Typical Corbel Design - Geotechnical

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Compression Corbel Design Sheet: ACI 318-08 TYP. STRUT DIA.

900 mm

Corbel Design Parameters R. C. Corbel Design Details

Strut Smallest Skew angle 41° Concrete/Conc. friction angle 40°
Strut Spacing 7.0m Concrete cube comp. strength , fcu 40 MPa
Unit Horizontal load on strut 360 kN/lm Concrete cyl. comp. strength, f'c 31 MPa
Total Horizontal load on strut 2520 kN Main Steel reinf. Yield strength 500 MPa
s due Strut Temp. differences 46.2 MPa shear-friction reinf. Yield strength 420 MPa
Compression force in the strut, V 5423 kN Strut Section, At 342.3 cm²
Tangential force on the wall 4092 kN Ult. Moment (Load Factor 1.4) 3070 kN.m
Strut Diameter 920.0 mm Concrete Cover, co 50 mm
Corbel Width (Dia + 2 x 250mm),b 1420 mm Strength reduction factor, φ 0.75 CL 11.8.3
Lever dist. of the tangential force, av 536 mm
Serv. Moment, Vu*Av 2193 kN.m CL 11.8.3
Effective depth, d 1555 mm Main reinforcement 2x12 T25
Corbel Height, h 1634 mm Closed ties/stirrups 5 T16

Verification of Section Design Reinforcement

Design for Flexure & Tension minimum Area Main Reinf., req Asc 5581 mm² Cl
Strut Length 16.8m Min. Main Reinf., min Asc 5551 mm² Cl 11.8.5
Design Tension (Strut & corbel own Wt.) 68 kN CL* minimum Area of Stirrups,req Ah 2609 mm² Cl 11.8.4
Req. Steel for Direct Tension, req An 182 mm² bar arrangement: 2/3 d = 4 x 3 T25
Prop. Steel for Direct Tension, prop An 2945 mm² 6 T25 1/3 d= 4 x 3 T25
Tension Capacity of Section 1104 kN 2x12 T25 24 T25
Depth of equiv. Rect. Stress Block, a 77.7 mm CL 10.2.7 CROSSING AT SHEAR PLANE
Req. Steel for Flexure, req Af 5400 mm²
Prop. Steel for Flexure, prop Af 5890 mm² 12 T25
Flexural Capacity of Section 3349 kN.m
Design for Shear
Concrete Area resisting shear, Ac 2556000 mm² 1320 X 1800
Available friction force due to comp. 7285 kN CL R11.6.3.1
Coefficient of friction, µ 1.0 CL
Req. Shear reinf., Avf -9500 mm² CL
Prop. Steel for Direct Shear, prop Avf 1963 mm² 4 T25

Connections design details 5 T16

Thickness of the strut tube 12.0 mm
Thickness of the bearing plates 40 mm
Thickness of the stiffener plates 20 mm ø920x12mm thk
Contact length of the stiffener plates 150 mm
Number of stiffener plates 12
Number of bolts working in pure tension 6 Reinforcement Summary
Fillet Weld Thickness on all connections 8 mm
Provided Dia (mm) No. of Bars Layer/leg Area (mm²)
Max. compression stress on the corbel 4.6 MPa
CL 9.3.2 & A.3.2 &
Allowable compression stress on conc. 14.3 MPa 10.14
Acs 25 4 3 5890 OK

Allowable stress in the fillet welds 220 MPa Ah 16 5 4 4021 OK

Bolts (or bars) diameter in connections 25 mm
Length of the bolts at strut/strut connection 100 mm
Dim. of the strut/strut connection plate 1320 mm Weight of the strut per linear meter 2.69 kN/lm
Max. tension stress in the bolts (or bars) 303 MPa Simply supported Strut Length 16.8m
Max. shear stress in the bolts (or bars) 3.8 MPa Moment due to strut's own wt. & Eccentricity 366 kN.m
Min. length of weld working in tension 1261 mm Secondary moment according to BS 133 kN.m
Max. tension stress in the welds 122 MPa Lever dist. of the tension force in the weld 578 mm
Max. shear stress in the welds 3.2 MPa Min. Lever dist. of the tension in the bolts 560 mm
**strut connection calculation & details to be submitted at later stage.

