences involving multiplication and division of whole numbers
using 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 only.
B. Performance Standard
Is able to apply knowledge of continuous patterns using two attributes and
mathematical sentences involving multiplication and division of whole numbers using 2,
3, 4, 5, and 10 only.
C. Learning Objectives
Knowledge: Determines the missing term/s in a given continuous pattern
using two attributes (any of two of the following: figures, numbers, colors, sizes and
orientations, etc.) M2AL-IIIj-3
Skill: Completing the given continuous pattern by filling the missing term/s
II. Content
Lesson 93: Extending and Completing the Patterns
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Energizer
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Checking of Assignment
6. Recalling the Classroom Rules
The 5 P’s
1. Be positive
2. Be polite
3. Be productive
4. Be prepared
5. Be resPectful
B. Developmental Activities
1. Drill
2. Review
1. pattern
2. shapes
3. color
4. complete
5. missing
D. Motivation
Who can give the first rule? The first rule is to be with your group
during the activity.
What are the other rules? Be cooperative.
Great! Let us now start the activity. (The pupils will do the group activity.)
Activity Cards:
F. Discussion
(Pairs to be matched:)
1. a pair of slippers
2. a pair of shoes
3. two umbrellas
4. two books
5. two caps
6. two chairs
7. two shells
2. What objects did you find in the boxes? We found slippers, shoes, umbrellas,
books, chairs, caps and shells.
3. How many pairs are there in all? There are 7 pairs of objects in all.
F. Fixing Skills
1. __, __ .
2. 1, 2, 1, 2, ___, ____ 1, 2
5. ___, ___
G. Generalization
H. Application
Activity Sheet:
2. ____, ___
3. ___, ____
4. __, __
5. ____, ____
IV. Evaluation
2. ___, ___
4. ____, ____
5. ___, ___
V. Assignment