Verification of Anchorage Length

Tensile Force due to own 68 KN
BS8110-1:1997 Cl.
prop. Min. Ld= 500 mm
Design Anchorage Bond
Tension, fb = 0.43 N/mm²
Design ult. Anchorage BS8110-1:1997
Bond Stress, fbu = Cl.
= β,
0.4 fbu = 2.53 N/mm²
OK > 0.434
5.83 FoS
Compression Corbel Design Sheet: ACI 318-08 TYP. STRUT DIA. 1200 mm

Corbel Design Parameters R. C. Corbel Design Details

Strut Smallest Skew angle 41° Concrete/Conc. friction angle 40°
Strut Spacing 7.0m Concrete cube comp. strength , fcu 40 MPa
Unit Horizontal load on strut 1000 kN/lm Concrete cyl. comp. strength, f'c 31 MPa
Total Horizontal load on strut 7000 kN Main Steel reinf. Yield strength 500 MPa
s due Strut Temp. differences 46.2 MPa shear-friction reinf. Yield strength 420 MPa
Compression force in the strut, V 14138 kN Strut Section, At 750.6 cm²
Tangential force on the wall 10670 kN Ult. Moment (Load Factor 1.4) 9977 kN.m
Strut Diameter 1270.0 mm Concrete Cover, co 50 mm
Corbel Width (Dia + 2 x 250mm),b 1770 mm Strength reduction factor, φ 0.75 CL 11.8.3
Lever dist. of the tangential force, av 668 mm
Serv. Moment, Vu*Av 7126 kN.m CL 11.8.3
Effective depth, d 1946 mm Main reinforcement 2x12 T40
Corbel Height, h 2036 mm Closed ties/stirrups 5 T20

Verification of Section Design Reinforcement

Design for Flexure & Tension minimum Area Main Reinf., req Asc 14601 mm² Cl
Strut Length 16.8m Min. Main Reinf., min Asc 8659 mm² Cl 11.8.5
Design Tension (Strut & corbel own Wt.) 130 kN CL* minimum Area of Stirrups,req Ah 6954 mm² Cl 11.8.4
Req. Steel for Direct Tension, req An 346 mm² bar arrangement: 2/3 d = 4 x 3 T40
Prop. Steel for Direct Tension, prop An 7540 mm² 6 T40 1/3 d= 4 x 3 T40
Tension Capacity of Section 2827 kN 2x12 T40 24 T40
Depth of equiv. Rect. Stress Block, a 159.5 mm CL 10.2.7 CROSSING AT SHEAR PLANE
Req. Steel for Flexure, req Af 14255 mm²
Prop. Steel for Flexure, prop Af 15080 mm² 12 T40
Flexural Capacity of Section 10554 kN.m
Design for Shear
Concrete Area resisting shear, Ac 3363000 mm² 1670 X 1900
Available friction force due to comp. 9585 kN CL R11.6.3.1
Coefficient of friction, µ 1.0 CL
Req. Shear reinf., Avf 3230 mm² CL
Prop. Steel for Direct Shear, prop Avf 5027 mm² 4 T40

Connections design details 5 T20

Thickness of the strut tube 19.1 mm
Thickness of the bearing plates 40 mm
Thickness of the stiffener plates 20 mm ø1270x19.1mm thk
Contact length of the stiffener plates 150 mm
Number of stiffener plates 16
Number of bolts working in pure tension 8 Reinforcement Summary
Fillet Weld Thickness on all connections 8 mm
Provided Dia (mm) No. of Bars Layer/leg Area (mm²)
Max. compression stress on the corbel 7.3 MPa
CL 9.3.2 & A.3.2 &
Allowable compression stress on conc. 14.3 MPa 10.14
Acs 40 4 3 15080 OK

Allowable stress in the fillet welds 220 MPa Ah 20 6 4 7540 OK

Bolts (or bars) diameter in connections 32 mm
Length of the bolts at strut/strut connection 100 mm
Dim. of the strut/strut connection plate 1670 mm Weight of the strut per linear meter 5.89 kN/lm
Max. tension stress in the bolts (or bars) More bolts Simply supported Strut Length 16.8m
Max. shear stress in the bolts (or bars) 3.8 MPa Moment due to strut's own wt. & Eccentricity 915 kN.m
Min. length of weld working in tension 1699 mm Secondary moment according to BS 245 kN.m
Max. tension stress in the welds 153 MPa Lever dist. of the tension force in the weld 796 mm
Max. shear stress in the welds 5.2 MPa Min. Lever dist. of the tension in the bolts 563 mm
**strut connection calculation & details to be submitted at later stage.

Verification of Anchorage Length

Tensile Force due to own 130 KN
BS8110-1:1997 Cl.
prop. Min. Ld= 500 mm
Design Anchorage Bond
Tension, fb = 0.52 N/mm²
Design ult. Anchorage BS8110-1:1997
Bond Stress, fbu = Cl.
= β,
0.4 fbu = 2.53 N/mm²
OK > 0.517
4.90 FoS

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